Introduction and Research Approach: 1.1 Background

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1.1 BACKGROUND enhance the Supports Specifications developed under Project

17-10 and to provide a strategic plan for future development
NCHRP Project 17-10, whose results are summarized in of the specifications. Topics addressed by Project 17-10(2)
NCHRP Report 411 (1), was conducted for the main purpose included the following:
of revamping the 1994 edition of AASHTO’s Standard Spec-
ifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Lumi- • Impact of the newly adopted wind loading criteria and
naires and Traffic Signals (2) (hereafter referred to as the Sup- wind map;
ports Specifications). The project addressed specific technical • Treatment of wind-sensitive structures;
topics; provided major updates based on current codes and • Fatigue of noncantilevered support structures;
standards; presented new wind maps and wind loading crite- • Anchor bolt design details, including embedment length
ria; and introduced new sections on fiber-reinforced compos- and pretensioning;
ites, wood structures, and fatigue design. NCHRP Report 411 • Foundation selection criteria;
adopted an allowable stress design (ASD) philosophy and was • Drag coefficient transition for multisided tapered poles;
presented in a user-friendly specification/commentary side-by- • Connection plate flatness criteria;
side format. Project 17-10 resulted in a totally revised Supports • Flexural strength of square or rectangular steel tube sec-
Specifications that was submitted to the AASHTO Highway tions bent about the diagonal;
Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (HSCOBS), adopted • Performance specifications and acceptance testing for
in 1999 (3), and published in 2001 (4). fiber-reinforced composite members;
• A set of complete and detailed design examples illus-
trating the use of the 2001 Supports Specifications;
1.2 RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT • Retrofitting and rehabilitating of fatigue-damaged struc-
tures; and
In spite of the extensive research efforts performed under
• Development of a strategic plan for converting the spec-
NCHRP Project 17-10, a number of technical issues still
ifications to an LRFD philosophy and a plan depicting
needed further investigation or refinement. The project panel
future enhancements to the specifications.
identified and prioritized a number of technical topics for
study in NCHRP Project 17-10(2). Addressing these topics
would result in a more comprehensive and enhanced state-of- 1.3.2 Approach
the-art Supports Specifications. The 2001 Supports Specifi-
cations also had to be upgraded to the more rational load and The research consisted of an extensive review and analysis
resistance factor design (LRFD) philosophy. LRFD was and of theoretical and experimental research investigations related
is the basis for most design specifications, since it provides a to the project topics. Unpublished works and currently ongo-
consistent approach with respect to strength evaluation and ing research studies were also identified and obtained. The
structural safety. Furthermore, since the Supports Specifica- primary focus was to obtain the most up-to-date technical
tions was and is a comprehensive document incorporating information that has materialized since the completion of
various materials, design criteria, and structure types, a strate- NCHRP Project 17-10. The assembled information was eval-
gic plan for future enhancement and maintenance of the spec- uated and presented in the form of design equations, allow-
ifications was needed. able stresses, improved methods of analysis, design details,
construction tolerances, procedures for repair of structures,
and recommendations for improved design and fabrication.


The main objective of NCHRP Project 17-10(2) was to The planned work for this project consisted of the follow-
address a number of additional technical topics to further ing thirteen tasks:

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