Over Lock

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Garment Machinery

Overlock machine parts (wheel, needle bar, oil mechanism
and upper looper)

Submitted by:

Tauqeer Raza


Submitted to: Section D, 8th semester

Mr. Salman Naeem sb.

Garments department

NTU Faisalabad

An overlock stitch sews over the edge of one or two pieces of cloth for edging, hemming or seaming.
Usually an overlock sewing machine will cut the edges of the cloth as they are fed through (such
machines are called ‘sergers’), though some are made without cutters. The inclusion of automated
cutters allows overlock machines to create finished seams easily and quickly. Overlock sewing machines
usually run at high speeds, from 1000 to 9000 rpm, and most are used in industry for edging, hemming
and seaming a variety of fabrics and products. Overlock stitches are extremely versatile, as they can be
used for decoration, reinforcement, or construction.it is essential to know its parts and processes.

Abstract: ............................................................................................................................................1
Theory ...............................................................................................................................................3
History: ..........................................................................................................................................3
Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................3
Parts description:............................................................................................................................3
Hand wheel:................................................................................................................................3
Needle bar: .................................................................................................................................3
Oil mechanism: ...........................................................................................................................3
Upper looper movement: ............................................................................................................4

Overlock stitching was invented by the Merrow Machine Company in 1881. J. Makens Merrow and his
son Joseph Merrow, who owned a knitting mill established in Connecticut in 1838, developed a number
of technological advancements to be used in the mill’s operations. Merrow's first patent was a machine
for crochet stitching. Merrow still produces crochet machines based on this original model.

Overlocking is also referred to as “overedging”, “merrowing” or “serging”. Though “serging” technically
refers to overlocking with cutters, in practice the four terms are used interchangeably.

To know
Hand wheel adjustment
Oil mechanism
Needle bar and upper looper movement

Pegasus M752 Overlock machine and screw drivers.

Parts description:
Hand wheel:
Hand wheel scales on it. After it, belt and pulley is there. Next to pulley there is a fan to cool the pulley
because pulley moves rapidly. Then the oil seal and oil ring are there.
Next is the main shaft and it has cams on it. 2 bushings, one at beginning and other at middle of the
shaft. Bushings are used for minimizing the vibration. Next is cover and ball bearing in hand wheel
assembly. Then spring washer and worm are in the assembly.

Needle bar:
Cams are attached to the main shaft and other end of cam is attached to the rod. The rod is connected
with crank which converts the motion and transforms motion to next rod. At the edge of the rod
another crank is connected which is further connected to 2nd rod/lever. This rod ultimately connected
with Needle bar.

Oil mechanism:
There are 2 pipes which are distributing pipes. Oil mechanism is essential for making sure for providing
oil every time to every part while working.
Oil pump assembly is the major part of oil mechanism. It has worm wheel, screw and rotor shaft filter.
Long vertical pipe provide oil to the needle bar shaft. Other provides oil to the main shaft. For upper
looper, wick is used for oiling.

Upper looper movement:

Cams are attached to the main shaft and other end of cam is attached to the rod. The rod is connected
with crank which converts the motion and transforms motion to next rod. At the edge of the rod
another crank is connected which is further connected to 2nd rod/lever. This rod ultimately connected
with base looper holder.

 Class notes
 Pegasus manual

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