Architecture Landscape Architecture Design

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The document appears to be a catalog for Birkhäuser publications related to architecture, landscape architecture, and design.

The purpose of the document is to showcase and promote Birkhäuser publications in various fields related to architecture, landscape architecture, and design.

The document covers topics like architects and buildings, construction materials, landscape architecture, design, graphics and communication, and more as seen in the table of contents.

Complete Catalog 2010/2011

Landscape Architecture
9 783034 606974 260/89018 Design

In my career as a publisher and graphic designer, Birk-

häuser has always been an inexhaustible source of
information and ideas on architecture and design, and a
fundamental reference by which to measure the quality
of any publishing activity.
The creation of the ActarBirkhäuser Group provides now
the opportunity to reinforce and renovate Birkhäuser’s
central position in publishing by taking advantage of the
technological changes and new consumer requirements
affecting our industry, while developing an even stronger
content production platform in synergy with the group’s
other main publisher, Actar.
We trust that this opportunity will result in an enhanced
usability of the books and magazines that constitute this
catalog—so that they provide you, dear reader, with the
appropriate tools for the development of your creative
and research activity—and eventually in the establish-
ment of stronger and more productive connections and
synergies also among the architecture and design com-
munities in which we operate as publishers.

Ramon Prat
Group Managing Director

Building Books 4
TypoLyrics 7
Interview with Dino Simonett 10

Architects | Buildings 16
Construction | Materials 40
Types | Functions 67
Cities | Regions | Urbanism 78
Studies | Professional Practice 84
Theory | History 91

Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architects 96
Gardens | Landscapes 98
Construction | Materials 102
Regions 104
Theory | History 106

Designers 108
Graphics | Communication 113
Product Design | Interior | Materials 118
Studies | Professional Practice 127
Design Annuals 128

Titles 132
Architects | Designers 136
Building books

4 wo rk flows B u i l d i n g Bo o k s

Building Books

Dear Reader,

Architects and interior designers, landscape architects

and urban planners, graphic artists and product desig-
ners create buildings and interiors, gardens and squares,
outdoor and urban landscapes, objects for life and work.
They are creative, designing everyday objects that are
hopefully more than just useful: irresistible, conspicuous,
desirable, in short, beautiful. So how do they connect
beauty with utility?

Under new ownership Birkhäuser remains the specialist

publisher for architecture, landscape architecture and
design. We will continue publishing informative and
inspiring handbooks and introductions, monographs
and dictionaries, collections of essays and textbooks for
theory and practice. Our publications convey practical
knowledge but seek to be more than just useful: pleasing,
attractive, exquisite, in short, beautiful. We aspire to
make intelligent books that are a pleasure to hold in the
hand, books that take you a step further—and us too. So
how do they connect beauty with utility?
work flows Bui l di ng Bo o k s 5

Planning and Development

Books are created by authors, editors and
designers. But how do we get from the
initial idea to a concept that can carry
a whole book like the foundations of a
house? Every book seeks to be special,
but not all live up to that expectation. The
project development phase requires time.
Time to discuss ideas and alternatives,
time to develop a broad structure bringing
together two perspectives. The author, as
the expert in matters of architecture and
design, and the publishing house with
its expertise in architecture and design
books agree on a basic plan for a book—a
concept that captures the subject in con-
tent and design, an attractive product that
is a pleasure to read.

Design and Communication Constructing and Materializing

As well as pursuing an idea, a book always Books have to be constructed if they are
fits a type distinguished and defined to materialize their idea. Like in architec-
through the ways and means by which it ture, the product is generated through
processes and conveys knowledge. Just as a process involving materials, modules,
a school needs a different spatial confi- elements and structures. There are many
guration from a stadium, an architectural questions concerning the logic of the con-
handbook follows different rules than a struction: In what dimensions do we want
designer’s monograph. Our architecture to build a book, what format, what size?
and design catalogues will continue to How will we select the different materi-
reflect the diversity of contemporary and als? The paper for the interior? The cover
practical themes, consequently exploi- materials for the outer shell? What texts,
ting a spectrum of formats. A book must images and plans are to be used, which
address and exceed the expectations typefaces? On what grid, what layout, will
placed upon it through the way it inter- we build? Which insights and perspecti-
prets its type and thus first receives its ves can the images supply? How to confi-
individual form. gure the relationship between built and
open areas, between text, illustrations
and white space?
6 wo rk flow s B u i l d i n g Bo o k s

We will retain and actively develop the

visual identity of the Birkhäuser imprint.
We see it as a great advantage that Actar
itself has such high standards and ambi-
tions in the field of graphic design and
book production. Sharing know-how will
allow us to optimize the aesthetic quality
of our books and provide you with tools
that are even more attractive.

Planning and Realizing

Ultimately, books have to be realized and
financed. Individual project management
by editor, graphic designer and publisher
remain the key to observing agreed bud-
gets and schedules. But they do not bear
sole responsibility: authors, architects
and designers, translators and proofrea-
ders, photographers and lithographers,
printers and bookbinders all contribute
expertise to put a project on the shel-
ves. And they all know that it requires a
concerted effort by all involved, a dynamic
equilibrium of the highest order, to create
the built object, the printed book.

Be inspired!

Ulrich Schmidt
Chief Unit Manager, Birkhäuser

work flows T ypo lyri cs 7

Turn Up the Volume

“TypoLyrics—The Sound of Fonts”

Design: Rike Stephani, Kévin Puech, Font: Trappers and Traders

8 wo rk flow s T y p o ly ri c s

Slanted magazine includes a cherished section named

“TypoLyrics.” There, new fonts created by international
designers are presented in the form of illustrated lyrics.
The principle has also been adopted for a new homony-
mous book. Let’s listen in.
Kurt Weidemann famously calls typography a “dry lover.”
Just how much sex appeal the black art can nevertheless
have is clearly evidenced by the book “TypoLyrics” that
the editors of Slanted magazine presented in May at the
Typo in Berlin. Slanted’s claim is quite consciously: “The
feel of typography.”
The magazine editors are interested not in the finer
points of the fonts, but in conveying their enthusiasm and
passion for particular typefaces, staging fonts and pre-
senting the new kids on the block. As in the magazine’s
section on “TypoLyrics,” that readers so rave about, and
which is now the subject of an entire book. Lars Harm-
sen, one of the founders of Karlsruhe’s Magma agency
(which first launched Slanted) had the idea on spotting
a section in legendary Ray Gun magazine, designed by
David Carson: “However, the focus there was on re-
illustrating the cover of a well-known album—a fictitious
redesign, as it were, but visually striking, with copy not
playing a role. In ‘TypoLyrics’ the idea is to present new
font designs: In order to show the design potential of
a font you simply have to show how it is used, black on
Design: Fons Hickmann m23 ,
white. Dummy copy hardly does the trick. Because often Font: Frakturbo
the feel of a font gets lost if the way it is presented is
defined by the CI stipulations of a font publisher.” Today,
fonts tend to get selected online: you enter a few words
in a box and can then immediately see what it will look
like in different faces. Now that is practical if things
have to happen fast and you need a first impression. But
Harmsen has something different in mind: “TypoLyrics
gives the font designers themselves the chance to show
how their design can be used. Or we ask international
illustrators and graphic artists to use a specific new font
and explore via a lyric how it looks and feels.”
Here the goal is not to heed the wild ideas of a rock band
work flows T ypo lyri cs 9

or a label’s marketing executive. But if you

consider that the book runs to over 200
pages and the project covers eleven diffe-
rent chapters and 176 typographical illus-
trations then you soon realize you cannot
simply give any and every designer a carte
blanche to “put your favorite song in font!”
Chief curator Lars Harmsen, DJ Frank
Wiedemann, and designers Flo Gaertner
and Jan Kiesswetter set out above all to
give the right songs in the right mixture
to the right designers —in order to get
exciting pairings and visually inspiring re-
sults. Jan Kiesswetter comments: “In some
cases we asked very young designers to try Design: Anne-Katrin Koch, Font: Mia Entire
their hand with very old songs, confronted
a Techno fan with a country western song.
Or a Hip-Hop lover with a piece of folk.
Because we wanted to provoke visual ideas
that are a far cry from the clichés you asso-
ciate with the genre and that are not solely
influenced by the personal musical taste
of the designer.” The typo-illustrations in
the book are printed on colored papers,
and each of the eleven chapters has its own
tone. But look for yourself:
The book is now at your local store.

Gerrit Terstiege
Editor-in-Chief, form magazine

Design: Philippe Desarzens, Font: Brauer Neue

Interview with Dino simonett

10 wo rk flow s i n T e rv i e w wi T h di n o s i m o n e T T

Interview with Dino Simonett

The Making of “Dado”

Together with Bruno Margreth, Dino Simonett created

the design for “Dado—Built and Inhabited by Rudolf
Olgiati and Valerio Olgiati.” The volume joins a series of
publications on the buildings of Valerio Olgiati, produ-
ced in close collaboration between Dino Simonett and
the architect. As an art director, Simonett develops book
concepts that seek their own channels of communica-
tion outside and beyond the mainstream. We spoke with
Dino Simonett about the process of creating “Dado” and
his ideas about making books.

Jozo Palkovits ©
wo r kflows inT erv i ew wi T h di no si mo neT T 11

Dado: you tell the story of the building through subtle

images and plans but packaged them in such a conspi-
cuous object of bookbinding art. How do you reconcile
the quiet and the loud?
Se la forza no ha la dolcezza non e la forza. Se la dolcez-
za non ha la forza non e la dolcezza. Les extrèmes se
touchent. Anything in-between is half-hearted and bo-
ring. Count me out. That’s what my mother always says
when I try to take her to the mountains.

What came first? The idea of letting the images do the

talking or the concept for the presentation?
The form simply had to work, and it had be new. Never
do the same book twice, that bores me. How the pictures
and text fit in, that’s a different matter.

Sometimes you use Japanese binding techniques, or you

dispense with the stabilising spine. What inspires your
book concepts?
I have always made books that I would like to buy myself.
Books I can’t find in the shops. There is very little to be
found that is sensitive and stimulating. I’m inspired by
stuff from the 1930s and that kind of thing, wherever it is
from. Looking at an original Tintin album from the late
1940s makes me come over all strange, it quite excites
me. So perfectly reproduced in such lovely strong colors,
I can think of almost nothing comparable in offset
printing, stunningly printed on matt paper, unmatched.
Bound so fine and thin, with a sensitive touch, nothing
swanky. Today everything is brash, high-gloss, foil-
laminated and disgustingly unsensual; mass production.
There are exceptions of course, but even when you look
at “the most beautiful books” I think there is much too
much trendy rubbish.
So “old-fashioned” techniques find their way into my
books, but I still make far too many mistakes. For ex-
ample paper too thick, card too heavy—despite making
12 wo rk flow s i n T e rv i e w wi T h di n o s i m o n e T T

dozens of dummies. That is one source

of inspiration. There would be a lot more
to say but there’s not the time here, I can
only scratch the surface.

How do you work with publishers, with

architects and artists? Do you seek people
out? And when they come to you, when
do you come on board? What does the
working process look like?
Hmm. These days it’s quite simple. First
of all I listen very carefully to what they
have to say, what they want. Then I tell
them I’m like an architect (or a fashion
designer): if the project interests me and
the money is right I would be pleased to
take the supplied concrete—or dressed
Jozo Palkovits ©
stone and solid walnut—and create
something for the client. But if he knows
it all better himself then he might as reduced language. Is this quality a funda-
well build his own house. I wouldn’t tell mental precondition for collaboration or
Balenciaga or Olgiati how to do their job is it more a question of finding the right
would I? I use my head, that’s the secret. I “packaging” for a subject?
think my way into the job as best as I can, Olgiati is far and away the sharpest and
doing exactly that what I believe to be the clearest thinker in my publishing circus,
very best for the subject and the client. which makes working with him divine
I want him or her to be absolutely happy (and I don’t mean that ironically). He is
with the finished book and I want to be incredibly creative and unconventional,
happy too, nothing less than that. It must and bloody-mindedly tenacious until a
be attractive and it must make sense. And thing really works and something good
it must have an artistic touch, otherwise has come out of it, a functioning idea. It
it’s totally boring. I have mostly succeeded would be splendid if there were more
in that, but not always. The aspiration is a people like Olgiati, I haven’t been able to
good place to start though, isn’t it? find them (yet). Olgiati is a blessing, I have
learnt such a lot from him, for example
how to think something through clearly
Your concepts for Valerio Olgiati echo to the end, until it works. With others I
the rigour of his architecture, the clear, have to do (almost) all the thinking and
wo r kflows inT erv i ew wi T h di no si mo neT T 13

conceptual work myself, really, and I fall always carting boxes of books around,
in love with my own ideas too quickly and taking them to the post office. So at least
am too easily satisfied and then I get lazy. every day I have the pleasure of looking at
But I’m working on it, I promise! attractive well-made books while I’m hard
at work in the business.

Your book projects are all very “crafted”

in the treatment of the paper and the What defines a good (architecture/design)
bookbinding. You experiment outside book for you?
the normal limits. What does this craft Ninety-seven percent is rubbish, I
quality mean for you? wouldn’t touch it with a . . . The rest is
Part of the answer is what I said earlier. worth living for. For example Max Bill’s
As long as a book is physical it is always Maillart. Lovely. Perfect. Not too thick.
going to be a crafted thing, haptic. There Super proportions. Fantastic typeface.
is dross in every field. As an apprentice Balanced. Nice bridges of course. So-
joiner I learned to work very precise- mething contemporary? I’d have to have a
ly, otherwise there was trouble. So you look. Nine Swimming Pools by Ed Ruscha.
should work precisely please. And It’s old too, and an artist’s book, sorry.
beautifully. I cheated too, sometimes Can’t think of anything else. It’s dreadful.
knowingly, sometimes unknowingly. No good Zumthor book, the one by Lars
Today I want to cheat as little as possible. Müller just scrapes through. The book
That means you can see how the book is about Vals is a disaster, please pulp (not
made, what it consists of. It’s the same from Birkhäuser is it?). The Herzog & de
with food. We all want organic, Kobe beef, Meuron book by Peter Blum, it’s got so-
Andean muesli, “pure” spring water and mething. Japanese stuff is good, they have
so on. Why shouldn’t a book be made of a different eye and they’re ultra-precise.
good high-quality materials. It’s definitely The Shinohara book, the square one from
worthwhile, especially if you are a small the 1970s, I’ve been looking for that for a
publisher who has to sell your own books, long time. Honestly, it drives me nuts, all
I can think of is rubbish. Even the Dhaka
book I did for Louis Kahn, it was success-
ful but I wouldn’t say it’s that good. With
that one I was at the mercy of certain
outside constraints, you could say.
In short: Less is more. Little books, choice
books, thin books, “unpolished” books
normal books. Or an eight-pound door-
stopper like the Valerio Olgiati for König,
of which I’m a little bit proud.
14 wo rk flow s i n T e rv i e w wi T h di n o s i m o n e T T

Is there a design concept or a book, that

you are just dying to do?
Thank you for the question. I’m already
quite exhausted by this interview, I’ve gi-
ven my all. I would like to print a book on
MONADNOCK paper. Incredibly beautiful
paper from America. And I’d like to do
a book in copper-plate intaglio. I would
like to print something in Japan with my
friend Issay Kitagawa from Graph, it’s a
revelation how that man prints.
The end. Thank you for your attention.

Interview: Andrea Wiegelmann

Senior Editor, Birkhäuser
16 A rC H I TECTUr E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

Alvar Aalto—
The Complete work
Karl Fleig, Elissa Aalto (Eds)

with great accomplishment this book succeeds

in making tangible the simplicity and unfathom-
Vol. 2: 1963–1970
able character of Aalto’s architecture.
1995. 248 pp., 190 b/w ills., 195 drawings.
28.5 × 23.0 cm. Hardcover.
1995. In 3 volumes, boxed. 764 pp. Hardcover. EUr 74.67 / GBP 67.00 / UsD 92.50
EUr 205.61 / GBP 170.00 / UsD 250.00 978-3-7643-5501-2 German / french / English
978-3-7643-5517-3 German / french / English

Vol. 1: 1922–1962 Vol. 3: Projects and final

1995. 276 pp., 283 b/w ills. 169 drawings.
28.5 × 23.0 cm. Hardcover. 1995. 240 pp., 163 b/w ills., 353 drawings.
EUr 69.16 / GBP 57.99 / UsD 92.50 28.5 × 23.0 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-5500-5 German / french / English EUr 74.67 / GBP 67.00 / UsD 92.50
978-3-7643-5502-9 German / french / English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 17


Tadao Ando Michele Arnaboldi Architect

Yann Nussaume Michele Arnaboldi

The minimalist concrete architecture of Tadao

Ando has roots both in Japanese traditions michele Arnaboldi, an architect from Ticino, has
and in western architecture. This book deals made his reputation above all with residential
with both contexts: it explores how Ando unites architecture. This volume documents thirty-five
Japanese tradition with a contemporary western projects: residences in switzerland and italy but
architectural idiom. also public buildings such as the new cultural
center in lugano, the sports center in Tenero,
2009. 192 pp., 130 color ills., 30 drawings. la carità hospital in lugano, and the pavilion for
22.0 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover. the Locarno film festival.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-0346-0005-7 English
2010. 184 pp., 40 color, 265 b/w ills., 35 drawings,
23.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-0346-0355-3 English / Italian
18 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

Jo Coenen
Barragán— From urban design Non-fictional
space and to Architectural Narratives
shadow, walls detail denton corker
and Colour Hilde de Haan marshall
Danièle Pauly In cooperation with NAI Publishers Leon van Schaik

Founded in melbourne in 1972,

the Australian architectural
The first comprehensive firm Denton Corker Marshall
monograph on Jo coenen, is one of the most important
in this monograph, danièle master planner and advocate actors in the Pacific region. In
pauly provides an overview of a socially responsible urban the last five years DCM has
of Barragán’s life and his ar- architecture. substantially increased its
chitectural œuvre, his mexican international presence with
roots, the Mediterranean influ- 2005. 447 pp., 214 color, 136 b/w ills., ambitious and widely noted
ences, his Functionalist period, 323 drawings. building projects and show-
24.5 x 28.0 cm.Hardcover.
and finally the steps to maturity EUr 75.00 / GBP 68.00 / UsD 105.00
cased its modern architectural
as a consummate architect. 978-3-7643-7196-8 English language, which is marked by
minimalism and as cool as it is
2002. 231 pp., 161 color, 169 b/w ills., unusual.
32 drawings.
24.0 × 33.0 cm. softcover.
2008. 293 pp., 159 color ills.,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
10 drawings. 27.0 x 27.0 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-8705-1 English
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95
978-3-7643-8706-8 french
978-3-7643-7957-5 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 19

Gatermann + Von Gerkan, Marg Ideas Exchange
schossig und Partner The collaborative
space Art Architecture studio of hawkins\
Technology 2001–2003 Brown
Klaus-Dieter Weiss Meinhard von Gerkan Tim Abrahams

dörte gatermann and elmar

schossig are among the leading
architects of their generation in
presenting recent buildings
germany. in the nearly twenty-
and design concepts by gmp, The hawkins\Brown architec-
five years since they founded
including more than 20 projects tural firm in London, founded
their firm, they have realized
in china. in 1988 by roger hawkins and
a remarkably broad range of
russell Brown, is one of the
building tasks, from single-
2005. 390 pp., 350 color ills., 450 up-and-coming offices on
family houses to administra- drawings. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. the international architecture
tion buildings and complex EUr 84.02 / GBP 82.00 / UsD 115.00
978-3-7643-7366-5 German / English
scene. The spectrum of the
structures for industry and
firm’s works ranges from resi-
dences and interior design by
way of office buildings and vari-
2009. 288 pp., 220 color, 200 b/w ills.,
100 drawings. ous public buildings all the way
26.5 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. to urban planning. This book
EUr 65.33 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 89.95 documents some 25 buildings
978-3-7643-9944-3 German / English
from the past five years.

2010. 208 pp., 250 color, 50 b/w ills.,

50 drawings,
21.0 x 29.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-0346-0231-0 English
20 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

Hermann &
New Valentiny and
Architecture in Context codes
helin workshop Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm
Peter Davey With a foreword by Ingeborg Flagge

For twenty-five years, Hubert

hermann and François val-

entiny have maintained their
offices in Vienna and Luxem-
burg. Their architecture of-
fers an experience beyond the
parameters of the zeitgeist
and makes a highly individual
contribution to the current
architectural discussion.

2008. 479 pp., 334 color ills., 123

drawings. 23.0 × 29.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 55.98 / GBP 50.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8767-9 German / English

in his design approach, the Finnish architect pekka helin draws in

a specifically Scandinavian manner both on functionalism as well
as on the organic architecture of Alvar Aalto, viljo revell,
and heikki sirèn. The building material wood plays a prominent
role in this extremely clear architecture. This book presents twenty -
four of the firm’s projects organized by typological task.

2010. 224 pp., 220 color, 30 b/w ills., 115 drawings,

24.0 x 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-0346-0604-2 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 21

Herzog & de Meuron

The complete works
Gerhard Mack

Volume 3:

volume 3 of herzog & de

meuron’s complete works in an
updated edition, enlarged by
some 40 pages and approxi-
mately 80 color illustrations,
including masterpieces such as
Tate modern.

2005. 303 pp., 224 color, 215 b/w ills.,

213 drawings.
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound.

Volume 1: EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 129.00

978-3-7643-7112-8 German / English

Volume 4:
star architects herzog & de meuron have established themselves 1997–2001
as one of today’s leading international practices. Birkhäuser
presents their complete works.
The long-awaited fourth volume
1997. 238 pp., 230 color, 331 b/w ills., 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound. of the complete works! The
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 129.00 Tate modern in london made
978-3-7643-5616-3 German / English
herzog & de meuron famous all
over the world. The projects and
Volume 2: structures they have built since
then are distinguished by the
1989–1991 sensitive treatment of materi-
als and shapes for which the
architects are renowned.
presenting 32 projects of this period, with an updated bibliogra-
phy and chronology of the architects’ complete works. 2009. 352 pp., 1500 color ills., 500
drawings. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 119.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
2005. 211 pp., 140 color, 70 b/w ills., 291 drawings.
978-3-7643-8640-5 English
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 129.00
978-3-7643-7365-8 German / English
22 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

kengo kuma—
The Teahouse
kiessler + Partner kengo kuma of the museum
Architekten of Applied Arts
Uwe Kiessler (Ed.)
materials, Frankfurt
With an introduction by Manfred Sack structures, details Volker Fischer, Ulrich Schneider (Eds)

The monograph, including an

original text by kuma himself,
uwe kiessler and his partners
gives an in-depth documenta-
have set new standards with
tion of this lyrical temporary
their firm’s outstanding struc-
structure—with many un-
tures. Their architecture stands
long regarded in Japan as a published sketches, technical
for solutions that accomplish
master architect, kengo kuma plans and with splendid color
their objectives at the lowest
only recently entered the euro- photographs.
possible cost, for structures
pean limelight. This monograph
that react dynamically to a
presents 14 projects, includ- 2008. 131 pp., 126 color, 20 b/w ills.,
range of different demands, 42 drawings.
ing the museum of hiroshige
and for technical systems that 24.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
Ando, the water/glass-villa, EUr 18.60 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 29.95
make use of nature instead of
the plastic house in Tokyo and 978-3-7643-8787-7 German / English
using it up.
the Bamboo house. All projects
are portrayed in exact technical
2006. 374 pp., 228 color, 183 b/w ills.,
137 drawings. drawings.
21.5 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 2007. 136 pp., 18 color, 62 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-7627-7 German / English 122 drawings.
21.0 x 28.4 cm. softcover.
EUr 48.00 / GBP 44.00 / UsD 65.00
978-3-7643-7122-7 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 23

Vol. 1: 1910–1929
Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov (Eds)

2006. 14th printing. 215 pp.,

le Corbusier— 600 b/w ills.

978-3-7643-5503-6 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

Complete works
in 8 volumes Vol. 2: 1929–1934
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov,
Max Bill (Eds) 2006. 14th printing. 208 pp.,
550 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5504-3 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

Vol. 3: 1934–1938
Max Bill (Ed.)

2006. 12th printing. 176 pp.,

550 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5505-0 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

Vol. 4: 1938–1946
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)

2006. 10th printing. 208 pp.,

259 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5506-7 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

Vol. 5: 1946–1952
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)

2006. 10th printing. 244 pp.,

428 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5507-4 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

This exceptional complete works edition documents the enor- Vol. 6: 1952–1957
mous spectrum in the œuvre of one of the most influential Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
architects of the 20th century. published between 1929 and 1970,
in close collaboration with le corbusier himself, and frequently 2006. 9th printing. 224 pp.,
reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an exhaustive 428 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5508-1 fr. / Engl. / Ger.
and singular survey of his work.

2006. 1708 pp., Vol. 7: 1957–1965

29.0 × 23.0 cm. Hardcover. Willy Boesiger (Ed.)
EUr 542.06 / GBP 450.00
978-3-7643-5515-9 french / English / German
2006. 6th printing. 240 pp.,
459 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5509-8 fr. / Engl. / Ger.

Vol. 8: 1965–1969
Willy Boesiger (Ed.)

2006. 5th printing. 208 pp., 50 color,

254 b/w ills.
978-3-7643-5510-4 fr. / Engl. / Ger.
24 A rC H I TECTUr E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

le Corbusier—
Polychromie architecturale
color keyboards from
1931 and 1959
Arthur Rüegg (Ed.)

This highly complex and exact reproduction—printed in pig-

ments of le corbusier’s renowned “salubra colours” in 13 sample
cards, 4 slides and 63 color sample sheets provides an indispens-
able basis and invaluable tool for architects, interior and graphic

2006. 174 pp., 155 color, 37 b/w ills.,

29.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
3 volumes in a box.
EUr 279.44 / GBP 260.00 / UsD 400.00
978-3-7643-7475-4 German / English / french
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 25

le Corbusier—
Heidi weber—50 The Artist
Years Ambassador works from the
for le Corbusier Heidi weber le Corbusier—
1958–2008 Collection The Graphic work
Heidi Weber Heidi Weber (Ed.) Heidi Weber (Ed.)

From the summer of 1958, edition heidi weber: presenting must-have publications for all
when she first met Le Corbusier le corbusier’s largely unknown le corbusier enthusiasts.
in cap martin, until today, heidi artistic œuvre.
weber has worked tirelessly 2004. 112 pp., 84 color ills.,
to popularize his work. This 2004. 160 pp., 181 color, 10 b/w ills., 30.2 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover in slipcase.
31.4 × 25.2 cm. Cloth bound. EUr 91.59 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 115.00
volume documents fifty years 978-3-7643-7225-5 German / English
EUr 147.66 / GBP 133.00 / UsD 195.00
of activity with illustrations of 978-3-7643-7219-4 English
more than one hundred of le 29.7 × 24.5 cm. softcover.
corbusier’s works from heidi EUr 45.79 / GBP 35.00
978-3-7643-7218-7 German / English
weber’s collection.

2009. 208 pp., 127 color,

71 b/w ills.,
30.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-0346-0249-5 English /
German / french
26 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

Maison Blanche—
le Corbusier
history and
restoration of the
villa Jeanneret-
Une petite maison The Modulor and perret 1912–2005
1923 Modulor 2 Klaus Spechtenhauser, Arthur Rüegg
Le Corbusier Le Corbusier (Eds)

le corbusier’s modulor—a
fundamental work in the history
of architecture—as a beautiful
The villa known as maison
facsimile edition.
Blanche is one of le corbusier’s
This book tells the story of the early masterworks. After stand-
2000. 579 pp., 298 b/w ills.,
little house le corbusier built 14.8 × 15.8 cm. Two softcover ing empty for years, the building
1923 near vevey on the board volumes in slipcase. was restored by a specially
of the lake of geneva for his EUr 44.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 50.00 formed association. The prac-
978-3-7643-6187-7 french
mother. written, photographed, ticability of these measures
978-3-7643-6188-4 English
illustrated and designed by was carefully determined with
le corbusier. a feasibility study conducted
on the basis of reports and
2001. 80 pp., 37 b/w ills., archival studies.
12.0 × 16.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 27.94 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 36.95
2007. 184 pp., 92 color, 111 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-5512-8 french / German /
49 drawings.
23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-7836-3 English
978-3-7643-7835-6 french
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 27

The Villas of New

le Corbusier and
Pierre Jeanneret le Corbusier and the
1920–1930 Architectural Promenade
Tim Benton Flora Samuel

This standard work reveals

the design processes behind
the icons of modernism, like
the villa stein-de monzie or
the Villa Savoye, from the first
idea to the occupation of the
The “promenade architecturale” is a central element of le corbusier’s
homes, and sheds light on the
architectural and city - planning designs. it is the sequence of
steps and contexts of daily
images that unfolds before the eyes of the observer as he or she
work. it measures the concept
gradually advances through the structure. it is the creation of a
of modern architecture against
hierarchy among the architectural events, a set of instructions for
the built reality, and enables us
reading the work—the “internal circulatory system” of architec-
to rediscover the architect
le corbusier behind the myth.
2010. 224 pp., 40 color, 140 b/w ills.,
2007. 272 pp., 78 b/w ills., 50 drawings, 21.0 x 27.0 cm. Hardcover.
276 drawings. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.85
23.0 × 29.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-0346-0607-3 English
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-8406-7 English
28 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

The rhetoric of
Modernism: Apartment Block le Corbusier:
le Corbusier 24 N.C. and le The Chapel at
as a lecturer Corbusier’s Home ronchamp
Tim Benton Jacques Sbriglio Danièle Pauly

le corbusier presented his

work to the world in his lectures.
in this volume, the numerous
excerpts, preliminary notes,
accompanying drawings, and
photographs that le corbusier
produced are commented by The residence at 24 rue nun- The pilgrimage church notre-
one of the leading experts on gesser et coli in paris was built dame-du-haut in ronchamp
the great architect. The final in 1931–34 by le corbusier (1950–54), an icon of modern
third of the book reproduces and pierre Jeanneret. it was architecture, represents one
five pivotal lectures. precisely this building which of the central buildings of le
gave exemplary expression to corbusier’s late period. like all
2009. 247 pp., 35 b/w ills., 120 draw- le corbusier’s “cinq points de the guides in this series, this
ings. 20.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover. l’architecture moderne.” book is indispensable both for
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-8944-4 English
a specialist audience and for
1996. 113 pp., 65 b/w ills., tourists interested in architec-
12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover. ture and modern art.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 27.95
978-3-7643-5432-9 french / English
2008. 105 pp., 15 color, 25 b/w ills., 33
drawings. 12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 24.95
978-3-7643-8232-2 English
978-3-7643-8233-9 french
978-3-7643-5760-3 German / Italian
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 29

le Corbusier: le Corbusier:
The Monastery of The Unité
le Corbusier: sainte Marie de la d’Habitation in
The Villa savoye Tourette Marseilles
Jacques Sbriglio Philippe Potié Jacques Sbriglio

with its clear construction, the A guide to the convent sainte A compact monograph on the
villa savoye, completed in 1931, marie de la Tourette near lyon: famous unité d’habitation in
established le corbusier’s and a masterpiece of modern ec- marseille, a pioneering achieve-
pierre Jeanneret’s reputation clesiastical architecture. ment in social housing, in the
as an undisputed master of successful series “guides le
twentieth-century architecture. 2001. 136 pp., 20 color, 72 b/w ills., corbusier.”
in this guide, historic docu- 12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 21.95
ments and new photographs 978-3-7643-6298-0 french / English
2004. 244 pp., 34 color, 77 b/w ills.,
provide an in-depth presenta- 12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 24.90 / GBP 18.50 / UsD 27.95
tion both to visitors to the site 978-3-7643-6718-3 french / English
and to interested readers at

2008. 135 pp., 33 color, 81 b/w ills.,

12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 24.95
978-3-7643-8230-8 English
978-3-7643-8231-5 french
30 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

Architecture and
le Corbusier: utopia in the era
The Villas la of the French Counterpoint:
roche-Jeanneret revolution Daniel libeskind
Jacques Sbriglio Anthony Vidler Paul Goldberger

An exciting and accessible

introduction to one of the most
visionary and revolutionary
precursors of modern archi- Author paul goldberger, of in-
tecture. since the 1930s, when ternational renown, documents
he was rediscovered by emil all of Libeskind’s high-profile
kaufmann in the famous study projects such as the Jewish
“From ledoux to le corbusier,” museum in Berlin and the royal
his visionary but widely realized ontario museum in Toronto.
This guide describes the villa
buildings have served as a highly attractive object with
la roche as well as the villa
source of inspiration for unu- exclusive graphic design.
Jeanneret, seat of the Fonda-
sual designs.
tion le corbusier.
2009. 392 pp., 350 color ills.,
2006. 159 pp., 48 color ills., 90 drawings.
1997. 144 pp., 15 color, 62 b/w ills., 22.0 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover. 18.5 × 25.8 cm. Hardcover.
12.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95 EUr 44.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
EUr 19.90 / GBP 15.00 / UsD 21.95 978-3-7643-7485-3 English 978-3-7643-8945-1 English
978-3-7643-5433-6 English / french
Not available in North America and
the United kingdom.
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 31

Christoph Mäckler Mendelsohn—
The remateriali- the Complete
sation of modern Graeme Mann & works
Architecture Patricia Capua Bruno Zevi
With biographical notes by
Christoph Mäckler Mann Louise Mendelsohn

christoph mäckler’s archi-

A comprehensive monograph
tecture is distinguished by its The lausanne architects mann
on the complete works of erich
reconciliation of tradition and & capua mann have been active
mendelsohn (1887–1953), the
modernity. mäckler seeks to since 1991. Their structures are
leading exponent of architec-
reconnect architecture with compelling thanks to the vari-
tural expressionism.
its premodern roots. A pivotal ety of their views, the diversity
role in his efforts is played by of their light effects, and the
1999. 461 pp., 60 color, 1000 b/w ills.,
the restoration of surface and expressive simplicity of their 24.0 × 31.5. Cloth bound.
volume in the facade and the spatial effects. EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 86.95
understanding of the building’s 978-3-7643-5975-1 English
material properties 2008. 144 pp., 102 color, 10 b/w ills.,
136 drawings.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover.
2008. 192 pp., 233 color, 14 b/w ills.,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
22 drawings.
978-3-7643-8835-5 English
24.0 × 29.7 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
978-3-7643-6273-7 German / English
32 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

oscar Niemeyer nps tchoban voss

ludwig Mies A legend of From detail to
van der rohe modernism urban space
Jean-Louis Cohen Paul Andreas, Ingeborg Flagge (Eds) Falk Jaeger

For architects and many others

who are committed to the mod- The architecture firm nps
ernist tradition, mies van der A concise, stimulating and at- tchoban voss, with offices in
Rohe is a pivotal figure. With tractively illustrated overview hamburg, Berlin, and dresden,
in-depth, scholarly essays and of the works of oscar niemeyer, is one of the few German firms
opulent photographs and plans, underlining his relevance for with an international presence.
this book traces the multifac- contemporary architecture. Founded in hamburg in 1931, it
eted development of his work, is rich in tradition and distin-
including his first Berlin build- 2003. 143 pp., 26 color, 41 b/w ills., guished by a modern orienta-
ings, his villa projects, his work 19 drawings. tion that conditions the entire
22.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
at the Bauhaus in the 1930s, EUr 32.62 / GBP 26.00 / UsD 34.95
design process.
and his American projects of 978-3-7643-6992-7 German / English
the postwar years. 2008. 224 pp., 202 color, 30 b/w ills.,
76 drawings.
24.5 × 31.0 cm. Hardcover.
2007. 191 pp., 119 color, 43 b/w ills.,
EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
41 drawings.
978-3-7643-8768-6 German / English
22.0 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-7960-5 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 33

Topselle frei otto.

Dado Complete works
Built and inhabited ortner & ortner lightweight
by rudolf olgiati Buildings for construction—
and valerio olgiati european culture natural design
Selina Walder (Ed.) Laurids Ortner (Ed.) Winfried Nerdinger (Ed.)

incorporating tradition means

Frei otto, awarded the royal
infusing a common identity
This publication portrays the gold medal 2006 by the royal
with new dynamism. This is the
life and work of rudolf and institute of British Architects, is
message the Austrian archi-
valerio olgiati using the exam- one of germany’s most innova-
tectural firm seeks to convey
ple of the house and studio tive architects in the second
with its buildings. with vienna’s
—that is, through the transfor- half of the 20th century. in this
museum district, Zurich’s
mations they have undergone volume, prominent authors
schiffbau arts complex, and
at the hands of their residents analyse and discuss the key as-
the dresden public library, this
over a period of nearly eighty pects of Frei otto’s work. in ad-
book focuses on three inter-
years. it shows personal furni- dition it contains an extensive
nationally significant cultural
ture and objects, the individual and detailed catalogue of over
layout and design of the spaces 200 buildings and projects dat-
and hence the penchants and ing from the years 1951–2004.
2008. 240 pp., 159 b/w ills.,
attitudes of the two architects. 119 drawings.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Dust jacket. 2005. 391 pp., 147 color, 285 b/w ills.,
2010. approx. 100 pp., approx. EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 69.95 145 drawings.
40 color ills., 30 drawings, 978-3-7643-7154-8 German / English 30.7 × 22.1 cm Hardcover.
27.2 x 35.3 cm. Japanese binding. EUr 89.90 / GBP 70.00 / UsD 115.00
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / 978-3-7643-7231-6 English
UsD 69.95
978-3-0346-0430-7 English
34 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

the Ground—
Urbanism Today Jean Prouvé—
re: CP The work of Highlights
Cedric Price
palmbout urban 1917–1944
With contributions by Arata Isozaki, Peter Sulzer
Patrick Keiller, Hans Ulrich Obrist and landscapes With photographs by Erika Sulzer-
Rem Koolhaas With an essay by Aaron Betsky Kleinemeier

palmbout urban landscapes

is now one of the leading
urban planning offices in the
netherlands. its approach is
characterized by a constant
search for a new relation-
The most important works
ship between urban planning,
from 1917–1944 of Jean
architecture and landscape
“For forty years, British architect prouvé, one of this century’s
architecture. palmbout urban
cedric price has been one most significant designers and
landscapes has established
of the most challenging and constructors, have been gath-
a profile in terms of mutual
witty provocateurs in the field, ered together in a low-priced
interactions between urban
forcing us to cast a fresh eye on softcover edition.
planning, analysis and design of
what architecture is.” (cana-
landscape and infrastructure.
dian centre for Architecture, 2002. 171 pp., 28 color, 360 b/w ills.,
montreal) 257 drawings.
2010. 208 pp., 120 color, 50 b/w ills, 24.0 × 30.0 cm. softcover.
280 drawings, EUr 27.10 / GBP 26.00 / UsD 61.95
2003. 192 pp., 79 color ills., 29.0 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-6695-7 English
15.0 × 21.0 cm. softcover. EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 /
EUr 14.90 / GBP 13.50 / UsD 46.95 UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-6636-0 English 978-3-0346-0263-1 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 35

Volume 1: 1917–1933

Jean prouvé complete works—

Jean Prouvé— an invaluable standard work

Complete works
for architects, engineers and
furniture designers.
Peter Sulzer
With photographs by Erika Sulzer-Kleinemeier 1999. 239 pp., 25 color, 720 b/w ills.,
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 139.00
978-3-7643-6040-5 french / English

Volume 2: 1934–1944

Jean prouvés work is a remark-

able combination of creative
imagination, technical skill and
enterpreneurial spirit.

2000. 352 pp., 50 color, 1000 b/w ills.,

24.0 × 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 102.80 / GBP 88.00 / UsD 139.00
978-3-7643-6002-3 french / English

Volume 3: 1944–1954

The third volume in the com-

plete works of the exceptional
engineer, constructor and de-
signer Jean prouvé.

2005. 384 pp., 58 color, 381 b/w ills.,

544 drawings.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 110.00 / GBP 90.00 / UsD 139.00
978-3-7643-2435-3 french / English

Volume 4: 1954–1984

The final volume of the Com-

plete works, eagerly awaited by
specialized audiences.

2008. 334 pp., 136 color, 385 b/w ills.,

350 drawings.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 110.00 / GBP 90.00 / UsD 149.85
978-3-7643-2472-8 french / English
36 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

workmanship outline
The Architecture working philosophy Architecture by
of richter & Dahl and design schmidt hammer
rocha practice lassen
Klaus - Dieter Weiss schmidt hammer lassen k/s (Ed.)

This documentation of the last

ten years presents sixty - five
structures and projects from
In the last fifteen years, the Among the most notable
rkw and looks behind the
architects ignacio dahl rocha achievements of scandinavian
scenes in numerous interviews
and Jacques richter have architecture are a responsible
and essays. The works consid-
completed numerous projects, approach to the environment
ered range from the research
including cultural, educational, and a keen appreciation for
facilities for Audi to residential
administrative, hospital, and social concerns. The danish
buildings, schools, railroad sta-
residential buildings, prima- architects schmidt hammer
tion, urban office buildings and
rily in switzerland but also in lassen (founded in 1986, with
shopping centers, as well as the
germany, saudi Arabia, and offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus,
soccer stadium in gdansk.
Argentina. The most important Oslo, and London) reflect these
are presented here, in the only standards in their remarkable
2010. approx. 320 pp., approx. 300
current monograph on the firm. color, 30 b/w ills., 40 drawings, buildings.
24.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
2008. 245 pp., 179 color, 42 b/w ills., approx. EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00 / 2008. 313 pp., 69 color, 78 b/w ills.,
185 drawings. UsD 69.95 104 drawings.
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0481 - 9 English 24.5 × 31.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 62.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0484 - 0 Polish EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7599-7 English 978-3-7643-8836-2 English
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 37

form follows
schulitz Archi- Valode & Pistre
tekten Bernard Tschumi Architects
Helmut C. Schulitz Gilles de Bure Philip Jodidio

with a clear analysis of the

reasons behind the increasingly This book contains detailed
Bernard Tschumi is a border
arbitrary character of design presentations of 16 projects by
crosser in the field of contem-
today, “form follows perform- valode & pistre, with documen-
porary architecture. equally
ance” takes a position that tation focusing on their specific
present in europe and the
points out design avenues in a working and design methods.
united states, he laid the cor-
convincing and future-oriented projects presented include
nerstone for his influential body
manner. it supports this posi- the renault Technocentre in
of work two decades ago with a
tion by presenting the projects guyancourt, France; a group of
project that combines architec-
of schulitz Architekten. office and hotel towers in Bei-
ture and landscape architec-
jing, china; and the hyatt hotel
ture: the parc de la villette in
2010. 260 pp., 200 color, 50 b/w ills., in ekaterinburg, russia.
400 drawings. paris. This is the monograph of
24.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover. his built work.
2006. 240 pp., 239 color ills.,
EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
125 drawings.
978-3-0346-0115-3 German / English
2008. 239 pp., 189 color, 28 b/w ills., 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Dust jacket.
110 drawings. EUr 65.00 / GBP 58.00 / UsD 95.00
19.5 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-7200-2 English
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8622-1 English
38 A rC H I TECTU r E A rc h i T ecTs | B u i l d i n gs

New Architectural
Gert wingårdh Thinking environments—
Thirty years of Architecture surrounding
Architecture Peter Zumthor objects
Mikael Nanfeldt (Ed.) 3rd, expanded edition Peter Zumthor

gert wingårdh (b. 1951) is

Architecture that is meant to in nine short, illustrated chap-
sweden’s leading architect. his
have a sensuous connection to ters framed as a process of
clever and imaginative spatial
life calls for thinking that goes self-observation, peter
eter Zumthor
creations are remarkable in
far beyond form and construc- describes what he has in mind
economic as well as ecological
tion. in his texts, peter Zumthor as he sets about creating the
and sociological terms. This
articulates what motivates him atmosphere of his houses. im-
monograph analyzes the prin-
to design his buildings, which ages of spaces and buildings
cipal aspects of his work in
appeal to the visitor’s heart that affect him are every bit as
seminal essays by renowned
and mind in so many ways important as particular pieces of
architecture critics.
and possess a compelling and music or books that inspire him.
unmistakable presence and
2008. 560 pp., 295 color ills.,
150 drawings. aura. The third edition has been 2006. 75 pp., 19 color, 14 b/w ills.,
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. expanded to include two new 17.0 × 24.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 44.95 EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95
essays . 978-3-7643-7495-2 English
978-3-7643-8646-7 English
978-3-7643-8841-6 french
2010. 112 pp., 20 ills. in color,
14.0 x 23.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0585 - 4 English
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0582 - 3 french
978 - 3 - 0346 -0555 - 7 German
A rC H ITECTU rE Archi T ecTs | Bui l di ng s 39

Exploring New
Boundaries Architekten
The Architecture of frank lloyd Profile 2011/2012
wilkinson eyre wright Birkhäuser GmbH (Ed.)
Peter Davey, Kurt W. Forster Daniel Treiber In cooperation with Baunetz

Frank lloyd wright (1867–1959)

The London architectural firm exercised a shaping influ-
“Architekten Profile 2010/2011”
wilkinson eyre Architects, ence on architectural his-
presents 110 selected archi-
founded in 1983, has been tory throughout the world. The
tects from germany, Austria,
drawing attention since the author, daniel Treiber, has
and switzerland together with
1990s with its wealth of innova- produced a well-researched
their current works and trail-
tive and imaginative designs— and thorough presentation
blazing projects in architecture,
notably its spectacular and that highlights the fundamen-
landscape architecture, and
structurally ambitious bridges. tal aspects of the American
interior design.
architect’s work that are
2007. 176 pp., 45 color, 150 b/w ills., relevant from a contemporary
53 drawings. 2010. 284 pp., 600 color ills.,
perspective. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 79.95
978-3-7643-7531-7 English 2008. 192 pp., 120 color, 10 b/w ills., 978-3-0346-0621-7 German / English
20 drawings.
22.0 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-8697-9 English
40 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Energy Manual facade

Construction sustainable Construction
Materials Manual Architecture Manual
Manfred Hegger, Volker Auch-Schwelk, Manfred Hegger, Matthias Fuchs, Thomas Herzog, Roland Krippner,
Matthias Fuchs, Thorsten Rosenkranz Thomas Stark, Martin Zeumer Werner Lang
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

The manual addresses funda- An indispensable planning aid “Facade construction manual”
mental questions of sustain- for energy-efficient and sus- provides a systematic survey of
ability, including life-span, envi- tainable construction; following contemporary expertise in the
ronmental impact, and material the proven model of earlier application of new materials
cycles, while also presenting manuals in the series. and energy-efficient technolo-
material innovations. All of the gies in facade design. it surveys
principal conventional and in- 2008. 280 pp., 390 color, 150 b/w ills., the facade design requirements
novative construction materials 500 drawings. made by various types of build-
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
are documented, with attention EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
ings, as well as the most im-
to their production, treatment, 978-3-7643-8764-8 English portant materials, from natural
surfaces, connections, and softcover. stone through to synthetics,
characteristics. EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 89.95 and documents a diversity of
978-3-7643-8830-0 English
construction forms for a wide
2006. 280 pp., 385 color, 11 b/w ills., range of building types.
278 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
2004. 320 pp., 471 color, 36 b/w ills.,
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 145.00
720 drawings.
978-3-7643-7570-6 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 145.00
978-3-7643-7109-8 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 41

Interiors Con-
flat roof Con- struction Manual
struction Manual integrated
Roofing Systems, Glass planning, Finish-
supporting Construction ings and Fitting-
structure, Manual out, Technical
Christian Schittich, Gerald Staib, Dieter
refurbishment Balkow, Matthias Schuler et al. services
Klaus Sedlbauer, Rainer Barthel, In cooperation with DETAIL Gerhard Hausladen,
Hartwig Künzel, Eberhard Schunck 2nd revised and expanded edition. Karsten Tichelmann

in addition to providing the in compact and appealing form, A comprehensive manual on

planner with basic rules of con- the completely revised “glass renovating, remodeling and
struction and design, the “Flat construction manual” presents rebuilding interiors, and practi-
roof construction manual” also the current state of the art on cal planning aid and reference
supplies an overview of the use planning and building with work with the relevant stand-
and construction types as well glass, from the history through ards, guidelines, reference
as the standard assemblies the technical foundations all details and constructional
for flat roofs. Together with the the way to the most innovative solutions, all illustrated by built
most important standards and applications. example projects. it contains
bodies of regulations, construc- the key fundamentals of build-
tion drawings of the principal 2007. 352 pp., 238 color, ing physics, fire protection,
connection points round out 102 b/w ills., 1000 drawings. interior construction systems
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
the volume. EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 149.00
and openings.
978-3-7643-8122-6 English
2010. 200 pp, 120 color, 50 b/w ills., softcover. 2010. 280 pp., approx. 400 color,
600 drawings, EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 149.00 1100 b/w ills.
23.0 x 29.7 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-8290-2 English 23.0 x 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 99.90 / GBP 90.00 / EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.90
UsD 135,00 978-3-0346-0282-2 English
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0658-5 English softcover.
EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 130.00
978-3-0346-0284-6 English
42 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

roof Construction Construction
refurbishment Manual Manual
Manual pitched roofs Thomas Herzog, Julius Natterer, Roland
Georg Giebeler, Harald Krause, Eberhard Schunck, Hans Jochen Oster, Schweitzer, Michael Volz et al.
Rainer Fisch, Florian Musso et al. Rainer Barthel, Kurt Kießl In cooperation with DETAIL
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL New revised and expanded edition

The “refurbishment manual” The “roof construction manual” This manual is a comprehen-
constitutes a practical planning is a comprehensive reference sive and indispensable
aid on the subject of refurbish- work on the construction of reference work in the specialist
ment. it offers concrete tips pitched roofs, containing over literature on timber. chapters
on planning steps, methods 1800 plans and 220 photo- cover the significance of timber
of building analysis, and cost graphs. Thirteen fundamental with particular reference to
benchmarks, as well as clear roof types and the relevant ma- ecology is also investigated.
constructional solutions with terials including thatch, wood, Timber as a load-bearing mate-
built projects as examples. slate, tile, concrete, fibrous rial is considered, and topics
cement, bitumen, glass, metal, such as new methods of joining,
2009. 272 pp., 400 color, 1100 b/w ills., membranes, and synthetic transport and montage are also
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. materials are documented in documented.
EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 169.00
978-3-7643-9946-7 English
softcover 2004. 375 pp., 179 color, 630 b/w ills.,
EUr 89.90 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 99.00 2003. 448 pp., 108 color, 48 b/w ills., 4000 drawings.
978-3-7643-9947-4 English 1800 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. EUr 120.00 / GBP 108.00 / UsD 140.00
EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 145.00 978-3-7643-7025-1 English
978-3-7643-6986-6 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 43

In Detail: Building
in Existing fabric
In Detail: In Detail: extensions, new
Building simply Building skins design
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

“ detail: Building simply”

“in This volume focuses on the This publication examines a
demonstrates the breadth wide-ranging aspects of facade wide range of unconventional
and complexity of the issues design, from the selection and concepts for reusing existing
involved in building simply, use of materials to the ad- buildings, highlighting success-
from functional and economic vanced technical possibilities ful and innovative solutions,
demands, through ecological now open to the architect. from the reuse of a gothic mon-
and energy-related aspects, A wide array of carefully se- astery or the former industrial
to design and construction lected international examples buildings of Fiat lingotto to the
requirements. show the theory in the practice. renovation of structures made
of pre-cast concrete panels.
2005. 176 pp., 123 color, 78 b/w ills., 2006. 198 pp., 184 color, 28 b/w ills.,
175 drawings. 185 drawings. 2003. 176 pp., 141 color, 23 b/w ills.,
23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. 156 drawings.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95 EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-7271-2 English 978-3-7643-7640-6 English EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-1120-9 English
978-3-7643-7637-6 french
978-3-7643-7638-3 Italian
978-3-7643-7639-0 spanish
44 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

In Detail:
In Detail: Interior surfaces
Cost-Effective In Detail: and Materials
Building Interior spaces Aesthetics,
economic concepts space, light, Technology,
and constructions materials implementation
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

This volume focuses on projects This bestselling “in detail” Architecture is defined by its
otherwise overshadowed by the volume examines the use of materials and surfaces. not
spectacular and extravagant materials, lighting and color in infrequently, it is their look and
buildings that fill the specialist creating ambiance. feel that determine whether a
journals: unvarnished, unpreten- project succeeds or fails. “in
tious buildings that, despite 2002. 175 pp., 144 color, 15 b/w ills., detail: interior surfaces and
tight budgets, are clearly 157 drawings. materials” provides detailed
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
worked out to the last detail. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 59.95
and specific information on the
They exemplify how, and by 978-3-7643-6630-8 English use of appropriate materials in
what measures, cost-effective 978-3-7643-7148-7 french interior design.
planning and building are 978-3-7643-7147-0 Italian
978-3-7643-7146-3 spanish
possible. 2008. 176 pp., 146 color ills.,
274 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
2008. 176 pp., 146 color, 69 b/w ills.,
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
205 drawings.
978-3-7643-8810-2 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8393-0 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 45

Acoustics and Barrier-free
In Detail: solar sound Insulation Design
Architecture principles, principles,
strategies, visions, planning, planning,
concepts examples examples
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Eckard Mommertz Oliver Heiss, Christine Degenhart,
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL Johann Ebe

Advanced new technologies

and sophisticated planning
This volume provides expert “Barrier - Free design” provides
systems for architecture be-
planners and architects but all planners and architects
yond the age of fossile fuels.
also interested developers with with basic practical informa-
practical knowledge on the tion and a range of possible
2003. 176 pp., 98 color, 47 b/w ills.,
148 drawings. subject of acoustics in high- planning implementations in
23.0 × 29.7 cm Hardcover. rise architecture, beginning the domain of barrier freedom.
EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 59.95 with standards on methods it shows how corresponding
978-3-7643-0747-9 English
of planning and prognosis requirements can be turned
and moving on to the areas of into aesthetically distinguished
acoustics of rooms and archi- architecture. The book includes
tecture and noise protection in an overview of planning
urban planning. fundamentals as well as the
associated body of rules and
2009. 112 pp., 90 color, 5 b/w ills., regulations.
130 drawings.
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
2010. 112 pp., approx. 70 color, 80
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-9953-5 English
21.0 x 29.7 cm. softcover
approx. EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 49.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0577 - 9 English
46 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Building with Building with

large Clay Blocks steel Concrete
details, products, details, principles, Design
examples examples construction,
Theodor Hugues, Klaus Greilich, Alexander Reichel, Peter Ackermann, examples
Christine Peter Alexander Hentschel, Anette Hochberg Martin Peck (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

in modern masonry work it is A handbook for quick, goal-ori- This book provides the basic
customary to use large size ented reading and implementa- information needed to work
blocks in building. They fulfil all tion. case study projects ex- with the concrete, with special
the construction requirements emplify common norm details attention to the architect’s
even in singlelayer outside using large-scale drawings. role in planning and construc-
walls. using two houses as The fundamentals of planning tion management. it describes
examples all details are pre- load-bearing structures provide current trends in concrete
sented clearly and comprehen- design and planning help. technology and the develop-
sively in a scale of 1:10. ment of innovative new types of
2007. 112 pp., 72 color, 40 b/w ills., concrete, with firsthand reports
2004. 118 pp., 15 color, 4 b/w ills., 154 drawings. by architects in the field.
127 drawings. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-8386-2 English 2006. 110 pp., 85 color, 44 b/w ills.,
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
28 drawings.
978-3-7643-7111-1 English
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-7631-4 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 47

Dressed stone Upgrades
Dry Construction Types of stone, principles, details,
principles, details, details, examples examples
examples Theodor Hugues, Ludwig Steiger, Clemens Richarz, Christina Schulz,
Karsten Tichelmann, Jochen Pfau Johann Weber Friedemann Zeitler
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

“detail practice: dry construc- This international edition has A practical guide with concrete
tion” provides an overview been extended to incorporate a recommendations for realizing
of the most widely used dry chapter on facade techniques energy-related renovation
construction systems, organ- in the construction section, and measures. All energy-related
ized according to the building the charts now include a selec- issues are treated according to
components wall, ceiling, and tion of the 80 most sought after their goals. large-scale detail
floor and their applications. european stone types. The uses drawings document construc-
of dressed stone are shown in tive solutions for removing
2009. 112 pp., 242 color, 2 b/w ills., detailed drawings on a scale of structural weaknesses. An
133 drawings. 1:10, and particular attention is overview of installation en-
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
paid to the joints and specific gineering measures helps to
978-3-7643-8808-9 English related problems. evaluate possibilities, costs,
and economic viability.
2005. 134 pp., 242 color, 2 b/w ills.,
133 drawings. 2007. 112 pp., 11 color, 15 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 167 drawings.
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7273-6 English EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-8121-9 English
48 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Glass in Building Materials lighting Design
principles, principles, principles,
Applications, materials, implementation,
examples Applications case studies
Bernhard Weller, Stefan Unnewehr, Margit Pfundstein, Roland Gellert, Ulrike Brandi Licht
Silke Tasche, Kristina Härth Martin Spitzner, Alexander Rudolphi In cooperation with DETAIL
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL 2nd enlarged edition

“glass in Building” offers a com- “detail practice: insulating ma- Assembled by experienced
pact and illustrated overview of terials” offers a comprehensive authors and experts from the
the material-appropriate use catalogue of insulating materi- worlds of practice and teaching,
of glass in building construc- als for use in construction. this volume provides an intro-
tion and provides information notes on the individual types duction to the most important
on designing with glass and of insulating materials provide aspects of natural and artificial
producing and using special- information on the raw materi- lighting design. in addition to
ized glass products, as well as als they contain as well as their straightforward planning rules
on the building and planning typical attributes, areas of ap- it also introduces and explains
regulations that must be taken plication, and delivery forms. current natural and artificial
into account when constructing lighting systems.
with glass. 2008. 112 pp., 64 color, 7 b/w ills.,
103 drawings. 2006. 112 pp., 93 color, 8 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 99 drawings.
2009. 112 pp., 70 color ills.,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
100 drawings.
978-3-7643-8654-2 English EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 46.95
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95 978-3-7643-7493-8 English
978-3-0346-0132-0 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 49

New Plaster, render,

Photovoltaics Paint and
Coatings Translucent
Technology, design, Materials
construction details, products,
Bernhard Weller, Claudia Hemmerle, case studies glass, plastics,
Sven Jakubetz, Alexander Reichel, Anette Hochberg, metals
Stefan Unnewehr Christine Köpke Frank Kaltenbach (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

An illustrated guide to the tech- plastering, colors, and coatings Traditionally, stretched paper,
nical, design, and construction- help characterize surfaces, de- finely-cut stone, or stained
al aspects of integrating solar termine the impression a room glass were used to create mood
plants into buildings. The chap- makes, create light effects. and atmosphere. These are now
ter on building law, a glossary, This volume uses international giving way to a new generation
and additional sources and examples to present innova- of innovative materials—com-
directories point the way for tive solutions on this theme. posite glass, synthetic panels,
further study. impeccably real- expert authors describe and membranes and perforated
ized example projects round out define the essential principles, metals. An up-to-date survey
the book with demonstrations drawing attention to points to of translucent materials, their
of the various options for in- be aware of. technical properties and ap-
stalling photovoltaics on roofs plications.
and facades. 2004. 112 pp., 127 color, 8 b/w ills.,
76 drawings. 2004. 110 pp., 110 color, 29 b/w ills.,
21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover. 65 drawings.
2010. 112 pp., 240 color ills.,
EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 21.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
130 drawings.
978-3-7643-7110-4 English EUr 39.50 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 48.95
21.0 x 29.7 cm. softcover
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 978-3-7643-7033-6 English
978-3-0346-0369-0 English
50 A rC H I TECTUr E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Constructing Topseller
Topselle materials, processes,
Pinpoint structures
Andrea Deplazes (Ed.)
Bruno Keller, Stephan Rutz 2nd, revised and expanded edition

This textbook on building demonstrates an

This manual presents the key aspects of sustain- integral approach which combines specialized
able building in clearly organized form; makes technical knowledge with the lyrical beauty of
it easy to put it into practice with the help of the illustrated buildings, and background infor-
graphics, step-by-step instructions and practical mation on cultural and historical aspects.
tips; illustrates it with examples. pinpoinT helps
practitioners keep their focus on the essentials. 2008. 555 pp., 710 b/w ills., 1030 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. softcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 119.00
2009. 288 pp., 150 ills. in color
978-3-7643-8631-3 English
16.4 × 21.8 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-8651-1 french
EUr 49.90 / GBP 39.90 / UsD 74.95
978-3-0346-0120-7 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 51

w Ne
scale: scale:
open | Close Enclose | Build
windows, doors, The Building envelope —
gates, loggias, Filters Facade, wall, roof
Jan-Henrik Hafke, Anette Hochberg, Joachim Raab Martin Krammer, Jörg Sturm, Susanne Wartzeck

A practical handbook for the planning and con- “enclose | Build” shows the conditions under
struction of all forms of apertures and openings, which certain constructions can be employed
from doors to skylights, from the first design idea and why; what criteria such as construction
to the final details, ideal for quick and targeted costs, issues of sustainability, of energy effi-
consultation. ciency, of assembly or of insulation or protection
against moisture can also influence the choice
2009. 176 pp., 150 color, 50 b/w ills., of a system. “enclose | Build” is an indispensable
500 drawings. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. tool for every architect.
EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-7643-9961-0 English
2010. approx. 176 pp. approx. 150 color, 25 b/w ills.,
200 drawings, 22.0 x 28.0 cm. softcover.
approx. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-0346-0207-5 English
52 A rC H I TECTUr E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

scale: Heat | Cool
energy concepts, principles, installations
Manfred Hegger, Joost Hartwig, Martin Keller

The book provides strategies for an energetically sensible and

suitable approach to building conditioning as well as its design
and constructional integration. how much the building itself can
achieve in the context of the given climatic, topographical, and
town - planning framework conditions and to what extent additional
installations are required for conditioning—all of these topics are
discussed on the basis of case studies.

2010. 176 pp., approx. 150 color, 25 b/w ills., 200 drawings,
22.0 x 28.0 cm. softcover.
approx. EUr 44.90 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0513 - 7 English
Topselle A r CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri Als 53
The Articulate
ornament and New
Technology in façades
contemporary Building envelopes Access for All
Architecture for the 21st Approaches to the
Ben Pell
With contributions by Andreas Hild, century Built environment
Sam Jacob and Alejandro Zaera-Polo Dirk U. Hindrichs, Winfried Heusler (Eds) Wolfgang Christ (Ed.)

ornament is currently acquiring

a renewed status through the
articulation of the architectural
surface, offering a means to
Access and accessibility are
explore the interactions be- The third edition of this book
central themes in architecture
tween function and decoration, has been graphically rede-
and urbanism. moreover, ac-
volume and surface, structure signed as well as revised
cess is a key concept in many
and envelope. This book gives and expanded, with 220 new
other areas such as knowledge
a systematic account of the articles. it brings together
and education, healthcare
technologies employed in the remarkable facade solu-
etc. This book deals with this
production of ornament and tions and yields an overview
world of access in architecture,
the strategies of its applica- of the technical possibilities
city planning, and neighboring
tion today, examining a range of of modern building envelopes.
international built examples. including selected buildings by
Toyo ito, richard meier & part-
2009. 184 pp., 150 color, 50 b/w ills.,
2010. 200 pp., 180 ills. in color, ners, daniel libeskind, gehry 50 drawings.
20 in b/w, 50 drawings, partners, Foster and partners 22.5 × 28.5 cm. Hardcover.
26.5 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 39.90 / GBP 31.90 / UsD 59.95
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
and Zaha hadid.
978-3-0346-0081-1 English
978-3-0346-0221-1 English
2010. 630 pp., 1000 ills. in color,
25.0 x 33.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 65.33 / GBP 63.00 /
UsD 104.95
978-3-7643-9959-7 German / English
54 A rC H I TECTUr E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

old & New—Design Manual for
revitalizing Existing Buildings
Frank Peter Jäger ( Ed.)

“old & new” provides a comprehensive overview of intelligent ap-

proaches for working with existing building stock. presented in this
volume are everyday projects such as the revitalizing of structures
from the 1950s to the 1970s but also more specialized examples.
including essays on technical aspects such as improving energy
efficiency and working with contaminated building materials.

2010. 192 pp., 250 color, 50 b/w ills.,

100 drawings,
23.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0525 - 0 English
A r CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri Als 55

Architecture in Components and

Existing fabric Components and Connections
planning, design, systems principles of
Gerald Staib, Andreas Dörrhöfer,
Building Markus Rosenthal construction
Johannes Cramer, Stefan Breitling In cooperation with DETAIL Maarten Meijs, Ulrich Knaack

every building is composed of

The volume “components and
parts, or components, that may
systems” offers an in-depth
This book provides a com- be organized in various ways.
and clearly organized presenta-
prehensive introduction to For example, there are different
tion of the various types of
architecture in existing fabric. ways to configure walls so that
precast building components—
contradicting the conventional they perform their functions
from semifinished products
view that creative design work in an efficient manner. The
to building with components,
is the exclusive province of new individual elements, such as
open and closed systems. The
building design, the authors floor slabs, roofs, openings, and
systems are accompanied by
offer a nuanced account of ac- foundations, are described.
detailed drawings and color
tive and creative strategies for
planning, design, and execution. 2009. 144 pp., 125 b/w ills.,
125 drawings.
2008. 239 pp., 261 color, 102 b/w ills., 21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover.
2007. 221 pp., 231 color, 11 b/w ills., 358 drawings. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95
75 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket. 978-3-7643-8669-6 English
17.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 109.00
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95 978-3-7643-8656-6 English
978-3-7643-7752-6 English
56 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Prefabricated Architecture in
façades systems Motion—Dynamic
principles of principles of Components and
construction construction Elements
Ulrich Knaack, Tillmann Klein, Ulrich Knaack, Sharon Chung-Klatte, Michael Schumacher, Oliver Schaeffer,
Marcel Bilow, Thomas Auer Reinhard Hasselbach Michael-Marcus Vogt

Architects and engineers are

This book demonstrates the This book provides an overview
engaging more and more
principles of facade construc- of prefabricated systems in
with the issue of movement
tion. guidelines are sug- housing, office, and industrial
in architecture: how can we
gested for good detailing. The buildings. it explains the proc-
control and reduce the energy
installation procedures are esses of modular construction
requirement of buildings? how
described for the most com- and the behavior of materi-
can we expand the range of
mon materials—glass, wood, als with this approach. many
possible uses? And how can we
steel, concrete, and aluminum. drawings show the principles
represent, accommodate, and
numerous drawings made of modular construction, while
control dynamic movements in
specially for the book explain built examples forge a link to
the principles of the individual building practice.
types of facade which are then
2010. 240 pp., 350 color ills.,
illustrated with built examples. 2011. a136 pp., 140 b/w ills., 500 drawings.
140 drawings. 24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover. EUr 69.90 / GBP 54.90 / UsD 99.00
2007. 135 pp., 165 b/w ills.,
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95 978-3-7643-9986-3 English
140 drawings.
978-3-7643-8747-1 English
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95
978-3-7643-7962-9 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 57

Digital Culture in New Tectonics
Portable Architecture Towards a new
Architecture An introduction Theory of digital
design and for the design Architecture—
Technology professions 7th Feidad Award
Robert Kronenburg Antoine Picon Yu-Tung Liu (Ed.)

The very latest state of the art in

the field of digital design—an
indispensable overview: once
again this volume presents
the projects awarded with the
FeidAd Award and probes
This book discusses the forerun
the innovative potential that
ners, present context, and tech- Today’s explosive develop-
digital media hold in store for
nology of portable architecture. ments in digital technology
it documents numerous inter- have also affected architecture
national examples, organized and the urban landscape. The
2009. 206 pp., 320 color ills.,
by areas of application, and new possibilities opened up by 80 drawings.
offers a broad array of sugges- digital simulation have led to 17.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
tions for practical design. an increasingly strategic ap- EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-8691-7 English
proach to planning, which was
2008. 160 pp., 72 color, 110 b/w ills., still inconceivable just a few
115 drawings. years ago. This volume provides
23.0 × 30.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
a profound introduction to the
978-3-7643-8324-4 English important role of digital tech-
nologies in architectural design
and related fields.

2010. 224 pp., 50 color, 50 b/w ills.,

50 drawings,
16.5 x 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 54.95
978-3-0346-0259-4 English
978-3-0346-0261-7 french
58 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Beyond the Grid—

Architecture Climateskin
and Information Building-skin
Technology Building concepts that can
Applications Integrated do more with less
of digital Photovoltaics energy
Architectonics A handbook Gerhard Hausladen, Michael de
Ludger Hovestadt Simon Roberts, Nicolò Guariento Saldanha, Petra Liedl

essential pv know-how for “climate skin” offers concrete
architects: this handbook planning advice for architects
prof. hovestadt’s institute
presents photovoltaic tech- and engineers who wish to ex-
for cAAd is one of the most
nologies and products, and ploit not only the architectural
important institutes work-
illustrates their application in potential of facades but also
ing at the interface between
new or existing buildings with their energy and climate-
architecture and information
numerous international case- control possibilities.
technology. This book presents
practical and innovative strate-
2008. 191 pp., 218 color, 40 b/w ills.,
gies, illustrated by numerous 165 drawings.
2009. 192 pp., 96 color ills.,
realized projects. 74 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 978-3-7643-7725-0 English
2009. 280 pp., 100 color, 20 b/w ills.,
110 drawings. 978-3-7643-9948-1 English
16.5 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 41.96 / GBP 32.90 / UsD 64.95
German / English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 59

ClimateDesign sustainable
solutions for Engineering for Design
Buildings that can a finite Planet Towards a
do more with less sustainable new ethic in
Technology solutions by Buro Architecture and
Gerhard Hausladen, Michael de happold Town planning
Saldanha, Petra Liedl, Christina Sager Peter Davey Marie-Hélène Contal, Jana Revedin

sustainability is pivotal to
how does the facade design developing an architecture
The international, multi-
of a building influence climate capable of meeting the chal-
disciplinary engineering firm
design? how can planners lenges of the future. This book
Buro happold has been active
guarantee flexibility of usage, shows the work of international
in sustainable and environ-
determine the technical strat- architects who have excelled in
mental engineering design for
egy and select from available this area.
thirty years and has earned a
systems accordingly? This
reputation for expertise and ex-
volume offers a comprehensive 2009. 184 pp., 140 color, 60 b/w ills.,
cellence in this field. This book 60 drawings.
approach to energy efficient
introduces the work of the firm, 23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
building design in addition to EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 79.95
presenting selected projects
providing practical planning 978-3-7643-9938-2 English
with a wide range of construc-
aids for a wide selection of
tional detail.
building types.
2009. 151 pp., 108 color, 46 b/w ills.,
2005. 200 pp., 216 color, 67 b/w ills., 29 drawings.
264 drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 79.95 978-3-7643-7220-0 English
978-3-7643-7244-6 English
60 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Material Design New
informing New 128 Colors
Architecture by Plastics A sample Book
materiality in Architecture for Architects,
and Construction conservators and
Thomas Schröpfer
With contributions by James Carpenter,
Sheila Kennedy, Liat Margolis, Toshiko Stephan Engelsmann, Valerie Spalding, designers
Mori, Nader Tehrani, Peter Yeadon Stefan Peters Katrin Trautwein

This systematic guide to the

The approach of “material
use of plastic in architecture
design” opens the way to an
documents the constructional more than ten years ago, the
innovative use of materials in
and aesthetic possibilities of color chemist katrin Traut-
the design professions. Taking
this material. in ten chapters, wein established a company
material qualities and proper-
it introduces the material and for manufacturing fine paints,
ties such as texture, elasticity
its specific characteristics, starting out from le cor-
and transparency as a point of
describes various types of plas- busier’s color palette. she now
departure, the book describes a
tic and their relevance for the has more than 900 recipes
multitude of material opera-
building sector, and explains for paint from which she has
tions, like folding and bending,
processing and manufactur- proposed—based on her work
carving and cutting, weaving
ing techniques. A selection with architects, designers and
and knitting, mirroring and
of international case studies conservators—a selection of
demonstrates the broad range 128 colors that produce pleas-
of plastic in architecture. ant results on their own and
2010. approx. 192 pp., 180 color,
20 b/w ills., 50 drawings. also combine well.
23.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover 2010. 176 pp., 122 color, 40 b/w ills. ,
approx. EUr 49.90 / approx. GBP 45.00 86 drawings. 2010. 296 pp.,
/ approx. UsD 74.85 22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover. 128 full-page color samples,
978-3-0346-0035-4 English EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 74.85 19.5 x 27.5 cm. Hardcover
978-3-0346-0322-5 English with integrated spiral binding.
978-3-0346-0670-7 french EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 104.85
978-3-0346-0317-1 English
A r CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri Als 61

The rauch House
roger Boltshauser / Martin rauch
Otto Kapfinger, Axel Simon

martin rauch’s new residence in schlins (vorarlberg) built in col-

laboration with Zurich architect roger Boltshauser is a striking
example of how an archaic building technique can be used in a con-
temporary manner. The book documents the development of this
unique house made out of clay and provides practical knowledge on
clay construction and its special ecological, organic, and aesthetic

2010. approx. 160 pp., approx. 200 color,

50 b/w ills., 100 drawings,
16.5 x 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 74.85
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0109 - 2 English / German
62 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Building with Building with

Earth straw Nano Materials
design and design and in Architecture,
Technology of Technology of interior
a sustainable a sustainable Architecture and
Architecture Architecture design
Gernot Minke Gernot Minke, Friedemann Mahlke Sylvia Leydecker

now in a second edition: This This book is a practical, hands-

handbook offers a practical on guide to building with straw.
in this book, architects, interior
systematic overview of the in recent years there has been a
designers and designers will
many uses of rammed earth renaissance in the use of straw
find an introduction to the
and techniques for processing as a building material. straw
functions and use of nano
it. its properties and physical is a renewable resource with
materials, specifically tailored
characteristics are described excellent insulating properties.
to their needs and illustrated by
in informed and knowledgeable it is a cheap and easy-to-use
numerous international project
detail. option for self-builders, and
even large-scale structures can
2009. 208 pp., 90 color, 236 b/w ills., be erected using timber frame-
260 drawings. 2008. 192 pp., 276 color, 43 b/w ills.,
work filled with straw. 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Softcover with flaps.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 65.95 EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-8992-5 English 2005. 143 pp., 84 color, 129 b/w ills., 978-3-7643-7995-7 English
80 drawings.
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Softcover with flaps.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 56.95
978-3-7643-7171-5 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 63

smart Materials smart surfaces

in Architecture, and their
Interior Application ETfE
Architecture and in Architecture Technology and
Design and Design design
Axel Ritter Thorsten Klooster Annette LeCuyer

smart materials respond to

stimuli such as light or tempera-
ture by changing their form, color
viscosity etc. These materials
make it possible, for example,
This book is conceived as an
to develop self-acting, kinetic
in-depth introduction to the
facades and wallpaper that “smart surfaces” is an inspira-
characteristics of eTFe and its
changes its color and pattern tion for everyone interested
applications in construction.
based on temperature and light. in the potential of innovative
project examples explore in
The book presents the func
func- technologies for surfaces, il-
detail the specific character-
tions and uses of about twenty lustrating their applications
istics of eTFe building skins in
groups of smart materials. and properties in numerous
the areas of structural behavior,
international projects.
light transmission, insulation,
2007. 191 pp., 388 color, 15 b/w ills.,
30 drawings. acoustics, fire engineering and
2009. 184 pp., 213 color, 263 b/w ills.,
27.0 x 25.0 cm. Hardcover. 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. environmental modification.
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95 EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-7327-6 English 978-3-7643-8812-6 English 2008. 160 pp., 246 color, 46 b/w ills.,
105 drawings.
23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
978-3-7643-8563-7 English
64 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Glass structures
Transparent design and The Art of Precast
Plastics construction of Concrete
design and self-supporting colour, Texture,
Technology skins expression
Simone Jeska Jan Wurm David Bennett

This book is the first to present

A fascinating guide to build-
a coherent guide to the plan-
ing with transparent plas-
ning and design of glass sup- A survey of the very latest
tics. prominent international
porting frameworks. The focus developments in precast con-
avant-garde architects such
is on the pressure-resistant, crete technology and building
as shigeru Ban and herzog &
flat supporting element as a practice, including detailed
de meuron frequently use
basic building block for broad documentation of 24 inspired
transparent plastic for their
supporting structures. The spa- projects.
structures. Transparent plastic
tial and constructive forms of
seems ephemeral and thus
multifunctional, self-support- 2005. 160 pp., 222 color, 87 b/w ills.,
captures the spirit of the times. 66 drawings.
ing glass envelopes are vividly
21.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
illustrated and systematically EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 79.95
2008. 159 pp., 150 color, 20 b/w ills.,
122 drawings. explained. 978-3-7643-7150-0 English
23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95 2007. 255 pp., 490 color, 76 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-7470-9 English 325 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 89.95
978-3-7643-7608-6 English
Ar CH ITECTU rE co nsT rucT i o n | mATeri A ls 65

failed stone systems in Timber

liquid stone problems and Engineering
new Architecture solutions with loadbearing
in concrete concrete and structures and
Jean-Louis Cohen, G. Martin Moeller Jr. masonry component layers
(Eds) Patrick Loughran Josef Kolb

eight essays by noted authors

This book explains how to avoid
such as Antoine picon, Adrian An indispensable standard
typical kinds of failure. with
Forty, guy nordenson, Franz work for everyone involved in
this in mind, it systematically
ulm, and others shed light on building with wood. This work
analyzes cases of damage in
specific aspects of this material uses plans, schematic draw-
contemporary international
and its new forms. scattered ings, and pictures to show the
architecture. it also offers
throughout the book are also current and forward-looking
strategies for minimizing the
30 attractive recent buildings, state of the technology as ap-
risk of damage.
which illustrate and exemplify plied in switzerland, a leading
these developments. country in the field of timber
2007. 159 pp., 219 color, 69 b/w ills., 50
drawings. construction.
2006. 248 pp., 303 color, 89 b/w ills., 22.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
112 drawings. EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 2008. 319 pp., 55 color, 310 b/w ills.,
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Dust jacket. 978-3-7643-7329-0 English 440 drawings.
EUr 24.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 64.87 23.0 × 29.0 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-7483-9 English EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-8689-4 English
Not available in Australia and
North and south America
66 A rC H I TECTU r E c o n sT ru cT i o n | m ATe ri Als

Developments Illuminating light for Cities

in Timber natural light lighting design for
Engineering in residential urban spaces.
The swiss Architecture A handbook
contribution Michelle Corrodi, Klaus Spechtenhauser Ulrike Brandi, Christoph Geissmar-
Anton Steurer In cooperation with ETH Wohnforum Brandi

This publication examines the

advances in timber construc-
tion engineering design and
technology and illustrates
these with exemplary applica-
drawing on the author’s experi-
tions, thus providing invaluable
ence, the book addresses the
fundamental knowledge for “illuminating” examines central
technical and planning aspects
construction engineers, archi- aspects of light planning.
of the task and provides impor-
tects and carpenters. general characteristics and
tant information on feasibility
fundamental principles as well
and possible financing models.
2006. 336 pp., 292 color, as subtle facets of an intel-
110 b/w ills., 93 drawings. organized systematically and
ligent treatment of daylight
24.0 × 22.0 cm. Hardcover. with a wealth of color illustra-
EUr 24.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 67.95
are discussed and critically
tions, detail drawings, and
978-3-7643-7163-0 English examined within an expanded
implementation plans, it is an
architecture- and cultural-
indispensable guide to suc-
historical context.
cessfully interacting with other
planners and investors.
2008. 230 pp., 116 color,
118 b/w ills., 56 drawings.
19.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. 2007. 168 pp., 109 color ills.,
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95 30 drawings.
978-3-7643-8636-8 English 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7629-1 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 67

light Zone City Buildings
light planning in A design manual Museum Buildings
the urban context Jürgen Adam, Katharina Hausmann, A design manual
Christa van Santen Frank Jüttner Paul von Naredi-Rainer

in this book, the author embod-

ies her many years of experi-
ence as a practitioner and A systematic overview of design
history and form of museums,
teacher of lighting design. she theory and practice in contem-
site development, floor plan,
articulates basic planning rules porary building for industry: A
air-conditioning and climate
for the outdoor lighting of build- systematic section presents
technology are subjects
ings, traffic routes, and squares, the typology, the technical and
treated in the first section of
and presents and elucidates logistical elements of industrial
this design manual. some 70
new artificial lighting systems building. in the subsequent
international museum case
and outdoor lamps with the section, some 70 designs are
studies exemplify solutions and
help of examples. described and analysed.
emphasize specific museum
design issues such as spatial
2006. 127 pp., 221 color, 2004. 245 pp., 84 color,
15 b/w ills., 27 drawings. 252 b/w ills., 430 drawings. organisation and arrangement,
24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover. and lighting.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7522-5 English 978-3-7643-2175-8 English
2004. 248 pp., 172 color,
318 b/w ills., 420 drawings.
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-6580-6 English
68 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s


living for the Elderly Office Buildings

A design manual A design manual
Rainer Hascher, Simone Jeska,
Eckhard Feddersen, Insa Lüdtke Birgit M. Klauck (Eds)

with some 70 international ex-

amples the authors and editors
show how the new issues facing
architects can be resolved. The-
matic contributions by experts
in various disciplines discuss
topics such as models of work
organisation, façade technol-
ogy, climatic regulation, lighting
etc. This volume is a crucial
standard work in the design of
Quality living in old age is one of the important topics of our time.
2002. 264 pp., 207 color, 249 b/w ills.,
intelligent design solutions can push back the limits on housing 380 drawings.
and care, in favor of a comprehensive trend toward integrated 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover.
forms of living. A third of the volume provides detailed expert EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-6650-6 English
information, a section of examples provides building and living

2009. 248 pp., 128 color, 246 b/w ills.,

224 drawings.
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 89.90 / GBP 82.00 / UsD 119.00
978-3-7643-8871-3 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 69

research and
Technology schools and
Buildings sacred Buildings kindergartens
A design manual A design manual A design manual
Hardo Braun, Dieter Grömling Rudolf Stegers Mark Dudek

A handbook on planning and in a systematic section, this As a new generation of

designing architecture for volume introduces the design, educational environments are
research and technology, with technical, and planning funda- designed and built, this design
70 up-to-date international mentals of building churches, manual helps architects to
case studies of built works by synagogues, and mosques. grasp the underlying educa-
architects such as Foster and in its project section, it also tional theories and how they
partners, nicholas grimshaw, presents about seventy real- can be realized in built form, so
herzog & de meuron, sauer- ized structures from the last that the building fulfills its role
bruch hutton, and nicholas three decades. as a 3-dimensional curriculum
grimshaw. plan. it presents over 80 inter-
2008. 247 pp., 111 color, national case studies.
2005. 238 pp., 110 color, 270 b/w ills., 459 drawings.
232 b/w ills., 380 drawings. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover.
2008. 255 pp., 212 color,
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 89.90 / GBP 82.00 / UsD 119.00
253 b/w ills., 434 drawings.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 115.00 978-3-7643-6683-4 English
24.0 × 33.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-2174-1 English EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-8126-4 English
EUr 89.90 / GBP 82.00 / UsD 129.00
978-3-7643-7053-4 English
70 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s

In Detail:
In Detail: small Exhibitions and
structures Displays In Detail: High-
compact dwellings, museum design Density Housing
temporary concepts, Brand concepts,
structures, room presentation, Trade planning,
modules show design construction
Christian Schittich (Ed.) Christian Schittich Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL In cooperation with DETAIL

shelters, kiosks, snack bars, From trade fair stands to Building high-density housing is
bus stops, telephone booths museum concepts, the suc- a diverse and challenging task
—small buildings shape our cessful transfer of information for planners and architects. This
daily lives and occupy a definite to a wide public audience relies book presents international
place in the infrastructure on effective staging and ap- projects which document the
of the city. There exist many propriate architectural design. complexity of the task, from the
potential ways to ensure the with extensively documented design of the floor plans, the de-
quality of everyday design hid- project examples organized by velopment and use of resources,
den in these small necessities. presentation or exhibition type, to the use of economically ben-
This volume spans the arc be- this volume offers a detailed eficial building systems.
tween architecture and product roadmap to practical success.
design and their successful 2004. 174 pp., 120 color, 29 b/w ills.,
realization is evident in the 2009. 176 pp., 150 color ills., 270 212 drawings.
drawings. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
details of their construction. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-9955-9 English 978-3-7643-7113-5 English
2010. 176 pp., 150 color, 270 b/w ills.,
23.0 x 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.95
978-3-0346-0283-9 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 71

In Detail:
Housing for
People of All Ages In Detail: single In Detail: semi-
flexible, unrestrict- family Houses Detached and
ed, senior-friendly Christian Schittich (Ed.) Terraced Houses
Christian Schittich (Ed.) In cooperation with DETAIL Christian Schittich (Ed.)
In cooperation with DETAIL New enlarged edition In cooperation with DETAIL

organized thematically, this Fully revised and expanded: in semi-detached and Terraced
book highlights a variety of this book, 15 international ex- houses and ribbon develop-
well-defined topics, such as amples are presented, review- ments constitute an affordable
handicap-accessibility and ing the most important aspects alternative to the single-family
flexibility of use, and presents of construction including the house, especially for young fam-
them together with explanatory use of wood, steel, brickwork ilies. in times of tight budgets and
technical articles and examples and concrete which have all rising investment costs, they
of realized projects. in closing, it become established materials represent a sensible alternative
provides addresses of informa- for this type of building. to the freestanding single-family
tion centers as well as sources house, particularly in terms of
of additional information. 2005. 192 pp., 133 color, 74 b/w ills., their use of open space.
201 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
2007. 176 pp., 179 color, 63 b/w ills., 2006. 176 pp., 127 color, 55 b/w ills.,
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
185 drawings. 236 drawings.
978-3-7643-7277-4 English
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95 EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8119-6 English 978-3-7643-7489-1 English
72 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s

Courtyard freestanding
Houses row Houses Town Houses Houses
A housing A housing A housing A housing
Typology Typology Typology Typology
Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck

This volume deals with This book is devoted This volume of the To develop existing
the various types of the to the various types of series on residential building types in an
courtyard house, which row house, a particu- buildings deals with intelligent way is a cru-
utilizes the court- larly widespread form the different types of cial task in residential
yard as an intimate of residential structure. the townhouse. The building. This volume
outdoor living space. A general discussion of authors present them deals with the types of
A presentation of the the row as organizing according to urban freestanding houses,
courtyard as a building principle—the row as constellation: row, whose all-around ori-
block of the city is urban building block, twin-row, block perim- entation allows for the
followed by coverage of linear space, ways of eter and infill sites. optimal arrangement
the complete spectrum handling corners—is of all dwellings. The
of types—cluster, followed by the sys- 2009. 128 pp., range of possible solu-
network, carpet, ter- tematic presentation 48 b/w ills., 212 drawings. tions is presented in
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
races, etc. of the different types. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
uniform ground plans
UsD 44.95 and sections newly
2008. 112 pp., 2008. 112 pp., 978-3-7643-8610-8 English drawn to scale.
34 b/w ills., 183 drawings. 51 b/w ills., 210 drawings.
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. 23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
2010. 120 pp.,
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
50 b/w ills., 200 drawings.
UsD 44.95 UsD 39.95
23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7840-0 English 978-3-7643-7838-7 English
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
UsD 44.95
978-3-0346-0073-6 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 73

r Ne
Typology+ Housing+
innovative housing Threshold, Access
construction and Transparency in
Peter Ebner, Eva Herrmann, Roman Höllbacher, residential Buildings
Markus Kuntscher et al. Ulrike Wietzorrek ( Ed.)


“Typology+” documents and analyzes roughly The book covers the entire broad spectrum
one hundred international housing structures, of urban apartment block construction from
offering not only a broad range of sustainable towers, block structures, row houses, and gaps
approaches to apartment block construction, between buildings to housing complexes in
but also possibilities for using and transforming outlying urban areas. diagrams of access, build-
them in a practical planning context. ing, and city - planning structures enlarge upon
the typological drawings. The documentation of
2010. 432 pp., 320 color ills., 400 drawings. individual example projects is supplemented by
23.5 × 31.5 cm. Hardcover. more general essays on various topics.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 109.00
978-3-0346-0087-3 English
2011. approx. 424 pp., approx 350 color, 350 b/w ills.,
200 drawings, 23.5 x 31.5 cm. Cloth bound.
approx. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 95.00
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0614 - 1 English
74 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s

small scale, Topselle
Big Change r
New new Architectures
of social
living in the Alps engagement floor Plan Manual
kunst Meran/o arte (Ed.) with Andres Lepik housing
E. Herrmann, M. Kuntscher With an introduction by Barry Bergdoll Friederike Schneider (Ed.)

“living in the Alps” presents sustainable interventions in

intelligent ideas and approach- underserved, impoverished
A classic updated and ex-
es from selected residential urban and rural communities
tended: the new edition of the
developments and construction are a much-discussed topic.
highly successful “Floor plan
projects from europe’s eight Al- The work shown in this book ex-
manual: housing.”
pine countries; it examines not presses a belief in the social re-
just dwelling itself but also the sponsibility of architecture. The
2004. 311 pp., 218 b/w ills.,
integration of various functions. projects—often schools, parks 1100 drawings.
new photo essays produced or housing—reveal an exciting 25.0 x 34.0 cm. Hardcover.
especially for the volume show change in the longstanding EUr 46.64 / GBP 42.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-6985-9 German / English
how the structures in question dialogue between architecture
978-3-7643-8235-3 french / Italian
are actually used. and ethics. in these works, one
sees an expanded definition
2010. 428 pp., 300 color, 90 b/w ills., of sustainability encompass-
130 drawings, ing larger social and economic
24.0 x 29.0 cm. Hardcover
EUr 55.98 / GBP 52.00 / UsD 74.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0542 - 7 German /
English / Italian 2010. 140 pp., approx. 150 ills. in color,
25 drawings,
20.3 x 25.4 cm. Softcover with flaps.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00
978-3-0346-0588-5 English

Not available in the United states,

Canada and Mexico
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 75

living Plans Home Delivery living by the sea

new concepts for Fabricating the 25 international
Advanced housing modern dwelling examples
Klaus-Peter Gast Barry Bergdoll, Peter Christensen Christine Desmoulins

“home delivery” traces the

This book focuses on the design,
history of prefabrication in
constructional, and technical
architecture, from its roots in
possibilities that permit one to
A systematic, in-depth presenta- colonial cottages through the
react to the special conditions of
tion of advanced international work of such figures as Jean
locations by the sea. it presents
housing concepts, with more than prouvé and Buckminster Fuller,
exemplary design approaches
100 innovative, ground-breaking to a group of full-scale houses
taken by contemporary archi-
built examples, documented from well-known contemporary
tects, including Tadao Ando,
in numerous floor plans and architects such as kengo kuma,
David Chipperfield, and Steven
drawings produced exclusively for oskar leo kaufmann et al.
this book, make living plans an
indispensable reference work on 2008. 247 pp., 151 color,
105 b/w ills., 125 drawings. 2008. 159 pp., 289 color,
modern housing. 8 b/w ills., 130 drawings.
24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 54.95 24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
2005. 240 pp., 80 color, 220 b/w ills., 978-3-7643-8862-1 English EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00
500 drawings. 978-3-7643-8695-5 English
24.0 x 33.0 cm. Hardcover. Not available in North America
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 125.00
978-3-7643-2184-0 English
76 A rC H I TECTU r E T y p es | F u n cTi o n s

Building with
water New Approaches
concepts, Typology, to Housing for the New forms of
design second Half of
Zoë Ryan life Collective Housing
With contributions by Dieter Grau, Zeljka Andreas Huber (Ed.) in Europe
Carol Kekez and Chris Zevenbergen In cooperation with ETH Wohnforum arc en rêve centre d’architecture (Ed.)

water has been an important This inventory of new forms of

noted authors consider the
topic in architecture for years, collective housing in europe
various aspects of the second
and the revitalization of the documents forty-five built
phase of life. in addition, real-
waterfront is a prevalent trend. projects that can serve as
ized projects in switzerland
Architecture also had to resp- models. selected by leading
and germany are presented
ond to the threat of floods. This international architectural
and analyzed in terms of their
book establishes a typology critics, all of the buildings are
practical feasibility.
of building by the water and presented in texts and images
presents 22 projects, organized and analyzed according to the
2008. 223 pp., 80 color, 60 b/w ills.,
according to their locations by 20 drawings. same typological criteria.
a river, a lake or the sea, that 19.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
seriously grapple with the main EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95 2009. 296 pp., 64 color,
criterion of the place—i.e. water 978-3-7643-8635-1 English 204 b/w ills., 164 drawings.
24.0 × 32.5 cm. Hardcover.
—in a sustainable way. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 109.00
978-3-7643-8946-8 English
2010. 160 pp., 290 color ills.,
35 drawings,
23.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95
978-3-0346-0156-6 English
ArC H ITECTU rE T ypes | FuncT i o ns 77

Guide Basel
wood Houses new Buildings in
spaces for footbridges the Trinational city
contemporary construction, since 1980
living and working design, history Lutz Windhöfel
Dominique Gauzin-Müller Ursula Baus, Mike Schlaich 3rd, expanded edition

Bridges have become a focus

of increased attention and
awareness in the last ten years
as highly visible elements that
This volume documents in
define the urban and nonurban
full technical detail 25 timber
landscape. This book contains in its third, expanded edition—
buildings in three main areas:
detailed presentations of with 21 new projects (for a total
residential buildings, holiday
some sixty-five bridges from of 117)—the “Architectural
homes, and living and working.
ten european countries, with guide Basel” highlights the
The individual projects cover a
text, comprehensive and detail immediate present. But it also
large spectrum of sizes, bud-
plans, and photographs taken attempts to trace the develop-
gets, and types of construction,
especially for the volume. ment that this vital architecture
and they also show wood in
scene has experienced since
combination with such materi-
2008. 255 pp., 156 color, 1980. An entire double page is
als as stone, concrete, and 386 b/w ills., 136 drawings. devoted to each project.
steel. 30.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-8139-4 English 2008. 264 pp., 430 b/w ills.,
2004. 159 pp., 265 color ills., 12.0 × 17.0 cm. softcover.
136 drawings. EUr 27.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 39.95
24.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-8559-0 English
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95
978-3-7643-7077-0 English
78 A rC H I TECTU r E c i T i es | regi o n s | u rBA n i s m

Tendencies New
—recent Austrian
Architecture in Phenomenon Made in Norway
Ticino Architekture norwegian
reprint, 3rd ed., Avantgarde Architecture Today
Ingerid Helsing Almaas ( Ed.)
1977 Austria 1956–1973 In cooperation with Arkitektur N. The
Martin Steinmann ( Ed.) Architekturzentrum Wien (Ed.) Norwegian Review of Architecture

The work of the Ticino archi-

tects first captured interna-
tional attention in 1975 on
the occasion of the Zurich
exhibition “Tendencies—recent
Architecture in Ticino” and it did
so virtually overnight. This vol-
in the Austria of the 1960s, the “made in norway” presents a
ume brings together the works
visionary designs of architects selection of the best of nor-
of the Ticino school. with the
and artists garnered interna- wegian projects in one book,
publication of this reprint, this
tional attention. in this book demonstrating norwegian
unique historical document,
authors such as Bart lootsma, architects’ responses to a vari-
which has a permanent place in
stanislaus von moos, Joseph ety of different situations, both
the teaching of design, is once
rykwert, Anthony vidler, and natural and urban. including
again available.
others analyze texts and im- interviews with some of today’s
ages of this “Austrian phenom- central practitioners, e.g.
2010. 166 pp., 442 b/w ills.,
29.7 x 21.0 cm. softcover. enon” situating it in the context snøhetta or sverre Fehn, and
EUr 55.98 / GBP 52.00 / UsD 79.95 of international architectural essays discussing some of the
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0531 - 1 German history. main challenges of norwegian
enhanced and extended with Italian
architecture today.
and English translation
2009. 1084 pp., 950 color,
950 b/w ills., 2010. 144 pp. 200 color, 15 b/w ills., 40
22.0 × 30.5 cm. softcover. drawings,
EUr 84.02 / GBP 64.90 / UsD 129.00 23.0 x 29.7 cm. softcover.
978-3-0346-0124-5 German / English EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0559 - 5 English
A r C H ITECTU rE ciT i es | reg i o ns | urBAni sm 79

Cities of Change:
Beyond Modernist Addis Ababa
Masters Transformation City of Collision
contemporary strategies for Jerusalem and
Architecture in urban Territories in the principles of
latin America the 21st century Conflict Urbanism
Felipe Hernández Marc Angélil, Dirk Hebel Philipp Misselwitz, Tim Rieniets (Eds)

latin America has been an im-

portant place for architecture This manual analyzes con-
for many decades. recently, temporary urban phenomena
architecture on the continent in economic growth regions
has continued to evolve, and an using the ethiopian capital city
This book presents a thorough
extremely creative scene has of Addis Ababa as an example,
investigation of the current
developed. within this context, and presents a catalogue of
situation in Jerusalem from a
the book considers outstanding sustainable strategies for city
trilateral perspective: israeli,
projects that have prompted planning practice in the second
palestinian, and international
discussion and provided fresh and Third worlds.
experts air their views. The
impetus all across latin
discussion centers on the pro-
America. 2010. 256 pp., 120 color,
100 b/w ills., duction and use of urban space
21.0 × 27.0 cm. softcover. under the conditions created by
2010. 152 pp., 150 color,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 the conflict.
90 b/w ills., 90 drawings.
978-3-0346-0090-3 English
23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 2006. 391 pp., 9 color, 83 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-8769-3 English 39 drawings.
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 50.00
978-3-7643-7482-2 English

New Modern Traditions

Learning from Contemporary
The Urban Code China Architecture in
of China The Tao of the City India
Dieter Hassenpflug Carl Fingerhuth Klaus-Peter Gast

The book describes the impor-

tant tendencies of contem-
porary Indian architecture in
In reading Chinese cities, as Drawing on the wisdom of Tao-
thematic chapters, each with
this volume attempts to do, ist philosophy, “Learning from
built examples. In addition to
the focus is not primarily on China” formulates a new and
the new younger generation
well - known cities like Beijing, responsible approach to the
of Indian architects, it also
Shanghai and Xi’an but rather challenge of caring for the con-
considers the first post-inde-
on what it is that is essentially tinuous transformation of cities.
pendence generation, including
Chinese about the Chinese city
Balkrishna Doshi and Charles
—the features and hallmarks 2004. 215 pp., 88 color, 120 b/w ills.,
67 drawings. Correa. In its introduction, the
that all Chinese cities have
17.0 × 24.0 cm. Softcover. book depicts the rise of modern
more or less in common, their EUR 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / USD 48.95 architecture in India since
spatial grammar, their syntax, 978-3-7643-6943-9 English
independence in 1947.
in short : their code.
2007. 128 pp., 87 color, 71 b/w ills.,
2010. approx. 176 pp., approx. 45 drawings.
90 color ills. , 17.0 x 24.0 cm. Softcover. 23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUR 34.90 / GBP 22.00 / EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / USD 49.95
USD 49.95 978-3-7643-7754-0 English
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0572 - 4 English
A r C H ITECTU rE ciT i es | reg i o ns | urBAni sm 81

small Town
New Alpine sustainability
Architecture Quartier Ecoparc / economic, social,
Architecture prize Ecoparc Quarter and environmental
2006 Bauart # 2 innovation
Christoph Mayr Fingerle (Ed.) Bruno Marchand Paul L. Knox, Heike Mayer

Quartier ecoparc in neuchâtel

This handsomely designed
creates a radical and innova-
catalog selects particular
tive modern city-planning
structures as examples for a small towns often play critical
connection between the area
technical analysis of building in roles in regional economic
surrounding the railroad sta-
the mountains, with its special systems. The authors of this
tion and the historic older city.
climatic and topographical volume show how small towns
Bruno marchand documents
conditions. can meet the challenge of a
and analyzes all aspects of this
globalized world, and they
model neighborhood develop-
2008. 390 pp., 160 color, use case studies to introduce
181 b/w ills., 75 drawings. ment, which merits comparison
movements, programs, and
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. with the best international
EUr 46.64 / GBP 42.00 / UsD 69.95
strategies capable of effectively
978-3-7643-8394-7 German / Italian / promoting local cultures, tradi-
English tions, identities, and sustain-
2009. 116 pp., 48 color, 1 b/w ills.,
8 drawings. 23.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover. ability.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95
978-3-7643-9945-0 french / English 2009. 192 pp., 202 color ills.,
20 drawings.
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-8580-4 English
82 A rC H I TECTU r E c i T i es | regi o n s | u rBA n i s m

Architecture in Town spaces
Vorarlberg switzerland— contemporary
energy concepts an Urban Portrait interpretations
and construction Roger Diener, Jacques Herzog, Marcel
Meili, Pierre de Meuron et al.
in Traditional
systems ETH Studio Basel, Institut Stadt der urbanism
Ulrich Dangel Gegenwart Rob Krier

Top swiss architects create

a new urban topography for
softcover edition of the popular
The successful combination switzerland.
book on tradition-oriented town
of a regional building style of
planning. Drawing on firsthand
sophisticated simplicity with 2005. 1015 pp. in 3 volumes,
163 color, 39 b/w ills., 522 drawings. experience and examples from
sustainable construction meth-
16.3 × 16.3 cm. softcover. the work of the firm Krier Kohl,
ods has made the architecture EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 60.00 the book offers a detailed ac-
of vorarlberg a model for the rest 978-3-7643-7284-2 English
count of the path that leads
of the world. This book presents
from morphological conception
projects of various building types
through the various phases of
with a focus on energy strategy
the town-planning design proc-
and construction. All drawings
ess all the way to execution.
were specially prepared.
2008. 288 pp., 21 color, 38 b/w ills., 417
2010. 176 pp., 200 color, drawings.
100 b/w ills., 24.0 × 28.0 cm. softcover.
24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
EUr 59.90 / GBP 46.90 / UsD 89.95 978-3-7643-7558-4 English
978-3-0346-0119-1 English
A r C H ITECTU rE ciT i es | reg i o ns | urBAni sm 83

Building Projects
in the European
Architecture: Union
the Element of Building Projects Architectural
success in China export opport-
Building strate- A manual for unities: A manual
gies and Business Architects and for Architects and
objectives engineers engineers
Susanne Knittel-Ammerschuber Bert Bielefeld, Lars-Phillip Rusch Bert Bielefeld, Falk Würfele

“Architecture: the element

of success” traces the many
and varied points of contact
“Building projects in china” is This is the first book to provide
between modern management
the first publication on the book a comprehensive overview of
and corporate architecture and
market to give a comprehensive the activities of architects and
demonstrates methods and
overview of the planning ac- engineers outside their own
approaches that businesses
tivities of foreign architects in countries: a practical handbook
can use to give architectural
china. This practical handbook which investigates fundamen-
expression to their philosophy.
outlines legal framework condi- tal aspects such as acquisition,
tions, introduces the chinese implementation, economic vi-
2006. 179 pp., 80 color ills.,
20.0 × 23.5 cm. Hardcover. building market, and gives ability and the legal framework
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 65.00 practical descriptions of the of overseas commissions.
978-3-7643-7465-5 English execution of projects on site.
2005. 186 pp., 8 b/w ills., 55 drawings.
2006. 256 pp., 61 b/w ills., 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
27 drawings. EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 54.95
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. 978-3-7643-7243-9 English
EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-7416-7 English
84 A rC H I TECTU r E sT u d i es | pro F es s i o n Al p r AcT i ce

Deviations The force Is in the Tools for Ideas

designing Mind introduction to
Architecture— The making of Architectural
A manual Architecture design
Marc Angélil, Dirk Hebel Elke Krasny Christian Gänshirt

A manual that conveys the how and where is architecture

This introductory presentation
fundamentals of architectonic created today? where do ar-
describes and analyzes the
design while also providing a chitects find their inspiration?
theories, strategies, and tools
novel didactic approach to the what design tools do they use?
of creative design for the pur-
presentation of course mate- This book offers a behind-the-
poses of practical work. with
rial: individual design steps are scenes look at twenty high-pro-
thoughtfulness and expertise, it
illustrated by student projects. file international architecture
opens the reader’s eyes to the
firms and provides authentic
processes that underlie design
2009. 687 pp., 300 color ills., glimpses of the architects’
100 drawings. and demonstrates different
individual creative worlds.
17.0 × 23.5 cm. softcover. ways of communicating about
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95 complex design work.
978-3-7643-8832-4 English 2009. 188 pp., 225 color, 50 b/w ills.,
Hardcover. 19.5 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 64.90 / GBP 58.00 EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95 2007. 255 pp., 50 b/w ills., 50 drawings.
978-3-7643-8919-2 English 978-3-7643-8980-2 English 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95
978-3-7643-7577-5 English
A r C H I T ECT U rE sTudi es | p ro Fessi o nAl prAcTi ce 85

Basics series
2007–2010. approx. 80 pp., many color ills.
15.5 × 22.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 12.90 / GBP 12.00 / UsD 16.50

Basics Architectural
Basics Career start set Photography
Bert Bielefeld (Ed.) Michael Heinrich

“Basics Architectural photogra-

phy” explains the key principles
of photography, image analysis
and photo editing, and offers
tips and advice on doing work of
one’s own.
978-3-7643-8666-5 English

like in the building trade, a beginner transitioning from university

to an architecture firm needs to know about tendering, project
planning, site management and scheduling. All these issues
are covered by this selection from our successful “Basics”
series, which also includes the bestseller “Basics Architectural
2009. 419 pp.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.50 / UsD 69.95
978-3-0346-0178-8 English
86 A rC H I TECTU r E sT u d i es | pro F es s i o n Al p r AcT i ce

Basics Barrier-free
Planning Basics CAD Basics Design Ideas
Isabella Skiba, Rahel Züger Jan Krebs Bert Bielefeld, Sebastian El khouli

“Basics Barrier-free planning” computer-aided design (cAd) “design ideas” offers students
improves our understanding is the rendering of architectural a variety of different ways to
of the needs of people with drawings using the computer, go about finding a design solu-
disabilities, children, and the which today plays a central role tion. in addition to suggesting
elderly, all of whom have special in almost all architectural firms. fundamental ways to get the
requirements when using a This volume explains the princi- creative process moving and
building. The book presents ples and fundamentals of cAd develop a design approach, it
possibilities for designing and provides the student with a also proposes various sources
buildings and their spaces so simple and easily understand- of inspiration for design ideas. itt
they can be used by everyone. able path to using the computer focuses on the three elements
as a tool and medium. of place, form, and function,
978-3-7643-8959-8 English
which can sometimes consti-
978-3-7643-8109-7 English
978-3-7643-8108-0 french tute immediate springboards
for concrete designs.
978-3-7643-8112-7 English
978-3-7643-8111-0 french
A r C H I T ECT U rE sTudi es | p ro Fessi o nAl prAcTi ce 87

Basics Designing Basics facade

Basics Design Methods with water Apertures
Kari Jormakka Axel Lohrer Roland Krippner, Florian Musso

Architects often employ design This volume deals with the vari-
methods to help them find ous forms of opening, such as
more creative forms. These doors, windows, ventilation ele-
methods make it possible to ments, and fixed glass panes,
break free of the traditional and their materialization, which
canon of forms and established also varies according to func-
paradigms. This volume focuses tion; special attention is given
in depth on the design methods to the subject of edges.
that have decisively shaped
978-3-7643-8466-1 English
current architectural practice. 978-3-7643-8467-8 french
978-3-7643-8463-0 English
978-3-7643-8464-7 french
Basics Glass
Basics Designing Andreas Achilles, Diane Navratil
with Plants
Regine Ellen Wöhrle, Hans-Jörg Wöhrle

water is a special design ele-

ment in landscape architecture.
This volume will equip readers
with knowledge of the most
important factors that must be
considered when designing and
planning with water.
978-3-7643-8662-7 English
978-3-7643-8661-0 french

Basics Design and

Jan Krebs

residential buildings are nor-

glass construction is one of
mally the first design projects
the most varied and innova-
encountered by the student in
plants are living building tive areas of structural design.
his or her training. The focus
material, changing in the This volume helps to build an
at this point is on the different
course of the seasons and the understanding of the construc-
conceptual possibilities that
years. “Basics designing with tion material and its possible
allow one to take the first step
plants” will equip readers with applications.
toward an actual idea.
a systematic overview of design
978-3-7643-8851-5 English
principles for the use of plants 978-3-7643-7647-5 English 978-3-7643-8852-2 french
and their application in the 978-3-7643-7953-7 french
design process.
978-3-7643-8659-7 English
978-3-7643-8658-0 french
88 A rC H I TECTU r E sT u d i es | pro F es s i o n Al p r AcT i ce

Basics loadbearing Basics Materials Basics Project

systems Manfred Hegger, Hans Drexler, Martin Planning
Alfred Meistermann Zeumer Hartmut Klein

The materiality of buildings and

constructions is an important
aspect of architectural design.
The approach to and use of
materials is a fundamental
building block of architectural
978-3-7643-7685-7 English
978-3-7643-7954-4 french

Basics Modelbuilding
Alexander Schilling

loadbearing systems are

This volume explains the indi-
the basis of any structure. in
vidual planning steps in con-
order to provide architec-
text, presents the networking of
ture students with an easily
the various specialists involved
understandable introduction
in the project, and offers a clear
to the field of supporting
and practical description of the
structures, this volume begins
various levels of organization.
with the fundamentals of loads
and forces and then moves on 978-3-7643-8469-2 English
to building components and 978-3-7643-8470-8 french
finally to loadbearing systems,
together with their characteris-
tic attributes. Basics roof
978-3-7643-8107-3 English
978-3-7643-8106-6 french Tanja Brotrück
models make it possible to
visualize an idea in three
roof structures are often
dimensions. designing with
treated in connection with
Basics Masonry models and presenting ideas
masonry construction in the
Construction is an important step in the de-
student’s first designs. What
Nils Kummer velopment of a consciousness
are the different ways to create
of design.
a protective canopy for a build-
masonry construction is usually
978-3-7643-7649-9 English ing, and what are the different
the first building exercise the 978-3-7643-7956-8 french forms such a structure may
student encounters in his or her
training. This volume elaborates
the fundamental principles of 978-3-7643-7683-3 English
scale, construction, and assem- 978-3-7643-7952-0 french
bly of building components us-
ing simple masonry structures
as examples.
978-3-7643-7645-1 English
978-3-7643-7955-1 french
A r C H I T ECT U rE sTudi es | p ro Fessi o nAl prAcTi ce 89

Basics room Basics spatial Design Basics Tendering

Conditioning Ulrich Exner, Dietrich Pressel Tim Brandt, Sebastian Franssen
Oliver Klein, Jörg Schlenger
Architecture does not consist of
two-dimensional drawings—it
is built space. The volume “Ba-
sics spatial design” focuses on
what underlies the perception
and design of space and helps
to create a deep understand-
ing of the conscious design of
three-dimensional relation-
978-3-7643-8848-5 English

Basics Technical
Bert Bielefeld, Isabella Skiba
2nd, rev. ed. 2009

This volume presents various

“Basics room conditioning” ways to put construction works
provides a basic understanding out to tender. in addition, it
of the relationships of heating, explains in practical terms how
ventilating and cooling, and to describe construction work
explains the different possible and how to prepare all of the
levels of room conditioning. documentation required for a
complete invitation to tender.
978-3-7643-8664-1 English
978-3-7643-0020-0 french 978-3-7643-8110-3 English

Basics site Management Basics Timber

Lars-Phillip Rusch Construction
Ludwig Steiger
This volume describes the vari-
ous tasks that fall to architects This volume presents the build-
in construction supervision in ing material timber in all of its
practical and understandable facets and explains the fun-
“Technical drawing” deals with
terms. it addresses construc- damental principles of timber
the representation of plans
tion supervision and quality construction. it describes the
throughout all phases of a
control in general as well as in- most important building com-
project. For students, the pri-
dividual subjects such as quan- ponents and their constructive
mary focus is on the develop-
tity survey, account settlement, possibilities, specifically as
ment and methodical construc-
and cost and supplemental they pertain to building with
tion of a technical drawing.
services management. timber.
978-3-7643-7644-4 English
978-3-7643-8104-2 English 978-3-7643-7951-3 french 978-3-7643-8102-8 English
978-3-7643-8103-5 french
90 A rC H I TECTU r E sT u d i es | pro F es s i o n Al p r AcT i ce

Basics Construction
scheduling Basics Urban Analysis Basics water Cycles
Bert Bielefeld Gerrit Schwalbach Doris Haas-Arndt

in a world of tight time frames A solid understanding of the ur- The design of supply pipework
and highly interdependent ban structures is indispensable and systems in buildings re-
processes, scheduling is an for city planning and archi- quires an understanding of the
indispensable prerequisite for tectural design work. “Basics relationships between water
successful project implemen- urban Analysis” explains the supply and disposal. “Basics
tation. This volume offers a possible approaches to urban water cycles” presents the
step-by-step introduction to analysis; it also describes in fundamentals and technical
developing schedules. practical terms how to imple- background of sanitary instal-
ment those approaches in the lations, and explains clearly
978-3-7643-8873-7 English
areas analyzed, and how to the key factors that must be
evaluate the data collected. considered in the design of
water cycles in buildings.
Basics Urban Building 978-3-7643-8938-3 English
Blocks 978-3-7643-8854-6 English
978-3-7643-0019-4 french
Thorsten Bürklin, Michael Peterek

urban building blocks and a

knowledge of these elementary
components is part of the basic
equipment of city planning. it is
absolutely essential for urban
design that one understands
their form and structure, their
functional conditions, and the
differentiation into private and
public spheres, as well as the
ways they are networked into
their surroundings.
978-3-7643-8460-9 English
978-3-7643-8461-6 french
ArC H ITECTU rE T heo ry | h i sTo ry 91

a synoptic Vision
A prospectus of developments from The Architect, the
1900 to Today Cook and Good
Adrian Meyer, Susanne Kuhlbrodt, Taste
Beat Aeberhard Petra Hagen Hodgson, Rolf Toyka (Eds)

This book pursues the astonish-

ing parallels and deeply rooted
connections between the art
of building and that of cooking.
A variety of essays takes up
questions of materiality and
proportioning. Attention will
also be given to food cultivation
and architecture, to the places
where meals are prepared as
well as a range of different
culinary spaces.

2007. 160 pp., 135 color,

in an overview diagram, the various different movements of 13 b/w ills., 49 drawings.
architecture, together with their associated major figures and 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Cloth bound.
structures, are visually situated in their historical and chronologi- EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-7621-5 English
cal context. including booklet.

2008. 22 pp., 6 b/w ills., 15 drawings.

18.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 29.95
978-3-7643-8876-8 English
978-3-7643-8875-1 french
92 A rC H I TECTUr E T h eo ry | h i sTo ry

Art and Crucial words

Architecture Bauhaus conditions for
strategies in Twenty—21 contemporary
collaboration An ongoing legacy Architecture
Christian Bjone Gordon Watkinson Gert Wingårdh, Rasmus Wærn (Eds)

scarcely any other movement

since the beginning of the 20th in architecture and design had
century, artists and architects such a lasting impact as the
gert wingårdh and rasmus
have often been in collabora- Bauhaus; for many it is synony-
wærn, sweden’s most active
tion. great works of art/ar- mous with classic modernism.
architect and its best-known
chitecture have resulted from This book traces the themes
architecture critic, made a
these cooperations and this and the aesthetics of Bau-
selection of approximately fifty
book explores them in nine haus for our time. it shows 12
terms and concepts, including
chapters from 1914 up to the of the most important works
Branding, collaborators, cor-
present, highlighting the most of Bauhaus architecture and
porate, desire, Future, everyday,
striking examples of these juxtaposes them with contem-
ornament, and wheelchair. The
interdisciplinary activities. porary projects.
result is a very special diction-
ary with humorous illustrations
2009. 192 pp., 180 color, 150 b/w ills., 2009. 231 pp., 138 b/w ills.,
20 drawings. 58 drawings. and original articles.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. 24.0 x 29.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 99.00 EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95 2008. 206 pp., 25 color ills.,
978-3-7643-9943-6 English 978-3-0346-0054-5 English 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 24.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 39.95
978-3-7643-8645-0 English
ArC H ITECTU r E T heo ry | h i sTo ry 93

Explorations in 5 Codes Code
Architecture Architecture, Between operation
Teaching, design, paranoia and risk and narration
research in Times of Terror Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds)
Reto Geiser (Ed.) Igmade (Ed.) Context Architecture

The fourth volume in the series

The job describtion of the
The relationship between archi- “context Architecture” examines
architect has fundamentally
tecture and fear as reflected in the architectural-theoretical
changed with the emergence of
the u.s. terror warning system: relevance of the concept of
a globalized society, and it will
The hypnotic character of the “code” from various perspec-
continue to do so in the future.
five-stage warning system tives. The goal of this book is
in this context, the question
based on the colors green, to arrive at a critical grasp of
that arises is that of a changed
blue, yellow, orange, and red this concept’s vibrant tension
approach to building and new
prompted the editors of this between the cultural and the
pathways within design.
book to conceive a history of formal, the “outside” and the
architecture based on these 5 “inside” of a building.
2008. 216 pp., 145 color,
57 b/w ills., 49 drawings. codes.
24.0 × 32.0 cm. softcover. 2010. 120 pp., 10 color,
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 49.95 2006. 299 pp., 69 color, 43 b/w ills., 15 b/w ills., 5 drawings. 14.0 × 19.0 cm.
978-3-7643-8921-5 English 16.5 × 23.5 cm. softcover. softcover.
EUr 14.90 / GBP 13.50 / UsD 40.00 EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95
978-3-7643-7598-0 English 978-3-0346-0117-7 English
94 A rC H I TECTU r E T h eo ry | h i sTo ry

Pattern simulation
Complexity ornament, presentation
design strategy structure, and Technique and
and world view Behavior cognitive method
Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds) Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds) Andrea Gleiniger, Georg Vrachliotis (Eds)
Context Architecture Context Architecture Context Architecture

Today it is complexity stud- complex patterns are founded The new series “context Archi-
ies, with their starting point on simple rules. pattern and tecture” seeks to take a critical
in physics, that define the pattern formation are of new, selection of concepts that
current approach to the con- important significance as the play a vital role in the current
cept of complexity. They have fundamental principles of discourse and put them up for
established a new connection systematization and descrip- discussion. in the context of
between the natural sciences tion of very complex processes discussions of the medial, the
and information technology and phenomena. which idea of notion of simulation plays a
and have thus become a central pattern has to be used in the central role in architecture as
premise of computer-based architectural discourse today? illusion and imitation.
approaches to design.
2009. 108 pp., 9 color, 13 b/w ills., 2008. 118 pp., 14 color, 6 b/w ills.,
2008. 128 pp., 17 color, 14 b/w ills., 14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover. 14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover.
10 drawings. EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95 EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95
14.0 × 19.0 cm. softcover. 978-3-7643-8954-3 English 978-3-7643-8686-3 English
EUr 17.90 / GBP 16.00 / UsD 29.95
978-3-7643-8688-7 English
96 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E l A n d s cAp e A rc h i T ecTs

Chemetoff Visits Planetary
Territories Town and Gardens
Agence Ter: From TerritoryÐ The Landscape
Landscape to City Architecture in Architecture of
Henri Bava, Michel Hoessler, Olivier Dialogue Gilles Clément
Philippe, Lisa Diedrich (Ed.) Alexandre Chemetoff Alessandro Rocca (Ed.)

Gilles Clément confronts the

homogenizing effects of glo-
The partners of Agence Ter balization with the diversity
approach their territories with of life. A gardener, artist and
the genius of the engineer landscape architect, Clément
who develops landscapes The French landscape ar- has created many parks and
according to the immanent chitect, urban planner, and gardens, for example at the
“eco-logic” of the site itself, architect Alexandre Chemetoff Quai Branly Museum by Jean
and with the sensitivity of the (b. 1950) visits the sites of five Nouvel in Paris. This is the
landscape architect. of his major works of the last first comprehensive English-
fifteen years. Accompanied language monograph on his
2009. 200 pp., 190 color ills., by selected conversation work.
110 drawings. partners, the principal themes
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 54.90 / GBP 50.00 / UsD 84.95
of Chemetoff’s creative work 2008. 263 pp., 189 color ills.,
come up for discussion. 45 drawings. 28.0 x 28.0 cm. Hard-
978-3-7643-8887-4 English
978-3-7643-8888-1 french
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
2009. 469 pp., 571 color, 34 b/w ills., 978-3-7643-8781-5 English
17.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 54.90 / GBP 50.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-0346-0112-2 English
l A n d s cA p e Archi T ecTs l ANDs CAP E ArC H ITECTU rE 97

Syntax of
Intermediate Landscape
Natures The Landscape
The Landscapes Architecture of
of Michel Dieter Kienast Peter Latz and
Udo Weilacher, Thomas Göbel-
Desvigne Gross et al. (Eds) Partners
With photographs by Günther Vogt Udo Weilacher

Peter Latz and Partners

Michel Desvigne is no doubt The most important works
specialize in a contemporary,
the most high-profile French of Dieter Kienast gathered
intelligent use of alternative
landscape architect working together in a low-price special
technologies and the regener-
today. This thematic mono- edition.
ation of industrial wastelands.
graph documents the key ele-
The trademark of the works of
ments of Desvigne’s work in 2004. 304 pp., 84 color, 80 b/w ills.,
22.5 × 28.0 cm. softcover. the firm, which was founded
individual chapters: processes
EUr 18.60 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 29.95 in 1968, is its ability to express
of transformation, geography, 978-3-7643-6847-0 German / English ecological and social concerns
territory, urban structures, and
in a strong aesthetic language.
public squares.
2008. 199 pp., 236 color, 18 b/w ills.,
2009. 200 pp., 356 color, 85 b/w ills., 31 drawings.
52 drawings. 23.0 × 29.0 cm. Dust jacket.
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Dust jacket. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95 978-3-7643-7615-4 English
978-3-7643-7714-4 English
978-3-7643-7713-7 french
98 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E gA rd e n s | l A n d s cA p es

New New
Landscape Topotek1
Mirei Shigemori— Infrastructure
Rebel in the Rosemarie Trockel
Case Studies by A Landscape
Garden SWA
Modern Japanese The Infrastructure Research Initiative Sculpture for
Landscape at SWA (Ed.) Munich
Charles Waldheim, Julia Czerniak, Thilo Folkerts (Ed.)
Architecture Adriaan Geuze, Ying-Yu Hung, Gerdo With essays by Marc Treib, Brigitte
Christian Tschumi Aquino, Alexander Robinson Franzen, and Pietro Valle

Topotek 1 is one of Germany’s

Infrastructure is currently a
internationally best-known
much discussed notion in the
Mirei Shigemori decisively landscape architecture firms.
field of landscape architecture.
shaped the development of Rosemarie Trockel is currently
It regards the entire urban and
Japanese landscape architec- one of Germany’s most impor-
rural space as a network that
ture in the 20th century. The tant artists. The playful park
calls for an integrated planning
first part of the book deals in Munich is the result of a
approach. The book examines
with his life and influences, collaboration between them. It
this approach with essays by
including his interest in ike- covers a three-hundred-meter
well-known experts. It also
bana and tea ceremonies. The section of railroad tracks and
documents the concept with
second part offers detailed creates urgently needed open
13 international examples by
presentations of some seven- space for the neighborhood of
SWA, founded in 1957 by Peter
teen different gardens. Theresienhöhe. This mono-
Walker and Hideo Sasaki and
graph documents the design
now one of the most important
2007. 204 pp., 223 color, 43 b/w ills., and production process.
84 drawings. landscape architecture offices
24.0 × 33.0 cm. Dust jacket. in the US.
2010. approx. 160 pp., with 5 folding
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95
plates, approx. 150 color ills.,
978-3-7643-7748-9 English
2010. 184 pp., approx. 250 color, 30 drawings.
15 b/w ills., 15 drawings. 24.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover. approx. EUr 37.29 / GBP 36.00 /
approx. EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 54.95
UsD 69.95 978-3-0346-0591-5 German / English
978-3-0346-0593-9 English
gA rd e n s | lAndscA p es l ANDs CAP E ArC H ITECTU rE 99

Constructing Landscape
Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Astrid Zimmermann (Ed.)

“Constructing Landscape” is a systematic introduction to techni-

cal and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant
topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the
construction of open space elements and the use of plants.

2009. 533 pp., 300 color, 200 b/w ills.,

650 drawings.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 89.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 109.00
978-3-7643-8599-6 English
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00/ UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-8600-9 English
100 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E gA rd e n s | l A n d s cA p es

Analysis, Sensations
Typology and A Time Travel Lexicon of Garden
Experiments for through Garden and Landscape
Design History Architecture
Clemens Steenbergen Nadine Olonetzky Meto J. Vroom

This book presents an ex-

tensive typology of possible
approaches to working with
the site. With more than three
hundred landscape designs This book not only recounts
from every time and place, it the history of the garden— This lexicon serves to clarify
systematically presents the it conjures it up before the important terms and expres-
methods that underpin the reader’s eyes, from the Garden sions that designers use on
processes involved in compos- of Eden and the Hanging a daily basis. More than that,
ing landscapes. Gardens of Nebuchadnezzar it also constitutes a general
to the first book on botany and introduction to the major
2009. 429 pp., 500 drawings. the gardens of the Renais- themes of landscape design.
22.0 × 22.0 cm. Hardcover. sance.
EUr 54.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
2006. 351 pp., 202 color, 48 b/w ills.,
978-3-7643-8782-2 English
2007. 127 pp., 56 color, 6 b/w ills., 144 drawings. 16.5 × 24.5 cm.
14.0 × 19.0 cm. Cloth bound. Hardcover.
EUr 14.90 / GBP 13.50 / UsD 38.87 EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 / UsD 50.00
978-3-7643-7623-9 English 978-3-7643-7525-6 English
gA rd e n s | l AndscAp es l ANDsCAP E ArC H ITECTU rE 101

Interior Gardens
Designing and
Grading for Constructing Green
Landscape Architects Spaces in Private
and Architects and Public Buildings
Peter Petschek Haike Falkenberg

Gardens inside buildings represent a sus-

tainable vehicle for a host of ecological and
economic advantages: factors such as improv-
History, forms of terrain, basic principles, ing the indoor climate and the workplace
digital modeling, slope reinforcement systems, situation and hence increasing quality of life.
construction site implementation, and practi- This book offers a comprehensive introduction
cal examples—all are treated in detail by the to the planning and implementation of this
author. Short problems, systematically organ- special kind of garden. The planning informa-
ized, enable the reader to apply what he or she tion is illustrated with numerous international
has learned. examples.

2008. 221 pp., 20 b/w ills., 50 drawings. 2010. approx. 224 pp., approx. 100 color,
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. 30 b/w ills. and drawings, 22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95 approx. EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.26
978-3-7643-8502-6 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0620 - 2 English
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0623 - 3 German
102 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E c o n sTru cT i o n | m ATeri Als

In Gardens Living Systems

Profiles of Innovative
Contemporary Materials and Bamboo
European Technologies A Material for
Landscape for Landscape Landscape and
Architecture Architecture Garden Design
Udo Weilacher Liat Margolis, Alexander Robinson Jan Oprins, Harry van Trier

The use of innovative new ma-

terials is an important trend in
landscape architecture today.
These materials include biode-
gradable geotextiles, super-ab-
The past decade has wit-
sorbent polymers, and plants Bamboo and its many varie-
nessed new interpretations of
that react to changing soil ties are becoming ever more
the great themes of tradi-
conditions. This book presents popular as a design material
tional European garden art
the available materials and for landscapes, squares, and
in profusion. Drawing on his
technologies in the context of gardens. The book describes
intensive studies of some 30
practical applications. the properties and habitat
influential European projects,
requirements of the plant, the
Udo Weilacher presents a
2008. 191 pp., 210 color, 17 b/w ills., breeding of varieties, and the
panorama of the most signifi- 104 drawings. methods of propagation.
cant developments since the 26.5 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
publication of his ground- EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-7700-7 English 2006. 143 pp., 149 color, 6 b/w ills.,
breaking work “Between Land- 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Dust jacket.
978-3-7643-8674-0 french
scape Architecture and Land EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 65.00
Art” in 1996. 978-3-7643-7481-5 English

2005. 282 pp., 281 color, 3 b/w ills.,

22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7078-7 English
c o n sT ru cT i o n | mATeri A ls l ANDs CAP E ArC H ITECTU rE 103

Urban Green Recent
On Site European Waterscapes
Landscape Landscape Planning,
Architecture Architecture for Building and
Europe the 21st century Designing with
Landscape Architecture Europe Annette Becker, Peter Cachola Schmal Water
Foundation (Ed.) (Eds) Herbert Dreiseitl, Dieter Grau (Eds)

This third, revised edition of

The ongoing renaissance of
European landscape archi- best-selling “Waterscapes”
the inner city in recent years
tecture is characterized by reveals the wide variety of
has not in any way lessened
its modesty: It is not the possibilities for using water as
its inhabitants’ sense of
designer’s extravagance that a creative element in the city,
longing for nature. On the
shapes the project, but the in the landscape and archi-
contrary, inner-city solutions
specific features of the loca- tecture. The works encompass
will increasingly need to
tion. The new reference title large-scale masterplans,
be found to respond to this
“On Site” presents essays, urban parks, river restaura-
growing need. The book docu-
projects and strategies from tions but also interior design
ments 27 recently completed
Berlin to Bordeaux, where schemes and art objects.
examples in Europe, designed
location and scene play the
by internationally renowned
leading parts. 2009. 176 pp., 400 color ills.,
landscape architects, such 80 drawings.
as Gustafson Porter, Michel 23.0 × 28.5 cm. Hardcover.
2009. 267 pp., 361 color, 35 b/w ills.,
Desvigne and West 8. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 99.00
24.0 × 32.5 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-8984-0 English
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8950-5 English 2010. 248 pp., 220 color , 30 b/w ills.,
40 drawings.
23.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-0346-0313-3 English / German
104 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E regi o n s

Under the Open
Sculpture Parks Sky
Riverscapes Emscher
Designing Urban in Europe
A Guide to Art Landscape Park
Embankments RVR (Ed.)
Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume, and Nature With contributions by Henri Bava, Niall
Regionale 2010 (Eds) Jimena Blázquez Abascal Kirkwood and others

This book offers an in-depth

The Emscher Landscape Park,
look at the measures involved
one of the most important
in revitalizing industrial
landscape revitalisation
riverbank areas. It uses the ex- This guidebook presents some
projects, encompasses a
amples of already completed eighty parks from eighteen
significant part of the Ruhr
projects to thematize the city- different European countries.
Metropolitan Area, the
planning measures involved Each park and the artworks in
European Capital of Culture
as well as project development it are presented with photo-
RUHR.2010. About 30 major
and financing strategies. graphs, plans, and texts.
parks and landmarks, pits
and tips, bridges and trails as
2008. 574 pp., 390 color ills., 2006. 239 pp., 276 color, 5 b/w ills.,
150 drawings. 54 drawings. well as artistic installations
22.0 × 25.0 cm. softcover. 16.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. are presented here in essays
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 40.00 by renowned authors and in
978-3-7643-8829-4 English 978-3-7643-7625-3 English
individual project portraits.

2010. 232 pp., 270 color, 30 b/w ills.,

50 drawings.
22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 /GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-0346-0266-2 English / German
r eg i o ns l ANDs CAP E ArC H ITECTU rE 105

New Topselle
Field Studies Visualizing
The New Landscape
Aesthetics The Venetian City Architecture
of Urban Garden Functions,
Agriculture Place, Typology, Concepts,
RVR (Ed.)
With contributions by Udo Weilacher, and Perception Strategies
Paolo Bürgi and others John Dixon Hunt Elke Mertens

“We don’t sell gardens; we

In the development of the
The Ruhr area—European sell images of gardens.” This
“landscape idea,” no city
Capital of Culture RUHR.2010 observation on the part of a
played such an important role
and one of Europe’s major landscape architect makes it
as did Venice. From about one
agglomerations with an indus- clear just how important it
hundred city gardens, squares,
trial history—is, just like every is that a design be effectively
and courtyards, public parks
ordinary metropolitan area, communicated to the clients
and temporary gardens, the
deeply rooted in a cultural and the public. The book
book develops a typology of
landscape. With the project describes the methods and
gardens in a densely built en-
“Two Hills, One Landscape,” forms of visual representation
vironment that is permeated
advanced landscape archi- in contemporary landscape
with history.
tects, farmers and foresters architecture. Including a DVD
embark on new ventures in with presentation videos.
2009. 223 pp., 122 color, 134 b/w ills.,
the field of beauty and useful- 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
ness. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95 2010. 192 pp., 319 color ills.,
978-3-7643-8943-7 English 100 drawings.
24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
2010. 120 pp., 150 color ills.,
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 /
30 drawings,
UsD 89.95
22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-8789-1 English
EUr 39.90 /GBP 36.00 / UsD 54.95
978-3-0346-0260-0 English / German
106 lA N D sCA P E A r C HI T ECT U r E T h eo ry | h i sTo ry

Landscape as ’scape
a System Insight Out The International
Contemporary Contemporary Magazine
German German of Landscape
Landscape Landscape Architecture
Architecture Architecture and Urbanism
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten Landscape Architecture Europe
bdla (Ed.) bdla (Ed.) Foundation (Ed.)

Landscape today is seen as a How can buildings and open ’scape is the international
complex system of biotopes space be integrated by means magazine for landscape ar-
and water cycles, open spaces of design? What potential chitecture, city planning, and
and built structures, neigh- results from the interaction of urban design. Lively, with in-
borhoods and commercial landscape planning and the ternational voices and a criti-
areas. This book analyzes and art of engineering? What are cal eye, it presents selected
documents this international the consequences of design news items, in-depth feature
development and its signifi- chasing after artificiality? articles, concise essays, sol-
cance for landscape architects. This attractive book reveals idly based and informative
the pioneering responses project critiques, portraits of
2009. 176 pp., 150 color, 40 b/w ills., that contemporary landscape outstanding personalities, and
50 drawings. architects offer to such central reviews of new literature.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Dust jacket.
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-0346-0079-8 German / English 2010. 80 pp., approx. 70 color ills., 30
2007. 160 pp., 124 color, 10 b/w ills., drawings. 24.0 x 30.0 cm. softcover.
22 drawings. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. approx. EUr 15.00 / GBP 13.50
Dust jacket. 1/2010
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 978-3-0346-0325-6 English
978-3-7643-7958-2 German / English 2/2010
978-3-0346-0617-2 English

Two issues per year

108 D EsI G N des ig n e rs

Colour Is
Selected Pierre Charpin Claesson
Projects for Entre les Koivisto Rune
Foster+Partners vases / Amidst the 1. Architecture—
1996–2006 vases 2. Design
Per Arnoldi mudac (Ed.) Paola Antonelli, Mark Isitt

For more than ten years, the

celebrated artist Per Arnoldi of This first monograph is a
Copenhagen has been working reflection of Pierre Charpin’s Like Scandinavian masters
together with the world famous work: simple, unfussy, fluid. before them Claesson Koivisto
London architect Norman Fos- It foregrounds drawing as a Rune practice both architecture
ter. This book provides system- creative process of making and and design. The architectural
atic and detailed documenta- translating. projects in this monograph
tion of this entire collaborative include private houses and
spectrum. 2009. 141 pp., 45 color, 11 b/w ills., interiors from Europe to North
17.0 × 22.0 cm. softcover. and South America, as well as
EUr 27.94 / GBP 25.00 / UsD 44.95
2007. 224 pp., 180 color ills.,
978-3-7643-9956-6 french / English
larger buildings like the Sfera
24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover. Building Culture House in
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7503-4 English
Kyoto, Japan.

2007. 376 pp., 215 color, 181 b/w ills.,

76 drawings. 17.0 × 24.0 cm.
Cloth bound.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 64.95
978-3-7643-7948-3 English
desi g ners DEsIGN 109

Edge to Edge
Experimental Adrian Frutiger—Typefaces
Design The Complete Works
Peter Noever, MAK (Ed.) Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm, Swiss Foundation Type and Typography (Eds)

Thomas Feichtner is an Austri-

an designer who, after consid-
erable successes in the field of
industrial design, has recently
begun to turn heads again with
his unusual approach to design.
This monograph uses sketches,
preliminary models and proto-
types to provide a detailed pres-
entation of his experimental
working methods. With texts by
Bernhard E. Bürdek, Lilli Hol-
lein and Michael Hausenblas.
Based on conversations with Frutiger himself and on extensive
research in France, England, Germany, and Switzerland, this
2010. 264 pp., 100 color,
50 b/w ills., 50 drawings. publication provides a highly detailed and accurate account of the
24.0 x 30.0 cm. softcover. type designer’s artistic development and his work.
EUr 41.96 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 64.95 With the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.
978-3-0346-0342-3 German / English

2009. 460 pp., 430 color, 620 b/w ills.,

24.5 × 31.0 cm. Cloth bound.
EUr 99.90 / GBP 90.00 / UsD 149.00
978-3-7643-8581-1 English
978-3-7643-8582-8 french
110 D EsI G N des ig n e rs


Mike Meiré—
Alfredo Häberli Editorial Design
Style First —Design Live These Days
Mieke Gerritzen Beda Achermann, Alfredo Häberli (Eds) Gerrit Terstiege ( Ed. )

The Swiss Alfredo Häberli is

This book places the focus on
Mieke Gerritzen developed a one of today’s most innovative
the editorial design of Mike
strong visual style which slowly and successful designers. From
Meiré. With its many sample
became a vision—a clear vision wineglasses to chairs, from
images, magazine titles, and
about the state of the world: a shoes to shelving systems—
model double pages, the book
place for consumption where some of today’s most eminent
makes it possible to follow
fame, power and money are Swiss artists stage his works in
along and learn how to find the
creating the atmosphere. this publication.
appropriate form for editorial
themes and how, as a designer,
2008. 160 pp., 200 color ills., 2007. 190 pp., 112 color ills.,
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. 24.0 × 28.0 cm. Cloth bound. to shape and organize content
EUr 27.94 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95 EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 59.95 attractively for readers.
978-3-7643-8438-8 German / 978-3-7643-8082-3 German / English
English / french
2010. approx. 176 pp., approx. 200
color ills., 50 drawings,
24.0 x 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
approx. EUr 55.98 / GBP 54.00/
UsD 84.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0600 - 4 German / English
desi g ners DEsIGN 111

Charlotte Helmut Schmid :
Perriand, Design Is Jan Tschichold
Livre de Bord Attitude Posters of the
1928–1933 Victor Malsy, Philipp Teufel, Fjodor Avantgarde
Arthur Rüegg (Ed.) Gejko ( Eds. ) Martijn F. Le Coultre, Alston W. Purvis

In his designs, Helmut Schmid

(born in Ferlach, Austria, in
A fascinating presentation of
1942) produces a unique com-
Charlotte Perriand’s celebrated
bination of Japanese tradition
furniture designs. A facsimile
and Western modernity. This For the first time: the posters
reproduction of Perriand’s
monograph documents and of the celebrated graphic artist
140 page “Livre de Bord,” her
analyzes all of his important and typographer. This book is
sketchbook during the years
works from 1961 until today : an analytical examination of
1927–1933, is the centrepiece
basic visual concepts, typefaces, Tschichold’s posters. It con-
of this publication. Arthur
logos, product and packaging tains his own collection of post-
Rüegg’s introductory essay
identities, and poster and book ers, with works by Hans Arp, El
brings to life in text and image
designs. Now in a Softcover Lissitzky, László Moholy-Nagy,
those pioneering years.
Edition. Oskar Schlemmer, and others,
as well as the approximately 70
2004. 287 pp., 175 color, 64 b/w ills.,
24.0 x 29,5 Hardcover. 2010. 341 pp., 150 color, 400 b/w ills, posters he designed himself.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 80.00 24.0 x 24.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7037-4 English EUr 37.29 / GBP 36.00/ UsD 54.95
2007. 240 pp., 221 color, 40 b/w ills.,
978 - 3 - 7643 - 7510 - 2 German / English
23.0 × 32.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95
978-3-7643-7604-8 English
112 D EsI G N des ig n e rs

Project Vitra 1D—The First
Sites, Products, Dimension New
Authors, Museum, Drawing and
Collections, Signs; Perception— TypoLyrics
Chronology, A Workbook for The Sound of
Glossary Designers Fonts
Cornel Windlin, Rolf Fehlbaum (Eds) Thomas Neeser, Helmut Germer Slanted (Ed.)

For “TypoLyrics”, celebrated

graphic designers like Fons
This publication focuses on the
The first comprehensive publica- Hickmann as well as talented
learning and function of draw-
tion about the history, present young designers from all over
ing. It provides the vocabulary
and future of a design firm with the world have used song lyrics
necessary to communicate
more to offer than just chairs. as the inspiration for innova-
about the complex process
The book offers an inside look tive font designs. The result is a
of drawing— with the goal of
at the firm’s collaboration with collection of fascinating visuals.
ever better results. The book
architects and designers, in- Each of the eleven chapters
is rounded out by statements
cluding Charles and Ray Eames, treats a particular font family
from renowned designers, each
Verner Panton, Herzog and de and song lyrics from a particu-
accompanied by an original
Meuron. lar musical style.
drawing, on the significance of
drawing to their work.
2008. 396 pp., 795 color, 197 b/w ills., 2010. 208 pp., 200 b/w ills. on
17.0 × 24.0 cm. Dust jacket. colored paper,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 49.95 2010. 224 pp., 400 ills. in color, 22.0 x 28.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-8593-4 English 19.5 x 24.5 cm. Hardcover. EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95
EUr 37.29 / 36.00 / UsD 59.95 978-3-0346-0366-9 English
978-3-0346-0367-6 German / English
grA phi cs | c o mmuni cAT i o n DEsIGN 113

in Architectural Colors Colors
Space Notebook— Notebook—
Gerhard Meerwein, Bettina Rodeck, Faces Violence
Frank H. Mahnke Fabrica (Ed.) Fabrica (Ed.)

“Faces” brings together a “Violence” is a frightening

While people’s reactions to
fascinating variety of faces— demonstration of just how
color vary widely, in design
self-portraits as well as completely the subject of
questions it is still possible to
portraits of others. Open and violence dominates the world
establish generally valid color
coded messages from human today. The artistic documents
concepts to match the expecta-
beings of today, their feelings, selected here are expressions of
tions of the various groups
their thoughts, and above all that violence, images and signs
of users. This book offers a
how they see and understand that represent or indict.
guide based on a wide range of
themselves—or how they would
scientific findings and may be
like to be seen by others. 2008. 191 pp., 350 color ills.,
consulted as an authoritative 23.0 × 29.0 cm. softcover.
reference by the architecture EUr 29.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 34.95
2008. 190 pp., 350 color ills.,
student and the professional 978-3-7643-8865-2 English / french /
23.0 × 29.0 cm. softcover.
alike. EUr 29.90 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 34.95
978-3-7643-8868-3 English / french /
2007. 152 pp., 157 color ills.,
24 drawings.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 / UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-7596-6 English
114 D EsI G N g r A p h i c s | co m m u n i cAT i o n

Space Time Play

Computer Games,
Patterns in Patterns 2. Architecture and
Design, Art and Design, Art and Urbanism: The
Architecture Architecture Next Level
Petra Schmidt, Annette Tietenberg, Barbara Glasner, Petra Schmidt, Friedrich von Borries, Steffen P. Walz,
Ralf Wollheim (Eds) Ursula Schöndeling (Eds) Matthias Böttger (Eds)

The definitive overview of Following over ten thousand

patterns in design, art, and ar- copies sold of “Patterns in
chitecture. This book presents Design, Art and Architecture,” Computer and video games are
the various multidisciplinary the next volume, “Patterns2,” leaving the PC and conquering
approaches to patterns, show- presents even more extraor- the arena of everyday life in the
ing the many functions and dinary works by leading firms, form of mobile applications—
fields of application. Using ex- artists, designers and architects the result is new types of cities
amples of contemporary work such as Michael Lin, Rem Kool- and architecture. How do these
by internationally renowned haas, and Marimekko. games alter our perception of
designers, it lays out a kalei- real and virtual space? What
doscope of colors and forms 2008. 335 pp., 315 color ills., can the designers of physical
before the reader. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. and digital worlds learn from
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8644-3 English
one another?
2009. 332 pp., 315 color ills.,
24.0 × 30.0 cm. softcover. 2007. 495 pp., 268 color ills.,
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.85 17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover.
978-3-7643-7750-2 English EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95
978-3-7643-8414-2 English
grA phi cs | c o mmuni cAT i o n DEsIGN 115

New Become a
Creating Desired Designer
Futures Protect and
How Design Manage Your
Thinking Design Rights
Three D— Innovates Internationally
Graphic Spaces Business Joachim Kobuss, Alexander Bretz,
Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.) Michael Shamiyeh (Ed.) Arian Hassani

“Creating Desired Futures”

defines design as a method to
develop alternative solutions
More and more visual designers
to complex problems: in 24 An easy-to-understand guide
are staging three-dimensional
essays by designers, architects for designers on the legal
scenarios and turning them
and representatives of large topics that deeply affect their
into posters, flyers, book and
companies, the book shows everyday professional activities,
magazine covers, and animated
how a design-based approach “Become a Successful Designer”
films. The result is a host of
can help define and solve provides designers with ways to
suggestive new pictorial worlds
business problems. It presents protect and handle their intel-
that range from playfully ar-
both specific strategies from lectual property rights. Focus
ranged still lifes to room-filling
actual practice and innovative groups are all kinds of design-
approaches from the world of ers of the product, interior,
corporate consulting. fashion, communications, and
2009. 208 pp., 220 color ills.,
21.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover. graphics.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 59.95 2010. 408 pp., 450 color ills.,
978-3-7643-8771-6 English 19.0 x 22.5 cm. softcover. 2010. approx. 352 pp., 17.0 × 24.0 cm.
EUr 39,90 / GBP 36,00 / softcover.
UsD 59,95 approx. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 /
978-3-0346-0368-3 English UsD 44.95
978-3-0346-0101-6 English
116 D EsI G N g r A p h i c s | co m m u n i cAT i o n

Topselle Industries
Chroma Switzerland
Design, Architecture, and Facts—Models—
Art in Color Christoph Weckerle, Manfred Gerig,
Barbara Glasner, Petra Schmidt (Eds) Michael Söndermann

Policy makers at all levels are

discovering the notion of crea-
tive industries—from economic
and innovation strategies to
education policy and urban
development, the creative
industries are being described
as a model for success. This
book provides a greatly needed
Color is one of the central problems of creative work. This illus- overview of the concepts and
trated book embraces the sensuous experience of color, inspir- specific characteristics of this
ing and seducing the reader with projects by outstanding artists, sector.
designers, and architects like Gerhard Richter, Konstantin Grcic,
and Sauerbruch Hutton, who have formulated characteristic 2008. 158 pp., 15 b/w ills., 5 drawings.
chromatic worlds. 21.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-7973-5 English
2010. 320 pp., 380 color ills.,
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 89.95
978-3-0346-0092-7 English
grA phi cs | c o mmuni cAT i o n DEsIGN 117

A Compendium
for Architects,
Design Designers Designing Public
History, Theory and Museum Perspectives for
and Practice of Professionals the Public
Product Design Aurelia Bertron, Ulrich Schwarz, Michael Erlhoff, Philipp Heidkamp,
Bernhard E. Bürdek Claudia Frey Iris Utikal (Eds)

Drawing on examples from the

authors’ own experience as
exhibition designers, this book
examines every phase of exhibi-
Situated right in the midst of
The most important funda- tion creation. Topics include
the tumult of urban design
mental principles of design concept and design, presenta-
are the essays of this book:
theory and methodology are tion and staging, communi-
the projects, observations,
presented in this book, looking cative forms and media, text
descriptions, and commentar-
in particular at the communica- and graphics, typography and
ies explore the possibilities and
tive function of products and layout, and the use of lighting.
opportunities, the necessity as
highlighting aspects such as
well as the incapacity of design
corporate and service design, 2006. 264 pp., 120 color, 28 b/w ills.,
45 drawings. in the pulsating, vibrating
design management, strategic
14.8 × 15.8 cm. Hardcover. world of our everyday lives.
design, interface/interaction EUr 32.62 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 35.00
design and human design. 978-3-7643-7207-1 German / English
2008. 216 pp., 105 color ills.,
17.0 × 23.5 cm. softcover.
2005. 483 pp., 360 color, 21 b/w ills., EUr 23.27 / GBP 23.00 / UsD 34.95
120 drawings. 978-3-7643-8667-2 German / English
17.0 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 65.00
978-3-7643-7029-9 English
118 D EsI G N p r o d u cT des i gn | i n Te ri o r | m ATe ri A ls

Hidden Forms
Seeing and
extra Things The Kitchen
Encyclopaedia Franco Clivio, Hans Hansen,
Life World, Usage,
of Experimental Pierre Mendell
Writings on Design Perspectives
Print Finishing In cooperation with the Zurich Klaus Spechtenhauser (Ed.)
Franziska Morlok, Till Beckmann University of the Arts In cooperation with ETH Wohnforum

“Hidden Forms” uses examples

from Franco Clivio’s collection
“extra”, the indispensable refer-
of objects to reveal clearly and
ence work on print finishing,
yet poetically the hidden quali-
presents the most important
ties that require a practiced
finishing techniques practically Since the 1990s the kitchen has
gaze. Each object in the col-
and theoretically: thirty pages moved into the design spotlight,
lection stands for an uncon-
created by renowned designers and this publication examines
ventional, unconstrained, and
provide a basis for explaining and reviews its significance in
sometimes unique solution to
the special design and techni- an architectural, cultural, social
a problem that is often simple
cal features of each technique, and economical context. The
but always fundamental.
with an in-depth exploration of authors look at developments
its possible uses. and revolutionary kitchen con-
2009. 239 pp., 150 color ills.,
50 drawings. 22.0 × 23.5 cm. cepts of the last decades includ-
2010. 174 pp., 35 color ills., Cloth bound. ing standardized kitchens and
85 drawings. EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / UsD 49.95 open kitchen living spaces.
21.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-8966-6 English
EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 119.00
978-3-0346-0083-5 English 2006. 160 pp., 59 color, 116 b/w ills.,
48 drawings. 19.0 × 28.0 cm.
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 41.95
978-3-7643-7281-1 English
p ro d u cT desi g n | inT eri o r | mATeri A ls DEsIGN 119

Trade edition


Commedia dell’Arte— 2010. 320 pp., 500 in color, 50 b/w,

Couture Edition 23.5 x 33.5 cm. linen.

EUr 119.00 / GBP 108.00 /
UsD 150.00
Florian Böhm ( Ed. )
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0544 - 1 English

Collector’s Book

limited to 400 numbered copies

2010. 320 pp., 500 in color, 50 b/w,
23.5 x 33.5 cm. linen bound,
signed and numbered, fine Art Print
by f. Böhm v. Ungaro. Custom
Cloth-bound solander box
( 41.2 x 33.0 x 7.0 cm ).

EUr 750.00 / GBP 680.00 /

UsD 1050.00
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0551 - 9 English

Exclusive Collector’s

This visual feast for bibliophiles presents the sixteen porcelain

figures of the Commedia dell’arte created by Franz Anton Bustelli limited to 25 numbered copies
in 1760, redressed by sixteen internationally renowned fashion 2010. 320 pp., 500 in color, 50 b/w,
23.5 x 33.5 cm. linen.
designers, including Vivienne Westwood, Christian Lacroix, Naoki
Takizawa, Gareth Pugh, Victor & Rolf, and others. This lavish vol- Numbered and custom bound with an
ume documents—regardless of costs—the making of this limited embossed silk - linen cover
edition and the experimental process of updating objects like ( 41.2 x 33.0 x 7.0 cm ), incl. a portfolio
with 16 exclusive fine art prints of the
these for the world of today. The photographs taken and selected Commedia dell’Arte–Couture Edition
by the volume’s editor, Florian Böhm, depict scenes from the fash- figures, each print individually signed
ion designers’ studios and detail views of the manufactory. by the fashion designers.

EUr 7500.00 / GBP

6800.00 / UsD 10,500.00
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0550 - 2 English
120 D EsI G N p r o d u cT des i gn | i n Te ri o r | m ATe ri A ls

Manuscript limited
Limited Edition Essentials for the language:
Prototypes, One- Everyday Use of rewriting design
Offs and Design Interior Architects responding to a
Art Furniture and Designers feedback culture
Sophie Lovell Müller-Schöll Colin Davies, Monika Parrinder (Eds)

“Limited Edition” is the new

phenomenon in furniture Provides essential introductory “Limited Language” is a
design. With prototypes, one- information for designers and web-platform for generating
offs and limited product lines, interior designers. From the writing and discussion about
designers are making furniture realm of interior design, for the design process. Each of
objects outside of, and parallel example, it deals with ceilings, the sub-sections of the book
to, the industrial manufactur- floors, doors, windows, stairs, “limited language : rewriting
ing system. This book docu- etc.—from that of material design” comprises an article
ments this new phenomenon in science, with carpets, wallpaper, from the website, followed by
meticulous investigative essays wall paint, glass, wood materi- a reflection/response to the
and presents a fascinating col- als, stone, and concrete. topic by the responses raised on
lection of works.
2009. 304 pp., 73 color, 126 b/w ills.,
2009. 255 pp., 380 color ills., 15,5 x 22,0 cm. Hardcover. 2009. 288 pp., 200 color ills.,
20.0 × 26.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 39.95 17.0 × 23.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95 978-3-7643-7820-2 English EUr 19.90 / GBP 18.00 /
978-3-7643-8895-9 English UsD 29.95
978-3-7643-8934-5 English
p ro d u cT desi g n | inT eri o r | mATeri A ls DEsIGN 121

New Materiology
Material Revolution: The Creative
Sustainable Multi - Purpose Industry’s Guide
Materials for Design and to Materials and
Architecture Technologies
Sascha Peters Daniel Kula, Élodie Ternaux

For all creative profession-

als who rely on materials and
technologies: “Materiology” is
written in a style that conveys a
wealth of information in a lan-
guage that’s easy to understand.
This book covers everything you
always wanted to know about
materials, from basic to cut-
ting edge materials, and about
The book offers a systematic overview of the currently avail- processes.
able sustainable materials and provides the reader with all the
information needed to assess a new material’s suitability and 2009. 342 pp., 200 color ills.,
potential for a given project. Along the way, it examines natural 20,0 × 29,5 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / UsD 115.00
and biodegradable materials, while also presenting materials 978-3-7643-8424-1 English
with multifunctional properties and the potential for diminishing 978-3-7643-8425-8 french
energy requirements.

2010. approx. 240 pp., approx. 400 color ills.,

22.0 x 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
approx. EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 80.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0663 - 9 English
122 D EsI G N p r o d u cT des i gn | i n Te ri o r | m ATe ri A ls


The Making
of Design
From the First Transformation
Basic Principles Universal Design
Model to the and Methodology Solutions for
Final Product of Design Barrier-free Living
Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.) Roland Knauer Oliver Herwig

This book examines the per-

sonal situation of an ever-aging
This book takes an in-depth Bar, surface, body, and space
generation from head to toe
look at design processes, with are the fundamental elements
and introduces design strate-
21 depictions of “the making of” of the design process. Every
gies, product innovations, and
products from a wide variety of form, however complex, may
architectural solutions for a
industries. Renowned design- be understood as a variation
barrier-free world.
ers like Konstantin Grcic, the of them. “Transformation”
Bouroullecs, or Hella Jongerius represents a foundational work
2008. 175 pp., 72 color ills.,
show how they go about design- for architects, designers, and 14 drawings.
ing products, the tools they lay people with an interest in 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
use for visualization and how cultural history: the unrivaled EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
978-3-7643-8718-1 English
projects change during the grammar of design.
model phase.
2008. 179 pp., 400 color, 900 b/w ills.,
2009. 176 pp., 271 color, 32 b/w ills., 23.0 × 32.0 cm. Hardcover.
17.0 × 24.0 cm. softcover. EUr 99.90 / GBP 90.00 / UsD 139.00
EUr 29.90 / GBP 27.00 / UsD 44.95 978-3-7643-6761-9 English
978-3-0346-0089-7 English
p ro d u cT desi g n | inT eri o r | mATeri A ls DEsIGN 123

Guide for
Topselle Conference and
r Communication
Unfolded Environments
Paper in Design, Art, Conference.
Architecture and Industry Excellence
Petra Schmidt, Nicola Stattmann Guido Englich, Burkhard Remmers

Englich and Remmers provide a

comprehensive, analytical, and
programmatic introduction to
face-to-face communication in
the work world. How to foster
communication processes,
structure them sensibly, and
avoid unnecessary friction and
needless follow-up costs, all
through proper planning.

2008. 304 pp., 120 color ills.,

280 drawings.
24.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 84.95
978-3-7643-8758-7 English
“Unfolded” demonstrates the possibilities paper holds today for 978-3-7643-8759-4 french
product design, fashion, and art and provides designers with
valuable inspirations. From washi paper to ceramic and carbon
fiber paper, it presents the state of the art in research and develop-
ment as well as the most important methods and technologies in
handcrafts and industry.

2009. 255 pp., 323 color, 23 b/w ills.,

22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 74.95
978-3-0346-0032-3 English
124 D EsI G N p r o d u cT des i gn | i n Te ri o r | m ATe ri A ls

The Shape of
Things to Come:
Architecture, Forefront
Interior Design The Culture of
Shop Window Dress Code
and Art Interior Design for
Hanneke Kamphuis, Miegiel Loeffen, Design
Hedwig van Onna Shonquis Moreno Fashion Shops
In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME

“Atmosphere” invites, encour- Stories about ourselves and the

“Dress Code: Interior Design for
ages and motivates. It goes desires that drive us: show-
Fashion Shops” presents a se-
beyond the basic components casing today’s shop window
lection of innovative and excit-
of form, color and material culture.
ing retail interiors from across
to identify and explore seven
the globe. Expect the very latest
atmospheric layers that not 2005. 216 pp., 232 color ills.,
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. shops, showrooms, boutiques
only exist simultaneously
EUr 27.94 / GBP 25.00 / UsD 82.85 and flagship stores created by
but—owing to their fleeting 978-3-7643-7192-0 English the world’s most distinctive and
nature—can easily merge to
influential designers.
form new combinations, over Not available in the Netherlands,
and over again. Belgium, luxembourg, Japan, korea,
Taiwan and China. 2006. 320 pp., 242 color ills.,
66 drawings.
2008. 240 pp., 200 color ills., 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. EUr 60.75 / GBP 55.00 / UsD 79.00
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95 978-3-7643-7560-7 English
978-3-7643-8387-9 English
p ro d u cT desi g n | inT eri o r | mATeri A ls DEsIGN 125

The Other Office

Bon Appétit Creative Relax
Restaurant Design Workplace Design Interiors for
Marlous Willems (Ed.) Matthew Stewart Human Wellness
In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME

International trends in creative “Relax” showcases the 32 hot-

office design from all over the test designs. It covers spas and
What’s the recipe for design-
world: the projects that make thermal baths, massage, hair
ing a successful restaurant?
up “The Other Office” identify and beauty salons, health farms
“Bon Appétit—Restaurant
those offices that keep abreast and gyms. All projects feature
Design” reveals the secret with
of the rapid pace of change and, quality photography, in-depth
an exclusive look at restaurant
more importantly, set the pace. essays, floor plans, project de-
interiors. Taking thirty-five late-
tails and contact information.
breaking projects as examples,
2004. 240 pp., 262 color ills.,
it presents restaurants from 34 drawings. 2007. 256 pp., 140 color ills.,
around the world. 18,5 x 25,8 cm. Hardcover. 60 drawings.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 77.95 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-7643-7048-0 English EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 69.95
2007. 359 pp., 300 color ills.,
18.0 × 26.0 cm. Hardcover. 978-3-7643-8392-3 English
Not available in the Netherlands,
EUr 49.90 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 44.95
Belgium, luxembourg, Japan, korea,
978-3-7643-7770-0 English
Taiwan and China.
126 D EsI G N p r o d u cT des i gn | i n Te ri o r | m ATe ri A ls

The Back Issue
Night Fever Happening The Essential
Interior Design for Design for Events Guide to Frame’s
Bars and Clubs Sarah Schultz, Marlous Willems (Eds) First 50 Issues
In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME In cooperation with FRAME

“Frame: The Back Issue” is a

This stunning book features How can design help to make
celebration of 50 issues of a
some twenty portraits of dis- PR events unique and compel-
design magazine. It represents
tinguished and selected design ling occasions? For the first
an opportunity to give lovers
firms from all over the world. time, “Happening. Design for
of Frame the ultimate fan book
Their spectacular designs for Events” sets its sights on the
to read, to keep, to use. This
bars, nightclubs, discos and total design of PR events and
publication features 50 excep-
dance clubs are presented, uses selected projects to show
tional articles on designs and
revealing the wide spectrum of that there is virtually no limit to
projects that helped shape the
creativity. A ten-page profile is the influence and variety that
dedicated to each design firm are possible in this area.
and full business details are
2006. 592 pp., 450 color ills.,
included. 2007. 240 pp., 250 color ills., 22.0 × 23.5 cm. softcover.
24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. EUr 46.54 / GBP 42.00 / UsD 62.00
EUr 59.90 / GBP 54.00 / UsD 79.95 978-3-7643-7652-9 English
2005. 312 pp., 335 color ills.,
978-3-7643-7976-6 English
26 drawings.
23.5 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 / UsD 77.95
978-3-7643-0512-3 English
sT udi es | p ro Fessi o nA l prAcT i ce DEsIGN 127

Design by Use Dictionary
The Everyday Perspectives Design Research
Metamorphosis on Design Now
of Things Designerly Ways Terminology Essays and
Uta Brandes, Sonja Stich, of Knowing Michael Erlhoff, Timothy Selected Projects
Miriam Wender Nigel Cross Marshall (Eds) Ralf Michel (Ed.)
In cooperation with the In cooperation with the In cooperation with the In cooperation with the
Board of International Board of International Board of International Board of International
Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD) Research in Design (BIRD)

This publication The concept “Design- This dictionary pro- Design is becoming a
explores a very special erly Ways of Knowing” vides a stimulating and recognized academic
kind of design—the emerged in the late categorial foundation discipline, and design
phenomenon, as nor- 1970s alongside new for a serious interna- research is the driv-
mal as it is wonderful, approaches in design tional discourse on ing force behind this
in which people with education. This book design. It is a handbook transformation. This
no formal training in is a unique insight into for everyone con- book charts the field of
design take things expanding discipline cerned with design in design research with
that have already been area with important career or education, introductory essays
designed and reuse implications for design who is interested in it, and selected research
them, convert them to research, education enjoys it, and wishes to projects. The authors
new uses. and practice. understand it. Covers of the essays, all lead-
and defines some 270 ing international de-
2009. 192 pp., 210 color ills., 2007. 141 pp., 16 drawings. terms. sign scholars, stake out
16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. 16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. positions on the most
EUr 34.90 / GBP 32.00 / EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 44.95 UsD 59.95
2008. 472 pp., important questions of
16.8 × 22.4 cm. softcover. design research.
978-3-7643-8867-6 English 978-3-7643-8484-5 English
EUr 39.90 / GBP 36.00 /
UsD 54.95
978-3-7643-7739-7 English 2007. 254 pp., 30 color,
3 b/w ills.,
22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 69.90 / GBP 63.00 /
UsD 99.00
978-3-7643-8471-5 English
128 D EsI G N des ig n A n n uA ls


Designer Profile 2010/2011

Germany, Austria, New
Switzerland; Designers
present themselves Good Design 10
form books (Ed.) Deutscher Designer Club (Ed.)

Since 1998 the bilingual “De- Vol. 1: Industrial +

signer Profile” has been the au- Exhibition Design
thoritative work on the design
scene and present a selection of 2009. 220 pp., 1100 color ills.,
the best Design offices from the 24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. “ Good Design 10 ” presents the
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 74.95
fields of industrial, exhibition, 978-3-0346-0059-0 German / English
works selected by the Deut-
graphic and multimedia design. scher Designer Club (DDC)
In this year: new layout, inter- in its annual “ Good Design
views and essays with renowned 10 ” competition— prizewin-
designers and entrepreneurs. ning design from architecture,
Vol. 2: Graphic + product and trade fair design,
Multimedia Design corporate communication,
digital design, or advertising.
2009. 220 pp., 1100 color ills.,
24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover. The competition has now been
EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00 / UsD 74.95 expanded to include two new
978-3-0346-0060-6 German / English categories : “ Graphic Fine Art ”
and “ Photo / Film ”.

2010. 508 pp., 640 ills. in color,

Set: 14.0 x 19.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 37.29 / GBP 36.00/
UsD 59.95
2009. 520 pp., 1900 color ills., 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0557 - 1 German / English
24.0 × 29.7 cm.
EUr 84.02 / GBP 80.00 / UsD 134.00
desi g n AnnuA ls DEsIGN 129

New New New

iF product iF communication Swiss Federal
design award design award Design Awards
yearbook 2010 yearbook 2010 2010
iF International Forum Design (Ed.) iF International Forum Design (Ed.) Federal Office of Culture ( Ed. )

The yearbook 2010 introduces For the seventh time, the iF

all of the winners of the coveted communication design award
iF product design award. A honors commercials, publica-
detailed index of manufactur- tions, campaigns, corporate Each year, on the occasion of
ers and designers facilitates the reports, websites, and other the annual Swiss Federal Design
search for particular products. communication media which Awards, the Federal Office of
It’s a user-friendly reference are especially outstanding in Culture releases a publication
work for anyone with an inter- their designs. The “ iF commu- and mounts an exhibition. They
est in design and an informa- nication design award yearbook serve as platforms for present-
tive archive for manufacturers, 2010 ” offers an appraisal and ing and documenting all the
designers, and opinion makers appreciation of the winners as award-winners together with
from media, economy and well as exciting insights into their prizewinning projects in
politics. the world of communication text and images. On display
design. are works from a broad range
2010. 1016 pp., 950 color ills., of fields, including fashion,
24.0 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover. 2010. 632 pp., 1600 color ills., graphic design, and jewelry.
EUr 60.65 / GBP 58.00 / UsD 89.95 24.0 x 24.0 cm. Hardcover.
978-3-0346-0319-5 German / English EUr 46.64 / GBP 45.00/ UsD 64.95
2010. approx. 80 pp., approx. 150 color,
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0610 - 3 German / English
100 b/w ills.,
23.0 x 30.0 cm. softcover.
EUr 12.06 / GBP 12.00/ UsD 16.95
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0602 - 8 German /
English / french
130 D EsI G N des ig n A n n uA ls

Design Award
of the Federal
Republic of
Germany 2009 form—The Making of Design
Rat für Formgebung (Ed.) Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.)

The Federal Republic of

Germany’s highest official
design award: The catalogue
offers detailed presentations
of the prizewinners as well as
accounts of some two hundred
other nominated products. The
Anyone wanting to find out
about the current design trends
form 233
publication opens with a greet- needs and reads “form” the
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0398 - 0
ing from the Federal Minister of international design maga- July / August 2010
Economics. zine. Each issue focuses on the
design process: Wide-ranging
2009. 688 pp., 400 color ills., features offer insights into how
23.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover.
EUr 41.96 / GBP 40.00 / UsD 59.95
extra-ordinary products and
graphic projects have unfolded.
form 234
978-3-7643-8983-3 German / English
An up-to-date layout, refined
978 - 3 - 0346 - 0396 - 6
printing graphics and contribu- september / october 2010
tions by visual designers ensure
“form” is a special visual and
haptic experience.

2010. approx. 120 pp.,

form 235
23.0 x 29.7 cm. softcover.
approx. EUr 16.90 / GBP 15.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0394 - 2
German / English November / December 2010

Published bimonthly
Also available as standing order
132 I N D E x TiT les

→ Architecture → Basics Loadbearing Systems 88

→ Landscape Architecture → Basics Masonry Construction 88
→ Design → Basics Materials 88
→ Basics Modelbuilding 88

Titles →

Basics Project Planning
Basics Roof Construction
→ Basics Room Conditioning 89
→ Basics Site Management 89
→ Basics Spatial Design 89
# → Basics Technical Drawing 89
→ 1D—The First Dimension 112 → Basics Tendering 89
→ 5 Codes 93 → Basics Timber Construction 89
→ 128 Colors 60 → Basics Urban Analysis 90

A →

Basics Urban Building Blocks
Basics Water Cycles
→ Access for All 53
→ Bauhaus Twenty—21 92
→ Acoustics and Sound Insulation 45
→ Become a Successful Designer 115
→ Adrian Frutiger—Typefaces 109
→ Bernard Tschumi 37
→ Alexandre Chemetoff Visits 96
→ Beyond Modernist Masters 79
→ Alfredo Häberli —Design Live 110
→ Beyond the Grid—Architecture and
→ Alvar Aalto—The Complete Work 16
Information Technology 58
→ The Unité d’Habitation in Marseille and the
→ Bon Appétit 125
four other unité blocks 29
→ Building Integrated Photovoltaics 58
→ Apartment Block 24 N.C. and
→ Building Projects in China 83
Le Corbusier’s Home 28
→ Building Projects in the European Union 83
→ Apertures 87
→ Building with Earth 62
→ Architectural Guide Basel 77
→ Building with Large Clay Blocks 46
→ Architecture—a Synoptic Vision 91
→ Building with Steel 46
→ Architecture in Context 20
→ Building with Straw 62
→ Architecture in Existing Fabric 55
→ Building with Water 76
→ Architecture: the Element of Success 83
→ Architekten Profile 2011/2012 39 C
→ Architekture Avantgarde Austria 1956–1973 78 → Charlotte Perriand,
→ Art and Architecture 92 Livre de Bord 1928–1933 111
→ Atmosphere 124 → Christoph Mäckler 31
→ Atmospheres 38 → Chroma 116
→ The Austrian Phenomenon 78 → Cities of Change: Addis Ababa 79

B →

City of Collision
Claesson Koivisto Rune
→ Bamboo 102
→ Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 30
→ Barragán—Space and Shadow,
→ ClimateDesign 59
Walls and Colour 18
→ ClimateSkin 58
→ Barrier - Free Design 45
→ Code 93
→ Basics Architectural Photography 85
→ Color—Communication in
→ Basics Barrier-Free Planning 86
Architectural Space 113
→ Basics CAD 86
→ Colors Notebook—Faces 113
→ Basics Career Start Set 85
→ Colors Notebook—Violence 113
→ Basics Construction Scheduling 90
→ Colour Is Communication 108
→ Basics Design and Living 87
→ Commedia dell’Arte— Couture Edition 119
→ Basics Design Ideas 86
→ Complexity 94
→ Basics Designing with Plants 87
→ Components and Connections 55
→ Basics Designing with Water 87
→ Components and Systems 55
→ Basics Design Methods 87
→ Composing Landscapes 100
→ Basics Facade Apertures 87
→ Concrete 46
→ Basics Glass Construction 87
→ Constructing Architecture 50
T i Tl es INDE x 133

Constructing Landscape
Construction Materials Manual
→ Gatermann + Schossig 19
→ Counterpoint: Daniel Libeskind 30
→ Gert Wingårdh 38
→ Courtyard Houses 72
→ Glass in Building 48
→ Creating Desired Futures 115
→ Glass Structures 64
→ Creative Industries Switzerland 116
→ Good Design 10 128
→ Crucial Words 92
→ Grading for Landscape Architects
D and Architects 101
→ Dado 33 → Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann 31

→ Happening 126
→ Design Award of the Federal Republic of
→ Heidi Weber—50 Years Ambassador
Germany 2009 130
for Le Corbusier 1958–2008 25
→ Design by Use 127
→ Helmut Schmid : Design Is Attitude 111
→ Design Dictionary 127
→ Hermann & Valentiny and Partners 20
→ Designerly Ways of Knowing 127
→ Herzog & de Meuron, The Complete Works 21
→ Designer Profile 2010/2011 128
→ Hidden Forms 118
→ Designing Exhibitions 117
→ Home Delivery 75
→ Designing Public 117
→ Housing 74
→ Design Research Now 127
→ Housing+ 73
→ Developments in Timber Engineering 66
→ Deviations 84 I
→ Dieter Kienast 97 → Ideas Exchange 19
→ Digital Culture in Architecture 57 → iF communication design award
→ Drawing the Ground— yearbook 2010 129
Landscape Urbanism Today 34 → iF product design award yearbook 2010 129
→ Dress Code 124 → Illuminating 66
→ Dressed Stone 47 → In Detail: Building in Existing Fabric 43
→ Dry Construction 47 → In Detail: Building Simply 43

E →

In Detail: Building Skins
In Detail: Cost-Effective Building
→ Energy-Efficiency Upgrades 47
→ In Detail: Exhibitions and Displays 70
→ Energy Manual 40
→ In Detail: High-Density Housing 70
→ Engineering for a Finite Planet 59
→ In Detail: Housing for People of All Ages 71
→ Erich Mendelsohn— the Complete Works 31
→ In Detail: Interior Spaces 44
→ ETFE 63
→ In Detail: Interior Surfaces and Materials 44
→ Explorations in Architecture 93
→ In Detail: Semi-Detached and
→ Exploring Boundaries 39
Terraced Houses 71
→ extra 118
→ In Detail: Single Family Houses 71
F → In Detail: Small Structures 70
→ Facade Construction Manual 40 → In Detail: Solar Architecture 45
→ Façades 53 → Industrial Buildings 67
→ Façades 56 → In Gardens 102
→ Failed Stone 65 → Insight Out 106
→ Field Studies 105 → Insulating Materials 48
→ Flat Roof Con-struction Manual 41 → Interior Gardens 101
→ Floor Plan Manual 74 → Interiors Con-struction Manual 41
→ Footbridges 77 → Intermediate Natures 97

form— The Making of Design
→ Jan Tschichold 111
→ Frame: The Back Issue 126
→ Jean Prouvé—Complete Works 35
→ Frank Lloyd Wright 39
→ Jean Prouvé— Highlights 1917–1944 34
→ Freestanding Houses 72
→ Jo Coenen 18
→ Frei Otto. Complete Works 33
134 I N D E x TiT les

K →

New Alpine Architecture
New Approaches to Housing for the Second

→ Kengo Kuma 22
Half of Life 76
→ Kengo Kuma— Breathing Architecture 22
→ New Forms of Collective Housing in Europe 76
→ Kiessler + Partner Architekten 22
→ New Tectonics 57
L → Night Fever 126
→ Landscape as a System 106 → Non-Fictional Narratives 18
→ Landscape Infrastructure 98 → nps tchoban voss 32

Learning from China
Le Corbusier and the Architectural
→ Office Buildings 68
Promenade 27
→ Old & New—Design Manual for Revitalizing
→ Le Corbusier—Complete Works in 8 volumes 23
Existing Buildings 54
→ Le Corbusier—Polychromie architecturale 24
→ On Site 103
→ Le Corbusier—The Artist 25
→ Ortner & Ortner 33
→ Le Corbusier: The Chapel at Ronchamp 28
→ Oscar Niemeyer 32
→ Le Corbusier—The Graphic Work 25
→ Outline 36
→ Le Corbusier: The Monastery of
Sainte Marie de La Tourette 29 P
→ Le Corbusier: The Villa Savoye 29 → Pattern 94
→ Le Corbusier: The Villas La Roche-Jeanneret 30 → Patterns 2. Design, Art and Architecture 114
→ Leistungsform / Form Follows Performance 37 → Patterns in Design, Art and Architecture 114
→ Lexicon of Garden and Landscape → Photovoltaics 49
Architecture 100 → Pierre Charpin 108
→ Light for Cities 66 → Pinpoint 50
→ Lighting Design 48 → Planetary Gardens 96
→ Light Zone City 67 → Planning 88
→ Limited Edition 120 → Planning Guide for Conference and
→ limited language: rewriting design 120 Communication Environments 123
→ Liquid Stone 65 → Plaster, Render, Paint and Coatings 49
→ Living by the Sea 75 → Plastics in Architecture and Construction 60
→ Living for the Elderly 68 → Portable Architecture 57
→ Living in the Alps 74 → Prefabricated Systems 56
→ Living Plans 75 → Project Vitra 112
→ Living Systems 102 → Protect and Manage Your Design Rights
→ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 32 Internationally 115

→ Made in Norway 78 → Quartier Ecoparc / Ecoparc Quarter 81
→ Maison Blanche—
Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier 26
→ Recent Waterscapes 103
→ Martin Rauch 61
→ Re: CP 34
→ Material Design 60
→ Refurbishment Manual 42
→ Material Revolution: Sustainable Multi - Purpose
→ Relax 125
Materials for Design and Architecture 121
→ Research and Technology 69
→ Materiology 121
→ Riverscapes 104
→ Michele Arnaboldi Architect 17
→ Roof Construction Manual 42
→ Mike Meiré—Editorial Design 110
→ Rosemarie Trockel 98
→ Mirei Shigemori—Rebel in the Garden 98
→ Row Houses 72
→ Modern Traditions 80
→ MOVE—Architecture in Motion— S
Dynamic Components and Elements 56 → Sacred Buildings 69
→ Museum Buildings 67 → Scale: Open | Close 51

N →

Scale: Enclose | Build
Scale : Heat | Cool
→ Nano Materials 62
→ ’scape 106
T i Tl es INDE x 135

Schools and Kindergartens
Schulitz Architekten
→ Under the Open Sky 104
→ Sculpture Parks in Europe 104
→ Une petite maison 1923 26
→ Sensations 100
→ Unfolded 123
→ Simulation 94
→ Universal Design 122
→ Small Scale, Big Change 74
→ Urban Green 103
→ Small Town Sustainability 81
→ Smart Materials in Architecture, V
Interior Architecture and Design 63 → Valode & Pistre Architects 37
→ Smart Surfaces and their Application in → Visualizing Landscape Architecture 105
Architecture and Design 63 → Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner 19

Space Time Play
Style First
→ Wood Houses 77
→ Sustainable Architecture in Vorarlberg 82
→ workmanship 36
→ Sustainable Design 59
→ Works from the Heidi Weber Collection 25
→ Swiss Federal Design Awards 2010 129
→ Switzerland—an Urban Portrait 82
→ Syntax of Landscape 97
→ Systems in Timber Engineering 65

→ Tadao Ando 17
→ Tendencies—Recent Architecture in Ticino 78
→ Territories 96
→ The Architect, the Cook and Good Taste 91
→ The Architecture of Richter & Dahl Rocha 36
→ The Articulate Surface 53
→ The Art of Precast Concrete 64
→ The Force Is in the Mind 84
→ The Kitchen 118
→ The Making of Design 122
→ The Modulor and Modulor 2 26
→ The Other Office 125
→ The Rauch House 61
→ The Rhetoric of Modernism:
Le Corbusier as a Lecturer 28
→ The Unité d’Habitation in Marseille 29
→ The Urban Code of China 80
→ The Venetian City Garden 105
→ The Villas of Le Corbusier and
Pierre Jeanneret 1920–1930 27
→ Thinking Architecture 38
→ Thomas Feichtner —Edge to Edge 109
→ Three D—Graphic Spaces 115
→ Timber Construction Manual 42
→ Tools for Ideas 84
→ Topotek1 98
→ Town Houses 72
→ Town Spaces 82
→ Transformation 122
→ Translucent Materials 49
→ Transparent Plastics 64
→ Typology+ 73
→ Typo Lyrics 112
136 I N D E x A r c h i TecTs | des i gn e rs

Architects and Designers M

→ Mäckler, Christoph 31
→ Mendell, Pierre 118
→ Mendelsohn, Erich 31

A →

Meyer, Adrian
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
→ Aalto, Alvar 16
→ Minke, Gernot 62
→ Ando, Tadao 17
→ Mirei Shigemori 98
→ Angélil, Marc 79
→ Arnoldi, Per 108 N
B → Niemeyer, Oscar 32

→ Barragán, Luis 18 O
C →

Ortner & Ortner
Otto, Frei
→ Carpenter 60
→ Charpin, Pierre 108 P
→ Claesson Koivisto Rune 108 → Perriand, Charlotte 111
→ Chementoff, Alexandre 96 → Pfeifer, Günter 72
→ Clement, Gilles 96 → Price, Cedric 34
→ Coenen, Jo 18 → Prouvé, Jean 34, 35, 75

→ Denton Corker Marshall 18 → Richter & Dahl Rocha 36
→ Deplazes, Andrea 50 → RKW Architektur + Städtebau 36
→ Diener, Roger 82
F → Schmid, Helmut 111
→ Feichtner, Thomas 109 → Schmidt Hammer & Lassen 36
→ Frutiger, Adrian 109 → Schulitz, Helmut C. 37

G →

Schumacher, Michael
Shigemori, Mirei
→ Gatermann + Schossig 19
→ Gerkan, Marg und Partner 19 T
→ Gerritzen, Mieke 110 → tchoban voss 32

H →

Tschichold, Jan
Tschumi, Bernard
→ Häberli, Alfredo 110
→ Hadid, Zaha 53 V
→ Hermann & Valentiny 20 → Valode & Pistre Architects 37
→ Herzog & de Meuron 21, 64, 69 → Vitra 112
→ Herzog, Thomas 40, 42
J → West 8 103
→ Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard 26 → Wilkinson Eyre 39

K →

Wingårdh, Gert
Wright, Frank Lloyd
38, 92
→ Kienast, Dieter 97
→ Kiessler + Partner 22 Z
→ Krier, Rob 82 → Zumthor, Peter 38
→ Kuma, Kengo 22

→ Latz, Peter 97
→ Le Corbusier 23–30
→ Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas 30
→ Libeskind, Daniel 30
Complete Catalog 2010/2011

Please note:

All prices are excluding VAT and do not include any sales taxes.

Prices and dates are valid as of June 2010 and are subject to change
without notice.

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