Simmons Estes 20120730112931
Simmons Estes 20120730112931
Simmons Estes 20120730112931
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Article history: Thematically related concepts like coffee and milk are judged to be more similar than the-
Received 9 February 2007 matically unrelated concepts like coffee and lemonade. We investigated whether thematic
Revised 4 May 2008 relations exert a small effect that occurs consistently across participants (i.e., a generalized
Accepted 12 July 2008
model), or a large effect that occurs inconsistently across participants (i.e., an individual-
ized model). We also examined whether difference judgments mirrored similarity or
whether these judgments were, in fact, non-inverse. Five studies demonstrated the neces-
sity of an individualized model for both perceived similarity and difference, and addition-
Dual process model
Individual differences
ally provided evidence that thematic relations affect similarity more than difference.
Non-inversion Results suggest that models of similarity and difference must be attuned to large and con-
Perceived difference sistent individual variability in the weighting of thematic relations.
Perceived similarity Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thematic relations
0010-0277/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
782 S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795
However, features alone are not sufficient for determin- be more similar than thematically unrelated concepts.
ing similarity. To understand why, consider the following For example, Wisniewski and Bassok (1999) demonstrated
example from Medin, Goldstone, and Gentner (1993): that participants rated apple pie and ice cream as more sim-
‘‘Person 1 has on a black and white striped shirt and red ilar than apple pie and jello, presumably because of the the-
and green checkered pants, and Person 2 has on a black matic link between apple pie and ice cream (i.e., the two
and white checkered shirt and red and green striped pants” often are eaten together). Estes (2003) had one group of
(p. 260). How similar are Person 1 and Person 2? Both wear participants simply rate the similarity of concept pairs
one striped item and one checkered item, and each wears such as pancake and spatula, whereas another group of par-
one black and white item and one red and green item. So ticipants thematically integrated the concepts prior to rat-
by a simple feature matching model such as the contrast ing their similarity. The same two concepts were judged
model, these two people are wearing maximally similar more similar by participants who had integrated them
costumes. Such a model fails to capture the relationship than by participants who had not. More recently, Jones
between the pattern and the coloring of each garment. and Love (2007) explicitly stated a relation between two
The structural alignment model (Gentner & Markman, concepts (e.g., The collie herds the sheep) before soliciting
1994, 1997; Markman & Gentner, 1993a, 1993b) provides ratings of their similarity. Their results corroborated the
a solution to this problem. According to this model, one’s observation that a thematic relation between two concepts
concepts are structured representations that encode fea- increases the perceived similarity of those concepts.
tures as well as the relationships among features (i.e., The structural alignment model fails to explain this
structural relations). Judging similarity involves bringing influence of thematic relations on perceived similarity
two representations into alignment, so as to maximize and difference. For example, from the perspective of align-
conceptual overlap. Returning to the above example, the ment theory, assessing the similarity of apple pie and ice
representations must be aligned so that one shirt is com- cream requires aligning the two representations to appre-
pared directly to the other shirt, and likewise for the pants. hend commonalties (both are desserts, both are sweet)
This process highlights the similarity between their con- and differences related to conceptual overlap (ice cream
ceptual structure (i.e., both are wearing shirts and pants), is colder than apple pie). Structural alignment accounts
and it draws attention to differences related to this struc- for the relations between the features of a single stimulus,
ture (i.e., the two shirts have different patterns, as do the but it often underestimates perceived similarity because it
pants). Thus, structural relations are a necessary and fails to account for the relation between two stimuli. In
important component of any model of similarity. fact, Gentner and Brem (1999; see also Gentner & Gunn,
Thematic relations also have a significant, albeit smal- 2001) reject thematic relations as a legitimate source of
ler, influence on perceived similarity (see Simmons & Estes, similarity. In their view, similarity is synonymous with
submitted for publication). The critical contrast between comparison (i.e., structural alignment); therefore, any
structural relations and thematic relations is that whereas other process that influences a similarity task (e.g., the-
structural relations occur within a single stimulus, the- matic integration) is considered illegitimate.
matic relations occur between stimuli. To illustrate, a flow- Importantly, thematic relations cannot be represented
er is connected to its stem in the same way that an eraser is as commonalities of the form ‘‘Both X and Y participate
attached to a pencil, thereby constituting a similarity of in scenario Z”. Gentner and Gunn (2001) presented pairs
structural relations. But flowers and pencils are not the- of concepts and instructed participants to list either the-
matically related. In contrast, flowers and bees are themat- matic relations between the items or commonalities. They
ically related, but share few if any structural relations. An found that the two tasks had different effects on the subse-
extensive body of research indicates that structural rela- quent processing of those stimuli: whereas listing thematic
tions guide the comparison process, which in turn largely relations inhibited the detection of differences between
determines the perception of similarity and difference concepts, listing commonalities facilitated the detection
(for review see Gentner & Markman, 1997). Of greater of differences. Critically, if a thematic relation between
interest for the present purposes, however, is a growing two concepts was merely a commonality between them,
body of evidence suggesting that thematic relations also then listing thematic relations and listing commonalities
influence perceived similarity and difference. should have elicited similar effects. Thus, thematic rela-
Indeed, the importance of thematic relations to similar- tions are not represented as common features and cannot
ity judgments has been demonstrated across a variety of be accounted for by a single process model (see also Sim-
stimuli and tasks. Bassok and Medin (1997) found that mons & Estes, submitted for publication).
when judging the similarity of two sentences containing The dual process model (Bassok & Medin, 1997; Estes,
the same nouns (e.g., The carpenter fixed the chair and The 2003; Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999) accommodates the
carpenter sat on the chair), participants justified their rat- influence of thematic relations simply by allowing both
ings by integrating the sentences into a common scenario comparison (i.e., structural alignment) and integration to
(e.g., ‘‘[T]he carpenter sat on the chair to see whether he affect similarity. According to the model, the relative influ-
fixed it well”). Thus, participants justified similarity not ences of the comparison and integration processes will de-
by comparing structural relations (e.g., both sentences pend on the relationship between the items: comparison is
are about carpenters), but by inventing a novel thematic more heavily weighted for structurally alignable items (i.e.,
relation to link the actions in each sentence. The most di- those with similar conceptual structure), whereas integra-
rect evidence for a thematic influence on similarity is the tion is more heavily weighted for thematically related
finding that thematically related concepts are judged to items. Furthermore, the relative dominance of a given pro-
S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795 783
cess can also be mediated by the task itself: structural well. Indeed, we have found elsewhere that some partici-
alignment should dominate similarity judgments, and the- pants exhibit a systematic dissociation of similarity and
matic integration should dominate relational judgments. categorization judgments, while other participants exhibit
Thus, the dual process model predicts that stimulus and no such dissociation (Hampton, Estes, & Simmons, 2007).
task factors interact to determine which processing mech- Thus, research on categorization suggests that different
anism (i.e., alignment or integration) will dominate judg- individuals may perceive similarity in very different ways.
ment. A further question of interest – which will serve as Some prior research on similarity indicates that individ-
the focus of the present investigation – is whether the rel- ual differences in similarity are associated with thematic
ative dominance of these distinct processing mechanisms integration. Gentner and Brem (1999) describe a screening
also varies systematically across participants. task in which 702 participants were presented triads
consisting of a base, a taxonomic alternative, and a the-
1.2. Individual differences in similarity matic alternative (cf. Lin & Murphy, 2001). Participants
were instructed to choose the alternative that was most
The dual process model tacitly assumes a generalized similar to the base. Of Gentner and Brem’s sample, 41%
effect of thematic relations on judgments of similarity. of participants exhibited no systematic preference for
That is, most or all participants are predicted to rate items either alternative (i.e., taxonomic or thematic). However,
like milk and coffee to be slightly more similar than pairs 48% consistently chose the taxonomic alternative, while
like milk and lemonade, because the former pair is themat- 11% consistently chose the thematic alternative (see also
ically related but the latter pair is not. By this standard ver- Simmons & Estes, submitted for publication, described be-
sion of the dual process model, which we will refer to as a low). This study indicates systematic individual differences
generalized model, each participant exhibits a thematic ef- in the perception of similarity.
fect. As an alternative, we note that the small thematic ef-
fect observed in prior tasks might instead be attributable 1.3. Non-inversion of similarity and difference
to substantial individual differences in the perception of
similarity. By an individualized model, some participants as- The simplest model of similarity and difference would
sign milk and coffee a much higher similarity rating than hold that these factors are complementary, or inverse. That
milk and lemonade, while other participants assign the is, as similarity increases, difference decreases to the same
two pairs roughly equal ratings. Put differently, there extent. For instance, if cats and dogs have a similarity rat-
may be a large thematic effect for a subset of participants ing of 6 on a 1-to-7 scale, then they ought to have a differ-
only, with little or no thematic effect for other participants. ence rating of 2. However, in certain cases perceived
The relatively small thematic effect observed in prior stud- similarity is not inversely related to perceived difference.
ies may result from averaging across these two groups of Medin et al. (1990) demonstrated a non-inversion between
participants. similarity and difference using configurations of geometric
If the generalized model is correct, then certainly much shapes in a triad task. For a given target item (e.g., a black
remains to be specified in the dual process model (e.g., square above a white circle) one response option matched
how thematic integration occurs), but the basic model in relation information but mismatched in attribute infor-
delineated by Wisniewski and Bassok (1999) would pro- mation (e.g., a white square above a white circle), whereas
vide a sound framework for further development. In con- the other matched in attribute information but mis-
trast, if the individualized model were correct, then matched in relation information (e.g., a black square next
models of similarity would require more substantial revi- to a white circle). When asked to pick the alternative that
sion. In particular, models of similarity may require the was more similar to the target, participants usually chose
addition of an individual parameter, and in fact, this the relation match. However, participants also usually
parameter may ultimately prove more important than chose the relation match when the task was to pick the
either the stimulus parameter or the task parameter. The alternative that was more different from the target. That
purpose of the present investigation, therefore, was to dis- is, participants chose the same items as both more similar
criminate between the generalized and individualized ver- and more different. Estes and Hasson (2004) found a sim-
sions of the dual process model. ilar pattern of results. In their experiment, participants
Preliminary evidence from research on categorization preferred the relation match in the similarity condition,
supports the individualized model. A traditional assump- but showed no preference in difference. Bassok and Medin
tion about category learning is that adults form taxonomic (1997) demonstrated non-inversion in a sentence compar-
(comparison-based) rather than thematic (integration- ison task. Participants judged a base sentence (The carpen-
based) categories. Lin and Murphy (2001; see also Murphy, ter fixed the chair) as more similar to a relational match
2001) found across several studies that many participants (The electrician fixed the radio) than to an attribute match
consistently categorized a base concept (camel) with a (The carpenter sat in the chair). But once again, participants
taxonomically related alternative (antelope) rather than demonstrated no preference in difference judgments. In
with a thematically related alternative (desert). But a sub- each of these studies, the non-inversion was attributable
stantial number of other participants consistently catego- to a greater relative weighting of structural relations in
rized the base concepts with the thematically related similarity than in difference.
alternative instead. To the extent that categorization is Simmons and Estes (submitted for publication) tested
based on similarity, it is likely that comparable individual whether thematic relations might also induce a non-
differences will be observed in similarity judgments as inversion of similarity and difference. We solicited from
784 S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795
participants both similarity ratings and difference ratings assumes that the dominance of comparison or integration
(between-participants) for the same pairs of thematically is largely determined by the individual. Thus, the individu-
related and unrelated concepts. Results corroborated the alized model predicts between-participant disagreement;
influence of thematic relations on perceived similarity many thematic respondents and many taxonomic respon-
(Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999). But more importantly, this dents should be observed. Finally, if thematic relations are
thematic effect was significantly attenuated in difference more relevant to similarity than to difference, as suggested
ratings, thereby producing a non-inversion. In Experiment by the results of Simmons and Estes (submitted for publi-
1, for instance, thematic relatedness accounted for 54% of cation), then thematic choices should be more common in
the variance in similarity ratings, but only 34% of the var- similarity than in difference judgments.
iance in difference ratings. In another experiment we
explicitly instructed participants to base their ratings on 2.1. Method
features alone, and participants generally were able to dis-
count thematic relations from their ratings. This exclusion 2.1.1. Participants
of thematic relations substantially reduced the non-inver- Participants in all experiments were undergraduates at
sion. In a final experiment we administered a similarity the University of Georgia, all were native English speakers,
triad task (cf. Gentner & Brem, 1999; Lin & Murphy, and all received course credit for participation. In Experi-
2001) prior to the similarity or difference rating task. Con- ment 1a, 68 participants were randomly assigned to a sim-
sistent with previous studies, the triad task revealed sub- ilarity condition (n = 35) or a difference condition (n = 33).
stantial individual variability in perceived similarity.
More interesting, though, was the finding that participants’ 2.1.2. Materials and procedure
preference for thematic alternatives in the triad task better Thirty triads were sampled from Lin and Murphy (2001,
predicted their subsequent similarity ratings than their dif- Table 1, items 1–30). Each triad consisted of a base (pencil),
ference ratings. So, again thematic relations were more clo- a thematically related option (eraser), and a taxonomically
sely associated with perceived similarity than with related option (pen). On each trial the base appeared in the
perceived difference. Even more strikingly, participants center of a computer display, above the response options,
who preferred thematic choices exhibited a non-inversion which appeared left and right of center on the same line. Par-
of similarity and difference, whereas participants who pre- ticipants in the similarity condition were instructed to ‘‘Pick
ferred taxonomic choices did not exhibit the non-inver- the response option that is most similar to [base]” by press-
sion. These experiments provide initial evidence that ing the h1i or the h2i key. The difference condition was iden-
thematic relations are more heavily weighted in similarity tical except that participants were instructed to choose the
judgments than in difference judgments, and that this ef- option ‘‘most different from” the base. Assignment of taxo-
fect is observed only in a subset of participants. nomic and thematic options to the left and right positions
In summary, although the generalized dual process was counterbalanced across two lists. Each participant
model (e.g., Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999) currently offers judged all 30 triads, which appeared in random order.
the only account of thematic relations, more recent evi-
dence appears to support an individualized model instead. 2.2. Results
Below we report a series of studies that examine in greater
detail the presumed individual variability of perceived Agreement was tested across participants (Lin & Mur-
similarity and difference. phy, 2001), whereas non-inversion was tested across items
(Medin et al., 1990). These analyses are reported separately
2. Experiment 1a
2.2.1. Agreement
The purpose of Experiment 1a was to provide an initial For each participant we calculated the proportion of tri-
test of the generalized and individualized models. The als on which the thematic option was chosen (thematic
experiment also tested whether a preference for thematic proportion). Participants were classified into three groups
choices is related to the non-inversion of similarity and dif- on the basis of binomial probability. Given 30 triads, any
ference, as suggested by Simmons and Estes (submitted for participant whose thematic proportion was between .31
publication). Using the triad choice task (Gentner & Brem, and .69 (inclusive) exhibited no significant preference for
1999; Markman & Hutchinson, 1984; see also Lin & Mur- either taxonomic or thematic options. These participants
phy, 2001), participants chose whether a taxonomic alter- constituted a ‘‘Mixed” response group. Participants who
native or a thematic alternative was more similar to (or exhibited a significant preference for taxonomic options
more different from) a base stimulus. For instance, the base (i.e., thematic proportion <.31, binomial p < .05) were
stimulus bee was presented with alternative choices fly and dubbed the ‘‘Taxonomic” group, and those who signifi-
honey, and participants chose the alternative that was cantly preferred the thematic option (i.e., thematic propor-
either more similar to or more different from the base (be- tion >.69, binomial p < .05) constituted a ‘‘Thematic” group.
tween-participants). The generalized model (Bassok & Table 1 and Fig. 1 illustrate the distribution of partici-
Medin, 1997; Estes, 2003; Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999) as- pants among these groups. Participants tended to exhibit
sumes between-participant agreement. That is, the propor- a clear preference for either taxonomic or thematic
tion of thematic choices should be relatively constant choices; only 23% and 21% of participants in the similarity
across participants. Alternatively, the individualized model and difference conditions (respectively) chose the taxo-
S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795 785
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of participant groups (taxonomic, mixed, thematic) as a function of task (similarity, difference), Experiments 1–3
Fig. 1. Distribution of participants’ choice patterns (taxonomic, mixed, Thematic Proportion (Sim)
thematic) as a function of task (similarity, difference), Experiment 1a.
Fig. 2. Proportion of thematic choices in difference plotted as a function
of proportion of thematic choices in similarity, Experiment 1a.
same occurred for difference judgments as well. These re- ing of the similarity question (e.g., Goldstone, 1994). In
sults cannot be explained by the contrast model (Navarro & particular, Jones and Love (2007) found that participants
Lee, 2004; Tversky, 1977) or by structural alignment (e.g., are less likely to respond thematically when asked about
Gentner & Markman, 1997). If similarity and difference how like items are, rather than how similar they are. There-
were based on comparison only, then thematic choices fore, in order to test whether the prevalence of thematic
should occur rarely (if ever). Thus, these models fail to ex- responding might have resulted from a misconstrual of
plain the prevalence – indeed, the dominance – of thematic the term ‘‘similarity”, in this study we asked participants
choices. The generalized model, which includes both com- to choose the alternative that was more ‘‘like” the base. If
parison and thematic integration (Bassok & Medin, 1997; the occurrence of thematic responding were contingent
Estes, 2003; Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999), provides only a on this minor wording manipulation, it would undermine
partial explanation. Although this model can account for the supposition that thematic responding reflects a deeper
a consistent amount of thematic responding across partic- conceptual preference. In contrast, between-participant
ipants, it does not explain the systematic individual differ- disagreement under this condition would demonstrate
ences in similarity judgments. Only the individualized the robustness of individual differences in the perception
model can explain these results. For some participants of similarity.
(i.e., the taxonomic group in similarity and the thematic
group in difference), similarity and difference do appear 3.1. Method
to favor feature comparison. But for others (i.e., the the-
matic group in similarity and the taxonomic group in dif- Thirty-five undergraduates participated. The procedure
ference), thematic relatedness is clearly more central to was identical to the similarity condition in Experiment
similarity and difference. And yet a third group (i.e., mixed) 1a, except that for each item the word ‘‘like” was substi-
appear to weight the feature comparison and thematic tuted for ‘‘similar to”.
integration processes more equally. Notably, however, this
mixed responding was relatively rare. So evidently, simi- 3.2. Results
larity and difference both entail dual processes of compar-
ison and integration, but the relative weightings of these Despite substituting ‘‘like” for ‘‘similar to”, between-
two factors vary dramatically across participants. participant disagreement persisted (see Table 1). Nearly a
Furthermore, between-participant disagreement pro- third (31%) of participants were classified as taxonomic,
duced a non-inversion of similarity and difference. That while a full 57% of participants were classified as thematic.
is, thematic choices were more common than taxonomic Only 12% fell into the mixed category. As in Experiment 1a,
choices in the similarity condition but thematic and taxo- the preference for thematic matches was above chance
nomic choices were equiprobable in the difference condi- [M = .60, SE = .01; t(29) = 8.71, p < .001]. In fact, this distri-
tion. So the thematic dominance in similarity was not bution of participants among the three response groups
complemented by a taxonomic dominance in difference, was statistically indistinguishable from the distribution
and hence a non-inversion of similarity and difference oc- in the similarity condition of Experiment 1a (left half of
curred (see Fig. 2). Fig. 1) [v2(2) = 1.78, p = .41]. In other words, ‘‘similar to”
One could argue that the non-inversion was simply the and ‘‘like” elicited analogous patterns of responding.
product of variability across samples (e.g., we happened to
sample more thematic participants in the similarity condi- 3.3. Discussion
tion). We believe that this is unlikely. Previous demonstra-
tions of non-inversion also manipulated judgment It is apparent from these results that the same between-
between-participants (Bassok & Medin, 1997; Estes & Has- participant disagreement obtained even though the task
son, 2004; Medin et al., 1990; Simmons & Estes, submitted was designed to discourage thematic responses (Jones &
for publication), and in each of those experiments, rela- Love, 2007). This suggests a deeper conceptual basis for
tional matches tended to be selected as both more similar disagreement that cannot be dismissed as a misinterpreta-
to and more different from a base concept. If the effect tion of ‘‘similarity”. Participants appear to have strikingly
were attributable to random sampling error, then some different beliefs about the nature of similarity. To some
of these studies would be expected to exhibit the opposite participants common features are more important, while
effect – that is, a tendency to select attribute matches as to others the relations between concepts are the most crit-
both more similar and more different. Nonetheless, this ical. Results therefore necessitate an individualized model
sampling explanation of non-inversion is investigated of perceived similarity.
more directly in Experiment 2.
4. Experiment 2a
3. Experiment 1b
The presence of individual differences in similarity and
The previous experiment demonstrated between-par- difference judgments provides an important theoretical
ticipant disagreement in similarity and difference judg- constraint on models of similarity. Moreover, those models
ments. However, similarity judgments are highly are constrained further by the non-inversion of similarity
sensitive to a variety of task factors (Barsalou, 1982; Beck, and difference. All prior demonstrations of non-inversion
1966; Gentner & Brem, 1999), including the precise word- (including Experiment 1a) have elicited similarity and dif-
S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795 787
Percentage of Participants
70 Taxonomic Mixed Thematic
whether individual participants exhibit non-inversion or
whether it occurs only at the group level. In other words,
do participants simply always select the same type of op- 50
tion (thematic or taxonomic) regardless of the task (simi- 40
larity or difference), or do individual participants treat 30 62
similarity and difference judgments as inverses? Perhaps 20 38
eliciting both similarity and difference judgments of the 27
same items from the same participants would reveal a 7 11
complementary relationship between the measures, there- 0
Similarity Difference
by eliminating non-inversion. Presumably, if a participant
judges pencil as more similar to eraser than to pen, that Fig. 3. Distribution of participants’ choice patterns (taxonomic, mixed,
same participant would judge pencil as more different from thematic) as a function of task (similarity, difference), Experiment 2a.
pen than from eraser. If this is the case, then individual
differences are relatively stable across judgments; a the-
matic participant in similarity should become a taxonomic option for most trials. Only 7% of participants had thematic
participant in difference, and vice versa. To test this possi- proportions in the middle interval, indicating that most
bility, Experiment 2a was an exact replication of Experi- people demonstrated a preference for one or the other type
ment 1a, except that similarity and difference judgments of option. In the difference condition, 27% of participants
were collected within-participants in two different phases tended to choose the taxonomic option, while 62% pre-
of the experiment. If the same individuals were reliably to ferred the thematic option. The percentage of participants
choose a given option as both more similar to and more having thematic proportions in the middle interval was
different from its base, that would provide strong evidence again relatively low (11%), indicating that few people chose
of non-inversion. Furthermore, if the non-inversion is both option-types equally often. Thus, the present experi-
attributable to a greater reliance on thematic integration ment replicated the between-participant disagreement in
than on feature comparison, thematic participants should similarity and difference that was originally observed in
be more likely than taxonomic participants to exhibit the preceding experiment.
4.2.2. Non-inversion
4.1. Method The proportions of thematic choices in the similarity and
difference conditions are plotted in Fig. 4. Recall that if sim-
Fifty-five undergraduates participated. The materials ilarity and difference judgments were complementary,
and procedure were identical to Experiment 1a, except then the items should be distributed about the negative
that each participant judged both the similarity and the diagonal, and the overall proportion of thematic choices
difference of all 30 triads. At the beginning of the session, should be .50. As in Experiment 1a, similarity and differ-
participants were randomly assigned to complete either ence were indeed negatively correlated [r(30) = .63,
the similarity judgments or the difference judgments. Par- p < .001], but the majority of items were distributed above
ticipants then completed several unrelated tasks (e.g., a the negative diagonal. Thus, the overall proportion of the-
mediated priming experiment), and after approximately matic choices (M = .54, SE < .01) was significantly greater
20–30 min they completed the other judgments. Thus the than .50 [t(29) = 8.70, p < .001]. This result indicates that
similarity and difference judgments were blocked, coun- similarity and difference judgments were non-inverse
terbalanced, and separated by approximately 20 min. again. In Experiment 1a the thematic option was preferred
in similarity judgments (M = .54, SE = .02), but the differ-
4.2. Results ence judgments exhibited no reliable preference (M = .49,
SE = .02). Here in Experiment 2a both similarity and differ-
4.2.1. Agreement ence judgments exhibited a reliable preference: whereas
Participants were classified into response groups the taxonomic option was preferred in similarity [M = .43,
according to the criteria established in Experiment 1. To SE = .01, t(29) = 5.80, p < .001], the thematic option
test for effects of presentation order (similarity first or dif- dominated in difference [M = .66, SE = .01, t(29) = 15.34,
ference first) we conducted a 2 (order) by 2 (judgment) p < .001].
ANOVA on thematic proportions with participants random. Across participants, the same option was selected as
Because neither the main effect of order [F(1, 53) = .54, both more similar and more different on 33% of trials.
p = .47] nor the order by judgment interaction [F(1, 53) = The vast majority of these individual cases of non-inver-
3.53, p = .07] was significant, we collapsed across presenta- sion occurred with thematic options: the thematic alterna-
tion order for the remaining analyses. tive was chosen as both more similar and more different on
As in Experiment 1a, the distribution of participants’ 24% of trials, while the taxonomic alternative was chosen
thematic proportions indicated between-participant dis- in both judgments only 9% of the time. This finding ex-
agreement in similarity and difference judgments (see plains why the overall thematic proportion was greater
Table 1 and Fig. 3). In the similarity condition, over half than .50 (see above).
of participants (55%) chose the taxonomic option most of Table 2 presents the distribution of participants among
the time, while over a third (38%) chose the thematic the three response group in each of the judgment tasks. If
788 S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795
0.8 as predicted by the individualized model. Few participants
0.7 behaved as though they had no preference for a particular
0.6 type of match. Importantly, the thematic participants did
0.5 not represent a small group of outliers, as one might expect
0.4 if the generalized model were correct. Rather, there were
0.3 comparable numbers of taxonomic and thematic partici-
0.2 pants. The results of the present experiment also provide
0.1 strong evidence that the non-inversion (Fig. 4) is due to a
0 differential influence of thematic relations on similarity
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 and difference. Participants who exhibited the non-inver-
Thematic Proportion (Sim) sion were approximately three times more likely to prefer
thematic choices than taxonomic choices (see Table 2). Be-
Fig. 4. Proportion of thematic choices in difference plotted as a function
cause there were no order effects, the attenuation of the-
of proportion of thematic choices in similarity, Experiment 2a.
matic responding in comparison to Experiments 1a and
1b was most likely the result of sampling differences. The
similarity and difference were inverse, then a participant individualized model predicts systematic between-partici-
who exhibited a taxonomic preference in similarity should pant disagreement, but does not specify the absolute dom-
exhibit a thematic preference in difference. Likewise, one inance of thematic or taxonomic responding. Regardless of
who is thematic in similarity should be taxonomic in dif- the overall number of thematic participants in a sample,
ference, and a mixed participant should remain so across non-inversion is more likely to emerge from their judg-
judgments. These groups of participants, who exhibited ments than from the judgments of taxonomic participants.
an inverse relationship between their similarity choices
and their difference choices, appear in Table 2 as the posi- 5. Experiment 2b
tive diagonal (in bold font). As evident in the table, the
most frequent pattern was of taxonomic similarity choices Strikingly, some individuals in Experiment 2a systemat-
and thematic difference choices (45%). But perhaps more ically selected the same concept (typically the thematic
interestingly, 20% of participants showed a thematic pref- match) as both more similar to and more different from
erence in similarity and a taxonomic preference in differ- the base concept. This somewhat surprising result raises
ence. A further 4% of participants exhibited no clear the question of whether participants (a) intended to violate
preference in either judgment. the inversion of similarity and difference, or (b) sought to
All other cells in Table 2 (i.e., those that are not in bold) uphold the inversion of similarity and difference, but failed
represent a non-inverse pattern of judgment. Some partic- to remember their similarity choices when providing their
ipants exhibited a thematic preference in both similarity difference choices (or vice versa). To test these possibili-
and difference, while others exhibited a taxonomic prefer- ties, in Experiment 2b each participant judged both the
ence in both judgments. Such occurrence of non-inversion similarity and the difference of the same triads on consec-
within individual participants was nearly three times as utive trials.
common among thematic participants (14.55%) as among
taxonomic participants (5.45%). Overall, 31% of partici- 5.1. Method
pants exhibited non-inverse patterns of judgment in the
similarity and difference tasks. This result is even more Thirty-two undergraduates participated. The materials
powerful than Experiment 1a, since here the non-inversion and procedure were the same as Experiment 2a except that
occurred with the same participants judging the similarity participants judged the similarity and difference of each
and difference of the same items. triad on consecutive trials. Order of presentation (similar-
ity first or difference first) was randomized within-partici-
4.3. Discussion pants, so that each participant judged similarity first on
half the trials and judged difference first on the other half.
In Experiment 2a (as in Experiment 1a) some partici- The order of item presentation was counterbalanced across
pants tended to choose the taxonomic match as more sim- two lists.
5.2.2. Non-inversion
The proportions of thematic choices in similarity and Table 3
difference are plotted in Fig. 6. Whereas in the previous Distribution of participants’ choice patterns (taxonomic, mixed, thematic)
in each task (similarity, difference), Experiment 2b
experiments similarity and difference were moderately
correlated, in this experiment the correlation was extre- Similarity Difference Total (%)
mely strong [r(30) = .99, p < .001]. Unlike the results of Taxonomic (%) Mixed (%) Thematic (%)
the previous experiments, neither type of option domi- Taxonomic 0.00 0.00 62.00 62.00
nated similarity [M = .48, SE = .03; t(29) = .57, p = .57] or Mixed 0.00 13.00 0.00 13.00
difference judgments [M = .51, SE = .03; t(29) = .29, Thematic 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.00
p = .78]. Thus, the overall thematic proportion did not dif- Total 25.00 13.00 62.00
fer from .50 [M = .49, SE = .02; t(29) = 1.47, p = .15], there-
by indicating an inverse relationship between similarity
and difference judgments. In terms of response groups,
every thematic participant in similarity became a taxo- iment 2b also tended to treat similarity and difference
nomic participant in difference, and vice versa; and every judgments as inverse (Fig. 6). While almost a third (31%)
mixed participant remained in that category across judg- of participants in Experiment 2a departed from comple-
ments (see Table 3). When judging similarity and differ- mentarity, none did so in Experiment 2b (Table 3). Evi-
ence on consecutive trials, every single participant (in dently, when memory allows, participants prefer to treat
terms of response groups) exhibited a complementary similarity and difference as inverses. Thus, non-inversion
relationship between similarity and difference. is more than a group level phenomenon (Experiment 2a),
but it appears to be sensitive to the proximity between
5.3. Discussion similarity and difference judgments.
difference judgments were directly contrasted on consecu- strongly associated with the base, or more likely to co-oc-
tive trials (Experiment 2b) than when the judgments cur with the base in ordinary language use. To address
occurred at different times (Experiment 2a). Given these these possibilities, in Experiment 3 we developed a new
findings, one could infer that thematic participants simply set of stimuli for which the taxonomic and thematic alter-
are not very thoughtful; when induced to invest more natives were matched for word frequency, strength of
thought into their judgments, thematic responding decrea- association with the base concept, and frequency of co-
ses. This inference is consistent with Gentner and Brem’s occurrence with the base concept. Regarding the task, it
(1999) suggestion that the thematic influence on similarity is possible that the presentation of two options on each
arises from inadvertently combining the outputs of com- trial of the experiment could artificially inflate the preva-
parison and integration. lence of thematic responding; participants may infer an
The primary purpose of Experiment 3 was to test this implicit demand to choose the thematic option on at least
hypothesis that thematic respondents are perhaps less some of the trials. To address this concern, in Experiment 3
thoughtful than their taxonomic peers. To investigate this we used a rating task in which participants rated the sim-
possibility, we assessed participants’ need for cognition ilarity of the base concept (e.g., ‘‘cake”) to a single other
(henceforth ‘‘NFC”), which is ‘‘the tendency for an individ- concept (e.g., ‘‘cookie”). To examine participants’ prefer-
ual to engage in and enjoy thinking” (Cacioppo & Petty, ences for taxonomic or thematic responding, we can com-
1982, p. 116). Given that individuals who are high in NFC pare for each base concept its similarity to the taxonomic
tend to process information deeply (Lassiter, Briggs, & alternative and its similarity to the thematic alternative.
Slaw, 1991; Levin, Huneke, & Jasper, 2000), the hypothesis If an individual consistently rates the base concepts more
is that those same individuals should be less likely to make similar to their thematic match than to their taxonomic
thematic judgments. Individuals low in NFC, in contrast, match, then she would be a thematic participant. This
should be more likely to make thematic judgments. Thus, methodology presumably will provide a less biased mea-
NFC should correlate negatively with thematic responding. sure of the prevalence of thematic responding.
Alternatively, the thematic responding in the previous
experiments could reflect participants’ genuine belief that 6.1. Method
thematic relations are a legitimate component of similar-
ity. That is, perhaps thematic participants and taxonomic 6.1.1. Participants
participants simply possess different conceptions of simi- Thirty-five undergraduates participated.
larity. To assess this explanation of thematic responding,
we directly probed participants’ beliefs about similarity. 6.1.2. Materials and procedure
In particular, we gauged the extent to which participants Items consisted of 30 base concepts, each paired with
agreed (or disagreed) that two things are similar if (a) they one taxonomic and one thematic alternative. For example,
have the same features, (b) they belong in the same cate- dungeon was paired with basement (taxonomic) and torture
gory, and (c) they occur in the same scenario. The first (thematic). Stimulus characteristics are summarized in Ta-
two potential sources of similarity (i.e., feature overlap ble 4, and a complete list of stimuli is presented in Table 5.
and category co-membership) correspond to the compari- As shown in Table 4, the taxonomic and thematic alterna-
son process and were expected to be favored by taxonomic tives were matched for word frequency (p = .55), forward
respondents. The latter potential source of similarity (i.e., association with the base (p = .78), backward association
scenario co-occurrence) corresponds instead to thematic with the base (p = .47), and co-occurrence as indexed by
integration. The question of most interest here is whether both Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais,
thematic participants endorse scenario co-occurrence as a 2002; p = .60) and Google hits (p = .53). Thus, any differ-
legitimate source of similarity. If so, that would indicate ence in ratings of the taxonomic and thematic alternatives
that their thematic responding is no mistake or confusion; cannot be attributed to the lexical factors of frequency,
thematic responding would be deliberate rather than association, or co-occurrence. To disguise the nature of
thoughtless. If thematic participants were to reject sce- the task, each base was also paired with an unrelated filler
nario co-occurrence, however, this would support the sup- item. Items were organized into three blocked lists to
position that thematic responding is inadvertent. So to counterbalance the order in which participants encoun-
summarize, if thoughtlessness explains thematic respond- tered the three alternatives to each base concept.
ing, then NFC should predict thematic preference. If, how- Participants were randomly assigned to one experimen-
ever, thematic responding reflects a belief about the nature tal list that included all 90 concept pairs (60 experimental
of similarity, then participants’ tendency to identify the- and 30 filler). Each trial consisted of a base concept paired
matic relations as relevant to similarity should predict the- with a taxonomic match, thematic match, or unrelated fil-
matic preference. ler, centrally presented on a computer display. Participants
A secondary purpose of Experiment 3 was to generalize were instructed to rate the similarity, on a scale from 1
the observation of thematic responding to more controlled (not at all similar) to 7 (very similar) of the concept pairs.
stimuli and a potentially less biased task. Regarding the Responses were entered on the keyboard number pad.
stimuli, the prevalence of thematic responding in the pre- Items appeared in a pseudo-random order with the restric-
vious experiments could be due to various lexical factors tion that base concepts appeared only once in each third of
such as word frequency, association, or co-occurrence fre- a list, and with the order of taxonomic, thematic, and
quency. That is, participants might have been inclined sim- unrelated matches for each base counterbalanced across
ply to choose the alternative that was more frequent, more lists.
S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795 791
Table 4
Stimulus characteristics, Experiment 3
Note: ‘‘Word Frequency” = written frequency in the Kucera–Francis norms; ‘‘Forward Association” = probability of producing the base given the alternative,
from the Nelson et al. (1998) norms; ‘‘Backward Association” = probability of producing the alternative given the base, from the Nelson et al. (1998) norms;
‘‘LSA” = cosine values from the ‘‘General reading up to 1st year college” online corpus; ‘‘Google” = number of hits (in millions) obtained in a search of
‘‘[alternative] [base]” on, data retrieved on 9/21/2007. The taxonomic and thematic alternatives did not differ significantly in any of these
than to their thematic match [t(11) = 5.65, p < .01], whereas Category relevance .17
thematic participants rated the thematic matches more Feature relevance .19 .74a
Scenario relevance .32b .42a .32
similar than the taxonomic matches [t(7) = 16.08, NFC .30b .14 .11 .12
p < .01]. The mixed participants rated the taxonomic and
thematic pairs equally (p = .14). This pattern of mean simi- p < .05.
p < .08. df = 35.
larity ratings validates the separation of participants into
these three groups. It also highlights just how different
the taxonomic and the thematic participants are in their
perceptions of similarity.
6.2.2. Need for cognition participants’ beliefs about the importance of sharing fea-
NFC scores were based on participants’ average rating tures, belonging to the same category, or participating in
on the questionnaire, with negatively worded items re- the same scenario to similarity (all p > .40). The lack of
verse-scored. Therefore, scores could theoretically range association between NFC and scenario relevance was of
from 1 to 9, with 1 representing low NFC and 9 represent- interest. Evidently, participants who are low in NFC are
ing high NFC. Participants exhibited a range of scores no more likely than participants high in NFC to believe that
(2.72–7.28) with a mean slightly above the mid-point scenario co-occurrence is relevant to similarity. Thus, if
(M = 5.23, SE = .19). low NFC participants are indeed more likely to exhibit the-
matic responding, it would not be attributable to a belief
6.2.3. Beliefs about similarity that scenario co-occurrence is relevant to similarity.
Scores on the follow-up questions could range from 1 to
9, with 1 indicating low agreement and 9 indicating high 6.2.4. Predicting ratings
agreement. Participants exhibited a range of beliefs con- We initially tested whether participants’ NFC, category
cerning the relevance of category co-membership (2–9), relevance, feature relevance, and scenario relevance were
feature overlap (2–9), and scenario co-occurrence (1–9) correlated with their thematic proportion. As shown in Ta-
to similarity. Category co-membership (M = 7.06, SE = .24) ble 6, NFC and scenario relevance were both marginally
and feature overlap (M = 6.91, SE = .31) were perceived to associated with thematic preference (p = .08 and p = .06,
be equally important to similarity (p = .49). However, sce- respectively). We therefore ran a regression analysis with
nario co-occurrence (M = 4.91, SE = .41) was perceived to these two factors as predictors of thematic proportion.
be somewhat less important than either category co-mem- The overall model fit was significant [F(2, 32) = 4.58,
bership [t(34) = 5.70, p < .001] or feature overlap [t(34) = p < .05; R2 = .22], with both NFC [b = .35, p < .05] and sce-
4.74, p < .001]. Inter-correlations between these measures nario relevance [b = .36, p < .05] significantly predicting
are reported in Table 6. Category co-membership was sig- thematic proportion. Participants who reported a low need
nificantly positively correlated with feature overlap. Partic- for cognition were more likely to rate thematic matches
ipants who thought that membership in the same category more similar than taxonomic matches. This finding sup-
was important to similarity also thought that feature ports the hypothesis that thematic responding may not re-
overlap was important. Category co-membership was also quire as much ‘‘deep” processing as taxonomic responding.
positively related to scenario co-occurrence. Participants’ However, those participants who exhibited greater the-
follow-up question ratings were then correlated with their matic responding were also more likely to endorse sce-
NFC scores (see Table 6). NFC was not associated with nario co-occurrence as a legitimate source of similarity.
This latter finding suggests that some participants do be-
lieve that similarity should include thematic relations,
and their ratings were consistent with this belief.
Taxonomic Thematic
6 6.3. Discussion
nomic items. Thus, thematic preference in the triad task The second important observation of these experiments
does not appear to indicate a rejection of taxonomic simi- is that thematic responding is not simply a by-product of
larity. Rather, it indicates the importance of thematic rela- lexical factors. Previous demonstrations of a thematic ef-
tions relative to a taxonomic standard. For instance, among fect on similarity (Bassok & Medin, 1997; Estes, 2003;
taxonomic participants, thematic relations are relatively Jones & Love, 2007; Simmons & Estes, submitted for publi-
less important than taxonomic relations, while among the- cation; Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999) have not matched tax-
matic participants, thematic relations are relatively more onomic and thematic items for potential confounds such as
important than taxonomic relations. word frequency, association strength, and co-occurrence
The weighting of thematic relations in similarity judg- frequency. This is particularly problematic since many
ments reflected differences in NFC. Participants who exhib- common thematically related concepts are also highly
ited a strong thematic preference tended to enjoy thinking associated (e.g., milk/cow). However, a substantial number
and problem-solving less than participants who exhibited of participants in Experiment 3 rated thematic items as
a weak thematic preference. The weighting of thematic more similar than taxonomic items, even though these
relations was also associated with an overt belief that par- were matched for frequency, association, and co-occur-
ticipation in a common scenario is a legitimate source of rence. Thus, the thematic effect on similarity is not attrib-
similarity. Participants with a strong thematic preference utable to these lexical factors.
tended to rate thematic relations as more relevant to sim- The third contribution of these experiments is to show
ilarity than participants with a weak thematic preference. that thematic relations may induce a non-inversion of sim-
Interestingly, the observation that NFC and scenario co- ilarity and difference. Experiment 1a corroborated the the-
occurrence themselves were uncorrelated suggests that matic non-inversion reported by Simmons and Estes
there may be two types of the thematic participants – (submitted for publication), and Experiment 2a provided
those who believe that thematic integration should be a the first within-participant demonstration of this non-
component of similarity, and those who simply do not pro- inversion. Moreover, when participants’ similarity and dif-
cess the stimuli very deeply. ference choices were non-inverse, it was most often the
thematic option that was chosen as both more similar to
and more different from the base. Notably, however, the
7. General discussion non-inversion was eliminated entirely when participants
judged both the similarity and the difference of the same
The preceding experiments have yielded three impor- items on consecutive trials (Experiment 2b). Thus, non-
tant results. First, these experiments revealed considerable inversion is more than a group level phenomenon, but it
individual differences in the perception of similarity and is sensitive to the influence of participants’ beliefs concern-
difference. Participants tended to choose the same type ing similarity and difference. Below we discuss the theo-
of stimulus across trials for a given judgment. In similarity retical and practical implications of these results.
judgments, for instance, some participants reliably chose These results clearly support a dual process model of
the thematic match, while other participants reliably chose perceived similarity. Single process models such as the
the taxonomic match. Few participants were agnostic in contrast model (Tversky, 1977) and the structural align-
the choice between thematic and taxonomic stimuli. The ment model (e.g., Gentner & Markman, 1997) cannot ex-
surprising prevalence of thematic responding was equally plain the present results. If similarity was the result of
evident whether judging which alternative is more ‘‘simi- comparison only, then participants should have chosen
lar to” the base (Experiment 1a) or which is more ‘‘like” the taxonomic option consistently across trials, because
the base (Experiment 1b). In fact, participants continued taxonomically related stimuli are more easily aligned and
to exhibit thematic similarity choices even when those have more commonalities than do taxonomically unrelated
judgments were directly contrasted with difference judg- stimuli (Markman & Gentner, 1993a). So given the reliable
ments of the same stimuli (Experiment 2a), though this and systematic occurrence of thematic choices, these re-
thematic tendency was reduced when similarity and dif- sults undermine comparison-only models of similarity.
ference were judged on consecutive trials (Experiment Simply stated, a model of similarity that does not account
2b). Moreover, consistent thematic responding was evi- explicitly for thematic integration cannot explain partici-
dent not only in a triad choice task, but also in a similarity pants’ similarity choices.
rating task (Experiment 3). Finally, participants’ thematic These findings also indicate that the current, general-
tendencies were predicted by both their need for cognition ized version of the dual process model (Bassok & Medin,
and their beliefs about similarity. Specifically, participants 1997; Estes, 2003; Wisniewski & Bassok, 1999) must be ex-
with a high need for cognition were less likely to exhibit tended to describe accurately the influence of thematic
thematic responding, whereas participants who believe integration on the perception of similarity. Understanding
that scenario co-occurrence is a legitimate source of simi- the systematic variability in thematic preference observed
larity were more likely to exhibit thematic responding. in the present experiments necessitates an individualized
Although preliminary evidence supported the hypothesis approach. In this model the weights assigned to the
of substantial individual variability in perceived similarity comparison and integration processes vary dramatically
(Gentner & Brem, 1999; Simmons & Estes, submitted for across individuals, but are consistent within an individual.
publication), these experiments provide the first demon- Some participants weight comparison more than integra-
stration of how robust this individual variability is, and tion (e.g., taxonomic participants), while others show the
how it relates to perceived difference. reverse pattern (e.g., thematic participants). And, some
794 S. Simmons, Z. Estes / Cognition 108 (2008) 781–795
participants assign the processes roughly equal weight & Brown, 1979). Likewise, participants in similarity tasks
(e.g., mixed participants). Thus, the tendency to compare of the sort reported here likely are aware of both thematic
or integrate is constrained not only by stimulus and task and taxonomic information. This presumed knowledge of
factors, as originally proposed by Wisniewski and Bassok both thematic and taxonomic information opens the possi-
(1999), but also by an individual’s preference for a given bility that individuals may respond inconsistently across
process. In particular, the results of Experiment 3 suggest time. That is, if an individual holds both sources of infor-
that a preference for thematic integration in similarity mation, there is some probability that he may weight the-
judgments may arise from two independent sources. As matic information more heavily on one occasion than on
suggested by Gentner and Brem (1999), some thematic another. Indeed, such within-participant inconsistency
respondents simply do not process the stimuli very deeply. has been observed in categorization (Barsalou, 1989),
For these participants, thematic integration may be con- although not in terms of a taxonomic versus thematic pref-
fused with feature comparison. However, other thematic erence. However, two results argue against dramatic
respondents are relatively more thoughtful, and they be- inconsistency in similarity judgments. First, Experiment 3
lieve that thematic relations are important for similarity. demonstrated that the precise weights that individuals as-
These participants appear to respond thematically as a sign to the outputs of comparison and integration reflect
matter of deliberate choice. differences in NFC; thematic participants are less likely
Note that an individualized dual process model can also than their taxonomic counterparts to enjoy thinking and
accommodate individual differences in categorization. Re- problem-solving. Because NFC is stable over time, thematic
call that some participants tend to form thematic catego- responding should also remain relatively stable over time.
ries, while others prefer to categorize taxonomically (Lin Furthermore, thematic and taxonomic participants appear
& Murphy, 2001; Murphy, 2001). Participants who put to weight comparison and integration differently because
more weight on thematic relations in similarity judgments they hold different beliefs about what information is rele-
may go on to categorize thematically, and likewise partic- vant to similarity. Participants who believe that participa-
ipants who base their similarity judgments on attributes tion in the same scenario is important to similarity tend to
may tend to form taxonomic categories. That is, individual exhibit a strong thematic preference. Intuitively, it seems
differences in the perception of similarity may explain the unlikely that participants’ beliefs about similarity will
differences in categorization found by Murphy (2001; Lin change substantially across time, and hence their similar-
and Murphy, 2001). ity judgments should also remain stable across time. How-
Like perceived similarity, perceived difference also ever, more direct investigation of within-participants
necessitates an individualized dual process model. Some consistency in similarity judgments may be a fruitful direc-
participants consistently chose the thematic alternative tion for further development of the individualized dual
as more different from the base, whereas other partici- process model.
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