Principle:-: Analysis of Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry resembles emission flame

photometry in that a sample is aspirated into a flame and atomized. The major
difference is that in flame photometry the amount of light emitted is measured, whereas
in atomic absorption spectrophotometry a light beam is directed through the flame ,
into a monochromator, and on to a detector that measures the amount of light absorbed
by the atomized element in the flame.


a. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, consisting of a

light source emitting the line spectrum of an element ( Hollow cathode
lamp or electrodeless discharge lamp ), a device for vaporizing the
sample ( usually a flame ), a means of isolating an absorption line
( monochromator or filter and adjustable slit ), and a photoelectric detector
with its associated electronic amplifying and measuring equipment. Both
DC and AC Currents are used in AAS.
b. Burner:-
A three-slot Boling head, which may be preferred for
direct aspiration with an air-acetylene flame; or a special head
for use with nitrous oxide and acetylene.
c. Recorder:-
Most instruments are equipped with either a digital or
Null meter readout mechanism.
d. Lamps:-
Use either a hollow-cathode lamp or an electrodeless
discharge lamp ( EDL )

e. Pressure-reducing valves:-
Use valves for each gas.

f. Vent::-
Place a vent about 15 to 30 cm above the burner to
remove fumes and vapors from the flame.

A By Direct Aspiration into an

Determination of Antimony,
Air-Acetylene Flame
Bismuth, Cadmium, Calcium,
Cesium, Chromium, Cobalt,
Copper, Gold, Iridium, Iron,
Lead, Magnesium,
Manganese, Nickel,
Platinum, Potassium,
Rhodium, Ruthenium, Silver,
Sodium, Strontium, Thallium,
Tin, and Zinc.

B By Chelation with Ammonium

Determination of Low
Pyrrolidine Dithiocarbamate (APDC )
and Extraction into Concentrations of Cadmium,
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ( MIBK ) Chromium, Cobalt, Copper,
Iron, Lead, Manganese,
Nickel, Silver and Zinc.

C By Direct Aspiration into a

Determination of of Aluminum,
Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame
Barium, Beryllium,
Molybdenum, Osmium,
Silicon, Thorium, Titanium,
and Vanadium.

D By Chelation with 8-Hydroxyquinoline

Determination of Low
and Extraction into
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ( MIBK ) Concentrations of Aluminum
and Beryllium

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