PHD Thesis
PHD Thesis
PHD Thesis
APRIL 2002
APRIL 2002
I am indebted to my committee members who contributed substantially to this
supervisor Dr. Frank Trechsel, without whose guidance and support, this dissertation
would not have been possible. His pertinent and detailed comments on earlier drafts of
this dissertation have been significant in shaping the final product. To him, I say “thank
you Frank”.
I am grateful to Dr. Herbert Stahlke for his invaluable comments and helpful
suggestions. I am also indebted to Dr. Carolyn Mackay for her insightful comments on an
earlier version of this text. Sincere thanks also go to Dr. Gail Bader for her constant
encouragement and support. I am thankful to all of them for devoting much of their time
I am grateful indeed for the department of English at Ball State University for
It goes without saying that thanks in million go to my family members for their
love and confidence over the years. I should admit that this dissertation would not have
been possible without the love and understanding of my wife Khitam and my little
daughter Zayneb.
4.2 Constraint Demotion....................................................................................... 190
4.3 Constraint ranking in Arabic and English....................................................... 202
4.3.1 Basic facts and generalizations ....................................................... 202
4.3.2 Stress errors in the English of native speakers of Arabic ........ 209
4.3.2.a Lx=Pr, MAIN-RIGHT, TROCHAIC..................................................... 210
4.3.2.b FAITH and NONFINAL........................................................................ 215
4.3.2.c REDUCTION ........................................................................................ 217
4.3.2.d BIMORAIC............................................................................................ 221
4.3.2.e WSP ....................................................................................................... 223
4.3.2.f ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-FEET-LEFT .......................................... 226
4.3.2.g FOOT-BINARITY and PARSEσ .......................................................... 232
4.3.2.h PARSEσ and NONFINAL .................................................................... 235
4.3.2.i FOOT-BINARITY................................................................................. 238
4.3.2.j FOOT-BINARITYσ and WSP .............................................................. 241
4.3.2.k MAIN-RIGHT and WSP(≥µµ).............................................................. 248
4.4 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 255
References....................................................................................................................... 260
Appendixes ..................................................................................................................... 271
The overall purpose of this study is to analyze the acquisition of English word-stress by
Arabic speakers in light of advancements in Optimality Theory. It has been reported that
Arab second language learners of English have difficulty in acquiring the various patterns
of English word stress. According to OT, the reason for this difficulty is that although
these speakers, like native speakers, have full command of the universal and violable
constraints that are operative in determining where stress falls in the word, they fail to
capture or induce the exact ordering of these constraints. The basic premise of OT is that
each grammar is a unique way of ordering the set of universal and violable constraints
that determine the actual output form of a certain linguistic feature, say word-stress in
this case. In other words, whereas Arabic word-stress and English word-stress are both
subject to the same set of universal and violable constraints, they differ in one respect: the
ordering of these constraints. The sole task of the learner then is to capture the correct
ordering that determines which syllable in each word carries main stress.
This study consists of four chapters. In chapter one, we introduce the problem of
the study and the basic background information for an OT analysis, the task we undertake
for word stress in subsequent chapters. Chapter two reviews word-stress placement in
three competing models: linear approach (Chomsky and Halle 1968), nonlinear approach
(Liberman and Prince 1977; McCarthy 1979; Hayes 1980, 1982, 1991), and finally
Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince 1993a, b). In
chapter three, we introduce the set of constraints that are relevant for predicting the place
of stress, not just in English and Arabic, but in all languages. Hence, these constraints are
literally present in all languages, though their ranking is language-specific. Then, we
develop a ranking of the set of constraints particular to Arabic and another one particular
to English. In chapter four, we set out to compare the two constraint rankings in order to
(1) predict stress errors in the interlanguage of native speakers of Arabic when learning
English, and (2) demonstrate how, by making use of the notion of constraint demotion,
those learners can make their English more native-like with respect to stress placement.
This study has diverted from a standard OT analysis in at least two ways. First,
we allow for some alignment constraint (namely MAIN-RIGHT) to be interpreted as a
nongradient constraint. Second, we allow for constraint parameterization. NONFINAL is
parameterized to account for Arabic word stress; and WSP is parameterized to account
for English word stress.
This study has shown that there are significant differences between Arabic and
English as far as the ranking of the universal and violable constraints is concerned.
Among the major differences are the following. (1) WSP is irrelevant for stress
placement in Arabic. (2) Arabic requires that FOOT-BINARITY be interpreted under a
moraic analysis, but English requires it to be interpreted under a syllabic analysis. (3)
Arabic requires constructing meterical feet from left to right (i.e. ALL-FEET-LEFT >>
ALL-FEET RIGHT), English require that it be the other way around (i.e. ALL-FEET-
RIGHT >> ALL-FEET-LEFT). (4) in plysyllabic words, whereas a final syllable that
weighs two or more moras is parsed in English, only a final syllable that weighs three
moras is parsed in Arabic. (5) Arabic requires that PARSEσ dominates FOOT-
BINARITY, but English requires the opposite ranking.
Chapter One: Introduction
This study was first sparked off by the observations of the researcher regarding the
sometimes occurred to me that some of the effort that second language teachers put into
teaching some aspects of the target language is fruitless. For example, when it comes to
intonation, etc.) to students at the university level, many teachers would agree that
classroom instruction becomes no more than a remedial task, that is, just to correct
students’ errors. Not only this, but even after spending one whole class period on the
difference between words such as ‘record’ and ‘record’, ‘rebel’ and ‘rebel’, ‘produce’
and ‘produce’1, etc., it comes as no surprise to the teacher of English to have many, if not
most, students confuse the two as far as stress is concerned in less controlled speaking
drills. Many of the teachers I know have repeatedly made statements that would cast
Bold here means stressed
That is, they may only reluctantly accept the idea that explicit knowledge can be
communication breakdowns, the native speaker reproduces the whole or part of what the
nonnative was trying to say, taking linguistic and situational factors into account, of
course. The phonetic execution of the utterance (including the acoustic properties of the
juncture, etc.) by the nonnative is among the things that the native speaker should pay
attention to when ‘interpreting’ the utterance. It turns out sometimes that what the native
speaker thinks he has heard does not correspond with what the nonnative speaker has
actually said as far as the segmental information of the word is concerned. Examples of
‘mis-interpretation’ such as “come out” for “about”, “must fear” for “atmosphere”,
“retain” for “written” etc., are often cited in the literature (Bansal 1966; Lea 1973; Garnes
and Bond 1975; Browman 1978; Cutler 1980; Cutler and Clifton 1983; Cutler 1984: 79-
80, Benrabah 1997; among others). I myself have noticed this. When a friend of mine
As regards the impact of explicit instruction on second language acquisition, two viewpoints have
emerged: the interface view and the noninterface view. Whereas the proponents of the former claim that
explicit knowledge can facilitate implicit knowledge, those of the latter claim that explicit knowledge
cannot result in implicit learning. For the effect of explicit instruction on second language acquisition, see
de Graaff (1997); Hulstijn (1997); Robinson (1997, 1996); Alanen (1995); VanPatten & Sanz (1995);
Hulstijin & de Graaff (1994); VanPatten (1994); VanPatten & Cadierno (1993); DeKeyster (1993); Fotos
(1993); Doughty (1991); Yan-Ping (1991); Harley (1989); Scott (1989); among others). For a complete
overview, see de Graaff (1997) and Hulstijn (1997).
who is an Arabic-speaking learner of English said [firist] for [fiгst] in a certain context,
the native speaker’s response was: “excuse me, you said “the gift”?
The crucial factor here is that the segmental information does not help the native
speaker to figure out precisely what the nonnative speaker is trying to say. Stress
placement has played a more decisive role. That is, the native speaker singles out a native
word that has the same stress pattern as the word that the nonnative speaker has actually
mispronounced. When the native speaker perceives “retain” for “written”, for example,
he then relies on the stress pattern “weak-strong” used by the nonnative speaker when
uttering “written”. Stress placement can then determine how well native speakers will
understand nonnative talk (Fudge, 1984: 4; Kenworthy 1987: 28). This is tantamount to
saying that stress misplacement is very detrimental to intelligibility, probably more than
any distortion to segmental pronunciation (Garnes and Bond, 1975; Hubicka 1980, 1981;
well. Vowel quality, accent and intonation are some examples that are often referred to in
the literature (Allen 1971; Roach 1983 [1991]; among others). As for vowel quality, there
is a tendency in English that unstressed vowels are reduced to a schwa. When the syllable
containing a reduced form is wrongly stressed by the nonnative speaker, the strong form
of the vowel is also wrongly retained. This is what actually happens with Arabic-
speaking learners of English when they communicate in English: They hardly, if ever,
make use of reduced forms. The English vowel reduction system is foreign to them as
their native language preserves all vowels in their full forms. This may then lead to
having those unreduced, but unstressed, forms “compete with the stressed element for the
The issue is not very much better when it comes to accent (or sentence stress), which
is, grossly speaking, assigned to the most important word in the utterance in that “[t]he
more important a word is, the stronger is its stress’’ (Jones 1972: 262). Coupled with the
fact that incorrect placement of sentence stress may affect the overall intonational pattern
and thus can adversely affect the comprehensibility of the message they intend to convey.
To illustrate, intonation is said to have an “accentual function” in that it signals the word
that is most prominent in the tone unit (Roach 1983: 143). This is done by dividing up the
discourse into information units, and assigning an accent to one content word in each
unit-- the one that carries new information (Mathesius 1975; Clark & Clark 1977; Prince
1981, 1992, Bardovi-Harlig 1983; Avery and Enrlich 1992: 76; among others). So in
“George has plans to leave”, if sentence stress is placed on ‘plans’, then the sentence will
be interpreted in a way completely different from that where stress shifts to “leave”, for
example3. In a nutshell, stress misplacement by the nonnative speaker does not often help
the listener (the native speaker in this case) identify points of focus in the speech stream,
and thus, fails to draw a line of demarcation between what is given and what is new as it
Following Chafe (1970: 213), we would like to assume that, as a general tendency, “those surface
structures items which reflect new information are (with some exceptions) spoken with a higher pitch (and
greater amplitude) than those which reflect old information.” The discussion here excludes altogether the
assignment of stress for emphasis or contrast, simply because every lexical item in a certain context,
including prepositions and form words, which are marked for “their high word frequency and their low
sentence stress” (Philips 1983: 487), can be stressed contrastively. Bolinger (1985: 85) argues that “the
focusing of a preposition is like the focusing of any other word”. So, I think we need to draw a distinction
between those stressed contrastively, and those stressed noncontrastively. Otherwise, the speaker may
choose to make a “declared contribution” (Gussenhoven 1983: 383) to the context, and thus, highlight the
meaning of any lexical item, for “whenever emphatic stress occurs in a sentence, it overrules normal stress”
(Hogg and McCully 1987: 4).
would in normal native-to-native interaction. This may not only lead to communication
breakdowns, but it may also result in serious misunderstanding. Consider the following
example where the nonnative speaker wrongly stresses ‘can’ (i.e., uses the strong form
As Kenworthy (1987: 124) puts it, “It will sound as if the speaker is protesting or denying
a previous statement (‘I can do it though you say I can’t’) when this meaning is not
A third observation that attracted the attention of the researcher to this particular
those learners’ ability to perceive stress as an auditory feature characteristic of the speech
of native speakers. In short, they are most of the time unable to detect the syllable which
is most prominent even if produced by a native speaker of the language. After further
probing into the problem, it turned out that native speakers of Arabic have serious
problems detecting the stressed syllables in even their native language (i.e., Arabic), and
they often confuse it with another related pronunciation aspect, namely, gemination. In
order to experimentally prove that, the researcher conducted a simple perception test on a
small sample of Arabic-speaking subjects. The description and findings of the test are
1.2 The Phonetics of Stress
It is time, I believe, to back up a little to briefly comment on what it means to say that a
well) generally agree that when a syllable in a word is relatively more prominent than all
adjacent syllables, it is said to be stressed. They further agree that there are different
degrees of stress: primary, secondary, tertiary and even quaternary (or zero) stress
(Chomsky and Halle 1968: 16; for details see Cruttenden 1986:21-23). However, the
most debatable issue in this regard is related to how a certain syllable can be made more
reference to a number of independent parameters. In addition, they believe that stress has
some phonetic correlates (cf. articulatory, auditory and acoustic correlates4). Flege and
Bohn (1989: 38), for example, point out that “tension in vocal folds, change in timing of
correlates of stress. The corresponding auditory correlates, they mention, include “change
researchers (Cf: Fry 1958; Juffs 1990) claim that pitch height is the most important
auditory parameter. Bolinger (1958)6 too thinks that loudness and duration serve as
For a detailed survey of the classical works on this point, see Adams (1979), especially chapters 4, 5, and
The acoustic correlates include frequency, length, and amplitude/intensity, but they are seen as falling
outside this research proper.
“A Theory of Pitch Accent in English” reprinted from Word 14, 1958, (pp.109-49), in Forms of English,
p. 17
auxiliary clues as far as the phonetic correlates of stress are concerned, with pitch
prominence being the main cue. The correlation between these parameters is quite patent
in the sense that they are dependent on each other, and stress cannot be attributed to one
single parameter (Roach 1983: 74; Flege and Bohn 1989: 38). Besides, these parameters
may not be equally important cross-linguistically, either. Whereas loudness and duration
serve subsidiary function relative to pitch prominence in English, for example, they may
A preliminary question that should be addressed here is: How important is stress
in word recognition? First of all, it should be noted that the discussion here assumes a
holistic approach to sound discrimination and word recognition. That is, there is no one
single factor that is crucial to word recognition during language comprehension at all
times. Rather, it is the interplay of segmental and non-segmental properties that usually
influence speech-sound discrimination. Within the framework of this paper, stress is seen
as one of the major factors that can determine what listeners “think” they hear. And any
sounds” (Goldman et al. 1980: 153). Echoing Cutler (1984:80), “stress pattern identity
can precipitate false recognition, often in defiance of segmental evidence.” Gilbert (1984:
19) goes even further to claim that lexical entries are stored in the mental lexicon
according to their stress patterns. This is tantamount to saying that when a word is
pronounced with the wrong stress pattern, "the listener may spend some time searching
The claim that word stress is crucial in word recognition can best be seen if we
hypothesize that speech is not perceived as a linear sequence of discrete sound units
(Goldman et al 1980; Grosjean and Gee 1987; Dalton and Seidlhoffer 1994: 39). One
piece of evidence in favor of this hypothesis may in part be based on the impossibility on
the part of listeners to hear everything when listening to someone speaking; rather, they
“use a variety of clues to actively reconstruct the words they recognize” (Aitchison 1994:
84). In addition, there are various properties of spoken words that affect their recognition,
such as frequency of usage (see Howes 1957; Rubenstein & Pollack 1963), their length
(see Grosjean, 1980), their phonotactic configuration (see Jakimik 1979), and their
Within the framework of this paper, stress is seen as one of the most crucial
auditory clues that listeners usually pay attention to. Following the proposal made by
Cutler (1976), Bradley (1980), McClelland and Elman (1986), and Grosjean and Gee
(1987), the belief that words are recognized in a linear fashion, one after another, left-to-
right (see Cole and Jakimik 1979: 133-134) is abandoned. A more convenient proposal is
to hypothesize that word recognition is based on the prosodic structure of the speech
unit (e.g., phonological word, phonological phrase or even intonational phrase) which
The proposal here assumes that speech recognition in human beings is different from that in machines
may or may not correspond to the traditional syntactic unit (e.g., word, phrase, clause).
The phonological unit that is of primary importance as far as stress and speech
recognition are concerned is the phonological word defined along the following lines:
“The phonological word is a tightly bound phonological unit that is made up of one
stressed syllable and a number of weak (unstressed) syllables that are phonologically
In this model, which relies on the prosodic structure of the speech stream, word
recognition involves two types of analysis: lexical search analysis and weak syllable
analysis. Whereas the former is initiated by the stressed syllable(s), the latter is
responsible for identifying weak syllables that fall on either sides of the stressed syllable.
These include (all examples are taken from Grosjean and Gee 1987):
4. reduced functors lexically attached to content words (e.g., have to = “hafta”, out of =
5. function words phonologically linked to content words (e.g., “a” in “a dog”, “him” in
“hit him”).
It is worth mentioning here that lexical access for stressed and unstressed syllables is
processed differently: One is triggered by the stressed syllable; the other is “identified by
means of a pattern-recognition-like analysis and with the help of the listener’s knowledge
of phonotactic and morphophonemic rules” of the language (Grosjean and Gee 1987:
145). However, although the two are processed differently, they constantly interact with
one another and with other sources of information such as the immediate situation,
speaker’s knowledge of the world, etc. So as not to sacrifice the complexity of the issue,
it is more convenient to view spoken word recognition as “a rather complex process that
decision stages, and even look-ahead and look-back operations” (ibid. p. 136)—for
further information on this subject, see Grosjean (1980) and Swinney (1982)
What really matters here is the proposal that lexical access is a process that makes use
of the prosodic structure of the speech stream, in that it puts special emphasis on stressed
syllables. Let’s see how this prosodic organization helps give special emphasis to the
stressed syllable, which will then greatly influence speech recognition on the part of the
The suprasegmental, hierarchical organization of the word (or even utterance) may be
defined in terms of binary branching metrical trees (see McCarthy 1979a, b) where all the
sister nodes in the tree bear strong/weak (s/w) prominence relations to each other as
s w s w
s w
The syllable that is dominated exclusively by S’s throughout the tree structure is the one
that is most prominent8. Words are not then recognized in a linear fashion, one-to-one,
left-to-right (see Cole and Jakimik 1979: 133-134; McClelland and Elman 1986); rather,
the whole speech stream is parsed in terms of weak and strong syllables, where the most
prominent syllable (that which is dominated by S) is picked out to initiate a lexical search
that will invoke all word-like entries in the lexicon, that is, those with the same number of
syllables and, more importantly, with the same stress pattern. The best candidate is
selected based upon the stressed syllable, and is then judged by how well this syllable fits
with the other unstressed syllables to its right and left (Grosjean and Gee 1987; Dalton
and Seidlhoffer 1994: 39). So when the native speaker perceives the nonnative’s
etc., he relies on the stress pattern produced by the nonnative (i.e., suitable, normally and
The problem of the second language learner in mastering the stress pattern of
English is not restricted to his mastery of primary stress (i.e., which syllable of the word
carries primary stress). In addition, the learner must also master of zero, as well as
secondary and even tertiary, stress due to the alternating stress pattern of English
(Dickerson 1978: 128). Research on primary stress, however, has not reached a point
where the information gained from the theory about primary stress can be successfully
system). Even with the fine treatments of word stress that have emerged lately, the
We will discuss how the tree is built in subsequent sections
traditional debate concerning the linguistic foundation of English word stress (i.e,
whether stress is derived by rule or is part of the mental lexicon) remains unresolved.
Many of the traditional approaches to this particular pronunciation problem are still the
sole inspiration to classroom practice as far as stress is concerned. The bottom line to
almost all those pedagogical treatments is: We cannot help it; it is unpredictable
(O’Connor 1976:115 [1980]; Gimson 1980; Roach 1983 [1991]; Kreidler 1989; inter
The belief that much of English stress can be predicted (Chomsky and Halle
1968; Halle and Keyser 1971; Liberman and Prince 1977; McCarthy 1979; Hayes 19809,
1982, 199110; Halle and Vergnaud 1987; Prince and Smolensky 1993, McCarthy and
Prince 1993a, 1993b) has not yet been fully translated into viable pedagogical treatments
that would make the job of the second language learner less tedious. Several reasons have
led to this state of affairs. First of all, classroom practice (at least in those situations I am
familiar with) has been working under the tenet that second language learning is more
at best been devoted to the segmentals, leaving altogether the suprasegmentals to the
learner’s ability of induction. In other words, what most second language teaching texts
do is teach the learners the sounds of the word; but they do not teach those learners how
to articulate those sounds. According to Dickerson (1978: 132), this is due to the neglect
[Distributed 1981: IULC] [Published 1985: New York, Graland]
[Published 1995: Chicago, University of Chicago Press]
1.4 Universals
Although learner variables such as age, exposure to the target language, aptitude,
motivation, attitude towards the target language, etc., are always relevant in shaping the
acquisition of target language phonology, they are seen as falling outside the research
undertaken here. The assumption of the present research is that there are language
good understanding of the role these universals play in shaping the learner’s
interlanguage helps us understand the way s/he performs in that language. Conversely, a
careful examination of the learner’s interlanguage system may also help us uncover those
A preliminary question that we need to tackle at this point is: what do we mean by
language universals? As early as the outset of the sixties, Greenberg (1962, 1966) started
the search for those aspects of language that are characteristic of many, if not all,
languages. The search has yielded what are now known as implicational language
universals of the form (if…, then…). The idea that there are language universals has been
pushed to the limit within the framework of Chomsky’s model of ‘universal grammar’.
According to Chomsky (1981b: 38), “UG consists of a highly structured and restrictive
system of principles with certain open parameters”. The argument underlying this line of
research is that the linguistic properties that all languages have in common are greater
than what surface representations actually reveal. Languages vary in two main ways: (1)
each language has fixed a parameter in a different way; or (2) a parameter is operative in
For an alternative view, see Wong, R. (1987b)
one language but not operative in the other (White 1990: 48). These differences between
principles of universal grammar vary are limited (White 1990). Otherwise, the task of the
language learner would be impossible if these parameters are infinite. This argumentation
bears on the assumption that human beings are all equipped with the same innate
their native language(s). Even when the input is scanty or imperfect, children are still
capable of acquiring language (Chomsky 1981b; Hornstein and Lightfoot 1981; Lightfoot
1982). One way to explain this is to assume that human beings are genetically
predisposed to acquire LANGUAGE, and there is then every reason to believe that they
have a deductive ability which enables them to formulate hypotheses, test them, modify
them, and ultimately adopt or reject them altogether (see Chomsky 1972). A substantial
body of research has also shown that second language acquisition goes through similar
steps as first language acquisition (see Dulay and Burt 1974, White 1990). Be that as it
may, the relevant idea here is that there are ‘principles’ (which are given in all languages)
and ‘parameters’ (which allow for variations between languages). One crucial point
inherent in this line of thought is the belief that for a linguistic property or generalization
to count as a language universal (i.e. principle), it must not be violated by any language
Some linguists have argued that this view is too strong. A more realistic approach,
‘Unmarked’ is used in the sense of ‘more universal’. In Greenberg’s model (1962, 1966)
(1972, 1981b), it means ‘more basic’ and ‘first acquired’. For example, when we
hypothesize that voiceless stops are less marked than their voiced counterparts, we are
committing ourselves to the belief that if language X, for example, has a voiced stop, it
also has its voiceless counterpart, but not necessarily the other way around; or that the
voiceless stop is acquired before (or perhaps simultaneous with) the voiced counterpart,
hence ‘more basic’. It is clear then that ‘markedness’ is a relative term (i.e., form X is
only unmarked in comparison with form Y). Such being the case, the function of
‘markedness’ remains at best evaluative (for details see Kager 1999: 2-3).
The need, then, is to maintain the basic idea underlying the theory of
them communicates the whole truth by itself. An approach that makes use of both of
them would have more explanatory power. Such an attempt is made within the
framework of Optimality Theory (McCarthy and Prince 1993a, b; Prince and Smolensky
1993). As this research project is couched within this framework, we will first introduce
the basic concepts of Optimality Theory (1.5.1 below), and then we will go into details
with some exemplification of the ideas (1.5.2). In (1.6) we will state the problem that this
1.5.1 Optimality Theory: an overview
The belief that each language uniquely reflects the structure of LANGUAGE has been
carried over into Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993, McCarthy and Prince
1993a, b). This has come about as a result of the realization that there are linguistic
properties that are common to all languages, and that one major goal of linguistic theory
the realization that different languages show surface differences that are rarely trivial.
Within Optimality Theory this twofold goal (that languages share the same set of
universal principles, and yet allow for variation) is achieved by proposing the concept of
“conflicting universal constraints”. That is, there are constraints which are ‘universal’ in
the sense that they are equally active in all languages; meanwhile, those constraints may
be in conflict with each other as the realization of one constraint in an actual surface
representation may hinder the realization of one or more other constraints in that same
surface form. In this theory where “grammaticality equals optimality” (Prince and
Smolensky 1997: 1604) what the grammar of each language does is resolve this conflict
between constraints. As each grammar ends up with a different surface form, each
grammar then resolves the conflict uniquely: By invoking the notion of ‘constraint
ranking’. In other words, although the Grammar of Language A and the Grammar of
Language B exhibit the same set of universal constraints, each grammar ranks these
constraint in a unique way, and ultimately the two languages end up with two different
Optimality Theory sets itself apart from earlier approaches in at least two other
ways. First, it has abandoned the notion of rewrite rules. Second, it has recognized the
that they may apply one after the other A, B, C, etc., and more importantly, the output of
the application of Rule A is the input of Rule B, etc. (Chomsky and Halle 1968). Within
representations; so, unlike the traditional model, those constraints (or the rule in the
traditional sense) need not wait until their structural description is met; rather, they all
apply on the output form in parallel fashion. If it turns out that two or more constraints
are in conflict with regard to a certain output form, they both apply to that same surface
form. Hence the structural description of the constraint is the output form itself.
McCarthy 1979a, b; Hayes 1980, 1982, 1991; among others) there have been two
advancements: (1) the notion of rule-ordering is abandoned; and (2) the idea that
languages share a core set of fixed universal properties in the form of ‘principles’ on
which some specifications are set in the form of parameters is incorporated (White 1990).
Yet, there remains one basic idea that is shared with the traditional approaches of
generative grammar, namely, the belief that those principles are inviolate. It is only
within the framework of optimality theory (McCarthy and Prince 1993a, b; Prince and
Smolensky 1993) that universal constraints are seen as VIOLABLE, hence the existence
of marked structures in almost all languages of the world. The term ‘violable’ is used
here to mean that (1) an output form may violate a constraint and yet still be grammatical,
and (2) it is not a necessary condition that all constraints be satisfied for the output form
to be grammatical.
Having introduced the basic concepts of optimality, let’s examine these notions in
some detail. In section (1.5.1.a), we will examine the notion of constraints. In (1.5.1b),
these notions.
1.5.1.a Constraints
In this section we will try to provide an answer to one important question that should be
representation. Consider the following constraint based on some English data (used only
Constraint A
English basic word order requires that grammatical subjects
come before verbs and grammatical objects
If this is truly a constraint, then we are making the assumption that a sentence like (1)
But is this constraint always satisfied? Consider for example (2) below:
In (2), the constraint is not satisfied as the auxiliary verb ‘has’ comes before the
grammatical subject ‘the principal’. To remedy the damage, we may have two options:
(a) to assume that the sentence is ungrammatical because it does not satisfy the constraint
(which is not true, of course); or (b) modify the constraint a little so as to accommodate
example (2), and keep modifying it until it has the power to account for all English data
with regard to word order. If this seems to be a difficult and time-consuming task for one
single language, the reader could imagine then how much tedious the task is if we have to
account for all cross-linguistic variations for each constraint that we may claim to be
the idea that an output form may violate some constraint(s) like (A) above and still
grammatical as in (2) above. The question that promptly arises is: How can (2) be
grammatical if it violates the constraint in (A) above? The answer to this question lies in
assuming that in English there is another constraint at work and it is stronger (or ranked
Constraint B
In yes/no questions, auxiliary verbs precede grammatical subjects
Here the two constraints (A & B) are then in conflict; that is, the output may satisfy one
constraint but only at the expense of the other. Needless to say, when two (or more)
constraints are in conflict, they can never be satisfied perfectly, i.e., the output form
cannot meet the structural requirements of both of them simultaneously, but they can be
satisfied optimally, i.e., the stronger constraint is satisfied at the expense of the weaker
one. In OP terms, one constraint is ranked higher than the other, and the violation of a
higher ranked constraint is a more serious business than the violation of a lower-ranked
constraint. The violation of X (as a higher-ranked constraint) may be fatal, i.e., yielding
ungrammatical output, but the violation of Y (as a lower-ranked constraint) may be less
serious and yields a grammatical output. So when constraint (A) is violated in example
(2) above, the output form is still grammatical, but if constraint (b) is violated in the same
example (like having the auxiliary verb in some place other than before the grammatical
subject, for example), then the output will undoubtedly be ungrammatical. This is a
sufficient reason to claim that B is ranked higher than A in English as far as that matter is
Faithfulness constraints, on the other hand, are needed to match the input forms with their
Grossly speaking, whereas markedness constraints work on the output form,
faithfulness constraints pay attention to both input and output forms12. In so doing, they
keep the symmetry between a linguistic form and its different realizations or variants,
enhancing the basic shape of a given form in all its variants. For example, in order to
ensure that a hypothetical form like ‘wxyz’ is not realized as any combination of these
four characters irrespective of their order, or even worse, as some form that changes,
deletes or adds some other characters, we need a Faithfulness constraint to limit the
correct realization to that which best corresponds to the input form ‘wxyz’, ideally
constraints only, then we expect output forms to be simple structures all the time. Let’s
imagine that the only types of constraints that are operative in syllable structure, for
example, are markedness constraints, then we may expect constraints like the following:
And if we add to this the markedness constraints on vowels and consonants, we may end
up with no more than a couple of syllable types that are allowed by the grammar of all
there are no linguistic generalizations whatsoever; hence those types of constraints “favor
replication of the input, even at the expense of structural complexity” (Prince and
Within this Model, there are no constraints that refer exclusively to the input
One more thing that we need to mention here about these two types of constraints
is that they both are universal and violable. Constraints are universal in the sense that
they are all part of UG, and thus, part of the grammar of all languages. As Prince and
Smolensky (1997: 1605) succinctly put it, those constraints are “not just universally
available to be chosen from, but literally present in every language.” On the other hand,
these same universal constraints are violable in the sense that output forms never satisfy
But why are the constraints violable? The straightforward answer to this question
is that it is legitimate to violate a constraint only to avoid violating another. The one that
we tolerate a violation of is a lower-ranked constraint, but the one that we cannot tolerate
The last question that I think I need to tackle here before I move to the next
section is this: How is a constraint put forward? Or, what are the criteria that should be
taken into account in order to claim that a linguistic property could count as a universal
constraint? At least two conditions must be met. First, it must be attested in a large
when we posit a constraint against syllable codas like C below, we then assume that the
majority (if not all) languages of the world tend to have syllables that do not have codas.
Constraint C
But is this the only reason why an intuitive linguistic observation may be posited
as a constraint? Not at all. The other half of the story is that a constraint must be
For it is unlikely to assume that CVC, for example, is less marked than CV even if,
hypothetically speaking, it is found in the vast majority of the world languages. The
Languages share two things. First they share the set of universal constraints, and second
they share the way these constraints interact with each other. On the other hand,
languages are seen to differ in only one thing: the ranking of those constraints; each
Given the set of potential and actual output forms, the grammar of each language
evaluates these forms against the set of universal constraints that are literally available in
that grammar. The conflict among constraints continues to be resolved until precisely one
output form for each input form wins the competition. This implies that (1) we have to
have in advance all the possible output structures available, and (2) each language
evaluates those candidates against the set of universal constraints uniquely, hence the
In OT, the first task is accomplished by the function Gen (generator) while the
second task is accomplished by Eval (evaluation). In order to retrieve all the possible
candidate forms for some input, Gen acts on a LEXICON that contains all of those
lexical forms. This is tantamount to saying “every language considers exactly the same
set of options for realizing an input” (Prince and Smolensky 1997: 1605):
This reads as: Being a function of UG, Gen applies to an input form and produces all the
possible candidate output structures irrespective of the structural context in which the
form occurs (i.e., it is context-blind). The function Eval (evaluation), on the other hand,
is language-specific. That is, each language ranks the set of universal constraints in a
unique way, so that only one form will ultimately win the competition
This reads as: Eval evaluates all the candidate forms supplied by Gen, and singles out
precisely one output for each input with respect to a given ranking of constraints.
In a rule-based theory, the input is mapped onto output through linearly ordered rewrite
(1) A → B
For rule (1) above to apply, its structural description must be met in the input or in the
output of an immediately preceding rule. Let’s rewrite the above rule as a context
(2) A → B ⁄ C
Then the input configuration CA is realized as CB, but never as CA, or AC, for example.
theoretic approach in the following way. First, we need a markedness constraint that
(3) *CA
Second, we need a faithfulness constraint that guarantees that the output is identical with
the input, so as to avoid deriving a configuration like CD, for example. One way is to
have a constraint that defines any change on the input as ungrammatical as in (4) below:
(4) *A → B
If you notice, what we propose is in itself contradictory; that is, we have two conflicting
constraints: one defines the configuration CA as ungrammatical, and the other defines
anything other than CA as ungrammatical. Put more succinctly, one constraint acts
against the realization of A after C, and the other acts against the realization of anything
other than A after C. In OT literature, this kind of problem is represented in a tableau like
(1.1) below. Let’s use the Tableau to expose the violations of both constraints where the
constraints are arranged horizontally, and the outputs vertically (where * means violation
of a constraint):
Tableau (1.1)
*CA *A → B
CA *
CB *
In one instance the constraint *CA is violated; the other time *A → B is violated. In no
way, then, can the two constraints be met simultaneously. To resolve this conflict, OT
researchers propose that constraints can be satisfied optimally but never perfectly. What
this basically means is that EVAL, being a function of UG, evaluates the candidate
outputs (CA, CB, and possibly AC, BC, BA, AB, etc.) against the set of conflicting
For any conflict of this kind to be resolved, then, one of the constraints has to dominate
the other(s). The one that dominates is called a higher-ranking constraint, and the one that
For the sake of exposition, let’s assume that, for example, (3) is a higher-ranking
constraint and (4) is a lower ranking constraint. Then the violation of (3) is more serious
than the violation of (4). To use OT terms, any violation of a higher-ranking constraint is
fatal, indicated by the exclamation point ‘!’. In this case, we expect the conflict to be
resolved by having a configuration that satisfies (3), i.e., CB as in (5a) below. Note that
the upper left-hand corner is always occupied by the input--CA in this example. All the
possible output configurations--CA and CB in this example-- are listed underneath the
input. The constraints-- *CA and *A → B occupy the uppermost cells across the tableau,
Tableau (1.2)
CA *CA *A → B
CA *!
"CB *
By the same token, the output configuration CA will only win if we assume that (4) is a
sacrifice (3) only to avoid violation of (4). Hence, the violation of a higher ranked
constraint is ‘fatal’.
Tableau (1.3)
CA *A → B *CA
"CA *
CB *!
Unlike the application of rules in a rule-based theory, the application of both markedness
and faithfulness constraints here depends crucially upon their ‘eventual consequences’ on
the surface. That is, the output (the ultimate form) itself determines whether or not a
theory, this is not the case since the output is the ultimate realization of the application of
all rules, so it is irrelevant whether the output violates any of the rules that are applied at
The Grammar of each language then consists of both GEN and EVAL. Whereas
GEN, being a function of UG, provides for each and every language the same set of
possible surface forms for a given input form, the function EVAL, being a function of
UG too, evaluates that set of possible surface forms against the set of conflicting
This is the kind of grammar that we will be using in order to shed further light
proposal here is that the Optimality Theory model can better account for how second
language learners perform in acquiring the target language patterns. The basic assumption
is that adult second language learners, like children acquiring their first language, have
available to them the same set of universal and violable constraints. In particular, both
second language learners. The only difference between first and second language
acquisition is related to how these constraints are ranked with respect to each other. To
account for why nonnative speakers’ phonology may not be 100% identical to that of
native speakers, it is claimed, following the basic premises of Optimality Theory, that
second language learners rank the constraints differently from native speakers. Let’s
assume for a moment that some second language learner of English, for example, fails to
produce a consonant cluster at the beginning of an English word like /skuul/ ‘school’, and
instead produces it as / kuul/, /iskuul/, /sikuul/, etc. This can be easily accounted for
within the framework of Optimality Theory by assuming that the phonology of this
second language learner still ranks certain Markedness constraints (those which favor
simple structures) over Faithfulness constraints (those which favor replication of the
input). As this learner moves on and starts producing the English /sk/ cluster, s/he realizes
least in this example. We conclude by claiming that the phonology of the second
language learner gets improved as the learner realizes the importance of re-ranking the
set of universal constraints, which her/his phonology consists of in the first place.
Detailed examples will be given in subsequent chapters where we introduce the whole set
of constraints that are required to account for second language learners’ stress patterns.
Natives of Arabic speaking countries are used to having some formal Arabic
Language teaching in schools. That is, because of the diglossic situation in the Arab
world, some variety of Arabic, usually called the high variety (H), is taught at school the
same way a foreign language is taught: Students are given grammar lessons,
pronunciation drills, vocabulary exercises, etc., in this “superposed variety”. All in all,
(Ferguson 1972: 293)13. Be that as it may, the point that I would like to make here is that
although I was educated in that way, I never remember that we had had any exposure to
Ferguson’s article first appeared in Word (1959), 325-340. However, we are using here its reprinting in
Giglioli (1972), 232-251.
the notion of stress in the Arabic Language classes. And when I tried to find out whether
native speakers of Arabic from other Arab countries have had exposure to the notion of
stress in their formal Arabic Language education in schools, it turned out that most of
them confuse the term ‘stress’ with another seemingly related phenomenon, that is,
‘gemination’14. What might have contributed to this confusion is the fact that while
Arabic orthography, for example, makes use of a diacritic called šaddah “ّ” for the
geminated sound, no similar diacritic is used for stress. In addition, as is mentioned above
The reason for this negligence of teaching stress in grammar classes, as well as
for not marking the stressed syllable with a diacritic in the orthography, may be due to
the fact that word stress in Arabic is “predictable and therefore non-phonemic” (Mitchell
1960; Larudee 1973; among others). The assumption is that when a native speaker is
confronted with a novel word, s/he makes no mistakes regarding which syllable of the
word should be stressed. This renders stress markings in Arabic textbooks altogether
To verify this, I included in the list of words which I used to test the perception of stress by native
speakers of Arabic five words where stress falls on some syllable other than the syllables which contain
either leg of the geminated sound. For example, in a word like “?assamaa?u” (the sky), although the left
leg of the geminated sound /ss/ is the coda of the first syllable and its right leg is the onset of the second
syllable (counting from the left), neither of which is stressed; stress goes to the penult. The test, however,
shows that most of the subjects thought that stress falls on either the first or the second syllable, i.e. that
which contains one or the other leg of the geminated sound (for details see the discussion of the test results
in Appendix 2 below). Notice that although native speakers of Arabic can produce the word with the
correct stress pattern, they may not be able to figure out which syllable is stressed when listening to
someone’s production of the word)
Larudee (1973) verifies the proposal that native speakers of Arabic never fail to
stress novel words in a predictable pattern by asking eight native speakers of Cairene
Arabic to read a list of ten nonsense words (i.e., words that are not actual but possible).
He shows that a native speaker may vocalize the unfamiliar word in one or more ways.
“But no matter how he reads it he follows a predictable pattern in choosing the stressed
syllable” (Larudee 1973: 32). Table (1) below shows the ten nonsense words and their
Table 1
Nonsense Arabic words Readings
8.2. fasantilitkum
All of the readings of the nonsense words in the right hand side column are stressed
according to the predictable pattern of stressing words in Arabic. Larudee’s (1973: 32)
conclusion is that the native speaker of Arabic “has internalized a stress system for his
This proposal has been extended to the area of second language acquisition to
explain why Arab learners of English fail to both produce and perceive the English stress
which we will be using throughout, are taken from three studies: Aziz (1980) for Iraqis,
The problems that native speakers of Arabic face when learning English as far as
to Arab second language learners of English. Table (2) below shows examples of these
words and the way they are produced as far as primary word stress is concerned by
Anani (1989: 16), for example, uses the term ‘long syllable’ to refer to any syllable which contains a long
vowel (cvv) or ends with more than one consonant (vcc). According to Larudee (1973: 33) cvc is
considered long in nonfinal position, but short in final position.
Table 2
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- abbreviate, complicate, imitate - abbreviate, complicate, imitate
- obsolete, concrete - obsolete, concrete
- amplify, classify - amplify, classify
- fertile, hostile - fertile, hostile
- carbine, incline - carbine, incline
- empire, satire - empire, satire
- communism, colonialism - communism, colonialism
- novelist, scientist - novelist, scientist
- advertise, apologize, realize - advertise, apologize, realize
- expert - expert
- occupy - occupy
- multitude, solitude - multitude, solitude
- capsule, ridicule - capsule, ridicule
- contribute, substitute - contribute, constitute
Anani (1989: 18) reports that disyllabic and tri-syllabic words whose ultima is heavy (e.g.
dedicate, concrete, inside, Chinese, submarine, lemonade, photograph, etc.) are stressed
on that syllable by all of his subjects (natives of Jordan). Gaith (1993: 385), too, shows
that his subjects “fared the worst on three-or-more-syllables ones ending in heavy
argues that such words are stressed by the subjects on the basis of their final syllable
Second, words containing a long (heavy) unstressed penult pose a problem for
Table 3
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- ancestor, calendar - ancestor, calendar
Gaith (1993: 385) reports that words such as presidency, dependency, etc. are very much
problematic to his subjects. He believes that the difficulty may be due to the fact that the
suffixes here “do not affect the assignment of the primary stress on the bases”:
rather caused by native language transfer. Since suffixed and suffixed words are treated
alike as far as stress placement is concerned in Arabic, stress assignment cannot then be
dependency, etc., contain a heavy unstressed penult, and thus pose considerable
the word ends in short (light) syllables, also pose a problem for Arab second language
Table 4
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- necessary - necessary16
- occasionally, vocabulary - occasionally, vocabulary17
Notice here that this problem underlies (1) shifting stress to one of the last three syllables,
and (2) choosing which of these three syllables should be stressed on the basis of their
phonological nature and their distribution relative to the other syllables in the word.
May be this is one of the differences between Iraqi Arabic (and some other dialects including Bedouin
Jordanian Arabic) and most other Arabic dialects (including Rural and Urban Jordanian Arabic). Whereas
words having the forms cv-cvc-cv-cv and cv-cv-cv-cv are stressed on the antepenult in Iraqi Arabic, they
are stressed on the penult in Jordanian Arabic. So necessary would be pronounced by Jordanian learners of
English as necessary.
According to Aziz, then, in Iraqi Arabic long words ending in two short (light) syllables are stressed on
the antepenult irrespective of its internal structure and the number of syllables that separate it from a
preceding heavy syllable or word boundary. In Jordanian Arabic, on the other hand, stress falls on a light
antepenult provided that it is separated from a preceding heavy syllable or word boundary by an even
number of syllables. So whereas occasionally, vocabulary are stressed in the same way by Iraqis and
Jordanians, necessary is produced differently by the two groups (see footnote 3 above).
Fourth, English words whose stress pattern is dependent upon their parts of
speech (i.e. verb, noun, adjective) pose an additional problem to Arab second language
learners of English. This is so because in Arabic the syntactic information of the word is
irrelevant for stress placement. Stress in Arabic is a function of (1) the internal
phonological structure of the syllable (i.e. its weight), and (2) the position of that syllable
relative to the other syllables in the word. So, it is expected that native speakers of Arabic
stress English words based on their syllable structure, irrespective of their parts of speech
Table 5
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- collect (n), combine (n), compound (n) collect (n), combine (n), compound (n)
- rebel (v) rebel (v)
Arab second language learners in at least two ways: (1) single-stressed compounds (e.g.
Table 6
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- blackboard, breakfast, policeman blackboard, breakfast, policeman
And (2) polymorphemic words with secondary stresses are produced with only single
primary stress. Consider Table (7) below (primarily stressed in bold, secondarily stressed
in italics):
Table 7
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- defrost, prejudge, rewrite - defrost, prejudge, rewrite
Ghaith (1993: 385) argues that the stressing of such words by his subjects can be
explained on morphological grounds, i.e. “they usually receive stress on the base”. We,
learners. Because of the influence of their native language, Arab learners of English tend
to retain the full value of the vowel irrespective of its stress status. Consider Table (8)
Table 8
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
-several, preparatory, legendary, basically - several, preparatory
Finally, I should mention that native speakers of Arabic sometimes use other
consonant clusters, replacing long vowels with their long ‘equivalents’ or vice versa, etc.
(Aziz 106-107). These processes are obviously motivated by the native language
Table 9
English words Learners’ pronunciation in
terms of stress
- basically /beisikli/, severl /sevrl/ - basically /beisikæli/, severl /severel/
- trustee, shampoo - trustee /tr٨sti/, shampoo /šæmpu/
Notice that given the new phonological structure of the word, stress is assigned in
Aziz (1980), Anani (1989) and Ghaith (1993), among others, then, agree that
native speakers of Arabic carry over their native language fixed word stress system to
1.6.2 Methodology
In the previous section, it is established that native speakers of Arabic face considerable
difficulties in acquiring the English stress system. Traditionally, it is thought that one
possible reason for this difficulty is that English stress is not highly regular. There is, for
example, a wider range of stress patterns in English than in Arabic. Different kinds of
information (i.e., syntactic, morphological, phonological) should all be taken into account
in order to capture the generalizations regarding the place of English stress. Arabic, on
the other hand, makes use of only limited phonological information stress placement
purposes. To illustrate, stress can be easily predicted given (1) the phonological nature of
the syllable (namely its weight: light, heavy, etc.), and (2) its distribution relative to the
The overall purpose of this study is to account for stress errors by Arab learners of
English within the framework of Optimality Theory (OT). Since this theory views each
from different ranking of these constraints, the researcher needs to find out:
1. the set of constraints that are relevant for predicting the place of stress, not just in
English and Arabic, but in all languages. Hence, these constraints are literally
2. the ranking of the set of constraints in the learners’ native language (Arabic in this
3. the ranking of the set of constraints in the target language (English in this case);
4. the exact problems that learners face in learning the target language;
5. how to account for these problems by comparing the two languages’ different
6. how learners can improve his/her performance. Here we will see that this can be
Chapter Two: Word-Stress
Much research has been done to uncover the general linguistic principles that govern
stress placement in one language and cross-linguistically. Among the most influential
analyses of stress placement are Chomsky and Halle (1968), Liberman and Prince (1977),
McCarthy (1979), Hayes (1980, 1982, 1991), Halle and Vergnaud (1987), Prince and
Smolensky (1993), McCarthy and Prince (1993a, 1993b). The basic question that they all
set out to answer is: How can we predict where stress will fall in Language X (where X
can be any language)? Of special interest to all those approaches are languages whose
word-stress patterns are not fixed such as Arabic, English, etc. Needless to say, there are
some languages that have fixed stress patterns. What we mean by ‘fixed stress pattern’ is
that stress falls on one fixed syllable (maybe the initial as in Finnish, the ultimate as in
Turkish, the penult as in Spanish, etc.) within every word. Languages such as these do
The various treatments of word-stress are based on different types of information.
They have achieved some success when dealing with some (but not all) languages. The
SPE model (Chomsky and Halle 1968), for example, is relatively successful in
accounting for English stress patterns. However, many researchers (Abu-Salim 1982;
Alghazo 1987; inter alia) have questioned the capability of that model to handle Arabic
word-stress patterns18. They claim that the nonlinear approach, for example, can better
handle Arabic word-stress. Despite the dispute over which approach can best handle the
data, the simple fact remains that almost all these approaches have admitted some
residual data that cannot be easily accounted for, and all of them encounter theoretical
approaches has been to account for primary-word stress. It turns out then that these
approaches have to survive another test: to account not only for primary word-stress, but
for other degrees of stress (secondary, tertiary, etc.) as well. Unfortunately, very little has
In this section, I will try to give an introduction to the basic tools used to account
for word-stress placement in three competing models: linear approach (Chomsky and
Halle 1968), nonlinear approach (Liberman and Prince 1977; McCarthy 1979; Hayes
For an analysis of Arabic word-stress based on the SPE model, see Abdo (1969) and Brame (1971, 1973,
1980, 1982, 1991), and finally Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993;
According to Fudge (1984: 11), the SPE model relies on two types of information
to account for word-stress: “the segmental make-up of the word” and “the internal
structure of the word”. Chomsky and Halle (1968: 18) assume that stress, like any other
phonological feature, can be accounted for by simple rules, so they make use of two rules
(Cf. Compound Stress Rule and Nuclear Stress Rule19) to account for the distribution of
stressed and unstressed syllables. Besides, their analysis relies on the claim that lexical
items are hierarchically organized. As far as stress is concerned, for example, they
incorporate the idea of cyclic application of the primary stress rule in that [1 stress] is
assigned to the most deeply embedded constituent, and so on. Meanwhile, when a
constituent receives [1 stress] all other stresses in the same domain of application are
One of the finest treatments of stress that is modeled on the SPE approach is
Brame’s analysis of Arabic stress assignment (see Brame 1971, 1973, 1974). According
to Brame (1971: 560; 1973: 15; 1974: 40), the place of main word-stress in Arabic can be
Whereas CSR assigns primary stress to the leftmost stressed vowel of a lexical category (e.g., black
bird), NSR assigns primary stress the rightmost stressed vowel of a phrasal category (e.g., black bird)
As stated, (1) imposes “an interpretation of disjunctiveness”. That is, the rule in (1) is an
(b) V → [+stress]/ — C0 VC #
(c) V → [+stress]/ — C0
The rules in (3) should read as follows: (a) assigns antepenult stress to long words whose
final syllable is not superheavy and whose penult is light; (b) assigns penult stress to
disyllabic words whose last syllable is not superheavy; and (c) assigns stress to
monosyllabic words. When applied, the largest expansion of the rule (2a) takes
precedence over the next largest expansion (2b) which, in turn, takes precedence over
(2c). In other words, (2a) applies before (2b) which, in turn, applies before (2c)
syllables in Palestinian Arabic [fhim-na] ‘we understood’ and [fihim-na] ‘he understood
us’20 in the SPE model, Brame (1971, 1973, 1974) claims that
b. Stress applies to subject suffixes on the first cycle, but to object suffixes on the
second cycle.
This means that [fhim-na] ‘we understood’ and [fihim-na] ‘he understood us’ are
different in terms of their constituent structure: Whereas the subject suffix /na/ plus the
base /fihim/ form one internal layer of structure in [fhim-na] ‘we understood’, the object
suffix /na/ adds an additional layer of structure to the base form [[fihim]-na] ‘he
Notice that [-na] is both a subject suffix and an object suffix.
understood us’. So the underlying structure of [fhim-na] ‘we understood’ and [fihim-na]
The question that promptly arises here is how stress is assigned in both cases. It
suffices here to say that in Arabic, stress goes to the penult if it is heavy (i.e. cvv, cvc),
but if the penult is not heavy, stress goes to “the antepenult of words with three or more
syllables”, and to the “ first syllable of disyllabic and monosyllabic words” (Brame 1971:
(3a), the domain of application of stress is the whole constituent (the base form plus the
suffix /na/), and so stress goes to the penult [fihim-na]. In the case of (3b), however,
stress applies twice: once to the most deeply embedded constituent [fihim], and a second
time to the whole constituent [fihim-na]. On the first circle, main stress goes to the penult
of [fihim] by virtue of the fact that it is a disyllabic word whose final syllable is not
superheavy. On the second cycle, main stress goes to the penult of [fihim-na] due to the
fact that the penult is heavy. Notice that stressing the penult of the whole constituent on
the second cycle requires the demotion of stress on the antepenult by one level. This
results in main stress on the penult and secondary stress on the antepenult of [fihim-na].
Stress assignment rules in Arabic are discussed in details in subsequent sections.
What this means is that stress applies once in the case of (4a) but twice in the case of
(4b) simply because the former consists of one cyclic domain (i.e., [fihim-na]22), but the
latter is made up of two cyclic domains, namely the verb root [fihim] and the root plus
However, there remains one more problem: How can we account for the fact that
[fihim-na] “we understood” surfaces as [fhimna], but [[fihim]-na] “he understood us”
surfaces as [fihimna]? In other words, the vowel of the first syllable of [fihim-na] gets
syncopated, but it doesn’t in [[fihim]-na]. According to Brame (1974: 20), this is due to
(5) V
+ high → ∅ / — CV
The rule in (5) requires a high vowel in an open unstressed syllable to syncopate.
Accordingly, the correct surface forms of [fihim-na] ‘we understood’ and [fihim]-na] ‘he
understood us’ can be obtained if syncope is ordered after stress so as to have stress bleed
syncope. In so doing, the unstressed high vowel of the first syllable in (4a) syncopates,
but the stressed syllable of the first syllable in (24b) does not. The foregoing discussion is
Notice that this is only a theoretical claim put forward to distinguish the subjective form [fhim-na] from
the accusative form [fihim-na].
Although the present analysis can account for a large number of cases, it fails to account for cases such
as [allimt-u] “she taught him”, and [baarikt-u] where the epenthetic vowel is stressed. To derive the
correct surface form in Chomsky and Halle’s model, Kenstowicz and Abdul-Karim (1980: 67) suggest a
new rule that assigns stress to the epenthetic vowel when preceded by a heavy syllable (for a formal
representation of the rule and for further details, see Kenstowicz and Abdul-Karim (1980)).
The formulation of the rule in Brame (1974: 40) is:
ĭ → ∅ / CV
(6a) (6b)
[fihim-na] “we understood” [[fihim]–na] “he understood us”
1st cycle stress fihimna fihim
2 cycle stress ……… f`ihim-na
syncope fhim-na …….
The nonlinear approach (Liberman and Prince 197726, McCarthy 1979a,b and
Hayes 1980, 1982, 1991), on the other hand, adopts the view that stress is no longer a
(Liberman and Prince 1977). Under this proposal, stress is viewed as a function of the
prominence relation between syllables. Word stress reflects the grouping of syllables into
larger metrical units (e.g., foot, prosodic word, etc.), and so syllables are mapped onto a
rhythmic alternation of peaks and troughs as in (7) below, where the bold-faced syllable
represents the peak, and non-bold-faced syllable represents the trough (see Kenstowicz
1994: 548):
A series of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables is grouped into binary units
called metrical feet formed by either left-to-right or right-to left grouping. The decision to
happens to adopt the left-to-right option. So with a left-to-right parsing (7a) will become
(8a) below, but with a right-to left parsing, it will become (8b):
(8b) (CV)(CVCV)(CVCV)27
This parsing may be graphically represented in terms of peaks and troughs as in (9a) and
(9b), respectively:
Another related notion in grid theory is syllable weight. In some versions of this
theory, the weight of the syllable is determined by the number of moras (i.e. unit of
weight) it contains: A light syllable consists of just one unit of weight (i.e., one mora),
but a heavy syllable consists of two moras, and a superheavy syllable may contain three
or more moras. Each segment in the rhyme of the syllable counts as one mora. If we use
an asterisk to represent the mora, then light, heavy and superheavy syllables can be
sketched as (10a), (10b), and (10c), respectively (where the underlined are the rhymes of
the syllable):
(10a) c v
** **
(10b) c v c or cvv
*** ***
(10c) c v c c or cvvc
Notice that a left-over CV is parsed into a degenerate foot.
In order to account for the observation that segments at the edge (usually right) of
the prosodic word do not add to the weight of the syllable, and ultimately to the overall
stress pattern, the notion of extrametricality is invoked (Hayes 1979; Prince 1983; Harris
1983). In a sequence like (11) below, for example, when the final mora is considered
extrametrical (cf. enclosed between angled brackets), the whole word then consists of just
** * * * **<*>
(11) cv c cv cv cv cvv c
When applying this model to an Arabic word like /adwiyatuhu/ ‘his medicine’,
for example, the stress pattern of the word can be obtained through the following steps
** * * * *
ad wi ya tu hu
(b) Extrametricality: final syllables which are not superheavy are extrametrical
** * * * < *>
ad wi ya tu hu
(c) Binary Foot-construction: form a foot by grouping every two moras together
from left to right (or right to left—this is language specific)
Notice here that the last foot consists of only one mora. This is so because it is the only mora left after
parsing the entire word from left to right
(d) Head-specification: make left-headed (or right-headed-- this is also language
specific) feet where the first mora of each foot is the peak
x . x . x
(**) (* *) (*) < *>
ad wi ya tu hu
(x . x . x)
(**) (* *) (*) < *>
ad wi ya tu hu
(f) Main-stress assignment: the syllable represented as the rightmost peak of the
unbounded constituent carries primary stress (i.e., the unbounded foot is right-
headed in this case, but it can also be the other way around— again language
specific issue)
(x . x . x )
(**) (* *) (*) < *>
ad wi ya tu hu
assumes that the Arabic basic foot template is what he calls a moraic Trochee. The foot
consists of two moras, the first of which is stronger; and any single heavy syllable forms
a metrical unit or foot by itself. This is illustrated in 13 below (where υ represents a light
(13) (x .) (x)
υ υ or —
Applying this model to our previous example, the derivation goes as in (14) below:
Notice here that the first syllable (i.e., /ad/) is a heavy syllable (represented with —),
and thus forms a metrical unit by itself. All the other light syllables (represented with υ)
pair together to form metrical units (i.e., feet) that consist of two moras each. The model
once more correctly predicts where in the word main stress occurs.
A point worthy of mention here is that within this framework only the final
consonant, not the final syllable, is extrametrical29. Although the tools are modified
Another approach that works along the same lines, but with somewhat different
tools, is the metrical theory of McCarthy (1979). Within this theory, stress rules are rules
for the construction and labeling of metrical trees. The syllable σ consists of two parts:
(15) σ
w s
The rhyme in its turn consists of the syllable nucleus (which is strong) plus any following
If the final syllable is considered extrametrical, words ending with heavy and superheavy syllables will
be stressed on the wrong syllable. For example, in a word like /mudarrisaat/, stress will not go to the final
superheavy syllable (which it should) if that syllable is considered extrametrical.
w s
w s
s w
(a) Rhyme-construction: project all the rhymes of the word (i.e. “the rhyme
consists of the syllable nucleus and any following vowel of consonant”)
a d wi ya tu hu
(b) Foot-construction: form binary feet over pairs of light syllables30, from left to
a d wi ya tu hu31
A heavy syllable makes up a foot by itself as it projects two rhymal units.
Notice here that the geometry of a heavy syllable is identical to the geometry of a foot.
(c) Tree-branching: gather the structure into a right branching word-level tree
a d wi ya tu hu
(d) a right node is strong iff (if and only if) it branches
w s
s w w s
s w s w
a d wi ya tu hu
Al-Mozainy et al. (1985) provides one piece of evidence favoring this metrical
account over all other approaches. The argument is based on the phenomenon of stress
shift. When the vowel that carries stress gets deleted for one reason or another, stress
shift, according to Al-Moziany et al. (1985), can be accounted for under the tree-structure
approach. Consider an example like (18) below where the stressed vowel of the
Under the tree-structure interpretation, stress shifts to the right position in the tree:
s w
s w
i n ka sa ra<t>
s w
i n ksa ra<t>
The argument here is that ka and sa are sister nodes in (19a) as they pair together to make
up one foot. So the deletion of the nucleus of one of them causes stress to shift to the
nucleus of the other. Therefore, the behavior of stress under syncope becomes predictable
in that the remaining mora (or syllable) of the foot which loses one of its two syllables
becomes the most likely candidate to receive primary word stress (Cf. 19b).
Although the above analysis gives the correct result, I believe that a grid-based
analysis could also yield the same result. Consider example (18) repeated here as (20a-b):
(x . x .)
(* *) (* *)
i n ka sa <rat>
(x. x)
(* *) (* )
i n ksa <rat>
The second foot has undergone a process of re-syllabification where the remaining
consonant of the syncopated syllable becomes part of the onset of the next syllable, and
so does not influence the weight of the syllable as it does not count as a mora. All in all,
both approaches, I believe, can account for stress shift under the influence of vowel
theoretic approach. The proposal adopted here is that the optimality-theoretic approach is
more comprehensive than all its predecessors as it incorporates most of the pieces of
information that the previous models consider for stress assignment purposes. To
illustrate, the above discussion has shown that the different models rely on different types
incorporate information regarding “the segmental make-up” and “the internal structure”
of the word (Chomsky and Halle 1968); others employ the notion of syllable weight
(Prince and Libermann 1977; McCarthy 1979b), extrametricality (Hayes 1979, 1980),
etc. In optimality theory, however, all these pieces of information are seen as relevant to
stress placement. Information regarding the morphological and syntactic structure of the
constituents, their rhythmic organization, weight, etc. are all regarded as conflicting
forces (i.e., can be translated into violable constraints) that determine the distribution of
stressed and unstressed syllables in polysyllabic words, not just within one language but
cross-linguistically as well. This is based on the premise of optimality theory that stress
placement, like all other phonological features, is subject to constraint satisfaction. For
example, it has long been assumed that ‘stress is a rhythmic phenomenon” (Liberman and
Prince 1977). This means that there is a strong-weak relation between all the syllables of
the prosodic word. Some languages show that every odd-numbered syllable in a
polysyllabic word is stressed; other languages stress every even-numbered syllable. Still
others place primary stress on a fixed syllable (be it first, antepenult, penult, ultimate,
etc.) and secondary stress on every other syllable on both sides of the primary stress. In
order to see how this works, just consider the stress patterns of the two English examples
below where, under the influence of rhythm, the main stress on the word ‘fourteen’ shifts
one step leftward in the second example, so as to avoid a stress clash (Prince 1983: 21)
(21a) Fourteen
(21b) Fourteen women
It is also noted that there are other forces that determine the distribution of
strong force is the relative intrinsic prominence (i.e., or weight) of the syllable. Syllables
are said to be light, heavy, or superheavy depending upon the number of moras (units of
weight) that occupy nuclear and post-nuclear positions: the more moras, the heavier the
syllable. A light syllable has only one mora; a heavy syllable two moras; and a
superheavy syllable three or more moras. Many investigations have targeted the internal
structure of the syllable to determine its weight relative to the other syllables in the same
word. The findings have shown that in order to account for the distribution of stressed
and unstressed syllables, there is a need to postulate other prosodic units such as rime,
metrical foot, prosodic word, etc. Extensive research has provided ample evidence that
the syllable, for example, has tripartite organization: an onset, nucleus and coda, of which
only the nucleus is universally obligatory. For stress assignment purposes, only elements
that occupy nuclear and post-nuclear positions (namely nucleus and coda) count32. The
crucial point here is that stress can be assigned in a polysyllabic word based on the
relative weight of the syllables. Superheavy syllables are more likely to receive main
stress than heavy syllables which, in turn, are more likely to receive stress than light
In these two examples the stressed syllable (in bold) gets stressed simply because it is
It is also noted that the position of the syllable (be it initial, final, etc) is relevant
to stress placement. In this regard, stress tends not to occur word-finally cross-
(23) muallim ‘teacher’
šaabaatun ‘young ladies’
mustašfaa ‘hospital’
In these examples, although the ultimate and penultimate syllable are of equal weight
(both heavy syllables), stress goes to the penultimate. What is more revealing is that
stress may go to a light non-final syllable even if the final syllable is heavy as in the
The same may also apply to English where for purposes of stress assignment, we
sometimes need to (1) count the number of syllables backward from the end of the word,
(2) consider the type of syllables, and (3) consider the morphological make-up of the
word, etc. All of this points towards one conclusion: the rhythmic principle, syllable
weight, the position of the syllable in the word, etc., can all simultaneously play a role in
stress assignment. Within optimality theory, these are seen as conflicting forces that
WSP) acts to this effect. What this principle does is make sure that a heavy syllable takes
priority over light syllables to carry main stress. In the meantime, it is realized that there
is also a need to respect the rhythmic principle (i.e. the alternations of weak and stress
syllables is pretty regular) even if it may turn out that respecting this principle may only
be at the expense of some other principle, e.g. the WSP. To this effect, the Parse-syllable
constraint is put forward. So when this constraint is ranked high enough, it will, in
addition to predicting the position of main stress, show that secondary stresses occur
Still, there has always been the need to take morphological information into
consideration when accounting for stress placement. And to this effect, many constraints
(usually alignment constraints) are advanced. Examples include Main right/left; All-feet
constraints34. Having all this in mind, the inevitable conclusion has been this: stress
Notice that it is difficult, if not impossible, to satisfy all these needs (constraints)
perfectly, but they can be satisfied optimally. In other words, it is assumed that these
constraints are all conflicting forces that struggle for satisfaction, but the satisfaction of
one (or more) of these forces may only be possible at the expense of the other(s), and
thus, here rises the notion of constraint ranking. This notion lies at the heart of Optimality
theory. Each grammar is a means to solve the conflict between these constraints by
Let us take some examples to illustrate this state of affairs35. In one of the
Jordanian varieties, namely, Bedouin, the second syllable of disyllabic words, rather than
the first as in other varieties of Jordanian Arabic, receives main stress as shown in (3)
Definition and examples for each will be provided later.
The examples are taken from Hung (1995).
(25) jimal
In addition, in polysyllabic words whose final syllable is not superheavy and whose
penult is not heavy, stress goes to either the penult or the antepenult whichever is
syllables37 as in (26):
(26) gahawah
Since in this variety, as well as in all the other varieties of Arabic, the weight of the
syllable is a determining factor in stress assignment, then there should be a constraint that
acts to this effect. Following the insight of Myers (1987), the constraint is formulated
To determine where stress falls in the word, the syllables of the word are grouped into a
higher-level metrical constituent, namely the foot. Each foot consists of two moras (unit
of weight). A pair of light syllables (i.e. /cvcv/) make up one foot, and a heavy syllable
(27) (* *)
Notice here that the first syllable should be light.
This also applies to the other Jordanian dialects except that the condition specifies that the stressed
syllable is whichever is separated by an even number of syllables.
The wording is due to Tesar (1996: 3).
To make sure that all the syllables of the word are grouped into metrical feet, a constraint
A syllable must be footed
For each foot, one leg is strong (called head) and the other is weak (called non-head or
tail). If the head of the foot is initial, then the foot is called trochee; if it is the other way
around, then it is iamb. Yet when a word consists of more than one foot, then the head of
one of those feet has to dominate; that is, become more prominent than all the other heads
as below:
(* .) (* .)
æ lә bæ mә “Alabama”
Bedouin Jordanian Arabic chooses to have the head on the right. Other languages,
however, may choose left-headed foot construction. There is then a need to postulate
some alignment constraints like the one below that takes care of this issue:
Align the head-syllable with its foot, on the right edge
Still, in Bedouin Jordanian Arabic, as well as in all the other dialects of Arabic, stress
tends not to occur word finally unless the ultimate syllable is superheavy (i.e., tri-
The final syllable should not be footed
Finally, we need a Faithfulness constraint that militates against deletion or insertion of
segments. In other words, we need a constraint that acts to the effect of having the output
identical with the input. For ease of exposition, let’s call this constraint IO-OI.
Output segments must have input correspondents (no epenthesis), and input
segments must have output correspondents (no deletion)
In order to account for stress placement in (20) and (21) above, the conflict between the
following five constraints must be resolved by making use of the notion of constraint
A syllable must be footed
Align the head-syllable with its foot on the right edge
The final syllable should not be footed
Output segments must have input correspondents (no epenthesis), and input
segments must have output correspondents (no deletion)
The question arises, then, as to how the conflict between these constraints can be resolved
to yield the correct stress pattern in a word like ‘bi'na’ (25 above), for example.
First, the function Gen provides both actual outputs and potential outputs which
are all evaluated by Eval against the set of universal constraints as shown in Tableau (1)
below39. The form /bina/ in the left-most upper corner is the input; all the candidate forms
The dotted lines in the Tableau mean that the example at hand does not provide evidence as to how the
constraints are ranked relative to each other.
(actual and potential) which are provided by GEN are listed vertically; and the constraints
are arranged horizontally (dashed lines mean that the constraints are not ranked relative
to each other).
Tableau (1)
/bina/ IO-OI Parse-syllable Iambic Nonfinal
" (bi'na) *
('bina) *! *
('bi)na *! *
('bi:)na *! * *
Let’s take a moment to explain how the ranking of constraints in Tableau (1) above can
Notice that all candidates (actual or potential) violate one or more constraints. The
actual form (bi'na) violates Nonfinal. So, (bi'na) can surface as the optimal candidate
provided that the constraint which militates against it is ranked very low in the tableau, so
that the violation of this constraint is not fatal. In other words, all other constraints which
are violated by the competitors of (bi'na) must dominate Nonfinal. ('bina), for example,
NONFINAL means that any output form which violates Iambic loses the competition
relative to the violation of Nonfinal. Tableau (2) below shows the ranking of Iambic and
Tableau (2)
/bina/ Iambic Nonfinal
" (bi'na) *
('bina) *! *
Notice that although ('bina) violates Nonfinal, this is irrelevant (shaded area). Hence, the
constraint, namely Parse-syllable, which requires that every syllable of the prosodic word
be footed. Again, in OT terms, the only way to get this candidate out of the way is to
have Parse-syllable ranked higher in the tableau than Nonfinal. What this basically means
is that the violation of Nonfinal is less serious than the violation of Parse-syllable.
Accordingly, when two candidate forms compete for optimality, then the one that violates
Parse-syllable loses the competition to the one that violates the lower-ranked constraint
Tableau (3)
/bina/ Parse-syllable Nonfinal
" (bi'na) *
('bi)na *!
Another potential candidate that may also want to compete for optimality is
('bi:)na. Notice that this potential candidate differs from the actual output form (bi'na) in
at least two respects. First, it violates Parse-syllable as one of its syllables is left unfooted.
against the addition or deletion of some segments: the output must be identical with the
input and vice versa. This candidate ('bi:)na loses the competition for optimality on
Tableau 4
/bina/ IO-OI Parse-syllable Nonfinal
" (bi'na) *
('bi:)na *! *
Notice that IO-OI and Parse-syllable are ranked relative to Nonfinal (separated by a solid
line), but they are not ranked relative to each other (separated by dotted line).
To make the story short, it should be borne in mind that in order to get (bi'na) as
the optimal form, then any constraint which is violated by this form must be ranked lower
in the tableau than any other constraint(s) that other potential candidates violate. Since
(bi'na) violates only Nonfinal, then this constraint should be ranked lower than all the
other constraints in the Tableau; and thus, violation of that constraint becomes
permissible as it lets the optimal form avoid the violation of higher-ranked constraints
such as IO-OI, Parse-syllable and Iambic. Incorporating this ranking argument into
Tableau (1) above, Nonfinal should be separated from the other constraints by a solid line
Tableau (5)
/bina/ IO-OI Parse-syllable Iambic Nonfinal
" (bi'na) *
('bina) *! *
('bi)na *! *
('bi:)na *! * *
Tableau (5) basically shows that IO-OI, Parse-syllable and Iambic all dominate Nonfinal,
but they are not ranked relative to each other (separated by dotted lines).
One final remark here is that not all the constraints that we suggested earlier may
get involved in the competition for optimality for every particular output form. For
example, Weight-to-Stress (i.e, which requires that heavy syllables be stressed) does not
take part in the case of (bi'na). The reason is simple: None of the syllables of (bi'na) is
heavy, so the constraint which acts on heavy syllables becomes irrelevant. For it to take
part, one of the syllables of the input form must be heavy as in (ga'hawah), for example,
where the final syllable is a heavy one. Consider the following tableau:
Tableau (6)
/gahawah/ Nonfinal WSP
" (ga'ha)wah *
(ga'ha)( 'wah) *!
Notice here that the violation of Nonfinal becomes a serious matter. In order to yield the
desired result, we need to have WSP ranked lower than Nonfinal, so that the candidate
form that violates WSP (e.g. ‘ga'hawah’) may still have the chance to surface as the
optimal form. Incorporating this ranking argument into Tableau (6) above yields Tableau
(7) below (where Nonfinal and WSP are separated by solid line):
/gahawah/ Nonfinal WSP
" (ga'ha)wah *
(ga'ha)('wah) *!
capable of correctly predicting the stress pattern. Consider the example of syncopated
(Chomsky and Halle 1968). The example is reproduced here for ease of exposition:
(1a) (1b)
[fihim-na] “we understood” [[fihim]–na] “he understood us
1st cycle stress fihimna fihim
2nd cycle stress ……… f`ihim-na
i-syncope fhim-na …….
Notice that the stress pattern in (1a) is different from (1b) due to the claim that the stress
rule applies once in (1a) but twice in (1b) (see Brame 1974). This is entailed by the claim
that the former consists of one cyclic domain (i.e. [fihim-na]), but the latter consists of
two, namely the verb root [fihim] and the root plus object suffix [[fihim]–na]. In other
words, there is an additional layer of morphological structure to which the rule reapplies
Before we show how stress patterns can be accounted for in these examples under
a constraint-based approach, let’s recall that syncope does not apply in the case of (1b)
because the high short vowel [i] of the first syllable of “fihim” is stressed. In other words,
the ordering of the stress rule before syncope results in blocking the application of the
latter, so stress application here bleeds syncope. We move now to see how these
Kager (1999: 281- 287) assumes that one major difference between subject forms
(e.g. [fhimna]) and accusative forms (e.g. [fihimna]) is that the former do not have
corresponding base forms, but the latter do. He assumes that the base of every accusative
Accusative form Base
According to Kager, /i/ does not syncopate in the accusative, though it occurs in a
light open syllable, because it has a correspondent that is stressed in the base. Let us also
point out that in the case of (1b) the base form [fihim] and the derived form [fihimna] are
both “free-standing output forms of the language” (Kager 1999: 280), i.e., both are
independent words in the language; [fihim] means “he understood”, and [fihimna] means
“he understood us”. But the basic insight is that the base form [fihim] and the derived
form [fihimna] are “compositionally related” in that the former contains a proper subset
of the morpho-semantic features of the latter (Kager 1999: 281). One such feature is that
the /i/ of the first syllable does not syncopate in either form despite the fact that it occurs
correspondence constraint which matches an output form with another output form (in
this case accusative form with the base). Kager (1999: 283) formulates a constraint that
requires the stressed vowel in the base [fihim] to have a correspondent in the derived
Every segment in the base’s prosodic head has a correspondent in the affixed
form (italics in original)
HeadMax-BA basically requires the high front vowel of [fihimna] not to syncopate
because its correspondent in the base [fihim] is the prosodic head of the word, i.e. it is
/i/ is not allowed in light syllables
How do these constraints interact?41 In the case of accusatives where /i/ is not
deleted, even though it is in an open syllable, No[i] should be dominated by the higher-
ranking constraint HeadMax-BA. Consider the following tableau where the two
Tableau (8)
Input: /fihim-na/ HeadMax-BA *i
Base: ['fihim]
" [fi'himna] *
['fhimna] *!
Notice that the stressed vowel in the base (upper left-hand corner) does not have a
It should be stated that the Base-Output constraint is different from another constraint that requires that
every segment in the input have a correspondent in the output. This latter requirement can be translated into
a maximality constraint like Max (I/O) (McCarthy & Prince 1995)
Max (Input/Output)
Every segment in the input has a correspondent in the Output
The sole difference between Headmax Base-Output and Max Input/output is that whereas the former only
affects the prosodic head of the input (i.e., stressed segment), the latter affects every segment in the string,
whether stressed or not.
The basic insights are found in Kager (1997, 1999: 281-287)
[fi'himna], on the other hand satisfies this constraint, and thus surfaces as the optimal
form even though it violates the lower-ranking constraint No[i]. The ranking of the
Having this in mind, let’s turn to the derivation of [fhimna]? The basic insight
here is that [fhimna] does not have a corresponding base form. Consequently, HeadMAx-
BA becomes even irrelevant. [fhimna] then surfaces as optimal simply because its
Tableau (9)
Input: /fihim-na/ HeadMax-BA *i
Base: None
" [fi'himna] *!
One may also wonder why main stress in [fihimna] surfaces on the second
syllable, but not the first syllable whose correspondent in the base is stressed [fihim]. In
other words, why does the accusative form [fihimna] not surface as [fihimna] where the
first syllable receives main stress as in the base form? The straightforward answer to this
question is that this potential form [fihimna] violates another constraint, namely Weight-
to–Stress, whereby heavy syllables are stressed. Consider Tableau (4) below:
Tableau (10)
/fihim-na/ WSP HeadMax-BA No[i]
" [fi'himna] *
['fhimna] *!
['fihimna] *! *
Clearly, since [fihimna] and [fihimna] fair equally on HeadMax-BA and No[i] (that is,
both satisfy HeadMax-BA, and both violate No[i]), the conflict between them is resolved
by the satisfaction (or lack thereof) of WSP. The second syllable of the actual output
[fihimna] receives stress and this satisfies WSP, but that same heavy syllable is not
stressed in its competitor [fihimna], and so the latter fails altogether to survive as the
But what about the base form itself ['fihim]? We have said earlier that the base
form is a word of the language, and thus, optimal. But notice that it fails to comply with
the requirement of WSP in that the second syllable, which is heavy, is not stressed. The
answer once more lies in the assumption that this output form, though it violates WSP,
still satisfies another higher-ranking constraint, namely Nonfinal (which requires that a
Tableau (11)
/fihim/ Nonfinal WSP HeadMax-BA No[i]
" ['fihim] *! *
[fi'him] *! *
Tableau (11) succinctly shows that [fi'him], as a potential candidate form, does not
Having shown how the suffixed form [fihimna] “ he understood us” and the base
form [fihim]) are derived, there remains to show how [fhimna] “we understood” surfaces
as an optimal form, too. The argument here is that although [fhimna] has the same input
as [fihimna], it does not have a corresponding base form, and so it no longer violates
Tableau (12)
Input: /fihim-na/ WSP HeadMax-BA No[i]
Base: None
" ['fhimna]42
[fi'himna] *!
['fihimna] *! *
The examples above then show how the ranking of constraints can determine
which candidate form surfaces as the optimal form. To reiterate, none of the candidate
forms satisfies all the constraints perfectly; rather, each one of them violates one or more
constraints. The crucial point is that the phonology consists of a set of ranked constraints
where the violation of constraint X, for example, may be more serious than the violation
this case) will ultimately win the competition by being the optimal form.
['fhimna] violates Input-Output which requires that every segment in the input have a correspondent in
the output (see footnote 41). Input-Output should then be ranked lower than */i/.
Chapter Three: Constraint Interaction in Arabic and English
3.1 Overview
The overall purpose of this study is to analyze the acquisition of English word-stress by
Arabic speakers in light of advancements in Optimality Theory. It has been shown that
Arab second language learners of English have difficulty in acquiring the pattern of
English word stress. According to OT, the reason for this difficulty is that although these
speakers, like native speakers, have full command of the universal and violable
constraints that are operative in determining where stress falls in the word, they fail to
capture or induce the exact ordering of these constraints. The basic premise of OT is that
each grammar is a unique way of ordering the set of universal and violable constraints
that determine the actual output form of a certain linguistic feature, say word-stress in
this case. In other words, whereas Arabic word-stress and English word-stress are both
subject to the same set of universal and violable constraints, they differ in one respect: the
ordering of these constraints. The sole task of the learner then is to capture the correct
ordering of the constraints that interact to determine which syllable of each word in the
language carries stress. In reality, however, there are three possibilities as far as the
out based upon the existing literature that examines the performance of
II. learners transfer the native language ranking (i.e. Arabic) to English. Implicit
III. learners do neither. They have their own ranking which is neither that of their
native language nor that of the target language—a possibility that we need
stress system, then it should be described on its own by special ranking of the
relevant constraints.
In OT terms, for Arabic-speaking learners of English to acquire the correct stress patterns
of English, all they need to do is learn the English-specific ranking of the set of universal
and violable constraints. Before showing how this goal can be reached, we need to find
I. the set of constraints that are relevant for predicting the place of stress, not
just in English and Arabic, but in all languages. Hence, these constraints are
II. the ranking of the set of constraints in the learners’ native language, namely
III. the ranking of the set of constraints in the target language, namely English
IV. the exact problems that learners face in learning the target language;
Once these issues are accounted for, we can embark on addressing how nonnative
speakers can modify their ranking of the set of universal constraints. This issue of
In the OT literature, it is assumed that the set of constraints that determine the behavior of
linguistic features (e.g. syllable structure, stress, etc.) is fixed in all languages. As for
stress, Tesar (1996) lists 12 universal constraints that interact to yield the correct stress
Other treatments may add to this list FOOT-BINARITY, and NOCLASH, NOLAPSE
FOOT BINARITY feet are binary
NOCLASH adjacent Stressed syllables are prohibited
NOLAPSE one of two adjacent syllables must be stressed
RHYTHM H must be followed by L at the end of the prosodic
In this section, I will try to shed light on the function of each constraint. That will
consequences of its satisfaction or violation, and most importantly its interaction with
other constraints.
Heavy syllables are stressed
WSP is basically an OT mechanism to capture the tendency that some syllables, due to
their internal constituent structure, are more likely to receive stress than others. What this
constraint does is relate the weight of the syllable, compared with the other syllables in
the word (e.g. light, heavy, superheavy), to its prominence. WSP can then be violated iff
(if and only if) it turns out that a heavy syllable receives no stress. It is possible then to
have multiple violations of this constraint in the same word if that word contains more
Tableau (1)
Input: /LHLHL/ WSP
a- LHLHL **
For pre-optimality literature on this principle, see Prince (1983, 1990).
b- " LHLHL
Output (b) is optimal (indicated by the pointing hand ") in tableau (1) above because it
PARSE-σ 45(Prince and Smolensky 1993) requires that all syllables be parsed into
Syllables must be parsed into feet
Tableau (2)
Input: /LLLLL/ Parse-Syllable
a- (LL) LLL ***
b- " (LL) (LL) L *
As PARSE-SYLLABLE mitigates against unfooted σ, (a) incurs three violations, but (b)
incurs only one violation. All things being equal, (b) wins the competition.
that the syllable, being a universal prosodic category, is part of a still higher-level
category, namely the foot46. When stressed, the syllable becomes the head of the foot.
Notice that the mirror image of WSP is not true; that is, if it turns out that a light syllable receives stress,
this should not constitute a violation to WSP.
For pre-optimality literature on this constraint, see Hayes (1980); Halle and Vergnaud (1987)
Check the following for pre-optimality Literature on this constraint:
Strict Layer Hypothesis: A category of level i in the hierarchy immediately dominates a (sequence of)
categories of the level i-1 (Selkirk 1984a: 26).
Prosodic licensing: All phonological units must be prosodically licensed, i.e. belong to higher prosodic
structures (Ito 1986: 2).
Another constraint that also helps to further define the foot is FOOT-BINARITY
Foot Binarity
Feet are binary under syllabic or moraic analysis
This constraint requires that each foot consist of two syllables (σσ), or two moras (µµ).
Under a syllabic analysis, we get the following foot forms (LL), (LH), (HL) and (HH).
Any foot that consists of just one syllable, (L) or (H), or consists of more than two
a. *(L)
b. *(H)
c. *(LHL)
d. (LL)
e. (LH)
g. (HL)
h. (HH)
Under moraic analysis, however, any foot that consists of less than one mora (µ), or more
than two moras (µµµ) constitutes a violation of FOOT-BINARITY. Two light syllables
(LL) and one heavy syllable (H) can make up one foot, and thus satisfy FOOT-
a. *(L)
b. *(LLL)
For pre-optimality literature on this constraint, see Prince (1980), Kager, R. (1989)
c. *(LH)
d. (H)
e. (LL)
It is stated in (1) above that the foot as a universal prosodic category must have a lower
level category, namely the syllable (or the mora under a moraic analysis), as its head.
However, due to FOOT-BINARITY, which requires that each foot consist of two legs,
i.e. two syllables (σσ) or two moras (µµ), we need to single out which syllable (or mora)
is the head of the foot. McCarthy and Price (1993a: 32) suggest a number of alignment
constraints that conspire to yield the correct distribution of head syllables, feet, etc. in any
What this means is that the grammatical edge (right or left) of any grammatical category
(e.g. root, stem, suffix, morphological word, etc.) must coincide with the prosodic edge of
As for the head syllable, there are two alternative constraints designated for this
purpose, namely IAMBIC and TROCHAIC. Whereas the former requires that the head
syllable be aligned with the right edge of the foot, the latter requires that the head syllable
Align the head-syllable with its foot, on the right edge.
Align the head-syllable with its foot, on the left edge.
Under a syllabic analysis, (LL), (HL), (LH), (HH) satisfy IAMBIC, but they all violate
TROCHAIC, which requires that the left syllable, rather than the right one, be the head of
Tableau (3a)
a- (LL) (LH) (H) **
b- (LL )(LH) (H) **
Under a moraic analysis, however, (H) and (LL) satisfy IAMBIC; and (H) and (LL)
Tableau (3b)
Input: /σσσσσ/ IAMBIC TROCHAIC
a- (LL) (LL) (H) **
c- (LL) (LL) (H) **
Notice that when all syllables are parsed into binary feet (the requirements of both
consist of only one light syllable (L), are disallowed. A parsed light syllable (L) will
But what happens when the number of syllables or moras is odd? A degenerate
foot (L) or an unparsed L is then inevitable. Consider, for example the sequence in (5)
Due to FOOT-BINARITY, the parsing of (5) into feet results in two binary feet and one
degenerate foot (L), or two binary feet and one unparsed L as in (6a) and (6b)
a. (LL) (LL) (L)
b. (LL) (LL) L
The important point here is that whether we adopt (6a) or (6b), there remains a problem
relating to the distribution of feet. (7) below shows three possible distributions for (6b)
a. (LL) (LL) L
b. (LL) L (LL)
c. L (LL) (LL)
It seems that the problem then lies in the location of the unparsed syllable (or degenerate
foot). This can be resolved by making use of some other alignment constraint- this time
to decide upfront the distribution of syllables into meterical feet. As far as the foot is
concerned, the general alignment requirement in (4) above can be broken into two
aligns each foot with the word on the right edge, the latter aligns each foot with the word
Align each foot with the word on the right edge.
Align each foot with the word on the left edge.
Notice that any parsing of a word into feet that results in more than one foot for each
Of all the parses in (8) below, only (a) satisfies ALL-FEET-RIGHT, and (b) satisfies
a. L L L (LL)
b. (LL) L L L
c. (LL) (LL) L
d. (LL) L (LL)
f. L (LL) (LL)
g. L (LL) LL
h. L L (LL) L
In each parse in (8c-h), there is at least one foot that this not at the right or left edge of the
prosodic word.
FEET-LEFT are counted, especially when the parsing of a word results in more than one
foot as in (8c-f) above. The answer lies in the fundamental claim of OT that all
constraints are violable, but violation must be minimal. The degree of violation, rather
than absolute violation, is what matters here. Let’s take some of the examples in (8)
above to illustrate this fundamental principle. (8c), for example, reproduced as (9) below,
FEET-RIGHT because only one foot is not at the left edge of the prosodic word.
severely than ALL-FEET-RIGHT because only one foot is not on the right edge:
What about the number of violations? Consider (8d) reproduced as (11) below:
To determine the degree of violations (not just the presence or absence of violation),
than in feet. That is, we count the number of syllables that separate the foot from a
specified edge of the word. In (11) above, for example, there are three syllables that
separate the leftmost foot from the right edge of the word, so (11) incurs three violations
rightmost foot is separated from the left edge of the word by three syllables. Consider
Tableau (4)
a- (LL) L (LL) *** ***
b- (LL) (LL) L * , *** **
c- " L(LL) (LL) ** * , ***
Tableau (5) below, however, shows that (b) is optimal under the opposite ranking:
Tableau (5)
a- (LL) L (LL) *** ***
b-" (LL) (LL) L ** *,***
c- L(LL) (LL) *,*** **
occurrence of unparsed syllables in medial positions. In other words, what Tableau (5)
and Tableau (6) above show is that, all things being equal, under no circumstances can
(a) be the optimal form. One of the other alternatives, (b) or (c), fares better regardless of
LEFT, then (b) is optimal; if it is the other way round, then (c) surfaces as optimal.
Whereas outputs (b) and (c), then, each incur two violations under one ranking, (a) incurs
Two other alignment constraints are usually appealed to to get the correct stress
the former requires that the right edge of the word be aligned with a foot, the latter
requires that the left edge of the word be aligned with a foot. In other words, WORD-
FOOT-RIGHT makes it obligatory for each prosodic word to end with a foot, and
WORD-FOOT-LEFT makes it obligatory for each prosodic word to begin with a foot.
a- (LL) (LL) L
b- L (LL) (LL)
Here, too, the degree of violation is important. Violations of both constraints are counted
that separate the rightmost foot from the right edge of the word. Violation of WORD-
FOOT-LEFT, on the other hand, is counted by the number of syllables that separate the
leftmost foot from the left edge of the word. In tableau (7) below, (a) is then less
Tableau (7)
a- (LL)(LL)L *!
b- " L(LL)(LL)
rightmost foot is separated from the right edge of the word by one syllable; meanwhile,
Tableau (8) below, however, shows that output (a) is optimal as far as WORD-FOOT-
LEFT is concerned.
Tableau (8)
a- " (LL)(LL)L
b- L (LL)(LL) *!
number of syllables that separate the rightmost and leftmost foot from the right and left
are counted by the number of syllables that separate all feet from the right and left edge
Tableau (9)
a- (LL)(LL)L **
b- L (LL)(LL) * *, ***
Notice that output (a) does not violate WORD-FOOT-LEFT as there are no syllables
separating the leftmost foot from the left edge of the word. However, (a) incurs two
leftmost foot from the left edge of the syllable, there are two syllables separating the
other foot from the designated edge of the syllables. Output (b), on the other hand, incurs
Now, why both constraints? Suppose that in Language X, for example, feet are
aligned with the word on the right edge (i.e. ALL-FEET-RIGHT) to get main word-stress
on the penult:
(13) L(LL)(LL)
Suppose, too, that in this language the first syllable of each word receives secondary
stress. If no foot is erected on the leftmost syllable, then in no way can that syllable be
secondarily stressed. So, the parsing of (13) needs some modification, so that the first
(14) (LL)L(LL)
Up to this point, we have introduced the constraints that interact to yield the
correct parsing of syllables into feet crosslinguistically, but we have said almost nothing
about main stress assignment. That is, the constraints introduced so far do not specify
which foot serves as the head of the higher-level prosodic category, namely the prosodic
word. As each foot has one syllable functioning as its head, each prosodic word has to
have one of its feet as its head. So (1) above can be modified as (15) below:
PW = Prosodic Word
F = Foot
σ = Syllable
The goal now is not just to show the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables (i.e.,
stress pattern), but to figure out where the main word-stress falls. This can be achieved
through the interaction of two more alignment constraints, namely MAIN-RIGHT and
Main-Right Align the head-foot with the word on the right edge
Main-Left Align the head-foot with the word on the left edge
The former requires that the head foot be aligned with the word on the right edge as in
(16a) below; the latter requires that the head foot be aligned with the word on the left
edge as in (16b):
( ) Head Foot
a- (LL) (LL) Head Syllable
( ) Head Foot
b- (LL) (LL) Head Syllable
MAIN-RIGHT is violated if the head foot does not occur on the rightmost edge of the
prosodic word. MAIN-LEFT, on the other hand, is violated if the head foot does not
occur on the leftmost edge of the prosodic word. Consider Tableau (10) below:
Tableau (10)
a- (LL) (LL)48 L *
b- L(LL) (LL) *
If MAIN-RIGHT is undominated, then each word ends with a main stress foot. If MAIN-
LEFT, however, is undominated, each word begins with a main stress foot.
All in all, these alignment constraints conspire not only to yield the correct stress
patterns in the world’s languages, but they also help to single out which syllable carries
primary stress.
Notice that the head syllable is determined by whether the system is iambic (LL) or trochaic (LL).
However, there are other factors involved in determining which syllable surfaces
as most prominent relative to all the other syllables in the word. For example, cross-
linguistically there is a tendency to avoid stress clash, i.e., stressed syllables should not be
Adjacent stressed syllables are prohibited
Notice that this constraint is responsible for creating alternating stress patterns as in (13)
Consider Tableau (11) below which shows how alternating stresses can become optimal:
Tableau (11)
Input: /σσσσσ/ NOCLASH
a- " (LL) (LL) L
b- (LL) (LL) L *
c- (H)(LL) (LL) *
languages tend not to stress the last syllable of the word. In pre-Optimality literature, this
requirement was addressed under the notion of extrametricality, where some prosodic
head (e.g., mora, syllable, foot) is considered “invisible for the purposes of creating
metrical structure” (Hayes 1991: 47)50. In optimality literature, this has been translated
into a constraint:
The final prosodic unit (e.g. mora, syllable) should not be footed
For pre-optimality literature on this point, see Liberman and Prince (1977), Prince (1983), Hammond
For pre-optimality literature, see Hayes (1979, 1980, 1982a, 1991), and McCarthy (1979).
The problem now arises as to which prosodic category (e.g. mora, syllable, foot) should
F = Foot
σ = Syllable
µ = Mora
What (18) basically says is that the mora µ is the prosodic head of the syllable σ, which
in turn is the prosodic head of a higher-level prosodic category, namely the foot F, which
is also the head of a still higher-level prosodic category, the prosodic word PW. The
debate is then over which of these prosodic categories is invisible to parsing for stress
placement purposes.
Extensive literature on this subject (Cf. McCarthy 1979 for Arabic; Hayes 1980,
1982 for English and Latin; Prince 1980 for Estonian; inter alia) has shown that this is a
language-particular phenomenon. Whereas some languages (e.g. Arabic) require that the
last mora be extrametrical, others (e.g. Latin) require that the last syllable be
extrametrical; and still others consider the last foot to be extrametrical51. Consider
Tableau (12)
a- " (LL)(LL)L
b- (LL)(LL)(L) *
Hayes (1982) argues for consonant, rhyme and suffix extrametricality when accounting for English stress
Apart from the controversy over which prosodic head (i.e. mora, syllable, or foot)
should be extrametrical, all languages share the fundamental fact that extrametricality is
blocked if it renders the whole word extrametrical. This is usually referred to in the
literature under the notion of Nonexhaustivity (Hayes 1991). The other cross-linguistic
restriction on extrametricality is that the right-edge of the word is less marked than the
left edge of the word. This is usually called Edge Markedness (Hayes 1991). Yet, some
The initial prosodic unit (e.g. mora, syllable) should not be footed.
Tableau (13)
a- " (L)(LL)(LL)
b- L(LL)(LL) *
In section 3.2.1 above, we surveyed the constraints which are responsible for stress
placement in all languages. The important point here is that although these constraints are
assumed to be operative in every language, the output forms in those languages are
distinct. OT offers the following straightforward explanation for this fact: constraints do
not have equal weight in the world’s languages. On the contrary, constraints may
dominate other constraints and this hierarchical domination relationship between the
like X and Y, for example, state conflicting demands on some input form, the output form
that results when X dominates Y is often different from that when Y dominates X. Not
only should we then be interested in the satisfaction (or lack thereof) of these constraints,
but we should also be interested in how these constraints interact to yield surface
In this section, we will show how the ranking of the constraints introduced in 3.2.1 can
account for the place of stress in Arabic and English. However, before we undertake this
task, we will need to lay down the basic facts and generalizations regarding stress in both
languages. In 3.3.1, the basic facts and generalizations regarding word-stress in Arabic
will be sketched out. In 3.3.2, we will present the basic facts and generalizations
regarding word-stress in English. Some additional remarks regarding the two systems
will be sketched out in 3.3.3. In 3.3.4, we will develop an optimality analysis of word
For the distribution of stressed and unstressed syllables in Arabic, two main factors are
usually taken into consideration: (1) the internal structure of the syllable (specifically
“weight”), and (2) the position of the stressed syllable relative to all other syllables in the
same word. As for rhythmicity (the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables),
Arabic, each word has a single main word-stress. None of the studies that I have come
across makes the claim that classical Arabic has secondary stress; and only very few
studies (Cf. Mitchell 1960; Welden 1980) claim that some varieties of Arabic (e.g.
Egyptian Arabic) have secondary stress. Needless to say, this kind of language provides
a challenge to any theory which aims to uncover the rules underlying the distribution of
As for the internal structure of the syllable, Arabic has mainly three syllable types:
light /cv/, heavy /cvc, cvv/ and superheavy /cvcc/, /cvvc/. Consider the following
For some background information about Arabic, see the Endnotes section for this chapter
In some languages, stress is an arbitrary, unpredictable property of the lexical item in which the syllable
occurs (cf. Russian and Japanese). In some languages, syllables are stressed according to their position in
the word (cf. penultimate syllable in Polish)
As for the position of the stressed syllable relative to all other syllables in the word,
stress in Arabic falls in one of three categories: oxytonic (stress on the ultimate),
1960). Stress in Arabic, then, never falls on a pre-antepenult syllable. Having all of this in
i. Stress falls on the last syllable of the word iff (if and only if) it is superheavy, i.e.,
/cvcc/ or /cvvc/
ii. If the final syllable is not superheavy, stress goes to the penult if it is heavy, i.e.,
/cvc/ or /cvv/
It should be mentioned that although light and heavy syllables can occupy initial, medial and final
positions, superheavy syllables only occur word-finally:
CV (occur anywhere in the word)
CVC (occur anywhere in the word)
CVV (occur only in ultimate and antepenult positions)
CVVC (occur only in ultimate position)
CVCC (occur only in ultimate position)
iii. Otherwise, stress falls on either the penult or the antepenult whichever is
separated from a preceding heavy syllable (or word boundary) by an even number of
Although these are the general principles governing the distribution of stressed and
unstressed syllables in Arabic, there are a few remarks that I think I should mention here.
First of all, the differences between the different Arabic dialects as far as word-stress is
Irshied & Kenstowicz 1984; Welden1980). In Jordanian Arabic, for example, there are
three main varieties: Urban, Rural and Bedouin. The first two varieties are identical with
the standard variety as far as stress is concerned. Bedouin Jordanian Arabic differs from
the other two varieties (and the rest of other Arabic varieties) in at least two ways:
(a) In disyllabic words whose second syllable is not superheavy and first
syllable is light, stress goes to that second syllable, whereas in the other
dialects, it goes to the first syllable following rule (iii) above. Consider the
following examples:
For example, whereas Classical Arabic cvv in final position is not stressed (raaa), Egyptian cvv in
final position is stressed, e.g., šuftii “you saw him?” (see Welden 1980: 102)
bişal başal başal “onion”
gidam56 gadam adam “foot”
(b) In polysyllabic words whose final syllable is not superheavy and whose
penultimate syllable is not heavy, stress goes to either the penult or the
antepenult whichever is separated from a preceding heavy syllable or word
boundary by an odd number of syllables:
Notice that although the segmental string may be changed from one variety to another,
stress assignment is subject to the same guiding principles as in (20) above for Urban and
Second, in almost all varieties of Arabic, superheavy syllables (i.e., /cvcc/ and
/cvvc/) are only found in final position. In order to maintain the contrast between light
and heavy syllables throughout the entire word, the notion of extrametricality is often
invoked in pre-Optimality literature. That is, when the last mora of each prosodic word is
considered extrametrical, the whole prosodic word is then viewed as consisting of light
(CV) and heavy (CVC, CVV) syllables. In Optimality theory literature, this has been
Third, with very minor exceptions, suffixed and unsuffixed forms behave alike as
According to Hung (1995: 30), these examples can be accounted for if the iambic, rather than trochaic,
analysis of foot form is adopted.
Interestingly enough, Arabic orthography successfully handles this issue in that suffixes, prefixes
(including even the particle prefix ‘al’) are fused with the word.
ki.taab (rule 1) “book”
al-ki.taab (rule 1) “the book”
ki.taa.b-un (rule 2) “a book”
ki.taa.b-ak58 (rule 2) “your book”
kitabu-ha (rule 3) “her book”
kitabu-huma (rule 3) “their (dual) book”
Fourth, in Classical Arabic, each word has two forms: a pause- and non-pause
form. For example, the pause form of the word “teacher’ is “muallim” but the non-
pause form is muallimun. Notice here that although the stressed syllable in the two
cases is different, both forms are stressed according the rules stated above. All of this
shows that “prominence is a function of the total syllable pattern” (Mitchell 1960).
information. These include syntactic information (whether the word is noun, verb, etc.,
e.g. subject vs. subject), morphological structure (whether the word is mono- or
variable that provides information about syllable structure, i.e., light vs. heavy syllable,
number of syllables, and syllable position in the word). It will turn out that all these kinds
As for word class, most textbooks (Cf. Cruttenden 1986, Kreidler 1989, among
others) distinguish between stress assignment rules for verbs, adjectives, and nouns.
Notice here that when ki.taab is suffixed with –ak, the whole word is re-syllabified: the coda of the last
syllable of ki.taab has become the onset of the suffix.
For stress variation in British and American English, see Berg (1999)
Cruttenden (1986: 19), for example, proposes a set of stress assignment rules in English
for verbs and adjectives on the one hand and nouns on the other:
(a) stress is on the penultimate syllable when final syllable has a short vowel in an
open syllable or is followed by no more than one consonant, e.g.
(b) otherwise, stress is on the final syllable (subject to rule (ii) below), e.g.
(ii) Nouns
(a) if the final syllable has a short vowel, disregard it and apply rules under (i)
above, e.g.
(b) if the final syllable has a long vowel, it is stressed (subject to (iii) below, e.g.
(iii) Words of more than two syllables with a long final vowel: stress on the
antepenult syllable, e.g.
Kreidler (1989: 204) proposes a similar set of rules, but assumes that adjectives are
divided into two groups as far as stress assignment is concerned: (1) adjectives that
follow the stress rules of verbs, and (2) adjectives that follow the stress rules of nouns.
According to Kreidler (19989: 197-218), there are two basic types of stress rules: stress
rules for verbs, and stress rules for nouns. He incorporates these rules into decision trees
No Yes
According to Kreidler (1989: 199), “a free vowel is one which can occur at the end of a one-syllable
word” illustrated in the following words: see, bay, by, sue, go, cow, spa, law, toy.
Yes No
Antepenult is stressed Is the penult stressable
(e.g. anecdote)
No Yes
Antepenult Penult is
is stressed stressed
(e.g. cinema) (e.g. aroma)
Notice that all these rules make reference to the internal structure of the syllable (light vs.
heavy in the case of Cruttenden, having (or lack thereof) free vowels in the case of
Kreidler, etc.). In addition, they involve counting the number of syllables (sometimes
from the end of the word, sometimes the total number of syllables in the word). When
3.3.4 below, we will see that there are constraint requirements, such as Peak-prominence,
Edgemost, Nonfinality, etc. (Prince and Smolensky 1993: Chapter Four) that all demand
Not only this, but the morphology of the word in English turns out sometimes to
be very decisive for stress placement purposes. In this regard, Kreidler (1989: 200) lists a
whole set of neutral suffixes that should be recognized before the above stress rules are
set to work. Cruttenden (1986: 20), on the other hand, divides English suffixes into three
(a) suffixes which leave the stress on the stem unaffected, e.g. fulfil/fulfilment;
picture/picturesque; China/Chinese
(c) suffixes which shift the stress on the stem, e.g. economy/economic;
Despite these fine treatments, everyone seems to admit that the English stress rules are
limited in their domains, and often “murky and exception-ridden” (Hammond 1999: 192).
However, the crucial point here is that the treatment of stress assignment in English in
Optimality theory (which is after all a theory of linguistic variation) will show that stress
matter of constraint satisfaction. As each grammar is a unique way of solving the conflict
between the violable constraints by making use of the notion of constraint ranking, it is
expected that English has its own ranking of the conflicting constraints that sets it apart
Although English and Arabic word-stress assignment are subject to demands imposed by
prominence of the syllable (i.e., its weight), number and position of the syllables in the
word, there are some differences between the two systems, including function of stress,
As for the function of stress, whereas word-stress in English is phonemic, it is
allophonic (i.e. predictable) in Arabic. This has surely contributed a lot to the fact that
Arabic word-stress is more fixed. Most treatments of Arabic word-stress leave no (or
very little) residual data unaccounted for. On the other hand, when surveying the
principles that govern the distribution of English word-stress, long sections are usually
As for degrees of stress, most studies of Arabic word-stress admit that every word
in Arabic has only one main stress; secondary stress is rarely reported (Cf. Mitchell 1960,
for Egyptian Arabic); tertiary stress never reported. On the other hand, English
distinguishes up to four degrees of stress: primary stress, secondary stress, tertiary stress
and zero stress (unstressed). Textbooks usually devote the bulk of discussion about word
stress to the primary stress. Only a few textbooks deal with secondary stress. The other
degrees of stress are rarely dealt with. However, most treatments of English word stress
admit that the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables is basically rhythmic.
Consider, for example, the distribution of secondary stress in English (Fudge 1984:31):
(i) If there is only one syllable before the one with main stress, no secondary
(ii) If there are two syllables before the one with main stress, secondary stress
is always assigned to the first of these (i.e. two syllables back from main
(iii) If there are three or more syllables before the one with main stress, then:
primary stress in bold, secondary stress in italics.
(a) If there is a strong syllable two syllables back from main stress, it
(b) If there is a weak syllable two syllables back from main stress, the
third syllable back from main stress takes secondary stress, e.g.,
The last point that I would like to raise concerning the differences between Arabic
and English as far as word stress is concerned is related to vowel reduction. In English,
vowels that occupy the nucleus of unstressed syllables are subject to vowel reduction: the
more the syllable is unstressed, the more likely its nucleus gets reduced to a schwa.
Grammatical and functional words are good examples; they always appear in their weak
Having surveyed the constraints that are thought to be responsible for the
realization of different stress patterns in the world languages in 3.2.1 above, our task
shifts now to apply the theory to genuine metrical systems. In 3.3.4 below, we will
English stress patterns in a constraint-based framework. Our main task will be to find out
The general principles governing the distribution of stressed and unstressed
syllables in almost all Arabic dialects, including Jordanian Arabic, are discussed in 3.3.1
above. In this section, I undertake the task of accounting for the place of main word-
stress in Arabic in a constraint-based framework. In order to do just that, our task should
be twofold: (1) we need to find out the constraints that are relevant when accounting for
the stress patterns in Arabic, i.e. the constraints that are not ranked low enough to the
extent that their impact may not be even noticeable; and (2) we need to find out how
First of all, although there are monosyllabic words in Arabic, there is still a
word in Arabic must at least consist of a heavy or superheavy syllable (i.e. σµµ or σµµµ),
but never a light syllable (i.e. σµ). Whereas monosyllabic words such as those in (27a-c)
below are possible (and in fact actual) Arabic words, those in (27d) are not:
a. min, ab, etc.
b. fii, maa
c. umm
d. *mi, fi
constraints, namely, FOOT-BINARITY and Lx=Pr (where Lx stands for lexical word
Feet are binary
Every lexical word must consist of a prosodic word
The requirement that every lexical word should consist of a prosodic word can be further
must have the next available lower-level prosodic category as its head. The hierarchy in
F = Foot
σ = Syllable
(28) basically states that the next available prosodic category to function as the head of
the prosodic word (PW) is the foot (F). The minimality requirement in Arabic is now
clear: Every lexical word must contain at least one foot functioning as its head. And since
defines the form of the foot (i.e. FOOT-BINARITY) is interpreted under a moraic
Feet are binary under moraic analysis (i.e. consist of exactly two moras)
FOOT-BINARITYµ explains why the words in (27a-c) above are possible Arabic words,
but those in (27d) are not. Under this analysis, any foot that consists of one mora (µ)62
By the same token, any foot that consists of more than two moras (e.g. (µµµ)) constitutes a violation of
syllable (H) can make up a possible foot in Arabic, and ultimately a possible prosodic
Tableau (14)
Input: /fii/ FOOT-BINARITY-µ
a- " (fii)63
b- (fi)i *!
Tableau (15)
a- (rama)64
b- (ra)ma *!
c- ra(ma) *!
Accordingly, the optimal parsing of a word like /adwiyatuhu/ into moraic feet is
Tableau (16)
Input: /?adwiyatuhu/ FOOT-BINARITY-µ
a- (ad) (wiya) (tuhu)
b- (ad wi) (yatu) (hu) **
c- (ad) (wiyatu) (hu) **
d- (ad) (wiya)(tu) hu *
e- (ad)(wi)(yatu)hu *
One may wonder why this syllable is footed. In pre-Optimality literature, it is often assumed that the last
syllable in Arabic is extrametrical. Observing this requirement in an OT analysis means that the last
syllable should be unfooted (i.e. NONFINAL). We will see later that NONFINAL is outranked by the
constraint which requires that at least one foot be constructed over the prosodic word, that is, Lx=Pr , so
that (fii) is a better parse than fii.
The reason why a pointing hand "is not used to mark the output form that incurs fewer violations of
FOOT-BINARITY-µ is that output (a) in Tableau (16) is not the one that ultimately wins the competition;
rather, it is (b) that wins the competition. This is so because FOOT-BINARITY-µ is dominated by
NONFINALσ which, in turn, is dominated by Lx=Pr.
According to Tableau (16) above, if FOOT-BINARITYµ were undominated, output (a)
(a) in Tableau (16) above shows that /adwiyatuhu/ is optimally parsed into three feet,
each of which consists of two moras. Output (b), on the other hand, loses the competition
because it incurs two violations of FOOT-BINARITYµ: its first foot is constructed over
three moras, and its third foot over one mora. Similarly, output (c) incurs two violations
of FOOT-BINARITY-µ: its second foot is erected over three moras, and its third foot
over one mora. Outputs (d-e) each incur one violation of FOOT-BINARITYµ because
there is one foot that is constructed over one mora in each case.
However, in order to get the correct stress pattern in a word like /adwiyatuhu/,
FOOT-BINARITYµ is not the only constraint that needs to be satisfied. Other universal
constraints is impossible. It turns out that violation of some constraints (e.g. FOOT-
bring the constraints that interact with FOOT-BINARITY-µ into play. These include
The final syllable should not be footed65
As for final superheavy syllables which surface with main word-stress in Arabic, it will turn out later that
NONFINAL is outranked by a constraint that requires final superheavy syllables to be stressed.
A syllable must be footed
Align the head-foot with the word, on the right edge
Align each foot with the word, on the right edge
Align each foot with the word, on the left edge
In a word like /šajaratuhu/, for example, the last syllable, due to NONFINAL, should not
a. šajaratu<hu>
b. šajaratuhu
a. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
b. (šaja)ratu<hu>
a. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
b. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>67
A point worthy of mention here is that the rightmost foot is assumed to contain the syllable with main
word-stress. Throughout this work, we assume that MAIN-RIGHT is not a gradient constraint whose
violation is counted by the number of intervening constituents; rather we assume that MAIN-RIGHT is
satisfied if the rightmost foot is the head of the prosodic word, and it is violated if the head foot is not the
rightmost one. MAIN-RIGHT is not violated by (an) unparsed syllable(s) to the right of the rightmost foot,
but it is violated if main word stress terminates on a syllable that is not part of the rightmost foot. In this
way, we avoid any interaction between MAIN-RIGHT and NONFINAL. The reason why we want MAIN-
RIGHT to work independently of NONFINAL is that we want to avoid an ordering paradox. Let us see
what happens if MAIN-RIGHT and NONFINAL interact. If the final syllable is light or heavy, we want
NONFINAL to dominate MAIN-RIGHT so that stress terminates on a nonfinal syllable ((baT)Tah); if the
final syllable is superheavy, we want MAIN-RIGHT to dominate NONFINAL so that stress terminates on
that final superheavy syllable (e.g. (šan)(taat)).
According to TROCHAIC, (32a) below is a better parse than (32b):
a. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
b. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
a. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
b. (šaja)(ratu)<hu>
The model predicts correctly that in a word like /šajaratuhu/, stress falls on the
antepenult. The question arises as to how (šaja)(ratu)<hu> defeats all other competitors.
impossible. This suggests that there is constraint conflict. Whereas PARSE-σ, for
example, favors a footed form over an unfooted form, NONFINAL requires that the final
with the right edge of the word, NONFINAL requires the last syllable to be unfooted, etc.
constraint ranking. That is, some constraints are higher-ranking, while others are lower-
higher-ranking constraint.
Another point worthy of mention is that the whole model is based upon the idea
arises evidence for its demotion to a lower position. At the initial stage, all constraints are
assumed to be undominated. Since our task here is to find out the relative ranking of
We will see later that in case the word exhibits an even number of moras (e.g. adwiyatuhu), adopting a
left-to-right or a right-to-left creates different output forms.
LEFT, and ALL-FEET-RIGHT in Arabic, we start out with the assumption that all of
Initial Stage
The demotion of any one of these constraints has be motivated by the fact that its
suboptimal forms. Hence, the constraints that are violated by the optimal form are lower-
ranking, but the constraints that are violated by the suboptimal forms are higher-ranking.
Let us start with the directionality of footing in Arabic; that is, whether feet are
RIGHT) basis. Here, we need to do two things. One, we need to see the ranking of ALL-
suboptimal forms; if they are lower-ranking, the form which violates them still has the
chance to surface as the optimal form. Second, we need to establish the ranking of ALL-
We need NONFINAL to dominate ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-FEET-LEFT, so
that the final syllable does not get footed. This is so because in Arabic a final syllable is
often not stressed.68 In /šajaratuhu/, if the last syllable were footed (e.g. outputs d in
Tableau 17 below), stress would wrongly terminate either on the penult (if it pairs with
the penult), or on the final syllable (if it makes up a foot by itself). We also need FOOT-
but we need to make sure that TROCHAIC is top-ranked because its violation always
results in suboptimal form (Cf. output c in Tableau 17 below). Finally, we need MAIN-
RIGHT to be undominated, so that the head foot is always rightmost. Consider how the
the correct output form for /šajaratuhu/ is obtained when invoking higher-ranking
Tableau (17)
Input: /šajaratuhu/ FBµ NF TR MR A-F-L A-F-R
a. " (šaja)(ratu)hu ** *,***
b. (šaja)(ratu)hu *! ** *,***
c. (šaja)(ratu)hu *! ** *,***
d. (šaja)(ratu)(hu) *! **,**** *,***
e. (šaja)(ra)(tu)hu *!* **,*** *,**,***
The final syllable receives main word-stress iff it is superheavy. We will see later that this can be
achieved in two ways: (1) factoring out NONFINAL, or (2) parameterizing WSP. These two alternative
analyses will be discussed in detail later.
Notice that FOOT-BINARITYµ, as a constraint on the shape of the foot, does not interact directly with
ALL-FEET-LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT. Whether feet are constructed on a left-to-right or right-to-left
basis, the requirement of FOOT-BINARITYµ still holds in the same way. However, the domination
relation between FOOT-BINARITYµ on the one hand, and ALL-FEET-LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT on
the other, is obtained by transitivity.
According to Tableau (17) above, output (e) is ruled out because it violates
FOOT-BINARITYµ. Output (d) is ruled out because it violates NONFINAL; output (c)
is ruled out because it violates TROCHAIC; and output (b) is ruled out because it violates
NONFINAL, TROCHAIC and MAIN-RIGHT simultaneously. The fact that (a) incurs
prevent it from winning the competition. This constitutes evidence that ALL-FEET-
LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT are not higher-ranking constraints. The output form which
violates these two constraints still surfaces as the optimal form. In OT terms, the
constraints that are violated by the actual form (output (a) in this case) are always lower-
constraints violated by (a), must be outranked by all the constraints that are violated by its
RIGHT are higher-ranking constraints in Arabic because their violation serves to rule out
suboptimal structures. In terms of constraint ranking, all the constraints that are violated
Notice that ALL-FEET-LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT are separated from the constraints that outrank
them by a solid line. The constraints that are separated from each other by a dashed line are not ranked
relative to each other.
by the suboptimal forms dominate the constraints that are violated by the optimal form.
RIGHT, let us see how ALL-FEET-LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT are ranked relative to
each other. To establish a ranking between these two alignment constraints, we need an
example that, after observing the requirement of NONFINAL, still contains a degenerate
foot (i.e. a foot that consists of only one mora).71 The location of this degenerate foot is
very decisive for stress placement. The example introduced in Tableau (16) above, i.e.
Notice that in case where the parse does not contain a degenerate foot, a left-to-right, or a right-to-left
parsing results in exact number of violations. Consider the following Tableau:
Input: /šajaratuhu/71 A-F-R A-F-L
a- (šaja)(ratu)hu *,*** **
b- ša(jara)(tuhu) ** *,***
According to this Tableau, (a) incurs four violations of ALL-FEET-RIGHT, and two violations of ALL-
FEET-LEFT. Conversely, (b) incurs two violations of ALL-FEET-RIGHT, and four violations of ALL-
FEET-LEFT. All things being equal, output (a) wins if the word is parsed on a left-to-right basis, i.e. ALL-
FEET-LEFT >> ALL-FEET-RIGHT, and output (b) wins if the word is parsed on a right-to-left basis, i.e.
ALL-FEET-RIGHT >> ALL-FEET-LEFT. As each parse incurs the same number of violations under
either ranking, the correct output form is obtained by invoking other constraints (see Tableau 17 above).
(36a) (ad)(wi)(yatu)<hu>
(36b) *(ad)(wi)(yatu)<hu>
(37a) (ad)(wiya)(tu)<hu>
And due to MAIN-RIGHT, main-word stress terminates correctly on the the penult:
(37b) (ad)(wiya)(tu)<hu>72
It turns out that the decision concerning the relative ranking of ALL-FEET-LEFT
higher than ALL-FEET-LEFT, the wrong output form is obtained (Cf. 36b). If ALL-
obtained (Cf. 37b). In other words, whereas the left-to-right parsing of syllables into
metrical feet yields the correct surface form, the right-to-left parsing yields the wrong
output form. Examples like this one provide an argument for ranking ALL-FEET-RIGHT
dominates ALL-FEET-RIGHT in Arabic comes from the fact that stress does not fall on a
pre-antepenultimate syllable (see 3.3.1 above). In Arabic, a light penult or antepenult can
be stressed provided that it is separated from a preceding heavy syllable or the initial
word boundary by an even number of light syllables (including zero). This counting
Notice that (36b) and (37b) violate FOOT-BINARITYµ equally. As the optimal form violates FOOT-
BINARITYµ, this suggests that FOOT-BINARITYµ is a lower ranking constraint. We will see later what
constraint(s) dominate(s) it.
phenomenon in Arabic is interesting because it provides evidence as to the direction of
footing. Stressing a light penult or antepenult in long words in Arabic requires that at
least one independent foot be constructed over two light syllables which separate the
stressed syllable (whether the penult or the antepenult) from a preceding heavy syllable73
or word boundary. In words with an odd number of syllables, this is achieved through
however, the correct output form can be obtained only with left-to-right parsing. Consider
the following examples, where the syllables are parsed into metrical feet on a left-to-right
a. (CVCV)<CV>
b. (CVCV)(CV)<CV>
f. ETC
(38a), (38c), and (38e) provide no clue as to the direction of footing. Because these
result in the same footing. The last syllable, due to NONFINAL, remains unfooted; and
(38b) and (38d), however, exhibit an even number of light syllables. Here, the
exhaustive left-to-right parsing of syllables into metrical feet causes the penult to make
Due to FOOT-BINARITYµ, a heavy syllable makes up a foot by itself.
Here, we talk about light syllables where each one of them weighs only one mora.
up a degenerate foot75; and stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC, falls on the
It should be pointed out that penult stress (Cf. 38b and 38d) cannot be obtained
a. (CVCV)<CV>
b. *(CV)(CVCV)<CV>
d. *(CV)(CVCV)(CVCV)<CV>
As can be seen, a right-to-left parsing of syllables into feet in (39) yields the correct stress
pattern for (39a), (39c) and (39e), but fails to yield the correct stress pattern for (39b) and
(39d). In fact, it fails to yield the correct output form for all words where stress falls on a
degenerate foot (Cf. 38b and 38d above). Put more succinctly, it yields main word-stress
on a light antepenult in (39a), (39c), and (39e), but it fails to yield main word stress on a
light penult in (39b) and (39d). The reason is that a right-to-left parsing always results in
having the degenerate foot as far to the left as possible (e.g. 39b and 39d)- a state of
affairs that we want to avoid. What we actually need is to have the degenerate foot fall as
far to the right as possible (e.g. 38b and 38d above). This can never be achieved when
parsing takes place on a right-to-left basis, because the light penult pairs with the light
antepenult in one foot76, and stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC, always falls
on the antepenult (e.g. 38b and 38d). Such being the case, a right-to-left parsing can
Notice that forming a degenerate foot requires the violation of FOOT-BINARITYµ. We will see later
that in Arabic, FOOT-BINARITYµ is dominated by PARSEσ, which in turn is dominated by NONFINAL.
This amounts to saying that once the final syllable is considered invisible to parsing, the remaining
syllables of the prosodic word are exhaustively parsed.
Notice that this is always the case because once the final syllable is left unfooted, the light penult and
antepenult pair together to make up a moraic trochee (LL).
account for the stressing of a light antepenult, but it can never account for the stressing of
a light penult.
In the case of a preceding heavy syllable (σµµ), that heavy syllable (which
constitutes a foot by itself) acts like a word boundary and footing always starts anew after
that syllable:
a. (CVC)(CVCV)<CV>
b. (CVC)(CVCV)(CV)<CV>
a. (CVC)(CVCV)<CV>
b. *(CVC)(CV)(CVCV)<CV>
Here, too, although a right-to-left parsing correctly predicts that stress falls on the
antepenult in (41a), it wrongly predicts that it falls on the antepenult in (41b). The reason
is that a right-to-left parsing requires the light penult and light antepenult together to
make up one foot which, due to TROCHAIC, will be always left-headed. In other words,
right-to-left can never account for the stressing of a light penult (cf. 38b, 38d and 41b).
A left-to-right parsing, on the other hand, can account for stressing a light
antepenult as well as a light penult. Recall that for a light penult or antepenult to be
stressed in long words, there must always be an even number of light syllables (including
zero) between the stressed syllable and a preceding heavy syllable or word boundary as in
(38 and 40) above. If stress falls on the antepenult, that syllable must pair with the light
penult to make up a metrical foot which is left-headed (e.g. 38a, 38c, 38e, and 40a). If,
however, stress falls on the penult, that syllable must make up a degenerate foot (e.g. 38b,
38d, and 40b). The degenerate foot cannot be constructed over the light penult unless
parsing takes place on a left-to-right basis, i.e. ALL-FEET-LEFT >> ALL-FEET-
relative, first, to the other constraints, and, second, to each other, let’s back up a little to
see what evidence there is to support postulation of the other constraints (i.e.
Align the head-syllable with its foot on the left edge77
Consider Tableau (18) below where the two candidate forms (a) and (b) differ only with
Tableau (18)
Input: /šajaratuhu/ FBµ NF MR TR A-F-L A-F-R
a- " (šaja)(ratu)hu ** *,***
b. (šaja)(ratu)hu *! ** *,***
Recall from (28) above that the foot, as a higher-level prosodic category, must
have the next available lower-level prosodic category (i.e., the syllable) as its head. In
case the head foot is constructed over two syllables, one of them must function as the
head of the foot, and therefore must be stressed. If the left-hand syllable surfaces stressed,
the foot is said to be left-headed (i.e. TROCHAIC); if the right-hand syllable happens to
surface with main word-stress, the foot is then right-headed (i.e. IAMBIC). The fact that
Notice that according to this formulation, a foot that is constructed over a stressed heavy syllable (H),
and a degenerate foot that is constructed over a stressed light syllable (L) satisfy TROCHAIC and IAMBIC
simultaneously as the head syllable is aligned with both the left and right edges of the foot.
/šajaratuhu/ in Tableau (18) above surfaces with stress on the antepenult (which is the left
leg of the rightmost foot) demonstrates that the foot in Arabic is left-headed.78 As for the
ranking of TROCHAIC relative to the other constraints, it suffices here to say that
constructed over two syllables irrespective of their intrinsic weight (e.g. LL, LH, HL, or
constructed over two light syllables (LL) or over one heavy syllable (H).
does not work to account for some stress patterns in Arabic. Precisely, it does not work to
account for the placement of stress on a light penult in Arabic (e.g. HLL, etc). In a word
like [maktabah], for example, stress goes to the light penult because it is the syllable that
is separated from the preceding heavy syllable by an even number of light syllables (zero
then after observing the requirement of NONFINAL80, the light penult has to pair with
Further evidence comes from that the fact that Arabic words that consist of two light syllables, e.g. rama,
maša, etc., are stressed on their first syllables.
TROCHAIC may, for example, interact with WSP in stress systems where FOOT-BINARITY is
interpreted under a syllabic analysis. Suppose in language X, a foot is constructed over two syllables where
the first is light and the second is heavy (LH). All things being equal, TROCHAIC dominates WSP if stress
goes to the light syllable. If stress goes to the heavy syllable, then WSP is said to dominates TROCHAIC.
This entails that NONFINAL outranks FOOT-BINARITYµ. We will see later that this is true.
the heavy antepenult to make up one foot, e.g., (HL)L; and stress, due to TROCHAIC,
the light penult in the sequence /HLL/ can be accounted. But to do just that, we first need
A syllable must be footed
Let us see how under a moraic interpretaion of FOOT-BINARITY, the sequence /HLL/
(43a) HL<L>
(43b) (H)L<L>
Due to PARSE-σ, another foot is constructed over the light penult as in (43c) below:
(43c) (H)(L)<L>82
Although the interpretation of FOOT-BINARITY under a syllabic analysis may not work for Arabic, we
will see later that it works just fine for English. The difference between English and Arabic in this respect
is that in English a heavy antepenult receives stress when it pairs with a light penult to make up one foot,
e.g., HLL. In a word like [asterisk], for example, stress goes to the heavy antepenult. The fact that stress in
English can also go to a heavy penult, e.g., LHL, can still be accounted for even when FOOT-BINARITY
is interpreted under syllabic analysis. One way to get stress on a heavy penult in English is to posit that
WSP outranks FOOT-BINARITYσ, so that L(H)L is a better parse than (LH)L. We will see later that this
is the case in English. FOOT-BINARITY should then be interpreted under moraic analysis to account for
the Arabic data, but under syllabic analysis to account for the English data. And this is one of the major
differences between the two languages as far as the place of main word-stress is concerned.
Notice that PARSEσ does not force the final syllable to be footed. This entails that the need to satisfy the
requirement of NONFINALσ is more important than the need to have each and every syllable be part of a
And stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC, falls correctly on the penult as in
(43d) below:
(43d) (H)(L)<L>
The interpretation of FOOT-BINARITY under a moraic analysis can then yield the
Feet are binary under moraic analysis (i.e. consist of exactly two moras)83
Notice that to obtain the correct stress pattern in the sequence /HLL/, FOOT-
BINARITYµ should be ranked below PARSE-σ. The constraint ranking in (42) above is
comes from disyllabic words. In Arabic, words consisting of two syllables are divided
(a) Disyllabic words which are stressed on the first syllable. This category
includes all disyllabic words that consist of light (L) and/or (H) syllables
metrical foot. In terms of constraint ranking NONFINALσ >> PARSEσ. We will see in a minute that this is
exactly the case.
This basically means that a heavy syllable, which consists of two moras (σµµ), makes up a foot by itself;
and two light syllables where each one of them consists of one mora (σµσµ) make up one foot. In the case
of the foot that is constructed over a heavy syllable (σµµ), it does not matter which mora is the head of the
syllable because the two moras are part of one syllable which ultimately surfaces as the one that carries
stress (i.e. (σµµ)). In the case of the foot that is constructed over two light syllables (σµσµ), it does matter
which one of them is the head of the foot because each mora belongs to an independent syllable and only
one of the two light syllables can surface as the head of the foot (i.e. (σµσµ) or (σµσµ). In this latter case, we
have seen that there is evidence (Cf. Tableau 18 above) that the foot is left-headed in Arabic. That is, in
each foot that consists of a pair of light syllables, it is the leftmost syllable that must be the head of the foot,
and ultimately the one that carries stress (i.e. (σµσµ)).
Once a constraint is introduced for the first time, we assume that it is undominated unless evidence to the
contrary arises.
LL rama, maša
LH ibir, qalam
HL igra, imši, kursi
HH ijma, baTTah
(b) Disyllabic words which are stressed on the second syllable. This category
includes all disyllabic words whose second syllable is superheavy:85
Notice that the stressing of the final syllable is possible iff (if and only if) it is
constraints. For the time being, let us just focus on the examples on (a) where stress
Footing Actual words Gloss
a. (LL) ‘throw’ (mas. pas.)
b. L(H) i.bir ‘ink’
c. (H)L ‘chair’
d. (H)(H) baT.Tah ‘goose’
Notice that there is a discrepancy between foot formation and stress assignment in some
The internal structure of the syllable in Arabic is discussed in 3.3.1 above.
There is another way to look at the facts. Hayes (1995) suggests that feet are moraic trochees, i.e. (H) or
(LL), in Arabic. In OT terms, what this means is that FOOT-BINARITYµ and TROCHAIC may be
collapsed into just one constraint. The reason why we keep FOOT-BINARITYµ and TROCHAIC as two
independent constraints is that our analysis has already suggested that in some cases the need to have each
foot be part of a metrical foot (Cf. degenerate feet in 43c above) outweighs the need to comply with the
requirement of FOOT-BINARITYµ, i.e. PARSE-σ >> FOOT-BINARITYµ. The important point is that
(46) Parsing into (H) and (LL) Actual words
a. (LL)
*b. L(H) i.bir
c. (H)L
*d. (H)(H) baT.Tah
Outputs (46a, and c) show no discrepancy between the parsing of syllables into
feet and the placement of stress in the actual words. In (46a), the whole word consists of
two light syllables (σµσµ), so parsing these two light syllables into a moraic trochee
yields the desired stress pattern (* .).88 In (46c), the word consists of a heavy syllable
(σµµ) that makes up a foot by itself plus one unparsed light syllable. Being the only foot
that is constructed over the word, the heavy syllable over which the foot is constructed
ultimately surfaces as the one that carries main word-stress. All in all, if FOOT-
BINARITYµ were never violated in Arabic, the parsing of the words into binary feet
yields the correct stress patterns for only (46a) and (46c):
The other examples, however, show two types of problems. First, in (46b), only
one foot is erected over the prosodic word, but stress happens to fall on the light syllable
that is not even part of that metrical foot. Consider (46b) above reproduced as (48) below:
although PARSE-σ dominates FOOT-BINARITYµ, it does not dominate TROCHAIC. PARSE-σ does not
even interact with TROCHAIC. If we choose to collapse FOOT-BINARITYµ and TROCHAIC into just
one constraint that is dominated by PARSE-σ, we commit ourselves to the claim that PARSE-σ dominates
TROCHAIC as well—something we surely do not want to do, for TROCHAIC is a top-ranked constraint
that is never violated in Arabic.
Notice that these three constraints do not interact, so their satisfaction is independent of one another.
Again, this is true only if FOOT-BINARITYµ were undominated.
(48) Parsing into (H) and (LL) Actual word
L(H) i.bir
(46d) above. Here, two feet are constructed over two heavy syllables; and stress, due to
(H)(H) baT.Tah
by assuming that constraints are violable. That is, although some forms violate some
constraint(s), they can still surface as the actual output forms. The violation of some
in order to satisfy higher-ranking ones. And this is exactly what is happening here.
In order to account for the place of stress in /hibir/ and in /baT.Tah/, we need to
do two things. One, we need to know why the final syllable does not surface with main
word-stress; and second, we need to see how stress terminates on the first syllable. As for
the stresslessness of the final syllable, recall that in Arabic final light and heavy syllables
are never stressed. This suggests that the constraint which militates against the footing of
final syllables should be invoked to account for the stress patterns in Arabic.
The final syllable should not be footed.
Tableau (19)
Input: / baT.Tah/ TR MR NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
a- (baT)(Tah) *! * * *
b- (baT)(Tah) *! * *
c- " (baT)Tah * *
Notice that with the introduction of NONFINAL, neither (a) nor (b) wins the
competition. Rather, it is output (c) that wins because it incurs fewer violations than (a)
and (b) on the whole set of constraints: output (a) violates MAIN-RIGHT and
NONFINAL; output (b) violates NONFINAL; output (c) violates neither MAIN-RIGHT
nor NONFINAL.90 The important point here is that outputs (a) and (b) lose the
The introduction of NONFINAL also helps to explain why the final syllable in
Tableau (20)
Input: /Hibir/ TR MR NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
a- i(bir) *! * *
b- i.bir91 *!*
Once a constraint is incorporated into the domination hierarchy for the first time, we assume that it is
undominated until evidence to the contrary arises.
Notice that this solution creates a problem. It cannot explain why [šantaat] is stressed on the final
syllable. We will attend to this problem in detail later. It will turn out that NONFINAL is dominated by a
constraint which requires superheavy syllables to surface with main word-stress.
Notice that neither (a) nor (b) ultimately wins the competition. (a) loses the competition because it
violates NONFINALσ; and (b) loses the competition because no foot is constructed over the word.
However, unlike /baTTah/, the problem in /ibir/ is that stress surfaces on the first
syllable, which is not even part of a metrical foot. (46b) is reproduced in (51) below:
L<H> i.bir
Here, we need not only to establish why the final syllable surfaces stressless, but we also
need to establish why the first syllable is stressed. The discrepancy between parsing
syllables into (H) or (LL) and the stress pattern in LH words (i.e. words that consist of
two syllables, where the first is light and the second is heavy)92 can be avoided if (1)
If NONFINAL is undominated, the final syllable does not receive stress simply
LH i.bir
The final syllable is no longer a candidate to receive main word-stress because it is not
part of a metrical foot that can function as the head of the prosodic word. But notice that
the first syllable is not footed, either. The unfooting of the first syllable is due to FOOT-
BINARITYµ which requires each and every foot to consist of a heavy syllable (H) or two
consecutive light syllables (LL). This entails that the first syllable cannot be stressed
because it is not part of a metrical foot, either. But the fact of the matter is that the first
syllable does receive main word-stress. How can we overcome this problem?
Notice that in all words of this shape, stress falls on the first light syllable, e.g. ibir, katib, etc.
In order for the first syllable to receive stress, it has to be footed. This constitutes
evidence that parsing the first syllable into a metrical foot is more important than
satisfying the requirement of FOOT-BINARITYµ. The constraint which requires the first
Parse σ
A syllable must be footed
PARSE-σ, which forces the first light syllable of /Hibir/ to be part of a metrical foot,
stress in /Hibir/. Consider how the first syllable of [ibir] can receive main word-stress if
Tableau (21)
Input: /Hibir/ TR MR NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
a- " (i)bir * * *
b- i.bir *!*
optimal form because its competitor (b) incurs two violations of PARSE-σ, one time
because, like (a), the last syllable is not footed, and a second time because the first
Let us focus on the parsing of the first syllable of /hibir/ into a degenerate foot. In
than Hibir. The constraint ranking in (50) above then yields the correct surface form.
A point worthy of note here is that (i)bir cannot win the competion without
defeating another competitor, namely (i)(bir). Parse-σ requires that every syllable be
part of a metrical foot. If Parse-σ were undominated, (i)(bir) would then be a better
parse than (i)bir; and due to MAIN-RIGHT, (i)(bir) would surface as (i)(bir). To
avoid this unhappy conclusion, NONFINAL, which requires the last syllable to be
unfooted, must outrank PARSE-σ. That is, the need to have the last syllable unfooted is
more important than the need to have each and every foot be part of a metrical foot.
Tableau (22)
Input: /ibir/ TR MR NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
a- " (i)bir * * *
b- i.bir *!*
c- (i)(bir) *! * * *
According to Tableau (22) above, output (c) fails to surface as the optimal form because
Given this relative ranking of NONFINAL and PARSE-σ, we make sure that the last
Notice how this new ranking of constraints provides a uniform analysis of stress
(54a) Parsing Actual words
a. L<L>
b. L<H> i.bir
c. H<L>
d. H<H> baT.Tah
Second, due to FOOT-BINARITYµ, feet are constructed over two light syllables (LL)
Finally, due to TROCHAIC and MAIN-RIGHT, the correct stress pattern is derived
The constraint ranking in (53) above, however, raises two interesting questions:
(1) the place of stress on monosyllabic words, and (2) the place of stress on final
superheavy syllables.
receive stress because it will never be footed. But we know that monosyllabic words
surface with main word-stress in Arabic, and we also know that all Arabic words that end
To show how this can be accounted for, we maintain the relative ranking of
NONFINAL and PARSEσ as in (56) above, so that we can account for why polysyllabic
words that end with light or heavy syllables do not receive stress on that final syllable,
but we also assume that there is(are) some constraint(s) that outrank(s) NONFINAL.
(b) why words that end with a superheavy syllable receive main word-stress
on that syllable.
We can account for why monosyllabic words surface with main word-stress by
Lx = Pr
Every lexical word must consist of a prosodic word.93
This basically means that every lexical word must contain at least one foot. This
constraint is violated if no foot is constructed over the word. Consider how an Arabic
Tableau (23)
Input: /min/ TR MR Lx=Pr NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
In pre-Optimality literature, this requirement is formulated as a restriction on extrametricality; that is,
extrametricality is blocked “if it would render the entire domain of the stress rules extrametrical” (see Hung
1995: 7).
a- " (min) *
b- min *! *
According to Tableau (23), output (a) violates NONFINAL, and output (b) violates
NONFINAL dominates Lx=Pr, output (b) wins the competition; if Lx=Pr dominates
NONFINAL, output (a) wins the competition. Because output (a) is the actual output
form, Lx=Pr must dominate NONFINAL. Lx=Pr is, then, a higher-ranking constraint:
What this Tableau suggests is that (a) surfaces as optimal not because it incurs fewer violations on
PARSEσ than (b) as is posited in Tableau (22) above, but because it does not violate Lx=Pr. If this were
true, then we would no longer need PARSEσ to dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ. Although this may seem to
be an attractive solution, it turns out that this proposal may not work to predict the place of stress on a
penult in longer words. Consider the following example where stress falls on a light penult:
(a) [katabaha] ‘he wrote it’
Due to NONFINAL, the last syllable is not footed:
(b) kataba<ha>
The remaining part of the word is, due to FOOT-BINARITYµ, parsed as follows:
(c) (kata)ba<ha>
Notice that the penult is not footed because it is a light syllable that does not pair with another light syllable
to make up a foot. Were FOOT-BINARITYµ not outranked by PARSEσ, there would be no way to have
the penult footed; and stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC, would fall on a pre-antepenult
syllable, which of course never occurs in Arabic:
(d) *(kata)ba<ha>
The important point here is that Lx=Pr cannot force the penult of /katabaha/ to form a degenerate foot so
that it later attracts main word-stress as is the case in /Hibir/ simply because in the case of /katabha/, Lx=Pr
is already satisfied without the need to erect a foot over the penult (see d above). All in all, the proposal that
Lx=Pr is undominated cannot solve the problem of stressing a light penult in long words. For /katabaha/ to
be stressed on the penult, PARSEσ has to dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ as in the following Tableau:
Having solved the problem of the place of stress in monosyllabic words, let’s turn
to the other problem that the existing ranking of constraints in (55) above still cannot
In Arabic, polysyllabic words that end in superheavy syllables (σµµµ) are stressed
on that syllable:
a šan.taat
b. ka.saat, da.rast
If NONFINAL were undominated, the last syllable of each word in (56) above would be
invisible to parsing, and thus, would never receive stress. But the fact of the matter is that
all Arabic words that end in superheavy syllables must receive stress on that final
superheavy syllable.95
For polysyllabic words which end in superheavy syllables to get stress on the last
syllable, that syllable must be footed. But parsing the last syllable into a metrical foot
violates NONFINAL. Because the need to have the final superheavy syllable footed is
greater than the need to satisfy the requirement of NONFINAL, we then must allow the
violation of NONFINAL. One way to have the last syllable footed is to have PARSEσ
Notice that the ranking of Lx=Pr above NONFINAL does not solve the problem of final stress on words
that end in superheavy syllables. This is so because Lx=Pr requires that one foot be constructed over the
prosodic word. This condition might be satisfied without the need to construct an independent foot on the
last syllable of words ending in superheavy syllables, e.g (šan)taat. This parsing cannot result in stress on
the final superheavy syllable because that syllable is not footed. What we need is a constraint that forces
final superheavy syllables to be footed irrespective whether or not other feet are constructed over the same
prosodic word, e.g. (šan)(taat), so that main word-stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT, surfaces on that final
superheavy syllable.
outrank NONFINAL. However, it has already been demonstrated that NONFINAL must
outrank PARSEσ; otherwise, we cannot account for the fact that light (σµ) and heavy
syllables (σµµ) never receive stress in final position. The alternatives then are as follows:
NONFINAL outranks PARSEσ so as to account for the fact that light and heavy syllables
account for the fact that final superheavy syllables (σµµµ) are always stressed ( see 58):
is only blocked if it renders the whole word unfooted. That is, only Lx=Pr dominates
NONFINAL. The suggestion that PARSEσ dominate NONFINAL will create more
problems than it can solve. It seems then that we need to capitalize on the former option
where NONFINAL outranks PARSEσ. With this relative ranking, we account for why
light and heavy syllables surface stressless in final position. Meanwhile, to account for
how superheavy syllables are stressed in final position, we posit a new constraint that
forces a superheavy syllable to be footed. This new constraint has to be ranked above
NONFINAL. Satisfying the demands of this new constraint is far more compelling than
Notice that no ranking has been established between PARSEσ on the one hand, and MAIN-RIGHT and
LX=Pr on the other.
In fact, there are at least two ways to account for how superheavy syllables (σµµµ),
in contrast to light (σµ) and heavy syllables (σµµ), receive stress in final position. One
way is to factor out NONFINAL, that is, to assume that NONFINAL, while applicable to
light and heavy syllables, is not applicable to superheavy syllables. The other alternative
how these two alternatives can account for the fact that superheavy syllables, in contrast
to light and heavy syllables, receive main word-stress in final position. The two
ways of solving the issue of how final superheavy syllables attract main word-stress, but
final light and heavy syllables do not. The decision to choose between these two
alternatives is not a trivial matter. Hence, whichever approach is adopted, there is the
issue of constraint parameterization. We need to see which approach can best account for
As for parameterizing NONFINAL, we need to make sure that final light and
heavy syllables are more invisible to parsing than superheavy syllables. There are at least
(59) 97
NONFINAL (σµ ,σµµ)>>… >> NONFINAL (σµµµ)
This basically means that NONFINAL is more likely to apply to light and heavy syllables
than to superheavy syllables. Whereas NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ) requires final light and heavy
The basic insight of (59) is found in Hammond (1999: 264) when accounting for English word-stress.
syllables to be unfooted, NONFINAL(σµµµ) requires final superheavy syllables to be
Nonfinal(σµ ,σµµ)
Final light and heavy syllable should not be footed
Final superheavy syllables should not be footed
other set of universal constraints, crucial here is the ranking of these two parameterized
constraints relative to PARSEσ. To account for why final heavy syllables are unstressed
dominate NONFINAL(σµµµ) to account for why superheavy syllables are stressed in that
same position. The constraint ranking in (59) above is modified so that PARSE-σ is
NONFINAL (σµ ,σµµ) >> PARSE-σ >> NONFINAL (σµµµ)
Given this relative ranking of NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ) and PARSE-σ, consider how
Tableau (24)
Input: /baT.Tah/ Lx=Pr TR MR NF Pσ NF FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
(σµ ,σµµ) (σµµµ)
a-"(baT)Tah * *
b- (baT)(Tah) *! * *
According to Tableau (24) above, the optimal form (indicated by the pointing hand)
violates PARSE-σ, and its competitor (b) violates NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ). It turns out that
the violation of PARSEσ is not as serious as the violation of NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ). The
violation of PARSE-σ does not prevent output (a) from surfacing as the actual output
form. On the other hand, the violation of NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ) results in a suboptimal
structure. As the constraint violated by the suboptimal form always dominates the
constraint violated by the optimal form, NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ) must dominate PARSE-σ.
Ranking NONFINAL(σµ ,σµµ) above PARSE-σ guarantees that a final heavy syllable is
always invisible to parsing, and therefore not a possible carrier of main word-stress.
Tableau (25)
Input: /šan.taat/ Lx=Pr TR MR NF Pσ NF FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
(σµ ,σµµ) (σµµµ)
a-" (šan)(taat) * * * *
b- (šan)taat *! *
Output (b) in Tableau (25) above loses the competition because it violates PARSEσ. Its
competitor (a) wins the competition because it satisfies PARSEσ. The fact that output (a)
in Tableau (25a) violates NONFINAL(σµµµ) does not prevent it from surfacing as the
than PARSEσ:
One may need to posit that NONFINAL(σµµµ) should dominate FOOT-BINARITY so as to allow
(šan)(taat) to defeat another competitor, namely (šan)(taa)t, where FOOT-BINARITY is not violated. This
reasoning is invalid because (šan)(taa)t already violates a higher-ranking constraint, namely
All in all, whereas NONFINAL(σµ,σµµ) outranks PARSEσ, PARSEσ outranks
NONFINAL(σµµµ). This accounts for the fact that that light and heavy syllables (σµ , σµµ)
What prosodic unit (e.g. foot, syllable, mora) should be unfooted (i.e., extrametrical) at
In general, NONFINAL requires that some prosodic unit (e.g., mora, syllable, etc)
be unfooted:
The final prosodic unit (i.e., mora, syllable, etc.) should not be footed
In the foregoing discussion, it has been assumed that it is the last syllable of the word that
The final syllable should not be footed
PARSE-σ (Cf. Tableau 24 above). Final superheavy syllables, on the other hand, receive
In spite of the fact that the constraint ranking in (61) rules out (c), this sub-optimal form still raises the issue
regarding which prosodic unit (e.g. mora, syllable, etc.), should be left unfooted. We return to this issue in
detail below.
main word-stress because PARSE-σ dominates NONFINAL(σµµµ) (Cf. Tableau 25
extrametrical in Arabic (e.g. McCarthy 1979a, 1979b).99 In OT terms, what this means is
that NONFINAL should be interpreted under a moraic analysis. In what follows, we try
to show that a moraic analysis of NONFINAL cannot do the job. It creates an ordering
outrank FOOT-BINARITYµ to account for the stress pattern in /katabaha/, but it requires
the opposite ordering to account for the stress pattern in /baTTah/. Let us demonstrate
Nonfinal (µ)
The final mora (µ) should not be stressed
When NONFINALµ applies to (45a-f) above, the strings are re-footed as follows:
What NONFINAL(µ) does is render a final light syllable altogether extrametrical (e.g.
Recall from above that, according to McCarthy (1979), a right node is stressed iff (if and only if)
it branches. What this means is that if the last mora is extrametrical, a heavy syllable would no longer
branch, and thus would not be stressed. A superheavy syllable, on the other hand, still branches even if the
last mora is considered extrametrical, and thus receives main word-stress.
We have seen that in order to account for the stress pattern in words like (62a), FOOT-BINARITYµ has
to be dominated by NONFINAL which in turn has to be dominated by Lx=Pr. The domination relation
between NONFINAL and FOOT-BINARITYµ has been obtained by transitivity. That is, we have argued
The problem of interpreting NONFINAL under a moraic analysis arises in cases
like (62d), where a final heavy syllable is not stressed. Consider how the stress pattern of
(63a) baTTa<h>
(63b) (baT)Ta<h>
(63b) shows that a light syllable (i.e. Ta) to the right of the bimoraic foot is left unparsed,
A syllable must be footed
Should we then allow for the parsing of this syllable into a degenerate foot as below?
(64) (baT)(Ta)<h>
that PARSE-σ must dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ, so that we can account for the stressing of a light
penult, and that PARSE-σ must be dominated by NONFINAL, so that we can account for how a final light
and heavy syllable fails to surface with main word-stress. We then conclude that NONFINAL dominates
FOOT-BINARITYµ as in the following partially ranked domination hierarchy:
Constraint Ranking
It also renders a final superheavy syllable (e.g. kasaat) heavy.
In so doing, we commit ourselves to the violation of FOOT-BINARITYµ. Consider
Tableau (26)
Input: /baTTah/ NONFINALµ FOOT-BINARITYµ Parse-σ
a- (baT)Ta<h> *
b- (baT)(Ta)<h> *
The two candidates, (a) and (b), each violate either PARSE-σ or FOOT-BINARITYµ. If
PARSE-σ dominates FOOT-BINARITYµ, (b) becomes the optimal output form. If the
ordering is the other way around, (a) wins the competition. To get the correct surface
Tableau (27)
Input: /baTTah/ FOOT-BINARITYµ Parse-σ
a-"(baT)Ta<h> *
b- (baT)(Ta)<h> *!
Notice that this ranking contradicts our previous conclusion that PARSE-σ must
dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ which is needed to insure that a light penult receives main
PARSE-σ, we wrongly predict that stress falls on the first syllable of /katabaha/:
Tableau (28)
Input: /katabaha/ FOOT-BINARITYµ PARSE-σ
a- !" (kata)ba<ha>102 *
b- (kata)(ba)<ha> *!
Here the final mora, not the final syllable, is meant to be unfooted. But the angled brackets enclose the
whole final syllable so as not to confuse the parse in (a) with another parse (kata)ba.h<a> where it may be
wrongly perceived that the syllable which falls to the right of the foot is a heavy syllable.
To derive the correct stress pattern in /katabaha/, we need to posit that PARSE-σ
dominates FOOT-BINARITYµ:
Tableau (29)
Input: /katabaha/ PARSE-σ FOOT-BINARITYµ
a- (kata)ba<ha> *!
b- " (kata)(ba)<ha> *
The problem then is as follows: The constraint ranking in (65) can account for the
stress pattern in words like /baTTah/, but cannot account for the stress pattern in words
like /katabaha/. The constraint ranking in (66) can do exactly the opposite: it can account
for the stress pattern in /katabaha/, but cannot account for the stress pattern in /baTTah/.
is almost impossible to have a light penult surface with main word-stress without having
it make up a degenerate foot by itself (see 38 and 39 above). In other words, for stress to
Given the fact that PARSEσ must dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ (Cf. 66 above),
one may wonder if there is still some way to get the correct surface form for /baTTah/.
Notice that when the requirement of NONFINALµ is met, the remaining part of /baTTah/
is parsed as follows:
(67) (baT)(Ta)<h>
If this parse were correct, we could propose that stress terminates on the syllable over
which the leftmost foot is erected because that syllable is heavy. One possible solution to
have /baTTah/ surface with penult stress is then to posit a constraint that requires the
Heavy syllables are stressed.
However, in order to do get penult stress on /baTTah/, we need to have WSP outrank
Tableau (30)
Input: /baTTah/ WSP MAIN-RIGHT
b-" (baT)(Ta)<h> *
c- (baT)(Ta)<h> *!
The problem with this analysis is that it predicts that a heavy syllable will be more
likely to receive main word-stress, even if it falls outside the three-syllable window, than
the head syllable of the rightmost foot of the prosodic word. Recall that in Arabic stress
falls on one of the last three syllables of the word; a light penult or antepenult is more
likely to receive stress than a heavy syllable in pre-antepenult position. The ordering of
WSP above MAIN-RIGHT does not guarantee this; rather, it yields incorrect stress
patterns whenever a heavy syllable falls outside the three-syllable window. Consider the
following example:
Tableau (31)
Input: /muštarika/ Lx=Pr WSP MR Pσ FBµ
a-!"(muš)(tari)<ka> * *
b- (muš)(tari)<ka> *! *
To have main word-stress fall on the light antepenult, not on the heavy pre-
Tableau (32)
Input: /muštarika/ Lx=Pr MR WSP Pσ FBµ
a- (muš)(tari)<ka> *! *
b- " (muš)(tari)<ka> * *
But again, the ranking of MAIN-RIGHT above WSP creates the problem why a word
Tableau (33)
Input: /baTTah/ Lx=Pr MR WSP Pσ FF
a-!" (baT)(Ta)<h> *! *
b- (baT)(Ta)<h> *
We again run into an ordering paradox: Ranking WSP above MAIN-RIGHT can account
for penult stress in /baTTah/, but cannot account for antepenult stress in /muštarikah/.On
the other hand, ranking WSP above MAIN-RIGHT can do exactly the opposite.
NONFINAL is interpreted under a moraic analysis. Given the fact that PARSEσ has to
uniform analysis for /baTTah/, /katabaha/ and /muštarikah/ by resorting to our original
suggestion that NONFINAL be interpreted under a syllabic analysis, i.e., the final
The final syllable should not be footed
Consider how the correct surface forms for /katabaha/, /baTTah/, and /muštarika/ are
Tableau (34)
Input: /katabaha/ TR Lx=Pr MR NFσ Pσ FBµ
a- " (kata)(ba)<ha> *
b- (kata)ba<ha> *!
Tableau (35)
Input: /baTTah/ TR Lx=Pr MR NFσ Pσ FBµ
a- " (baT)Tah *
b- (baT)(Tah) *!
Tableau (36)
Input: /muštarika/ TR Lx=Pr MR NFσ Pσ FBµ
a- "(muš)(tari)<ka> *
b- (muš)(tari)<ka> *! *
This constitutes evidence that NONFINAL must be interpreted under the syllabic
Having shown that parameterizing NONFINALσ can account for how superheavy
syllables (in contrast to light and heavy syllables) attract stress in final position, let us
consider how parameterizing WSP can do the same job. If it turns out that it does, then
It has been shown in 3.3.1 above that stress in Arabic is subject to syllable weight
restrictions, where superheavy syllables are more likely to receive stress than heavy
syllables which, in turn, are more likely to receive stress than light syllables. In OT
heavy syllables:
Notice that under this analysis, we need not invoke WSP at all. The remaining constraints conspire to
yield stress on a heavy syllable when needed.
Heavy syllables must be stressed.
Notice that the WSP does not differentiate between heavy and superheavy syllables as far
as word prominence is concerned. WSP only makes a two-way contrast: light syllables
superheavy syllables on the one hand, versus heavy and light syllables on the other. This
contrast is only manifest in final position in Arabic. Due to the fact that a superheavy
syllable (σµµµ) is more likely to attract main word-stress than a heavy syllable (σµµ),
WSP(σµµµ) should then outrank WSP(σµµ), which in turn outranks WSP (σµ)
WSP(σµµµ) >> WSP(σµµ) >> WSP(σµ)104
What we need to do next is to find out how this parameterization of WSP can
account for the fact that stress appears on the final syllable iff (if and only if) it is
superheavy. This requires that we find out not only the relative ranking of WSP(σµµµ)
and WSP(σµµ) with respect to each other, but also the relative ranking of WSP(σµµµ) and
WSP(σµµ) with respect to other constraints. Crucial here is the relative ranking of
NONFINALσ. Otherwise, a final superheavy syllable cannot be footed, and thus cannot
As final superheavy syllables are contrasted with both light and heavy syllables, only WSP(σµµ) is used
to contrast with WSP(σµµµ).
receive main word-stress. On the other hand, NONFINALσ must outrank WSP(σµµ), so
that a final heavy syllable is not footed, and so surfaces stressless in final position.
WSP(σµµµ) >> NONFINAL >> WSP(σµµ)
The basic insight of (72) is that while a heavy syllable can be skipped over, due to
NONFINAL, but a heavy syllable fails to receive stress because WSP(σµµ) is dominated
Tableau (37)
Input: /baT.Tah/ Lx=Pr TR MR WSP NF WSP Pσ FBµ A-F- A-F-R
(σµµµ) (σµµ) L
a-"(baT)Tah * * *
b- (baT)(Tah) *! * * *
Tableau (38)
Input: /šan.taat/ Lx=Pr TR MR WSP NF WSP Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
(σµµµ) (σµµ)
a-" (šan)(taat) * * * * *
b- (šan)taat *! * *
In both cases, the correct surface form is derived. In Tableau (37), a final heavy syllable
(σµµ) fails to surface with main word-stress simply because it would otherwise violate
We conclude that Parametrizing WSP can also account for the fact that
superheavy syllables, unlike light and heavy syllables, attract stress in final position. The
question that should be addressed now is: Which alternative should be adopted?
Before resolving this issue, a further point is in order. When the function GEN
provides an output form that contains more than one stressed syllable, MAIN-RIGHT
guarantees that one of them is main, and the remaining ones are secondary, for implicit in
MAIN-RIGHT is the assumption that of all the feet constructed over the word, the
rightmost contains the syllable with main word-stress. The question that promptly arises
is: How does one rule out multiple stresses? For, in Arabic, a heavy syllable that does not
constitute the rightmost foot is never stressed. To clarify this point, let us consider the
following Tableau:
Tableau (39)
Input: /jaadalatu/ Lx=Pr MR WSP Pσ A-F-L A-F-R
a- (jaa)(dala)<tu> * * * *,***
b- !" (jaa)(dala)<tu> * * *,***
c- (jaa)(dala)<tu> *! * * *,***
According to Tableau (39), the unattested [jaadalatu] fares better than the actual form
[jaadalatu] violates WSP. The constraint ranking in (72) above helps to settle the conflict
between (a) and (c) in favor of (a) in Tableau (39) above, but it does not help to settle the
competition between (a) and (b). On the contrary, it wrongly predicts that the unattested
[jaadalatu] fares better than the actual surface form [jaadalatu] on the whole set of
constraints. For further clarification, consider how the unattested [maktabna] defeats the
Tableau (45)
Input: /maktabna/ Lx=Pr MR WSP Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R
a- (mak)(tab)<na> * * * *,**
b-!(mak)(tab)<na> * * *,**
c-(mak)(tab)<na> *! * * *,**
According to Tableau (40) above, output (c) is excluded altogether because it violates
MAIN-RIGHT, a high-ranking constraint. The competition between (a) and (b) cannot be
resolved on this basis because the unattested output (b), in addition to satisfying MAIN-
RIGHT, incurs fewer violations than the actual output form on the entire set of
constraints. Specifically, whereas the actual form violates WSP, the unattested form
satisfies it.
To resolve the conflict between the forms in (a) and (b) in Tableaus (39) and (40)
above, we once more need to posit a new constraint which is violated by the unattested
forms [maktabna] and [jaadalatu], but satisfied by the actual forms [maktabna] and
[jaadalatu]. This new constraint has to outrank WSP which is violated by the actual
output forms.
Recall from 3.3.3 above that most studies on Arabic word-stress confirm that
Arabic does not distinguish between degrees of stress. In Arabic, every word has only
one main stress, with no secondary stresses whatsoever (see Mitchell 1960 among
others). This fact is not only particular to Arabic, many languages do exactly the same
thing. To account for this tendency in an OT framework, Hammond (1999: 308) proposes
*Secondary (*2)
Secondary stresses are dispreferred
Consider Tableaus (39) and (40) reproduced as (41) and (42) respectively, where
Tableau (41)
Input: /jaadalatu/ Lx=Pr MR *2 WSP NF Pσ FF A-F-L A-F-R
a-" (jaa)(dala)<tu> * * * *,***
b- (jaa)(dala)<tu> *! * * *,***
Tableau (42)
Input: /maktabna/ Lx=Pr MR *2 WSP NF Pσ FF A-F-L A-F-R
a-" (mak)(tab)<na> * * * *,**
b- (mak)(tab)<na> *! * * *,**
According to Tableaus (41) and (42), although the actual forms violate WSP, they win
the competition because they do not violate *SECONDARY. Their competitors (output b
in each Tableau) lose the competition because they each violate this higher-ranking
Given the constraint ranking in (73) above, consider how the actual form can defeat its
Tableau (43)
Input: /maktabna/ TR Lx=PR MR *2 NF Pσ FBµ A-F-L A-F-R WSP105
a- maktabna *!
b. (mak)(tab)<na> *! * * *,**
b- (mak)(tab)<na> *! * * *,**
c- maktab(na) *! * ** **
d- mak(tab)<na> *!* * * *
e- (ma)k(tab)<na> * *! * **
f-"(mak)(tab)<na> * * ** *
WSP is ranked very low because we will see later that we can make do without it.
Tableau (43) above shows that the optimal form can defeat all other competitors
without even invoking WSP. This suggests that the former alternative (i.e. parameterizing
One reason why we choose to dispense with WSP (or at least rank it far down the
hierarchy) is that a heavy syllable may be stressless in Arabic. A heavy syllable that is
antepenultimate position is not stressed; and a heavy syllable in final position is not
stressed, either. It is only when the heavy syllable occurs in penult position that it is
a. ?adwiyatuhu
b. jaadalatu 106
c. maktabah
d. mak tabna
In terms of constraint ranking, this amounts to saying that WSP is ranked low enough in
the domination hierarchy that its impact is not even noticeable. The fact that a heavy
position, falls out as a result of the interaction of the remaining set of constraints. The
RIGHT guarantees that a heavy syllable in penult position gets main word-stress (e.g.
RIGHT guarantees that a superheavy syllable gets main word-stress (e.g. (ka)(saat)).
In some dialects of Arabic, e.g. Urban Hijazi Arabic (Abaalkhail 1998: 220-221), stress goes to the
heavy antepenult.
Unlike possibly all previous treatments of Arabic word-stress, we assume that
weight, but to whether or not it gets parsed. As a heavy syllable is invisible to parsing in
final position, it escapes stress; but as a superheavy syllable is more visible to parsing in
that position, it ultimately surfaces stressed. By the same token, a heavy syllable in
penultimate position surfaces stressed because it gets parsed. The more visible to parsing
the syllable is, the more likely it surfaces stressed. Since MAIN-RIGHT is undominated
in Arabic, our analysis entails that the rightmost foot is the head of the prosodic word in
Arabic, irrespective of the intrinsic weight of the syllable(s) over which that foot is
erected. This top-most ranking of MAIN-RIGHT is supported by the fact that a light
penult and a light antepenult surface with main word-stress even if they are preceded by a
A uniform analysis of the place of main stress in Arabic can be accounted for
without invoking WSP at all. The other constraints conspire to yield the correct stress
patterns whenever a heavy syllable surfaces with main word-stress. This is so because
have syllables of varying weight pair together to make up one single foot. WSP is
latter case, when the foot is constructed over two syllables of different weight, i.e. (LH)
or (HL), WSP must conspire with some alignment constraint (e.g. IAMBIC,
TROCHAIC) to yield the correct stress patterns107. In a trochaic system, the problem
Coversely, in an iambic system the problem arises when the left leg of the foot is a heavy syllable that
surfaces stressed (HL). In this case, IAMBIC must be ranked above FOOT-BINARITYσ.
arises when the right leg of the foot is a heavy syllable that surfaces stressed, i.e. (LH). In
this case, we need to invoke a constraint such as WSP to account for the prominence of
the heavy syllable. To do just that, we need to allow the violation of FOOT-
string like LH is footed as L(H) instead of (LH). This problem does not arise under the
FOOT-BINARITYµ, makes up a foot by itself. All in all, the need for WSP diminishes
With the constraint ranking in (75) above, we conclude the discussion of how the
set of universal and violable constraints which interact to yield main word-stress are
ranked in Arabic. However, before we close up this section, a further point is in order. In
3.2.1 above, the whole set of universal and violable constraints is surveyed. One may
wonder why some of the constraints that are introduced in 3.2.1 above (namely, WORD-
account for the place of main word-stress in Arabic, though the assumption that is
adopted throughout is that all these constraints are literally present in each and every
It will be shown later that WSP is needed in English for this reason. In English, where FOOT-
BINARITY is interpreted under a syllabic analysis, feet are trochaic. However, in a word like ‘agenda’, it
turns out that stress goes to the heavy penult. The problem is clearer when we know that in English the final
syllable is, due to NONFINAL, unfooted, so /agenda/ is, due to FOOT-BINARITYσ and NONFINALσ,
parsed as (agen)<da>. If this parse were optimal, stress would, due to TROCHAIC, go to the antepenult.
To avoid this unhappy conclusion, a constraint like WSP is badly needed. When WSP is ranked higher than
FOOT-BINARITYσ, a(gen)<da> becomes a better parse than (agen)da, and stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT
terminates correctly on the heavy penult, i.e. a(gen)da.
language. It suffices here to say that those constraints are ranked low enough to the extent
that their impact is not even noticeable in Arabic. They are dominated by the whole set of
constraint; even if some output forms violate these constraints, they still have the
opportunity to surface as the actual output form as long as they satisfy higher-ranking
3.4.1 Conclusion
In order to account for main word-stress in Arabic, the following constraint ranking is put
This ranking has been obtained by advancing the following following generalizations:
The other constraints are left out because they are ranked low enough that their impact is not even
noticeable in Arabic.
Under the analysis that WSP is parameterized, the following generalizations hold:
a. WSP(σµµµ) must dominate NONFINALσ. (šan)(taat) is a better parse than (šan)taat.
b. WSP(σµµµ) must dominate FOOT-BINARITYµ. (šan)(taat) is a better parse than
c. MAIN-RIGHT must dominate WSP. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse than
d. *SECONDARY must dominate WSP. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse than
a. TROCHAIC must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
b. MAIN-RIGHT must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
than (jaa)(dala)<tu>
c. Lx=Pr must dominate NONFINALσ. (min) is a better parse than min.
d. *SECONDARY must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
than (jaa)(dala)<tu>
II. The other constraints, although they are all dominated by higher ranking
constraints, they are ranked relative to each other:
3.5 Constraint interaction in English111
In the previous section, the facts and generalizations regarding stress assignment in
Arabic from an optimality-theoretic standpoint are laid out. The goal has been to find out
how the universal and violable constraints interact to yield the correct stress pattern in
that language. In this section, I try to do the same for English. However, I should make
clear that a comprehensive treatment of the English stress system from this standpoint is
beyond the scope of this research project for at least two reasons.
First, since the primary goal of this research project is to see how the grammar of
stress in L1 influences the acquisition of the stress system in L2, our focus should be on
those aspects of L1 that transfer to L2. Given the constraint ranking in L1, we can make
find out how the ranking of constraints in L1 transfers to L2. As for the English stress
system, what is important to us is to see how the basic facts and generalizations regarding
English stress can be utilized in the context of second language acquisition. Specifically,
Second, the stress system in English exhibits irregularities. As the bulk of the
discussion assumes a uniform analysis of stress, we mainly attend to cases that exhibit
The basic facts and generalizations laid out in this section are entirely based upon Hammond (1999) and
Pater (1995).
the place of secondary stresses are “extremely murky and exception-ridden” in English
Our main goal here is to figure out the basic facts and generalizations regarding
words and the basic facts regarding the distribution of secondary stresses will be broadly
sketched out.
In monomorphemic words, not only is primary stress almost always rightmost, but it also
falls on one of the last three syllables (i.e. ultima, penult and antepenult). In other words,
Hammond (1999: 192-330), the rules governing the distribution of stress among the last
It may end with a consonant cluster in the case of nouns but only if the second consonant of the cluster
is a coronal (a coronal is nonmoraic)
III. The antepenult is stressed under the following condition(s)
a. the ultima must be a syllabic [r] or [n] in the case of verbs and
adjectives, and cannot be closed by a cluster in the case of nouns.
b. the penult cannot be bimoraic (i.e., a heavy syllable cannot be skipped
over in this position) 113
It is quite patent that these generalizations depend crucially on the notion of the mora.
The most relevant question that has to be addressed here is: What constitutes a mora in
English? In the following section, we try to investigate this issue in order to see how the
Syllable weight in English turns out to be crucial for stress assignment, so the question
arises as to what makes a syllable light, heavy, or even superheavy. Hammond (1999:
103-148) suggests that vowels, diphthongs and coda consonants be divided into subsets
depending on how many moras each contributes to the weight of the syllable. Some
subsets of phonemes contribute one mora; some of them optionally contribute one mora;
some of them contribute two moras; some of them contribute three moras; and some of
them contribute none. The following chart is taken from Hammond (1999:137):
Intrinsic mora count
Lax vowels µ
Tense vowels µµ
[ay,yu] µµ
[aw, y]114 µµµ
The penult can be bimoraic and still skipped over in the following two cases (i) it contains [i, u, e, o]
prevocalically, e.g., Bedouin, or (ii) the ultima contains a syllabic [r], e.g. cylinder, or [i] burgundy.
coronals115 (µ)
Noncoronals µ
[ž, ŋ] µµ
[, r] Ø
[] Ø
In addition to proposing the mora counts in (79) above, Hammond puts forward the
following mora assignment principles that refer to neighboring segments (the designated
sound is underlined):
Hammond (1999: 141) argues that coronals fail to contribute a mora in the following
Hammond (1999: 135-6) imposes a trimoraic limit in that no single phoneme contributes more than
three moras to the weight of the syllable in which it occurs, and that no syllable contains more than three
Coronals are sounds produced with the front of the tongue (the corona) as the main articulator. This
class includes dental and alveolar sounds [θ, , t, d, s, z, n, l, r] (Hammond 1999: 4).
(81) 116
a. if preceded by [aw, y], e.g. pout [pawt], simply because these diphthongs are
b. if preceded by a tense vowel (that is bimoraic) or diphthong (that is bimoraic) plus
a consonant, e.g. pounce [pawns].
c. the second member in the sequence lax vowel + C+ COR + COR, e.g. text [tєkst]
The difference between [pawns] in (81b) and [tekst] in (81c) above as far as coronals are
concerned is that in [pawns] neither [n] nor [s] contributes moras, but in [tekst] the first
The overall purpose of dividing vowels, diphthongs and coda consonants into subsets
syllables are at least bimoraic; syllables that fall to the right of the syllable which carries
main stress are at most monomoraic (Hammond 1999: 202). However, following the
usual tack of Optimality Theory, we assume that all syllables (not just stressed syllables)
According to Hammond (1999: 135-6), the overall purpose of this distribution is to maintain a minimum
and maximum size restriction. For example, lax vowels do not occur word-finally because a word must be
at least bimoraic. Words like *[b] are ill-formed. Likewise, only a coronal consonant can close a syllable
whose nucleus is [aw] or [y] because syllables are maximally trimoraic.
The /n/ in [pawns] does not contribute a mora because of (81a) above
The /s/ in [pawns] does not contribute a mora because of POST-MORA in (80) above
The /s/ in [tekst] contributes a mora because of POST-MORA in (80) above
The /t/ in [tekst] does not contribute a mora because of (81c) above.
The fact that some syllables are not bimoraic on the surface can be accounted for by
example, Hammond (1999: 249) argues that only a schwa is allowed as the nucleus of
final closed syllables (e.g. hammock, dollop, gamut, etc.). With the proposal that the
schwa is moraless (see 79 above), only monomoraic and zero-moraic syllables can occur
to the right of any stressed syllable. The key constraint in Hammond’s analysis is
REDUCTION, that forces the nucleus of a closed syllable to reduce (and thereby be
* vc]σ
BIMORAICITY. REDUCTION forces the vowel occupying the nucleus of the syllable to
reduce to schwa. This basically means that the final closed syllable in [hammk] counts
as one mora: the /k/ contributes a mora, but the // does not (see 79 above), and so we
Hammond’s formulation of this constraint is:
All syllables are at least bimoraic (Hammond 1999: 207)
Hammond’s formulation of this constraint is:
Stressless preconsonantal vowels are nonmoraic (Hammond 1999: 207).
Tableau (44)
Input: /hammock/ RED BIM
a- hammock120 *!
b-" hammck *
As expected, (a) does not surface as optimal because it violates the higher-ranking
constraint REDUCTION. Output (b), on the other hand, wins the competition because it
satisfies REDUCTION. The fact that (b) violates BIMORAIC does not prevent it from
winning the competition. This should establish the domination relation between
In terms of mora count, Hammond (1999: 201) proposes that “penultimate stress in nouns
is possible only if the word-final coda contributes no more than one mora”. This is
consistent with the proposal stated above that only monomoraic and zero-moraic
syllables can occur to the right of a stressed syllable, the penult in this case.
REDUCTION, every final closed syllable surfaces stressless. This is not a happy
conclusion because we have words like [bassinet] where the final closed syllable is
stressed. One way to solve this problem is to propose that REDUCTION is dominated by
some higher-ranking constraint. Hammond (1999:269) adopts the solution (first outlined
in Halle and Vergnaud 1987; Hammond 1989a, 1989b) that words like [bassinet] are
exceptional cases that are accented underlyingly, and so escape REDUCTION. In other
For the time being, we ignore how the word is footed.
words, a syllable that would otherwise surface as monomoraic or zero-moraic is accented
Accented elements are stressed
Tableau (45)
Input: /bassinet/ FA RED BIMO
a-" (bassi)(net) *
b- (bassi)(nt) *! *
According to Tableau (45) above, output (a) violates REDUCTION, and output (b)
violates FAITH. The fact that /bassinet/ surfaces with ultimate stress suggests that
FAITH should dominate REDUCTION. Output (a) surfaces as optimal because, even
though it violates REDUCTION, it satisfies FAITH. This constitutes evidence for the
and BIMORAICITY on the one hand and FAITH and REDUCTION on the other. It is
This constraint is a Faithfulness constraint; it is undominated in English. What this means is that in
English, Faithfulness constraints dominate Markedness constraints. In Arabic, however, it has been shown
that markedness constraints are undominated. It will turn out that this is one of the basic differences
between English and Arabic as far as main word-stress patterns are concerned. We will talk about this point
in detail later.
BIMORACITY, too. The partially stratified hierarchy reached so far looks like (84)
Let us introduce some other constraints that are needed to derive the correct stress
patterns in English monomorphemic words. First of all, every content word must receive
at least one stress. This requirement can be captured by assuming that Lx=Pr is
undominated in English (where Lx stands for lexical word, and Pr for prosodic word):
Every lexical word must be a prosodic word
restriction on words. Every higher-level prosodic category must have the next available
PW = Prosodic Word
F = Foot
σ = Syllable
µ = Mora
Accordingly, the next available prosodic category to function as the head of the prosodic
word (PW) is the foot (F). Without a foot constructed over it, the prosodic word surfaces
headless, i.e., with no stress whatsoever. Therefore, each content word must minimally
contain a foot. The constraint that defines the form of the foot is FOOT-BINARITY
formulated below:
Feet are binary under syllabic or moraic analysis (i.e. consist of exactly two
syllables or two moras)
concerned, we propose that the constraint that defines the form of the foot (i.e. Foot-
Feet are binary under moraic analysis (i.e. consist of exactly two moras)
Under this analysis, any foot that consists of one mora (µ), or more than two moras (e.g.
analysis in English. We have asserted earlier that all English syllables must satisfy
BIMORAIC, i.e. must be at least bimoraic. If this is true, then each and every syllable
that no new insight would be gained by proposing the notion of the foot because each
syllable would make up a foot by itself. To avoid this conclusion, we need to adopt the
Feet are binary under syllabic analysis (i.e. each consists of exactly two
Under this analysis, the foot is independently motivated because no other prosodic unit
For an alternative view, see Lee (1999: 39).
Tableau (46)
Input: /America/ FOOT-BINARITY-σ
a- A(me)rica *!
b- "A(meri)ca
According to Tableau (46), (b) is a better parse than (a) because it satisfies FOOT-
BINARITY-σ, which requires that every foot consist of two syllables (σσ), irrespective
should be pointed out that if FOOT-BINARITY-σ were never violated, output (c) in
Tableau (47)
Input: /America/ FOOT-BINARITY-σ
a- Ameri(ca) *!
b- A(me)(rica) *!
c- (Ame)(rica)
d- (A)(meri)ca *!
In fact, none of the candidates in Tableau (47) above wins the competition. The optimal
parse for /America/ is A(meri)ca. Let us see how this can happen.
constraint that requires the last syllable of the lexical word to remain unfooted. In order to
parse /America/ into metrical feet, the first step is to render the last syllable unfooted as
(86) Ameri<ca>
Once the last syllable is unfooted, then the remaining part of the word can be parsed into
a. A(meri)ca
b. (Ame)rica
The only difference between (87a) and (87b) is related to the directionality of footing.
(87a) is the optimal parse if syllables are grouped into binary feet from left to right; (87b)
is optimal if it is the other way around, i.e., from right to left. We will attend to this issue
later. For the time being, what is important is the fact that NONFINALσ must dominate
However, it should be made clear that NONFINALσ itself is not top-ranked in English,
either. Otherwise, a word like /hat/ would be entirely unfooted125. To avoid this unhappy
Until now, NONFINAL is undominated, so it is top-ranked. If it turns out that it is dominated by some
other constraint, it will be demoted one step below the constraint which dominates it.
Notice that FOOT-BINARITY-σ is demoted one step below NONFINAL. There is no need to demote it
to a lower position unless it turns out that it is dominated by some constraint(s) that occupy a lower position
in the hierarchy. In other words, demotion must be minimal.
Rendering the entire word extrametrical (i.e. unfooted) is a violation of the nonexhaustivity restriction
on extrametricality (see Hung 1995: 7).
Consider Tableau (48) below:126
Tableau (48)
a- hæt *!
b- (hæt) * *
The reason why output (a) fails to win the competition is that it fails to comply
with the requirement that at least one foot be constructed over every word. If this
violation were permissible, one would expect some lexical words to surface with no
stress whatsoever. As each and every English content word must be stressed, a violation
of Lx=Pr is then fatal. According to Tableau (48) above, the violation of NONFINALσ
the principle that the constraint(s) violated by the suboptimal structure (output a in this
case) must dominate all constraints violated by the optimal structure (output b). Lx=Pr
least one foot constructed over the prosodic word is more compelling than the
requirement to have the last syllable unfooted or to have a foot of a certain type.
Another constraint that must dominate NONFINAL is FAITH. The fact that a
final closed syllable can be stressed (i.e. bassinet) due to FAITH tells us that FAITH
must outrank NONFINAL; otherwise, that syllable can never be part of a metrical foot,
and thus can never be stressed. Consider Tableau (49) where FAITH and NONFINAL are
Notice also that output (b) in Tableau (48) above, which wins the competition, violates FOOT-
BINARITY-σ. After all, /hat/ is a monosyllabic word.
Tableau (49)
Input: /bassinet/ FAITH NONFINALσ
a- (bassi)net *
b- (bassi)(net) *
Output (a) violates FAITH, and output (b) violates NONFINALσ. To get [bassinet], we
Tableau (50)
Input: /bassinet/ FAITH127 NONFINALσ
a- (bassi)net *!
b-" (bassi)(net) *
The domination hierarchy in (90) correctly shows that FAITH dominates REDUCTION
In a word like /America/, unfooting the last syllable does not render the entire
word extrametrical because at least one foot can be constructed over the remaining
Tableau (51)
Input: /America/ Lx=Pr NONFINALσ
a- A(meri)(ca) *!
b- "A(meri)ca
Output (b) is a better parse than (a) simply because (b), in addition to satisfying Lx=Pr,
satisfies NONFINALσ. The question arises as to how main word-stress terminates on the
antepenult in /America/.
It should be pointed out that any output form that satisfies FAITH trivially satisfies Lx=Pr by virtue of
the fact that at least one foot is constructed over the prosodic word. FAITH and Lx=Pr are undominated in
First of all, it should be pointed out that output (b) in Tableau (51) above is not
the only parse of /America/ that satisfies NONFINALσ. There are other parses that can
(Ame)(ri)ca, (Ame)rica, etc. Given the set of constraints introduced so far, it is unclear
which of these is the optimal parse. Other constraints need to come into play.
We need, for example, a constraint that forces syllables to be footed. To this end,
Syllables must be footed
This constraint favors footed output to unfooted output. As for the ranking of PARSEσ
relative to other constraints, recall that we have already suggested that the final syllable
in polysyllabic words, due to NONFINALσ, should not be footed, and that feet
this means is that both NONFINAL and FOOT-BINARITYσ must dominate PARSE-σ.
words to surface stressless. A(meri)ca is then a better parse than A(meri)(ca) or any other
parse where the final syllable is part of a metrical foot. In other words, it is not a
necessary condition that syllables be exhaustively parsed into feet. We assume that some
syllables, other than the final syllable, to surface unfooted. (A)(meri)ca and (Ame)(ri)ca
are then ruled out because they violate FOOT-BINARITYσ. The reason why we may
want our domination hierarchy to rule out these two parses is that stress in (Ame)(ri)ca,
for example, would surface on the penult128- a state of affairs that we want to avoid
competition for optimality is limited to A(meri)ca and (Ame)rica. Consider the following
Tableau (52)
Input: /America/ Lx=Pr Nonfinalσ Foot-Binarityσ Parseσ
a- A(meri)ca **
b- (Ame)rica **
c- (A)(meri)ca *! *
d- (Ame)(ri)ca *! *
e- Ameri(ca) *! * ***
f- America *! ****
According to Tableau (66) above, outputs (e) and (f) are excluded from the competition
because they violate the higher ranking constraints Lx=Pr and NONFINALσ,
respectively. Outputs (c) and (d) are, too, ruled out because they violate FOOT-
BINARITYσ. Outputs (a) and (b) fare equally on all the constraints introduced so far:
If FOOT-BINARITY-σ were dominated by PARSE-σ, stress would surface on the penult in (Ame)(ri)ca
because MAIN-RIGHT (which requires the rightmost foot to be the head of the prosodic word) is
undominated in English. This idea will be discussed in detail later.
If the relative ranking of FOOT-BINARITY-σ and PARSE-σ were correct, one may wonder if
degenerate feet (i.e. feet that consist of one syllable) are sanctioned at all. We argue that this ranking is
correct and that degenerate feet are sanctioned by higher-ranking constraints such as Lx=Pr (e.g. hat),
FAITH (e.g. bassinet) and WSP (e.g. agenda).
To decide between (a) and (b), we still need one more constraint. Recall that in
English stress in monomorphemic words does not fall on a pre-antepenult syllable. This
suggests that feet should be aligned with the right edge of the word in English.130
Align each foot with the word on the right edge.131
Tableau (53)
Input: /America/ Lx=Pr Nonfinalσ Foot-Binarityσ A-F-R Parseσ
a- A(meri)ca * **
b- (Ame)rica *!* **
c- (A)(meri)ca *! *,*** *
d- (Ame)(ri)ca *! *,** *
e- Ameri(ca) *! * ***
f- America *! ****
Notice that in Arabic, too, stress does not fall on a pre-antepenult syllable; yet A-F-L is said to dominate
A-F-R. This is so because in English no counting between the stressed syllable and a preceding heavy
syllable or word boundary in terms of light syllables is involved. In Arabic, stressing the penult or the
antepenult in long words requires that an independent foot separate the stressed syllable from the preceding
heavy syllable (which makes up a foot by itself due to the fact that Arabic feet are moraic trochees) or the
word boundary. In case of words consisting of three light syllables (CVCV)CV, the last syllable remains
unfooted due to NONFINAL; and stress, due to TROCHAIC, goes to the antepenult which is the head of
the foot. In the case of four light syllables (CVCV)(CV)CV, the last syllable is unfooted due to
NONFINAL; stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT, goes to the penult (notice that it is the one that is separated
from the word boundary by an even number of light syllables). This conclusion cannot be reached without
having a left-to-right parsing where the first and second syllable make up one foot and the third syllable
makes up a degenerate foot by itself (which will, due to MAIN-RIGHT, be the one that carries primary
stress). In words consisting of four light syllables, if syllables are parsed into metrical feet on a right-to-left
basis, the second syllable and third syllable will make up one foot and the first syllable will make up a
degenerate foot by itself (CV)(CVCV)CV, and stress will, due to TROCHAIC, go to the antepenult
(CV)(CVCV)CV-- which is not a happy conclusion, of course. In the case of a preceding heavy syllable,
that syllable will act like a word boundary and footing always starts anew after that syllable. In Arabic,
then, there must always be an independent foot consisting of two light syllables that separates the stressed
syllable (be it the penult or the antepenult) from the left edge of the word or a preceding heavy syllable.
Any foot that is not aligned with the rightmost edge of the word constitutes a violation to ALL-FEET-
RIGHT. The number of violations is important; violations of ALL-FEET-RIGHT are counted by the total
number of syllables separating that foot from the right edge of the word.
Due to ALL-FEET-RIGHT, the competition between (a) and (b) is now resolved in favor
of (a). Whereas (a) incurs one violation of ALL-FEET-RIGHT, its competitor (b) incurs
two violations.
The issue regarding the best parsing of /America/ is, thus, resolved by exploiting
ALL-FEET-RIGHT. Notice that this analysis requires, too, the ranking of NONFINAL
With this domination hierarchy, let’s see now why A(meri)ca is a better parse than
To get the correct output (with antepenultimate stress), we need to decide on two
things upfront: (1) whether the head foot (if there is more than one) is aligned with right
or left edge of the word, and (2) whether the head syllable of each foot is aligned with the
right or left edge of the foot. As for the head foot, two constraints are posited:
Align the head-foot with the word on the right edge
Align the head-foot with the word on the left edge
Align the head-syllable with its foot on the right edge
Align the head-syllable with its foot on the left-edge
The fact that main word-stress in English tends to occur as close to the right as
possible tells us that feet are aligned with the right edge of the word. If this were true,
then the optimal parse for /America/ should never be (Ame)(rica); otherwise stress would,
due to MAIN-RIGHT, always terminate on the ultimate or the penult, the two syllables
over which the rightmost foot is constructed. However, if NONFINALσ dominates ALL-
FEET-RIGHT (Cf. 92 above), the requirement to have the last syllable unfooted becomes
stronger than the requirement to align all feet, especially the rightmost one, with the right
edge of the word. In this case, the place of stress in /America/ can be accounted for
because the rightmost foot which, due to MAIN-RIGHT, is the head foot is now
constructed over the penult and the antepenult. In other words, once the final syllable is
considered invisible to parsing, there remain three candidate forms, namely (Ame)(ri)ca,
As for (Ame)(ri)ca and (A)(meri)ca, we have already suggested that these two
parses are ruled out by the proposal that FOOT-BINARITYσ dominates PARSEσ. When
other two competitors, (Ame)(ri)ca and (A)(meri)ca. Not only this, but also (Ame)(ri)ca
and (A)(meri)ca each incur more violations of ALL-FEET-RIGHT than A(meri)ca (Cf.
Tableau 53 above). Once A(meri)ca wins as the optimal parse, MAIN-RIGHT comes into
play to predict that the rightmost foot is the head of the prosodic word. (93) below shows
Having established that due to NONFINALσ, FOOT-BINARITYσ, ALL-FEET-
RIGHT, and MAIN-RIGHT, A(meri)ca is a better parse than all its competitors, there
remains to see which syllable in the rightmost foot is the head of the foot, i.e., the one
Tableau (54)
Input:/America/ Lx=Pr MR TR IM NFσ FBσ A-F-R Pσ
a- A(meri)ca * * **
b- A(meri)ca * * **
According to Tableau (54) above, the only difference between outputs (a) and (b) above
is whether the main foot is TROCHAIC (i.e. left-headed) or IAMBIC (i.e. right-headed).
If we assume that English feet are trochaic, output (a) wins the competition, but if we
assume that they are iambic, output (b) wins. The fact that /America/ surfaces with
antepenult stress gives us straightforward evidence that English feet are left-headed.
appealing to mora count (see 78 above). Syllable weight then plays some role in stress
placement in monomorphemic words. For example, if the ultima contains a long vowel
(e.g. agree, maroon, etc.), it receives main stress. This is true for all words irrespective of
their syntactic categories. The ultima may be skipped over if it is monomoraic in verbs
and adjectives, but it may be stressed in nouns, provided that it is underlyingly accented
(i.e. due to FAITH as in bassinet). Similar restrictions apply on penult and antepenult
stressed syllables. The penult, for example, receives main word-stress iff (if and only if)
it is heavy (e.g. agenda, etc.). All of this points to the fact that syllable weight restrictions
The fact that a final syllable with long vowel (e.g. agree, maroon, etc.) receives
main word-stress entails that NONFINAL is dominated by another constraint that forces
syllables of certain weight to receive stress. This constraint that refers to the weight of the
Heavy syllables must be stressed.
In 3.5.1.a above, it is pointed out that the number of moras that the nucleus and the coda
of the syllable can contribute determines syllable weight. Vowels, diphthongs and coda
consonants are divided into subsets depending on how many moras each subset
contributes to the weight of the syllable. Some subsets, it is hypothesized, contribute one
mora; some of them optionally contribute one mora; some of them contribute two moras;
some of them contribute three moras; and some of them contribute none (see 79 above).
It is also hypothesized that English syllables are maximally trimoraic. Trimoraic syllables
are heavier than bimoraic syllables, and so on. This proposal helps to explain why some
syllables are never skipped over as far as the place of stress is concerned while others are
skipped over in some positions but never in other positions. For example, whereas a CVV
syllable type is never skipped over in final position (e.g. agree, maroon, etc), a CVC
syllable type may be skipped over in that same position (e.g. animal, etc.), but never in
penult position (e.g. agenda, etc.). To capture this insight, Hammond (1999: 264)
(95) …>> WSP(VV) >>…>> WSP(VC) >>
(95) basically says that stressing a /CVV/ syllable type is more compelling than stressing
a /CVC/ syllable type. In terms of mora count, we propose that WSP(VV) counts as three
The fact that a /CVV/ syllable type is always stressed in final position proves that
WSPµµµ dominates NONFINALσ. Conversely, the fact that a CVC syllable type may be
(96) basically says that the weight constraint WSPµµµ may dominate some non-weight
constraint (e.g. NONFINAL) which in turn may dominate another weight constraint (e.g.
WSPµ). For example, in a word like /agree/, the ultima gets stressed not because of
Tableau (55)
Input: /agree/ WSPµµµ NF
a- (ag)ree *!
b-"ag(ree) *
To avoid having stress on the final syllable of /animal/, we need to have NONFINAL
We also propose that when a closed syllable is stressed (e.g. agenda), it counts more than one mora (i.e.
The fact that bassinet is stressed on the final syllable, even though it is a CVC syllable type, is
accounted for by the assumption that stress here is underlying and that FAITH >> NONFINALσ.
Tableau (56)
Input: /animal/ WSPµµ NF WSPµ
a- (ani)(ml) *!
b-" (ani)ml *
Incorporating the domination relation in (96) into (94) above yields (97) below:
In a word like [agenda] where a closed syllable (CVC) gets stressed, the penult
weighs more at least two moras134. In this instance, we need to postulate three
parameterized WSPs: one requires the stressing of a syllable that contributes three moras
(WSPµµµ); another requires the stressing of a syllable that contributes two moras
(WSPµµ); and still a third constraint that requires the stressing of a syllable that
contributes less than two moras (WSPµ). The parameterization of WSP then is as below:
Tableau (57)
input /agenda/ TR WSPµµµ WSPµµ FBσ
a- "a(gen)da *
b- (agen)da *!
c- (agen)da *!
Notice that this accounts for the generalization that if the penult is heavy, it is then
stressed. A point worthy of mention here is that WSPµµ has to dominate FOOT-
The nucleus of the penult is a tense vowel which weighs two moras (see 79 above).
The domination relation between these three parameterized constraints is established by universal
principles in that WSµµµ dominates WSPµµ which in turn dominates WSPµ.
BINARITYσ. Otherwise, the penult in /agenda/ would pair up with the antepenult, and
due to TROCHAIC, stress would terminate on the antepenult, which is not correct.
As for syllables in final position that are closed by more than one consonant (e.g.
alarm, etc.), we also propose that they are stressed iff (if and only if) they weigh more
Tableau (56)
Input: /alarm/ WSPµµµ WSPµµ NF FBσ
a- "a(larm) *! *
b- (a)larm *! *
The question promptly arises as to what happens in a word like /harvest/. Recall
that coronals do not necessarily add to the weight of the syllable. By appealing to the
mora count in (79) above, we see that the difference between /alarm/ on the one hand and
/harvest/ on the other is that the final syllable in /alarm/ contributes more than one mora,
but the final syllable of /harvest/ contributes less than two moras.
As for the ranking of WSPµµ and WSPµ relative to the other constraints, crucial
here is their ordering relative to NONFINAL. In order to get ultimate stress in /alarm/,
WSPµµ has to outrank NONFINAL, but in order to avoid having /harvest/ surface with
Tableau (59)
Input: /harvest/ WSPµµµ WSPµµ NF WSPµ FB
a- " (har)vst * *
b- (har)(vst) *!
What this analysis actually does is put final syllables that contribute more than one mora
in one category as opposed to final syllables that contribute less than two moras. In other
words, it puts word like [alarm] and [agree)in one category, and words like [novelist]
and [animal] in another category. In terms of constraint ranking, WSPµµ has to outrank
We have then argued that WSPµµµ and WSPµµ dominate both FOOT-BINARITYσ
Finally, the fact that stress in monomorphemic words in English does not fall on a
pre-antepenult syllable even if that syllable is of a /CVV/ type proves that WSPµµµ and
WSPµµ are dominated by some higher ranking constraint(s). The most likely constraint to
dominate WSP is MAIN-RIGHT, so that when more than one foot is constructed over the
prosodic word, main word-stress goes to one of the syllables that make up the rightmost
foot even if the feet to the left of it contain a syllable that is bimoraic or even trimoraic.
The ranking of constraints in (100) below shows that MAIN-RIGHT dominates both
Notice that the current domination hierarchy houses WSPµµµ, and WSPµµ, in same rank
relative to the other constraints. They are both dominated by MAIN-RIGHT and they
both dominate NONFINAL. We can collapse them into just one constraint. We suggest
(101) WSP(≥µµ) >> WSP(<µµ)136
What this means is that we put syllables that weigh two or more moras in one category as
opposed to those that weigh less than two moras. The final domination hierarchy is as in
(102) below:
Recall from 3.3.3 above that one of the basic differences between Arabic and English as
far the place of main word-stress is concerned is that in Arabic no distinction is made
In Arabic, suffixes, prefixes and infixes are fused within the phonological word, and
stress assignment is “a function of the total syllable pattern” (Mitchell 1960). Suffixed
and unsuffixed forms are treated alike as far as prominence is concerned in Arabic. This
is, however, not the case in English. Stress patterns characteristic of monomorphemic
In Arabic, we have seen that syllables that contribute one mora (i.e. CV) and syllables that contribute
two moras ( i.e. CVV or CVC) are put in one category as opposed to syllables that contribute three moras
(i.e. CVVC or CVCC).
WSP>µµ << WSP≤µµ
In English, however, syllables that contribute two or more moras are put in one category as opposed to
syllables that contribute less than two moras.
In Arabic, we have seen that NONFINAL is parameterized and WSP is considered irrelevant. We cannot
do the same for English because we cannot account for why a heavy syllable in penult position is stressed.
This is so because in English, unlike in Arabic, FOOT-BINARITY is interpreted under a syllabic analysis.
It seems impossible to get stress on a heavy penult without having it make up a syllable by itself and this
requires that a constraint such as WSP be invoked.
words in English are distinct from those characteristic of polymorphemic words. For
example, whereas stress falls on one of the last three syllables in monomorphemic words
(this is called the three-syllable window), it may fall further to the left in polymorphemic
words. Consider the following examples (stressed syllable in bold; suffix underlined):
Suffixed forms138 also differ from unsuffixed forms in that they allow a heavy
syllable to be skipped over (Hammond 1999: 323). Consider the following examples
(stressed syllable in bold, skipped over heavy syllable in italics, suffix underlined):
The words in (103) and (104) are exceptionally stressed on syllables that would
otherwise surface stressless. This is due to the influence of the suffix. In monomorphemic
words, the rightmost heavy syllable receives main word-stress (e.g. balloon, agenda,
anarchy, etc.). If the words in (104) were monomorphemic words, they would all receive
three-syllable window (Cf. 103 above), and skipping over a heavy syllable (Cf. 104) in
polymorphemic words can be obtained by positing a constraint that penalizes words with
In 3.3.2 above, it is shown that English suffixes fall into three categories as far as stress placement is
concerned (Cf. Cruttenden 1986: 20):
a. suffixes which leave the stress on the stem unaffected, e.g. fulfil/fulfilment; usual/usually
b. suffixes which themselves take the stress, e.g. limit/limitation; picture/picturesque; China/Chinese
c. suffixes which shift the stress on the stem, e.g. economy/economic; curious/curiosity; apply/applicant;
As for the suffixes themselves, we will see shortly that they are extraprosodic, i.e. fall outside the stress
suffixes. Suffixes are considered extraprosodic, i.e., not part of the prosodic word. In OT
constraint. For a suffixed word to surface with stress outside the three-syllable window
(e.g. necessary), or with stress on some syllable other than the rightmost heavy syllable
(motorman), there should be another constraint that dominates all the constraints that
yield main word-stress in monomorphemic words. Let us consider how stress terminates
on some syllable other than the rightmost heavy one in polymorphemic words.
The constraint that is responsible for the stressing of a heavy syllable is WSP.
A heavy syllable must be stressed
In /agenda/, for example, the heavy penult is stressed because of WSP. Consider the
following Tableau:
Tableau (60)
Input: /agenda/ NFσ WSP
a- " a(gen)da
b- (a)genda *!
c- agen(da) *! *
Likewise, if WSP were undominated, stress would wrongly terminate on the heavy penult
in /motorman/:
Tableau (61)
Input: /motorman/ NFσ WSP
a- !" mo(tor)man *
b- (mo)torman *!*
c- motor(man) *! *
To avoid this conclusion, we need to posit a constraint that outranks WSP, so that stress
surfaces on the antepenult in /motorman/. Specifically, we need a constraint that calls for
the skipping over of the heavy penult in /motorman/, but not the heavy penult in /agenda/.
Hammond (1999: 327) proposes a constraint that penalizes all words with
Neutral is posited to explain (1) how stress may fall on some syllable outside the
three-syllable window, and (2) how a heavy syllable may be skipped over in a
polymorphemic word. When some suffix in the word is considered extraprosodic, the set
of constraints that act on the remaining part of the word interact to yield the correct stress
pattern. For example, a word that receives stress on some syllable other than the
rightmost heavy one (e.g. blandishment) can be optimal provided that NEUTRAL is
Tableau (62)
Input: /blandishment/142 NEUTRAL NFσ WSP
a- " (bland)dish≠ment143 **
b- (bland)(dish)≠ment *! **
c- (bland)(dish)ment *! **
Whereas NEUTRAL is high-ranked in English, it is low-ranked in Arabic. We will see later that for
Arabic-speaking learners of English to acquire the stress system of English, they need to keep NEUTRAL
undominated. This can be done by demoting the constraints that dominate NEUTRAL to a lower position.
Hammond’s formulation of this constraint is as below:
Certain affixes cannot be in the prosodic word (Hammond 1999: 327).
Notice that the suffix (i.e. ment) is not a possible carrier of stress because of high-ranking
≠ is used to indicate the boundary of the prosodic word. Notice that once the suffix is not part of the
prosodic word, the penult escapes stress because of NONFINAL.
According to Tableau (62) above, the competition between (a) and (b) is resolved in
favor of (a) because (b) violates NONFINALσ144. However, the competition between (a)
and (c) must be resolved by appealing to some other constraint(s) because both (a) and
(c) satisfy NONFINAL(σ). What we need then is to find out why output (a) surfaces as
the actual form. In [blandishment], the heavy penult (i.e. /dish/) is skipped over.
with antepenultimate stress, WSP has to be dominated by NEUTRAL, so that the output
form that violates NEUTRAL loses the competition for optimality irrespective of how
well it fares on WSP.145 The same should apply to cases where stress falls on a pre-
antepenult syllable (Cf. 82 above). All in all, for stress to surface on some syllable
outside the three-syllable window and for a rightmost heavy syllable in the prosodic word
to be skipped over in suffixed forms, NEUTRAL should dominate all constraints that
Notice that NONFINALσ only affects stemsyllables.
We have seen in 3.3.4 above that a heavy penult is never skipped over in Arabic. We predict that words
such as those in (87) above pose considerable difficulty for native speakers of Arabic as far as prominence
is concerned.
3.5.3 Secondary stresses
Another area that will be broadly sketched out is the place of secondary stresses in
English. Recall from section 3.4 above that most studies of word-stress in Arabic show
that every word has only one main stress and no secondary stress(es) (Cf. Mitchell 1960,
for Egyptian Arabic). Secondary stresses are disallowed in Arabic. English, on the other
hand, distinguishes up to four degrees of stress: primary stress, secondary stress, tertiary
stress and zero stress (unstressed). This basically means that the constraint that militates
*Non-Primary stresses147
Nonprimary stresses are are disallowed
Apart from the issue whether or not languages recognize secondary stresses, there
is still a more complicated issue (which we will not pursue in detail here) related to the
secondary stresses usually fall to the left of the primary stress in monomorphemic words.
Hence, the rightmost stress is, generally speaking, the main stress of the word. Consider
the following examples (syllable with primary stress in bold, syllable with secondary
stress in italics):
However, this generalization does not always hold. Consider the following examples
(syllable with main stress in bold, syllable with secondary stress in italics):
Again we will see later that for native speakers of Arabic to acquire English secondary stress, they need
to demote this constraint (which is top-ranked in their native language) to a lower level.
Hammond (1999) calls this constraint *2nd.
(107) hygiene [hayjin], asset, blaspheme, ribald, apartheid, kerosene [kєrәsin],
Amazon, Afghanistan, cucumber, pinochle, hierarchy, etc.
stress are as follows: (1) “main stress is never separated from the right edge of the word
by more than one secondary stress”, and (2) “the secondary stress that falls to the right is
always either the final syllable or the penult (only if the final syllable is a syllabic
sonorant)”. To capture this generalization, Hammond (1999: 318), postulates that in all
cases where a secondary stress falls to the right of primary stress (Cf. 107 above), the foot
which contains the syllable with the rightmost secondary stress is degenerate.148
Implicit in this is the assumption that for secondary stress to be realized, more
than one foot must be constructed over the word. However, constructing more than one
candidate with one foot incurs fewer violations of ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-FEET-
LEFT than a candidate with two feet, and so on. On the other hand, constructing more
feet over the word entails fewer violations of PARSEσ. Since in English it is more
important to construct more than one foot over the word than to have each and every foot
coincides with the right edge of the word, we must tolerate more violations of ALL-
For how English secondary stress is accounted for in an optimality theoretic approach, see Pater (1995).
It suffices here to say that in a word like / Amazon/ where the final syllable is secondarily stressed, that
final syllable must make up a foot by itself. In terms of constraint ranking, the constraint that calls for the
footing of the final syllable of /Amazon/ must outrank NONFINAL. For ease of exposition, lets assume
that the constraint which calls for the realization of a secondary stress on the final syllable of /Amazon/ is
FAITH2. FAITH2 has then to dominate NONFINALσ.
(108) Constraint ranking
constraint ranking, it is ranked low enough in the domination hierarchy that its impact is
inconsequential in English.
3.5.4 Conclusion
The ranking of constraints in (109) above, while it does not account for every single
token in English, captures the basic generalizations concerning the English stress system,
a. Lx=Pr is undominated because each and every content word has to have at
least one foot constructed over it; otherwise, that word will surface
stressless (Hence it won’t have a head). A(meri)ca is then a better parse
than America.
b. Lx=Pr must dominate NONFINAL so as to avoid rendering the whole
word extrametrical (i.e. unfooted). (cat) is then a better parse than cat.
c. Lx=Pr must dominate FOOT-BINARITY. The need to have at least one
foot constructed over monosyllabic words is greater than the need to have
the foot fit a certain shape. (hat) is a always optimal.
d. FAITH must dominate NONFINAL so that a final closed syllable can be
exceptionally stressed. (bassi)(net) is a better parse than (bassi)net.
e. FAITH must dominate REDUCTION, so that a final closed syllable that is
stressed does not undergo reduction. (bassi)(net) is a better parse than
f. MAIN-RIGHT must dominate WSP so as to allow stress to fall on one of
the last three syllables. (bassi)(net) is a better parse than (bassi)(net).
g. TROCHAIC must dominate IAMBIC, so as to allow feet to be left-
headed. A(meri)ca is a better parse than A(meri)ca.
II. All the other constraints are dominated. Yet some of them are ranked relative
to each other:
hierarchy with that of their native language(s). In cases where the two systems differ, the
learner needs to move towards the target system. In the next chapter, we will see that this
3.6 Endnotes
Endnote 1
Jordanian Arabic
Whenever a research project sets out to study how Arabic-speaking subjects acquire another linguistic
system, the debate concerning the subjects’ actual native language becomes inevitable— Is the first
language of the subjects Standard Arabic (H) or some local variety (L)?149 Without going into the
intricacies of the subject matter, the position adopted in this research project is that L rather than H is the
subjects’ first language. In addition to the overwhelming evidence that L should be considered the first
language, this has been adopted here for at least two other reasons. First, this will save us time and effort to
delving into a no-less debatable issue— the nature of stress in Classical Arabic. For many have questioned
the essence of stress in Classical Arabic. Ferguson (1956: 384), for example, claims that “Classical Arabic
has no word stress at all”. His reasoning is that the stress pattern that was dominant in Eastern non-Arabian
Arabic such as Egypt, Syria, etc., was applied to Classical Arabic when this variety came at one point in
time to be the dominant language150. Second, and most importantly, even if we assume, contrary to
Ferguson’s assumption, that stress in classical Arabic is original, the evidence is available that the
differences between classical Arabic and the regional varieties as far as word-stress is concerned are minor
(see section 2.4 below for a straightforward comparison between Classical Arabic and Jordanian Arabic).
Since one of the objectives of this research is to come to a better understanding of when and how
the native language patterns will transfer to the second language, it would be appropriate to briefly
comment on those features of the native language that are most relevant to the research questions.
Meanwhile, a general idea about the basic features of Jordanian Arabic will help the reader who is
unfamiliar with the language.
First of all, I should mention that the term Jordanian Arabic is not a conclusive term referring to
one single variety spoken throughout the whole country; rather, there are many local varieties. Although all
of them are mutually intelligible, they all exhibit certain characteristics that make their native speakers
easily identifiable. Interestingly enough, some of these varieties may not be as close to each other as they
are to other varieties of Arabic spoken outside the borders of Jordan (see Abdel-Jawwad 1981, 1986; Al-
Khatib 1989; Irshied 1984; Irshied and Kenstowicz 1984; and Palva 1976, 1980, 1986). For example, the
local varieties spoken in the Eastern and Southern parts of Jordan may share more features with the dialects
spoken in Saudi Arabia and the Bedouin Arabic of Negev than they share with the varieties spoken in the
rural and urban centers in the country (Irshied 1984; Bani Yasin and Owens 1984). Likewise, the varieties
spoken in the central and Northern parts of Jordan may have much in common with those spoken in Syria,
Palestine and Lebanon (Abdel Jawad 1981, 1986). Overall, there are mainly three undisputed local varieties
in Jordan: Urban, Rural and Bedouin151. The present paper, which aims at studying the acquisition of
This is related to the diglossic situation in the Arab World where there is a one-to-one relationship
between language usage and social context, that is, each variety (usually referred to as L and H) serves
certain purposes, e.g., ordinary conversation vs. formal speech, in certain settings (e.g., home, school,
church, etc.). Crucially, speakers in diglossia situations use one variety at a time, simply because each
variety can be seen as having a distinct place or function within the local speech repertoire. In diglossia
situations then code alternation is a conscious process, i.e., participants immersed in the interaction are
usually aware which code is used at any one time (For an informative discussion of diglossia in the Arab
World, see Ferugson 19-)
For an alternative view, see Abdo 1969.
Sakarna (1999), for example, objects to the generalization that the members of the many Bedouin tribes
in Jordan speak on dialect called the Bedouin dialect; rather, he believes that there are as many Bedouin
varieties as there are tribes. He recognizes at least five of them: Bani Hassan Bedouin variety, Bani Saxr
Bedouin variety, Bduul Bedouin variety, HweTaat Bedouin variety, and Al-9ajarma Bedouin variety. The
same may also apply to the urban and rural varieties. I myself who is a native speaker of one of the rural
varieties have noticed that there are some features characteristic of the variety spoken in my area that make
English stress patterns by Jordanian adult second language learners of English, sets out with the premise
that these dialects are highly congruous as far as stress placement is concerned. Most of the studies that are
partially or totally devoted to investigating stress patterns in Jordanian Arabic varieties make the claim that
stress placement is subject to the same rules in almost all these varieties (Abu-Salim 1982; AlGhazo 1981;
Al-Sughayer 1990; Sakarna 1999, among others). For the purpose of this research, we will incorporate data
from many of these varieties in our attempt to uncover the stress patterns in Jordanian Arabic. If it turns out
that there are some minor differences, they will be highlighted and discussed in as much they are relevant
to the purpose of analysis.
it non-identical with the other varieties spoken in other areas. Be it as it may, for the purpose of this
research it is assumed that those local varieties (or dialects) are more or less identical as far as prominence
is concerned. Sakarna (1999: 27) himself notes that as far as stress is concerned, there is very little, if any,
differences between the dialect he investigates and the other Jordanian dialects.
u, a, and i are the case endings for the nominative, accusative and genitive, respectively. /n/ is added if
the noun is indefinite
As far as the consonantal system is concerned, there some differences between classical Arabic and
Jordanian Arabic. First, there are some sounds that are part of the consonantal inventory of CA but are
nonexistent in Jordanian Arabic, namely the boldfaced voiceless uvular plosive ( قwhich has been replaced
by the voiced velar stop /g/ in the Rural and Bedouin varieties and by the voiceless glottal stop /?/ in the
Urban variety in almost all cases153) and the voiced alveolar emphatic stop ( ضwhich has been replaced by
the voiced dental emphatic alveolar ظin the Rural and Bedouin varieties but continues to be used in the
Urban variety). The interdental emphatic fricative ظis only changed in some urban varieties into (ż). There
are other changes such as those which affect ث, ذ, etc., but those changes may affect one dialect or the
Conversely JA has two consonants which are lacking in Classical Arabic: the voiced velar stop /g/ and the
voiced post-alveolar (palato-alveolar) affricate č. Those two sounds are not represented by separate
symbols in the Arabic consonantal system of writing: قis used in place of /g/ and كis used in place of /č/.
Table (2): Vowels
i ii u uu a aa ay aw
high + + -
back - + -
As for the vowel system, Classical Arabic is characterized by having a very simple vowel system: three
short vowels with three corresponding long counterparts. Besides, it has two diphthongs (see Table (2)
above). JA, on the other hand, happens to have developed a more complex vowel inventory: continues to
have the six vowels of CA, but at the same time makes use of four more vowels, namely /e/, /ee/ , /o/ and
/oo/ (‘beet’ ‘home’, and yoom ‘day’). However, the diphthongs are used very sporadically in this dialect,
and probably in almost all the dialects of Arabic:
i ii u uu a aa e ee o oo
high + + - - -
back - + - - +
low - - + - -
It is noteworthy that in most cases the diphthong /ay/ is replaced in JA by /ee/ as in /bayt/ > /beet/ ‘home’,
/sayf/ > /seef/ ‘sword’; and /aw/ is replaced with /oo/ as in /dawr/ > /door/ (turn), /θawr/ > /θoor/ ‘bull’,
As far as the orthography of Arabic is concerned, the long vowels are represented by separate symbols,
namely ي, و, and اfor ii, uu and aa, respectively. يand وare also used to represent the diphthongs /ay/ and
/aw/, respectively. The short vowels /i/, /u/ and /a/ are only represented as diacritics, namelyِ ,َ, andُ , called
kasra, fatha and Damma by Arabic grammarians (for more details, see Mitchell 1960; Abdo 1969; Abdl-
Al-Jawad 1981; Abu-Salim 1982; Bani Yasin and Owens 1984; Al-Ghazo 1987; Al-Sughayer 1990; and
Zakarna 1999). We will not go into further differences between Classical and Colloquial Arabic varieties as
this is not one of the objective of the study. For a list of the differences between the two varieties, see Abdo
(1969: 1-3).
The voiceless uvular plosive ? is still in both dialects in the same way in a very limited like in
/?al.qahira/ “Cairo”
For the differences between Classical Arabic and Urban dialects in the consonant and vowel inventories,
see Abdel-Jawad and Awwad (1989), for Classical Arabic and Bedouin dialects see Sakarna (1999)
See Abdo (1969: 8) for cases where this rule does not apply
Chapter Four: Stress Acquisition
In the previous chapter, our goal was to develop an optimality-theoretic analysis of the
Arabic and English stress systems. The constraint ranking in (77) in Chapter Three above
captures the basic generalizations regarding the place of stress in Arabic. The constraint
ranking in (109) captures the basic generalizations regarding the place of stress in
monomorphemic words in English. In this chapter, our primary goal is to compare the
constraint rankings obtained for the two systems so that we can find out (1) what stress
errors occur in the English of native Arabic speakers, and (2) what native speakers of
Arabic who learn English need to do to improve their English with respect to stress
constraints, the sole task of the language learner is to re-rank the constraints of his/her
native language so that they match that of the target language. In the case of native
speakers of Arabic learning English, they need to modify the constraint ranking in (77) so
that it becomes like (109) above. The question that promptly arises is: How can the
the constraints that yield the correct output form for a particular linguistic aspect (say
stress) are ranked differently in his/her native language and in the target language, s/he
needs to employ the notion of constraint demotion to reach the target grammar. In the rest
of this chapter, we set out to do two things. In 4.2 below, we explain how the notion of
constraint demotion works. In 4.3, we predict the errors in the English of native speakers
of Arabic (i.e. compare the Arabic and the English rankings of constraints with regard to
specific erroneous tokens) and show how the language learner, when making use of the
In this section, we elaborate on how the language learner infers the ranking of constraints
for some language in order to acquire it. According to OT, the language learner has
available to him/her: (1) the set of universal constraints, (2) the set of universal inputs157,
and (3) a set of language-particular output forms. The task of the language learner is to
This section based on the following cited works:
Tesar, Bruce (1995). Computational Optimality Theory. [Ph.D. Diss, University of Colorado, Boulder].
Tesar, Bruce (1996). An iterative strategy for learning metrical stress in Optimality Theory. [ROA-177,]
Tesar, Bruce (1997). Multi-recursive constraint demotion, [ROA-197,]
Tesar, Bruce (1998). Robust interpretive parsing in metrical stress theory. [ROA-262,]
Tesar, Bruce and Paul Smolensky (1996). Learnability in Optimality Theory (long version) [ROA-156,]
Tesar, Bruce and Paul Smolensky (1996). Learnability in Optimality Theory (short version) [ROA-155,]
Tesar, Bruce and Paul Smolensky (1993). The learnability of Optimality Theory: An algorithm and some
basic complexity results. [ROA-2,]
The belief that the set of inputs is universal is usually referred to in the literature as Richness of the Base
(Prince and Smolensky 1993: 191). The basic idea here is that cross-linguistic variation is due to one single
reason: constraint variation, so the input to the language-particular grammars is the same.
deduce a language-particular grammar, that is, a ranked set of universal constraints.
constraints. As Tesar (1996: 1) puts it “to learn the core grammar of a language is to learn
output forms, the language learner deduces the correct ranking of constraints by adopting
a simple strategy: demoting all constraints that are violated in some output form (which is
the optimal form). This is based on a prior assumption that if an output form violates
which the output form does not violate, but which can be violated by some potential
candidate form. The output form, like all the other candidate forms that are supplied by
GEN, can, and should, violate some constraints, but those constraints are never higher
ranking than the constraints that are not violated. The language learner thus has to figure
out what is dominating what, that is, which constraints are higher-ranking, and which are
learner. Already noted is the assumption that when an output form violates some
which the output form never violates, but which is violated by an alternative candidate
form. What the language learner does is compare the output form (which will ultimately
win the competition by being optimal but never perfect) with every other candidate form
supplied by GEN. When evaluating the actual and potential forms against the set of
universal constraints, any constraint that is violated by the output form is demoted. This
implies that at the initial stage the learner has all the constraints unranked relative to each
other as below:
The final stage is reached after demoting all the constraints which are violated by the
output form to some position below the constraints which are violated by all its
competitors. Suppose that C5 and C10, for example, are violated by the output form F1,
and that C3, C6 and C7 are violated by its competitors F2, F3, and F4, then C5 and C10
(those violated by the output form F1) must be demoted one step below C3, C6, and C7
(those violated by the suboptimal forms F2, F3, F4), and thus, C3, C6, and C7 dominate
C5 and C10.
In this way, the language learner can guarantee that the consequences of violating C5 and
C10 (hence lower-ranking) are never as serious as the consequences of violating C3, C6,
process of evaluating the candidate forms in pairs (consisting each time of the output
form and another potential form) against the set of constraints usually results in
intermediate stages where the target hierarchy has not been finalized. These intermediate
stages are subject to change as they only represent the knowledge the learner has obtained
from some, but not all, candidate forms. Only when the learner tests all candidate forms
against the whole set of constraints does his knowledge becomes permanent.
Let’s take a hypothetical example to demonstrate how this works. Suppose that
we have five constraints that interact to yield the correct output form in Language L, and
suppose that GEN has provided the learner with four potential forms that incur a number
Tableau (1)
input (F) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** ***
F2 *! * * *
F3 *! * ** * **
F4 *!* ** **
Tableau (1) above shows that only one output form is optimal, namely F1 marked with
" (informally called the winner). F2, F3, and F4 (informally called the losers) do not
surface as optimal forms as they fatally violate higher-ranked constraints, namely C1 and
C2158. F1 surfaces as optimal because it does not violate C1 and C2, though it does
violate C3, C4 and C5. The fact that the optimal form F1 incurs more violations of C4
and C5 than any other candidate form does not prevent it from surfacing as optimal
because these are lower-ranked constraints. The challenge is then to deduce that C1 and
C2 (which are violated by the suboptimal forms) dominate C3, C4 and C5 (which are
violated by the optimal form). In terms of language acquisition, the question arises as to
According to the Tesar and Smolensky’s (1993) algorithm, the language learner
starts off by comparing the optimal form (F1 in this case) with every other candidate
Notice that the difference between F3 and F4 is that the latter incurs double violation of the higher-
ranking constraint C1.
form (F2, F3, and F4) one at a time (i.e. F1 vs. F2, F1 vs. F3, and F1 vs. F4). The
comparison of F1 with F2 results in tableau (2) below (usually called a mark-data pair):
Tableau (2)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** ***
F2 *! * * *
Tableau (3)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** ***
F3 *! * ** * **
Tableau (4)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** ***
F4 *!* ** **
The next step is that the language learner tries to figure out which piece(s) of
information is (are) decisive for ranking purposes in these reduced tableaux. For example,
since both F1 and F2 violate C3 in the same way in Tableau (2) above, this piece of
information may not have any consequences on the ranking of constraints because the
optimal form fares neither better nor worse than the suboptimal form on that particular
constraint. The language learner may then need to ignore this piece of information
altogether, as it is not decisive for constraint ranking purposes. The algorithm requires
delete each occurrence of * which is shared by F1 and any other single candidate form.
Consider Tableaux 2, 3, and 4, which are reproduced as 5, 6, and 7 respectively, after
Tableau (4)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * **
F2 *!
Tableau (6)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * *
F3 *! * *
Tableau (7)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** *
F4 *!* **
It is clear then that we do not need to mark violations (*) in the same column.
Tableau (7), for example, shows that each constraint (C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5) is violated
by either F1 or F4, but never by both of them: C1 is violated by F4; C2 by F4; C3 by F1;
C4 by F1; C5 by F1. It no longer shows any constraint violations common to both F1 and
After this cancellation, if it turns out that some form (whether optimal or
suboptimal) still incurs more than one violation of each constraint, then that piece of
information should also be discarded simply because what matters now is not the number
of violations of each constraint, but the fact that the constraint is being violated. In other
This whole process is referred to in the literature as Mark Cancellation, stated formally in Tesar (1995:
78) as:
for each pair (loser marks, winner-marks) in mark data:
a. For each occurrence of a mark *C in both loser-markers and winner-marks in the
same pair, remove that occurrence of *C from both
b. If, as a result, no winner-marks remain, remove the pair from mark data
words, the presence, not the magnitude, of the violation is what counts here160. So, we
need another round of “purification” of the reduced tableaux, this time to reduce multiple
violations of the same constraint by any one form to just one. Consider tableaux 5, 6, and
7, which are reproduced as 8, 9, and 10 respectively, after multiple violations are reduced
to one:
Tableau (8)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * *
F2 *!
Tableau (9)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * *
F3 *! * *
Tableau (10)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * * *
F4 *! *
Now the Tableaux only contain the necessary information that the language
learner needs to reach the correct ranking of the constraints. Before an illustrative
First, as already noted, the language learner starts with an a priori assumption that
in the initial stage the constraints are unranked relative to each other. So, constraints can
Notice that we do not reduce multiple asterisks to one prior to canceling the violations assessed by the
optimal and suboptimal forms.
(3) Random ordering161 {C4, C1, C3, C5, C2}
{C2, C5, C3, C4, C2}
Second, the language learner is not expected to compare all potential candidate
forms (optimal and suboptimal forms) in a fixed way (F1 before F2 and so on). He may,
compare F1 (the optimal form) with F4, for example, before comparing it, let’s say, with
F2 or F3. This is so because the candidate forms that are supplied by GEN are not
structured. F5 may be supplied by GEN before F2, and so on. The algorithm is equipped
to work taking any pair comparison as its starting point: we can start with Tableau 8 and
Third, the algorithm is based on the idea of constraint demotion. That is, the
constraints that are violated by the suboptimal forms F2, F3, and F4 dominate those
violated by the optimal form F1. Hence the former are higher-ranking constraints, but the
latter are lower-ranking constraints. In other words, having two constraints- one violated
by the optimal structure and the other violated by the suboptimal competitor- the one
violated by the optimal structure must be dominated by the one violated by its
competitor, denoted as suboptimal >> optimal. This implies that if at one stage two
constraints, let’s say X and Y, are housed in the same stratum as in (4a) below, the one
which is violated by the optimal form should be demoted to the immediately following
stratum as in (4b) (where X is violated by the optimal structure and Y by its competitor):
(a) Stratum 1 {W, X, Y, Z}
Stratum 2 {M, N}
To claim that the constraints in the initial stratum are randomly ordered or relatively unranked at all may
not have any practical consequences. Hence the decisive factor here is the position of the stratum with
regards to the other strata in the hierarchy (Tesar and Smolensky 1996: 32)
(b) Stratum 1 {W, Y, Z}
Stratum 2 {M, N, X}
It should be noted that although the constraints in each stratum are unranked
relative to each other, each constraint in stratum 1 dominates all the constraints in stratum
2 which in turn dominate all constraints in subsequent strata, and so on. Whereas X and Y
in (4a) above do not dominate each other, Y dominates X in (4b) because X is demoted
one step downward. The process of constraint demotion is repeated over and again until
Having all of this in mind, let’s see how the algorithm is equipped to yield the
correct ranking for the constraints in Tableau (1) above. Recall that the important point as
far as the ranking of constraints is concerned in Tableau (1) is that F2, F3, and F4 do not
surface as optimal forms because they fatally violate the higher-ranked constraints C1
and C2. F1, on the other hand, wins the competition because it does not violate C1 and
C2, though it violates C3, C4 and C5. We have, therefore, to prove that C1 and C2
First, as already noted, the language learner starts with an a priori assumption that
the constraints are unranked relative to each other, so the algorithm considers the
The next step is to find out what dominates what in each of the reduced “purified”
tableaux 8, 9, and 10 above. This is done on the principle that the constraints violated by
the suboptimal structure dominate those violated by the optimal structure. From tableau
(which are violated by the optimal structure). The initial stratum in (5) above does not
show that C2 dominates C4 and C5 as all constraints there are housed in one stratum, and
thus unranked relative to each other. To show the domination relation exemplified in
Tableau 8 (i.e., C2 dominates C4 and C5), C4 and C5 should be demoted to the next
available stratum. In case there isn’t a next stratum, a new one is created as below:
Notice that this demotion results not only in having C2 dominate C4 and C5, but also in
having all the other constraints housed in the same stratum with C2 (namely C1 and C3)
dominate C4 and C5. The partially stratified hierarchy in (6) above reads as: while C1,
C2, and C3 are all unranked relative to each other, they each dominate C4 and C5, which
Then we move to tableau 9 to look for positive evidence for further demotion
(i.e., if there are some constraint(s) that dominate(s) others). From there, we learn that
C1, C2, and C3 dominate C4 and C5. Again, this is because C1, C2, and C3 are violated
by the suboptimal form, and thus must outrank C4 and C5 that are violated by the optimal
form. To the attentive reader, it is clear that no changes need be made to (6) above as C1,
C2, and C3 already dominate C4 and C5. So (6) is reproduced as (7) below:
Moving to Tableau (10), we learn that C1 and C2 dominate C3, C4 and C5. Here
the situation is more complex. Notice that (7) shows that C1 and C2 dominate C4 and C5,
so no further demotion takes place as far as C4 and C5 are concerned. But what (7) does
not show is that C1 and C2 dominate C3; they all are housed in the initial stratum. We
course. The resulting domination relation after this round will be something like (8)
But (8) is still not the final hierarchy. Having surveyed the three tableaux in the
first round, we may need to start all over again to see if some evidence has emerged to
improve the existing hierarchy, for it is possible that some evidence may emerge after
each round to improve the existing domination hierarchy. And this is what actually
requires that C2 dominate C4 and C5, a condition already satisfied in (8), Tableau 9
provides evidence that the existing hierarchy in (8) above can be further modified. Notice
that Tableau 9 requires that C1, C2, and C3 dominate C4 and C5. Whereas (8) above
shows that C1 and C2 dominate C4 and C5, it does not show that C3 dominates C4 and
C5. Therefore, C4 and C5 which are housed in the same stratum with C3 in (8) must be
(9) reads as: C1 and C2, although they are unranked relative to each other, dominate C3
Finally, the whole process is repeated over and over again until no positive
evidence emerges, the result is a fully stratified hierarchy (Tesar and Smolensky 1996:
22), believed to represent the permanent knowledge of the language learner as regards the
constraints that determine the optimal form of some input. If this algorithm yields a
unique ranking, it would then be safe to conclude that “constraint ranking is learnable”
The hierarchy in (9) can be converted into a tableau to show the domination
Tableau (11)
input C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Tableau (11) shows that C1 and C2 are unranked with respect to each other (separated by
dashed lines), but they each dominate all other constraints to the right of them (separated
by solid lines). Likewise, C3, while dominated by the constraints to its left (C1 and C2),
dominates all constraints to its right (C4 and C5). C4 and C5, on the other hand, are
unranked with regard to each other, and do not dominate any constraints. Tableau (11),
then, differs from Tableau (1) which we started with in that the domination relation
between the five constraints is now established. Tableau (1) is reproduced as (12) below
Tableau (12)
input (F) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
"F1 * ** ***
F2 *! * * *
F3 *! * ** * **
F4 *!* ** **
Tableau (12) clearly reflects the stratified hierarchy in (9) above, namely:
Initial Stratum {C1, C2) >> Stratum 1 {C3} >> Stratum 2 {C4, C5}.
The important point here is that C1 and C2 which are violated by the suboptimal forms
F2, F3 and F4 dominate C3, C4 and C5 which are violated by the optimal form F1,
indicating that the violation of C3, C4 and C5 is never as serious as the violation of C1
and C2. In other words, C1 and C2 are higher-ranking constraints, but C3, C4 and C5 are
lower-ranking constraints.
The constraint ranking in (77) in Chapter Three above communicates some basic facts
and generalizations regarding the domination relations among the constraints that interact
to yield the correct stress patterns in Arabic. The constraint ranking in (77) is reproduced
as (10) below:
(10) Constraint Ranking
Notice that Lx=Pr and WSP(σµµµ), for example, do not only dominate NONFINAL, but they also
dominate all the constraints that are dominated by NONFINAL. This is called transitivity of ranking in
which we assume that some ranking exists between all constraints even those which do not interact (see
Kager 1999: 21).
The ranking of constraints in (11) above, while it does not account for every single token
in English, captures the basic generalizations concerning the English stress system,
II All the other constraints are dominated. Yet some of them are ranked
relative to each other:
than (ani)(mal); and to allow a syllable that is closed by a consonant
cluster that contributes less than two moras to surface stressless:
(nove)list is a better parse than (nove)(list)
j. NONFINAL must dominate ALL-FEET-RIGHT, so as to allow stress
to fall on an antepenult syllable. A(meri)ca is a better parse than
k. NONFINAL must dominate FOOT-BINARITY. (ham)mock is a better
parse than (hammock); and A(meri)ca is a better parse than
l. REDUCTION must dominate BIMORACITY, so as to allow the
nucleus of unstressed syllables to reduce to schwa. hammck is a
better parse than hammock.
m. WSP(≥µµ) must dominate FOOT-BINARITY, so as to allow a closed
syllable that contributes more than one mora to be stressed in penult
position. A(gen)da is a better parse than (agen)da.
constraint ranking in English, three points are in order. First, some of the constraints that
are required to account for the place of stress in one language are not invoked to account
for the place of stress in the other language. For example, whereas NEUTRAL,
REDUCTION and BIMORAIC are needed to account for the place of main word-stress
in English, they are not invoked to account for the place of main word-stress in Arabic.
This raises the question whether the constraint set is really universal. The proposal
adopted throughout is that the constraint set is literally present in each and every
language, and that language variation results from different rankings of the set of
constraints. In terms of constraint ranking, what this basically means is that the
constraints which are not invoked to account for the place of stress in one language are
ranked so low that their impact is not even noticeable. If we want to incorporate
NEUTRAL, REDUCTION and BIMORAIC, for example, into the constraint ranking of
The second point concerns the interpretation of constraints. The most relevant
example is FOOT-BINARITY, the constraint that defines the shape of the foot in the two
to the weight of the syllable, whereby each foot consists of two moras. On the other hand,
English requires that each foot consist of two syllables irrespective of their weight.
place of main word-stress in Arabic, it must be ranked low enough that it does not
dominate any other constraint. The domination hierarchy in (12) above now looks like
(13) below:
A third point that is worthy of mention here is that some constraints are
parameterized in one language, but not in the other language. The most important
examples are: (1) the parameterization of WSP in English, and (2) the parameterization of
NONFINAL in Arabic.
follows: WSP(≥µµ) and WSP(<µµ).163 For purpose of comparison with Arabic, we treat
without these constraints in Arabic, they are housed in the lowest rank in the domination
hierarchy. The constraint ranking in (13) can thus be further modified as in (15) below:
A cross-linguistic comparison may not be well-motivated in this regard for the simple reason that weight
is not uniform in the two languages. It is true that the notion of the mora is invoked to make it unitary, but
still what counts as a mora is language-specific. For example, whereas all nuclear and post-nuclear
segments each contribute one mora to the weight of the syllable in Arabic, nuclear and post nuclear
segments are divided into subsets depending on how many moras each subset contributes to the weight of
the syllable in English. Whereas a syllable that ends with a long vowel contributes precisely two moras in
Arabic, which is of course not enough to make it stressed in ultimate position (e.g. kitabuhumaa), a syllable
that ends with long vowel contributes enough moras to make it stressed in final position in English (e.g.
kangaroo). Examples like this one suggest that these parameterized constraints be viewed as independent
FOOT-BINARITYσ, WSP(≥µµ), and WSP(<µµ)
(15) above shows that final light and heavy syllables are invisible to parsing in Arabic,
but final superheavy syllables are not. A distinction is drawn between final light and
heavy syllables on the one hand, and final superheavy syllables on the other. In terms of
dominated by PARSEσ. All in all, the stressing of a final syllable in Arabic is contingent
upon whether or not that syllable is parsed. In English, however, all final syllables are
invisible to parsing164, and the stressing of a final syllable is only sanctioned by higher
NONFINAL(σµµµ) are low ranked in English. The constraint ranking in (14) above is
WSP(≥µµ), and WSP(<µµ) are all ranked so low in Arabic that they do not dominate
NONFINAL(σµµµ) are dominated by the entire set of constraints in English. The reason
The fact that some final syllables receive stress in English is accounted for by the proposal that
NONFINAL is dominated by some higher ranking constraints such as WSP(≥µµ) (e.g. kangaroo, alarm),
FAITH (e.g. bassinet), etc.
we incorporate all of the constraints into the domination hierarchy is to maintain the basic
premise of Optimality Theory, that the set of constraints is universal and that language
variation stems from the fact that these universal constraints are ranked differently in
accounting for the place of stress in Arabic does not mean that they are not part of the
grammar of Arabic; it simply means that they are ranked so low that their impact is not
noticeable. Likewise, the fact that NONFINAL is parameterized in Arabic but not in
English should not make us lose the basic insight of OT that language variation stems
(15) and (16) above show that there are basic differences between Arabic and English as
major sources of stress misplacement in the English of native speakers of Arabic. In this
section, we set out to compare the constraint ranking in Arabic with the constraint
Arabic when learning English. Our goal is two-fold. One, we predict the kinds of errors
that are observed in the English of native speakers of Arabic; and two, we envisage what
those learners need to do to make their English more native-like as far as prominence is
TROCHAIC are all undominated in English. This basically means that English and
The fact that Lx=Pr is undominated in both languages is easy to explain. There is
a minimum size restriction on content words in both languages. According to (17) below,
every prosodic word (PW), as a high-level prosodic category, must have the foot, the next
available lower-level prosodic category, as its head. The foot, in turn, has to have the
F = Foot
σ = Syllable
µ = mora
If (17) were violated, words would surface headless, i.e., with no stress whatsoever. As
no lexical word in the two languages surfaces stressless, Lx=Pr (i.e., the constraint that
requires each content word to minimally contain a foot that functions as the head of the
prosodic word) must be undominated in the two languages. Consider Tableau (13) for the
Arabic word /min/ and Tableau (14) for the English word /hæt/, and see how the
candidate form which violates Lx=Pr fails to surface as the optimal form:
Tableau (13)
Input: /min/ Lx=Pr
a- min *!
b- " (min)
Tableau (14)
Input: /hæt/ Lx=Pr
a- hæt *!
b- " (hæt)
who learn English do not experience problems regarding the fact that every English
content word must receive main stress. In fact, none of the studies that I have come
Native speakers of Arabic encounter two problems in this regard. The first problem is related to the
acquistion of English weak forms (e.g., frm, kn, etc). For, in Arabic no distinction is made between
content words and grammatical words as far as word prominence is concerned. Each word, irrespective of
its content, must receive main stress. In English, however, form words such as prepositions, determiners,
etc. may, due to REDUCTION, surface stressless. In OT terms, what this means is that Lx=Pr is applicable
to all Arabic words irrespective of their lexical status, but Lx=Pr is only applicable to lexical words in
English. However, this is seen as falling outside the scope of this research project.
The second problem is that most studies on the acquistion of English word-stress by native speakers of
Arabic report that single-stressed compounds (e.g. blackboard, breakfast) are produced with two main
word-stresses (e.g. blackboard, breakfast). This may be so because those learners view these words as
consisting of two independent words, each with primary stress. Hence, each word has to have at least one
foot constructed over it, which, due to undominated Lx=Pr, becomes the head foot.
The problem that native speakers of Arabic encounter when learning the English
stress system is not whether or not each content word must surface with main stress, but
where in the word stress falls. Monosyllabic content words pose no problems with respect
the constraint that requires every monosyllabic and polysyllabic word to surface with
main word-stress is undominated in the two languages. Such being the case, the language
learner is never exposed to data that cause re-ranking of this constraint. On the contrary,
the fact that this constraint is undominated in both English and Arabic is a major source
of positive transfer.
Recall that in both Arabic and English, main stress tends to occur as close to the right
edge of the word as possible. Stress falls on either the ultimate, penultimate, or
antepenultimate syllable in either language. In addition, the penult and antepenult are
stressed iff (if and only if) the final syllable is considered extrametrical (i.e. unfooted).
Once the final syllable gets footed, it surfaces stressed in both languages. This suggests
that the foot closest to the right edge of the word should be the one that contains the head
syllable in both languages. This, too, should be a major source of positive transfer
Not only do the two languages choose to have the foot closest to the right edge of
the word as the head of the prosodic word, but they also choose to have the head syllable
in each foot coincide with its left-edge. In OT terms, this means that TROCHAIC is
In addition, since in both languages Lx=Pr dominates NONFINAL, no problem arises with regard to the
fact that each and every content word (including monosyllabic ones) must surface with main stress.
undominated in both Arabic and English. This, too, should foster the acquistion of
All in all, the fact that Lx=Pr, MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC are undominated
in both languages helps explain why words English words like hat, alarm, agenda, rigid
and pedigree are never reported as problematic to native speakers of Arabic with respect
to stress placement. In all of these words, only one foot is constructed over the word
which, due to MAIN-RIGHT, functions as the head of the word; and that foot contains
the head syllable which, due to undominated TROCHAIC, coincides with the left edge of
the foot:
In [hat], for example, only one foot is constructed over the word. In [alarm], the
the rightmost foot is constructed over the final syllable. In [agenda], the rightmost foot is
constructed over the heavy penult. In [rigid], the rightmost foot is constructed over the
light penult. In [pedigree], the rightmost foot is constructed over the the penultimate and
the antepenultimate syllable which, due to TROCHIAC, surfaces left-headed. All of this
is true for Arabic. If these words were in Arabic, they would surface with the same stress
We have seen earlier why these words are parsed this way.
It is true that in Arabic a foot is constructed over the heavy penult because of FOOT-BINARITYµ, and
in English because of WSP(≥µµ), but the important point here is that in both cases the end result is the
same. That is, the rightmost foot is constructed over the heavy penult. Once this foot is constructed, the
undominated MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC come into play to make the word surface with penult stress
in the two languages.
In terms of stress acquisition, the question that arises here is: What should the
emerged to motivate their demotion to a lower position. The learner is not exposed to
data that require the demotion of any one of these constraints to a lower position. Hence,
any candidate form that violates any of these constraints fails to surface as optimal in
both Arabic and English. All in all, no English data should contain evidence as to
disconfirm the ranking of Lx=Pr, MAIN-RIGHT and TROCHAIC that those learners
have already acquired as part of the grammar of their native language. Such being the
case, native speakers of Arabic get the correct stress patterns in hat, alarm, agenda, rigid
and pedigree for free. Let us see how this should work out.
When learning English, native speakers of Arabic start off with the assumption
that all of the universal and violable constraints are unranked relative to each other169. Let
TROCHAIC emerges, the ranking of these constraints in (19) above does not get altered.
Apart from this, things get fuzzier because the remaining constraints are ranked
differently in both English and Arabic. Production errors of all sorts are therefore much
Notice that whether native speakers of Arabic start off with the proposal that the constraints are
unranked relative to each other or that they are ranked as in their native language, the end result will be the
same, as what matters here is the idea of constraint demotion.
more likely to occur. In what follows, we set out to categorize some of these errors that
depend on the constraint rankings obtained in (15) and (16) above; and then suggest what
those Arabic learners of English need to do in order to acquire the target form.
One type of stress error that is often reported in the English of native speakers of
Arabic is the place of stress in words like [bassinet]. Almost all the studies that I have
come across claim that native speakers of Arabic experience great difficulty in acquiring
the stress pattern in English words where stress falls on a final syllable that is not
Arabic are expected to experience some difficulty in acquiring its stress pattern because
FAITH is ranked so low in Arabic. When confronted with words like bassinet, souvenir,
toucanet, etc. native speakers of Arabic find out that FAITH is a high ranking constraint
in English; it must stay undominated. Examples like these show that the ranking of
What else should native speakers of Arabic acquire when confronted by words
like [bassinet]? One important thing is that in English, unlike in their native language,
FAITH dominates NONFINAL. One possible reason why native speakers of Arabic fail
to produce /bassinet/ with the correct stress pattern is that FAITH is dominated by
Previous studies have all assumed that native speakers of Arabic fail to produce
the correct stress pattern in /bassinet/ because stress here falls on an ultimate syllable that
is not superheavy. The analysis above suggests that this may not be the case at all, for in
English there is more to it than just that. In English, the need to satisfy FAITH is more
important than the need to satisfy NONFINAL. In Arabic, however, it is the other way
Tableau (15)
input /bassinet/ NF Pσ NF FBµ AFL AFR FA
(σµµ) (σµµµ)
a- (bassi)(net) *! ** *
b- (bassi)net *! * *
c-!" (bas)(si)net * * ** *
Native speakers of Arabic who want to learn the correct stress pattern of bassinet,
souvenir, toucanet, etc. need to learn to demote NONFINAL170 at least one step below
FAITH. The constraint ranking in (19) above now looks like (20) below, where
Stratum 1 {NONFINALσ}
Notice that since in English NONFINAL refers to each and every final syllable irrespective of its
internal structure, i.e. both NONFINAL(σµµ) and NONFINAL(σµµµ). We use NONFINALσ to refer to
both of them.
Another obvious observation concerning the English of native speakers of Arabic is that
unstressed syllables are not reduced. In 1.6.1 above, it is shown that most previous
studies report that native speakers of Arabic who learn English almost always fail to
reduce the nuclei of unstressed syllables. They retain the full value of the vowel
irrespective of its stress status (e.g., /several/, /preparatori/, /basikali/, /legendari/ for
stressless because of REDUCTION which requires the nucleus of that syllable to reduce
Tableau (16)
Input: /hammock / Lx=Pr MR TR FA RED NF FBσ AFR AFL
a- (ham)mock *! * * **
b- (hammck) *!
c-" (ham)mck * * **
The source of confusion for native speakers of Arabic comes from the fact that in
their native language, REDUCTION is dominated by the entire set of constraints. That is,
When applying the constraint ranking particular to Arabic, all of these words, with the exception of
several, surface with incorrect stress patterns: preparatory, basically, and legendary.
determination of the candidate form that ultimately wins the competition. Hence, all
Tableau (17)
input /bassinet/ Lx=Pr MR TR FA RED NF FB AFR AFL
a-" (bassi)(net) * * * * **
b- (bassi)(nt) *! * * * **
Tableau (18)
Input: /bassinet/ Lx=Pr MR TR RED NF FB AFR AFL
a- (bassi)(net) *! * * * **
b- (bassi)(nt) *! * * **
c-!" (bassi) nt *
To native speakers of Arabic who make use of their native language’s ranking of
the constraints, the form that satisfies NONFINAL surfaces as optimal even if it violates
Tableau (19)
Input: /hammock/ NF Pσ NF FBµ AFL AFR FA RED
(σµµ) (σµµµ)
a- (ham)(mock) *! ** * * *
b-" (ham)mock * * * ** *
According to Tableau (19) above, native speakers of Arabic produce /hammock/ with the
correct stress pattern, but they fail to reduce the nucleus of the final syllable.
So far, two features are obvious in the English of native speakers of Arabic: (1)
there are no exceptional cases that are accented underlyingly; and (2) unstressed vowels
do not reduce. This is so because FAITH and REDUCTION are ranked lowest in the
hierarchy in Arabic, and thus, their satisfaction or violation is irrelevant in determing the
For acquisition purposes, native speakers of Arabic need to learn two things to
acquire the correct stress pattern in /hammock/ and /bassinet/. First, they need to learn
that FAITH is undominated in English, and so should not be demoted to a lower position.
Second, they need to learn that REDUCTION is dominated by FAITH. In other words,
they need to demote REDUCTION one step below FAITH. The domination hierarchy in
Tableau (20)
Input: /bassinet/ Lx=Pr MR TR FA RED NF FB AFR AFL
a- (bassi)net *! *! * * **
b- (bassi)nt *! * * * **
c-" (bassi)(net)173 * * * * **
Notice that (22) shows not only that FAITH dominates REDUCTION and NONFINAL, but also that the
constraints that are housed in the initial stratum with FAITH dominate all the constraints that are housed in
stratum 1. In other words, (22) shows that REDUCTION is still dominated by all the constraints in the
Initial Stratum. Unless all other constraints are housed in their appropriate strata so that REDUCTION
happens to outrank some of them, the learner will fail to reduce the nuclei of unstressed syllable to a schwa.
Hence, there are still examples in the language that require the existing domination hierarchy in (21) to be
When applying the constraint ranking of their native language, native speakers of
Arabic produce (a), where the final syllable is unfooted, and not reduced. In order to
produce the correct target form, they need to through at least two stages. First, they need
to learn that a final closed syllable, due to REDUCTION, surfaces with a schwa (Cf.
outranked by FAITH, so that a bimoraic final syllable with underlying stress surfaces
Language learners who produce (b) in Tableau 20 above are at least one step
ahead of those who produce (a), and they are only one step away from the target form (c).
This conclusion can be supported by the fact that the learners who produce (b) should
Tableau (21)
Input: /hammock / Lx=Pr MR TR FA RED NF FB AFR AFL
a- (ham)mock *! * * **
b- " (ham)mck * * **
Learners who have not yet reached the point where they can produce unstressed
syllables with a schwa still need to make this move before they learn that REDUCTION
is sometimes violated so as to satisfy higher ranking constraints such as FAITH. That is,
they have to deduce that in English FAITH dominates REDUCTION and NONFINAL.
As shown in (3.3.5) above, syllables that are stressed due to FAITH surface as bimoraic, so that they
satisfy BIMORAIC.
4.3.2.d BIMORAIC
Another source of difficulty for native speakers of Arabic when learning English comes
from the fact that each syllable in English must at least be bimoraic, and that monomoraic
or zero-moraic syllables (e.g. animl, hammck, etc.] are only sanctioned by higher-
Implicit in this is the suggestion that native speakers of Arabic need to learn the
vowels, diphthongs and coda consonants are divided into subsets depending on the
number of moras each subset contributes to the weight of the syllable: Some of them
must contribute one mora, some of them optionally contribute one mora, some of them
contribute two moras, some of them contribute three moras, and some of them contribute
Lax vowels µ
Tense vowels µµ
[ay,yu] µµ
[aw, y] µµµ
coronals (µ)
Noncoronals µ
[ž, ŋ] µµ
[, r] Ø
[] Ø
This is surely one of the most basic differences between English and Arabic. In
Arabic, each nuclear and post-nuclear segment contributes precisely one mora to the
weight of the syllable. This is probably why native speakers of Arabic produce words like
/novelist/, /expert/, /collect/, /defrost/, etc. with ultimate stress (e.g. novelist, expert,
collect, defrost, etc.). To those learners, the final syllable in each of these words weighs
three moras, and so surfaces with main stress. In addition, a /cv/ syllable type weighs
only one mora in Arabic, irrespective of the nature of that vowel. In English, however, all
syllables are at least bimoraic, and the realization of monomoraic or even zero moraic
the entire set of constraints. This entails that native speakers of Arabic when learning
English need to make sure that BIMORAIC is high ranking; it is demoted only one step
Stratum 2 {BIMORAIC}174
4.3.2.e WSP
In English, a bimoraic syllable gets footed in final position, and thus surfaces
In Arabic, on the other hand, a final syllable that weighs two moras or less is not footed at
For acquistion purposes, native speakers of Arabic who learn English need to
learn two things in this respect. First, they need to learn the English intrinsic mora
count.177 Second, they need to demote NONFINALσ at least one step below WSP(≥µµ)
When those learners acquire the English way of counting moras, they will no
longer produce words like /novelist/, /expert/, /collect/, etc. with ultimate stress. Rather,
they will learn that the final syllable in each of these words weighs less than two moras.
Hammond (1999: 137) argues that final coronals do not necessarily contribute to the
Notice that as long as the other constraints are not demoted to their proper position in the hierarchy,
learners still fail to get the idea that BIMORAIC is relevant when accounting for English stress. For the
present hierarchy still shows that BIMORAIC is dominated by the entire set of constraint.
Recall that final light (CV) and heavy syllables (CVC, CVV) are never stressed in final position in
What is interesting here is for a final syllable to get stressed in polysyllabic words in English, it must
weigh two moras. In Arabic, however, a final syllable is never stressed unless it weighs three moras. This
basically entails that light and heavy syllables pair together as opposed to superheavy syllables in Arabic,
but heavy and superheavy syllables pair together in English. In other words, in Arabic we have light and
heavy syllables in one category and superheavy syllables in another category; but in English we have light
syllables in one category and heavy and superheavy in another category.
This is seen as falling outside the domain of this reaseach as it requires a high-ranking constraint that
works at the segmental level. The task of this constraint would be to assign each segment its weight in
terms of moras.
weight of the syllable. The final syllable of /novelist/ does not count as two moras, and so
falls on either the penult or the antepenult in these words. Consider the following Tableau
for /novelist/:
Tableau (22)
Input: /novelist/ Lx=Pr MR TR FA WSP NF WSP AFR AFL
(≥µµ) (<µµ)
a- " (nove)list * *
b- (nove)(list) *! * **
On the other hand, the final syllable that weighs at least two moras surfaces
stressed because WSP(≥µµ) dominates NONFINAL. Consider the following Tableau for
Tableau (23)
Input: /alarm/ Lx=Pr MR TR FA WSP NF WSP FBσ AF AFL
(≥µµ) (<µµ) R
a- (a)larm *! * *
b- "(larm) * * *
According to Tableau (23) above, Output (b) wins the competition despite the fact that it
The domination hierarchy in (23) above does not show the ranking of WSP(≥µµ)
and WSP(<µµ) relative to NONFINALσ, for both are still housed in the same stratum.
Recall that because a final syllable that weighs at least two moras surfaces stressed in
English and a final syllable that weighs less than two moras surfaces stressless in English,
NONFINAL. When learning English, native speakers of Arabic need to learn to demote
final syllables that weigh less than two moras, they face great difficulty in stressing a
final syllable that weighs two moras (e.g. bassinet, souvenir, toucanet, etc.). This is so
because a final heavy syllable is not stressed in Arabic (i.e. (mu)(dar)ris is a better parse
than (mu)(dar)(ris) ). Native speakers of Arabic then need to be exposed to data (e.g.
bassinet, souvenir, toucanet, kangaroo, agree, etc.) that make them acquire that
As for the directionality of footing, our analysis has shown that Arabic and
English are similar with respect to the ordering of ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-FEET-
LEFT relative to NONFINAL, but they are very different with respect to the ordering of
that should facilitate learning. However, one source of stress errors in the English of
native speakers of Arabic comes from the claim that feet are parsed from left to right in
Arabic (i.e. ALL-FEET-LEFT >> ALL-FEET-RIGHT), but from right to left in English
Notice that for almost all the examples introduced so far, it makes no difference
whether the word is parsed from right to left or from left to right, because only one foot is
constructed over the word. All that the previous examples show as far as the parsing of
and ALL-FEET-LEFT for both Arabic and English. Let us recall the evidence why
The ordering of ALL-FEET-LEFT and ALL-FEET-RIGHT relative to each other is partially determined
by UG in that one of them must dominate the other. This is so because parsing has to take place either from
right to left or from left to right, but not in both directions.
NONFINAL must dominate ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-FEET-LEFT in the two
and ALL-FEET-LEFT relative to each other causes transfer errors in the English of
NONFINAL were outranked by ALL-FEET-LEFT, the final syllable would pair with the
(a) (jada)(latu)
(b) *(kaa)(taba)(ha)
(c) *(?ad)(wiya)(tuhu)(maa)
If the need to have the leftmost foot coincide with the left edge of the word in
Arabic outweighs the need to have the last syllable unfooted, then stress, due to
the final syllable as in (25b-c), but never on the antepenult. But if NONFINAL is said to
well as antepenultimate stress. Consider how the correct stress pattern can be derived if
LEFT) in Arabic:
(a) (jada)(la)<tu>
(b) (kaa)(taba)<ha>
(c) (?ad)(wiya)(tuhu)<maa>
Recall that ALL-FEET-LEFT >> ALL-FEET-RIGHT in Arabic
In English, on the other hand, NONFINAL must dominate ALL-FEET-RIGHT180,
(27) (ani)mal
(a) *(ani)(mal)
(b) *(a)(nimal)
Let us see what the learners need to do to acquire the ranking of NONFINAL
Recall that ALL-FEET-RIGHT >> ALL-FEET-LEFT in English
The fact that the final syllable sometimes surfaces stressed in both languages can be accounted for by
higher-ranking constraints. As for Arabic, it is shown that a final syllable is stressed in two cases (1) if the
word is a monosyllabic word (e.g. min > min); and (2) if the final syllable is superheavy (e.g. kasaat >
kasaat). Otherwise, the final syllable always remains unstressed. In terms of constraint ranking, stressing a
monosyllabic word is accounted for by having Lx=Pr dominate NONFINAL; and stressing a final
superheavy syllable is accounted for by having PARSEσ dominate NONFINAL(σµµµ).
As for English, the final syllable is stressed in three cases: (1) if the word is monosyllabic (e.g. cat > cat);
(2) if the word ends in a long vowel (e.g. agree > agree); and (3) if the word is underlyingly accented on
the final syllable (e.g. bassinet > bassinet). Otherwise, the final syllable is always unstressed. In terms of
constraint ranking, /cat/ surfaces stressed because Lx=Pr dominates NONFINAL; the final syllable in
/agree/ surfaces stressed because WSP(≥µµ) dominates NONFINAL; and the final syllable in /bassinet/
surfaces stressed because FAITH dominates NONFINAL.
As shown above, native speakers of Arabic who learn English get this step for
free because the acquistion of stress in their native language requires the demotion of
However, what the two languages seem not to have in common as far as the
FEET-LEFT relative to each other. In 3.4 above, it is shown that syllables are footed on a
left-to-right basis in Arabic; and in 3.5 above, it is shown that syllables are footed on a
FEET-RIGHT in Arabic, it is the other way around in English. Words like /America/ are
parsed as (Ame)rica not A(meri)ca by native speakers of Arabic. And this is one of the
light penult in Arabic (e.g. ?adwiyatuhu) without parsing the syllables from left to right.
Recall that a light penult is stressed in Arabic iff (if and only if) it is separated from a
preceding heavy syllable (or word boundary) by an even number of light syllables. What
this basically means is that stressing a light penult in Arabic requires that a degenerate
foot be constructed over it. Only a left-to-right parsing results in having the degenerate
a (CV)<CV>
b. (CVCV)(CV)<CV>
e. ETC
A right-to-left parsing results in having the degenrate foot as close to the left edge of the
word as possible:
a. (CV)<CV>
*b. (CV)(CVCV)<CV>
*c. (CV)(CVCV)(CVCV)<CV>
d. ETC
First, due to NONFINAL, the last syllable should not be footed (i.e. extrametrical):
(32b) (?ad)(wiya)(tu)<hu>
*(32c) (?ad)(wi)(yatu)<hu>
to TROCHAIC and MAIN-RIGHT, falls on the penult--which is correct. All in all, the
actual output form can only be accounted for with a left-to-right parsing.
Let us now turn to English for the ranking of ALL-FEET-RIGHT and ALL-
FEET-LEFT relative to each other. Consider how the correct stress pattern for /America/
is obtained:
Tableau (24)
Input: /America/ Lx=Pr NF FB TR Pσ A-F-R A-F-L
a- (Ame)rica ** *!* *
b-" A(meri)ca ** * **
Notice that, due to ALL-FEET-RIGHT, the competition between (a) and (b) is resolved
in favor of (b). Whereas (b) incurs one violation of ALL-FEET-RIGHT, its competitor
(a) incurs two violations. The proposal that ALL-FEET-RIGHT should dominate ALL-
FEET-LEFT in English is supported by the fact that stress surfaces on the antepenult;
otherwise, stress will surface on an pre-antepenultimate syllable (cf. output (a) in Tableau
22 above).182 After observing the requirement of NONFINAL, the correct output form is
obtained by having the penult and the antepenult pair together to make up one foot
experience problems to get the correct stress pattern in /America/ because they parse its
syllables into metrical feet from left to right. However, before we see what those learners
need to do to acquire the target language way of parsing, there is one more wrinkle that
should be tackled first, namely the relative ranking of PARSEσ and FOOT-BINARITY
Notice that this is true only if FOOT-BINARITYσ dominates PARSEσ.
Because of the influence of their native language, native speakers of Arabic produce
/America/ as [America], with main stress on the penult. This is so because in /America/,
the penult is the syllable that is separated from the word boundary by an even number of
light syllables. Compare an erroneous token like [America] with an actual Arabic word
like [katabaha].
speakers of Arabic are expected to parse /America/ into feet as in (33) below:
(33) (Ame)ri<ca>183
The question that arises is: How then do these learners produce a word like /America/
requirement that each and every syllable be part of a metrical foot is more important than
the requirement to have every foot be of a certain shape. Given the constraint ranking in
Tableau (25)
Input: /America/ Lx=Pr MR NF Pσ FB A-F-L
a- (Ame)rica *!* *
b-!" (Ame)(ri)ca * * **
According to tableau (25) above, when employing the Arabic way of parsing syllables
into metrical feet, output (b) wins the competition because it incurs fewer violations of
Compare English (Ame)(ri)ca with Arabic (kata)(ba)ha. As PARSEσ dominates FOOT-BINARITY
(kata)(ba)ha is a better parse than (kata)baha.
PARSEσ than its competitor (a). The fact that (a) does not incur any violations of FOOT-
Thus, the candidate form that incurs more violations of PARSEσ is the one that loses the
Let us demonstrate why native speakers of Arabic who transfer the constraint
ranking in their native language to English produce /America/ with penult stress.
(34a) Ameri<ca>
Second, syllables are grouped into moraic trochees, i.e. (LL) and (H) from left-to-right
(34b) (Ame)ri<ca>
(34c) (Ame)(ri)ca
(34d) (Ame)(ri)ca
For acquisition purposes, native speakers of Arabic who learn English need to do
two things as far as the parsing of syllables into metrical feet is concerned. One, they
need to demote ALL-FEET-LEFT one step down the hierarchy, so that ALL-FEET-
RIGHT outranks ALL-FEET-LEFT. The constraint ranking in (29) above should now
In English, however, the need to satisfy PARSEσ is not as compelling as the need to fulfill the
requirement of FOOT-BINARITYσ. Hence, A(meri)ca is a better parse than (A)(meri)ca.
(35) Domination hierarchy
Stratum 3 = { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Second, they need to demote PARSEσ one step below FOOT-BINARITY. The
Stratum 3 = { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
The current domination hierarchy in (36) above raises two interesting points: (1) the
relative ranking of PARSEσ and NONFINAL; and (2) the shape of the optimal foot in
Disregarding the issue of final superheavy syllables in Arabic, final light and heavy
syllables in Arabic fail to surface stressed because NONFINAL dominates PARSEσ. For
of Arabic never produce words like /America/ with stress on the final syllables. In other
words, no transfer errors are expected to occur here. Such being the case, the constraint
domination hierarchy in (36) above automatically corrects itself, yielding (37) below,
Stratum 3 = { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
However, this demotion has resulted in having PARSEσ housed in the same stratum with
ALL-FEET-RIGHT, which entails that these two constraints are unranked relative to
each other. Recall that for the learner to be able to construct more than one foot over the
English, the learner gets the demotion of ALL-FEET-RIGHT one step down the
have shown that words like /America/ should force the learner to demote ALL-FEET-
LEFT one step down the hierarchy so that the hierarchy continues to show the relative
Stratum 3 = { ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 4 = {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
One major source of errors in the English of native speakers of Arabic with respect to
stress placement comes from the fact that the shape of the foot is different in the two
languages. Whereas Arabic requires that each foot consist of two moras, English requires
that each foot consist of two syllables. In other words, FOOT-BINARITY is interpreted
under a moraic analysis in Arabic, but under syllabic analysis in English. This is expected
In Arabic, a heavy syllable (σµµ) makes up a foot by itself; and two light syllables
(σµσµ) make up one foot.185 We have shown in 3.4 above that a syllabic analysis of
FOOT-BINARITY does not work for Arabic because it cannot account for the place of
stress on a light penult (e.g. HLL). In a word like [maktabah], for example, stress goes to
the light penult. Given the fact that Arabic is a trochaic system, the stress pattern of
under syllabic analysis because the light penult would then pair with the heavy antepenult
In case the foot is constructed over a heavy syllable (σµµ), it does not matter which mora is the head of
the syllable because both moras are part of one syllable which ultimately surfaces as the one with main
stress (i.e. (σµµ)). In case the foot is constructed over two light syllables (σµσµ), it really does matter which
one is the head of the foot simply because each mora belongs to an independent syllable and only one of
the two light syllables must surface as the head of the foot, and ultimately carriy main word-stress. In this
latter case, we have shown that there is ample evidence that the foot is left-headed in Arabic. That is, in
each foot that consists of a pair of light syllables, it is the leftmost syllable that must be the head of the foot,
and ultimately the one that carries main word-stress (i.e. (σµσµ)).
to make up one foot (e.g., (HL)L186), and stress, due to TROCHAIC, would fall on the
analysis, i.e., that each foot must consist of two syllables irrespective of their weight, e.g.,
(LL), (LH), (HL), or (HH). The reason is that in English, unlike Arabic, a heavy
antepenult receives stress when it pairs with a light penult to make up one foot, e.g.,
(HL)L187. In a word like [asterisk], stress goes to the heavy antepenult. All in all, the
interpretation of FOOT-BINARITY under a syllabic analysis can account for the English
This is probably why native speakers of Arabic produce words like /asterisk/ with
penult stress. In order to acquire the correct stress pattern, those learners need to learn to
a. (aste)risk
b. (as)(te)risk
because its violation is irrelevant in determing the actual output form. This entails that
native speakers of Arabic need to demote this constraint to the lowest stratum possible, so
Notice that this is true irrespective of the directionality of footing.
This is also true in some Arabic dialects (e.g. Hijazi Arabic, see Abaalkhail 1998)
Stratum 3 { ALL-FEET-RIGHT }
Stratum 4 { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 5 { FOOT-BINARITYµ}
account for the Arabic data, but under a syllabic analysis to account for the English data,
negative transfer is likely to occur. In particular, it makes native speakers of Arabic fail to
4.3.2.j FOOT-BINARITYσ and WSP
shown that the final syllable, due to NONFINAL, is unfooted in English, and that the
remaining syllables are parsed into binary feet from right to left. If FOOT-BINARITYσ
were undominated, the penult and the antepenult would always pair together to make up a
(a) a(meri)ca
(b) (ani)mal
*(c) (agen)da
Although this yields the desired output forms in (42a) and (42b), it yields the
wrong form in (42c). The question arises as to how we can account for the stress pattern
in /agenda/. Given the fact that English feet consist of two syllables, we have asserted
earlier that the answer to this problem is to assume that FOOT-BINARITYσ is outranked
by another constraint that requires the penult in words like (42c) above to surface with
main word-stress. We have suggested that the penult in (42c) is stressed because it is a
constraint which calls for the stressing of a heavy syllable, namely WSP(≥µµ).
Interestingly enough, native speakers of Arabic are never reported to have
difficulty in acquiring the stress pattern of words like /agenda/. The reason is that a heavy
penult always surfaces with main stress in both Arabic and English. In Arabic, the place
penult always make up a foot by itself, and stress, due to MAIN-RIGHT, terminates on
that foot. Consider how stress surfaces on the heavy penult of /fihimna/:
(43b) fi(him)<na>
(43c) fi(him)<na>
than (LH)L. Consider Tableau (26) below with a partial ranking of the constraints:
Tableau (26)
input /agenda/ WSP(VV) NF WSP(≥µµ) FBσ
a- (agen)(da) *! *
b- (agen)da *!
c-" a(gen)da *
For acquistion purposes, despite the fact that native speakers do not encounter
difficulty in acquiring the stress pattern in /agenda/, they still need to learn to demote
Initial Stratum {NEUTRAL, Lx=Pr, FAITH, MAIN-RIGHT,
Stratum 3 { ALL-FEET-RIGHT }
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 5 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
NONFINAL. Recall that in English the need to satisfy NONFINAL is more important
that the need to satisfy FOOT-BINARITYσ. Hence, A(meri)ca is a better parse than
Stratum 3 { ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 4 { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 5 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
At this stage, negative transfer is very likely to occur again. This is so because the
demotion of FOOT-BINARITYσ one step down the hierarchy has resulted in having it
housed with PARSEσ in the same stratum, wrongly suggesting that these two constaints
are unranked relative to each other. In Arabic, it is shown that the need to make each and
every syllable part of a metrical foot outweighs the need to satisfy the requirement
imposed on the shape of the foot, so that (jada)(la)tu is a better parse than (jada)latu. In
should be exposed to data that force the demotion of PARSEσ one step further down the
Stratumb 4 { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 5 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
namely the ranking of PARSEσ with respect to ALL-FEET-RIGHT. In order to keep the
relative ranking of PARSEσ and ALL-FEET-RIGHT, the latter must be demoted one
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
Again, this demotion results in the violation of the relative ranking of ALL-
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
The learner has also to be aware that FOOT-BINARITYµ is violated all over the
place in English, so that its violation is not crucial in determining the actual output form.
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
4.3.2.k MAIN-RIGHT and WSP(≥µµ)
Recall that in English, syllables that end with a long vowel may occur in nonfinal
position (e.g., aroma, boomerang, bailiwick, etc.). In addition, they may not be the ones
that carry main word-stress (e.g. souvenir, toucanet, etc.). What this basically means is
that WSP(≥µµ) is not top-ranked in English. Words like souvenir and toucanet suggest
that an independent foot is constructed over the final syllable which carries main word-
a. (souve)(nir)
b. (touca)(net)
a. (souve)(nir)
b. (touca)(net)
This basically means that MAIN-RIGHT outranks WSP(≥µµ), which in turn outranks
modified as in (52) below, where WSP(≥µµ) is demoted one step down the hierarchy:
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
Notice that this move requires the domination hierarchy to correct itself several times.
First, WSP(≥µµ) is now housed in the same stratum with NONFINAL, which is
not correct because a final syllable that weighs two moras (or more) surfaces with main
stress (e.g. agree, kangaroo, etc.). This requires the demotion of NONFINAL to the next
available stratum:
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
REDUCTION, so that, unlike the final syllable in hammck, animl, etc., the final
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 3 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
The domination hierarchy still needs to correct itself; it has to show that NONFINAL
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 4 {ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
The domination hierarchy in (55) violates the relative ranking of FOOT-BINARITY and
PARSEσ, and thus requires the demotion of PARSEσ one step down the hierarchy:
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 5 {ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
This move results in a violation of the relative ranking of PARSEσ and ALL-FEET-
Initial Stratum {NEUTRAL, Lx=Pr, FAITH, MAIN-RIGHT,
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 4 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 6 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 4 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 5 { ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
But still the domination hierarchy has to correct itself again to show that FOOT-
BINARITYµ is dominated by the entire set of constraint, and thus must be demoted one
Stratum 1 {WSP(≥µµ) }
Stratum 4 { PARSEσ}
Stratum 5 { ALL-FEET-RIGHT}
Stratum 6 { ALL-FEET-LEFT}
Stratum 7 {FOOT-BINARITYµ}
4.4 Conclusion
(59) is a stratified hierarchy showing the domination relations that exist among the
various constraints that are needed to account for main word-stress in English. This
f. MAIN-RIGHT must dominate WSP so as to allow stress to fall on one
of the last three syllables. (bassi)(net) is a better parse than
g. TROCHAIC must dominate IAMBIC, so as to allow feet to be left-
headed. A(meri)ca is a better parse than A(meri)ca.
II All the other constraints are dominated. Yet some of them are ranked
relative to each other:
The domination hierarchy in (59) should be compared with the domination hierarchy
needed to account for Arabic main word-stres, which is motivated by the following
a. TROCHAIC must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
b. MAIN-RIGHT must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
than (jaa)(dala)<tu>
c. Lx=Pr must dominate NONFINALσ. (min) is a better parse than min.
d. *NONPRIMARY must be undominated. (jaa)(dala)<tu> is a better parse
than (jaa)(dala)<tu>188
II. The other constraints, although they are all dominated by higher ranking
constraints, are ranked relative to each other:
The comparision has shown that there are some features in common as far as the
ranking of constraints is concerned, but they differ in other features. When two or more
constraints are ranked in the same way relative to each other in the two languages, no
stress errors occur; but when they are ranked differently, stress errors are very likely to
occur. With respect to constraint ranking, among the major differences between the two
Notice that Lx=Pr and WSP(σµµµ), for example, do not only dominate NONFINAL, but they also
dominate all the constraints that are dominated by NONFINAL. This is called transitivity of ranking in
which we assume that some ranking exists between all constraints even those which do not interact (see
Kager 1999: 21).
a. The ranking of *NONPRIMARY relative to the entire set of constraints. Whereas
over the place in English. Secondary stress is thus a major problem in the English
Arabic. Suffixed English words are thus very much problematic to native speakers
English, native speakers of Arabic fail to produce /asterisk/ with antepenult stress.
d. Syllables are parsed into metrical feet from left to right in Arabic, but form right
FEET-RIGHT in Arabic, it is the other way around in English. So, native speakers
Because our focus has been on main stress, we devoted little time to talk about this point.
Because our focus has been on monomorphemic words, we devoted little time to talk about this point
f. FAITH dominates REDUCTION in English, but both FAITH and REDUCTION
are so low ranked in Arabic that they are irrelevant in determining the ctual output
g. A final syllable that weighs two moras is stressed in English, but a afinal syllable
that weighs two moras is always stressless in Arabic. In other words, whereas a
syllable that weighs two moras fall in the same category as the syllable that
weighs three moras in English, a syllable that weighs two moras falls in the
category with the syllable that weighs one mora in Arabic. In terms of constraint
BIMORAIC are so low ranked in Arabic that they are irrelevant in determining
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Native speakers of Arabic are often unable single out the syllable which is most
prominence are stable for a given colloquial but also … correspondence between
In order to see that this is really the case, a simple perception test is carried out.
Ten native speakers of Arabic were asked to single out the syllable that is most prominent
18 words produced by native speaker of Arabic. Each word is produced as many times as
the listeners demanded. The following Table shows the responses of the listeners on the
perception test :
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L8 L9
mustamaliin mus ta mus mus mus mus ta muus/ta mus/ta mus
mastalmathaaš tal tal mas mas mas tal haaš mat tal ….
maqaaid id id qaa qaa id id qaa id qaa qaa
almustašfaa mus mus taš taš taš mus taš al/mus/taš mus taš
maraaji ji ji raa raa raa ji raa ji raa ji
almauub ma ma ma uub uub ma uub ma mu ma
kataba ta ka ta ka ka ta ka ba ba …
The table above shows two important observations:
(1) None of the subjects perceived all of the the test words with the correct stress
patterns. In fact, on the 18 test token, the highest score is 10 and the lowest score
is 0.
(2) None of the test tokens is perceived with the correct stress pattern by all the
subjects. All of this shows that native speakers of Arabic are not aware of this