Type of Questions: Reading

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Type of Questions

1. Which Paragraph Contain the following


2. One Word Only

3. No More Than two words

4. Choose the Correct Heading

5. Yes No Not Given

6. Write the Correct Letter (Multiple choice)

7. True False Not Given 

8. Write the correct Leter (Fill ups)

9. Match the headings


You will first have to be able to skim the reading text to get a general meaning of each paragraph.
You will also have to scan for specific words within the paragraphs. It is more likely that you will be looking for synonyms (different words
than keywords from the question statements.
When you have found the words or phrases you think might give you the correct answer, you have to read very carefully in order to fully und

Read the incomplete sentences first. Think about what word form can be used and try to predict the answer. Also, think about keywords and

Read the text.

Use key words to find the needed paragraph.
Make sure you understand the question statement and search for sentence with similar meaning.
Once you've found the answer, check if it fits into the statement grammatically and doesn't exceed the word limit.
If this type of question is on the test, do it first.
Don’t look at the headings.
Read the first one or two sentences and the last sentence of each paragraph to understand the general meaning of the paragraph. Don’t worry
general meaning of each paragraph in one or two words.
Look at the headings and identify keywords within each heading.
Match any headings that are very obvious and you are sure about.
For the others, write 2 or 3 headings beside the paragraph. Identify the difference between each of the headings. Establish if there are any syn
If you still can’t pick one, move one. The answer will often reveal itself later.
Repeat until finished.

Always read the instructions carefully and make sure you know if it is a TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN or YES/NO/NOT GIVEN question.
Read all the statements carefully, trying to understand what the whole sentence means rather than simply highlighting keywords. Watch out
Try to think of what synonyms might be in the text. This will help you identify the matching part of the text.
Match the statement with the correct part of the text.
Focus on the statement again and then carefully read the matching part of the text to establish if it is true or false. Remember the meaning sh
Underline the words that give you the answer, this will help you focus and you can check back later. Again, be careful there are no qualifying
If you can’t find the answer, mark it as ‘not given’ and move on to the next question.
If you are really unsure or can’t find the answer, mark it as ‘not given’.

Read the questions carefully.

Skim the text to get the general meaning.
Underline any keywords in the question and think about any synonyms that might appear in the text.
Read the choices and underline any keywords. Think about the difference in meaning between the different choices.
Predict the correct answer.
Read the text and using keywords and synonyms locate the part containing the answers.
Read that part of the text very carefully, thinking about the difference in meanings.
Think about not only which options are correct but how the other options are wrong.
Go back and read the question again and mark your final choice.
Always read the instructions carefully and make sure you know if it is a TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN or YES/NO/NOT GIVEN question.
Read all the statements carefully, trying to understand what the whole sentence means rather than simply highlighting keywords. Watch out
Try to think of what synonyms might be in the text. This will help you identify the matching part of the text.
Match the statement with the correct part of the text.
Focus on the statement again and then carefully read the matching part of the text to establish if it is true or false. Remember the meaning sh
Underline the words that give you the answer, this will help you focus and you can check back later. Again, be careful there are no qualifying
If you can’t find the answer, mark it as ‘not given’ and move on to the next question.
If you are really unsure or can’t find the answer, mark it as ‘not given’.

Read through the summary carefully to make sure you understand it.
Work out which section of the reading the summary comes from (in this example, the whole of the text is summarized but in the real test you
Carefully read the sentence with the first gap and think about what form will fit i.e. should it be an adjective, noun, infinitive, present particip
change, an action?
You should have worked out that for questions 1 you are looking for a noun because 'an' comes before it.
Then look at the words that are in the box - which ones have the right form to fit and the right type? There are several nouns.
Look at the correct part of the full reading that refers to the reading gap fill section you are looking at and decide what happened for the first
Use this information to help you choose the correct word for the reading gap fill..

If this type of question is on the test, do it first.

Don’t look at the headings.
Read the first one or two sentences and the last sentence of each paragraph to understand the general meaning of the paragraph. Don’t worry
general meaning of each paragraph in one or two words.
Look at the headings and identify keywords within each heading.
Match any headings that are very obvious and you are sure about.
For the others, write 2 or 3 headings beside the paragraph. Identify the difference between each of the headings. Establish if there are any syn
If you still can’t pick one, move one. The answer will often reveal itself later.
Repeat until finished.

Do this question last. If you do other questions first, you will become familiar with the passage and this will help you identify the correct inf

Read the incomplete sentences first. Think about what word form can be used and try to predict the answer. Also, think about keywords and

Make sure that your answer doesn't exceed the word limit.
Make sure that your answer fits into the sentence grammatically.
The order of questions can help you. Answer for question 4 will be between answers for questions 3 and 5 in the text.
If text introduces new terms, some answers are likely to be among them.
Concentration and interprteting the sentences is key

True - Exact Match

False- Mismatch
Not Given - Not Given

Read the questions before you read the text.

You will often be able to eliminate 2 of the four answers and this leaves you with two choices. Think about the difference in meaning betwee
If you are unsure of what the difference is between two or three sentences, it can help to rephrase them in your own words.
If you are running out of time or you really don’t know the answer, have a guess. You will not lose marks for wrong answers and you have a
Don’t be tricked by the examiner’s ‘distractors’ especially keywords from the questions that look the same as the text.
If you don’t know anything about the topic, don’t panic. It is a reading test, not a test of your knowledge.
Try to predict the correct answer before you read the text. This will help you find the correct answer.
Before deciding on your answer, always go back and carefully read the questions before making your final decision.
The answers will be in the same order as the text.
You might be asked about both facts and opinions. Facts are things that are always true or cannot be disproved but opinions are just what peo
True - Exact Match
False- Mismatch
Not Given - Not Given

Read through the summary carefully to make sure you understand it.
Work out which section of the reading the summary comes from (in this example, the whole of the text is summarized but in the real test you
Carefully read the sentence with the first gap and think about what form will fit i.e. should it be an adjective, noun, infinitive, present particip
change, an action?
You should have worked out that for questions 1 you are looking for a noun because 'an' comes before it.
Then look at the words that are in the box - which ones have the right form to fit and the right type? There are several nouns.
Look at the correct part of the full reading that refers to the reading gap fill section you are looking at and decide what happened for the first
Use this information to help you choose the correct word for the reading gap fill..

Concentration and interprteting the sentences is key

Listening Strategies
Type of Questions

Read the instructions

Underline Keywords
1. No More Than Three Words (Fill ups)
Problematic vocabulary
Watch out for distractors

Not every question will have a title

but if there is one, it will tell you the
context of the question. Our sample
question has the title ‘The National
Arts Centre’.

Knowing the context gives some

meaning to the information in the
notes. This will help you to
understand the question and give
2. One Word and / Or a Number you a big clue as to what sort of
information will be contained in the
recording.Try to predict what the
answers might be. This will focus
your mind on what to listen out for
in the recording.

Occasionally, you’ll be able to

predict the actual word but mostly
it’s one or more of these things that
you’ll be able to determine:

Sometimes statements in the options

are too long. Hence, you can
understand the main aspects in these
options by understanding them and
then underlining the keywords that
define the main aspects.
Another important strategy for such
questions is to keep the gist of MCQ
3. Choose the Correct Letter question in mind when trying to find
answer while understanding the
audio. For example, in the above
question, while looking at the
options, you just need to keep your
focus on the problem faced by
company, whether it was reduced
sales, weak market strategy or
criticizing media.
Sometimes statements in the options
are too long. Hence, you can
understand the main aspects in these
options by understanding them and
then underlining the keywords that
define the main aspects.
Another important strategy for such
questions is to keep the gist of MCQ
4. Write the correct Letter  question in mind when trying to find
answer while understanding the
audio. For example, in the above
question, while looking at the
options, you just need to keep your
focus on the problem faced by
company, whether it was reduced
sales, weak market strategy or
criticizing media.

Not every question will have a title

but if there is one, it will tell you the
context of the question. Our sample
question has the title ‘The National
Arts Centre’.

Knowing the context gives some

meaning to the information in the
notes. This will help you to
understand the question and give
5. One Word Only you a big clue as to what sort of
information will be contained in the
recording.Try to predict what the
answers might be. This will focus
your mind on what to listen out for
in the recording.

Occasionally, you’ll be able to

predict the actual word but mostly
it’s one or more of these things that
you’ll be able to determine:

Accent doesn’t really matter. Be foussed to listen around the question

In all types of Listening questions, you need to listen out for synonyms and paraphrasing. These are something else
that you may be able to predict.

If you have time before the recording starts, scan the question to identify key words or phrases that are likely to be
replaced by synonyms and think of some that might be used.

identify “focus” or “stem” of the question in order to carefully choose the right option (Keywords + Interpretation)
identify “focus” or “stem” of the question in order to carefully choose the right option (Keywords + Interpretation)

In all types of Listening questions, you need to listen out for synonyms and paraphrasing. These are something else
that you may be able to predict.

If you have time before the recording starts, scan the question to identify key words or phrases that are likely to be
replaced by synonyms and think of some that might be used.
                     The do's  
Explain graphs and charts, and paraphrase.
Think and plan what to write in your essay.
Read the questions properly.
Overview for task 1 and conclusion for task 2 are
Use correct and formal expressions in your
Do use simple words and phrases, but not

Pay attention to details.

Proofread! Proofread!
Most importantly, do stick to one idea
                     The don'ts
Don’t write too many words.
Don’t use any slang or informal language.
Never use contractions.
Prevent yourself from drifting between words.

Avoid emotive languages.

Avoid idiom usages.

Don’t focus too much on one task in hand that you

miss completing another.
IELTS 2020 Latest updates and changes in exam pattern

Best Grammar Strategy for IELTS

Benefits of computer based IELTS Test

IELTS Band: Understanding the IELTS Scores

Everything to know about IELTS - Syllabus

IELTS vs PTE - Which is better and why?

Are IDIOMS allowed in IELTS?

IDP or British Council: Which is best for IELTS?

Why to take IELTS with the British Council

Why to take IELTS with the IDP

how to score 8 bands in ielts

how to crack ielts in 15 days 

The IELTS exam pattern 2020 comprises four sections, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The candidates are tested on
applying to and then prepare accordingly. IELTS Academic is accepted by universities worldwide where candidates apply for p
From 4 January 2020, some small changes are being introduced to the instructions and layout of the paper-based Listening test:

We will be changing the word ‘Sections’ to ‘Parts’ – The paper-based test will now be divided into Part 1, 2, 3, 4.
We will be removing the Part 1 example.
We are also removing the page number references.”
British Council of India, via a twitter notification, has announced that the IELTS test (listening, reading, writing and speaking)
decision. The computer-delivered test scheduled on March 22 also has been cancelled. In case of any query candidates can writ

Good grammar is very important. If you want to get a good score in IELTS you will have to focus on making use of correct Eng
It is true that grammar in IELTS is not the only criterion to score higher but it is essential.
Especially, in IELTS Writing and speaking, you will have to make use of correct grammar otherwise you will lose marks. Focu
Make use of different tenses to describe the situations
Learn more about the present, past and future tenses and how they are used to describe the situation.
It is important to know and make use of the right tenses to describe the situations otherwise there will be great impact on the me
Following are the three different tenses which convey different meanings:
Present: I eat my breakfast with Ms. Blake at 8 in the morning.
Past: I ate my breakfast with Ms. Blake at 8 in the morning.
Future: I will eat my breakfast with Ms. Blake at 8 in the morning.
Correct Combination
Combining thoughts with different tenses is challenging.
For example
I haven’t taken my dinner yet, I’m starving. (this is correct)
I haven’t taken my dinner yet; I was starving (incorrect / may look incorrect).
I had not taken my dinner yet; I am starved now (looks inappropriate / incorrect)
So, it is very important to learn how to structure the sentences. You shall know how to link tenses with other in a sentence.
Do not translate your thoughts into English.
Do not attempt to translate your thoughts into English. It is always good to think in English, write or speak in English. Translat
For example:
“Can you help me in my work?”
The sentence given above is an indianized version of English which looks correct but it is not. The correct sentence would be as
Reason: Generally, with the verb: Help” the preposition which follows is “with and not “in.”
Why do some candidates do not get a good score in IELTS writing and speaking though they write or speak grammatically corr
Use of different sentence structures is necessary!
You must be surprised to know that there are many candidates who write and speak well. No grammatical errors. But still they
In your writing test if you write without making use of different forms of sentences then you may not get a good score. You are
Similarly, in the speaking test, you are required to speak making use of various structures.
1. More Test Dates To Choose From
Do you have a busy schedule or prefer taking the test during the weekend? Chances are, with the IELTS computer-delivered tes
This is particularly great if you require flexibility or are juggling a variety of tasks which could include studying for the test itse
2. Enjoy Faster Results
With the computer-delivered IELTS test, the results will be made available much quicker than with the paper-based test.
On average, the computer-delivered test results will be ready within 5-7 days while the waiting time for the paper test could rea
If time is a factor for you, go with the IELTS computer-delivered test.
3) No More Messy Handwriting Worries
We get it, not everyone is gifted with beautiful handwriting and if you aren’t one of these lucky few, you might be worried abo
With IELTS on computer, your writing test will essentially be done on a keyword and if you are a fast typer, you will actually e
4) Fewer Candidates In The Test Rooms (Less Stress)
Remember the times in secondary school where tests were taken with dozens of other candidates? You probably felt a little stre
While the IELTS is not a competition, having many candidates surround you could add a level of stress. When you take the com
That means you can focus more on the test at hand!
5) Zero Need To Count Words
At various sections of the IELTS test such as the Writing test, there will be a need to ensure that your writing is within the word
When you take the computer-delivered test, there will be no need to manually count each word, your computer will show you th
That means more time to think over your work and write better instead of counting words.

Band 9 Expert user You have a full operational command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and
Band 8 Very good user You have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccurac
Band 7 Good user You have an operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate u
Band 6 Competent user Generally you have an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate
Band 5 Modest user You have a partial command of the language, and cope with overall meaning in most situations, althoug
Band 4 Limited user Your basic competence is limited to familiar situations. You frequently show problems in understanding
Band 3 Extremely limited userYou convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are frequen
Band 2 Intermittent user You have great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
Band 1 Non-user You have no ability to use the language except a few isolated words.
Band 0 Did not attempt the test You did not answer the questions.
Syllabus for IELTS covers all the different test sections. All the four sections are covered in the syllabus. IELTS Academic and

Listening: It has conversations and monologues which the candidates are allowed to listen to once. After that, they have to answ
Reading: In the reading section, passages are given that may include charts/diagrams. Candidates have to carefully study the pa
Writing: This section comprises two writing tasks. One task has a word limit of 150 words and the other has a limit of 250 word
Speaking: In this, candidates have to sit in a face to face interview. They have to answer questions, speak on something they kn
IELTS General
IELTS General training is the test taken to prove proficiency in the English language when going for secondary education, work
Training is mentioned below.

The candidates have to read extracts from books, newspapers, company handbooks, notices etcetera. This is very important for
It has 3 sections. The third section contains one long passage. The rest contain passages or different excerpts.
These are mostly general stuff that one may encounter in an English speaking environment.
The passages have to be read thoroughly followed by questions that have to be answered.
Two essays, one of 150 and another of 250 words, are to be written within 60 minutes.
The 150-word essay is generally a letter or something explaining a situation and proving points.
The other essay requires a proper structure along with relevant and grammatically correct content.
IELTS Academic
Academic IELTS is taken by students seeking admission for higher studies or any other professional registration. The listening

The reading section comprises passages that are generally factual or analytical and are taken from books, magazines and journa
It has 3 reading passages with many task types.
The topics are general that are understandable by students getting admitted to undergraduate courses.
The 150 words writing task will consist of a chart, graph or picture which has to be described and analysed.
The second task is an essay generally a response to an argument and stating a point of view

This is a question in everyone’s mind, here are a few comparisons based on research to make it easier for you to not boggle wit

This is one of the three major English tests to test the proficiency, however, in the past there were just two tests i.e. Test of En

Since 2009, Pearson Test of English, Academic (PTE) has come in existence, the test was introduced and launched successfu

The difference in these tests apart from testing English proficiency is that IELTS mainly relies on the Australian and British
Generally, IELTS has been acceptable by most of the universities around the world. PTE being the newest is making a great sta
The speaking section of these tests is different from one another. Language skill being a challenge for the test takers, one must
In the IELTS test, one participates in a face-to-face interaction with an examiner, which can be quite comforting for some, on th
To conclude, no test can be assumed. Rather, choose the test which will certainly match your comfort level. Our trainers can he

The answer is clear – no. Idioms, such as “it cost an arm and a leg” are informal which means they are not suitable for IELTS w

There is no difference between the IELTS test at the BC and in IDP. There is also no difference between examiners and markin
Free access to the Road to IELTS Last Minute course: This includes 100 interactive activities, nine videos with advice and tuto
Free access to WORDREADY: This is an online resource delivering personalised vocabulary learning to help you prepare for t
Free practice tests: Access free practice tests online at takeielts.org/prepare or order a copy of the IELTS Practice Book, contain
More choice: Take the test on paper or computer-delivered test
Convenient dates and locations: We have 53 test locations in India.
Carefully selected venues: All of our 850 official British Council IELTS test centres have the modern facilities you’d expect an
Professional and friendly staff: Highly trained and experienced staff to ensure that your test day runs smoothly.
Five Test Report Forms (TRF) free: Get five additional copies of your Test Report Form sent free directly to institutions.

With IDP, you can have access to various interactive videos, sample tests, and a 30-day access to IELTS preparation online. Im

Reading is best approached by reading the question then seeking the answer in the text immediately (Do not waste time underli
All answers will be in logical order so for the fastest and most accurate method:
Keep one hand on the question and the other on the text (This allows you to read faster and to quickly refer back to the question
Read the question with your write hand on the text and look for what the question is asking from you. In almost all questions th

Then read the text using your fingers on your left hand and when you find the answer enter it on the answer sheet. The first que
If you cannot find the answer quickly - leave it and come back to it later.
Reading with your fingers allows you to read many times faster than just using your eyes and by keeping your fingers on the tex

take a piece of paper and pencil/pen
Listen to the information:
While listening - Write words, dates, names and numbers on the paper as they come up (Don’t look at the paper while writing -
Only take key words, names, dates and numbers.- you wont have time to write phrases(this is where your practice should be)
If you don’t finish the word when the next piece of information is read, leave it and move on to the next one.
At the end of the tape you will have a list of all key items to refer to for answers.

WHY do that
Your short term memory only holds 5–6 items at at time. so at the end of the tape you will remember only 5–6 points and usual
If you take words down the guess is minimised and the answers usually become clear.

The most common delusion is that Grammar and spelling and Vocabulary are the keys to high scores in Writing. Then you are

If you cannot paragraph correctly you will never achieve an 8

if your information is not logical in flow you will never achieve an 8
If you spell badly you lose .5 of a mark
If your grammar is bad you lose .5 of a mark

Learn to paragraph correctly and place information into logical order whilst answering the question will give you a very high sc


Yes, you can score 7 bands in the IELTS exam in 15 days, if you have a good command of the English language. Exam prepara
practicing the Listening module with full attention. You will get many people telling you with over-confidence that Listening m
manipulated words in the said recordings would come into play. After you are done practicing Listening, immediately shift you
however, the texts given are not as easy as a lay person would consider it to be. Try distributing every 2 hours per each module
Academics but for General Training you have to attempt one letter writing in the first question. Bullet points will be already giv
several sample questions in the internet which you can practice. Try practicing at least 2 letters and 2 essays per day. Now, com
IELTS Exam Pattern 2020,IELTS test format,IELTS 2020,ielts exam cancelled in india,IELTS cancellation,IELTS Test Date T
latest news

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