Module1 SciEd 133
Module1 SciEd 133
Module1 SciEd 133
Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
1. Introduction to the subject
2. Electric charge and electric field
Lab Activity 1: Electrostatics (Attraction and Repulsion)
Number of hours: 6 hours (lecture) + 3 hours (laboratory) [for the period August 17 – 28, 2020]
Learning Outcomes:
The student can:
1. articulate the vision, mission, goals and objectives (VMGO) of BSU.
2. relate the VMGO to the course objectives.
3. share significant experiences as student of BSU, in relation to the Goals or Objectives of BSU, CTE
or your curricular program
4. enumerate the course requirements, class policies and guidelines.
The student can:
1. give examples of manifestations of electric charge
2. explain concepts involving electric charge and electric field
3. solve numerical problems involving electric charge and electric field
4. cite applications of electric charge and electric field in daily life
Requirements (see page 9 of this Learning Module): All or any of the following
1. Reaction paper
2. Solutions to numerical problems
3. Lab report for Activity No. 1
1. SCHNICK, J. 2006. Calculus-Based Physics II.
2. GIANCOLI, D. 2005, Physics Principles with Applications, 6th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
3. SERWAY, R. and JEWETT, J. 2010, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 8th
edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, USA.
As a student of BSU, what experience can you share involving the BSU VMGO, the CTE
or the BSE goals?
This fact is probably familiar to you as, “like charges repel and unlike attract.” The SI (international
System or Meter-Kilogram-Second or MKS system) unit of charge is the coulomb, abbreviated C. One coulomb
of charge is a lot of charge, so much that, two particles, each having a charge of +1 C and separated by a
distance of 1 meter exert a force of 9 ×109 N, that is, 9 billion newtons on each other.
Sci Ed 133: Electricity and Magnetism Prepared by Joel V. Lubrica (Course Facilitator) August 2020 3
Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
This brings us to the equation form of Coulomb’s Law which can be written to give the magnitude of
the force F exerted by one charged particle q1 on another q2 as:
F = (k q1q2) / r2 [Equation 1]
where r is the distance between the two charges and k = (9 x109 Nm2)/ C2 when the units utilized are in SI.
While Coulomb’s Law in equation form is designed to be exact for point particles, it is also exact for
spherically symmetric charge distributions (such as uniform balls of charge) as long as one uses the center-to-
center distance for r. Coulomb’s Law is also a good approximation in the case of objects on which the charge
is not spherically symmetric as long as the objects’ dimensions are small compared to the separation of the
objects (the truer this is, the better the approximation). Again, one uses the separation of the centers of the
charge distributions in the Coulomb’s Law equation.
Giancoli, 2005, page 465:
Sci Ed 133: Electricity and Magnetism Prepared by Joel V. Lubrica (Course Facilitator) August 2020 4
Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
Another example involving Coulomb’s Law, from Giancoli 2005, p. 448:
Sci Ed 133: Electricity and Magnetism Prepared by Joel V. Lubrica (Course Facilitator) August 2020 5
Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
“ee”. The e is a non-SI unit of charge. As stated 1e = 1.60 x 10-19 C. In units of e, the charge of a proton is 1 e
(exactly) and the charge of an electron is −1 e.
In 1909, Robert Millikan (1868–1953) discovered that electric charge always occurs as integral
multiples of a fundamental amount of charge e. In modern terms, the electric charge q is said to be
quantized, where q is the standard symbol used for charge as a variable. That is, electric charge exists as
discrete “packets,” and we can write q 5 6Ne, where N is some integer. Other experiments in the same period
showed that the electron has a charge 2e and the proton has a charge of equal magnitude but opposite sign
1e. Some particles, such as the neutron, have no charge. (Serway & Jewett, 2010)
A typical neutral atom consists of a nucleus made up of neutrons and protons surrounded by orbiting
electrons such that the number of electrons in orbit about the nucleus is equal to the number of protons in
the nucleus.
Electrical conductors are materials in which some of the electrons are free electrons that are not
bound to atoms and can move relatively freely through the material; electrical insulators are materials in
which all electrons are bound to atoms and cannot move freely through the material. (Serway & Jewett,
The main points of the preceding discussion are:
A typical neutral macroscopic object consists of incredibly huge amounts of both kinds of charge
(about 50 million coulombs of each for every kilogram of matter), the same amount of each kind.
When we charge an object, we transfer a relatively minuscule amount of charge to or from that
A typical everyday amount of charge (such as the amount of charge on a clingy sock just out of the
dryer) is 10-7 coulombs.
When we transfer charge from one object to another, we are actually moving charged particles,
typically electrons, from one object to the other.
One point that we did not make in the discussion above is that charge is conserved. For instance, if,
by rubbing a rubber rod with fur, we transfer a certain amount of negative charge to the rubber rod, then, the
originally-neutral fur is left with the exact same amount of positive charge.
Recalling the exact balance between the incredibly huge amount of negative charge and the
incredibly huge amount of positive charge in any macroscopic object, we recognize that, in charging the
rubber rod, the fur becomes positively charged not because it somehow gains positive charge, but, because it
loses negative charge, meaning that the original incredibly huge amount of positive charge now (slightly)
exceeds the (still incredibly huge) amount of negative charge remaining on and in the fur.
What is the charge of a helium nucleus (composed of 2 protons) in terms of e, and in
terms of Coulombs?
F = qE [Equation 2]
E = F/q [Equation 3]
E = kQ/r2 where Q is the source charge, E is the value of the electric field a distance r
from Q, and k is the Coulomb’s constant [Equation 4]
At every point in space where the electric field exists, E has both magnitude and direction. Hence,
the electric field is a vector. The electric field points away, or is directed away, from a positive charge; on the
other hand, the electric field points towards a negative charge.
We can think of the electric field as a characteristic of space. The electric field is not matter. It is not
“stuff.” It is not charge. It has no charge. It neither attracts nor repels charged particles. It cannot do that
because its “victims”, the charged particles upon which the electric field exerts force, are within it. To say that
the electric field attracts or repels a charged particle would be analogous to saying that the water in the
ocean attracts or repels a submarine that is submerged in the ocean. Yes, the ocean water exerts an upward
buoyant force on the submarine. But, it neither attracts nor repels the submarine. In like manner, the electric
field never attracts nor repels any charged particles. It is nonsense to say that it does.
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Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
Electric field of two or more charges: If you have two source charge particles, e.g. one at point A and
another at point B, each creating its own electric field vector at one and the same point P, the actual electric
field vector at point P is the vector sum of the two electric field vectors. If you have a multitude of charged
particles contributing to the electric field at point P, the electric field at point P is the vector sum of all the
electric field vectors at P. Thus, by means of a variety of source charge distributions, one can create a wide
variety of electric field vector sets in some chosen region of space.
Sci Ed 133: Electricity and Magnetism Prepared by Joel V. Lubrica (Course Facilitator) August 2020 8
Department of Mathematics-Physics-Statistics
To observe the effects of the electrostatic force (attraction and repulsion)
Plastic sheet/s, plastic ruler, plastic ballpen, piece of cloth, string, small pieces of paper, aluminum foil, tissue
paper, cotton, etc.
1. Find 5 objects that exhibit effects of electrostatic force, after they are rubbed. Since we do not normally
have natural rubber to be rubbed against a wool rug or animal fur, you can find/ use objects such as a plastic
ruler, plastic ballpen, plastic sheet (the one used to cover notebooks or books), and rub these against a piece
of cloth (or your clothes).
Object Material used to rub Explain briefly how the electrostatic force was shown
the object with
1. plastic ruler clothes The ruler attracts small pieces of paper, cotton, …
1. A charged plastic sheet is able to attract a small object, such as paper, that is neutral (or ‘neutrally
charged’). Explain how this is possible.
2. Based on Coulomb’s Law, by how much would the electric force between two charges change if one of the
charges is doubled and, at the same time, the distance between the charges is tripled?
Dear STUDENT, be ready to submit the following requirements later on:
1. Your handwritten answer to the “Self-check” on page 3.
2. Solution to Exercise No. 12, page 5.
3. Laboratory report for Activity No. 1 On a clean sheet of paper, handwrite
your responses to Procedure 1, Procedure 2, Conclusion, and Question 2.
Sci Ed 133: Electricity and Magnetism Prepared by Joel V. Lubrica (Course Facilitator) August 2020 9