Sugar Versus Jaggery - Which One Is Healthier
Sugar Versus Jaggery - Which One Is Healthier
Sugar Versus Jaggery - Which One Is Healthier
But another
variety of sweetener � Jaggery or popularly known as Gur in India is what our
parents and grandparents would associate with. Sugar and jaggery are the two most
commonly used sweeteners across the country. Although, both are obtained from the
same sources, they have huge differences in terms of their properties and benefits.
Both of them are produced by using sugarcane juice, but are treated and processed
differently. They have different flavours and textures but can be substituted for
each other in desserts and drinks. Given this, there is always a sugar versus
jaggery war going on that often tends to confuse us. Let�s explore the differences
between sugar and jaggery to understand which one is healthier and better for you.
Sugar Versus Jaggery: What�s the Difference?
Sugar and jaggery are processed differently, hence they have their own distinct
colours and textures. Sugar is typically in the form of white, translucent crystals
while jaggery can range from golden brown and dark brown in colour, depending on
the extent to which it is cooked.
The texture of sugar is hard, crystallized and solid, while jaggery is semi-solid,
softer and amorphous in nature.
Both of them are made from sugarcane juice but are processed differently. After the
initial boiling, in case of sugar, the syrup is treated with charcoal to absorb
unwanted particles and to give it a clear and transparent look. Once the solution
is condensed and crystalized, it results in sugar. While on the other hand, there
is no treatment for jaggery except that the sugarcane syrup is boiled for several
hours to produce a thick paste which is then placed in a mould to get a firm shape.
Since sugar goes to a rigorous industrial process while being prepared it loses all
its nutritional value along the way and what you get in the end is plain sucrose.
On the other hand, jaggery manages to retain traces of iron, fiber and various
mineral salts.
jaggery 625The texture of sugar is hard, crystallized and solid, while jaggery is
No matter how healthy or nutritious jaggery may be, the more you consume it, the
more calories you add to your body. Excess of anything is bad; hence, consuming
both sugar and jaggery in small quantities is the key