Highway and Traffic Engineering (CE-318) Assignment

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Highway and Traffic Engineering (CE-318) Assignment

Ahmad mukhtar 164/FET/BSCE/F-17

Muhammad Faisal 167-FET/BSCE/F17
DATE :22/7/2020

Table of Contents
SPEED CUSHION DEFINITION : ............................................................................................ 4
Images of Speed Cushion Existing Traffic Calming Scheme (Preferable from Pakistan) : .. 4
Selection criteria of appropriate traffic calming measure : ...................................................... 5
What is Traffic Calming?............................................................................................................ 5
Seection Criteria For Residential : .......................................................................................... 5
Materials used for Speed Cushion construction of Traffic Calming Scheme : ...................... 6
Dimensions of Speed Cushionc traffic Calming Scheme : ........................................................ 6
Drawbacks and Benefits of Speed Cushion Traffic Calming Scheme: .................................... 7
BENEFITS : ................................................................................................................................ 7
DRAWBACKS : ......................................................................................................................... 7
References : ..................................................................................................................................... 8
•Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Millennium Edition. US
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. ......................................... 8
•http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ “Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Traffic
Calming…for Communities.” http://www.ite.org/traffic/index.html ..................................... 8
•“Residential Traffic Calming Guide.” Virginia Department of Transportation, Traffic
Engineering Division. 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219, (803 786-2966).
http://virginiadot.org ............................................................................................................... 8
speed-control-elements/speed-cushion/ .................................................................................. 8
Figure 1 speed cushion, location : BAHRIA TOWN LAHORE ................................................... 4
Figure 2 Image of Speed Cushion Existing Traffic Calming Scheme from Tarbela Dam , Swabi 5
Figure 3 drawing file example, showing dimension of typical speed cushion ............................... 7
Speed cushions are either speed humps or speed tables that include wheel cutouts to allow large
vehicles to pass unaffected, while reducing passenger car speeds. They can be offset to allow
unimpeded passage by emergency vehicles and are typically used on key emergency response
routes. Speed cushions extend across one direction of travel from the centerline, with
longitudinal gap provided to allow wide wheel base vehicles to avoid going over the hump.

Images of Speed Cushion Existing Traffic Calming Scheme

(Preferable from Pakistan) :
some of the example of the said topic are given below :

Figure 1 speed cushion, location : BAHRIA TOWN LAHORE

Figure 2 Image of Speed Cushion Existing Traffic Calming Scheme from Tarbela Dam , Swabi

Selection criteria of appropriate traffic calming measur :

Before proceeding further, the said topic require some exposition

What is Traffic Calming?

The Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) publication Traffic Calming: State of the
Practice defines traffic calming as “the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the
negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-
motorized street users.”
Now we will explain the selection criteria:
Each traffic-calming project should also be endorsed by the local enforcement agencies and
should include a commitment from them for increased presence/enforcement activity in the area.
In addition to the traditional role of enforcing speed limits through issuing tickets, the police may
also increase the community’s awareness of speeding problems.
Seection Criteria For Residential :
• Functional Classification = local residential or minor collector.
• 30 (or less) mph speed limit.
• Two-lane roadway (may have turn lanes and may have parking).
• The primary access to commercial or industrial sites is not eligible.
• Traffic volume less than 4000 AADT.
Materials used for Speed Cushion construction of Traffic Calming
Scheme :
A total of seven different methods of cushion construction were identified in the sites studied.
Cushions were constructed from asphalt, moulded rubber sections, block paving (including
kerbing) and concrete. In addition to these individual materials, composite cushions were
constructed from asphalt and rubber sections, asphalt and kerbing and asphalt and block paving.
Asphalt cushions were installed in 16 of the sites; in many cases red asphalt was used to make
cushions stand out against the road surface (Plate 2b). Because of the nature of the material,
asphalt cushions are difficult to construct to exact specifications.
Moulded rubber cushions were installed in 7 of the sites; a variety of designs are available and
the rubber sections are generally available in black or red (Plates 3a and 3b). The sections were
fixed onto the carriageway with bolts and adhesive. The installation of sectioned rubber cushions
requires little or no modification to the existing carriageway, as opposed to the other construction
methods which require materials to be ‘cut in’ to the road surface.
Block paving, or block paving with sections of kerbing, was used for the construction of
cushions at 5 of the sites (Plates 3c and 3d). High standards of construction are necessary when
installing speed cushions from block paving as any movement by individual blocks becoming
dislodged may initiate the breakup of a whole section of brickwork. Concrete cushions were
installed at 3 of the sites. Concrete cushions may be constructed from a number of preformed
sections, cast as single preformed units depending on size, or cast in-situ. Colouring may be
added to the mix of the concrete to distinguish it from the road surface. Pre-cast concrete units
are constructed from reinforced concrete moulded to exact specifications (Plate 3e). Concrete
cushions cast in-situ may present similar problems to those identified in the construction of
asphalt cushions, in that, due to the nature of the material, the construction of cushions to exact
specifications may be difficult.

Dimensions of Speed Cushionc traffic Calming Scheme :

Vertical speed control elements should be designed to the following criteria:
• Slopes should not exceed 1:10 or be less steep than 1:25.
• Side slopes on tapers should be no greater than 1:6.
• The vertical lip should be no more than a quarter-inch high.
Figure 3 drawing file example, showing dimension of typical speed cushion

Drawbacks and Benefits of Speed Cushion Traffic Calming Scheme:

• Buses don't need to slow down
• More effective than horizontal treatments at reducing speed
• Emergency vehicles can travel drive more quickly over cushions than speed humps or
• Can be avoided by cyclists
• Drainage should not be affected

• Cars drive considerably faster over speed cushions than speed humps or speed tables
• Bus companies and emergency services may oppose wider speed cushions (e.g. 1.7m
wide) which are proven to be more effective at slowing down cars
• Some traffic is likely to transfer onto alternative routes, potentially causing a problem
somewhere else
References :
• Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Millennium Edition. US
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
• http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ “Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Traffic
Calming…for Communities.” http://www.ite.org/traffic/index.html
• “Residential Traffic Calming Guide.” Virginia Department of Transportation,
Traffic Engineering Division. 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219, (803
786-2966). http://virginiadot.org
• https://nacto.org/publication/urban-street-design-guide/street-design-

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