Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) : Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (ZGCE)
Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) : Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (ZGCE)
Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) : Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (ZGCE)
O-Level Syllabus
Information for Teachers 4
Regulations 4
This booklet relates to examinations taken in the year printed on the cover. It is the normal
practice of ZIMSEC to print and distribute a new version of this booklet each period as
changes occur. Centres should receive copies well in advance of them being required for
teaching purposes.
Teachers who have not previously taught syllabus in this booklet are advised to obtain
and study the relevant past examination papers and Subject Reports.
Candidates should be aware that misuse of units and/or significant figures, i.e. failure to
quote units where necessary, the inclusion of units in quantities defined as ratios or
quoting answers to an inappropriate number of significant figures, is liable to be penalised.
The International Syllabus Synopses booklet should be consulted for a full list of subject
Centres, not entering through Ministry, who are likely to enter candidates in the November
sessions and would like to ensure early receipt of Instructions of the practical
examinations, should contact Question Paper Despatch before 1 June.
This syllabus is designed to place less emphasis on factual material and greater emphasis
on the understanding and application of scientific concepts and principles. This approach
has been adopted in recognition of the need of students to develop skills that will be of
long term value in an increasing technological world rather than focusing on large
quantities of actual material which may have only short term relevance.
1.3. be suitably prepared for studies beyond O/SC level in chemistry, in applied
sciences or in science-dependant vocational courses.
3.2. objectivity;
3.3. integrity;
3.4. enquiry;
3.5. initiative;
3.6. inventiveness.
5.1. the study and practice of science are co-operative and cumulative activities,
and are subject to social, economic, technological, ethical and cultural
influences and limitations;
5.2. the applications of science may be both beneficial and detrimental to the
individual, the community and the environment.
The Subject Content defines the factual knowledge that candidates may be
required to recall and explain. Questions testing those objectives will often being
with one of the following words: define, state, describe, explain or outline. (See the
Glossary of Terms on page 97.)
7 solve problems;
The apparatus and techniques that candidates should be familiar with are given in
Section 2 of the Subject Content and in the descriptions of Papers 3 and 4 below,
see also page 27.
Candidates are required to enter for Papers 1, 2 and one other paper.
1 Multiple Choice 1h 40
2 Theory 1½ h 75
3 Practical Test 1½ h 30
4 Alternative To Practical 1h 30
A written paper consisting of two sections. Section a will carry 45 marks and will consist
of a small number of compulsory, structured questions of variable mark value. Section B
will carry 30 marks and will consist of 4 questions each of 10 marks with candidates being
required to attempt 3 questions. A copy of the sheet (p.26) will be as part of this Paper.
This paper will be marked out of 40 and the scaled to a mark out of 30.
Details of the syllabus and requirements for this paper are given on pages 27-30.
Candidates are NOT allowed to refer to notebooks, text books or any other
information in the practical examination.
This paper will be marked out of 60 and then scaled to a mark out of 30.
A written paper of compulsory short-answer and structured questions designed to test
familiarity with laboratory practical procedures.
This is designed to test appropriate skills in C, Experimental Skills and Investigation, and
carries about 25% of the marks for the subject.
(i) the finite life of the world’s economic considerations in the chemical industry,
such as the availability and cost of raw materials and energy;
(ii) resources and hence the need for recycling and conservation;
(a) describe the states of matter and explain their inter-conversion in terms of
the kinetic particle theory;
(b) describe evidence for the movements of particles in gases and liquids (the
treatment of Brownian motion is not required);
2.1. Apparatus
(iii) identify substances and test their purity by melting point and
boiling point determination and by paper chromatography;
(a) state the relative charges and approximate relative masses o protons,
neutrons and electrons;
(d) use proton number and the simple structure of atoms to explain the Periodic
Table, with special references to the elements of proton number 1 to 20;
(g) describe one medical, and one industrial, use of a radioactive isotope;
(h) describe the build-up of electrons in ‘shells’ and understand the significance
of valency electrons and the noble gas electronic structures. (The ideas of
the distribution of electrons in s and p orbitals and in d block elements are
not required. Note that a copy of the Periodic Table, as shown on page 26,
will be available in the examination in Paper 1 and Paper 2).
(a) state the symbols of the elements and formulae of the compounds
mentioned in the syllabus.;
(b) deduce the formula of a simple compound from the relative numbers of
atoms present and vice versa;
(c) determine the formula of a ionic compound from the charges on the ions
present and vice versa;
(e) deduce the balanced chemical equation for a chemical reaction, given
relevant information;
(g) define relative molecular mass, Mr, and calculate it as the sum of relative
atomic masses;
(h) use the mole concept to calculate empirical formulae and molecular
(ii) aqueous copper (II) sulphate using carbon electrodes and using
copper electrodes (as used in the refining of copper);
(b) describe electrolysis in terms of the ions present and reactions at the
electrodes in the examples given;
(c) state the general principles that metals or hydrogen are formed at the
negative electrode (cathode) an that non-metals (other than hydrogen) are
formed at the positive electrode (anode);
(d) predict the likely products of the electrolysis of a specified binary compound
in the molten state or in concentrated aqueous solution;
(h) describe the reasons for the use of copper and (steel-cored) aluminium in
cables and why plastics and ceramics are used as insulators.
(d) state that the burning of fuels, e.g. wood, coal, oil, is exothermic;
(g) describe the production of electrical energy from simple cess, i.e. two
electrodes in an electrolyte. This should be linked with the reactivity series;
(j) describe photosynthesis as the reaction between carbon dioxide and water
in the presence of chlorophyll and using sunlight (energy) to produce
(c) describe how the above factors are used to explain the danger of
explosive combustion with fine powders (e.g. in flour mills) and
combustible gases (e.g. in mines);
(a) describe the idea that some chemical reactions can be reversed by
changing the reaction conditions;
(b) state the idea that some reversible chemical reactions reach a state
of dynamic equilibrium;
(c) predict the effect of changing the conditions of a reversible reaction at
7.3. Redox
(a) describe the meaning of the terms acid and alkali in terms of the ions
they contain or produce in aqueous solution and their effects on
indicator paper;
(ii) anions;
carbonate (by reaction with dilute acid and then limewater); chloride
(by reaction, under acidic conditions, with aqueous silver nitrate);
iodide (by reaction, under acidic conditions, with aqueous lead (ii)
nitrate); nitrate (by reduction with aluminium to ammonia) and
sulphate (by reaction, under acidic conditions, with aqueous barium
(iii) gases;
ammonia (using damp red litmus paper); carbon dioxide (using
limewater); chloride (using damp litmus paper); hydrogen (using
lighted splint); oxygen (using glowing splint) and sulphur dioxide
(using acidified potassium dichromate (IV)).
describe the Periodic Table as a method of classifying elements and its use to
predict properties of elements.
(a) describe lithium, sodium and potassium in Group 1 (the alkali metals)
as a collection of relative soft, low density metals showing a trend in
melting points and in reaction with water;
(c) describe chlorine, bromine and iodine in Group VII (the halogens) as
a collection of diatomic non-metals showing a trend in colour, state
and their displacement reactions with other halide ions;
(d) predict the properties of elements in Group VII, given data, where
(e) identify trends in other Groups given information about the elements
(i) the reactions, if any, of the metals with water or steam, dilute
hydrochloric acid;
(ii) the reduction, if any, of their oxides with carbon and with
(c) describe the action of heat on the carbonates of the listed metals
(a) describe the ease of obtaining metals from their ores by relating the
elements the reactivity series;
(c) describe the ideas of changing the properties of iron by the controlled
use of additives to form alloys called steels;
(d) state the use of mild steel (car bodies and machinery) and stainless
steel (chemical plant and cutlery)
(g) state the uses of zinc fro galvanising and for making brass (with
(h) state the uses of copper related to its properties, e.g. electrical wiring.
11.1. Hydrogen
(f) state some of the uses of water in industry and in the home;
11.2. Oxygen
(e) state the adverse effect of acidic pollutants on buildings and plants,
and of carbon monoxide;
(f) describe the separation of oxygen and nitrogen from liquid air by
fractional distillation;
(g) name the uses of oxygen in making steel, oxygen tents in hospitals,
and with acetylene ( hydrocarbon) in welding;
11.3. Nitrogen
(d) state the need for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds in
plant life;
11.4. Sulphur
11.5. Chlorine
(c) state the use of sand in making glass (a mixture of silicates) and as a
source of silicon (by reduction);
(d) state the uses of silicon in semiconductors (for electronics) and for
making silicones, their structure being represented as:
(e) state that different silicones are able to exist as oils, waxes or plastics
(f) explain the fire resistance o a silicone plastic to the nature of the
combustion product and compare this to carbon-based polymers;
(b) state use of relate their structures to the uses of graphite e.g. as a
lubricant and diamond in cutting
(d) state some uses of lime and slaked lime as in treating acidic soil and
neutralizing acidic industrial waste products
(e) state the uses of calcium carbonate in the manufacture of iron, glass
and of cement
(a) name, and draw the structure of, the unbranched alkanes, alkenes
(not cis-trans), alcohols and acids containing up to four carbon atoms
per molecule and the products of the reactions stated in Sections 12.4
to 12.6
(b) state the type of compound present, given a chemical name ending in
–ane, -ene, -ol, -oic acid, or given a molecular structure.
12.2. Fuels
(d) name the uses of the fractions: petrol (gasoline) fraction for fuel in
cars; paraffin (kerosene) fraction for oil stoves and aircraft fuel for fuel
in diesel engines: lubricating fraction for lubricants and making waxes
and polishes: bitumen for making roads.
12.4. Alkanes
12.5. Alkenes
12.6. Alcohol
12.7. Acids
(c) describe the reaction of ethanoic acid ethanol to give an ester (ethyl
12.8. Macromolecules
(iii) name some typical uses of man-made fibres such as nylon and
Terylene, e.g. clothing
Calculators may be used in all papers of the examination, provided they are in accordance
with the regulations stated in the “ZIMSEC Handbook for Centres” (General Certificate of
10 recognise and use the relationship between length, surface area and volume, and
their units on metric scales;
11 solve equations of the form x = yz for any one term when the other two are known;
13 comprehend how to handle numerical work so that significant figures are neither
lost unnecessarily nor used beyond what is justified.
The Periodic Table of the Elements
1 4
Hydrogen He
1 Helium
7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20
B C N O F Ne
Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Li Be 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lithium Beryllium
3 4
23 24 27 28 31 32 35.5 40
Al Si P S Cl Ar
Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine Argon
Na Mg 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sodium Magnesium
11 12
39 40 45 48 51 52 55 56 59 59 64 65 70 73 75 79 80 84
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge At Se Br Kr
Potassiu Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
85 88 89 91 93 96 101 103 106 108 112 115 119 122 128 127 131
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
133 137 139 178 181 184 186 190 192 195 197 201 204 207 209
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Polonium Radon
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
226 227
Fr Ra Ac
Francium Radium Actinium
87 88 89 +
140 141 144 150 152 157 159 162 165 167 169 173 175
*58-71 Lanthanoid series
+90-103 Actinoid series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetiu
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
a 232 238
a = relative atomic mass
Key X Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
X = atomic symbol
b Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawren
b = proton (atomic) number cium
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
The volume of any mole of any gas is 24dm at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.)
Practical Syllabus for Paper 5071/3
(b) an experiment that may involve the determination of some quantity, e.g. a
temperature change or the rate of a reaction. Such experiments will depend
on the use of usual laboratory apparatus.
Systematic analysis will not be required but it will be assumed that candidates
will be familiar with the reactions of the following cations with aqueous sodium
hydroxide and aqueous ammonia (aluminium, ammonium, calcium, copper,
iron (II), iron (III) and inc), and with the tests for the anions (carbonate,
chloride, iodine, nitrate, and sulphate) and gases (ammonium, carbon dioxide,
chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur dioxide) as detailed in the qualitative
analysis notes which will be included with the question paper and are
reproduced on page 30.
Exercise involving organic substances and ions not on the list above may be
set but candidates will only be required to record observations and to draw
general conclusions.
Candidates are not allowed to refer to note books, text books or nay other
information in the Practical Examination.
The following notes are intended to give schools and candidates an indication of the
accuracy that is expected in quantitative exercises and general instructions for
qualitative exercises.
(a) Candidates should normally record burette readings to the nearest 0.05cm3
and they should ensure that they have carried out a sufficient number of
titrations, e.g. in an experiment with a good end-point, two titres within 0.2cm3.
(b) Candidates should normally record: temperature readings to the nearer 0.1°C
time to the nearest second.
This list given below has been drawn up in order to give guidance to schools
concerning the apparatus that is expected to be generally available for examination
purposed. The list is not intended to be exhaustive; in particular, items (such as
Bunsen burners, tripods) that are commonly regarded as standard equipment in a
chemical laboratory are not included. The rate of allocation is ‘per candidate’.
This list given below has been drawn up in order to give guidance to schools
concerning the standard reagents that are expected to be generally available or
examination purposes. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and the ‘Instruction
to Supervisors’ issued several weeks in advance of the examination will give a full
list of all the reagents that are required for each practical examination. These
Instructions also contain advice about colour blind candidates.
Aluminium foil
Red and blue litmus paper or Universal Indicator paper
Supervisors are reminded of their responsibilities of supplying the Examiners with
the information specified in the Instructions. Failure to supply such information may
cause candidates to be unavoidably penalised.
The titles represent some of the texts available at the time of printing this booklet.
Teachers are encouraged to choose texts for class use which they feel will be of
interest to their students and will support their own teaching style.
It is hoped that the glossary (which is relevant only to science subjects) will prove
helpful to candidates as a guide, i.e. it is neither exhaustive nor defective. The
glossary as been deliberately kept brief not only with respect to the number of terms
included but also to the descriptions of their meanings. Candidates should
appreciate that the meaning of a term must depend in part on its context.
9 Predict or deduce implies that the candidates is not expected to produce the
required answer by recall but by making a local connection between other
pieces of information. Such information may be wholly given in the question
or may depend on answers extracted in an early part of the question.
11 Suggest is used in two main contexts, i.e. either to imply that there is no
unique answer (e.g. in chemistry, two or more substances may satisfy the
given conditions describing an ‘unknown’),
14 Measure implies that the quantity concerned can be directly obtained from a
suitable measurement instrument, e.g. length, using a ruler, or angle, using a
17 Sketch, when applied to graph work, implies that the shape and/or position of
the curve need only to be qualitatively correct, but candidates should be
aware that, depending on the context, some quantitative aspects may be
looked for, e.g. passing through the origin, having an intercept, asymptote or
discontinuity as a particular value.
Special Note
Units, significant figures. Candidates should be aware that misuse of units and/or
significant figures, i.e. failure to quo units where necessary, the inclusion of units in
quantities defined as ratios or quoting answers to an inappropriate number of
significant figures, is liable to be penalised.