A Review of Wood Machining Literature With A Special Focus On Sawing
A Review of Wood Machining Literature With A Special Focus On Sawing
A Review of Wood Machining Literature With A Special Focus On Sawing
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Throughout history the handsaw has proven to be one of the most widely used
hand tools. This dates back to the first flint saws used during the Neolithic revolution
circa 9500 BC (Jones and Simons 1961). In subsequent eras the technology continued to
advance through the bronze and iron ages. Applications of the hand saws widened
through the Roman era, where they became increasingly used in construction and even as
a method of execution (Suetonius-Tranquillus, AD 119). The closed handle handsaw that
we recognize today has its origins at the turn of the 18th century. Prior to this, saws with
an open handle or “pistol grip” were the norm. The teeth were manually filed and set
using a small hammer and anvil. In the developing world, where carpenters see their tools
as an investment rather than a replaceable good, this method is still widely used. The saw
teeth are re-set and filed when the edges become too worn for functional use, thus
increasing the life of the saw. Since the latter part of the 20th century, the developed
world has opted for hardened saw teeth. This is achieved by inducing an electromagnetic
field at the edge of the blade heating the steel and hence forcing martensitic transform-
ation. This makes the saw teeth extremely resilient to tool wear, removing the need to re-
sharpen. Additionally, grinding and setting are fully automated processes.
Research performed into optimum wood machining conditions (Eyma et al. 2004;
Méausoone 2001) states that there are generally three types of factors that affect the
cutting mechanics:
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3. The moisture content of the wood
Analysis of the wood cutting process in the published literature (Franz 1958;
Kivimaa 1950; Koch 1964; McKenzie 1961) examines these three effects, with
publications investigating defects in the wood grain such as knots (Axelsson 1994).
Wood has three planes of symmetry; axial, radial, and tangential. Corresponding
to these planes of symmetry are the cutting directions by which machining processes can
be described (Fig. 1). When referring to a machining direction, the established labeling
system employs two numbers separated by a hyphen. The first number denotes the
orientation of the cutting edge to the wood grain direction; the second number denotes the
movement of the tool with respect to the grain direction. To illustrate this, the three main
cutting directions are listed:
90°-90° - The axial plane or the wood end grain. Both the cutting edge and tool
movement are perpendicular to the grain.
0°-90° - The radial and tangential planes, cutting across the grain. The cutting
edge is parallel to the grain but the tool movement is perpendicular.
90°-0° - The longitudinal plane, cutting along the grain. The cutting edge is
perpendicular to the grain but the tool movement is parallel.
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any machining process. On a macroscopic level, wood gains its non-uniform structure
from its concentric annual growth rings composed of earlywood cells (formed during the
darker, cooler spring months) and latewood cells (formed during the warmer, lighter
summer months). These cells grow longitudinally through the trunk of the tree.
Additionally, wood contains knots where limbs grow out from the trunk; these weaken
wood as a material as they are poorly bonded to the surface which surrounds them.
Orthogonal Plaining
Plaining is a process by which a knife edge removes a layer of material on the top
surface of a work-piece. As there is clearly material removal in the form of chip or swarf,
analysis of the chip formation is often used to characterize the process. Early research
into the metal-cutting process by Ernst (1938), Merchant (1944), and Lee and Shaffer
(1951) has established relationships between the cutting conditions and the deformed
chip. These relationships have successfully explained the process as plastic deformation
of an isotropic material. As wood is an anisotropic material, chip formation changes with
respect to the machining direction.
The first comprehensive investigation into wood machining (Kivimaa 1950)
investigated the effects of varying tool geometry and species factors for plaining
operations. In experimental work evaluating the cutting action of the tool, the work-piece
properties were not varied, standardizing on Finnish birch as the sole species. It was
found that the main cutting force was inversely proportional to the sharpness of the tool,
i.e. the sharper the tool, the lower the force. It also can be stated at this point that the
thrust force is caused by contact between the rake face and the chip. Larger rake angles
result in greater chip thickness hence lower thrust force. This is because the chip is not
being compressed at the extreme cutting edge. Although it is observed that there is no
significant effect of cutting velocity on the major cutting force, the orientation of the tool
with respect to the grain does have a significant effect on the cutting forces. The highest
cutting forces are observed to be in the 90°-90° direction (wood end grain), with the
lowest cutting forces in the 90°-0° direction (cutting along the grain).
In other experimental work (Axelsson et al. 2003) the tool sharpness and rake
angle remain constant for the testing of 21 different species of wood. Analysis of data
found a linear trend between the density of the wood and the major cutting force. From
this empirical data, a predictive model for cutting force was created.
For orthogonal wood cutting, extensive work into the chip formation produced
through varied cutting conditions has been carried out by Franz (1955, 1958), McKenzie
(1961), and Woodson and Koch (Koch 1964; Woodson and Koch 1970). The cutting
tools used in the experiments represent a planing tool that removes material across the
entire width of the work-piece. This set-up typically consists of the tool being attached to
a strain gauge rosette (measuring cutting and thrust force components). Cutting along the
grain gives three types of characterized chip (Fig. 2):
Type I chip is caused by a large rake angle producing negative thrust forces
(acting in a positive vertical direction relative to the work-piece). The wood fibres
split ahead of the tool and finally fail due to bending. This type of chip is
beneficial where quick removal of material is required.
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Type II chip is formed by a very sharp tool edge and a diagonal plane of shear.
Excellent surface finish is achieved due to the continuous chip formation.
Type III chip is caused by dull tool edges and very small or negative rake angles.
It is also suggested that very large depths of cut may form this chip where there is
too much contact with the blade surface. This type of chip causes a raised fuzzy
grain where wood fibres protrude, hence a poor surface finish.
Further work done by Woodson and Koch (1970) cutting across the grain
demonstrates that higher moisture contents increase the length of chip type II before
failure. The forces observed in the latewood fibers are approximately double that of the
earlywood fibers with a positive correlation between cutting force and moisture content.
The same publication documents the effects of cutting across the grain in what is
described as the veneer peeling process. This process uses high rake angles
(approximately 70°) and small depth of cut (less than 1 mm) with a nosebar used to
compress the cells before cutting to ensure that the veneer remains a single unbroken
sheet. The chip is formed by an initial compaction of the wood fibres (3) followed by an
ongoing shearing process (2) with some tensile failure also observed (1) (Fig. 3). This
form of cutting results in higher forces and discontinuous chip compared to veneer
peeling. Cutting forces for ealywood and latewood in this direction are the same.
McKenzie (1961) investigated the effects of cutting across the grain and
discovered two distinct chip types (Fig. 4). Type I is typical for cutting wood with a very
high moisture content and type II for low moisture content. The cutting mechanics for
both conditions specify a tensile failure mode causing parallel gaps to propagate between
the fibers; however, these gaps become larger with decreased moisture content. Cutting
forces in this direction are strongly affected by cell type, moisture content, depth of cut,
and rake angle, where the values of the cutting force for latewood are approximately
three times the values for earlywood.
Further research (Goli et al. 2001a, 2002a,b, 2003, 2005, 2009) delves into the
change in cutting mechanics when machining at different orientations with respect to the
grain. The grain orientation that provides the highest forces and leaves behind the most
protruded distorted grain is cutting in the 90°-90° direction (Goli et al. 2005). As
previously discovered by Kivimaa (1950), cutting parallel to the grain provides the
lowest cutting force values (Costes et al. 2004) with chip formation characteristic of the
Franz type 1 chip. Furthermore cutting at angles with the annual growth rings produces
smaller cutting forces and less distorted grain compared to cutting against the growth
rings (Goli et al. 2009).
Analysis of the formation of the surface finish also has been investigated (Goli et
al. 2001a,b, 2002a; Goli and Uzielli 2004). Surface roughness measurements using a
perthometer (optical 3D roughness measurement) and a profileometer (surface roughness
stylus) were taken to quantify the surface finish of the woods. Machining in the standard
machine directions (90°-0°, 0°-90°, 90°-90°) provides results concurrent to the respective
chip formation types of Franz, McKenzie, and Koch.
Typically cutting along the grain provides a better surface finish than cutting
across the grain, where the effects of moisture content, rake angle, depth of cut, and edge
sharpness all affect the surface finish in the same way as previously investigated in the
fundamental studies (Franz 1958; Koch 1964; McKenzie 1961). In reflection, when
cutting at angles with and against the annual growth rings it is established that the surface
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Fig. 2. McKenzie chip types, along the grain (McKenzie 1961) with permission from the University
of Michigan
Fig. 3. Veneer Peeling, Across the Grain (Woodson and Koch, 1970) with permission from the
U.S Department of Agriculture
Fig. 4. Machining the wood end grain (Woodson and Koch 1970) with permission from the U.S
Department of Agriculture
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roughness is significantly larger when cutting at angles against the growth rings as
opposed to with the growth rings. This has been verified by both surface roughness
measurement techniques.
Oblique Plaining
In orthogonal cutting, it has been known for tools with large rake angles (>25°) to
produce negative thrust forces (acting in a positive vertical direction relative to the work-
piece), although this observation is usually attributed to a larger depth of cut (Franz 1958;
Woodson and Koch 1970). For oblique cutting parallel to the grain, the cutting and thrust
forces decrease as the oblique edge angle increases (Jin and Cai 1996, 1997). As
observed with orthogonal cutting, it is also recognized that negative thrust forces can also
occur when wood is machined using oblique tools (Jin and Cai 1997). This occurs for the
same cutting conditions as with oblique cutting (large rake angles and depths of cut) for
oblique edge angles over 30°. It is recognized that the negative thrust forces cause the
propagation of longitudinal cracks in front of the knife edge during cutting (Franz 1958;
Stewart 1971, 1986). By decreasing the rake angle and depth of cut, the magnitude of the
negative thrust force becomes lower and eventually changes from negative to positive.
This reduces the roughness of the surface caused by the chip splitting ahead of the tool,
instead leaving behind a slight fuzzy grain (Fernando 2007).
It has been observed that fibers have been pulled out or up-rooted from the work-
piece when cutting perpendicular to the grain (de Moura and Herandez, 2006). After
further investigation, this phenomenon has been explained as being caused by lateral
forces exerted on the work-piece by the oblique tool (de Moura 2006). This causes
greater observed surface roughness when compared to that of surfaces that have been
machined using orthogonal tools. Furthermore, an increase in the oblique edge angle
causes more fibers to be pulled out, and hence, an increase in the surface roughness of the
A study investigating cutting with extreme oblique angles (Fischer et al. 2011)
states that cutting with very large oblique angles (45° to normal and above) provides a
much better surface finish when compared with orthogonal cutting. This is a result of the
time delayed edge engagement and an increased cutting edge contact with the work-
piece. This effect also results in lower forces acting on the tool, which in turn, reduces
tool wear.
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The presence of silica and other mineral entrapments is known to play a role in
corrosive wear (Müller et al. 2011); however, further study has shown that the silica
residue found within the wood cell walls plays a very small role. Instead, contamination
with coarse silica during the harvesting and storage of timber/lumber is seen to contribute
in a larger way to corrosion. It is also suggested that the mechanical properties of tool
material at the tip, or even coating materials, can be altered by corrosive wear (Gauvent
et al. 2006). This can allow the effects of abrasive wear to become more prominent or
even result in brittle failure.
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teeth have more than one cutting edge so that they can generally perform well cutting
both parallel and perpendicular to the grain. Fleam teeth are usually seen on bow-saws
for cutting green wood, where the rake and flank angles are the same to allow cutting in
both directions.
The thicknesses for the blade raw material is also specified (British Standards
Institute 1999) with the prospective user in mind. The teeth should be alternately set on
either side of the blade. Approximately two-thirds of each tooth measured from the tip
shall be set, and the method of setting shall be such that the remainder of the tooth will
remain undeformed. The set width of the left and right set teeth should be equal and shall
be expressed as a ratio of the thickness of the blade. For cross cutting and general use
saws, this should be no less than one-fifth and no more than two-fifths the thickness of
the blade on each side of the tooth. For rip saws no less than one-quarter and no more
than one-half the thickness of the blade should be on each side. Saw blades use a variety
of different set patterns depending upon the wood grain direction and the driving method
(either manual or machine driven). Hands saws use a variation of the raker set.
During rip sawing, the wood fibers are initially compressed and then sheared
(Lundstrum 1985). Post shearing the compressed fibers adjacent to the shearing edge
causes them to spring back nearly to their original position. For this reason, the set of the
saw must be large enough to prevent the sprung back fibers from making contact with the
body of the saw. Softwoods produce fuzzy grain leaving the kerf not as cleanly cut as
hardwoods, hence sawmills processing mainly softwoods apply greater set widths to the
saw teeth.
Increased gullet size limits the number of teeth per unit of length of blade (i.e.
decreases pitch). The feed velocity during sawing must be reduced for decreased pitch
saws to prevent an excessive depth of cut per tooth, known as over-biting. Conversely,
small gullet sizes tend to increase the tooth pitch (Lundstrum 1985). In band sawing, the
cutting velocity needs to be reduced, as sawdust can become compressed within the
reduced gullet. The reciprocating cutting stroke does not provide enough of a respite for
the sawdust to be removed from the kerf. In order to overcome these problems, it is
recommended that the area of the gullet should be approximately the same as the area of
the tooth. Furthermore, the bite of the tooth should be approximately one third of set
width. This is to ensure that the smallest of the sawdust particles will not be any larger
than the set width and hence will be completely swept out of the machined groove by the
set teeth, whereby reducing lateral cutting forces.
Using a blade with uniform tooth pitch results in the set and unset teeth having the
same bite profile, and hence, the same principle cutting and thrust forces (Andersson et
al. 2001). Using a differential pitch (i.e. the gullet size of the set teeth is smaller than that
of the neutral teeth) means that the set teeth have only a fraction of the bite of the neutral
teeth. This results in the role of the set teeth to be that of removing swarf from the kerf
rather than actually performing any of the cutting action. Reduced lateral cutting forces
and wear are observed for the set teeth.
Beveling the outer lateral edge of the set teeth reduces the bite profile and
improves the surface quality through less damage to the fibers (creating cleaner cuts)
(McKenzie 2000). Beveling the inner lateral edge of the set teeth can increase the bite
profile up to two fold. This in turn can cause an increase in the cutting forces and a
reduction in observed surface quality. Overall, beveled teeth reduce the cutting forces,
hence improving cutting performance. Uniform tooth pitch and geometry results in high
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surface quality and accurate sawn dimensions. The number of teeth/points per 25 mm
shall be in accordance to British Standards (British Standards Institute 1999).
Tool Forces
Cutting forces for single saw tooth tests are generally measured and recorded
using one or more piezoelectric transducers. A piezoelectric transducer is a quartz crystal
that generates an electric charge in response to an applied load. They can be calibrated to
measure exact forces with very small margins of error. The simplest of data acquisition
systems consist of a single transducer connected to a single saw tooth, aligned to measure
the force in the direction of cutting (Ratnasingam and Scholz 2011). Where three
transducers are simultaneously used to measure forces in the X, Y, and Z directions, they
are collectively referred to as a force dynamometer. Dynamometers are generally set up
to constrain the work-piece (wood), and thus, record the resultant forces applied by the
single tooth. The transducers aligned in the X, Y, and Z directions are set up to record
cutting, lateral, and thrust forces. Usually the X and Y directions record cutting or later
forces and the Z direction records the thrust force, although this is completely dependent
on orientation of the tool path with respect to the work-piece. This method has also been
used for a constrained tooth with the work-piece attached to a moving feed bed
(Loehnertz and Cooz 1998). Regarding wood cutting mechanics, the tool forces are the
most important measured response attributed to the tooth for a repeatable work-piece (i.e.
if the work-piece stays the same but the tooth changes). This can either be in the pure,
unaltered force form (Axelsson 1994; Axelsson et al. 1993; Cristóvão et al. 2011; Ekevad
and Marklund, 2011; Lhate et al. 2011; Porankiewicz et al. 2011), or as a specific force
value with respect to depth of cut or volume of material removed (Cooz and Meyer 2006;
Ko and Kim 1999; Orlowski et al. 2011; Orlowski and Palubicki 2009).
For band-sawing operations, machining across the wood fiber direction positive
rake angles of 15°-30° are used for high power driven processes (Lundstrum 1985). The
tooth is allowed to “hook” or “barb” onto the work-piece to allow for quick machining.
These rake angles would be far too large for hand sawing operations, as the forces
required for cutting would be too large to perform manually. Clearance angles are varied
(between 6° and 16°) for varying feed velocities. This is to prevent the flank of the tooth
from making unnecessary contact with the work-piece during sawing. This will decrease
the overall friction hence reducing thrust forces. Research into the effects of changing the
rake angle of band-saw teeth when machining the wood end grain (the 90°-90° direction),
has yielded interesting results with regard to the force in the direction of cutting
(Vazquez-Cooz and Meyer 2006). Three teeth with 25°, 30°, and 35° rake angles were
examined. It was found that the largest rake angle produced the lowest cutting forces and
the smallest rake angle produced the largest cutting forces.
A comparison of the performance between individually set teeth and swaged teeth
show a reduction in lateral forces for the swaged teeth (Okai et al. 2006). Furthermore a
quadratic relationship has been established between the variation (standard deviation) of
lateral forces and side clearance. Through analysis of the cutting and thrust and side
forces, a mechanistic cutting force model could be developed evaluating the individual
roles of the set and neutral teeth (Ko and Kim 1999). It was found that the unset teeth
contribute to the majority of the cutting and thrust force, and the set teeth cause the
majority of the lateral forces measured.
Regression analysis has been frequently used to develop predictive cutting force
models for simple rip tooth geometries (Axelsson et al. 1993; Cristóvão et al. 2011;
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Lhate et al. 2011; Porankiewicz et al. 2011) where a linear decrease in the cutting force
for an increased positive rake angle (10° to 30°) has been observed (Axelsson et al.
1993). At the same time a linear increase in cutting forces is observed for increased edge
radii (5 to 20 m). This shows that in the ripping scenario, sharp teeth with small rake
angles provide the lowest cutting forces. Factors that are considered to have a significant
effect on the major cutting force are depth of cut, rake angle, and edge radius. Cutting
force increases with depth of cut, increases with edge radius, and decreases with rake
angle. Furthermore, cutting the wood end grain yields the largest cutting forces with the
lowest cutting forces observed machining along the fiber direction. Work-piece
parameters have been used as predictors in statistical modeling to describe force trends.
The most often used parameters are density, moisture content, and grain direction. In
addition to this, numerical coefficients have previously been determined to discretely
quantify wood species (Porankiewicz et al. 2011). Adding additional moisture to a piece
of timber leads to swelling; likewise, removing moisture from timber leads to shrinkage.
As a result of this change in volume, the density did not dramatically change with respect
to moisture content. Higher tool forces are observed when cutting wood species of greater
density (Cristóvão et al. 2011; Lhate et al. 2011). It is generally accepted that tool forces
decrease with increased work-piece moisture content, although an exception to this rule
has been found for frozen wood specimen (Porankiewicz et al. 2011). Increased moisture
content for frozen wood leads to an increase in tool forces. Furthermore, work-pieces at
decreasing sub-zero temperatures lead to a significantly higher tool forces.
An investigation into lateral tool forces was conducted for sharp beveled tooth
geometries (Ekevad and Marklund 2011). Very sharp teeth yielded insignificant lateral
forces in all machining directions. Lateral forces only became noticeable when the teeth
became worn or damaged. In this instance, high lateral forces were observed machining
both the wood end grain (90°-90° direction) and the across the fiber direction (0°-90°
direction), with lower lateral forces machining along the grain (90°-0° direction).
Evidence from fundamental literature suggests that cutting velocity has negligible
effect on the forces acting on the tool. This is for the ranges of 0.2 m/s to 6.3 m/s along
the grain (McKenzie 1961) and 2.5 m/s to 50 m/s across the grain (Kivimaa 1950).
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from this footage show a build up of wood particles for the larger rake angles (lower
gullet volume), as the wood chips/particles are prevented from curling past the much
smaller root radii. This results in an impaction of wood particles in the gullet, which
impedes removal of the material from the kerf.
1. The fundamental mechanics of wood machining have been well established through
the published literature. These are illustrated here by the Franz, McKenzie, Woodson,
and Koch chip formation types.
2. The primary mode of tool wear is abrasion. The worn tools cause excessive
compaction of fibers during cutting, resulting in a fuzzy chip and respective poor
surface finish to the work-piece.
3. Recorded tool forces and observed chip formation are the most common methods of
evaluating the cutting mechanics of saw-teeth. Predictive force models have been
developed using both tooth geometry parameters and work-piece (wood) properties.
4. The original findings from previous research have been identified. This will allow for
further research to be conducted in the field of wood-sawing in order to investigate
novel, previously unexplored areas. This includes (but is not limited to) the influence
of geometric parameters associated with the saw-tooth on tool forces.
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Article submitted: February 15, 2013; Peer review completed: March 25, 2013; Revised
version received and accepted: April 5, 2013; Published: April 9, 2013.
Naylor & Hackney (2013). “Review of wood sawing,” BioResources 8(2), 3122-3135. 3135
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