Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis of Marine and Hydrokinetic Reference Models
Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis of Marine and Hydrokinetic Reference Models
Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis of Marine and Hydrokinetic Reference Models
V. Neary
Sandia National Laboratories
To be presented at the 3rd Marine Energy Technology Symposium
(METS 2015)
Washington, D.C.
April 27‒29, 2015
Conference Paper
April 2015
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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
RM models for a single unit and for 10, 50, and More details of the device design for the RM
100 unit arrays is presented. Finally, a study on models are described in the RM project reports
the overall LCOE comparison for 10-megawatt [7–9]. Brief descriptions of the six models studied
(MW) commercial-scale MEC arrays is presented. in the RM are provided here.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
electricity production for single unit, 10-unit, 50- river current turbine, and RM4 is an open ocean
unit, and 100-unit array sizes. Using these array current turbine. The different resource conditions
sizes for each point design allows for a detailed result in different capacity factor, which measures
breakdown of initial capital expenditures (CapEx) how much average electricity a MHK device
and annual operating expenditures (OpEx). This generates for a period of time relative to the
breakdown is necessary as it gives two of the four electricity it can produce at the rated power
inputs required to calculate LCOE. The other two during the same period. Table 2 lists the capacity
inputs include the annual energy production factor for the CEC models in the RM project and
(AEP) provided to the grid, and the fixed charge the rated power (installed capacity) for these
rate (FCR). The AEP in the RM project was devices.
estimated based on the reference site resource
[10–13] and the results from numerical TABLE 2. CEC CAPACITY FACTOR AND RATED
simulations and experimental tests [14–17]. The POWER FOR A SINGLE UNIT
FCR equates to the annual return that is needed to
meet investor requirements. Included in the FCR Assumed Rated Power
are the real discount rate, inflation, tax rates, Capacity Factor (kilowatts)
depreciation, and project life. The simplified LCOE RM1 0.3 1115
can be represented using these inputs [18]: RM2 0.3 90
RM4 0.7 4000
(FCR × CapEx) + OpEx (1)
LCOE = The smallest of the three is RM2 at only 90
kilowatts (kW); RM4 is designed for 4 MW, taking
CapEx and OpEx Costs advantage of the high capacity factor because of
CapEx and OpEx costs are further broken the constancy of the Gulf Stream in the Florida
down into a cost breakdown structure (CBS) that Strait. Note that the wide rated power range and
was developed in the RM project. The categories different resource conditions can create a bias
of the CBS used for all the reference models are when looking at LCOE for a particular array size.
shown in Table 1. For example, a single RM4 device delivers
approximately the same order of magnitude of
TABLE 1. COST CATEGORIES FOR CAPEX AND OPEX AEP as the 100-unit RM2 array. Nevertheless, the
trends associated with array size are still valuable
CapEx OpEx in understanding cost drivers and potential cost
Development Insurance reductions for different devices.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
are plotted in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. three categories in addition to an increase in
The breakdowns show that the infrastructure and energy production (e.g., greater availability,
OpEx costs are the primary costs in the single-unit increased capacity per structure, and so on).
case, whereas the device structure and power
take- off (PTO) are the primary cost drivers for the WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER COST OF ENERGY
100-unit array scenario. In particular, the OpEx RM3 is a two-body floating-point absorber,
cost for the single unit is dominated by the RM5 is a floating oscillating surge device, and RM6
environmental monitoring cost because of the lack is an OWC. The WEC devices (RM3, RM5, and
of operational environmental data for the MEC RM6) are all based on the same resource near
devices being deployed. This raises the Humboldt County, California. The resource
uncertainty regarding the environmental impact conformity creates a smaller deviation of installed
from MHK devices and requires in-depth studies capacity when compared with the CEC models.
and monitoring. For the 100-unit array, all three Table 4 lists the capacity factor for the WEC
CECs have a similar LCOE breakdown because the models in the RM project and the rated power for
infrastructure cost diminishes for large array these devices. Because the same capacity factor
deployment. RM1 and RM4 are designed for ocean and wave resource were used when designing
environments, which have similar breakdowns. these three WECs and estimating their power
On the other hand, RM2 is intended for river output, the comparison of the rated power is not
currents, which have a similar 100-unit as significant between the WEC devices as it is for
breakdown but differ from the other CECs in the the CEC devices.
single-unit deployment because of higher
development cost and lower infrastructure cost. TABLE 4. WEC CAPACITY FACTOR AND RATED
Assumed Rated Power
Capacity Factor (kW)
RM3 0.3 286
RM5 0.3 360
RM6 0.3 370
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
The reasoning for the relative difference in
RM3 and RM5 LCOE when looking at single-unit
and 10-unit arrays can be attributed to the
estimated pre- and post-installation
environmental costs. Some of this can be
attributed to the varying foundation design, with
the rest being caused by variations in assumptions
between the three WEC devices [19, 20]. Although
the assumptions have a significant impact at the
single-unit scale, there is little impact on LCOE as
the array goes to 100 units.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
[3] Haas K., 2011, Assessment of Energy
CONCLUSIONS Production Potential from Tidal Streams in
A study on the LCOE for six MEC reference the United States.
model point designs is presented in this paper. [4] Jacobson P. T., Ravens T. M., Cunningham K.
The six designs consist of three CECs and three W., Scott G., 2012, Assssment and Mapping of
WECs. The LCOE was estimated based on four the Riverine Hydrokinetic Resource in the
primary inputs, including CapEx, OpEx, AEP, and Continental United States.
FCR. The cost breakdown of the six RM models [5] U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2014,
was analyzed for up to a 100-unit array, and a Electric Power Monthly.
study on the overall LCOE comparison of the [6] Neary V. S., Previsic M., Jepsen R. a., Lawson M.
models for 10-MW commercial-scale arrays were J., Yu Y.-H., Copping A. E., Fontaine A. a.,
presented. Hallett K. C., 2014, “Methodology for Design
and Economic Analysis of Marine Energy
The study shows that CECs (e.g., 10 MW Conversion (MEC) Technologies,” 2nd Marine
installed capacity) are within the range of early Energy Technology Symposium, Seattle, WA.
market adoption primarily because the CEC [7] Yu Y.-H., Jenne D. S., Thresher R., Copping A.,
technologies are more mature then WECs. Much of Geerlofs S., Hanna L., 2015, Reference Model
the maturity associated with CEC is a result of the 5: Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter,
knowledge gained from offshore and land-based National Renewable Energy Laboratory
wind technology; however, technology (NREL), Golden, CO.
advancements that will lead to significant LCOE [8] Bull D., Smith C., Jenne D. S., Jacob P., Copping
reductions are still needed to be widely A., Willits S., Fontaine A., Brefort D., Copeland
competitive. Cost reductions for CEC devices will G., Gordon M., Jepsen R., 2014, Reference
most likely result from improving OpEx strategies Model 6: Oscillating Wave Energy Converter,
and reducing PTO cost. WEC devices, on the other Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
hand, are further behind on the market readiness NM.
scale, and there is little convergence on a standard [9] Neary V. S., Previsic M., Jepsen R. A., Lawson
WEC technology, particularly with respect to and M. J., Yu Y.-H., Copping A. E., Fontaine A. A.,
device size. In addition, the WECs studied in this Hallett K. C., Murray D. K., 2014, Methodology
RM project are most likely overdesigned for Design and Economic Analysis of Marine
structurally, as mentioned in the last section. The Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies,
systems can be further improved by implementing Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
advanced control strategies to optimize their NM.
power performance. In addition to the cost [10] Neary V. S., 2011, Reference Inflow
reduction from OpEx and PTO, structure design Characterization for River Resource
innovation, and power performance improvement Reference Model: Reference Model 2 (RM2),
are two important areas that need additional Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
research to accelerate WEC technology Tennessee.
development to market readiness. [11] Polagye B., and Thomson J., 2013, “Tidal
energy resource characterization:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS methodology and field study in Admiralty
This work was supported by the U.S. Inlet, Puget Sound, WA (USA),” Proc. Inst.
Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC36- Mech. Eng. Part A J. Power Energy, p.
08-GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy 0957650912470081.
Laboratory and Contract No. DE-AC04-94-AL85000 [12] Raye R. E., 2002, “Characterization study of
with Sandia National Laboratories. Funding for this the Florida Current at 26.11 north latitude,
work was provided by the DOE Office of Energy 79.50 west longitude for ocean current
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wind and Water power generation,” Florida Atlantic
Power Technologies Office. University.
[13] Dallman A., and Neary V., 2014, “Initial
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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.