The Promise of Competency-Based Education (CBE) : EWA National Conference Nashville, TN May 20, 2014

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The Promise of

Education (CBE)
EWA National Conference
Nashville, TN
May 20, 2014
“Competency-based approaches to education
have the potential for assuring the quality and
extent of learning, shortening the time to
degree/certificate completion, developing
stackable credentials that ease student
transitions between school and work, and
reducing the overall cost of education.”

~Dear Colleague Letter, DOE, March 2013

What are Competencies?

Knowledge Skills Ability Attitude

Every workplace role is, at the simplest level, a
collection of competencies.
 Every role has a unique competency combination.
 Every role requires different levels of competence.

Focus is on what’s needed to be successful in that role.

CBE Definition
Academic program INTENTIONALLY
DESIGNED to ensure students can
knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes
NEEDED by person IN THAT MAJOR field of
study by utilizing AUTHENTIC
How are Competencies Used in Higher Ed?

Every academic major or program has unique

competency combination.
 Some competencies apply to everyone – like general education
 Other competencies focus is on the knowledge, skill, ability, and attitude
person with that major/degree should possess.

CBE shifts thinking from course completion to competence

 When a student demonstrates competence, they get “credit” for it.
 Doesn’t matter how or when the competence is developed.
Current Federal Happenings

President Obama openly

supports CBE.
U.S. DOE is exploring “experimental
sites” to waive some Title IV Congressional
(financial aid) requirements for CBE Briefings

Education Network (C-
Major foundations
BEN) determining best
(Gates, Lumina) are
practices and
funding CBE work.
Today’s Adult Learner
Lipscomb Story

Story Began in 2007

Before the National Movement Had Started
• Define Competencies
Step 1

Requirement: Connect to the workplace.

Requirement: Include tested, proven, reliable and
valid performance indicators identified by
Requirement: Use a valid competency model.
 Licensed the Organization Systems International’s Polaris Model
 A competency model used by over 150 employers, including many Fortune
100 companies
Polaris Competency Model
41 Key Competencies
 Includes expandable competencies like Functional/Technical Expertise,
Organization Knowledge, Industry Knowledge, Technology Savvy
7 Categories
 Communication
 Conceptual
 Contextual
 Interpersonal
 Leadership
 Management
 Personal
Competency Examples
Communications Leadership
Active Listening Change Mastery
Presentation Skills
Conceptual Organizing & Planning
Problem Solving & Decision
Interpersonal Composure
Assertiveness Initiative
Conflict Management Mission Focus
Relationship Building Results Orientation
Team Player
• Establish Competency
Step 2 Framework

roles may
Not every role
needs every
levels of

can be
against an
behaviors for
each level.
Pipeline Proficiency Description of Competency Proficiency
Equivalent Level
Strategic 4 Demonstrates mastery of competency and is capable
Leader Master/Guru of mentoring & coaching others in its application.

Functional 3 Demonstrates expert application of competency and is

Manager Exceptional/Exp capable of coaching others in its application.
First Level 2 Demonstrates advanced competence and is capable of
Supervisor Accomplished modeling this competency for others.
Individual 1 Possesses the fundamental knowledge, skills, and
Contributor Basic/Elementar motivations needed for this competency, can
y consistently apply this competency.
0 Falls short of the knowledge, skills, and motivations
Inadequate needed in this competency for role. Development is
needed to reach required standard.
• Create a Badging
Step 3 Ecosystem
Electronic Storage and Display
Electronic Storage and Display
• Choose Rigorous
Step 4 Assessments
Requirements included:
 Objective and consistent
 Relevant and job related
 Precise and in-depth
 Valid and highly reliable
 Fair and provide opportunities to demonstrate skills
 Supportive of diversity
Assessment choices included tests, projects, and
behavioral-based measures.
 Connection to what person can demonstrate led us to choose
behavioral or project-based assessments as primary tools.
Active Listening Criterion
Active Listening Criterion
In-Basket Interview
• Customize as Needed
Step 5

Full deck of 41
Allows for build out
based on:
 Technical expertise
 Functional knowledge
 Organizational Lipscomb creates custom build outs for
knowledge corporate clients.

 Industry knowledge
Areas to Cover

Area 1
• Competencies Defined

Area 2
• Competency Framework

Area 3
• Badging Ecosystem

Area 4
• Rigorous Assessments

Area 5
• Customization
• Competencies
Area 1 Defined

Are all competencies clearly articulated?

Are you leaving out any “soft skill”
competencies and focusing only on technical
Are there commonalities between the different
competency standards?
• Competency Framework
Area 2

 Are you direct assessment or credit-based?

 Do you have “degrees” of competence for a position?
 Is it a check mark or a level?
 How do you define the competencies for supervisors, trainers, or
assessors of others?
 Are they at a higher level of the same set of competencies or are
additional competencies needed?
 Do you allow for continuing education or greater competency
• Badging Ecosystem
Area 3

 Could you standardize some of the credentials so

it could count in multiple arenas?
 Could badges help individuals build their
credentials over time or encourage more
 Could badges be positioned as an outward sign
of credentials?
• Rigorous
Area 4 Assessments

 Only as good as your assessment process

 Must be able to clearly and consistently evaluate
across all credential methods
 Can’t have double standard for portfolio and classroom

 What are your requirements?

 Objective and consistent; Relevant and job related; Precise and in-
depth; Valid and highly reliable; Fair and has opportunity to
demonstrates skills; Supportive of diversity
• Customization
Area 5

 Do you allow for customization based on market

 Do you utilize platform to undergird and unite
all programs, even when customized?

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