1. The document announces an online test for Excel-JEE21-SRT Group's 3-year program conducted over 2 Sundays on April 12th and 18th.
2. The test will have 2 papers each day - Paper I from 9am-12pm and Paper II from 1pm-4pm covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
3. The document outlines the topics that will be covered in each subject for both papers and provides the question paper patterns.
1. The document announces an online test for Excel-JEE21-SRT Group's 3-year program conducted over 2 Sundays on April 12th and 18th.
2. The test will have 2 papers each day - Paper I from 9am-12pm and Paper II from 1pm-4pm covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
3. The document outlines the topics that will be covered in each subject for both papers and provides the question paper patterns.
1. The document announces an online test for Excel-JEE21-SRT Group's 3-year program conducted over 2 Sundays on April 12th and 18th.
2. The test will have 2 papers each day - Paper I from 9am-12pm and Paper II from 1pm-4pm covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
3. The document outlines the topics that will be covered in each subject for both papers and provides the question paper patterns.
1. The document announces an online test for Excel-JEE21-SRT Group's 3-year program conducted over 2 Sundays on April 12th and 18th.
2. The test will have 2 papers each day - Paper I from 9am-12pm and Paper II from 1pm-4pm covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
3. The document outlines the topics that will be covered in each subject for both papers and provides the question paper patterns.
ON LINE TEST-ADVANCED PATTERN Sr.No. Test Date Day Time Batches Physics Chemistry Mathematics Mechanics, Properties of matter - Physical Chemistry -1 : States of Trigonometry, Coordinate SRT1 -Paper I 9am to 12pm Units And Dimensions, Basic Matter. 2 : Structure of Atom. 3 : Some Geometry- Measurement of Angles, Mathematical Tools-I,Vector, Force Basic concept of chemistry ( Mole Trigonometric Ratios and Identities, 1 System, Basic Mathematical Tools-Ii, Concept ). 4 : Chemical Bonding . 5 : 12-Apr-20 Sunday Trig.Ratios of Compound Angles, Motion In 1D, Motion In 1D & 2D, Thermodynamics . 6 : Chemical and Transformation formulae, Trigonometric SRT1 -Paper II 1pm to 4pm Projectile Motion, Newton'S Law Of Ionic Equilibrium . 7 : Solutions . 8 : Ratios of multiple and submultiple Excel JEE21 Motion, Friction, Work, Power & Energy, Solid State . angles and conditional Identities, 2 -SRT group, Centre Of Mass & Collision, Circular Trigonometric Equations and 3yr21 Motion, Rotational Motion & Moment Of Inequations, Sine and Cosine formulae SRT2 -Paper I 9am to 12pm Inertia, Gravitation, Elasticity, Surface & their applications, properties of 3 Tension, Fluid Mechanics triangle, Intro. Coordinate Geometry - 18-Apr-20 Saturday Locus - Transformation of axes, Straight Lines, Pair of straight lines, Circle, SRT2 -Paper II 1pm to 4pm Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. 4
Paper-I Pattern Paper-II Pattern
There are 23 questions in each P/C/M There are 23 questions in each P/C/M A) Single Correct Option : 7x3=21 (3R-1W) A) Single Correct Option : 10x3=30 (3R-1W) B) Multiple Correct Options : 4x4=16 (4R-0W) B) Passages : 6x3=18 (3R-1W) C) Two Passages : 5x3=15 (3R-1W) C) Match the list(one-one or one-many) : D) Numerical value type : 7x4=28 (4R-0W) 4x3=12 (3R-1W)