Amatiran Chapter 4

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ulinary Art

Culinary arts is the art of preparing and cooking foods. The word "culinary" is defined as
something related to, or connected with, cooking. A culinarian is a person working in the
culinary arts. A culinarian working in restaurants is commonly known as a cook or a chef.
Culinary artists are responsible for skilfully preparing meals that are as pleasing to the palate
as to the eye. They are required to have a knowledge of the science of food and an
understanding of diet and nutrition. They work primarily in restaurants, delis, hospitals and
other institutions. Kitchen conditions vary depending on the type of business, restaurant,
nursing home, etc. The Table arts or the art of having food can also be called as "Culinary

The definition of culinary is something related to food or cooking.

An example of something that would be described as culinary is your skill in cooking.


of the kitchen
of cooking
suitable for or used in cooking

The origins of culinary began with primitive humans roughly 2 million years ago.[1] There are
various theories as to how early humans used fire to cook meat. According
to anthropologist Richard Wrangham, author of Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us
Human,[2] primitive humans simply tossed a raw hunk of meat into the flames and watched it
sizzle. Another theory claims humans may first have savoured roasted meat by chance when
the flesh of a beast killed in a forest fire was found to be more appetizing and easier to chew
and digest than the conventional raw meat.
Culinary techniques improved with the introduction of earthenware and stoneware, the
domestication of livestock, and advancements in agriculture. In early civilizations, the
primary employers of professional chefs were kings, aristocrats, or priests. The divide
between professional chefs cooking for the wealthy and peasants cooking for their families
engendered the development of many cuisines.
A great deal of the study of Culinary Arts in Europe was organized by Jean Anthelme Brillat-
Savarin, a man famous for his quote "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are,"
which has since been mistranslated and oversimplified into "You are what you eat." Other
people helped to parse out the different parts of food science and gastronomy. Over time,
increasingly deeper and more detailed studies into foods and the Culinary Arts has led to a
greater wealth of knowledge.
In Asia, a similar path led to a separate study of the Culinary Arts, which later essentially
merged with the Western counterpart. In the modern international marketplace, there is no
longer a distinct divide between Western and Eastern foods. Culinary Arts students today,
generally speaking, are introduced to the different cuisines of many different cultures from
around the world.
The Culinary Arts, in the Western world, as a craft and later as a field of study, began to
evolve at the end of the Renaissance period. Prior to this, chefs worked in castles, cooking for
kings and queens, as well as their families, guests, and other workers of the castle.
As Monarchical rule became phased out as a modality, the chefs took their craft to inns and
hotels. From here, the craft evolved into a field of study.
Before cooking institutions, professional cooks were mentors for individual students who
apprenticed under them. In 1879, the first cooking school was founded in the United States:
the Boston Cooking School. This school standardized cooking practices and recipes, and laid
the groundwork for the culinary arts schools that would follow.

Tools and Techniques[edit]

An integral part of the Culinary Arts are the tools, known as cooking or kitchen utensils, that
are used by both professional chefs and home cooks alike. Professionals in the culinary arts
often call these utensils by the French term "batterie de cuisine".[3] These tools vary in
materials and use. Cooking implements are made with anything from wood, glass, various
types of metals, to the newer silicone and plastic that can be seen in many kitchens today.
Within the realm of the culinary arts, there is a wide array of different cooking techniques
that originate from various cultures and continue to develop over time as these techniques are
shared between cultures and progress with new technology. Different cooking techniques
require the use of certain tools, foods and heat sources in order to produce a specific desired
result. The professional kitchen may utilize certain techniques that a home cook might not,
such as the use of an expensive professional grill but, cooking methods of various kinds can
be found in any kitchen at virtually any point in modern human history.[4]

nowing how to cook is a one of the most useful skills we can learn. If we can cook, we can
eat healthy dishes made at home with fresh ingredients instead of having to buy unhealthy
fast food or expensive pre-cooked or frozen meals. Cooking our own meals is not only
healthy and cheap, but can also be fun if we explore cookbooks and cooking websites and
find new recipes to try.

Frying, boiling and steaming

Even if you only have a small stove or cooker with a couple of hotplates, you can cook
delicious food at home. You can fry meat, fish or eggs in a frying pan with oil or butter. You
can also chop or slice vegetables and sauté or stir-fry them in a pan or a wok. Another way
of cooking vegetables and grains like rice is by boiling or steaming them. You
can peel vegetables like potatoes and carrots before cooking them, and even mash them after
they're cooked if you like. You can also boil other foods like spaghetti, eggs and certain
meats, or steam fish and other seafood like crabs and mussels.

With a simple hotplate you can also make soups and stews. The ingredients for these often
include diced meats and vegetables as well as a pinch of salt. You can
also sprinkle in spices like pepper or paprika or add herbs like basil or parsley. You can
even make sauces by melting butter in a saucepan and mixing in flour and milk
before adding other ingredients like grated cheese and then stirring until your sauce is

Grilling and roasting

If you have a stove with a grill or broiler, or an appliance such as an electric grill, you can
also grill meat, fish and vegetables. If you're grilling food at a high temperature, be careful.
It's easy to burn it if you cook the food for too long. But many people love grilling, and some
even say it's the best way to cook fish, steak and many other meats.

If you also have an oven you can roast certain meats and vegetables. In an oven, food is
surrounded by hot air that gradually cooks from all sides, so roasting a whole chicken or a leg
of lamb takes time. After being cooked, roast meat is carved into pieces before being served,
often together with roast potatoes, carrots and onions. A meal like this is sometimes called a
"Sunday roast" as it was traditionally cooked every Sunday in countries like England a

Kitchen Utensils List

 Apron
 Bread basket
 Bowl
 Teapot
 Measuring cup
 Baking tray
 Timer
 Spice container
 Chopping board
 Grater
 Pie plate
 Salad spinner
 Colander
 Butter dish
 Oven glove
 Napkin
 Chopsticks
 Rolling pin
 Measuring spoon
 Whisk
 Wooden spoon
 Strainer
 Steak hammer
 Spoon
 Spatula
 Mesh skimmer
 Cleaver
 Ladle
 Knife
 Kitchen shears
 Fork
 Cutlery
 Corkscrew
 Cake slice
 Saucepan (U.K) – pot (U.S)
 Frying pan
 Pressure cooker
 Cooker
 Casserole dish
No English Indonesian
1 Spoon Sendok

2 Plate Piring

3 Tray Baki

4 Spatula Spatula

5 Fork Garpu

6 Knife Pisau

7 Glass Gelas

8 Bowl Mangkuk

9 Stove Kompor

10 Frying Pan Wajan

11 Apron Celemek

12 Bottle Botol

13 Chopstick Sumpit

14 Coffee Maker Alat Pembuat Kopi

15 Cup Cangkir

16 Cutting Board Talenan

17 Mixer Pengocok

18 Grater Parutan

19 Kettle Ceret

20 Napkin Lap/Serbet
21 Spice Rack Rak Bumbu

22 Cookbook Buku Masak

23 Refrigerator Kulkas

24 Freezer Pendingin

25 Rice Cooker Penanak Nasi

26 Tea Cup Cangkir Teh

27 Teaspoon Sendok Teh

28 Dish Rack Rak Piring

29 Blender Mesin Pencampur

30 Soup Spoon Sendok Sup

31 Thermos Termos

32 Fire Extinguisher Alat Pemadam Kebakaran

33 Gas Stove Kompor Gas

34 Pot Teko

35 Toaster Pemanggang Roti

36 Microwave (Oven) Mesin Pemanggang (Oven)

37 Wall Cupboard Lemari Dinding

38 Sink Bak Tempat Cuci

39 Trash Bin Tempat Sampah

40 Chopping Knife Pisau Cincang

41 Dish Washer Mesin Pencuci Piring

42 Knife Sharpener Pengasah Pisau

43 Match Korek Api

44 Pan Panci

45 Pestle Alu (Alat Penumbuk)

46 Tablespoon Sendok Makan

47 Cookie Cutter Pemotong Kue

48 Baking Sheet Loyang

49 Barbecue Grill Panggangan Barbecue

50 Measuring Cup Gelas Pengukur

51 Egg Beater Pengocok Telur

52 Bread Basket Keranjang Roti

53 Bread Knife Pisau Roti

54 Measuring Spoon Sendok Pengukur

55 Mold Cetakan

56 Espresso Machine Mesin Epresso

57 Can Opener Pembuka Kaleng

58 Grinder Penggiling

59 Honey Pot Wadah Madu

60 Charcoal Grill Panggangan Arang

61 Tea Kettle Ceret Teh

62 Coffee Pot Teko Kopi

63 Oven Mitts Sarung Tangan Oven

64 Peeler Alat Pengupas

65 Pepper Mill Gilingan Merica

66 Trivet Tatakan Kaki Tiga

67 Vegetable Peeler Pengupas Sayuran

68 Rolling Pin Gilingan/Penggilas

69 Salt Shaker Tempat Garam

70 Waffle Iron Cetakan Kue Wafel

71 Scissors Gunting

72 Water Filter Filter Air

73 Shears Gunting Besar

74 Strainer Saringan/Ayakan

75 Skewer Tusuk Sate

76 Corer Alat untuk Mengeluarkan Biji

77 Crock Tempayan

78 Percolator Cerek Penyaring Kopi

79 Pitcher Kendi/Buyung

80 Pizza Cutter Pemotong Pizza

81 Pot Holder Pemegang Panci

82 Pressure Cooker Panci Presto

83 Steak Knife Pisau Steak

84 Wooden Spoon Sendok Kayu

85 Bottle Opener Pembuka Botol

86 Coffee Grinder Penggiling Kopi

87 Cleaver Parang

88 Meat Tenderizer Pelunak Daging

89 Pastry Brush Kuas Kue

Benda Dapur
1 Aluminum Foil Aluminum Foil
2 Apron Celemek
3 Baking Dish Loyang
4 Baking Sheet Pan Loyang Panggang
5 Bamboo Steamer Kukusan
6 Barbacue Panggangan
7 Basket Keranjang
8 Beater Pemukul
9 Blender Blender/ Pencampur
10 Bottle Botol
11 Bottle Opener Pembuka Botol
12 Bowl Mangkuk
13 Bread Basket Keranjang Roti
14 Broom Sapu
15 Brush Sikat
16 Butter Dish Piring Mentega
17 Cabinet Lemari
18 Cake Pan Pemanggang Kue
19 Cake Slice Pengiris Kue
20 Can Opener Pembuka Kaleng
21 Carafe Tempat Penyimpan Minuman
22 Carving Knife Pisau Daging
23 Casserole Dish Piring Saji Besar
24 Champagne Cooler Pendingin Sampanye
25 Chest Freezer Peti Pendingin
26 China Porselen
27 Chop Alat Pemotong
28 Chopper Pisau Ranjang
Chopping Block / Cutting
29 Papan Talenan
30 Chopsticks Sumpit
31 Citrus Juicer Pemeras Jeruk
32 Cleanser Bahan Pembersih
33 Cling Film/ Plastic Wrap Bungkus Plastik
34 Coffee Grinder Gilingan Kopi
35 Coffee Machine Mesin Pembuat Kopi
36 Colander Mangkuk Saringan
37 Cookbook/ Cookery Book Buku Resep Masakan
38 Cooker, Stove Kompor
39 Cooking Pot Panci Masak
Kotrek/ Alat Pembuka Tutup
40 Corkscrew
41 Corn Pick Pengambil Butir Jagung
42 Crock Pot Kendi Periuk
43 Cup Cangkir
44 Cupboard Lemari
45 Custard Cup Cangkir Puding
46 Cutlery Alat Pemotong
Botol (Untuk menyimpan
47 Decanter
anggur atau sejenisnya)
48 Deep-Fat Fryer Pengering Daging
Sendok untuk makanan
49 Dessert Spoon
50 Dish Hidangan
51 Dish Rack Rak Piring
52 Dish Soap Sabun Cuci Piring
Handuk untuk mengeringkan
53 Dish Towel / Tea Towel
piring setelah dicuci
54 Dishcloth Serbet Pembersih
55 Dishes Piring Saji
56 Dishwasher Mesin Pencuci Piring
57 Doughnut Pan Panci Donat
58 Draining Board Papan Pengering
59 Dust Bin/ Trash Can Tempat Sampah
60 Dutch Oven Oven Belanda
61 Egg Beater Pengaduk Telur
62 Egg Scrambler Pengocok Telur
63 Egg Slice Pemotong Telur
64 Egg-Cup Cangkir Telur
65 Electric Stove Kompor Listrik
66 Espresso Machine Mesin Espresso
67 Extractor Fan Kipas untuk sirkulasi udara
68 Extractor Hood Alat Pengekstrak
69 Faucet / Tap Kran Air
70 Flatware Sendok Garpu
71 Flour Sifter Ayakan Tepung
72 Fondue Fondue
73 Food Processor Pengolah Makanan
74 Food Storage Container Tempat Penyimpan Makanan
75 Fork Garpu
76 Freezer Pendingin
77 Fryer Panci Penggorengan
78 Frying Pan Wajan
79 Frying Skillet Wajan Tipis (Bergagang Satu)
80 Funnel Corong
81 Garbage Can Tong Sampah
82 Garbage Compactor Pemadat Sampah
83 Garbage Disposal Pembuangan Sampah
84 Garlic Press Penekan Bawang Putih
85 Gas Stove Kompor Gas
86 Glasses Gelas
87 Grater Parutan
88 Gravy Boat / Sauce Boat Tempat Saus
89 Griddle Wajan Datar
90 Grill / Broiler Panggangan
Pembuat Sandwich Keju
91 Grilled Cheese Maker
92 Grinder Alat Penggiling
Honing/ Sharpening Ceramic
93 Pengasah Pisau
94 Hot Plate Hot Plate
95 Ice Box Kotak Es
96 Ice Bucket Keranjang Es
97 Ice Cream Maker Pembuat Es Krim
98 Ice Cream Scoop Sendok Es Krim
99 Ice Cube Tray Baki Es Batu
100 Iron Skillet Wajan Besi
101 Jar Guci
102 Jug / Pitcher Kendi
103 Juice Glass Kaca Jus
104 Juicer Pembuat Jus
105 Kettle Ketel/ Ceret
106 Kitchen Roll Tisu Dapur
107 Kitchen Scales Timbangan Dapur
108 Knife Pisau
109 Knife Sharpener Pengasah Pisau
110 Ladle Sendok Sayur
111 Lid Penutup
112 LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) Gas LPG
113 Match Korek Api
114 Measuring Cup Gelas Ukur
115 Measuring Spoons Sendok Ukur
116 Meat Fork Garpu Daging
117 Meat Grinder Penggiling Daging
118 Meat Tenderizer Pelunak Daging
119 Meat Thermometer Termometer Daging
120 Microwave Oven Oven Microwave
121 Mincer Mesin Pengaduk
122 Mixer Pengaduk
123 Mold Cetakan
124 Mop Kain Pel
125 Mortar Lumpang/ Cobek/ Cowek
126 Mug Sejenis Cangkir
127 Napkin Serbet Pembersih Mulut
128 Nesting Bowls Mangkuk Bersarang
Alat Pemecah Kacang atau
129 Nutcracker
sejenisnya yang keras
130 Opener Pembuka
131 Oven Oven
Sarung Tangan Penahan
132 Oven Gloves/ Oven Mitts
133 Parchment Paper Kertas Kulit
134 Pepper Grinder Penggiling Lada
135 Pepper Mill Gilingan Merica
136 Pepper Shaker Penabur Merica
137 Percolator Cerek Penapis Kopi
138 Pestle Penumbuk/ Mutu/ Ulekan
139 Pie Plate Piring Pie
140 Pizza Cutter Pemotong Pizza
141 Placemat Tatakan
142 Plastic Bags Kantong Plastik
143 Plate Piring (Berbentuk Lingkaran)
144 Plug Penutup Wastafel
145 Popcorn Maker Mesin Pembuat Popcorn
146 Pot/ Pan Panci
147 Potato Masher Pelumat Kentang
148 Potholder Lampin/ Kain Penahan Panas
149 Pressure Cooker Fresto
150 Recipe Resep
151 Refrigerator / Fridge Kulkas
152 Rice Bowl Mangkuk Nasi
153 Rice Cooker Rice Cooker
154 Rice Spatula Sendok Nasi
155 Rolling Pin Penggilas Adonan
156 Salad Bowl Mangkuk Salad
Panci Bergagang (Biasa
157 Saucepan
untuk membuat saus)
158 Saucer Cawan
159 Scissors Gunting
Busa Penggosok atau
160 Scourer Pad
Pencuci Piring
161 Shears Gunting Besar
162 Shelf Rak
163 Sieve Saringan
164 Sifter Ayak
165 Sink Wastafel
166 Skewers Tusuk Sate
167 Skillet Kuali
168 Slicer Alat Pengiris
169 Soap Sabun
170 Soup Bowl Mangkuk Sup
171 Soup Spoon Sendok Sop
172 Spatula Sudip (Javanese: Suthil)
173 Spice Container Tempat Bumbu
Mesin Pemutar Daging pada
174 Spit Jack
saat dipanggang
Tutup Penghalang Percikan
175 Splatter Guard
Minyak Goreng
176 Sponge Spons Untuk Mencuci Piring
177 Spoon Sendok
178 Springform Pan Panci Cetakan
179 Steak Hammer Palu Steak
180 Steak Knife Pisau Steak
181 Steel Wool Sabut Baja
Wajan Besar (Untuk
182 Stir Fry Pan

183 Strainer Saringan Goreng (Serok)

184 Stirring Spoon Sendok Pengaduk

185 Sugar Bowl Tempat Gula

186 Sugar Sifter Ayakan Gula

187 Table Meja

188 Tablecloth Taplak Meja

189 Tablespoon Sendok Makan

190 Tea Cup Cangkir Teh

191 Teapot Teko

192 Teaspoon Sendok Teh

193 Toaster Pemanggang Roti

194 Toaster Oven Oven Pemanggang Roti

195 Tongs Penjepit

196 Tooth Pick Tusuk Gigi

197 Toothpick Holder Tempat Tusuk Gigi

198 Trash Bags / Garbage Bags Kantong Sampah

199 Tray Baki / Nampan

200 Trivet Alas Saji Penahan Panas

201 Tureen Mangkok Sup
202 Vacuum Flask / Thermos Termos
203 Vegetable Bin Tempat Sayuran
204 Vegetable Brush Sikat Sayuran
205 Vegetable Peeler Pengupas Sayuran
206 Waffle Iron Cetakan Kue Wafel
207 Washing Machine Mesin Cuci
208 Washing-Up Liquid Cairan Pembersih
209 Waste Basket Keranjang Sampah
210 Waxed Paper Kertas Lilin
211 Whip Cambuk
Alat Pengocok Manual (Telur,
212 Whisk
Adonan, dll)
213 Wine and Beverage Cabinet Rak Minuman
214 Wok / Frying Pan Penggorengan
215 Yoghurt Maker Pembuat Yoghurt

Fruits Vocabulary
1 Apple
2 Watermelon
3 Orange
4 Pear
5 Cherry
6 Strawberry
7 Nectarine
8 Grape
9 Mango
10 Blueberry
11 Pomegranate
12 Carambola(U.K) – starfruit (U.S)
13 Plum
14 Banana
15 Raspberry
16 Mandarin
17 Jackfruit
18 Papaya
19 Kiwi
20 Pineapple
21 Lime
22 Lemon
23 Apricot
24 Grapefruit
25 Melon
26 Coconut
27 Avocado
28 Peach
types of Vegetables
Vegetables are certain parts of plants that are consumed by humans as food such
as peas, beans, cabbage, potatoes…
 Root Vegetables
 Onion Family
 Leafy Vegetables
 Squash
 Peas & Beans
 Swede/rutabaga (U.S.)
 Carrot
 Brussels sprout
 Pumpkin
 Cabbage
 Potato
 Eggplant
 Sweet potato
 Turnip
 Courgette (U.K.)/zucchini (U.S.)
 Green chilli
 Onion
 Lettuce
 Radish
 Pea
 Asparagus
 Celery
 Green pepper
 French beans
 Spinach
 Beetroot/beet (U.S.)
 Red chillies/red chili peppers (U.S.)
 Bean


Asparagus Asparagus

Bawang Bombay Onions

Bawang Daun Scallion


Bawang Merah Shallots

Bawang Putih Garlic

Bayam Spinach

Bayam Hijau Green Spinach

Bayam Jepang Japanese Spinach

Bayam Merah Red Spinach

Bit Beet

Brokoli Broccoli

Buncis Snaps

Cabe Chili

Cabe Besar Big Chilli

Cabe Rawit Cayenne Pepper

Cukini Courgettes

Daun Bawang Chives

Daun Bawang Merah Onion Leaves

Daun Gingseng Ginseng Leaf

Daun Pepaya Papaya Leaf

Daun Prey Prey Leaves

Daun Seledri Celery Leaves

Jagung Corn

Jagung Acar Pickled Corn

Jagung Manis Sweet Corn

Jamur Mushrooms

Jamur Campixnon Mushrooms Campixnon

Jamur Tiram Oyster Mushroom

Kacang Bogor Bogor Nuts

Kacang Buncis Green Beans

Kacang Kelisa Kelisa Nuts

Kacang Merah Red Beans

Kacang Panjang Long Beans

Kacang Tanah Peanuts

Kale Ampenan Kaelan

Sprout Kale




ahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia

Ambarella Buah Kedondong

Apple Apel

Apricot Aprikot

Avocado Alpukat

Banana Pisang

Bell pepper Paprika

Black sapote Sapote hitam

Blackberry Blackberry

Blackcurrant Blackcurrant

Blueberry Blueberry

Bread Fruit Buah Sukun

Buddha's hand Sejenis buah sitrus yang berasal dari China

Cantaloupe Melon Orange

Cherimoya  Sejenis Srikaya

Cherry Ceri

Chico fruit Sawo Manila

Chili pepper Cabai

Clementine Jeruk Keprok

Coconut Kelapa

Corn Jagung
ahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia

Crab apples Buah Bidara

Cranberry Cranberi

Cucumber Timun

Custard Apple Srikaya

Currant Kismis

Dates Kurma

Dragonfruit   Buah Naga

Durian Durian

Eggplant Terong

Elderberry Elderberry

Feijoa Jambu Nanas

Fig Buah Tin

Goji berry Goji berry

Gooseberry Gooseberry

Grape Anggur

Grapefruit Jeruk bali

Guava Jambu biji

Honeyberry Berry Madu

Jabuticaba Anggur Batang

Jackfruit Nangka

Jambul Jambu Keling

Japanese plum Prem jepang

ahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia

Jicama Bengkuang

Jujube Kurma Merah

Kiwano  Melon Bertanduk

Kiwifruit Buah kiwi

Kumquat Buah Kumquat

Jeruk Lemon

Lime jeruk nipis

Longan Lengkeng

Lychee Leci

Mandarine Orange Jeruk Mandarin

Mango Mangga

Mangosteen Manggis

Marionberry Marionberry

Melon Melon

Miracle fruit Buah ajaib

Mulberry Murbai

Olive Zaitun

Orange Jeruk

Papaya Pepaya

Passionfruit Markisa

Peach Persik

Pear Buah Pir

Persimmon Kesemek

Pineapple Buah Nanas

Pineberry Pineberry

Plantain Pisang raja

Plum Buah Prem

Pluot Buah Pluot

Pomegranate Buah Delima

Pomelo Jeruk Bali

Prune prem kering

Pumpkin Labu

Purple mangosteen Manggis ungu

Quince Buah Quince

Raisin kismis

Rambutan Rambutan

Raspberry Raspberry

Redcurrant Redcurrant

Snake Fruit Salak

Salal berry Salal berry

Salmonberry Salmonberry

Sapodilla Sawo

Satsuma Jeruk Satsuma

Soursop Sirsak

Squash Labu Siam

Star apple Sawo Apel

Star fruit Belimbing

Strawberry Stroberi

Surinam cherry Cherry Suriname

Tamarillo Terong Belanda

Tamarind Asam jawa

Tangerine Jeruk Siam

Tomato Tomat

Ugli fruit Buah Ugli

Watermelon Semangka

White currant Kismis putih

White sapote Sapote putih

Yuzu Yuzu (sejenis jeruk mandarin)

Zucchini Timun Jepang


Cabe Rawit Adas : Fennel

Adas Manis : Aniseed
Asam Jawa : Tamarind
Acar : Pickle

Bangkuang : Jicamah
Bawang Bombay : Onion
Bawang Daun : Green Onion
Bawang Daun : Scallion

Bawang Daun : Spring Onion

Bawang Merah : Shallot
Bawang Putih : Garlic
Beras Ketan : Glutinuous Rice
Bihun : Rice Vermicelli
Buah Lawang (Pekak) : Star Anise
Buah Pala : Nutmeg
Bunga Pala : Mace
Cabe : Chilli Pepper
Cengkeh : Cayenne

Cuka : Clove
Daun Pandan : Vinegar
Ebi : Screwpine Leaf
Garam : Dried Prawn (Shrimp)

Gula Merah/Jawa : Salt

Jahe : Palm Sugar

Jeruk Nipis/Limau : Ginger

Jintan : Lime
Kacang Ijo : Cummin
Kacang Mete : Mung Bean
Kacang Panjang : Cashew
Kacang Tanah : Long Bean
Kapulaga : Peanut
Kapur Sirih : Cardamom
Kayumanis : Lime Paste
Kecap Asin : Cinnamon

Kecap Ikan : Soya Sauce

Kecap Manis : Fish Sauce
Kedele : Sweet Soya Sauce
Kelapa : Soya Bean
Kemangi : Coconut
Kemiri : Basil
Ketumbar : Candle Nut
Kucai : Coriander
Kunyit : Chive
Lengkuas : Turmeric
Merica : Galangal

Minyak Wijen : Pepper

Paria : Sesame Oil
Petis : Bitter Melon
Ragi : Black Shrimp Paste
Rebung : Yeast
Santan : Bamboo Sprout
Saus Tir Am : Coconut Milk
Sedap Malam : Oyster Sauce
Seledri : Dried Lily Flower
Serai : Celery
Soun : Lemon Grass
Tahu : Mung Bean Thread
Tempe : Tofu
Tauco : Tempeh
Tauge : Preserved Soy Beans

Telur Puyuh : Bean Sprout

Tepung Beras : Quail’s Egg
Tepung Hunkwee : Rice Flour
Tepung Jagung : Mung Bean Flour
Tepung Kanji : Cornmeal
Tepung Ketan : Tapioca
Tepung Maizena : Sweet Rice Flour
Tepung Terigu : Cornstarch

Terasi : Wheat Flour, Bread Flour

Terong Hijau : Shrimp Paste

Ubi Jalar/Rambat : Thai Eggplant

Wijen : Sweet Potato
Putih Telur : Sesame Seed
Kuning Telur : Egg White
Pare : Egg Yolk
: Bitter Gourd

Anchovy Teri
Arapaima gigas Arapaima
Ariid Catfish Manyung
Arowana Arwana
Asian Redtail catfish Baung
Asian Swamp Eel Belut Sawah
Barracuda Barakuda
Beardless Barb Keperas
Bonito Bonito
Bonito Fish Bonito
Bonylip Barb Nilem
Butterflyfish Kepe-kepe
Catfish Lele
Chinese Herring Terubuk
Chub Mackerel Kembung
Climbing Perch Betok
Clownfish Badut
Coelacanth Coelacanth
Common Carp Ikan Mas
Common Dolphinfish Lemadang
Common Snakehead Gabus
Cutlassfish Layur
Discus Diskus
Dolphin Lumba-lumba
Dugong Duyung
Eel Sidat
Electric eel Belut Listrik
Flowerhorn cichlid Lou han
Flying fish Ikan Terbang
Freshwater Angelfish Manfish
Frogfish Ikan Kodok
Giant featherback Belida
Giant Gourami Gurami
Giant Snakehead Toman
Giant Trevally Belitong
Goldfish Maskoki
Grasscarp Kowan
Grouper Kerapu
Guppy/ Rainbow fish Gupi
Halfbeak Julung-Julung
Hampala Hampala
Herring Haring
Hickey Cupang
Ilish Hilsa
Indian Threadfin Senohong
Indo-pacific sailfish Layaran
Irrawaddy Dolphin Pesut
Javaen Barb Brek
Javan Combtail Kapar

1. Bandeng = milk fish

2. Bawal = pomfret fish
3. Bawal hitam = black pomfret
4. Bawal putih = white pomfret
5. Tongkol = tuna fish
6. Mujair = tilapia fish
7. Kembung = long jawed mackerel
8. Gabus = snakehead fish
9. Kakap biasa = snapper fish
10. Kakap merah = red snapper fish
11. Kakap putih = seabass
12. Lele = cat fish
13. Tenggiri = barred or spanish mackerel fish
14. Layur = sword fish or fish belt
15. Pari = stingray
16. Kerapu = groper fish
17. Selar = mackerel
18. Belut = eel
19. Gurame = carp
20. Sebelah = flounder
21. Ekor kuning = yellow tail fish
22. Mola = sunfish
23. Belanak = mullet
24. Teri = anchovy
25. Barakuda = barracuda fish
26. Ikan mas = gold fish
27. Ikan merah = perch
28. Ikan pecak = halibut
29. Ikan haring = herring
30. Ikan air tawar = trout
31. Tembang = sardine
32. Ikan salem = salmon
33. Nila = nile tilapia
34. Cakalang = skipjack tuna
35. Kuro = threadfin

.Add : menambahkan
2.Bake : memanggang
3.blend : menyampurkan
4.Boil : merebus
5.bread : menggiling
6.Broil : memanggang
7.chop : memotong
8.Cut : memotong
9.dip : mengambil dengan jari tangan
10.fry: menggoreng
11.grate : memarut
12.grill : memanggang
13.layer : melapisi
14.Melt : melelehkan
15.pinch : menjumput
16.pour : menuangkan
17.scramble : mengaduk
18.serve : menyajikan
19.slice : mengiris
20.spread : menyebar
21.stir : mengaduk
22.taste : merasakan
23.dice : memotong berbentuk kubik
24.mix : mencampur
25.peel : mengupas

Fry : menggoreng
Wash : mencuci
Cut: memotong
Stir : mengaduk
Pour : menuang
Heat : panaskan
Boil : rebus
Mix: campur
Bake : mengoven
Blend : mencampurkan

Baked : teknik memasak dengan cara dipanggang dalam oven tanpa menggunakan air
ataupun minyak.

Boiling : teknik memasak dengan cara merebus, biasanya digunakan pada saat suhu air
sudah mencapai titik didih (1000 C).

Broiling : teknik memasak dengan pemanas yang biasa dipakai dalam memasak
potongan daging apabila kita tidak ingin menggunakan teknik grilled.

Cured : teknik memasak dengan cara difilet.

Deep-fried : teknik memasak dengan cara digoreng kering (hingga hampir gosong).

Dressed : teknik memasak bagian akhir untuk menghias makanan yang telah jadi.

Fried : teknik memasak dengan cara digoreng.

Grilled : teknik memasak dengan cara memanggang. Biasa dipakai dalam memasak

In sauce : teknik memasak dengan menggunakan saos.

In syrup : teknik memasak dengan cara dibuat menjadi syrup.

Marinated : teknik memasak dengan cara diasikan (mengasinkan).

Mashed : teknik memasak dengan cara menumbuk.

Pan-Fried : teknik memasak dengan cara dikukus.

Pickled : Acar.

Poached : teknik memasak dengan cara direbus. Teknik ini biasa digunakan pada ikan,
telur, atau buah.

Simmering : teknik memasak dengan bahan makanan pada saus yang cari yang telah
didihkan dahulu, lalu api dikecilkan dibawaah titik didih dan direbus lama.

Smoked : teknik memasak dengan cara diasap (mengasap). Biasa digunakan pada
daging ataupun ikan.

Steamed : teknik memasak dengan cara dikukus.

Stewing : teknik memasak dengan cara perlahan dengan bahan makanan yang telah
dipotong kecil kecil. Teknik ini biasa digunakan untuk memasak daging.

Stuffed : teknik memasak dengan cara digoreng.

Break ADD: To put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others.

 Add more salt to the dish if necessary.

BAKE: To cook in an oven using heat and without extra fat, oil or liquid.

 It smells good in the kitchen because I’m baking a cake.

BARBECUE: To cook food (usually meat) by using fire or hot coals on a grill outside.

 I’m going to barbecue some sausages for lunch.

BEAT: To stir (usually eggs, cream, butter) quickly and continually to make a smooth or
frothy mixture.

 Beat the cream until it starts to thicken.

BLEND: To mix two or more substances so they combine together. Often done in an
appliance called a blender which has quickly rotating blades.

 You can blend fruit to make your own smoothie.

BOIL: To heat water or another liquid until little bubbles form.

 Boil the potatoes until they are cooked.

BREAK: To separate into smaller parts by force.

 Break the eggs into a glass bowl.

BROIL: To cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an extremely high temperature.

CARVE: To cut meat into slices.

 Who is going to carve the Thanksgiving turkey?

CHOP: To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables.

 Chop the spring onions then add them to the dish.

COMBINE: To put two or more things together.

COOK: To prepare food by heating it so that it is not raw and can be eaten.

 Cook the chicken until there are no pink parts.

CRUSH: To cause to separate or flatten by extreme force, often used with garlic.
CUT: To separate or divide a solid by using a knife.

 He cut the meat into little pieces.

DRAIN: to remove excess liquid from food after washing or cooking it.

 Drain the water from the pot of spaghetti.

FRY: To cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil.

 I fried some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

GRATE: To divide into small parts by rubbing on a serrated surface, usually used with

 Grate a large carrot and add it to the salad.

GREASE: To coat with oil or butter.

 Make sure you grease the pan before putting the mix in otherwise the cake will stick
to the sides.

GRILL: To cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to barbecue. Also refers to heating the
food under a grill in a cooker which radiates heat downwards.
KNEAD: To press and stretch dough with your hands. Usually used when making bread.

 Knead the dough for the pizza base.

MEASURE: To obtain an exact quantity or amount of an ingredient.

 Measure exactly half a teaspoon of curry.

MELT: to make something become liquid through heating.

 Melt the butter before adding it to the mix.

MICROWAVE: To heat up food with a microwave oven.

 Remove the food from the metal container before you microwave it.

MINCE: to grind food, normally meat, into small pieces. A machine is often used to do this.
MIX: To combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula, or electric mixer.

 Mix the flour, melted butter and sugar together.

OPEN: To remove the top from a can or jar.

PEEL: To remove the skin or outer layer from fruit or vegetables.

 Peel the potatoes before boiling them.

POUR: To transfer liquid from one container to another.

 Pour the chocolate sauce over the pears.

ROAST: To cook (usually meat and vegetables) in the oven or over a fire.

 We are going to roast the chicken and vegetables.

SAUTÉ: To quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan.

SCRAMBLE: To mix the white and yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in a

 Scramble the eggs in a frying pan.

SIFT: to put a fine substance through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles.

 Sift the flour into a large bowl.

SLICE: To cut into thin or wide portions that are of similar size.

 Slice the tomatoes and add them to the salad.

SPRINKLE: to cover an object or surface with small drops or particles of a substance.

 Sprinkle icing sugar over the cake.

SQUEEZE: to extract a liquid or soft substance from something by compressing it firmly.

 Squeeze the juice from three lemons.

STEAM: To cook by placing the food above boiling water. Steam is the vapor that comes
from hot water.
STIR: To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon around in a circular motion.

 Stir until the sugar has completely dissolved.

STIR-FRY: To cook small pieces of food by moving it quickly in a wok or pan with hot oil.

 I’m going to stir-fry these vegetables.

TENDERIZE: to make meat softer and easier to eat by beating it or adding marinade before
cooking it.

 I think we should tenderize the steak before cooking it.

WASH: To immerse food in water to make sure it becomes clean.

 Wash the strawberries before cutting them into pieces.

WEIGH: To measure the weight (grams, ounces or pounds) of something.

 Weigh the mix to make sure you have the right amount.

WHISH: to mix liquids, eggs, etc. into a stiff light mass, using a fork or a special tool (such as
a whisk).

 Whisk all of the eggs together with the milk.

 Melt
 Spread
 Layer
 Roll out
 Fry
 Peel
 Mix
 Whip
 Saute
 Taste
 Cut
 Chop
 Slice
 Grate
 Boil
 Steam
 Pinch
 Pour
 Add
 Barbecue
 Roast
 Bake
 Stir
 Weigh(stirahat
 Mencair
 Spread
 Lapisan
 Mulai tersedia
 Menggoreng
 Kulit
 Campuran
 Cambuk
 Tumis
 Rasa
 Memotong
 Memotong
 Mengiris
 Memarut
 Boiler
 Uap
 Mencubit
 Menuangkan
 Menambahkan
 Panggang
 Memanggang
 Membakar
 Menggerakkan
 Menimbang

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