A Trip To
A Trip To
A Trip To
Date: 16/01/2013
The subject: organization of a trip from Lebanon
to Jordan. 50 tourists will attend to this trip. There
are 25 Christian and 25 Muslims. My aim is not only
to take them to touristic places, but also making
them learn how to live and tolerate each other.
I know that’s not easy, but if I want only to dream and say it’s hard,
nothing will change. I believe if I began to work on my dream I might
make a difference. A small match can make a hug forest burn. So a
small trip can be the beginning of my dream.
This trip was hard to organize. The hardest thing was to find people
agreeing to this plan. T had many problems in convincing them that my
trip will succeed. After the advertisements for this trip I had many
applicants. During the interview I faced many refuses because they
didn’t accept the idea. After hearing this bad complains, I decided to
explain more about my trip and try to convince them that we are going
to explore Jordan and not we are going to criticize each other. But in
reality my goal was to make them learn how to treat each other.
The approach through the cool gloom of the Siq, a long narrow gorge whose
steeply rising sides all but obliterate the sun, provides a dramatic contrast with
the magic to come.
Suddenly the gorge opens into a natural square dominated by Petra's most
famous monument, the Khasneh, whose intricately carved facade glows in the
dazzling sun. More facades beckon the visitor on until the ancient city gradually
unfolds, one monument leading to the next for kilometer after kilometer.
The sheer size of the city and the quality of beautifully carved facades is
staggering and leads one to reflect on the creativity and industry of the
Nabateans who made Petra their capital more than 2,000 years ago.
Petra is an enchanting place that captivates and excites the senses. Its
overwhelming size, rich textures and stunning surroundings create an ambiance
almost impossible to describe.
Amman is the capital and largest city of Jordan.
The downtown area (known locally as the Balad) has been completely
dwarfed by the sprawling urban area that surrounds it. Despite the
changes, much remains of its old character.
For those seeking the atmosphere of the Old City, it is best to venture
to the district east of Jabal Amman.
There, in the bustle of daily life, you can explore the capital's greatest
souks, fine museums, ancient constructions, monuments, and cultural
It dates back to Roman and Byzantine times, and later work was
carried out in the early Islamic era.
Behind the Roman forum stands a Roman theatre - the largest theatre
in Jordan - with room for 6,000 spectators.
Dead Sea
The most spectacular site, is the Dead Sea, which at 400 meters
below sea level is the lowest body of water on earth.Surrounded by
arid hills, as devoid of life as the sea itself, the Dead Sea glistens under
a burning sun with barely a ripple disturbing its surface.
The rocks that meet its lapping edges become covered with a snow-
like thick gleaming deposit of white salt.
It is this extremely high concentration of salt that gives the Dead Sea
waters their renowned therapeutic qualities and their buoyancy.
Because the salt content is eight times that of most world's oceans, you
can float in the Dead Sea without even trying.
Massive mountains rise vertically out of the pink desert sand, which
separate one dark mass from another.
The faces of these sheer rock cliffs have been eroded by the wind into
faces of men, animals and monsters.
Scattered around are flint hand axes, while on the rocks at the feet of
the mountains the names of ancient travellers are scratched.
Today the major distraction in route to Aqaba is the fabled Wadi Rum.
As you near Wadi Rum, look to the left or to the north, and you will
see the Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
The true size of the mountains at Wadi Rum is only realized when a
human or animal form gives the vastness of perspective. Life does not
seem to have changed in Rum for a long time.
The pace is slow and tourist activities tend to centre on the rest house.
On the beaches visitors soak up the sun before cooling off in the
refreshingly cool waters.
It is the secrets these waters hold that makes Aqaba unique, for further
down the coast are some of the most spectacular coral reefs to be
found anywhere in the world.
Often over many hundreds of meters wide, the reef is made up of many
delicately hued corals among which live a myriad of brilliantly coloured
A stroll around the modern town will reveal the presence of some
excellent fish restaurants and craftsmen are to be found at work filling
small bottles with coloured sand in intricate geometric designs.
Jerash is known for the ruins of the Greco-Roman city of Gerasa, also
referred to as Antioch on the Golden River.
Recent excavations show that Jerash was already inhabited during the
Bronze Age (3200 BC - 1200 BC).
After the Roman conquest in 63 BC, Jerash and the land surrounding it
were annexed by the Roman province of Syria, and later joined the
Decapolis cities.
The Romans ensured security and peace in this area, which enabled its
people to devote their efforts and time to economic development and
encouraged civic building activity.
In the second half of the first century AD, the city of Jerash achieved
great prosperity.
In AD 106, the Emperor Trajan constructed roads throughout the
provinces and more trade came to Jerash. The Emperor Hadrian visited
Jerash in AD 129-130.
The triumphal arch (or Arch of Hadrian) was built to celebrate his visit.
As a result of all this, I can have many customers I think because our
company price offers are un beatable. Also we are showing images and
detailed information about our trip and prices. So if everything is well
seen and known to the customer he will be able to take a good
decisionFor what option he will choose.