Fujica Auto 7qd Manual

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The document provides abbreviated instructions for using a camera, including how to load batteries, insert film, and take backlit portraits.

The instructions state to open the battery compartment cover with a fingernail and insert the batteries correctly, noting to check pages 16-17 for more details on battery checking.

The instructions state to open the camera back and insert the film cartridge into the film chamber, then pull out the film tip to the red line and insert it into the film tip gate while holding the film cartridge tightly.



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ABRIDGED .1 -Load thg batteries (page 16) 1 Loadtnethe film (p_age 17)
wrtn your ttngernail, open the Battery Com- upen Uamera Hack and insert the film
INSTRUCTIONS partment Cover and insert the batteries, cartridge in the Film Chamber,
(for full instructions, refer to the pages plus and minus ends correctly.
enclosed in parentheses) (For checking the batteries, see pages l6
and 17.)

KURZANLEITUNG . Einlegpn der Batterien (Seite 27) . Einlegen des Films (Seite 28)
Offnen Sie den Batteriefachdeckel mrt dem Offnen Sie dre Kamerariickwand und legen
(Genauere Informationen finden Sie im Fingernagel und legen Sie die Batterien Sie die Filmpatrone in die Filmkammer.
Haupttext. Die entsprechenden Seiten polaritetsrichtig ein.
sind in Klammern angegeben.) (lnformationen zur Batterienkontrolle finden
Sie auf Seite 28.)

INSTRUCTIONS ABREGEE . Mise en place des piles (page4O) . Chargement du film (page 41)
(Pour les instructions compldtes, se re- uuvrtr le couvercle du logement des piles Ouvrir le dos de I'appareil et introduire le
avec l'ongle du pouce et installer les piles chargeur dans son logement.
porter aux pages indiqu6es entre en respectant leurs polarites positives et
parenthdses.) negatives. (Pour ce qui concerne la v6rifi-
cation des piles, voir pages 41 et 42.)

INSTRUCCIONES ? Carga de las pilas (pag.52) .. Carga de la pelicula JnaS. S.St

Abrrr la tapa del compartimiento de las pi- Abrir la tapa posterior de la c6mara e in-
ABREVIADAS las con la una del dedo, e introducir las sertar el cartucho de pelicula en el com-
(Para instrucciones completas, remitirse pilas alineando correctamente las polarida- partimiento.
a las peginas mencionadas entre par6n- des positrvas y negativas. (En lo referente a
tesis.) la verificacion de las pilas, ver pdg. 52 y

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. Pull out the film tip (pagp 17) . Insert the film tip in the tilm-tip gate . Preas down the shutter release (pago
Pull out the film tip as tar as the red line A (page 1 7) 17)
While pressing down the film cartridge to Close the Camera 8ack, push the Shutter
prevent it from turning, insert the film tip Lock Lever to the front and press down the
deeo into the Film-tio Gate and make sur-. Shutter Release. The film will automatically
the film is stretched tightly advance into position for the first shot.

. Herausziehen des Filmvorspanns e EinfUhren des Filmvorspanns in den . Driicken des Ausl<isers (Seite 29)
(Seite 28) Filmeinfelelschlitz (Seite 2B) SchlieBen Sie die Kamerariickwand,
Ziehen Sie den Filmvorspann bis zur roten Fijhren Sie den Filmvorspann tief in den schreben Sie Cen Ausloserverriegelungshe-
Linie (A) heraus. Filmeinfddelschlitz ein unC halten Sie dabei bel nach vorne und drucken Sie auf den
die Filmpatrone fest, damit sie sich nicht Ausldser. Der Film wrrd automalisch in Stel
drehen kann. Achten Sie darauf. daB der lung fijr die erste Aufnahme gebracht.
Film gut gespannt ist.
. Extraire l'amorce de film (page 41) . lntroduire I'amorce dans la fente d'in- . Appuyer sur le d&lencheur (pagp 41)
Extraire l'amorce de f ilm lusqu'au trait sertion (page41) Relermer le dos de l'appareil, pousser vers
rouge A. tn pressant sur le chargeur pour I'empe l'avant le levier de verrouillage du declen-
cher de tourner, introduire I'amorce de film cheur et appuyer sur le d6clencheur. Le
profond6ment dans la fente d'insertion du film avance automatiquement et se met en
film et s'assurer que celui-ci est bjen tendu. position pour la premidre photo.

r Tirar de la punta de la pelicula (p69. r Inserci6n de la punta de la p€licula €n . Apretar el disparador (pas. 54)
53) ta ranura (pfu. 531 Cerrar la tapa poslerior de la camara, co
Tirar de la punta de la pelicula hasta la Al tiempo que se presiona el cartucho de rrer la palanca de bloqueo del disparador
altura de la raya roja (A). pelicula para evitar que gire, insertar la hacia adelante y presionar el disparador.
Dunta de la oelicula bien dentro de la ranu I a pelicula avanzarA automdlrcamenle a Ia
ra de rnsercron, y cercrorarse de que la pe posrcron del prrmet fotograma.
licula queda cargada sin laxos.
l-. 1
6 7 8

. Set the film speed selector (page 18) . Compose your picture (pase t g) . Take your picture (page 1 9)
With your fingers, lurn the Film Speed Se- Look through the Viewfinder and center the Hold the camera still and press the Shutter
lector and set it for the speed of the film Auto-Focus Frame on the part of your sub, Release gently all the way down. As soon
you are using. ll you are using Fuji film, set '|.99t you want to bring into sharp focus. as you release your finger, the lilm will au-
it so that a red mark shows in the Film ("Auto-Focus Memory" is explained on tomatrcally advance into position for the
Soeed Window. page zu,. next shol.
. Einstellen des Filmempfindlichkeits-
wehbrs (Seite 29) . Wahl des Bildausschnitts (Seite 3O) .
Drehen Sie den Filmempfindlichkeitswdhler Aufnahme (Seite 31)
Schauen Sie durch den Sucher und zentrie- Halten Sie die Kamera ruhig und drricken
mit den Fingern und stellen Sie ihn auf die ren Sre den Auto-Focus-Rahmen auf den Sie den Ausloser sanft mit dem Finger ganz
Empfindlichkeit des eingelegten Films ein. Teil des Motivs, der scharf werden soll.
Wenn Sie Fuji-Film verwenden, stellen Sie durch. Sobald Sie den Finger vom Ausloser
("Auto-Focus-Soeicher" wird auf Seite 31 nehmen, wird der Film automatisch zur
den Wdhler so ein, daB die rote Markierunq erkl6rt.) richtigen Stellung fiir dre ndchste Aufnahme
im Filmempfrndlrchkettsfenster erschernt.
. R69la9e de la sensibilit6 du film (page
.Cadrage (pae;g a3) r Prise de vue (page 43)
Tourner le s6lecteur de sensibilitd avec les Regarder dans le viseur et centrer le cadre Maintenir fermement l'appareil et appuyer
doigts et le 169ler d la sensibilittl du film de mise au point automatjque sur la partie doucement sur le d6clencheur. Dds qu'on
utilise. Si I'on utilise un fitm Fuli, 169ter le du suJet sur laquelle on veut faire la mise retire le doigt, le film avance automatique
s6lecteur de faqon que le repere rouge ap au point la plus nette. (La "memoire de ment et se met en position pour Ia photo
paraisse dans la fenetre de sensibilite. mrse au point automalique" est expliqu6e a sutvanle.
la page 44
r Ajuste del selector de sensibitidad de

la peticuta (paS. 54) . Encuadre de la fotografia (pag. 55) . Toma de la fotografia (piig.56)
Grrar el Selector de sensrbilrdad de la peli- Mirar por el visor y centrar el marco de Suyetar firmemente la cdmara y prestonar
cu.la con los dedos y ajustarlo en la posi- autoenfoque en la parte del suleto en la suavemente el disparador a fondo. Al retirar
cron correspondiente al tipo de pelicula que se quiera enf ocar el obletivo. (La el dedo, la pelicula avanzara automdtica-
que se esta usando. Cuando se usen oeli- "memoria de autoenfoque" se explica en la mente hasta la posicion de la siguiente
culas Fu1, colocarlo de fof ma que la mirca pdgina 56 ) exposicion.
roja sea mostrada en la ventanilla de sensi-
bilidad de la pelicula
ro ffi @\

Automatic film rewind (F,age 22)
/ t/

When the film has reached the end and the

last frame has been exposed, it will auto-
c Unload the film (paSe 22)
Open the Camera Back and take out the
film cartridge.

matically wind itself back into its cartridge.

. Blitzlichtaufnahme (Seite 32) . Automatische Filmrtickspulung (Seite o Herausnehmen des Films (Seite 34)
Schalten Sie den Blitzschalter ein. Sobald 34) Offnen Sie die Kameraruckwand und neh-
die grune Lampe aufleuchtet, konnen Sie Wenn das Filmende erreicht und die letzte men Sie die Filmpatrone heraus.
auf den Ausldser driicken. Aufnahme gemacht worden ist, wird der
Film automatisch in seine Patrone zuriick-

r Photographie au flash (page 45) . Rebobinage automatique (page 46) . Cf6chargement (page 47)
Allumer le commutateur du flash, atlendre Lorsque la fin du film est arrivde et que la Ouvr,ir le dos de I'appareil et enlever le
lusqu'd ce que le t6moin
vert s'allume, puis dernidre image a dt6 expos6e, le film sera chargeur.
prendre la photo. rebobrn6 automatiquement dans le char-

. Toma de fotografias con flash (p59. . Rebobinado autom6tico de la pelicula . Descarga de la pelicula (nag. SSI
JT) (pas. sg) Abrir la tapa posterior de la c6mara y ex-
Conectar el conmutador del flash, esperar Cuando la pelicula ha llegado al fin y el traer el cartucho de pelicula.
hasta que la lampara verde se encienda, y ultamo fotograma ha sido expuesto, la peli-
despu6s tomar la fotografia. cula se rebobinard automaticamente en el

mike Digitally signed by mike butkus

DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,

butkus [email protected], c=US

Date: 2019.07.27 21:36:55 -04'00'

Fig. 1 Fig. 3
'/A ,-.-

Fig. 8

rig. 10
ffix N
rig. 15 rig. 16 r,g.17
rig.22 rig. 23 www.butkus.us


Pig. 29 rig. 30 rig. 31


Fig. 5

rig. 13 rig. 14

rig.'18 rig. 19 rig. 20

rig. 25 rig. 26 www.butkus.us
rig.27 Fis.28

rig.32 rb. 33 rig. 34 rig. 35

This manual will show you how to use your
Fujica Auto-7 correctly. Please follow the instruc-
1. Automatic focusing
tions carefully. oA built-in beam sensor automatically focuses the
lens even in the dark to give you sharply focused
2. Automatic first-frame positioning
CONTENTS oFuji's easy-load system affords simple film loading
Abridged instructions 10 - even the novice can do it easily. Also, the
Special features 14 camera automatically advances the first frame into
Names of parts 15 position for taking pictures.
Attaching the strap and using the camera 3. Automatic film advance
case oPressing down the shutter release automatically
Loading the batteries 6 moves the film ahead for the next shot - no need
Checking and changing the batteriss I6 to wind the film with your thumb each time.
Loading the film 7 4. Automatic film rewind
Setting the film sPeed selector oThe cameras senses the end of the film and auto-
Getting ready to take pictures -. 8 matically winds the film back into its cartridge
Taking pictures 19
9 then stops when rewinding is completed.
Taking flash pictures 20 5. Automatic film speed setting
Using the self-timer 21 olf you are using an ASA 100 or ASA 400 Fuji film,
Rewinding the film the camera will automatically set itself for the
Taking backfighted portraits - speed of the film loaded in it. All you do is set the
Filters to use -1 -1 film speed selector so that a red mark shows in
Camera care 23 the film soeed window.
Specifications 23 6. Automatic exposure control
oThe camera's programmed electronic shutter gives
-1 you the correct exposure automatically all the way
from dim light to bright sunlight.
7. Automatic flash exposune @ Sprocket Wheels
oJust switch on the flash and the camera's auto- @ Ftm-tip cate
focus signals will do the rest automatically to give @ ritm Guioe
you perfectly exposed flash pictures everytime. @ ritm Chamber
@ Battery Compartment Cover
NAMES OF PARTS @ tripod Socket
@ Film-tip Setting Mark (red line)
O Film Wind/Rewind Lamp (red lamo) @! Pressure Plate
@ Film Rewind Button O Camera Back
R] Shutter Release @ fitm Confirmation Window
@ Shutter Lock Lever
@ Auto-Focus Windows THE CAMERA CASE
O Auto-Focus Distance lndicator Window
@ Strap Ring To avoid damaging the camera while carrying it
Film Speed Window
r0) around, use the canreta case and slrap.
@ Self-timer Lever 1. Attach the strap (Fig.l)
o Flash Ready Lamp(green lamp) oPick up one end of the Strap, press out the clip
@ Flash Lampface lock and swing it around as far as it will go.
@ Viewfinder Clip Lock (Fig.1-A)
@ Flash Switch oPull out one of the camera's Strap Rings out of the
@ Beam Sensor hole in the side flao of the camera case.
@ Camera Lens oOpen up the metal clip on the strap tip by pres-
@ Film Speed Selector sing down the clip lock into the vertical groove as
@ EE Window shown, and hook the clip on the Strap Ring.
@ Film Speed Setting Pin oClose the clip by swinging the clip lock around
@ Fork and snapping it back into its original position.
6 Camera Shake Warning Lamp (Fig.2)
6^ Viewfinder Eveoiece oNext, clip the other end of the strap on the Strap
Ring provided on the opposite side of the camera. Note:
2. Camera case and lens cap (Fig.3) lf you are not using your camera for some time, re-
Snap Fastener (Fig.3-A) move the batteries before putting it away because
Lens-cap Thong (Fig.3-B) battery leakage can cause serious damage to the
Attach the lens cap thong to the snap fastener in the camera.
back of the camera case as shown.
An opening is provided on the case top so that you CHECKING AND CHANGING THE
can check the Flash Ready Lamp without taking the BATTERIES
camera out of its case.
.Temperatures of 0"C and under can temporarily re-
LOADING THE BATTERIES duce battery efficiency. In freezing weather, carry
the batteries in your pocket and take them out only
(Batteries) when they are needed.
.Use two 1S-volt penlight batteries (AA-size olf you are traveling abroad with your camera, you
alkaline-manganese or manganese batteries). can save yourself a lot of trouble by changing the
oDo not use nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries. batteries with a new set and taking a pair of spare
.Always change the two batteries at one and the batteries along.
same time and make sure they are of the same 1. Checking the batteries with the flash ready
brand. lamp (Fig.6)
.Regarding battery life and capacity, see "Specifica- Turn on the Flash Switch and wait. lf it takes more
tions" on page 24. than 20 seconds for the Flash Ready Lamp (green
1. Open the battery compartment cover (Fig. ) lamp) to turn on, the batteries need changing.
With your thumbnail, open the Battery Compartment 2. Checking the batteries with the film
Cover by pushing it toward the arrow. wind/rewind lamp (Fig.7)
2. Load the batteries (Fig.s) lf the Frlm Wind/Rewind Lamp (red lamp) blinks
Insert the batteries in the Battery Compartment, plus with a dull light while the film is winding or rewind-
and minus ends correctly as illustrated in the Battery ing, or if it doesn't turn on at all, the batteries are
Comoartment. then close the cover. spent and need immediate changing.
olf you are taking pictures with extremely spent bat-
teries, the filni may stop while it is advancing. Mark (red line).
Note: Red line (Fig.l1-A)
lf you are changing the batteries while the film is re- 4. Insert the film tip in the film-tip gate
winding, be sure to press in the Film Rewind Button While pressing down the film cartridge with your
after replacing them. Otherwise double exposure will thumb to prevent it from turning, insert the film tip
result if you depress the Shutter Release to take deep into the Film-tip Gate (indicated with yellow
your next picture. arrows) so that the film end stretches tightly.
5. Check the film guide (Fig.12)
LOADING THE FILM Make sure the bottom edge of the film is inside (not
on) the Film Guide.
Use 35mm cartridge-packed film. Film-tip Gate (Fig.1 2-A)
oAlways load and unload film in the shade. Film Guide (Fig.12-B)
.Make sure the film leading end is not bent too sev- 6.Close the camera back
erely. (Fig.8) While taking care to make sure the film will not
Good (Fig.8-A) slacken, close the Camera Back.
Bent (Fig.8-B) You cannot close the Camera Back if there is anv
1. Open the camera back (Fig.9) slack in the film.
Open the Camera Back by pushing the Camera 7. Press down the shutter release (Fig.l3)
Back Lock down toward the camera bottom. Push the Shutter Lock Lever to the front and press
Camera Back Lock (Fig.9-A) down the Shutter Release.
2. Load thefilm (Fig.lO) (Automatic first frame positioning> (Fig.1a)
Slide the f ilm cartridge slantwise into the Film As soon as you take your finger off the Shutter Re-
Chamber so that its protruding portion points to the lease, the film will advance by itself until the number
camera bottom and the opposite side catches the "'t " appears in the Exposure Counter. Also, the Film
Fork. Wind/Rewind Lamp (red lamp) will keep blinking
Fork (Fig.lO-A) while the film is advancing.
3. Pull out the film tip (Fig.l 1) Red lamp (Fig.14-A)
Pull out the film tip as far as the Film-tip Setting Notice:
The Film Wind/Rewind Lamp (red lamp) will not
blink unless the film is aOGncing property. lf it Film ASA (lSO) Speed
Where to set the
doesn't blink, you'll have to reload the film correctly. Ratings (Printed on
Film Speed Selector
(Refer to page 22 on how to rewind the film.) the film box)
8. Film confirmation window (Fig. 15) 40, 50, 64 64
The Film Confirmation Window will show you at a
glance whether there is film in the camera or no. lf 80,100, 125 100
you are using Fuji film, it will also show you the type 160 - 250 200
of film that is loaded in the camera.
320 - 400 400


1. Automatic film epeed setting (Fig.16)
lf you are using ASA 100 and ASA 400 Fuji fitms, 1. Remove the lens cap
turn and set the Film Speed Selector so that a red The lens cap is removed by pulling the top edge
mark shows in the Film Speed Selector. The camera toward you.
will automatically set itself for the speed of the film 2. Aim the camera
loaded in it. O HotO the camera still with both hands.
Red mark (Fig.16-A) @ Press one elbow tightly against your side.
Note: @ Press the Shutter Release gently down.
lf the Film Speed Selector is set so that it shows the @ tt you are taking flash pictures with the camera
red mark but you are using some other brand of film, held in vertical position, be sure to hold it with the
the camera will always set itself for ASA 100 regard- flash side up.
less of the actual speed of the film loaded in it. Horizontal position (Fig.1 8)
2. Manual film speed setting (Fig.l7) Vertical position (Fig.19)
.The speed of the film you are using is printed on Warning:
the film box. Your pictures will not turn out properly focused if
oTurn the Film Speed Selector with your fingers and your fingers, hair, lens hood, or anything else is
set it as shown in the table. blocking any one of the Auto-Focus Windows.
3. What you should know about the viewfinder TAKING PICTURES
O gright Frame (Fig.2O-A) (Shoot from a distance of at least 1 meter)
lf your subject is 1.5 meters or more away from
the camera, everything seen within the Bright 1. Unlock the shutter lock lever
^ Frame will register on the film.
@The Shutter Lock lever rs unlocked by pushing if
Close-up Correction Marks (Fig.2O-B) forward so that it shows a red dot.
lf your subject is between .l and |.5 meters away @ lf you are not taking pictures for the time oerng,
from the camera, only the area seen within the push the Shutter Lock Lever back to its original
Close-up Correction Marks will register on the position so that you won't trip the shutter by
film. mistake.
OCamera Shake Waming Lamp (F;9.2O-C) 2. Press down the shutter release
lf you think the light might be too dim for taking When your subject is in the center of the viewfinder
pictures, press the Shutter Release about halfway (Fig.21)
down. lf the Camera Shake Warning Lamp turns @Press the Shutter Release slowly down about half-
on, you'll have to shoot with flash. way. The lens has been focused by this operation.
@ Auto-Focus Frame (Fig.2O-D) @lt your subject is within the area covered by the
Bring the Auto-Focus Frame in the center of the Auto-Focus Frame, take your picture by pressing
subject you want to focus the lens on. lf that cen- the Shutter Release all the wav down.
ter is an empty space, use the "Auto-Focus
ORtter taking your picture, but without releasing the
(For detaits, see page ,0, pressure on the Shutter Release, look through the
*Nemory." fru+kuL, OJ Auto-Focus Distance Indicator Window in the lens
Remember, the picture area that will appear on the barrel. lt will show you the point on which the lens
print might turn out slightly smaller than that covered has been focused.
by the negative.
@ As soon as you take your finger off the Shutter
Release, the film will automatically advance into
position for the next shot and the auto-focus sym-
bols in the Auto-Focus Distance Indicator Window
will return to their original positions ( setting.)
3. Auto-focus memory oatterns.
When the center of your sublect is an empty space. @Wnen shooting against a very bright light or in the
(Fig.23) presence of strong light reflections.
lf the area covered by the Auto-Focus Frame is an Note:
empty space in the subject you have composed, use To cope with such situations, focus the lens on some
the "Auto-Focus Memory" as follows: object located about the same distance as the sub-
(a) Center the Auto-Focus Frame on something ject you want to shoot, activate the Auto-Focus
nearest the center of your subject then press the Memory by pressing down the Shutter Release
Shutter Release slowly down about halfway and about halfway, then return to your subject and shoot.
hold it there, (Fig.24)
(b) Now re-face your camera and trip the shutter by TAKING FLASH PICTURES
pressing the Shutter Release all the way down.
Note: 1. Turn on the flash
As long as you don't trip the shutter, you can repeat The flash is turned on by switching the Flash Switch
(a) as many times as you want. to ON.
4. Camera-shake safety lock 2. Watch the flash ready lamp
lf you press down the Shutter Release too fast, the As soon as the Flash Ready Lamp (green lamp on
shutter will lock itself to prevent taking pictures with the camera top) turns on, you are ready to take your
a shaky camera. Be sure to press the Shutter Re- flash picture.
lease slowly and gently down. Caution:
5. Taking nighttime pictures ODo not put your finger on the Shutter Release be-
To take pictures of neon-lit scenes, fireworks, etc. at fore the flash is fully charged because it will stop
night, mount the camera on a tripod to prevent charging if you do.
camera shake and shoot without using flash. @Do not trip the shutter before the Flash Ready
(Focusing reminders) Lamp turns on. lf you do, the flash may not dis-
Though rarely, the lens may not focus itself precisely charge or it may not provide enough light for full
in the following cases: exoosure.
CWnen taking pictures of a low-contrast, monotone 3. Beam sensor (Fig.25)
wall, water surface, or object marked with fine With the Flash Switch on, you can turn on the Beam
Sensor in the lens front to permit the lens to focus going on a one-man trip and want to take pictures of
by itself even in the dark by simply pressing the yourself, use the Self-timer.
Shutter Release about halfway down. 1. Set the self-timer (Fig.26)
4. Trip the shutter To set the Self-timer, lust push the Self-timer Lever
To take your flash picture, keep your fingers off the all the way down.
Flash Lampface and trip the shutter by pressing oTo take Self-timer pictures, remove the lens cap,
down the Shutter Release. (lf you are using "Auto- take the camera out of its case, and mount it on a
Focus Memory", refer to page 20). triood.
2. Press down the shutter release Gig.27)
O Flash shooting range To start the Self-timer, oress the Shutter Release
gently down.
|-ASA 40O film-+; oThe Self-timer will not start if you press down the
Shutter Release too fast.
oln about 10 seconds, the shutter will trip to take
your picture.
3. Taking self-portraits with the self-timer
O Set the Self-timer by pushing down the Self-timer
@Aim the camera at some object located about the
5. After you are through taking flash pictures same distance from the camera as the spot
After you finish taking your flash pictures' be sure to where you intend to place yourself, then press
turn off the Flash Switch. down the Shutter Release. (Fig.28)
.The batteries will be depleted in about 10 hours if O HotO down the Self-timer Lever with your f inger
the camera is left with the Flash Switch on. and aim the camera at the spot where you intend
to place yourself.
USING THE SELF.TIMER oSteps @and @ are not necessary if you are plac-
ing yourself 3 meters or more away from the
lf you are shooting souvenir photos of people and camera.
want to get into the pictures yourself, or if you are @Release the Self-timer Lever and place yourself
fihe shutter will trip to take your pic-
on that spot. down. The film will automatically wind back into
ture in about I0 seconds after the Self-timer its cartridge.
Lever is reteased.) (Fig.29) @fne film will come to a stop automatically 2 or 3
seconds after the Exposure Counter returns to "S"
REWINDING THE FILM Rewind Button. (Fig.31-A)
Rewind Button Lock. (Fig.31-B)
.Your camera is fully automated. lt will sense the 3. Unload the film (Fig.32)
end of the film by itself and automatically wind the Check to make sure the Exposure Counter has re-
roll back into its cartridge then stop when rewind- turned to "S" then open the Camera Back, press your
ing is completed. finger against the bottom end of the film cartridge,
olf you must rewind the film in the middle of a roll, and take it out of the Film Chamber.
just press in the Film Rewind Button. The film will oTake the exposed film to your photofinisher as
automatically wind back into its cartridge. soon as possible.
1. Automatic film rewind (Fig.3O) O tt you are changing the batteries while the film is
O After you have completed exposing the specif ied rewinding, be sure to press in the Film Rewind
number of frames and the film has advanced Button after replacing them.
about the length of a frame or two further, press @ Thougn it rarely happens, the film perforations
down the Shutter Release. In a second or two, the may become deformed and cause the last frame
film will automatically wind itself back into its to be exposed several times.
cartridge. @ tt you have exposed more frames than the speci-
@lf the film does not rewind, iust cap the lens and fied number of exposures, your photofinisher may
oress down the Shutter Release a second time. sometimes eliminate the last frame.
OThe Film Wind/Rewind Lamp will keep blinking (Shooting without film in the camera) (Fig.33)
while the film is winding back. lf you are testing the camera by giving it a dry run
@ Rewinding will automatically stop 2 or 3 seconds (shooting without film in it), the camera will automat-
after the Exposure Counter returns to "S" ically switch to the rewind mode after about 10
2. Pushbutton film rewind (Fig.31) shots then stoo when the Exposure Counter returns
O Rewinding will automatically stop 2 or 3 seconds to 6 or 7. But this does not mean there is anything
press the Film Rewind Button (marked "R") lightly wrong with the camera and can be ignored.

TAKING BACKLIGHTED PORTRAITS 3. Dust and soil on the Lens Glass, Auto-Focus Win-
dows, and Viewfinder Window are removed wlth
(Taken without fill-in flash) (Fig.34) an air blower and by wiping lightly with a piece of
Subjects standing against a window or under the soft, lint-free cloth. Tenacious contaminants are re-
shade of a tree will turn out dark if taken without fill- moved by wiping off with Fuji Lens Cleaning
in flash. Paper moistened with a small amount of Fuji Lens
(Taken with fill-in flash) (Fig.35) Cleaning Fluid.
.Shoot from a distance of 2 lo 4 meters. (6 to 12 4. Do not leave your camera in a closed car, on an
feet). ocean beach, or in moist places except temporari-
oThe results of fill-in flash will differ with the shoot- ly for a very short time.
ing distance and surrounding brightness. 5. In case of malfunction, take the camera to your re-
pairer. Do not try to repair it yourself because it is
FILTERS TO USE equipped with high-tension circuits.
6. Always use your film before the expiry date
(Use 46mm dia., O.7Smm pitch-screw-in-filters.) printed on the film box.
The filter is screwed into the lens front. Exoosure
compensation is not required because the lilter will SPECIFICATION
cover both the Lens and the EE Window.
.Use black-rimmed ilters. Avoid those with
f a oFilm
silvered-metal rim. Cartridge-packed 135 roll film.
oPicture Size
CAMERA CARE 24 x 36mm.
1.Your camera is a orecision instrument which re- Fujinon 1 :2.8, 38mm, 4 components, 4 elements;
quires careful handling. Do not wet it or drop it on 46mm screw-in filter.
the floor. oShutter
2. lf you are not using your camera for a long time, 1/8-l/500-sec. programmed electronic shuttei.
remove the batteries and keeo it away from heat, Bright frame; 0.5X magnification.
dust. and moisture. oViewfinder
841o ot better field of view: parallax correction marks oBattery & Battery Life
(close-up correction marks); camera shake warning Two penlight batteries (do not use NiCd batteries.)
lamp; auto-focus frame.
oFocusing 36-exposure 36-exposure
Automatic; provided with distance indicating sym- rolls with flash rolls without flash
bols, focus memory capability, and beam sensor.
oFocusing Range Alkaline
1 meter to infinity (-)
manganese 5 or more 15 or more
oExposure Control
CdS EE, fully automatic from EV 6 - EV 17 with ASA Manganese
100 film. 2 or more 6 or more
IEC R6 (SUM-3)
oFilm Speed Settings
ASA 64, 100, 200, and 400; automatic film speed Note:
setting for ASA 100 and ASA 400 Fuji films. The above represents battery capacities as tested in
.Film Loading accordance with Fuji's battery testlng procedure.
Fuji easy-load system; automatic firsfframe posi- oExposure Counter
taonrng. Automatic reset, additive type; interlocked with film
oFilm Advance & Rewind rewinder (counts back as the film rewinds).
Electric-motor drive; automatic film advance (inter- oSelf-timer
locked with shutter release); automatic rewind (end- Activated by depressing shutter release; about 10-
of-film sensor activates rewind mechanism); pro- sec. interval
vided with film advance and rewind confirmation oOther Feature
lamo. Film conf irmation window.
oBuilt-in Flash oDimensions
Guide number 14 (ASA 100/meter); 1 - 4 meters 137 Smm W x 79.5mm H x 56.5mm T.
flash range with ASA l00 film, 1 - 6 meters with .Weight
ASA 400 film; about 9 sec. recycle time with new 4309 (without batteries).
batteries; 60" angle of coverage; fully automatic op- Notice:
eration (flashmatic). Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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