EDC Unit-4

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Conventional Speed Control of DC Motors:
The nature of the speed control requirement for an industrial drive depends upon its type. Some
drives may require continuous variation of speed for the whole of the range i.e from zero to full speed, or
over a portion of this range, while others may require two or more fixed speeds. Some machines may
require a creeping speed for adjusting or setting up the work. For most of the drives, however, a control
of speed is within the range of ±20% may be suitable.

Factors Controlling Motor Speed

Eb V  IaR
The speed of a d.c. motor is given by: N   ……………. (1)
 
where R = Ra for shunt motor
= Ra + Rse for series motor
From exp. (i), it is clear that there are three main methods of controlling the speed of a dc motor,
(i) By varying the flux per pole (). This is known as flux control method.
(ii) By varying the resistance (R) in the armature circuit. This is known as armature control
(iii) By varying the applied voltage V. This is known as voltage control method.
These methods as applied to shunt, series and compound motors.

Field Control Method

Field control is the most common method. In this method speed can be varied above the rated or
base speed of the motor. The speed is inversely proportional to the field current. In this method of speed
control back emf kept constant and varying field current so, flux can be varied and hence the speed can
be varied.
1 1
N or N  (   I f )
 If

The advantages of this method are:

1. Good working efficiency
2. Accurate speed control
3. Speed control can be performed effectively even at light loads
4. Inexpensive
5. Provides smooth and stepless control of speed
6. Very less losses
7. Speeds above rated speed an be obtained by this method
8. Since voltage across the motor remains constant, it continues to deliver constant output. This
characteristics, makes this method more suitable for fixed output loads.

The drawbacks of this method are listed below:

1. Inability to obtain speeds below the basic speed.
2. Instability at high speeds because of-armature reaction.
3. The highest speed is limited electrically by the effects of armature reaction under weak field
conditions in causing motor instability and poor commutation. There is possible commutator
damage at high speeds.

Armature Rheostatic Control

This method consists of obtaining reduced speeds by including external series resistance in the
armature circuit. It can be used with series, shunt and compound motor. This method is used when speeds
below the no load speed is required. It is common method of speed control for series motors and is
analogous in action to wound rotor induction motor control by series rotor resistance. In this method of
speed control flux or field kept constant and the armature resistance is varied.

1. Ability to achieve speeds below basic speed.
2. Simplicity and ease of connection.
3. The possibility of combining the functions of motor starting with speed control.

1. Speed changes with every change in load, because speed variations depend not only on
controlling resistance but on load current also. This double dependence makes it impossible to
keep the speed sensibly constant on fastly changing loads.
2. Large amount of power is wasted in the controller resistance. Loss of power is directly
proportional to the reduction in speed. So, efficiency is decreased.
3. Maximum power developed is diminished in the same ratio as speed.
4. It needs expensive arrangement for dissipation of heat produced in the controller resistance.
5. It gives speeds below the normal, not above it, because armature voltage can be decreased (not
increased) by the controller resistance.
6. Poor speed regulation for any given no load speed setting.
7. Difficulty in obtaining stepless control of speed in high power ratings.

Speed control of DC Series Motor

1. Field control method
a. Armature diverter
b. Field diverter
c. Grouping of field coils (Series and Parallel Connection)
d. Tapped field control
e. Series – Parallel control
2. Armature Resistance or Rheostatic control
3. Armature voltage control

Field or Flux control methods

a. Field diverter control

In this method, a variable resistance (called field diverter) is connected in parallel with series field
winding as shown in Fig. Its effect is to shunt some portion of the line current from the series field
winding, thus weakening the field and increasing the speed ( N  1  ). The lowest speed obtainable is
that corresponding to zero current in the diverter (i.e., diverter is open). Obviously, the lowest speed
obtainable is the normal speed of the motor. Consequently, this method can only provide speeds above
the normal speed. The series field diverter method is often employed in traction work. (Rd – diverter
1 1
N or N  (   I f ) ( Rd  , I f ), (  , N  )
 If

Rd Increases

Rd1 > Rd2

Rd = 0
Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

b. Armature diverter control
In order to obtain speeds below the normal speed, a variable resistance (called armature diverter)
is connected in parallel with the armature as shown in Fig. The diverter shunts some of the line current,
thus reducing the armature current. Now for a given load, if Ia is decreased, the flux  must increase
( T   I a ). Since, N  1  the motor speed is decreased. By adjusting the armature diverter, any
speed lower than the normal speed can be obtained.

Rd Increases

Rd1 > Rd2

Rd M Rd = 0

Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

c. Tapped field control.

In this method, the flux is reduced (and hence speed is increased) by decreasing the number of
turns of the series field winding as shown in Fig. The switch S can short circuit any part of the field
winding, thus decreasing the flux and raising the speed. With full turns of the field winding, the motor
runs at normal speed and as the field turns are cut out, speeds higher than normal speed are achieved.
This method is often employed in electric traction.

 Decreases
Series Field

1 > 2

Tappings 
Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

d. Series – Parallel grouping of field coils.

This method is usually employed in the case of fan motors. By regrouping the field coils as shown
in Fig. several fixed speeds can be obtained.

Series field coils Series – Parallel field coils Series – Parallel field coils
with diverter
Series-Parallel Control
Another method used for the speed control of d.c. series motors is the series parallel method. In
this system which is widely used in traction system, two (or more) similar d.c. series motors are
mechanically coupled to the same load.

When the motors are connected in series [See Fig. (i)], each motor armature will receive one-half
the normal voltage. Therefore, the speed will be low. When the motors are connected in parallel, each
motor armature receives the normal voltage and the speed is high [See Fig. (ii)]. Thus we can obtain two
speeds. Note that for the same load on the pair of motors, the system would run approximately four times
the speed when the machines are in parallel as when they are in series.


Circuit diagrams (i) Series Connection (ii) Parallel Connection Speed - Torque characteristics

2. Armature Resistance Control

In this method, a variable resistance is directly connected in series with the supply to the complete
motor as shown in Fig. This reduces the voltage available across the armature and hence the speed falls.

R Increases

R1 > R2

Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics
By changing the value of variable resistance, any speed below the normal speed can be obtained.
This is the most common method employed to control the speed of d.c. series motors. Although this
method has poor speed regulation, this has no significance for series motors because they are used in
varying speed applications. The loss of power in the series resistance for many applications of series
motors is not too serious since in these applications, the control is utilized for a large portion of the time
for reducing the speed under light-load conditions and is only used intermittently when the motor is
carrying full-load

3. Armature Voltage Control

In this method voltage applied to the motor is varied by suitable arrangement and motor speed is
decreases as shown in fig.

V decreases

V1 > V2


Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

Speed control of DC Shunt Motor

The speed of a shunt motor can be changed by (i) flux control method (ii) armature control
method (iii) voltage control method. The first method (i.e. flux control method) is frequently used
because it is simple and inexpensive.

1. Flux control method

It is based on the fact that by varying the flux f, the motor speed ( N  1  ) can be changed and
hence the name flux control method. In this method, a variable resistance (known as shunt field rheostat)
is placed in series with shunt field winding as shown in Fig.

Flux decreases
1 > 2


Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

The shunt field rheostat reduces the shunt field current Ish and hence the flux . Therefore, we can
only raise the speed of the motor above the normal speed (See Fig.). Generally, this method permits to
increase the speed in the ratio 3:1. Wider speed ranges tend to produce instability and poor commutation.

(i) This is an easy and convenient method.
(ii) It is an inexpensive method since very little power is wasted in the shunt field rheostat due to
relatively small value of Ish.
(iii) The speed control exercised by this method is independent of load on the machine.

(i) Only speeds higher than the normal speed can be obtained since the total field circuit resistance
cannot be reduced below Rsh - the shunt field winding resistance.
(ii) There is a limit to the maximum speed obtainable by this method. It is because if the flux is
too much weakened, commutation becomes poorer.

2. Armature control method
This method is based on the fact that by varying the voltage available across the armature, the
back e.m.f and hence the speed of the motor can be changed. This is done by inserting a variable
resistance Rex in series with the armature as shown in Fig.

R increases
Base speed

R1 > R2 > R3

Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

N  V  I a ( Ra  Rex ) where Rex = external resistance or Rc = controller resistance

Due to voltage drop in the controller resistance, the back e.m.f. (Eb) is decreased. Since, N  Eb
the speed of the motor is reduced. The highest speed obtainable is that corresponding to Rc = 0 i.e.,
normal speed. Hence, this method can only provide speeds below the normal speed (See Fig.).

i. Easy and smooth speed control below the base speed is possible
ii. The rheostat in the armature act as a. starter during the starting. So the high current during starting can be

(i) A large amount of power is wasted in the controller resistance since it carries full armature
current Ia.
(ii) The speed varies widely with load since the speed depends upon the voltage drop in the
controller resistance and hence on the armature current demanded by the load.
(iii) The output and efficiency of the motor are reduced.
(iv) This method results in poor speed regulation.

Due to above disadvantages, this method is seldom used to control tie speed of shunt motors.

Note. The armature control method is a very common method for the speed control of d.c. series motors.
The disadvantage of poor speed regulation is not important in a series motor which is used only where
varying speed service is required.

3. Voltage control method

In this method, the voltage source supplying the field current is different from that which supplies
the armature. This method avoids the disadvantages of poor speed regulation and low efficiency as in
armature control method. However, it is quite expensive. Therefore, this method of speed control is
employed for large size motors where efficiency is of great importance.

1. Multiple voltage control.

In this method, the shunt field of the motor is connected permanently across a-fixed voltage
source. The armature can be connected across several different voltages through suitable switchgear. In
this way, voltage applied across the armature can be changed. The speed will be approximately

proportional to the voltage applied across the armature. Intermediate speeds can be obtained by means of
a shunt field regulator.

V decreases
Base speed

V1 > V2

Circuit diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

2. Ward-Leonard Speed Control system.

In this method, it possible to control the speed of a dc motor by simply connecting its armature to
a variable voltage source. This method of speed control is known as the Ward-Leonard method.

The adjustable voltage for the armature is obtained from an adjustable voltage generator while the
field circuit is supplied from a separate source. This is illustrated in Fig. The armature of the shunt motor
M2 (whose speed is to be controlled, i.e., main motor) is connected directly to a d.c. generator G driven
by a constant-speed d.c. motor M1. The field of the shunt motor is supplied from a constant-voltage
exciter E. The field of the generator G is also supplied from the dc bus. The voltage of the generator G
can be varied by means of its field regulator R. By reversing the field current of generator G by switch S,
the voltage applied to the motor may be reversed. Sometimes, a field regulator is included in the field
circuit of shunt motor M1 for additional speed adjustment. With this method, the motor may be operated
at any speed upto its maximum speed.

Ward Leonard Schematic diagram Speed - Torque characteristics

The motor M1 runs at an approximately constant speed, the output voltage of G is directly fed to
the main motor M2. The output voltage of the generator can be varied from zero to its maximum value by
varying field regulator of the generator. If the field current of generator G is reversed by means of
reversing the switch S, generated voltage can be reversed and hence the direction of rotation of main
motor M2 is reversed. Modern installations SCR modules used for variable dc output voltage from AC
mains through a transformer. This arrangement is costlier, neat and relatively free from maintenance
problems. It is also easily adapted to feedback schemes for automatic control of speed.

1. Range of speed control from standstill to high speeds in either direction.
2. Rapid and instant reversal without excessive high armature currents.
3. Starting without the necessity of series armature resistance.
4. Stepless and smooth control in either direction.
5. Extremely good speed regulation at any speed.
6. Regenerative braking is possible.

1. This arrangement is costlier, because it requires two extra machines.
2. The overall efficiency of the system is low, especially at light loads.
3. It requires more maintenance.

Inspite of high capital cost, this method finds wide applications in industries
l. Steel mills for reversing the rolling mills
2. Seamless tube mills and shears
3. High and medium speed elevators in tall buildings,
4. Hoists and paper machine drives
5. Coillery winders and electric excavator.

Constant speed and Torque operation characteristics of a dc motors

Introduction to Solid State Speed Control of DC Drives

Power Converters:
Static converter is power electronic converters that can conversion of electric power from one to

Advantages of Solid State Speed Control or Power Converters

 Higher efficiency
 Higher accuracy and availability
 Highest reliability
 Lowest cost
 Smallest size and Less weight
 Non-rotating or moving mechanical components
 Quick response
 Smooth starting, acceleration, braking and speed control
 Longer life and require less or minimal maintenance (No moving parts)
 Easy and flexibility in operation due to digital control and interface
 Automatic control which improves the production and quality of production
 Regenerative braking is possible
Disadvantages of Solid State Speed Control or Power Converters
 Over load capability is limited
 It produces harmonics which is undesirable
 Harmonics increases motor losses and derating of the motor
 It affects the communication networks or systems

Power electronics Applications:

i. DC Power supply, Un-interruptible power supply,
ii. Power generation and transmission (HVDC),
iii. Electroplating, Welding, Heating, Cooling,
iv. Electronic ballast

Drive applications
i. AC and DC Drives
ii. Electric trains, Electric vehicles,
iii. Air conditioning System,
iv. Pumps, Compressor, Conveyer Belt, etc.,

The speed control of DC drive using solid - state devices such as SCR and solid state circuits such
as rectifier and chopper is known as Solid State speed control of DC drives. The SCR is known as

Some of the thyristor family power electronic devices are

SCR - Silicon Controlled Rectifier

TRIAC - Triode AC Switch
BJT - Bipolar Junction Transistor
IGBT - Insulated Gate Bipolar Junction Transistor
MOSFET - Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
GTO - Gate Turn-Off Thyristor

A thyristor (SCR) is basically a three-junction PNPN device that can be represented by PNP and
NPN component transistors connected in back to back mode, as shown in Fig(a). The device blocks
voltage in both the forward and reverse directions. When the anode is positive, the device can be
triggered into conduction by a short positive gate current pulse, but once the device is conducting, the
gate control is lost. A thyristor (SCR) can also be turned on by means of excessive anode voltage, high
dv/dt, a rise in junction temperature, or light shining on the junctions.

The V-I characteristics of the device are shown in Fig(b). With gate current IG = 0, the device
blocks voltage in the forward direction, and only small leakage current flows. With IG = IG3, the entire
forward blocking voltage is removed, and the device acts as a diode as shown in the figure. The latching
current is the minimum anode current required to turn on the device successfully, and holding current is
the minimum on-current required to keep the device on without which the device will go to the forward
blocking mode.

Fig. (a) Symbol (b). Structure (c). V-I Characteristics

Power Electronic Converters

The main function of converters is to transform the waveform of a power sources to that the
required by an electric motor in order to achieve the desired performance.



AC - AC Voltage Chopper DC - DC


Block Diagram of Power Electronic Converters

Types of converters:
The power semiconductor devices or power electronic converter fall generally into six categories:

 AC to DC Converter (Controlled Rectifier)

 DC to DC Converter (DC Chopper)
 AC to AC Converter (AC voltage regulator)
 DC to AC Converter (Inverter)
 Static Switches

2. AC to DC Converter or Rectifier:
AC to DC converter circuit can convert AC voltage into a DC voltage. The DC output voltage can be
controlled by varying the firing angle of the thyristors. The output of this converter is variable
magnitude of dc voltage from the single or three-phase ac voltage. The types of rectifiers are,

i. Uncontrolled Rectifier or Diode Rectifier
It is fed from single-phase or three-phase ac mains supply and provide fixed dc output
for motor drive.
ii. Controlled Rectifier
It is fed from single-phase or three-phase ac mains supply and provide variable dc output
for motor drive.

Block diagram of Rectifier Uncontrolled Controlled

(Diode) Rectifier (SCR) Rectifier
3. DC to DC Converter or DC Chopper:
These converters can converter a fixed DC input voltage into variable DC voltage or vice versa. The
DC output voltage is controlled by varying of duty cycle. The output of this converter is variable
magnitude of dc voltage from the fixed dc voltage.

Block diagram of DC Chopper

4. AC to AC Converter or AC Voltage controller or AC Chopper:

This converter can convert from a fixed ac input voltage into variable AC output voltage. The
output voltage is controlled by varying firing angle of TRIAC. These type converters are
known as AC voltage regulator. The output of this converter is frequency and ac variable
voltage, the input is constant frequency and ac voltage

Block diagram of AC Chopper or Voltage controller

5. DC to AC Converter or Inverter:
This module converts dc output of battery or rectified ac source to provide variable ac voltages and
currents at desired frequency and phase.

Cycloconverter or Frequency Changer or Converter:

Directly convert fixed frequency ac voltage/current to variable voltage/current of variable
frequency for driving ac machines.

Block diagram of Inverter Inverter

• For low cost, low power applications (up to about 10kW) a single phase rectifiers can be used.
Low power, economical drives can also be constructed using single phase half-wave rectifier with
free-wheeling diodes.
• For higher power drives (up to MW range), three-phase supply with three-phase rectifier is normally
• For low to medium power DC supplied drives (such as battery), a chopper (DC-DC converter) is
• It is also common to find in some applications (especially locomotives), choppers are used in
conjunction with uncontrolled bridge rectifiers. They are normally rated at medium power
(100s of kW)

Speed Control of DC Series Motor using Controlled Rectifier (Phase Control)

SCR “phase-angle controlled” drive

 By changing the firing angle, variable DC output voltage can be obtained.
 Single phase (low power) and three phase (high and very high power) supply can be used
 The line current is unidirectional, but the output voltage can reverse polarity. Hence 2- quadrant
operation is inherently possible.
 4-quadrant is also possible using “two sets” of controlled rectifiers (i.e. Dual converters).

The phase controlled rectifiers are broadly classified into

a. Single phase controlled rectifiers
b. Three phase controlled rectifiers
These controllers further divided into
1. Half wave controlled rectifiers
2. Semi controlled rectifiers
3. Fully wave controlled rectifiers

1. Half Wave Controlled Rectifier fed DC Series Motor

The schematic circuit diagram of a dc series motor fed from a single phase half wave controlled
rectifier shown in fig.



1 AC
Supply Va t


Single phase half controlled rectifier fed Series Motor Output Voltage, Current and Gate signal wave
As simplicity the firing or gate control circuit of thyristor (SCR) are not shown in fig. The series
motors are capable of high starting torque and constant power operation at all speeds. They are used in
electric traction, cranes, hoists, lift, etc. The voltage and current wave forms of a series motor fed half
controlled rectifier as shown in fig.

The thyrister circuit uses phase commutation and is the single phase half wave rectifier. The
gating pulse is applied during the positive half cycle of the anode voltage the thyrister immediately
conducts and the supply voltage appears across the load for the remainder of the positive half cycle. At
the end of positive half cycle, the thyrister current falls and the supply voltage reverses. This applies
reverse bias across the thyrister and turns it off rapidly. The angle by which the thyrister retards the
starting of conduction is known as delay angle or firing angle . If the  is varied from zero to , it
reduces the average d.c output voltage from maximum to zero. The process is known as phase
The average dc output voltage across armature Vo or Va is given by

 
V0   vi dt 
 V sin t dt 
 cost  ( vi  Vm sin t )
2  2
V0  cos  cos   where, Vm – Peak or Maximum voltage
 - Firing angle or Delay angle
 - Conduction angle or Extinction angle

The value of AC voltage becomes zero, when it reaches 180o or it radians. After this point the
value of AC I voltage becomes negative and SCR never conducts. The SCR .therefore conducts from 
to. This angle is known as Conduction angle . During negative half cycle of input AC supply, the SCR
never conducts (i.e. from  to 2). So the current flowing through the load never changes its direction.
Rectified DC voltage is applied across the load.
1. Cost is low because only one thyrister is employed
2. Construction is simple
1. Only one quadrant operation and regeneration is not possible
2. The motor current always discontinuous
3. Low average current
4. Torque developed is very small
5. Speed regulation is poor
The discontinuous conduction is the limitation of above circuit. This can be eliminated using free
wheeling diode in the circuit.

2. Half Wave Controlled Rectifier fed DC Series Motor with Free Wheeling Diode (FWD)
In the above circuit free wheeling diode is required always due motor loads. It is a one quadrant
operation drive. The application above drive is 0.5 kW power level. The free wheeling diode is
connected across the motor load to achieve the continuous conduction as shown in fig.

If the load is inductive (i.e motor load) the build of the current is slow at start and decaying
inductive current continuous conduction of current after t = , For inductive loads a free wheeling
diode is placed across it in the circuit. At the end of the positive half cycle current in inductive load
decays by circulating through the free wheeling diode. The decay is affected at its natural time constant.

The average dc output voltage across armature Vo or Va is given by

 
V0 
 v dt 
 V sin t dt 
 cost  ( vi  Vm sin t )
2  2
i m
V0  1  cos  for 0 <  <  where, Vm – peak or maximum voltage

Speed  Increases

 =o0o
 = 30
 = 60o
Speed Torque Characteristics for dc Series Motor Motor Equivalent Circuit


P Io


1 AC FD


Single phase half controlled rectifier Output Voltage, Current and Gate signal wave form
fed Series Motor with free wheeling diode

1. It is improving the drive performance.
2. It is improve the power factor.
3. It is provide continuous load current.

3. Single Phase Semi Controlled Rectifier fed DC Series Motor

The single phase semi converter (bridge) fed dc series motor circuit shown in fig. It consists of
two thyristors in upper arm and two diodes in the lower arm of the bridge converter which make
symmetrical connection. Also the free wheeling diode is connected across motor load which provide
better power factor and continuous load current. The output voltage and current wave form are shown in
fig. Operation of the circuit explained below

 During positive half cycle of the source, the thyrister T1 and diode D2 get forward biased.
Thyrister T1 is triggered (fired) and its starts conduction and diode D2 is also conducts
from  to . Now inductor stores the energy for this duration.
 Thyristor T1 and diode D2 are turned off at the moment of supply voltage crosses zero. For
this period free wheeling diode FD or FWD get forward biased which starts conduct to
from  to  +  and ensure the continuous load current through the load and voltage
across the load is zero.

 During negative half cycle of the source, the thyrister T2 and diode D1 get forward biased.
Thyrister T2 is triggered (fired) and its starts conduction and diode D1 is also conducts
from  +  to 2. Now inductor stores the energy for this duration. Operation is repeats
similar to positive half cycle.

 The free wheeling diode provides power factor improvement and continuous load current.


R (Ra+Rse)

L (La+Lf)

Single phase Semi controlled rectifier Output Voltage, Current and Gate
fed Series Motor with free wheeling diode Signal wave form

Speed Torque Characteristics of dc Series Motor with different firing angles

Average dc output voltage Vo or Vdc is given by

 
Vm sin t dt  m  cost 
2 2 V
V0   vi dt  

( vi  Vm sin t )
T 2  
V0  1  cos  for 0   <  where, Vm – peak or maximum voltage

3. Single Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier fed DC Series Motor

In this circuit four thyristor are used and connected in bridge form to act as converter and supply
d.c. voltage to the load. Compared to the half wave circuit, this circuit has a much improved form factor
of the output voltage (rms voltage/average voltage). In this circuit, inversion and regenerative braking is
For continuous conduction, the armature voltage or average dc output voltage is given by

   
V0 
1 1
 v dt   V sin t dt 
 cost   ( vi  Vm sin t )

i m
T /2
V0  cos for 0     where, Vm – peak or maximum voltage

Modes of operation
There are two modes of operation
1. Continuous mode conduction
2. Discontinuous mode conduction

Continuous conduction
During positive half cycle of the supply the thyristor T1 and T3 are forward biased and fired
simultaneously at t = . Thyristor T1 and T3 are conduct from  to  +  and motor is connected to
supply. At t = , output voltage Va is negative (reverses), but load current in the same direction.

Motor current flow: supply – T1 – motor – T2 – supply

During next (-ve) half cycle the thyristor T2 and T4 are forward biased and fired simultaneously at
t =  + , Thyristor T1 and T3 are turns OFF due to reverse voltage across them i.e natural or line

Motor current flow: supply – T2 – motor – T4 – supply

Single Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Speed Torque Characteristics

fed DC Series Motor

a) Waveform for continuous current b) Waveform for discontinuous current

Single Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier fed DC Average d.c. output voltage of fully controlled
Series Motor with free wheeling diode converter as a function of the firing angle 

Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor using Semi Controlled Rectifier

Single Phase Semi Controlled Rectifier fed DC Separately One Quadrant

excited Shun Motor with free wheeling diode Operation

Continuous Current waveform

Discontinuous wave form

 - Increases

Speed Torque Characteristics of Separately DC Shunt Motor

Speed Control of Separately DC Shunt Motor Using Fully Controlled Rectifier
A fully controlled rectifier fed separately excited dc shunt motor as shown in fig. It is two
quadrant converters in which the voltage polarity of output can reverse, but the load current remains
same direction.In controlled rectifier, the output DC voltage is controlled by controlling the delay angles
(or firing angles) of the SCRs used in the converter.

Average dc output voltage Vo or Vdc is given by

   
V0 
 vi dt 
Vm sin t dt 
 cost   ( vi  Vm sin t )
T /2    
V0  cos for 0     where, Vm – peak or maximum voltage

 - Firing or delay angle
Note that this relation is only valid for continuous current mode. It describes the ‘average’
behavior of the rectifier over a period of the output voltage.


Single Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier fed DC Separately Two Quadrant

excited Shun Motor with free wheeling diode Operation

Continuous Current waveform


Single phase half wave controlled rectifier gives

 Low dc output voltage.

 Low dc output power and lower efficiency.
 Higher ripple voltage & ripple current.
 Higher ripple factor.
 Low transformer utilization factor.
 The input supply current waveform has a dc component which can result in dc saturation of the
transformer core

 Chopper DC drives are still widely used in traction applications. A DC-DC converter is
connected between a fixed voltage DC source and a DC motor to vary the armature voltage.

 In addition to armature voltage control, a DC chopper can provide regenerative braking of the
motor and hence return energy back to the supply.

 This energy saving feature is particularly attractive in transportation systems with frequent stops.
Chopper drives are also used in battery fed vehicles.

 When energy storage systems are included, very significant savings in energy are achieved.

 If the supply is non-receptive during regenerative braking, the line voltage would increase and
regenerative braking may not be possible. With non-receptive supplies, rheostatic braking is
normally used.

 The possible control modes of a DC chopper drive are:

 Power (acceleration) control

 Regenerative brake control
 Rheostatic brake control
 Combined regenerative and rheostatic brake control

Choppers are of two types

 Step-down choppers
 Step-up choppers.

In step-down choppers, the output voltage will be less than the input voltage whereas in step-up
choppers output voltage will be more than the input voltage.

Control Strategies
The average value of output voltage Vo can be controlled by opening and closing the
semiconductor switch periodically. The various control strategies for varying duty cycle ex are as follows

Constant Frequency Control or Time Ratio control (TRC)

In this scheme, the on-time Ton is varied but chopping frequency f (or chopping period T) is kept
constant. Variation of Ton means adjustment of pulse width, as such this scheme is also called pulse width
modulation scheme. This scheme has also been referred to as time-ratio control (TRC). Ideally  can be
varied from zero to infinity. Therefore output voltage Vo can be varied between zero and source voltage

Variable Frequency Control

In this scheme, the chopping frequency f (or chopping period T) is varied and either (i) on-time Ton is
kept constant or (ii) off-time Toff is kept constant. This method of controlling is also called frequency-
modulation scheme.

Fig. Pulse width modulation (constant T'). Fig. Frequency modulation (constant Ton)

Current Limit Control (CLC)

In this method of firing based on the variation of load current limits (i.e. Imax and Imin). When the
motor current reaches the upper limit (Imax) the thyristor is turned OFF and when the motor current free
wheels and decays to lower limit (Imin) the thyristor is again turned ON. This scheme is known as current
limit control.


Voltage and current waveforms



V R V0

Fig. Step-down Chopper with Resistive Load

Fig. Shows a step-down chopper with resistive load. The thyristor in the circuit acts as a switch.
When thyristor is ON, supply voltage appears across the load and when thyristor is OFF, the voltage
across the load will be zero. The output voltage and current waveforms are as shown in figure.





Fig. 2.2: Step-down choppers — output voltage and current waveforms

Vdc = average value of output or load voltage

I dc = average value of output or load current
tON = time interval for which SCR conducts
tOFF = time interval for which SCR is OFF.
T  tON  tOFF = period of switching or chopping period
f   frequency of chopper switching or chopping frequency
Vs = Supply voltage
 or  = Duty cycle or ratio

Average output voltage for step down chopper

 t on 
Vdc    V   Vs
t t  s
 on off 
t  t 
Vdc   on Vs   Vs where  or    on 
T  T 

Average output voltage for step up chopper

Vs t 
Vdc  where  or    on 
1 T 

Choppers are classified as follows
 Class A Chopper
 Class B Chopper
 Class C Chopper
 Class D Chopper
 Class E Chopper

Figure 2.14 shows a Class A Chopper circuit with inductive load and free-wheeling diode. When
chopper is ON, supply voltage V is connected across the load i.e., vO  V and current i0 flows as shown
in figure. When chopper is OFF, vo = 0 and the load current iO continues to flow in the same direction
through the free wheeling diode. Therefore the average values of output voltage and current i.e., vO and
iO are always positive. Hence, Class A Chopper is a first quadrant chopper (or single quadrant chopper).
Figure 2.15 shows output voltage and current waveforms for a continuous load current.

i0 v0

O v0 V

 i0

Fig. 2.14: Class A Chopper and vO  iO Characteristic

ig Thyristor
gate pulse

Output current

v0 FWD Conducts
Output voltage

Fig. 2.15: First quadrant Chopper - Output Voltage and Current Waveforms

Class A Chopper is a step-down chopper in which power always flows from source to load. It is
used to control the speed of dc motor. The output current equations obtained in step down chopper with
R-L load can be used to study the performance of Class A Chopper.

Fig. 2.16 shows a Class B Chopper circuit. When chopper is ON, vO  0 and E drives a current iO
through L and R in a direction opposite to that shown in figure 2.16. During the ON period of the

chopper, the inductance L stores energy. When Chopper is OFF, diode D conducts, vO  V and part of
the energy stored in inductor L is returned to the supply. Also the current iO continues to flow from the
load to source. Hence the average output voltage is positive and average output current is negative.
Therefore Class B Chopper operates in second quadrant. In this chopper, power flows from load to
source. Class B Chopper is used for regenerative braking of dc motor. Figure 2.17 shows the output
voltage and current waveforms of a Class B Chopper.
i0 v0

V L v0

E i0

Fig. 2.16: Class B Chopper

The output current equations can be obtained as follows. During the interval diode ‘D’ conducts
(chopper is off) voltage equation is given by

V  RiO  E

gate pulse

i0 tOFF tON

Output current
conducts Chopper
v0 Output voltage

Fig. 2.17: Class B Chopper - Output Voltage and Current Waveforms

Class C Chopper is a combination of Class A and Class B Choppers. Figure 2.18 shows a Class
C two quadrant Chopper circuit. For first quadrant operation, CH1 is ON or D2 conducts and for second
quadrant operation, CH 2 is ON or D1 conducts. When CH1 is ON, the load current iO is positive. i.e.,
iO flows in the direction as shown in figure 2.18.
The output voltage is equal to V  vO  V  and the load receives power from the source.

CH1 D1
i0 v0


CH2 D2 L v0


Fig. 2.18: Class C Chopper
When CH1 is turned OFF, energy stored in inductance L forces current to flow through the diode
D2 and the output voltage vO  0 , but iO continues to flow in positive direction. When CH 2 is triggered,
the voltage E forces iO to flow in opposite direction through L and CH 2 . The output voltage vO  0 . On
turning OFF CH 2 , the energy stored in the inductance drives current through diode D1 and the supply;
output voltage vO  V the input current becomes negative and power flows from load to source.
Thus the average output voltage vO is positive but the average output current iO can take both
positive and negative values. Choppers CH1 and CH 2 should not be turned ON simultaneously as it
would result in short circuiting the supply. Class C Chopper can be used both for dc motor control and
regenerative braking of dc motor. Figure 2.19 shows the output voltage and current waveforms.

Gate pulse
of CH1

ig2 Gate pulse
of CH2
Output current

D1 CH1 D2 CH2 D1 CH1 D2 CH2

Output voltage

Fig. 2.19: Class C Chopper - Output Voltage and Current Waveforms

Figure 2.20 shows a class D two quadrant chopper circuit. When both CH1 and CH 2 are
triggered simultaneously, the output voltage vO  V and output current iO flows through the load in the
direction shown in figure 2.20.

CH1 D2

R i0 L E
+ v0  i0

D1 CH2

Fig. 2.20: Class D Chopper

When CH1 and CH 2 are turned OFF, the load current iO continues to flow in the same direction
through load, D1 and D2 , due to the energy stored in the inductor L, but output voltage vO  V . The
average load voltage vO is positive if chopper ON-time  tON  is more than their OFF-time  tOFF  and
average output voltage becomes negative if tON  tOFF . Hence the direction of load current is always
positive but load voltage can be positive or negative. Waveforms are shown in figures 2.21 and 2.22.

Gate pulse
of CH1

ig2 Gate pulse
of CH2
Output current

CH1,CH2 D1,D2 Conducting
v0 Output voltage
Average v0

Fig. 2.21: Output Voltage and Current Waveforms for tON  tOFF

Gate pulse
of CH1

ig2 Gate pulse
of CH2
Output current

D1, D2
Output voltage

Average v0

Fig. 2.22: Output Voltage and Current Waveforms for tON  tOFF


The four quadrants or class E chopper fed dc motor circuit is shown in fig.

CH1 D1 CH3 D3

i0 R L E
+ 
CH2 D2 CH4 D4

Fig. 2.23: Class E Chopper

CH2 - D4 Conducts CH1 - CH4 ON
D1 - D4 Conducts CH4 - D2 Conducts


CH3 - CH2 ON D2 - D3 Conducts

CH2 - D4 Conducts CH4 - D2 Conducts

Fig. 2.23(a): Four Quadrant Operation

When CH1 and CH 4 are triggered, output current iO flows in positive direction as shown in
figure 2.23 through CH1 and CH 4 , with output voltage vO  V . This gives the first quadrant operation.
When both CH1 and CH 4 are OFF, the energy stored in the inductor L drives iO through D3 and D2 in
the same direction, but output voltage vO  V . Therefore the chopper operates in the fourth quadrant.
For fourth quadrant operation the direction of battery must be reversed. When CH 2 and CH 3 are
triggered, the load current iO flows in opposite direction and output voltage vO  V .
Since both iO and vO are negative, the chopper operates in third quadrant. When both CH 2 and
CH 3 are OFF, the load current iO continues to flow in the same direction through D1 and D4 and the
output voltage vO  V . Therefore the chopper operates in second quadrant as vO is positive but iO is
negative. Figure 2.23(a) shows the devices which are operative in different quadrants.

Comparison between Choppers and Controlled Rectifiers

Sl.No. Choppers Controlled Rectifiers

1. Input is DC Input is AC
2. Switching frequency decides the output ripple Input supply and rectifier decides the
output ripple
3. Small filters are required Large filters are required
4. Higher efficiency and power factor Poor efficiency and poor power factor for
inductive loads
5. Effective regenerative braking Slow regenerative braking
6. Small and compact with complex circuit Costly and bulky with simple circuit
7. Forced commutation Natural or line commutation
8. Control circuit is simple Control circuit is complex
9. Pulsating torque is less Pulsating torque is more

Chopper fed DC Series Motor Speed Control

The chopper fed dc series motor circuit shown in fig. Initially chopper is ON, the armature draw
the current Ia from supply and the inductance (series winding) stores the energy. By varying the duty
cycle  or  , voltage across the motor is varied and speed also varied. When switch CH is ON (i.e
chopper), the free wheeling diode Df is reverse biased with respect to motor back emf (see circuit
diagram) and it is OFF condition.

When switch CH is OFF (i.e chopper), then armature is disconnected from the supply and
connected to free wheeling diode Df . The free wheeling diode Df is now forward biased with respect to
motor back emf and it is ON condition. The stored energy in the inductance is discharged through motor
and free wheeling diode Df. The armature carries continuous current due to free wheeling action. The
continuous current waveform and discontinuous current waveforms are shown in fig. In the
discontinuous mode free wheeling diode is absent.

 decreases

 = 1.0
 = 0.8
 = 0.6
Speed Torque Characteristics

Chopper fed Separately excited DC Shunt Motor Speed Control

The chopper fed dc shunt motor circuit shown in fig. Initially chopper is ON, the armature draw
the current Ia from supply and the inductance (series winding) stores the energy. By varying the duty
cycle  or  , voltage across the motor is varied and speed also varied. When switch CH is ON (i.e
chopper), the free wheeling diode Df is reverse biased with respect to motor back emf (see circuit
diagram) and it is OFF condition.

When switch CH is OFF (i.e chopper), then armature is disconnected from the supply and
connected to free wheeling diode Df . The free wheeling diode Df is now forward biased with respect to
motor back emf and it is ON condition. The stored energy in the inductance is discharged through motor
and free wheeling diode Df. The armature carries continuous current due to free wheeling action. The
continuous current waveform and discontinuous current waveforms are shown in fig. In the
discontinuous mode free wheeling diode is absent.

Chopper fed Separately excited DC Shunt Motor Speed Control V – I Characteristics

 decreases

 = 1.0

 = 0.8
 = 0.6
 = 0.4
Speed Torque Characteristics

The armature and shunt field resistances of a 230 V shunt motor are 0.1Ω and 230Ω respectively.
It takes a current of 61 A at 1000 rpm. If the current taken remains unaltered, find the resistance to be
included in series with the armature circuit to reduce the speed to 750 rpm.

A 230 V series motor running at a certain speed takes 28A. Its armature and series field
resistances are 0.4Ω and 0.1Ω respectively. Assume that the total torque varies as the cube of the speed
and flux is proportional to current. Find the resistance to be connected in series with the armature to
reduce the speed by 50 percent.

A DC shunt motor drives a centrifugal pump whose torque varies as the square of the speed. The
motor is fed from a 200V supply and takes 50A when running at 1000 rpm. What resistance must be
inserted in the armature circuit in order to reduce the speed to 800rpm? The armature and field resistances
of the motor are 0.1Ω and 200Ω respectively. (AU - Nov/Dec 2003)

A 250V dc series motor takes 40 amperes of current when developing full load torque at 1500
rpm. Its resistance is 0.5 ohm. If the load torque varies as the square of the speed, determine the
resistance to be connected in series with the armature to reduce the speed to 1200 rpm. Assume that the
flux is proportional to the field current. (November/December 2004)

A DC shunt motor drives a centrifugal pump whose torque varies as square of the speed. The
motor is fed from a 220 V supply and takes 60A, when running at 800 rpm. Armature resistance is 0.2Ω
and shunt field resistance is 110Ω. What resistance must be inserted in the armature circuit in order to
reduce the speed to 600 rpm?

Two Mark Questions:

1. What are the various methods of controlling speed?

2. What are the advantages of flux control method?
3. List out the drawbacks of Rheostatic control method?
4. Why induction motors and DC shunt motors are called as constant speed motors?
5. List out the advantages of Ward-Leonard system.
6. What are the drawbacks of Ward-Leonard system of speed control of DC motors?
7. Where tapped field control method is employed?
8. List out the different ways of obtaining variable flux in the field control method of DC series motors.
9. Where series parallel control method is employed?
10. What are the speed control methods used in DC series motor?
11. List out the advantages of Thyristor controllers.
12. Mention the difference between controlled rectifier and uncontrolled rectifiers.
13. Define holding current of SCR.
14. When the switching action of gate takes place in SCR?
15. What is chopper?
16. Write the expression for average value of load voltage or output voltage in a chopper?
17. What is Time Ratio Control in chopper? How it can be accomplished?

PART – B Questions:

1. Explain with neat sketch the chopper control method of speed control of DC Motors. (16)
2. Explain with neat sketches about the DC Shunt Motor speed control by using single phase fully
controlled bridge converter. (16)
3. Discuss the Ward-Leonard speed control system with a neat circuit diagram. Also mention its
advantages and disadvantages. (16)
4. Explain how the speed of a DC Shunt Motor can be varied both above and below the speed at which it
runs with full field current. (16)
5. (i) Explain with neat sketch the operation of chopper fed DC Series Motor drive. Also, derive the
expression for average motor current. (10)
(ii) Explain Time ratio control and Current limit control. (6)
6. Explain the speed control schemes of DC Series Motor. (16)
7. Explain the different methods of speed control employed in DC Shunt Motor. (16)
8. Explain the control of DC drives using rectifiers and choppers. (16)
9. Explain the single phase half wave converter drive speed control for DC drive with waveforms. (16)
10. Explain in detail the single phase semi-converter speed control for DC drive for separately excited
motor. (16)

11. A 500V series motor having armature resistance and field resistance of 0.2 Ω and 0.3 Ω respectively
runs at 500 rpm when taking 70A. Assuming unsaturated field, find out its speed when field diverter
of 0.684 Ω is used constant load torque. (16)

12. A 250V DC Series Motor takes 40A of current when developing a full load torque at 1500 rpm. Its
resistance is 0.5 Ω. If the load torque varies as the square of the speed determine the resistance to be
connected in series with the armature to reduce the speed to 122 rpm. Assume the flux is proportional
to the field current. (16)

13. A 240 V shunt motor has a field resistance of 400 ohms and armature resistance 0.1 ohm. The
armature current is 50A and the speed is 1350 rpm. Assuming a straight line magnetization curve,
determine the additional resistance in the field to increase the speed to 1500 rpm for the same
armature current. [Ans: 44.4 ohms]

14. What value of resistance should be inserted in the armature circuit of a 200 V, 1000 rpm shunt motor
to reduce its speed to 800 rpm when drawing 20A. Assume resistance to be 0.5 ohms. [Ans: 1.9 Ω]

15. A 230 V DC shunt motor takes an armature current of 20A on a certain load. Resistance of armature
is 0.5 ohms. Find the resistance required in series with the armature to halve the speed if (a) the load
torque is constant (b) the load torque is proportional to the square of the speed. [Ans: 5.5 Ω, 23.5 Ω]

16. A 230 V shunt motor is taking a current of'50 A. Resistance of the shut field is 46Ω and the resistance
of the armature is 0.01 Ω. There is a resistance of 0.6Ω in series with the armature and the speed is
800 rpm. What alteration must be made in the armature circuit to raise the speed to 850 rpm, the
torque remaining the same? [Ans: 0.30]

17. A series motor is taking 25A from a 220V supply. The total resistance of the armature and field
circuits is 0.5 Ω. Calculate the resistance to be connected in series with the armature to reduce the
speed by 40 percent, If the torque is proportional to the square of speed and flux is proportional to
current. [Ans: 0.18 Ω]

18. A series motor runs at 500 rpm on certain load. Calculate the resistance of the diverter to raise the
speed to 625 rpm, the developed torque reaming constant. Resistance of the field winding is 0.054
ohms. Neglect saturation and ohmic drop in the field and armature. [Ans: 0.09 ohms]

19. Two series motors at a speed of 500 rpm and 550 rpm respectively when taking 50A at 500V. The
total resistance of each motor is 0.5 Ω. Calculate the speed of the combination when connected in
series and coupled mechanically. The combination is taking 50A on 500V supply. [Ans: 248.1 rpm]


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