LDM1 Module 7A LDM Implementation Evidence List Template

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(To build your Evidence List, refer to your Readiness Assessment Tool, School LDM
Implementation Plan, TA/Coaching Plan, and M&E Plan.)

AREAS CONCERN Means of Verification When to Gather

Learning Resources Reflection: What are your

Management insights in this area of
concern? How does your
experience help you
develop your competencies
aligned to your professional

Learning Management Reflection: What are your

insights in this area of
concern? How does your
experience help you
develop your competencies
aligned to your professional

Teacher Capacity Reflection: What are your

insights in this area of
concern? How does your
experience help you
develop your competencies
aligned to your professional

Household/Community Reflection: What are your

Capacity insights in this area of
concern? How does your
experience help you
develop your competencies
aligned to your professional

School Operations Reflection: What are your

insights in this area of
concern? How does your
experience help you
develop your competencies
aligned to your professional

NOTE: Use another sheet if needed.

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