ICAO ELP Approval

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ATTACHMENT C to State letter AN 12/44.



ANNEXES 1, 6, 10 AND 11

(Reference to Table 1, paragraph 3, Attachment B)

To: The Secretary General

International Civil Aviation Organization
999 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3C 5H7

1. No differences will exist on between

the national regulations and/or practices of
(State) and the language provisions as
detailed in Table 1, paragraph 3 of Attachment B of this State letter.

2. The following differences will exist

on between the regulations and/or practices of
(State) and the provisions the language
provisions as detailed in Table 1, paragraph 3 of Attachment B of this State letter. (Please see
Note 3) below.)

a) Annex b) Difference c) Details of Difference d) Remarks

Provision Category
(Please give (Please indicate (Please describe the (Please indicate
exact A, B, or C) difference clearly and reasons for the
paragraph concisely) difference)

(Please use extra sheets as required)


3. By the dates indicated below,

(State) will have complied with the language

provisions as detailed in Table 1, paragraph 3 of Attachment B of this State letter for which
differences have been notified in 2 above.

a) Annex Provision b) Date c) Comments

(Please give exact
paragraph reference)

(Please use extra sheets as required)




1) If paragraph 1 above is applicable to you, please complete paragraph 1 and return this
form to ICAO Headquarters. If paragraph 2 is applicable to you, please complete
paragraphs 2 and 3 and return the form to ICAO Headquarters.

2) Please dispatch the form to reach ICAO Headquarters as soon as possible but prior to 5
March 2008.

3) A detailed repetition of previously notified differences, if they continue to apply, may be

avoided by stating the current validity of such differences.

4) Guidance on the notification of differences from language provisions is provided in the

Note on the Notification of Differences at http://www.icao.int/fsix/.

5) Please send a copy of this notification to the ICAO Regional Director accredited to your

— END —

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