Lipson DA FULFIL Trial
Lipson DA FULFIL Trial
Lipson DA FULFIL Trial
The use of inhaled triple pharmacologic those prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid least one LAMA, LABA, ICS, or
therapy by patients with chronic obstructive (ICS)/long-acting b2-agonist (LABA) or an phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor received
pulmonary disease (COPD) is common. ICS plus a long-acting muscarinic triple therapy within 2 years of being
Researchers in a UK study found that after 2 antagonist (LAMA) progressed to triple diagnosed (2). The Global Initiative for
years, 46% of patients initially prescribed a therapy (1). In a U.S. study, 25.5% of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease strategy
long-acting bronchodilator and 39% of patients with COPD who had received at document recommends inhaled triple
( Received in original form March 1, 2017; accepted in final form April 4, 2017 )
*Present address: Roche, Basel, Switzerland.
Supported by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK study CTT116853).
Author Contributions: Literature search: D. A. Lipson, N.B., and H.B.; study design: D. A. Lipson, N.L., M.T., N.B., H.B., R.M., and S.J.P.; data collection:
D. A. Lipson, N.L., C.-Q.Z., M.T., N.B., H.B., A.L.-S., R.M., and R.B.; data analysis: D. A. Lipson, N.L., D. A. Lomas, C.-Q.Z., N.B., R.M., and S.J.P.; data
interpretation: all authors; writing/reviewing of the manuscript: all authors; final approval of the manuscript: all authors.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to David A. Lipson, M.D., GlaxoSmithKline, 709 Swedeland Road, UW2531, King of Prussia, PA
19406. E-mail: [email protected]
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue’s table of contents at
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 196, Iss 4, pp 438–446, Aug 15, 2017
Copyright © 2017 by the American Thoracic Society
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201703-0449OC on April 4, 2017
Internet address:
438 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 4 | August 15 2017
may help to ensure that a patient receives (2) twice-daily BUD/FOR (400 mg/12 mg)
At a Glance Commentary all three medications. using the Turbuhaler and once-daily
The Lung Function and Quality of Life placebo using the ELLIPTA inhaler. Twice-
Scientific Knowledge on the Assessment in COPD with Closed Triple daily BUD/FOR using the Turbuhaler was
Subject: Although inhaled triple Therapy (FULFIL) trial is the first study to the comparator because this ICS/LABA is
pharmacologic therapy is compare once-daily single-inhaler triple commonly used in this patient population.
recommended for patients with therapy (ICS/LAMA/LABA) with twice- All patients took one inhalation from the
advanced chronic obstructive daily dual therapy (ICS/LABA) in patients ELLIPTA inhaler in the morning and two
pulmonary disease and is often used with advanced, symptomatic COPD, who inhalations (one in the morning and one in
clinically as step-up treatment, few are at risk of exacerbations. The FULFIL the evening) from the Turbuhaler to minimize
randomized controlled trials have study was designed in part to support the the impact of different dosing regimens.
assessed the benefit of triple therapy registration of once-daily FF/UMEC/VI in There was a 2-week run-in period
compared with dual inhaled Europe and other countries globally. In during which medications at screening
corticosteroid/long-acting b2-agonist consultation with European regulators, the were unchanged, followed by a 24-week
therapy. sponsor was asked to provide a comparison treatment period. A subset of the first 430
with an ICS/LABA dual-combination patients to enroll in the trial and consent to
What This Study Adds to the product that was indicated to treat patients longer-term treatment remained on blinded
Field: Results from the FULFIL (Lung with COPD and was well known and well study treatment for up to 52 weeks. To
Function and Quality of Life understood by physicians. Twice-daily minimize loss of data, patients who
Assessment in Chronic Obstructive budesonide/formoterol (BUD/FOR) was permanently discontinued study treatment
Pulmonary Disease with Closed Triple chosen because it is a commonly prescribed (but did not withdraw consent) were not
Therapy) study demonstrated medication for patients with COPD. The required to withdraw from the study, but
the clinical benefit of once-daily study provides comparative information not could continue to have certain safety and
fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium/ just between classes of therapies but also efficacy assessments conducted.
vilanterol combination therapy using a between different molecules with different The primary objectives were to evaluate
single inhaler compared with twice- dosing regimens. the effects of once-daily single-inhaler triple
daily budesonide/formoterol FULFIL was specifically designed to therapy (FF/UMEC/VI) on lung function
combination therapy. Once-daily have a close resemblance to real-world and health-related quality of life compared
furoate/umeclidinium/vilanterol clinical practice. A once-daily triple with twice-daily dual ICS/LABA therapy
improved lung function and health- pharmacologic therapy was compared with a (BUD/FOR) at 24 weeks. The institutional
related quality of life, as well as current standard-of-care ICS/LABA therapy, review boards for human studies associated
reduced exacerbation frequency, and the run-in period allowed patients to with the clinical sites approved the protocol,
compared with twice-daily continue on their prestudy maintenance and written consent was obtained from the
budesonide/formoterol. therapy up to randomization to mimic subjects or their surrogates as required by
switching scenarios in clinical practice. the institutional review boards.
FULFIL also allowed inclusion of patients
pharmacologic therapy (ICS/LAMA/LABA) with commonly observed comorbidities who
for patients with advanced COPD with are often excluded from other trials. The Study Endpoints
persistent symptoms and risk of patient’s perspective was carefully evaluated The co–primary endpoints at Week 24 were
exacerbations (3). using a health-related quality of life change from baseline in trough FEV1 and
Despite the current widespread use of co–primary endpoint. Some of the results of change from baseline in St. George’s
triple therapy, there are few randomized the FULFIL study were previously reported Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) total
controlled trials demonstrating a sustained in the form of an abstract (5). score. Supportive analyses for the primary
benefit in terms of lung function and endpoints included proportion of patients
patient-reported outcome measures with a clinically meaningful change from
compared with ICS/LABA alone (4). Methods baseline in trough FEV1 (>100 ml) and
Recently, a once-daily single-inhaler change from baseline SGRQ total score
triple therapy of fluticasone Trial Design and Oversight (>4-unit decrease), change from baseline
furoate/umeclidinium/vilanterol FULFIL was a phase III, randomized, in Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in
(FF/UMEC/VI) 100 mg/62.5 mg/25 mg was double-blind, double-dummy, parallel- COPD score (E-RS: COPD; formerly called
developed for patients with moderate to group, multicenter study (www. EXACT RS) over 24 weeks, and the
very severe COPD. This “closed triple [NCT02345161]; GSK proportion of responders. Population
therapy” may offer clinically important study CTT116853). Patients were randomized pharmacokinetic analyses were conducted
improvements in lung function and quality to receive 24 weeks of either (1) once-daily on serial and sparse blood samples collected
of life compared with ICS/LABA dual FF/UMEC/VI (100 mg/62.5 mg/25 mg) from a subset of patients (n = 74) to assess
therapy, as well as eliminating the need for using a single ELLIPTA inhaler (Glaxo FF, UMEC, and VI systemic exposure
delivering the medications using multiple Operations UK Ltd, Ware, UK) and twice- from a single inhaler. Efficacy and safety
inhalers. Single-inhaler triple therapy may daily placebo using the Turbuhaler endpoints were analyzed up to Week 24 in
reduce the risk of medication errors and (AstraZeneca AB, Södertälje, Sweden) or the intent-to-treat (ITT) population and up
Lipson, Barnacle, Birk, et al.: Closed Triple Therapy for COPD: FULFIL Results 439
to Week 52 in the extension (EXT) Safety Assessments Week 24, the mean changes from baseline
population. The incidence of adverse events (AEs), in trough FEV1 were 142 ml (95% confidence
serious adverse events (SAEs), pneumonia interval [CI], 126 to 158) for FF/UMEC/VI
and supporting radiography, cardiovascular and 229 ml (95% CI, 246 to 213) for
events including prespecified major BUD/FOR; the difference between
FULFIL researchers enrolled patients with
cardiovascular events analysis, bone FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR was
COPD aged 40 years or older who were
fractures, and other adverse events of special statistically significant (171 ml; 95% CI, 148
defined as being in Global Initiative for
interest (AESIs) were evaluated in the study. to 194; P , 0.001) (Table 2). The treatment
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease group
(AESIs are listed in Table E1 in the online differences ranged from 123 to 171 ml and
D: (1) FEV1 less than 50% and COPD
supplement.) were statistically significant in favor of
Assessment Test score greater than or
FF/UMEC/VI at all time points (P , 0.001).
equal to 10, or (2) patients with FEV1 less
Statistical Analyses In the ITT population, at Week 24,
than or equal to 50% to less than 80% and
Statistical analyses were performed using clinically meaningful improvements in
COPD Assessment Test score greater than
SAS version 9.3 software (SAS Institute, SGRQ total score were observed in both
or equal to 10, and either at least two
Cary, NC). Sample size was calculated on the treatment groups. The changes from
moderate exacerbations or at least one
basis of co–primary endpoints and previous baseline in SGRQ were 26.6 units (95% CI,
severe exacerbation in the past year.
experience with drugs of these classes. The 27.4 to 25.7) with FF/UMEC/VI and
Patients were required to be receiving
ITT population, stratified by smoking 24.3 (95% CI, 25.2 to 23.4) with
daily maintenance therapy for COPD for
status, comprised all randomized patients, BUD/FOR. The between-treatment
at least 3 months. Patients were excluded
excluding those who were randomized difference in improvement in SGRQ total
if they had a current diagnosis of asthma
in error who did not receive a dose of score was statistically significant for
causing their symptoms or if they
study medication. The EXT population FF/UMEC/VI (22.2 units; 95% CI, 23.5 to
had unresolved pneumonia or severe
comprised the subset of patients in the ITT 21.0; P , 0.001) compared with BUD/FOR
COPD exacerbation. Demographic and
population who were enrolled into the (Table 2).
disease characteristics were recorded at
52-week extension phase. The co–primary Similar findings regarding change from
endpoints were analyzed using mixed baseline in trough FEV1 were observed in
models for repeated measures and were the EXT population at Week 52 (Figure 1B,
Efficacy Assessments adjusted for multiplicity using the Table 2). The mean changes from baseline in
Spirometry was performed in all patients at Hochberg method. Further details of the trough FEV1 were 126 ml (95% CI, 92 to
baseline and at Weeks 2, 4, 12, and 24, as methods are provided in the online 159) for FF/UMEC/VI and 253 ml (95%
well as at Weeks 36 and 52 in the EXT supplement. CI, 287 to 220) for BUD/FOR. The mean
population, using standardized equipment changes from baseline in SGRQ total score
according to the American Thoracic in the EXT population were 24.6 units
Society/European Respiratory Society Results (95% CI, 26.5 to 22.6) with FF/UMEC/VI
criteria (6). The SGRQ for patients with and 21.9 units (95% CI, 23.9 to 0.1) with
COPD was completed using a patient-held Patients BUD/FOR, and although the between-
e-diary at Day 1 and at Weeks 4 and 24 In total, 1,810 patients were included in the treatment difference was of a similar
(and at Week 52 in the EXT population). ITT population (FF/UMEC/VI, n = 911; magnitude to that observed in the ITT
Potential COPD exacerbations were BUD/FOR, n = 899), and 430 were included population, it did not reach statistical
identified on the basis of symptoms in the EXT population (FF/UMEC/VI, significance (Table 2).
reported using the e-diary, which triggered n = 210; BUD/FOR, n = 220) (Figure E1).
follow-up with the investigator, who Overall, 94% of patients completed the Selected Secondary and Other
confirmed any exacerbations on the basis study, and 90% completed the study on Endpoints
of an interaction with the patient. Mild investigational treatment. Premature In the ITT population at Week 24, an
exacerbations were defined as worsening treatment discontinuations were most increase of at least 100 ml from baseline in
symptoms of COPD that were self- frequently due to patient decision (4%), trough FEV1 was achieved by a larger
managed by the patient (e.g., increase in AEs (3%), or lack of efficacy (3%). Patient proportion of patients in the FF/UMEC/VI
albuterol use) and not associated with the and disease characteristics at baseline for group (n = 453 [50%]) than in the
use of corticosteroids or antibiotics. A the ITT and EXT populations are shown BUD/FOR group (n = 184 [21%]). The
moderate exacerbation was defined as in Table 1. COPD medications used odds ratio (OR) of achieving versus not
having worsening symptoms of COPD during the study run-in period are listed achieving this increase was statistically
that required treatment with oral/systemic in Table E2. significant in favor of FF/UMEC/VI (OR,
corticosteroids and/or antibiotics. A 4.03; 95% CI, 3.27–4.97; P , 0.001).
severe exacerbation was defined as Co–Primary Endpoints A larger proportion of patients in the
worsening symptoms of COPD that In the ITT population, FF/UMEC/VI FF/UMEC/VI group (n = 448 [50%]) than
required treatment with inpatient demonstrated clinically meaningful in the BUD/FOR group (n = 368 [41%])
hospitalization. The E-RS: COPD improvements from baseline in trough FEV1 experienced a clinically meaningful
questionnaire was completed each evening at all time points over the 24-week improvement from baseline (>4-unit
using the e-diary. treatment period (Figure 1A, Table 2). At decrease) in SGRQ total score in the ITT
440 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 4 | August 15 2017
IT T population, 24 wk
Number of subjects 911 899 1,810
Age, yr 64.2 (8.56) 63.7 (8.71) 63.9 (8.64)
Female sex, n (%) 233 (26) 236 (26) 469 (26)
Current smokers, n (%) 400 (44) 394 (44) 794 (44)
Smoking pack-years 39.5 (21.87) 39.2 (22.15) 39.4 (22.00)
Cardiovascular risk factors*, n (%) 599 (66) 602 (67) 1,201 (66)
Moderate/severe COPD exacerbation in
previous 12 mo, n (%)
0 313 (34) 317 (35) 630 (35)
1 252 (28) 253 (28) 505 (28)
>2 346 (38) 329 (37) 675 (37)
History of pneumonia, n (%) 87 (10) 99 (11) 186 (10)
FEV1 absolute, ml 1,349 (0.46) 1,339 (0.48) 1,344 (0.47)
FEV1, % predicted 45.5 (12.97) 45.1 (13.64) 45.3 (13.30)
SGRQ total score 51.8 (16.29) 50.8 (16.73) —
E-RS: COPD 13.20 (5.828) 12.97 (5.928) —
EXT population, 52 wk
Number of subjects 210 220 430
Age, yr 63.7 (7.76) 63.3 (8.43) 63.5 (8.10)
Female, n (%) 53 (25) 58 (26) 111 (26)
Current smokers, n (%) 95 (45) 97 (44) 192 (45)
Smoking pack-years 39.8 (19.92) 39.6 (23.12) 39.7 (21.59)
Cardiovascular risk factors*, n (%) 144 (69) 152 (69) 296 (69)
Moderate/severe COPD exacerbations in
previous 12 mo, n (%)
0 62 (30) 72 (33) 134 (31)
1 77 (37) 79 (36) 156 (36)
>2 71 (34) 69 (31) 140 (33)
History of pneumonia, n (%) 18 (9) 20 (9) 38 (9)
FEV1 absolute, ml 1,425 (0.50) 1,368 (0.51) 1,396 (0.51)
FEV1, % predicted 47.1 (13.30) 45.4 (14.85) 46.2 (14.13)
SGRQ total score 53.0 (16.14) 50.8 (15.49) —
E-RS: COPD 13.54 (5.439) 13.00 (5.576) —
Definition of abbreviations: BUD = budesonide; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; E-RS: COPD = Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in
COPD; EXT = extension; FF = fluticasone furoate; FOR = formoterol; IT T = intent-to-treat; SGRQ = St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire; UMEC =
umeclidinium; VI = vilanterol.
Data are mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.
*Cardiovascular risk factors included, but were not limited to, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, coronary heart disease, and diabetes mellitus.
population at Week 24. The OR of response were hospitalized for exacerbations up to 52 weeks in the EXT population (see
versus nonresponse was statistically in the FF/UMEC/VI treatment group respective tables and figures).
significant in favor of FF/UMEC/VI (OR, (n = 12 [1%]) than in the BUD/FOR group
1.41; 95% CI, 1.16–1.70; P , 0.001) (n = 22 [2%]). Safety Analyses
(Table 2). For the ITT population, at each 4-week The incidence rates of on-treatment AEs in
The incidence rates of moderate/severe interval over the 24-week treatment period, the ITT population up to Week 24 were
COPD exacerbations over the 24-week FF/UMEC/VI produced greater reductions 38.9% in the FF/UMEC/VI group and 37.7%
treatment period were 10% (n = 95) and from baseline in E-RS: COPD total score in the BUD/FOR group. The most common
14% (n = 126) for FF/UMEC/VI and than BUD/FOR, and the treatment AEs were nasopharyngitis (7% and 5% for
BUD/FOR, respectively. The mean differences were statistically significant FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR, respectively)
annualized rates of moderate/severe (P , 0.001) (Figure 2). The ORs for and headache (5% and 6% for FF/UMEC/VI
exacerbations were 0.22 and 0.34 for response versus nonresponse for each and BUD/FOR, respectively) (Table 4). A
FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR, respectively, 4-week interval were statistically significant similar pattern was observed in the EXT
and the reduction in the annualized rate in favor of FF/UMEC/VI (ORs ranging population up to Week 52: The most
was statistically significant (35%; 95% CI, from 1.59 to 1.76; P , 0.001). Similar common AEs were nasopharyngitis (11%
14–51%; P = 0.002) based on data up to 24 results were observed for each E-RS: COPD and 10% for FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR,
weeks in the ITT population (Table 3). subscale (breathlessness, cough and respectively) and headache (8% and
Similar statistically significant results were sputum, chest symptoms). 10% for FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR,
observed for mild/moderate/severe The results for the secondary and other respectively). COPD worsening was one of
exacerbations (Table 3). Fewer patients endpoints described here were also observed the most common AEs in the BUD/FOR
Lipson, Barnacle, Birk, et al.: Closed Triple Therapy for COPD: FULFIL Results 441
0 Discussion
Our results show that once-daily
FF/UMEC/VI offered clinically meaningful
and statistically significant improvements at
–100 Week 24 in lung function and health-related
2 4 12 24 36 52 quality of life compared with BUD/FOR.
Visit (week) The improvements in health-related quality
of life were reflected in the consistent
Figure 1. Mean change from baseline in trough FEV1 over (A) 24 weeks (ITT population) and (B) 52
weeks (EXT population). The bars indicate 95% CIs. BUD = budesonide; CI = confidence interval; reduction in total symptoms measured
EXT = extension; FF = fluticasone furoate; FOR = formoterol; ITT = intent-to-treat; LS = least squares; using the E-RS: COPD. At each 4-weekly
UMEC = umeclidinium; VI = vilanterol. time point, FF/UMEC/VI demonstrated
greater symptom reduction than BUD/FOR.
At Week 24, clinically meaningful and
group (10%), but it was less common in the nonfatal SAEs in the ITT population were statistically significant reductions in
FF/UMEC/VI group (2%) in the EXT 4.9% in the FF/UMEC/VI group and 5.2% exacerbation rates for patients with COPD
population up to Week 52. in the BUD/FOR group. Of these (for were also observed with FF/UMEC/VI
For FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR, FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR, respectively), compared with BUD/FOR. Importantly, the
respectively, the incidence rates of on- COPD exacerbations (1.5% and 2.4%) benefits of FF/UMEC/VI on lung function,
treatment SAEs in the ITT population up to and pneumonia and/or respiratory tract health-related quality of life, and
Week 24 were 5.4% and 5.7%, and the infection without COPD exacerbation (0.9% exacerbation rate were sustained over
most common on-treatment SAEs were and 0.3%) were the most common. An 52 weeks in the EXT population. The
COPD exacerbation (1.3% and 2.3%) and overview of the rates of drug-related AEs magnitude of the between-treatment
pneumonia (1.0% and 0.3%). There were 12 and SAEs is provided in the RESULTS section difference in SGRQ total score between
on-treatment deaths in this study (6 in each of the online supplement. treatment groups at Week 52 failed to
treatment group), which was in line with The incidence of prespecified AESIs in achieve statistical significance, possibly due
expectations for patients with advanced the ITT population was also investigated. to the smaller size of this subgroup. The lung
COPD and multiple comorbidities. The For FF/UMEC/VI and BUD/FOR, function findings reported here are in
incidence rates of adjudicated on-treatment respectively, cardiovascular effects were keeping with the results of shorter studies of
442 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 4 | August 15 2017
Table 2. Trough FEV1 and St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire Responses (Intent-to-Treat and Extension Populations)
IT T population, 24 wk
Number of subjects 911 899
Trough FEV1, ml
LS at Week 24, mean (95% CI) 1,418 (1,401 to 1,434) 1,247 (1,230 to 1,263)
LS change from baseline, mean (95% CI) 142 (126 to 158) 229 (246 to 213)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR difference (95% CI); P value 171 (148 to 194); ,0.001
Proportion of trough FEV1 responders*, n 907 892
Responders, n (%) 453 (50) 184 (21)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR, OR (95% CI); P value 4.03 (3.27 to 4.97); ,0.001
Change from baseline in SGRQ total score, n 846 791
LS at Week 24, mean (95% CI) 44.7 (43.8 to 45.5) 46.9 (46.0 to 47.8)
LS change, mean (95% CI) 26.6 (27.4 to 25.7) 24.3 (25.2 to 23.4)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR difference (95% CI); P value 22.2 (23.5 to 21.0); ,0.001
Proportion of responders†, n 904 893
Responders, n (%) 448 (50) 368 (41)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR OR (95% CI); P value 1.41 (1.16 to 1.70); ,0.001
EXT population, 52 wk
Number of subjects 210 220
Trough FEV1, ml
LS at Week 52, mean (95% CI) 1,429 (1,395 to 1,462) 1,250 (1,216 to 1,284)
LS change from baseline, mean (95% CI) 126 (92 to 159) 253 (287 to 220)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR difference (95% CI); P value 179 (131 to 226); ,0.001
Proportion of trough FEV1 responders*, n 210 219
Responders, n (%) 96 (46) 34 (16)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR, OR (95% CI); P value 4.79 (3.02 to 7.61); ,0.001
Change from baseline in SGRQ total score, n 182 174
LS at Week 52, mean (95% CI) 47.3 (45.3 to 49.3) 50.0 (48.0 to 52.0)
LS change, mean (95% CI) 24.6 (26.5 to 22.6) 21.9 (23.9 to 0.1)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR difference (95% CI); P value 22.7 (25.5 to 0.2); 0.065
Proportion of responders†, n 209 219
Responders, n (%) 91 (44) 73 (33)
FF/UMEC/VI vs. BUD/FOR, OR (95% CI); P value 1.50 (1.01 to 2.24); 0.046
Definition of abbreviations: BUD = budesonide; CI = confidence interval; EXT = extension; FF = fluticasone furoate; FOR = formoterol; IT T = intent-to-treat;
LS = least squares; OR = odds ratio; SGRQ = St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire; UMEC = umeclidinium; VI = vilanterol.
*Response was defined as a trough FEV1 greater than or equal to 100 ml above baseline.
Response was defined as an SGRQ total score change greater than or equal to four units below baseline.
triple therapy using FF/VI and UMEC in FF/VI for COPD in which researchers COPD) (although SUMMIT included
two separate inhalers (4, 9). reported incidence rates of up to 2% (10, 11), patients with moderate airflow limitation,
The safety profile of FF/UMEC/VI, as well as in studies of BUD/FOR for and only 39% had a history of
including the systemic exposure, was in line COPD (12, 13). The incidence of exacerbations) (17).
with the known profiles of the component pneumonia is also similar to that observed Although this study was focused on
drugs, and findings derived from the 52- in another study of ICS/LAMA/LABA nonexacerbation outcomes and the
week EXT population suggest that there are therapy for COPD, in which pneumonia proportion of patients with exacerbations
no cumulative adverse effects of once-daily occurred in 3% of patients in both the in the overall population was low, there
FF/UMEC/VI. Whereas the incidence of triple-therapy and ICS/LABA comparator were clear efficacy benefits in favor of
pneumonia was higher with FF/UMEC/VI arms (14), and it is less than the incidence FF/UMEC/VI on these outcome measures
than with BUD/FOR in the ITT population reported in 52-week studies of FF/VI (15) in both the ITT and EXT populations.
up to 24 weeks, it was similar between the and BUD/FOR (16). No excess risk of FULFIL was designed to be as inclusive as
two groups in the smaller EXT population pneumonia with FF or VI, either alone or possible, allowing patients with COPD who
at 52 weeks. The incidence of pneumonia in combination, compared with placebo also had significant cardiovascular disease to
with FF/UMEC/VI observed is consistent was found in SUMMIT (Study to be enrolled. Furthermore, patients remained
with reports of other 24-week studies of Understand Mortality and Morbidity in on their usual standard medications during
Lipson, Barnacle, Birk, et al.: Closed Triple Therapy for COPD: FULFIL Results 443
Definition of abbreviations: BUD = budesonide; CI = confidence interval; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EXT = extension; FF = fluticasone
furoate; FOR = formoterol; ITT = intent-to-treat; UMEC = umeclidinium; VI = vilanterol.
Ratios and P values are calculated for FF/UMEC/VI versus BUD/FOR.
the run-in period and were not artificially improved the characterization of safety the value of incremental LAMA
required to withdraw medications. This findings. therapy (4, 9, 14, 18). Two randomized,
means that the study population may more In this study, we compared an ICS/ 3-month studies showed clinically relevant
closely reflect the real-world population of LAMA/LABA (FF/UMEC/VI) combination improvements in lung function with
patients with COPD and increases the with an ICS/LABA (BUD/FOR) using UMEC plus FF/VI compared with placebo
generalizability of the study findings. different dosing regimens (once daily vs. plus FF/VI in patients with moderate to
FULFIL was also designed to minimize data twice daily) in different inhalers. The very severe COPD (9). The TRILOGY
loss by enabling data collection to continue aim of the double-dummy study design study (14) showed that triple therapy
after treatment discontinuation. All SAE was to mitigate some of these differences, compared with ICS/LABA had a modest
reports were independently adjudicated, and so the results reported are a direct benefit, with a reduction in exacerbations
a chest radiograph was required for all comparison of the products rather than and an improvement in health-related
patients with suspected pneumonia or a the addition of a LAMA to ICS/LABA. quality of life; however, this benefit
moderate/severe exacerbation, which However, there is evidence supporting appeared to wane as the study continued. A
post hoc analysis of four trials that assessed
UMEC or placebo plus ICS/LABA
FF/UMEC/VI 100/62.5/25 µg (including the two studies described
BUD/FOR 400/12 µg previously) showed that triple therapy
0.0 improved lung function and health-related
quality of life and also reduced the risk
of exacerbations compared with ICS/
LS mean change from baseline
444 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 4 | August 15 2017
Table 4. Adverse Events and Adverse Events of Special Interest (Intent-to-Treat and Extension Populations)
Definition of abbreviations: BUD = budesonide; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EXT = extension; FF = fluticasone furoate; FOR =
formoterol; IT T = intent-to-treat; LRTI = lower respiratory tract infection; UMEC = umeclidinium; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection; VI = vilanterol.
Data are presented as n (%).
*These terms are derived from the standardized Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA).
New-onset diabetes.
single-inhaler triple therapy provides a exacerbation, which were observed over Veramed for support with statistical analyses.
straightforward dosing option for patients 52 weeks. n Medical writing support in the form of
development of the draft outline and manuscript
with COPD, and this reduction in drafts in consultation with the authors,
polypharmacy using multiple inhalers may Author disclosures are available with the text
of this article at editorial suggestions for draft versions of this
reduce the likelihood of inhaler use errors, paper, assembling tables and figures,
although all inhaler types may be associated Acknowledgment: The authors thank the collating author comments, copyediting,
with errors in use (19–21). Single-inhaler patients and their families for participating in this referencing, and graphic services
study, as well as Eva Gomez (GSK operations was provided by Alison Scott, Ph.D., of
triple therapy offers clinically important lead), Niki Day (GSK clinical safety scientist), Gardiner-Caldwell Communications,
benefits in lung function, health-related Erik Steinberg (GSK data quality leader), and the Macclesfield, United Kingdom, and was funded
quality of life, and reduction in risk of FULFIL study team. The authors also thank by GSK.
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446 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 4 | August 15 2017