Architecture Landscape Architecture Design
Architecture Landscape Architecture Design
Architecture Landscape Architecture Design
Landscape Architecture
9 783034 606974 260/89018 Design
Ramon Prat
Group Managing Director
Building Books 4
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Interview with Dino Simonett 10
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Studies | Professional Practice 84
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Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architects 96
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Building books
4 wo rk flows B u i l d i n g Bo o k s
Building Books
Dear Reader,
Be inspired!
Ulrich Schmidt
Chief Unit Manager, Birkhäuser
Gerrit Terstiege
Editor-in-Chief, form magazine
10 wo rk flow s i n T e rv i e w wi T h di n o s i m o n e T T
Jozo Palkovits ©
wo r kflows inT erv i ew wi T h di no si mo neT T 11
conceptual work myself, really, and I fall always carting boxes of books around,
in love with my own ideas too quickly and taking them to the post office. So at least
am too easily satisfied and then I get lazy. every day I have the pleasure of looking at
But I’m working on it, I promise! attractive well-made books while I’m hard
at work in the business.
Alvar Aalto—
The Complete work
Karl Fleig, Elissa Aalto (Eds)
Jo Coenen
Barragán— From urban design Non-fictional
space and to Architectural Narratives
shadow, walls detail denton corker
and Colour Hilde de Haan marshall
Danièle Pauly In cooperation with NAI Publishers Leon van Schaik
Gatermann + Von Gerkan, Marg Ideas Exchange
schossig und Partner The collaborative
space Art Architecture studio of hawkins\
Technology 2001–2003 Brown
Klaus-Dieter Weiss Meinhard von Gerkan Tim Abrahams
Hermann &
New Valentiny and
Architecture in Context codes
helin workshop Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm
Peter Davey With a foreword by Ingeborg Flagge
Volume 3:
Volume 4:
star architects herzog & de meuron have established themselves 1997–2001
as one of today’s leading international practices. Birkhäuser
presents their complete works.
The long-awaited fourth volume
1997. 238 pp., 230 color, 331 b/w ills., 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound. of the complete works! The
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 129.00 Tate modern in london made
978-3-7643-5616-3 German / English
herzog & de meuron famous all
over the world. The projects and
Volume 2: structures they have built since
then are distinguished by the
1989–1991 sensitive treatment of materi-
als and shapes for which the
architects are renowned.
presenting 32 projects of this period, with an updated bibliogra-
phy and chronology of the architects’ complete works. 2009. 352 pp., 1500 color ills., 500
drawings. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 119.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
2005. 211 pp., 140 color, 70 b/w ills., 291 drawings.
978-3-7643-8640-5 English
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 129.00
978-3-7643-7365-8 German / English
22 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs
kengo kuma—
The Teahouse
kiessler + Partner kengo kuma of the museum
Architekten of Applied Arts
Uwe Kiessler (Ed.)
materials, Frankfurt
With an introduction by Manfred Sack structures, details Volker Fischer, Ulrich Schneider (Eds)
Vol. 1: 1910–1929
Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov (Eds)
Complete works
in 8 volumes Vol. 2: 1929–1934
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov,
Max Bill (Eds) 2006. 14th printing. 208 pp.,
550 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5504-3 fr. / Engl. / Ger.
Vol. 3: 1934–1938
Max Bill (Ed.)
Vol. 4: 1938–1946
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
Vol. 5: 1946–1952
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
This exceptional complete works edition documents the enor- Vol. 6: 1952–1957
mous spectrum in the œuvre of one of the most influential Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
architects of the 20th century. published between 1929 and 1970,
in close collaboration with le corbusier himself, and frequently 2006. 9th printing. 224 pp.,
reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive 428 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5508-1 fr. / Engl. / Ger.
and singular survey of his work.
Vol. 8: 1965–1969
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
le Corbusier—
Polychromie architecturale
color keyboards from
1931 and 1959
Arthur Rüegg (Ed.)
le Corbusier—
Heidi weber—50 The Artist
Years Ambassador works from the
for le Corbusier Heidi weber le Corbusier—
1958–2008 Collection The Graphic work
Heidi Weber Heidi Weber (Ed.) Heidi Weber (Ed.)
From the summer of 1958, edition heidi weber: presenting must-have publications for all
when she first met Le Corbusier le corbusier’s largely unknown le corbusier enthusiasts.
in cap martin, until today, heidi artistic œuvre.
weber has worked tirelessly 2004. 112 pp., 84 color ills.,
to popularize his work. This 2004. 160 pp., 181 color, 10 b/w ills., 30.2 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover in slipcase.
31.4 × 25.2 cm. Cloth bound. EUr 91.59 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 115.00
volume documents fifty years 978-3-7643-7225-5 German / English
EUr 147.66 / GBP 133.00 / UsD 195.00
of activity with illustrations of 978-3-7643-7219-4 English
more than one hundred of le 29.7 × 24.5 cm. softcover.
corbusier’s works from heidi EUr 45.79 / GBP 35.00
978-3-7643-7218-7 German / English
weber’s collection.
Maison Blanche—
le Corbusier
history and
restoration of the
villa Jeanneret-
Une petite maison The Modulor and perret 1912–2005
1923 Modulor 2 Klaus Spechtenhauser, Arthur Rüegg
Le Corbusier Le Corbusier (Eds)
le corbusier’s modulor—a
fundamental work in the history
of architecture—as a beautiful
The villa known as maison
facsimile edition.
Blanche is one of le corbusier’s
This book tells the story of the early masterworks. After stand-
2000. 579 pp., 298 b/w ills.,
little house le corbusier built 14.8 × 15.8 cm. Two softcover ing empty for years, the building
1923 near vevey on the board volumes in slipcase. was restored by a specially
of the lake of geneva for his EUr 44.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 50.00 formed association. The prac-
978-3-7643-6187-7 french
mother. written, photographed, ticability of these measures
978-3-7643-6188-4 English
illustrated and designed by was carefully determined with
le corbusier. a feasibility study conducted
on the basis of reports and
2001. 80 pp., 37 b/w ills., archival studies.
12.0 × 16.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 27.94 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 36.95
2007. 184 pp., 92 color, 111 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-5512-8 french / German /
49 drawings.
23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-7836-3 English
978-3-7643-7835-6 french
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 27
The rhetoric of
Modernism: Apartment Block le Corbusier:
le Corbusier 24 N.C. and le The Chapel at
as a lecturer Corbusier’s Home ronchamp
Tim Benton Jacques Sbriglio Danièle Pauly
le Corbusier: le Corbusier:
The Monastery of The Unité
le Corbusier: sainte Marie de la d’Habitation in
The Villa savoye Tourette Marseilles
Jacques Sbriglio Philippe Potié Jacques Sbriglio
with its clear construction, the A guide to the convent sainte A compact monograph on the
villa savoye, completed in 1931, marie de la Tourette near lyon: famous unité d’habitation in
established le corbusier’s and a masterpiece of modern ec- marseille, a pioneering achieve-
pierre Jeanneret’s reputation clesiastical architecture. ment in social housing, in the
as an undisputed master of successful series “guides le
twentieth-century architecture. 2001. 136 pp., 20 color, 72 b/w ills., corbusier.”
in this guide, historic docu- 12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 21.95
ments and new photographs 978-3-7643-6298-0 french / English
2004. 244 pp., 34 color, 77 b/w ills.,
provide an in-depth presenta- 12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 24.90 / GBP 18.50 / UsD 27.95
tion both to visitors to the site 978-3-7643-6718-3 french / English
and to interested readers at
Architecture and
le Corbusier: utopia in the era
The Villas la of the French Counterpoint:
roche-Jeanneret revolution Daniel libeskind
Jacques Sbriglio Anthony Vidler Paul Goldberger
Christoph Mäckler Mendelsohn—
The remateriali- the Complete
sation of modern Graeme Mann & works
Architecture Patricia Capua Bruno Zevi
With biographical notes by
Christoph Mäckler Mann Louise Mendelsohn
the Ground—
Urbanism Today Jean Prouvé—
re: CP The work of Highlights
Cedric Price
palmbout urban 1917–1944
With contributions by Arata Isozaki, Peter Sulzer
Patrick Keiller, Hans Ulrich Obrist and landscapes With photographs by Erika Sulzer-
Rem Koolhaas With an essay by Aaron Betsky Kleinemeier
Volume 1: 1917–1933
Complete works
for architects, engineers and
furniture designers.
Peter Sulzer
With photographs by Erika Sulzer-Kleinemeier 1999. 239 pp., 25 color, 720 b/w ills.,
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 139.00
978-3-7643-6040-5 french / English
Volume 2: 1934–1944
Volume 3: 1944–1954
Volume 4: 1954–1984
workmanship outline
The Architecture working philosophy Architecture by
of richter & Dahl and design schmidt hammer
rocha practice lassen
Klaus - Dieter Weiss schmidt hammer lassen k/s (Ed.)
form follows
schulitz Archi- Valode & Pistre
tekten Bernard Tschumi Architects
Helmut C. Schulitz Gilles de Bure Philip Jodidio
New Architectural
Gert wingårdh Thinking environments—
Thirty years of Architecture surrounding
Architecture Peter Zumthor objects
Mikael Nanfeldt (Ed.) 3rd, expanded edition Peter Zumthor
Exploring New
Boundaries Architekten
The Architecture of frank lloyd Profile 2011/2012
wilkinson eyre wright Birkhäuser GmbH (Ed.)
Peter Davey, Kurt W. Forster Daniel Treiber In cooperation with Baunetz
The manual addresses funda- An indispensable planning aid “Facade construction manual”
mental questions of sustain- for energy-efficient and sus- provides a systematic survey of
ability, including life-span, envi- tainable construction; following contemporary expertise in the
ronmental impact, and material the proven model of earlier application of new materials
cycles, while also presenting manuals in the series. and energy-efficient technolo-
material innovations. All of the gies in facade design. it surveys
principal conventional and in- 2008. 280 pp., 390 color, 150 b/w ills., the facade design requirements
novative construction materials 500 drawings. made by various types of build-
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
are documented, with attention EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
ings, as well as the most im-
to their production, treatment, 978-3-7643-8764-8 English portant materials, from natural
surfaces, connections, and softcover. stone through to synthetics,
characteristics. EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 89.95 and documents a diversity of
978-3-7643-8830-0 English
construction forms for a wide
2006. 280 pp., 385 color, 11 b/w ills., range of building types.
278 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
2004. 320 pp., 471 color, 36 b/w ills.,
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 145.00
720 drawings.
978-3-7643-7570-6 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 145.00
978-3-7643-7109-8 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 41
Interiors Con-
flat roof Con- struction Manual
struction Manual integrated
Roofing Systems, Glass planning, Finish-
supporting Construction ings and Fitting-
structure, Manual out, Technical
Christian Schittich, Gerald Staib, Dieter
refurbishment Balkow, Matthias Schuler et al. services
Klaus Sedlbauer, Rainer Barthel, In cooperation with DETAIL Gerhard Hausladen,
Hartwig Künzel, Eberhard Schunck 2nd revised and expanded edition. Karsten Tichelmann
roof Construction Construction
refurbishment Manual Manual
Manual pitched roofs Thomas Herzog, Julius Natterer, Roland
Georg Giebeler, Harald Krause, Eberhard Schunck, Hans Jochen Oster, Schweitzer, Michael Volz et al.
Rainer Fisch, Florian Musso et al. Rainer Barthel, Kurt Kießl In cooperation with DETAIL
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL New revised and expanded edition
The “refurbishment manual” The “roof construction manual” This manual is a comprehen-
constitutes a practical planning is a comprehensive reference sive and indispensable
aid on the subject of refurbish- work on the construction of reference work in the specialist
ment. it offers concrete tips pitched roofs, containing over literature on timber. chapters
on planning steps, methods 1800 plans and 220 photo- cover the significance of timber
of building analysis, and cost graphs. Thirteen fundamental with particular reference to
benchmarks, as well as clear roof types and the relevant ma- ecology is also investigated.
constructional solutions with terials including thatch, wood, Timber as a load-bearing mate-
built projects as examples. slate, tile, concrete, fibrous rial is considered, and topics
cement, bitumen, glass, metal, such as new methods of joining,
2009. 272 pp., 400 color, 1100 b/w ills., membranes, and synthetic transport and montage are also
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. materials are documented in documented.
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
978-3-7643-9946-7 English
softcover 2004. 375 pp., 179 color, 630 b/w ills.,
EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 99.00 2003. 448 pp., 108 color, 48 b/w ills., 4000 drawings.
978-3-7643-9947-4 English 1800 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 140.00
EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 145.00 978-3-7643-7025-1 English
978-3-7643-6986-6 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 43
In Detail: Building
in Existing fabric
In Detail: In Detail: extensions, new
Building simply Building skins design
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL
In Detail:
In Detail: Interior surfaces
Cost-Effective In Detail: and Materials
Building Interior spaces Aesthetics,
economic concepts space, light, Technology,
and constructions materials implementation
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL
This volume focuses on projects This bestselling “in detail” Architecture is defined by its
otherwise overshadowed by the volume examines the use of materials and surfaces. not
spectacular and extravagant materials, lighting and color in infrequently, it is their look and
buildings that fill the specialist creating ambiance. feel that determine whether a
journals: unvarnished, unpreten- project succeeds or fails. “in
tious buildings that, despite 2002. 175 pp., 144 color, 15 b/w ills., detail: interior surfaces and
tight budgets, are clearly 157 drawings. materials” provides detailed
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
worked out to the last detail. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 59.95
and specific information on the
They exemplify how, and by 978-3-7643-6630-8 English use of appropriate materials in
what measures, cost-effective 978-3-7643-7148-7 french interior design.
planning and building are 978-3-7643-7147-0 Italian
978-3-7643-7146-3 spanish
possible. 2008. 176 pp., 146 color ills.,
274 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
2008. 176 pp., 146 color, 69 b/w ills.,
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
205 drawings.
978-3-7643-8810-2 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8393-0 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 45
Acoustics and Barrier-free
In Detail: solar sound Insulation Design
Architecture principles, principles,
strategies, visions, planning, planning,
concepts examples examples
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Eckard Mommertz Oliver Heiss, Christine Degenhart,
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL Johann Ebe
in modern masonry work it is A handbook for quick, goal-ori- This book provides the basic
customary to use large size ented reading and implementa- information needed to work
blocks in building. They fulfil all tion. case study projects ex- with the concrete, with special
the construction requirements emplify common norm details attention to the architect’s
even in singlelayer outside using large-scale drawings. role in planning and construc-
walls. using two houses as The fundamentals of planning tion management. it describes
examples all details are pre- load-bearing structures provide current trends in concrete
sented clearly and comprehen- design and planning help. technology and the develop-
sively in a scale of 1:10. ment of innovative new types of
2007. 112 pp., 72 color, 40 b/w ills., concrete, with firsthand reports
2004. 118 pp., 15 color, 4 b/w ills., 154 drawings. by architects in the field.
127 drawings. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-8386-2 English 2006. 110 pp., 85 color, 44 b/w ills.,
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
28 drawings.
978-3-7643-7111-1 English
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-7631-4 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 47
Dressed stone Upgrades
Dry Construction Types of stone, principles, details,
principles, details, details, examples examples
examples Theodor Hugues, Ludwig Steiger, Clemens Richarz, Christina Schulz,
Karsten Tichelmann, Jochen Pfau Johann Weber Friedemann Zeitler
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL
“detail practice: dry construc- This international edition has A practical guide with concrete
tion” provides an overview been extended to incorporate a recommendations for realizing
of the most widely used dry chapter on facade techniques energy-related renovation
construction systems, organ- in the construction section, and measures. All energy-related
ized according to the building the charts now include a selec- issues are treated according to
components wall, ceiling, and tion of the 80 most sought after their goals. large-scale detail
floor and their applications. european stone types. The uses drawings document construc-
of dressed stone are shown in tive solutions for removing
2009. 112 pp., 242 color, 2 b/w ills., detailed drawings on a scale of structural weaknesses. An
133 drawings. 1:10, and particular attention is overview of installation en-
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
paid to the joints and specific gineering measures helps to
978-3-7643-8808-9 English related problems. evaluate possibilities, costs,
and economic viability.
2005. 134 pp., 242 color, 2 b/w ills.,
133 drawings. 2007. 112 pp., 11 color, 15 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 167 drawings.
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7273-6 English EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-8121-9 English
48 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als
Glass in Building Materials lighting Design
principles, principles, principles,
Applications, materials, implementation,
examples Applications case studies
Bernhard Weller, Stefan Unnewehr, Margit Pfundstein, Roland Gellert, Ulrike Brandi Licht
Silke Tasche, Kristina Härth Martin Spitzner, Alexander Rudolphi In cooperation with DETAIL
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL 2nd enlarged edition
“glass in Building” offers a com- “detail practice: insulating ma- Assembled by experienced
pact and illustrated overview of terials” offers a comprehensive authors and experts from the
the material-appropriate use catalogue of insulating materi- worlds of practice and teaching,
of glass in building construc- als for use in construction. this volume provides an intro-
tion and provides information notes on the individual types duction to the most important
on designing with glass and of insulating materials provide aspects of natural and artificial
producing and using special- information on the raw materi- lighting design. in addition to
ized glass products, as well as als they contain as well as their straightforward planning rules
on the building and planning typical attributes, areas of ap- it also introduces and explains
regulations that must be taken plication, and delivery forms. current natural and artificial
into account when constructing lighting systems.
with glass. 2008. 112 pp., 64 color, 7 b/w ills.,
103 drawings. 2006. 112 pp., 93 color, 8 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 99 drawings.
2009. 112 pp., 70 color ills.,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
100 drawings.
978-3-7643-8654-2 English EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 46.95
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95 978-3-7643-7493-8 English
978-3-0346-0132-0 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 49
An illustrated guide to the tech- plastering, colors, and coatings Traditionally, stretched paper,
nical, design, and construction- help characterize surfaces, de- finely-cut stone, or stained
al aspects of integrating solar termine the impression a room glass were used to create mood
plants into buildings. The chap- makes, create light effects. and atmosphere. These are now
ter on building law, a glossary, This volume uses international giving way to a new generation
and additional sources and examples to present innova- of innovative materials—com-
directories point the way for tive solutions on this theme. posite glass, synthetic panels,
further study. impeccably real- expert authors describe and membranes and perforated
ized example projects round out define the essential principles, metals. An up-to-date survey
the book with demonstrations drawing attention to points to of translucent materials, their
of the various options for in- be aware of. technical properties and ap-
stalling photovoltaics on roofs plications.
and facades. 2004. 112 pp., 127 color, 8 b/w ills.,
76 drawings. 2004. 110 pp., 110 color, 29 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 65 drawings.
2010. 112 pp., 240 color ills.,
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
130 drawings.
978-3-7643-7110-4 English EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 48.95
21.0 x 29.7 cm. softcover
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 978-3-7643-7033-6 English
978-3-0346-0369-0 English
50 A rC H I TECTUr E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als
Constructing Topseller
Topselle materials, processes,
Pinpoint structures
Andrea Deplazes (Ed.)
Bruno Keller, Stephan Rutz 2nd, revised and expanded edition
w Ne
scale: scale:
open | Close Enclose | Build
windows, doors, The Building envelope —
gates, loggias, Filters Facade, wall, roof
Jan-Henrik Hafke, Anette Hochberg, Joachim Raab Martin Krammer, Jörg Sturm, Susanne Wartzeck
A practical handbook for the planning and con- “enclose | Build” shows the conditions under
struction of all forms of apertures and openings, which certain constructions can be employed
from doors to skylights, from the first design idea and why; what criteria such as construction
to the final details, ideal for quick and targeted costs, issues of sustainability, of energy effi-
consultation. ciency, of assembly or of insulation or protection
against moisture can also influence the choice
2009. 176 pp., 150 color, 50 b/w ills., of a system. “enclose | Build” is an indispensable
500 drawings. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. tool for every architect.
EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-7643-9961-0 English
2010. approx. 176 pp. approx. 150 color, 25 b/w ills.,
200 drawings, 22.0 x 28.0 cm. softcover.
approx. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-0346-0207-5 English
52 A rC H I TECTUr E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als
scale: Heat | Cool
energy concepts, principles, installations
Manfred Hegger, Joost Hartwig, Martin Keller
2010. 176 pp., approx. 150 color, 25 b/w ills., 200 drawings,
22.0 x 28.0 cm. softcover.
approx. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0513 - 7 English
Topselle A r CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri Als 53
The Articulate
ornament and New
Technology in façades
contemporary Building envelopes Access for All
Architecture for the 21st Approaches to the
Ben Pell
With contributions by Andreas Hild, century Built environment
Sam Jacob and Alejandro Zaera-Polo Dirk U. Hindrichs, Winfried Heusler (Eds) Wolfgang Christ (Ed.)
old & New—Design Manual for
revitalizing Existing Buildings
Frank Peter Jäger ( Ed.)
Prefabricated Architecture in
façades systems Motion—Dynamic
principles of principles of Components and
construction construction Elements
Ulrich Knaack, Tillmann Klein, Ulrich Knaack, Sharon Chung-Klatte, Michael Schumacher, Oliver Schaeffer,
Marcel Bilow, Thomas Auer Reinhard Hasselbach Michael-Marcus Vogt
Digital Culture in New Tectonics
Portable Architecture Towards a new
Architecture An introduction Theory of digital
design and for the design Architecture—
Technology professions 7th Feidad Award
Robert Kronenburg Antoine Picon Yu-Tung Liu (Ed.)
essential pv know-how for “climate skin” offers concrete
architects: this handbook planning advice for architects
prof. hovestadt’s institute
presents photovoltaic tech- and engineers who wish to ex-
for cAAd is one of the most
nologies and products, and ploit not only the architectural
important institutes work-
illustrates their application in potential of facades but also
ing at the interface between
new or existing buildings with their energy and climate-
architecture and information
numerous international case- control possibilities.
technology. This book presents
practical and innovative strate-
2008. 191 pp., 218 color, 40 b/w ills.,
gies, illustrated by numerous 165 drawings.
2009. 192 pp., 96 color ills.,
realized projects. 74 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 978-3-7643-7725-0 English
2009. 280 pp., 100 color, 20 b/w ills.,
110 drawings. 978-3-7643-9948-1 English
16.5 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 41.96 / GBP 32.90 / UsD 64.95
German / English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 59
ClimateDesign sustainable
solutions for Engineering for Design
Buildings that can a finite Planet Towards a
do more with less sustainable new ethic in
Technology solutions by Buro Architecture and
Gerhard Hausladen, Michael de happold Town planning
Saldanha, Petra Liedl, Christina Sager Peter Davey Marie-Hélène Contal, Jana Revedin
sustainability is pivotal to
how does the facade design developing an architecture
The international, multi-
of a building influence climate capable of meeting the chal-
disciplinary engineering firm
design? how can planners lenges of the future. This book
Buro happold has been active
guarantee flexibility of usage, shows the work of international
in sustainable and environ-
determine the technical strat- architects who have excelled in
mental engineering design for
egy and select from available this area.
thirty years and has earned a
systems accordingly? This
reputation for expertise and ex-
volume offers a comprehensive 2009. 184 pp., 140 color, 60 b/w ills.,
cellence in this field. This book 60 drawings.
approach to energy efficient
introduces the work of the firm, 23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
building design in addition to EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 79.95
presenting selected projects
providing practical planning 978-3-7643-9938-2 English
with a wide range of construc-
aids for a wide selection of
tional detail.
building types.
2009. 151 pp., 108 color, 46 b/w ills.,
2005. 200 pp., 216 color, 67 b/w ills., 29 drawings.
264 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 79.95 978-3-7643-7220-0 English
978-3-7643-7244-6 English
60 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als
Material Design New
informing New 128 Colors
Architecture by Plastics A sample Book
materiality in Architecture for Architects,
and Construction conservators and
Thomas Schröpfer
With contributions by James Carpenter,
Sheila Kennedy, Liat Margolis, Toshiko Stephan Engelsmann, Valerie Spalding, designers
Mori, Nader Tehrani, Peter Yeadon Stefan Peters Katrin Trautwein
The rauch House
roger Boltshauser / Martin rauch
Otto Kapfinger, Axel Simon
Glass structures
Transparent design and The Art of Precast
Plastics construction of Concrete
design and self-supporting colour, Texture,
Technology skins expression
Simone Jeska Jan Wurm David Bennett
light Zone City Buildings
light planning in A design manual Museum Buildings
the urban context Jürgen Adam, Katharina Hausmann, A design manual
Christa van Santen Frank Jüttner Paul von Naredi-Rainer
research and
Technology schools and
Buildings sacred Buildings kindergartens
A design manual A design manual A design manual
Hardo Braun, Dieter Grömling Rudolf Stegers Mark Dudek
In Detail:
In Detail: small Exhibitions and
structures Displays In Detail: High-
compact dwellings, museum design Density Housing
temporary concepts, Brand concepts,
structures, room presentation, Trade planning,
modules show design construction
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL
shelters, kiosks, snack bars, From trade fair stands to Building high-density housing is
bus stops, telephone booths museum concepts, the suc- a diverse and challenging task
—small buildings shape our cessful transfer of information for planners and architects. This
daily lives and occupy a definite to a wide public audience relies book presents international
place in the infrastructure on effective staging and ap- projects which document the
of the city. There exist many propriate architectural design. complexity of the task, from the
potential ways to ensure the with extensively documented design of the floor plans, the de-
quality of everyday design hid- project examples organized by velopment and use of resources,
den in these small necessities. presentation or exhibition type, to the use of economically ben-
This volume spans the arc be- this volume offers a detailed eficial building systems.
tween architecture and product roadmap to practical success.
design and their successful 2004. 174 pp., 120 color, 29 b/w ills.,
realization is evident in the 2009. 176 pp., 150 color ills., 270 212 drawings.
drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
details of their construction. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-9955-9 English 978-3-7643-7113-5 English
2010. 176 pp., 150 color, 270 b/w ills.,
23.0 x 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.95
978-3-0346-0283-9 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 71
In Detail:
Housing for
People of All Ages In Detail: single In Detail: semi-
flexible, unrestrict- family Houses Detached and
ed, senior-friendly Christian Schittich (Ed.) Terraced Houses
Christian Schittich (Ed.) In cooperation with DETAIL Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL New enlarged edition In cooperation with DETAIL
organized thematically, this Fully revised and expanded: in semi-detached and Terraced
book highlights a variety of this book, 15 international ex- houses and ribbon develop-
well-defined topics, such as amples are presented, review- ments constitute an affordable
handicap-accessibility and ing the most important aspects alternative to the single-family
flexibility of use, and presents of construction including the house, especially for young fam-
them together with explanatory use of wood, steel, brickwork ilies. in times of tight budgets and
technical articles and examples and concrete which have all rising investment costs, they
of realized projects. in closing, it become established materials represent a sensible alternative
provides addresses of informa- for this type of building. to the freestanding single-family
tion centers as well as sources house, particularly in terms of
of additional information. 2005. 192 pp., 133 color, 74 b/w ills., their use of open space.
201 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
2007. 176 pp., 179 color, 63 b/w ills., 2006. 176 pp., 127 color, 55 b/w ills.,
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
185 drawings. 236 drawings.
978-3-7643-7277-4 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95 EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8119-6 English 978-3-7643-7489-1 English
72 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s
Courtyard freestanding
Houses row Houses Town Houses Houses
A housing A housing A housing A housing
Typology Typology Typology Typology
Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck
This volume deals with This book is devoted This volume of the To develop existing
the various types of the to the various types of series on residential building types in an
courtyard house, which row house, a particu- buildings deals with intelligent way is a cru-
utilizes the court- larly widespread form the different types of cial task in residential
yard as an intimate of residential structure. the townhouse. The building. This volume
outdoor living space. A general discussion of authors present them deals with the types of
A presentation of the the row as organizing according to urban freestanding houses,
courtyard as a building principle—the row as constellation: row, whose all-around ori-
block of the city is urban building block, twin-row, block perim- entation allows for the
followed by coverage of linear space, ways of eter and infill sites. optimal arrangement
the complete spectrum handling corners—is of all dwellings. The
of types—cluster, followed by the sys- 2009. 128 pp., range of possible solu-
network, carpet, ter- tematic presentation 48 b/w ills., 212 drawings. tions is presented in
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
races, etc. of the different types. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
uniform ground plans
UsD 44.95 and sections newly
2008. 112 pp., 2008. 112 pp., 978-3-7643-8610-8 English drawn to scale.
34 b/w ills., 183 drawings. 51 b/w ills., 210 drawings.
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. 23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
2010. 120 pp.,
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
50 b/w ills., 200 drawings.
UsD 44.95 UsD 39.95
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7840-0 English 978-3-7643-7838-7 English
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
UsD 44.95
978-3-0346-0073-6 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 73
r Ne
Typology+ Housing+
innovative housing Threshold, Access
construction and Transparency in
Peter Ebner, Eva Herrmann, Roman Höllbacher, residential Buildings
Markus Kuntscher et al. Ulrike Wietzorrek ( Ed.)
“Typology+” documents and analyzes roughly The book covers the entire broad spectrum
one hundred international housing structures, of urban apartment block construction from
offering not only a broad range of sustainable towers, block structures, row houses, and gaps
approaches to apartment block construction, between buildings to housing complexes in
but also possibilities for using and transforming outlying urban areas. diagrams of access, build-
them in a practical planning context. ing, and city - planning structures enlarge upon
the typological drawings. The documentation of
2010. 432 pp., 320 color ills., 400 drawings. individual example projects is supplemented by
23.5 × 31.5 cm. Hardcover. more general essays on various topics.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 109.00
978-3-0346-0087-3 English
2011. approx. 424 pp., approx 350 color, 350 b/w ills.,
200 drawings, 23.5 x 31.5 cm. Cloth bound.
approx. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 95.00
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0614 - 1 English
74 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s
small scale, Topselle
Big Change r
New new Architectures
of social
living in the Alps engagement floor Plan Manual
kunst Meran/o arte (Ed.) with Andres Lepik housing
E. Herrmann, M. Kuntscher With an introduction by Barry Bergdoll Friederike Schneider (Ed.)
Building with
water New Approaches
concepts, Typology, to Housing for the New forms of
design second Half of
Zoë Ryan life Collective Housing
With contributions by Dieter Grau, Zeljka Andreas Huber (Ed.) in Europe
Carol Kekez and Chris Zevenbergen In cooperation with ETH Wohnforum arc en rêve centre d’architecture (Ed.)
Guide Basel
wood Houses new Buildings in
spaces for footbridges the Trinational city
contemporary construction, since 1980
living and working design, history Lutz Windhöfel
Dominique Gauzin-Müller Ursula Baus, Mike Schlaich 3rd, expanded edition
Tendencies New
—recent Austrian
Architecture in Phenomenon Made in Norway
Ticino Architekture norwegian
reprint, 3rd ed., Avantgarde Architecture Today
Ingerid Helsing Almaas ( Ed.)
1977 Austria 1956–1973 In cooperation with Arkitektur N. The
Martin Steinmann ( Ed.) Architekturzentrum Wien (Ed.) Norwegian Review of Architecture
Cities of Change:
Beyond Modernist Addis Ababa
Masters Transformation City of Collision
contemporary strategies for Jerusalem and
Architecture in urban Territories in the principles of
latin America the 21st century Conflict Urbanism
Felipe Hernández Marc Angélil, Dirk Hebel Philipp Misselwitz, Tim Rieniets (Eds)
small Town
New Alpine sustainability
Architecture Quartier Ecoparc / economic, social,
Architecture prize Ecoparc Quarter and environmental
2006 Bauart # 2 innovation
Christoph Mayr Fingerle (Ed.) Bruno Marchand Paul L. Knox, Heike Mayer
Architecture in Town spaces
Vorarlberg switzerland— contemporary
energy concepts an Urban Portrait interpretations
and construction Roger Diener, Jacques Herzog, Marcel
Meili, Pierre de Meuron et al.
in Traditional
systems ETH Studio Basel, Institut Stadt der urbanism
Ulrich Dangel Gegenwart Rob Krier
Building Projects
in the European
Architecture: Union
the Element of Building Projects Architectural
success in China export opport-
Building strate- A manual for unities: A manual
gies and Business Architects and for Architects and
objectives engineers engineers
Susanne Knittel-Ammerschuber Bert Bielefeld, Lars-Phillip Rusch Bert Bielefeld, Falk Würfele
Basics series
2007–2010. approx. 80 pp., many color ills.
15.5 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 12.90 / GBP 12.00 / UsD 16.50
Basics Architectural
Basics Career start set Photography
Bert Bielefeld (Ed.) Michael Heinrich
Basics Barrier-free
Planning Basics CAD Basics Design Ideas
Isabella Skiba, Rahel Züger Jan Krebs Bert Bielefeld, Sebastian El khouli
“Basics Barrier-free planning” computer-aided design (cAd) “design ideas” offers students
improves our understanding is the rendering of architectural a variety of different ways to
of the needs of people with drawings using the computer, go about finding a design solu-
disabilities, children, and the which today plays a central role tion. in addition to suggesting
elderly, all of whom have special in almost all architectural firms. fundamental ways to get the
requirements when using a This volume explains the princi- creative process moving and
building. The book presents ples and fundamentals of cAd develop a design approach, it
possibilities for designing and provides the student with a also proposes various sources
buildings and their spaces so simple and easily understand- of inspiration for design ideas. itt
they can be used by everyone. able path to using the computer focuses on the three elements
as a tool and medium. of place, form, and function,
978-3-7643-8959-8 English
which can sometimes consti-
978-3-7643-8109-7 English
978-3-7643-8108-0 french tute immediate springboards
for concrete designs.
978-3-7643-8112-7 English
978-3-7643-8111-0 french
A r C H I T ECT U rE sTudi es | p ro Fessi o nAl prAcTi ce 87
Architects often employ design This volume deals with the vari-
methods to help them find ous forms of opening, such as
more creative forms. These doors, windows, ventilation ele-
methods make it possible to ments, and fixed glass panes,
break free of the traditional and their materialization, which
canon of forms and established also varies according to func-
paradigms. This volume focuses tion; special attention is given
in depth on the design methods to the subject of edges.
that have decisively shaped
978-3-7643-8466-1 English
current architectural practice. 978-3-7643-8467-8 french
978-3-7643-8463-0 English
978-3-7643-8464-7 french
Basics Glass
Basics Designing Andreas Achilles, Diane Navratil
with Plants
Regine Ellen Wöhrle, Hans-Jörg Wöhrle
Basics Modelbuilding
Alexander Schilling
Basics Technical
Bert Bielefeld, Isabella Skiba
2nd, rev. ed. 2009
Basics Construction
scheduling Basics Urban Analysis Basics water Cycles
Bert Bielefeld Gerrit Schwalbach Doris Haas-Arndt
in a world of tight time frames A solid understanding of the ur- The design of supply pipework
and highly interdependent ban structures is indispensable and systems in buildings re-
processes, scheduling is an for city planning and archi- quires an understanding of the
indispensable prerequisite for tectural design work. “Basics relationships between water
successful project implemen- urban Analysis” explains the supply and disposal. “Basics
tation. This volume offers a possible approaches to urban water cycles” presents the
step-by-step introduction to analysis; it also describes in fundamentals and technical
developing schedules. practical terms how to imple- background of sanitary instal-
ment those approaches in the lations, and explains clearly
978-3-7643-8873-7 English
areas analyzed, and how to the key factors that must be
evaluate the data collected. considered in the design of
water cycles in buildings.
Basics Urban Building 978-3-7643-8938-3 English
Blocks 978-3-7643-8854-6 English
978-3-7643-0019-4 french
Thorsten Bürklin, Michael Peterek
a synoptic Vision
A prospectus of developments from The Architect, the
1900 to Today Cook and Good
Adrian Meyer, Susanne Kuhlbrodt, Taste
Beat Aeberhard Petra Hagen Hodgson, Rolf Toyka (Eds)
Explorations in 5 Codes Code
Architecture Architecture, Between operation
Teaching, design, paranoia and risk and narration
research in Times of Terror Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds)
Reto Geiser (Ed.) Igmade (Ed.) Context Architecture
Pattern simulation
Complexity ornament, presentation
design strategy structure, and Technique and
and world view Behavior cognitive method
Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds) Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds) Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds)
Context Architecture Context Architecture Context Architecture
Today it is complexity stud- complex patterns are founded The new series “context Archi-
ies, with their starting point on simple rules. pattern and tecture” seeks to take a critical
in physics, that define the pattern formation are of new, selection of concepts that
current approach to the con- important significance as the play a vital role in the current
cept of complexity. They have fundamental principles of discourse and put them up for
established a new connection systematization and descrip- discussion. in the context of
between the natural sciences tion of very complex processes discussions of the medial, the
and information technology and phenomena. which idea of notion of simulation plays a
and have thus become a central pattern has to be used in the central role in architecture as
premise of computer-based architectural discourse today? illusion and imitation.
approaches to design.
2009. 108 pp., 9 color, 13 b/w ills., 2008. 118 pp., 14 color, 6 b/w ills.,
2008. 128 pp., 17 color, 14 b/w ills., 14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover. 14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover.
10 drawings. EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95 EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95
14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover. 978-3-7643-8954-3 English 978-3-7643-8686-3 English
EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95
978-3-7643-8688-7 English
96 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E l A n d s cAp e A rc h i T ecTs
Chemetoff Visits Planetary
Territories Town and Gardens
Agence Ter: From TerritoryÐ The Landscape
Landscape to City Architecture in Architecture of
Henri Bava, Michel Hoessler, Olivier Dialogue Gilles Clément
Philippe, Lisa Diedrich (Ed.) Alexandre Chemetoff Alessandro Rocca (Ed.)
Syntax of
Intermediate Landscape
Natures The Landscape
The Landscapes Architecture of
of Michel Dieter Kienast Peter Latz and
Udo Weilacher, Thomas Göbel-
Desvigne Gross et al. (Eds) Partners
With photographs by Günther Vogt Udo Weilacher
New New
Landscape Topotek1
Mirei Shigemori— Infrastructure
Rebel in the Rosemarie Trockel
Case Studies by A Landscape
Garden SWA
Modern Japanese The Infrastructure Research Initiative Sculpture for
Landscape at SWA (Ed.) Munich
Charles Waldheim, Julia Czerniak, Thilo Folkerts (Ed.)
Architecture Adriaan Geuze, Ying-Yu Hung, Gerdo With essays by Marc Treib, Brigitte
Christian Tschumi Aquino, Alexander Robinson Franzen, and Pietro Valle
Constructing Landscape
Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Astrid Zimmermann (Ed.)
Analysis, Sensations
Typology and A Time Travel Lexicon of Garden
Experiments for through Garden and Landscape
Design History Architecture
Clemens Steenbergen Nadine Olonetzky Meto J. Vroom
Interior Gardens
Designing and
Grading for Constructing Green
Landscape Architects Spaces in Private
and Architects and Public Buildings
Peter Petschek Haike Falkenberg
2008. 221 pp., 20 b/w ills., 50 drawings. 2010. approx. 224 pp., approx. 100 color,
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. 30 b/w ills. and drawings, 22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95 approx. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.26
978-3-7643-8502-6 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0620 - 2 English
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0623 - 3 German
102 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E c o n sTru cT i o n | m ATeri Als
Urban Green Recent
On Site European Waterscapes
Landscape Landscape Planning,
Architecture Architecture for Building and
Europe the 21st century Designing with
Landscape Architecture Europe Annette Becker, Peter Cachola Schmal Water
Foundation (Ed.) (Eds) Herbert Dreiseitl, Dieter Grau (Eds)
Under the Open
Sculpture Parks Sky
Riverscapes Emscher
Designing Urban in Europe
A Guide to Art Landscape Park
Embankments RVR (Ed.)
Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume, and Nature With contributions by Henri Bava, Niall
Regionale 2010 (Eds) Jimena Blázquez Abascal Kirkwood and others
New Topselle
Field Studies Visualizing
The New Landscape
Aesthetics The Venetian City Architecture
of Urban Garden Functions,
Agriculture Place, Typology, Concepts,
RVR (Ed.)
With contributions by Udo Weilacher, and Perception Strategies
Paolo Bürgi and others John Dixon Hunt Elke Mertens
Landscape as ’scape
a System Insight Out The International
Contemporary Contemporary Magazine
German German of Landscape
Landscape Landscape Architecture
Architecture Architecture and Urbanism
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten Landscape Architecture Europe
bdla (Ed.) bdla (Ed.) Foundation (Ed.)
Landscape today is seen as a How can buildings and open ’scape is the international
complex system of biotopes space be integrated by means magazine for landscape ar-
and water cycles, open spaces of design? What potential chitecture, city planning, and
and built structures, neigh- results from the interaction of urban design. Lively, with in-
borhoods and commercial landscape planning and the ternational voices and a criti-
areas. This book analyzes and art of engineering? What are cal eye, it presents selected
documents this international the consequences of design news items, in-depth feature
development and its signifi- chasing after artificiality? articles, concise essays, sol-
cance for landscape architects. This attractive book reveals idly based and informative
the pioneering responses project critiques, portraits of
2009. 176 pp., 150 color, 40 b/w ills., that contemporary landscape outstanding personalities, and
50 drawings. architects offer to such central reviews of new literature.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Dust jacket.
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-0346-0079-8 German / English 2010. 80 pp., approx. 70 color ills., 30
2007. 160 pp., 124 color, 10 b/w ills., drawings. 24.0 x 30.0 cm. softcover.
22 drawings. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. approx. EUr 15.00 / GBP 13.50
Dust jacket. 1/2010
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 978-3-0346-0325-6 English
978-3-7643-7958-2 German / English 2/2010
978-3-0346-0617-2 English
Colour Is
Selected Pierre Charpin Claesson
Projects for Entre les Koivisto Rune
Foster+Partners vases / Amidst the 1. Architecture—
1996–2006 vases 2. Design
Per Arnoldi mudac (Ed.) Paola Antonelli, Mark Isitt
Edge to Edge
Experimental Adrian Frutiger—Typefaces
Design The Complete Works
Peter Noever, MAK (Ed.) Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm, Swiss Foundation Type and Typography (Eds)
Mike Meiré—
Alfredo Häberli Editorial Design
Style First —Design Live These Days
Mieke Gerritzen Beda Achermann, Alfredo Häberli (Eds) Gerrit Terstiege ( Ed. )
Charlotte Helmut Schmid :
Perriand, Design Is Jan Tschichold
Livre de Bord Attitude Posters of the
1928–1933 Victor Malsy, Philipp Teufel, Fjodor Avantgarde
Arthur Rüegg (Ed.) Gejko ( Eds. ) Martijn F. Le Coultre, Alston W. Purvis
Project Vitra 1D—The First
Sites, Products, Dimension New
Authors, Museum, Drawing and
Collections, Signs; Perception— TypoLyrics
Chronology, A Workbook for The Sound of
Glossary Designers Fonts
Cornel Windlin, Rolf Fehlbaum (Eds) Thomas Neeser, Helmut Germer Slanted (Ed.)
in Architectural Colors Colors
Space Notebook— Notebook—
Gerhard Meerwein, Bettina Rodeck, Faces Violence
Frank H. Mahnke Fabrica (Ed.) Fabrica (Ed.)
New Become a
Creating Desired Designer
Futures Protect and
How Design Manage Your
Thinking Design Rights
Three D— Innovates Internationally
Graphic Spaces Business Joachim Kobuss, Alexander Bretz,
Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.) Michael Shamiyeh (Ed.) Arian Hassani
Topselle Industries
Chroma Switzerland
Design, Architecture, and Facts—Models—
Art in Color Christoph Weckerle, Manfred Gerig,
Barbara Glasner, Petra Schmidt (Eds) Michael Söndermann
A Compendium
for Architects,
Design Designers Designing Public
History, Theory and Museum Perspectives for
and Practice of Professionals the Public
Product Design Aurelia Bertron, Ulrich Schwarz, Michael Erlhoff, Philipp Heidkamp,
Bernhard E. Bürdek Claudia Frey Iris Utikal (Eds)
Hidden Forms
Seeing and
extra Things The Kitchen
Encyclopaedia Franco Clivio, Hans Hansen,
Life World, Usage,
of Experimental Pierre Mendell
Writings on Design Perspectives
Print Finishing In cooperation with the Zurich Klaus Spechtenhauser (Ed.)
Franziska Morlok, Till Beckmann University of the Arts In cooperation with ETH Wohnforum
Trade edition
Collector’s Book
Exclusive Collector’s
Manuscript limited
Limited Edition Essentials for the language:
Prototypes, One- Everyday Use of rewriting design
Offs and Design Interior Architects responding to a
Art Furniture and Designers feedback culture
Sophie Lovell Müller-Schöll Colin Davies, Monika Parrinder (Eds)
New Materiology
Material Revolution: The Creative
Sustainable Multi - Purpose Industry’s Guide
Materials for Design and to Materials and
Architecture Technologies
Sascha Peters Daniel Kula, Élodie Ternaux
The Making
of Design
From the First Transformation
Basic Principles Universal Design
Model to the and Methodology Solutions for
Final Product of Design Barrier-free Living
Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.) Roland Knauer Oliver Herwig
Guide for
Topselle Conference and
r Communication
Unfolded Environments
Paper in Design, Art, Conference.
Architecture and Industry Excellence
Petra Schmidt, Nicola Stattmann Guido Englich, Burkhard Remmers
The Shape of
Things to Come:
Architecture, Forefront
Interior Design The Culture of
Shop Window Dress Code
and Art Interior Design for
Hanneke Kamphuis, Miegiel Loeffen, Design
Hedwig van Onna Shonquis Moreno Fashion Shops
In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME
The Back Issue
Night Fever Happening The Essential
Interior Design for Design for Events Guide to Frame’s
Bars and Clubs Sarah Schultz, Marlous Willems (Eds) First 50 Issues
In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME
Design by Use Dictionary
The Everyday Perspectives Design Research
Metamorphosis on Design Now
of Things Designerly Ways Terminology Essays and
Uta Brandes, Sonja Stich, of Knowing Michael Erlhoff, Timothy Selected Projects
Miriam Wender Nigel Cross Marshall (Eds) Ralf Michel (Ed.)
In cooperation with the In cooperation with the In cooperation with the In cooperation with the
Board of International Board of International Board of International Board of International
Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD)
This publication The concept “Design- This dictionary pro- Design is becoming a
explores a very special erly Ways of Knowing” vides a stimulating and recognized academic
kind of design—the emerged in the late categorial foundation discipline, and design
phenomenon, as nor- 1970s alongside new for a serious interna- research is the driv-
mal as it is wonderful, approaches in design tional discourse on ing force behind this
in which people with education. This book design. It is a handbook transformation. This
no formal training in is a unique insight into for everyone con- book charts the field of
design take things expanding discipline cerned with design in design research with
that have already been area with important career or education, introductory essays
designed and reuse implications for design who is interested in it, and selected research
them, convert them to research, education enjoys it, and wishes to projects. The authors
new uses. and practice. understand it. Covers of the essays, all lead-
and defines some 270 ing international de-
2009. 192 pp., 210 color ills., 2007. 141 pp., 16 drawings. terms. sign scholars, stake out
16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. 16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. positions on the most
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 44.95 UsD 59.95
2008. 472 pp., important questions of
16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. design research.
978-3-7643-8867-6 English 978-3-7643-8484-5 English
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-7739-7 English 2007. 254 pp., 30 color,
3 b/w ills.,
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 /
UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-8471-5 English
128 D EsI G N des ig n A n n uA ls
Design Award
of the Federal
Republic of
Germany 2009 form—The Making of Design
Rat für Formgebung (Ed.) Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.)
Published bimonthly
Also available as standing order
132 I N D E x TiT les
Titles →
Basics Project Planning
Basics Roof Construction
→ Basics Room Conditioning 89
→ Basics Site Management 89
→ Basics Spatial Design 89
# → Basics Technical Drawing 89
→ 1D—The First Dimension 112 → Basics Tendering 89
→ 5 Codes 93 → Basics Timber Construction 89
→ 128 Colors 60 → Basics Urban Analysis 90
A →
Basics Urban Building Blocks
Basics Water Cycles
→ Access for All 53
→ Bauhaus Twenty—21 92
→ Acoustics and Sound Insulation 45
→ Become a Successful Designer 115
→ Adrian Frutiger—Typefaces 109
→ Bernard Tschumi 37
→ Alexandre Chemetoff Visits 96
→ Beyond Modernist Masters 79
→ Alfredo Häberli —Design Live 110
→ Beyond the Grid—Architecture and
→ Alvar Aalto—The Complete Work 16
Information Technology 58
→ The Unité d’Habitation in Marseille and the
→ Bon Appétit 125
four other unité blocks 29
→ Building Integrated Photovoltaics 58
→ Apartment Block 24 N.C. and
→ Building Projects in China 83
Le Corbusier’s Home 28
→ Building Projects in the European Union 83
→ Apertures 87
→ Building with Earth 62
→ Architectural Guide Basel 77
→ Building with Large Clay Blocks 46
→ Architecture—a Synoptic Vision 91
→ Building with Steel 46
→ Architecture in Context 20
→ Building with Straw 62
→ Architecture in Existing Fabric 55
→ Building with Water 76
→ Architecture: the Element of Success 83
→ Architekten Profile 2011/2012 39 C
→ Architekture Avantgarde Austria 1956–1973 78 → Charlotte Perriand,
→ Art and Architecture 92 Livre de Bord 1928–1933 111
→ Atmosphere 124 → Christoph Mäckler 31
→ Atmospheres 38 → Chroma 116
→ The Austrian Phenomenon 78 → Cities of Change: Addis Ababa 79
B →
City of Collision
Claesson Koivisto Rune
→ Bamboo 102
→ Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 30
→ Barragán—Space and Shadow,
→ ClimateDesign 59
Walls and Colour 18
→ ClimateSkin 58
→ Barrier - Free Design 45
→ Code 93
→ Basics Architectural Photography 85
→ Color—Communication in
→ Basics Barrier-Free Planning 86
Architectural Space 113
→ Basics CAD 86
→ Colors Notebook—Faces 113
→ Basics Career Start Set 85
→ Colors Notebook—Violence 113
→ Basics Construction Scheduling 90
→ Colour Is Communication 108
→ Basics Design and Living 87
→ Commedia dell’Arte— Couture Edition 119
→ Basics Design Ideas 86
→ Complexity 94
→ Basics Designing with Plants 87
→ Components and Connections 55
→ Basics Designing with Water 87
→ Components and Systems 55
→ Basics Design Methods 87
→ Composing Landscapes 100
→ Basics Facade Apertures 87
→ Concrete 46
→ Basics Glass Construction 87
→ Constructing Architecture 50
T i Tl es INDE x 133
Constructing Landscape
Construction Materials Manual
→ Gatermann + Schossig 19
→ Counterpoint: Daniel Libeskind 30
→ Gert Wingårdh 38
→ Courtyard Houses 72
→ Glass in Building 48
→ Creating Desired Futures 115
→ Glass Structures 64
→ Creative Industries Switzerland 116
→ Good Design 10 128
→ Crucial Words 92
→ Grading for Landscape Architects
D and Architects 101
→ Dado 33 → Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann 31
→ Happening 126
→ Design Award of the Federal Republic of
→ Heidi Weber—50 Years Ambassador
Germany 2009 130
for Le Corbusier 1958–2008 25
→ Design by Use 127
→ Helmut Schmid : Design Is Attitude 111
→ Design Dictionary 127
→ Hermann & Valentiny and Partners 20
→ Designerly Ways of Knowing 127
→ Herzog & de Meuron, The Complete Works 21
→ Designer Profile 2010/2011 128
→ Hidden Forms 118
→ Designing Exhibitions 117
→ Home Delivery 75
→ Designing Public 117
→ Housing 74
→ Design Research Now 127
→ Housing+ 73
→ Developments in Timber Engineering 66
→ Deviations 84 I
→ Dieter Kienast 97 → Ideas Exchange 19
→ Digital Culture in Architecture 57 → iF communication design award
→ Drawing the Ground— yearbook 2010 129
Landscape Urbanism Today 34 → iF product design award yearbook 2010 129
→ Dress Code 124 → Illuminating 66
→ Dressed Stone 47 → In Detail: Building in Existing Fabric 43
→ Dry Construction 47 → In Detail: Building Simply 43
E →
In Detail: Building Skins
In Detail: Cost-Effective Building
→ Energy-Efficiency Upgrades 47
→ In Detail: Exhibitions and Displays 70
→ Energy Manual 40
→ In Detail: High-Density Housing 70
→ Engineering for a Finite Planet 59
→ In Detail: Housing for People of All Ages 71
→ Erich Mendelsohn— the Complete Works 31
→ In Detail: Interior Spaces 44
→ ETFE 63
→ In Detail: Interior Surfaces and Materials 44
→ Explorations in Architecture 93
→ In Detail: Semi-Detached and
→ Exploring Boundaries 39
Terraced Houses 71
→ extra 118
→ In Detail: Single Family Houses 71
F → In Detail: Small Structures 70
→ Facade Construction Manual 40 → In Detail: Solar Architecture 45
→ Façades 53 → Industrial Buildings 67
→ Façades 56 → In Gardens 102
→ Failed Stone 65 → Insight Out 106
→ Field Studies 105 → Insulating Materials 48
→ Flat Roof Con-struction Manual 41 → Interior Gardens 101
→ Floor Plan Manual 74 → Interiors Con-struction Manual 41
→ Footbridges 77 → Intermediate Natures 97
form— The Making of Design
→ Jan Tschichold 111
→ Frame: The Back Issue 126
→ Jean Prouvé—Complete Works 35
→ Frank Lloyd Wright 39
→ Jean Prouvé— Highlights 1917–1944 34
→ Freestanding Houses 72
→ Jo Coenen 18
→ Frei Otto. Complete Works 33
134 I N D E x TiT les
K →
New Alpine Architecture
New Approaches to Housing for the Second
→ Kengo Kuma 22
Half of Life 76
→ Kengo Kuma— Breathing Architecture 22
→ New Forms of Collective Housing in Europe 76
→ Kiessler + Partner Architekten 22
→ New Tectonics 57
L → Night Fever 126
→ Landscape as a System 106 → Non-Fictional Narratives 18
→ Landscape Infrastructure 98 → nps tchoban voss 32
Learning from China
Le Corbusier and the Architectural
→ Office Buildings 68
Promenade 27
→ Old & New—Design Manual for Revitalizing
→ Le Corbusier—Complete Works in 8 volumes 23
Existing Buildings 54
→ Le Corbusier—Polychromie architecturale 24
→ On Site 103
→ Le Corbusier—The Artist 25
→ Ortner & Ortner 33
→ Le Corbusier: The Chapel at Ronchamp 28
→ Oscar Niemeyer 32
→ Le Corbusier—The Graphic Work 25
→ Outline 36
→ Le Corbusier: The Monastery of
Sainte Marie de La Tourette 29 P
→ Le Corbusier: The Villa Savoye 29 → Pattern 94
→ Le Corbusier: The Villas La Roche-Jeanneret 30 → Patterns 2. Design, Art and Architecture 114
→ Leistungsform / Form Follows Performance 37 → Patterns in Design, Art and Architecture 114
→ Lexicon of Garden and Landscape → Photovoltaics 49
Architecture 100 → Pierre Charpin 108
→ Light for Cities 66 → Pinpoint 50
→ Lighting Design 48 → Planetary Gardens 96
→ Light Zone City 67 → Planning 88
→ Limited Edition 120 → Planning Guide for Conference and
→ limited language: rewriting design 120 Communication Environments 123
→ Liquid Stone 65 → Plaster, Render, Paint and Coatings 49
→ Living by the Sea 75 → Plastics in Architecture and Construction 60
→ Living for the Elderly 68 → Portable Architecture 57
→ Living in the Alps 74 → Prefabricated Systems 56
→ Living Plans 75 → Project Vitra 112
→ Living Systems 102 → Protect and Manage Your Design Rights
→ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 32 Internationally 115
→ Made in Norway 78 → Quartier Ecoparc / Ecoparc Quarter 81
→ Maison Blanche—
Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier 26
→ Recent Waterscapes 103
→ Martin Rauch 61
→ Re: CP 34
→ Material Design 60
→ Refurbishment Manual 42
→ Material Revolution: Sustainable Multi - Purpose
→ Relax 125
Materials for Design and Architecture 121
→ Research and Technology 69
→ Materiology 121
→ Riverscapes 104
→ Michele Arnaboldi Architect 17
→ Roof Construction Manual 42
→ Mike Meiré—Editorial Design 110
→ Rosemarie Trockel 98
→ Mirei Shigemori—Rebel in the Garden 98
→ Row Houses 72
→ Modern Traditions 80
→ MOVE—Architecture in Motion— S
Dynamic Components and Elements 56 → Sacred Buildings 69
→ Museum Buildings 67 → Scale: Open | Close 51
N →
Scale: Enclose | Build
Scale : Heat | Cool
→ Nano Materials 62
→ ’scape 106
T i Tl es INDE x 135
Schools and Kindergartens
Schulitz Architekten
→ Under the Open Sky 104
→ Sculpture Parks in Europe 104
→ Une petite maison 1923 26
→ Sensations 100
→ Unfolded 123
→ Simulation 94
→ Universal Design 122
→ Small Scale, Big Change 74
→ Urban Green 103
→ Small Town Sustainability 81
→ Smart Materials in Architecture, V
Interior Architecture and Design 63 → Valode & Pistre Architects 37
→ Smart Surfaces and their Application in → Visualizing Landscape Architecture 105
Architecture and Design 63 → Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner 19
Space Time Play
Style First
→ Wood Houses 77
→ Sustainable Architecture in Vorarlberg 82
→ workmanship 36
→ Sustainable Design 59
→ Works from the Heidi Weber Collection 25
→ Swiss Federal Design Awards 2010 129
→ Switzerland—an Urban Portrait 82
→ Syntax of Landscape 97
→ Systems in Timber Engineering 65
→ Tadao Ando 17
→ Tendencies—Recent Architecture in Ticino 78
→ Territories 96
→ The Architect, the Cook and Good Taste 91
→ The Architecture of Richter & Dahl Rocha 36
→ The Articulate Surface 53
→ The Art of Precast Concrete 64
→ The Force Is in the Mind 84
→ The Kitchen 118
→ The Making of Design 122
→ The Modulor and Modulor 2 26
→ The Other Office 125
→ The Rauch House 61
→ The Rhetoric of Modernism:
Le Corbusier as a Lecturer 28
→ The Unité d’Habitation in Marseille 29
→ The Urban Code of China 80
→ The Venetian City Garden 105
→ The Villas of Le Corbusier and
Pierre Jeanneret 1920–1930 27
→ Thinking Architecture 38
→ Thomas Feichtner —Edge to Edge 109
→ Three D—Graphic Spaces 115
→ Timber Construction Manual 42
→ Tools for Ideas 84
→ Topotek1 98
→ Town Houses 72
→ Town Spaces 82
→ Transformation 122
→ Translucent Materials 49
→ Transparent Plastics 64
→ Typology+ 73
→ Typo Lyrics 112
136 I N D E x A r c h i TecTs | des i gn e rs
A →
Meyer, Adrian
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
→ Aalto, Alvar 16
→ Minke, Gernot 62
→ Ando, Tadao 17
→ Mirei Shigemori 98
→ Angélil, Marc 79
→ Arnoldi, Per 108 N
B → Niemeyer, Oscar 32
→ Barragán, Luis 18 O
C →
Ortner & Ortner
Otto, Frei
→ Carpenter 60
→ Charpin, Pierre 108 P
→ Claesson Koivisto Rune 108 → Perriand, Charlotte 111
→ Chementoff, Alexandre 96 → Pfeifer, Günter 72
→ Clement, Gilles 96 → Price, Cedric 34
→ Coenen, Jo 18 → Prouvé, Jean 34, 35, 75
→ Denton Corker Marshall 18 → Richter & Dahl Rocha 36
→ Deplazes, Andrea 50 → RKW Architektur + Städtebau 36
→ Diener, Roger 82
F → Schmid, Helmut 111
→ Feichtner, Thomas 109 → Schmidt Hammer & Lassen 36
→ Frutiger, Adrian 109 → Schulitz, Helmut C. 37
G →
Schumacher, Michael
Shigemori, Mirei
→ Gatermann + Schossig 19
→ Gerkan, Marg und Partner 19 T
→ Gerritzen, Mieke 110 → tchoban voss 32
H →
Tschichold, Jan
Tschumi, Bernard
→ Häberli, Alfredo 110
→ Hadid, Zaha 53 V
→ Hermann & Valentiny 20 → Valode & Pistre Architects 37
→ Herzog & de Meuron 21, 64, 69 → Vitra 112
→ Herzog, Thomas 40, 42
J → West 8 103
→ Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard 26 → Wilkinson Eyre 39
K →
Wingårdh, Gert
Wright, Frank Lloyd
38, 92
→ Kienast, Dieter 97
→ Kiessler + Partner 22 Z
→ Krier, Rob 82 → Zumthor, Peter 38
→ Kuma, Kengo 22
→ Latz, Peter 97
→ Le Corbusier 23–30
→ Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas 30
→ Libeskind, Daniel 30
Complete Catalog 2010/2011
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All prices are excluding VAT and do not include any sales taxes.
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without notice.
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