A Survey of Resource Allocation Techniques in Cloud Computing
A Survey of Resource Allocation Techniques in Cloud Computing
A Survey of Resource Allocation Techniques in Cloud Computing
Kamini Bharti, 2Kamaljit Kaur
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, India
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
ISSN (Print): 2278-5140, Volume-3, Issue-2, 2014
International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT)
execution of its lease on the capable node as compare to providers, and want to maximise the profit earned
existing non-economy based algorithms. If an through serving SaaS users’ requests.
appropriate resource is not found, then the algorithm
Chunlin Li, Layuan Li[16] proposed the composition of
uses negotiation on budget and resource demand that
different layers in the cloud such as IaaS and SaaS and
increases the number of accepted lease. The proposed
its joint optimization for efficient resource allocation.
algorithm schedules lease based on its budget and cost
The efficient resource allocation optimization problem is
of resource along with the capabilities.
conducted by sub-problems. Through an iterative
Ahmed Shawish and Maria Salama[6]provided overview algorithm the proposed cloud resource allocation
on the Cloud’s anatomy, definition, characteristic, optimization algorithm is achieved.
affects, architecture, and core technology. They clearly
Jiayin Li, MeikangQiu [17], propose an adaptive
classify the Cloud’s deployment and service models,
resource allocation algorithm for the cloud system with
providing a full description of the Cloud services
pre-emptable tasks in which algorithms adjust the
vendors. They also addressed the customer-related
resource allocation adaptively based on the updated of
aspects such as the Service Level Agreement, service
the actual task executions. Adaptive list scheduling
cost, and security issues. Finally, it covers detailed
(ALS)and adaptive min-min scheduling (AMMS)
comparisons between the Cloud Computing paradigm
algorithms are used for task scheduling which includes
and other existing ones in addition to its significant
static task scheduling, for staticresource allocation, is
generated offline. The online adaptiveprocedure is use
Gihun Jung [13]proposedan adaptive resource allocation for re-evaluating the remaining static resourceallocation
model that allocates the consumer’s job to an repeatedly with predefined frequency. In each re-
appropriate data center. The method to adaptively find a evaluationprocess, the schedulers are re-calculating the
proper data center is based on two evaluations: 1) the finish timeof their respective submitted tasks, not the
geographical distance (network delay) between a tasks that are assign tothat cloud.
consumer and data centers 2) the workload of each data
Zhenzhong Zhang [18] proposed resources allocation
center. The proposed model allocated the consumer
method named SLB to solve the problem of load
requests to the data center that is closed to consumer
imbalance in cloud environment. SLB consists of two
location.The proposed model can be improved to not
parts: (1) Online VM’s performance data statistical
only CPU-bond job with static workload, but also
analysis and resource demand forecast; (2) An algorithm
different size of memory space, dynamic workloads and
for the purpose of load balancing, which chooses proper
live migration situation. Furthermore, the proposed
host in resource pool based on the resource demand
model can be implemented in a real VMM environment
forecast of VM and the historical load information of
such as Xen Hypervisor.
hosts.The scope of statistical resources to memory usage
Yanbing Liu [14] proposed a new resource scheduling and disk I/O throughput, and further investigate the
model by introducing loyalty-based trust mechanism dynamic load balancing while VM running can be
into cloud computing. The paper proposes Cloud expanded
computing is a distributed computing system built on
top of cheap and unreliable hardware. The unreliability IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
of hardware requires that upper software. The model Cloud computing technology is progressively being used
gives assessment according to the real-time condition of in enterprises and business markets. The advancement of
the system and then allocates resources based on the cloud computing is intensely changing the perspective of
assessment. This kind of dynamic feedback mechanism information technology and eventually turns the utility
guarantees the stability of the system and reliability of computing into a reality. In cloud paradigm, an effective
the services effectively. resource allocation approach is required for achieving
Chunlin Li and Layuan Li, [15] provided an optimal user satisfaction and maximizing the profit for cloud
approach to satisfy cloud user requests and schedule service providers. Numerous techniques for resource
resources within cloud computing environments. CRA allocation have been proposed and implemented so far
algorithm is proposed by them. CRA algorithm works in the world of cloud computing. Resource allocation
on two levels i.e interaction between SaaS user and SaaS being one of the most critical factors which defines the
provider at the application layer and interaction between overall efficiency of the cloud has been solely based on
SaaS provider and cloud resource provider at the the technical parameters in the techniques discussed so
resource layer. This paper formulates SaaS solution as far. But cloud computing being a rapidly expanding
multiple optimal problems. The author considers business in the IT industry must also involve the use of
constraints such as SaaS user budget and deadline, SaaS parameters related to consumer context for resource
provider profit, and cloud resource provider profit, as allocation. This approach could result in a better overall
well as viewing the SaaS provider as both as resource performance and consumer satisfaction for the same.
provider and consumer. SaaS providers aim at
minimising the payment of using VMs from cloud
ISSN (Print): 2278-5140, Volume-3, Issue-2, 2014
International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT)
ISSN (Print): 2278-5140, Volume-3, Issue-2, 2014