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Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Of Midwives On Active Management Of Third Stage Of Labour At Selected Health Centers Of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
2014 View project
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Rahel Yaekob1
Tsehay Shimelis2
Andualem Henok3*
Tafesse Lamaro4
Department of midwifery, Mizan-Tepi University
Department of Nursing, Addis Ababa University
Department of public health, Mizan-Tepi University (* corresponding author Email: [email protected])
Department of Nursing, Mizan-Tepi University
Background: The third stage of labour which, starts immediately after the infant is born, includes the separation
and detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall, and ends with complete expulsion of the placenta and
membrane. This period is considered to be the most hazardous stage for the birthing woman due to the risk of
profuse hemorrhage. Severe bleeding is the single most important cause of maternal deaths worldwide. Over
90% of women who die of postpartum hemorrhage, the most important cause is uterine atony, however, research
shows that a simple, inexpensive, effective, adaptable and evidence based practical technique known as active
management of third stage of labour effectively reduces the occurrence of hemorrhage caused by uterine atony
by 60%.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Midwifes on
active management of third stage of labour at selected health centers of Addis Ababa.
Methods: Institution based cross sectional study supplemented with observation was conducted among
Midwives in health center of Addis Ababa. Convenience sampling method was carried out. The questionnaires
contain open as well as closed ended questions which covers socio demographic information, knowledge,
attitude and practice of midwives on active management of third stage of labour. These were prepared in
English. After checking for completeness and consistency, data was coded and entered into Epi-info programs
and transported to SPSS version 17 for analysis Data was presented by tables.
Result: 136 midwives who worked in the 26 health center of Addis Ababa were included in the study. The
findings revealed that, although mid-wives generally had good knowledge about active management of third
stage of labour 82.4% stated the definition, about, 69(50.7%) of midwives stated that active management of third
stage of labour preventing PPH and about, 35 (25.7%) of them responded that it is increases the ability of uterus
to contract, and facilitate separation of placenta. Attitudes towards active management of third stage of labour
was positive, 133 (97.8%) stated that active management of third stage of labour should be used and
advantageous to all pregnant mothers to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Practical aspects regards active
management of third stage of labour, 106 (77.9%) had given oxytocin with in the first minute, 121(89%) used
controlled cord traction, 117 (86%) performed uterine massage with in the first minute after delivery and only 92
(67.6%) had estimated blood loss. When considering that standard observation guide and standard questions set
on active management of third stage of labour, only 70 (51.5%) of midwives achieved satisfactory standard
scores in knowledge question and 64 (47%) had achieved good in skills.
Conclusion: Midwives should be trained to update the knowledge and skill in order to provide safe and qualified
care. Not only training but also supportive supervision should integrate as necessary to achieve the goals set for
maternal and newborn survival.
Key words: Oxytocin, active management, Third stage of labor, Postpartum Haemorrhage.
Parturition or labour is a physiological process during which the products of conception that is the fetus,
membranes, umbilical cord and placenta, are expelled outside of the uterus. Labour is achieved with changes in
the biochemical connective tissue and with gradual effacement and dilatation of the uterine cervix as a result of
rhythmic uterine contractions of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration (Yvonne, 2009).
Labour is divided into four stages. The first stage starts from the onset of true labour pains and ends with full
dilatation of the cervix. The second stage starts from the full dilatation of cervix and ends with expulsion of the
fetus from the birth canal. The third stage begins after the expulsion of fetus and ends with expulsion of the
placenta and membranes. The fourth stage is the stage of early recover; it begins after the expulsion of placenta
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
Ethiopia). The City has classified in two administrative layers such as the sub-city top layers, followed by
Woredas, based on current classification Addis Ababa has ten sub cities and 116 Woredas.
The city has thirteen public hospitals, of which, 5 are under Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau and 5 are
specialized referral (central) Hospitals. Two are defense forces (military) referral hospitals and one hospital
under army force. Furthermore the city has 40 health centers ruled by the Addis Ababa health bureau and 5
newly opened health centers from these 26 health centers provide obstetric care services.
The potential health coverage is about 100%. Antenatal coverage estimated to be 82.11%, institutional delivery
39.89%, postnatal coverage 19.47%, and family planning 23.27% and total fertility rate is about 1.5%.
Total number of midwifes in Addis Ababa are about 421 in governmental health institution from which about
143 are working in health centers. This study was conducted in public health centers of Addis Ababa which have
been providing obstetric care services from January 2014 to March 2014.
4.2. Study Designs
An institution based cross - sectional study supplemented with observational study design was conducted by
using self-administered questionnaire and observational check list to assess KAP of midwives towards active
management third stage of labour.
4.3. Sampling and Sample size
The study was conducted among 143 midwives in the selected health centers (all midwives they are working in
the health center during study period)
The total numbers of Health Centers in Addis Ababa are 40 of which 5 are newly opened health centers. From
these institutions 26 health centers provide obstetric care services. All 26 health centers were selected
purposefully because they provide obstetric care services and Midwifes are available in these health centers.
4.4. Data collection
Self-administered structured questionnaire and observation by using observational check list was employed. The
questionnaires contain open as well as closed ended questions which covers socio demographic information,
knowledge, attitude and practice of midwives on active management of third stage of labour. These were
prepared in English.
4.5. Data quality Issues
To keep the quality of the data, standard questionnaire was adapted. Then, the questionnaires were tested for
their accuracy and consistency prior to the collection of data on Midwifes outside the study subjects. Data
collectors are selected appropriately and trained. The data collectors were midwives who have experience and
working in respective health institutions. Adequate information was given on how to fill the questionnaire.
During the data collection process each questionnaire was checked daily by the supervisors and principal
investigators for its completeness and accuracy.
4.6. Data entry and analysis
The collected data was cleaned, coded, and entered to Epi-info version 3.5.1 and transported to SPSS (statistical
package for social sciences) version 17 for analysis. Frequency distribution tables were used to describe the
findings. A logistic regression test was used to control confounding variables and identify major determinants for
KAP of Midwives on AMSTL.
4.7. Operational definitions
Attitude: the opinion of the midwives about active management of third stage of labour.
Positive attitude: if the participant responds 3 questions.
Negative: if the participant responds less than 3 questions.
Knowledge: Refers to the level of awareness and understanding of midwives regarding active management of
third stage of labour. It can be measured by how much the participants respond correctly about its parts.
Good: if the participant responds 8 and above questions of the questioner.
Poor: if the participant responds less than 8 questions of the questioner.
Practice: Refers to the ability of midwives to carry out the management of third stage of labour.
Good: Step performed correctly in proper sequence
Poor: Step performed in proper sequence but lacks precision and step not performed by participant during
4.8. Ethical Considerations
Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional review board (IRB) of the School of Allied Health Sciences
department of Nursing and Midwifery, Addis Ababa University and Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau and
permission was obtained from the health centers before the data collection process started. The study participants
were informed about the purpose of the study and the importance of their participation in the study. Then after
assuring the confidential nature of responses and obtaining informed consent from the study subject data
collection was conducted.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
5. Result
5.1. Socio-demographic Characteristics of Midwives
A total of 136 Midwives in 26 governmental Health centers were included in the study, making a response rate
of 95.1%. Age of the study subjects about, 96 (70.6%) were between 19-29 years old and about, 31 (22.8%) were
in age group of 30-39 years of age. Most, 84 (61.8%) of the respondents were female and about, 52 (38.2%)
were male. Majority, 90 (66.2%) of the respondents were followers of the Orthodox Christianity followed by
protestant, accounted for 29 (21.3%). Eighty two (60.3%) of the respondents were single and 51 (37.5%) were
marred. With regard to their length of service about, 83 (61%) of the respondents were 0-4 years and about,
20(14.7%) were 10-14 years. Majority, 115 (84.6%) were diploma holder and 21 (15.4%) were degree holder
(Table 1).
Table 1: - Socio-demographic characteristics of Midwives at Addis Ababa Health Center, May 2014.
Variable Frequency Percent
19-29 96 70.6
30-39 31 22.8
40-49 8 5.9
>50 1 0.7
Male 52 38.2
Female 84 61.8
Orthodox 90 66.2
Muslim 14 10.3
Catholic 1 0.7
Protestant 29 21.3
Other 2 1.5
Marital status
Single 82 60.3
Married 51 37.5
Divorced 2 1.5
Widowed 1 0.7
Length of service
0-4 83 61
5-9 19 14
10-14 20 14.7
>15 14 10.3
Educational level
Diploma 115 84.6
Degree 21 15.4
Majority, 112 (82.4%) of the respondent were correctly mention Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) as maternal
blood loss after child birth which is more than 500 ml and about 10 (7.4%) mentioned as blood loss more than
1000 ml. About, 102 (75%) of the respondent routinely measure blood loss by estimating the blood loss and 19
(14%) measure by using blood indices or by checking the hemoglobin level. Almost all 135(99.3%) of the
respondents were aware of AMTSL. Majority of participants were reported that they offer AMTSL mainly for
preventing PPH 69(50.7%) and 35 (25.7%) of them responded that it increases the ability of uterus to contract,
facilitate separation of placenta and preventing PPH (Table 2).
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
Table 2: Knowledge of midwives about AMTSL at Addis Ababa health center, May 2014
Table 3: Knowledge of midwives about AMTSL at Addis Ababa health center, May, 2014
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
Majority, 65 (47.8%) of the respondents were reported for the question ‘what is your belief towards AMTSL?’
they said AMSTL mainly prevent PPH and about 22 (16.2%) said that AMSTL prevent maternal morbidity and
mortality and the rest of the respondent said it facilitate 3rd and 4th stage of labour and prevent further
To state the attitude of the respondents on AMTSL each midwife asked 3 questions, one point for each correctly
answered and zero point for incorrectly answered. Respondents who scored 3 (100%) marks correctly were
considered as positive attitude and respondents who scored less than 3 were considered as negative attitude.
Based on this 132 (97.1%) had good attitude towards AMSTL and 4(2.9%) had negative attitude.
5.4. AMTSL practice by midwives
Only 34 (25%) of the respondent used Oxytocin at the presentation of anterior shoulder and 71(52.2%) of the
respondent do not used at the presentation of anterior shoulder but about 115 (84.6%) of them use Oxytocin after
delivery of the infant. Majority, 105 (77.2%) do not used Oxytocin after delivery of the placenta and about 23
(16.9%) use sometimes. About, 131 (96.3%) of the respondent use controlled cord traction for the delivery of
placenta and 128 (94.1%) of the respondent immediately massage the uterus after delivery of the placenta (Table
Table 6: AMTSL practice of midwives by self-administered questionnaire at Addis Ababa health center,
May 2014.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
To state the practice of the respondents on AMTSL each midwife was observed on 18 steps, one point for each
correctly done procedure and zero point for incorrectly and not done procedure. Respondents who scored 16
marks and above were considered as good practice and respondents who scored less than 16 were considered as
poorly practiced. Based on this only 64 (47.1%) were performed well and 72 (52.9%) were not (Table 7).
Table 7: AMTSL practice by midwives at Addis Ababa health center, May, 2014.
Examines the woman for cervical or vaginal tears, or episiotomy 136 100
6. Discussion
Use of AMTSL according to the recommendations of FIGO/ICM was important to prevent maternal mortality
and morbidity. Active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL) is a simple and practical intervention to
reduce the incidence of PPH (WHO, 2007). Overall, the risk of post-partum haemorrhage was more than 60%
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
lower with active management of third stage of labour. The findings of this study have provided an insight
information on Midwives knowledge, attitude and practice on active management of third stage of labour in the
study area. Midwife on AMTSL achieved satisfactory scores from standard questions set for AMTSL and
observation checklist. In this study about, 112 (82.4%) of midwives stated the definition of postpartum
hemorrhage. This finding shows that most of the midwives easily identify PPH and manage before the
occurrence of the problem. Eighty six (63.2%) of midwives mentioned the three important components of
AMSTL, which was higher than the finding in southwest Nigeria 28.3 % (Olufeni, 2009).
Active management of the third stage of labour consists of interventions designed to facilitate the delivery of the
placenta by increasing uterine contractions and to prevent PPH by averting uterine atony (ICM, IFGO, 2004).
This study showed that only half, 69 (50.7%) of the study participant mentioned the goal of AMSTL as
prevention of PPH which is lower than the finding in Tanzania 98.8% and Uganda 81.2% (Fatina, 2007,
Naamala, 2012). This is might be due to inadequate pre- service and lack of in service training in the area.
Administration of intramuscular Oxytocin at the presentation of anterior shoulder of the fetus is recommended
by FIGO/ICMI, 2003. This study showed that about 121 (89%) of midwives had awareness on Oxytocin
intramuscular injection as the first line drug for management of PPH. This finding is lower than the finding in
Tanzania 100 % (Fatina, 2007). This poor level of knowledge might be due to they had not attended any course
or workshop on AMTSL at the work place. Fifty six (41.2%) of midwives knew how to examine the mother for
vaginal blood flow within first hour after delivery. This finding shows that more than half of midwives didn’t
examine the mother for vaginal blood flow in the first hour after delivery.
In this study midwives attitudes towards AMSTL was positive, 133 (97.8%) stated that AMTSL should be used
and advantageous to all laboring mothers to prevent PPH this finding is higher than the other studies done in
Uganda 66.7% (Naamala, 2012).
This study identified that only 34 (25%) Midwives knew Oxytocin provision to the laboring women at the
presentation of anterior shoulder and 54 (39.7%) of them knew early cord clamping before pulsation stops. This
might be due to poor or absence of in service training regarding AMSTL. Only 8 (5.9%) of midwives had
administered oxytocin after delivery of the placenta. This finding was lower than the finding in Egypt (65%)
(Cherina, 2004).
However, standard AMTSL practice consists of about 18 steps that a midwife has to follow when conducting
this intervention to a woman during third stage of labour. Seventy two (52.9%) of these steps were not
completed by most of the midwives that made majority to score low in the skills. Compared to knowledge that
most midwives achieve satisfactory scores, skills performance scores were mainly affected by incorrectly or
incompletely done procedures with the reason of forgetting updates, and or procedures which were not done at
all during AMTSL intervention with major reason of forgetting the steps.
In this study active management of third stage was correctly done by 64 (47%) of midwives to be observed
which was higher than the finding in Egypt 15 % (Olufeni, 2009). In this study administration of the Oxytocin
was correctly done by 106 (77.9%) midwives immediately after the delivery of the baby with in the first minute.
The possibility of second baby was not ruled out in 24 (17.7%) of midwives before the administration of
Oxytocin 10 units of IM. Controlled cord traction was applied in 121 (89%) midwives, of this, 57 (41.9%) were
applied without confirming strong uterine contractions. This finding was higher than the finding in Nepal
(Meera, 2006).
Only 92 (67.6%) of midwives estimated blood loss after delivery and 101 (74.3%) of midwives ensured that the
uterus did not relax after stopping uterine massage. To improve the standard of active management of third stage
of labour still needed training.
The World Health Organization recommends that maternity care providers receive refresher training or updates
in midwifery every three to five years. Although training on AMTSL has evidenced to improve midwives
awareness and practice but the observed AMTSL knowledge and skills level among the providers reflect
weakness in training programs.
7. Conclusion
In this study midwives level of knowledge on AMTSL was low in Addis Ababa health centers and the main
reason in this study included lack of in service training. To reduce or avoid these problems midwives who work
in health center should attend training on AMSTL. Midwives attitude towards AMSTL was positive and this will
help to use AMSTL for all laboring mother to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality due to PPH and to meet
MDG 5. In view of the above results AMTSL is poorly practiced by midwives of Addis Ababa health centers
and it needs undue attention to change and increase the practice. Standard AMTSL practice steps were not
completed by most of the midwives that made majority to score low in the skills. Skill performance scores were
mainly affected by incorrectly or not done procedures with the reason of forgetting the steps of AMSTL.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.11, 2015
We would like to thank Addis Ababa University College of Allied Health sciences department of nursing and
midwifery for funding the research.
Authors’ contributions
AH, TL, RY, TS carried out the research from conception to the write up of the final draft of the article. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Authors’ information
AH, TL, RY is lecturer at department of public health, Mizan-Tepi University.
TS is lecturer at Addis Ababa University
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests
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