Slash Guitar Chords

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Common Major 

Guitar Slash Chords

Here are some common open position major guitar slash chords. First the
basic chord is listed, then the 2 inversions.

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

E root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

Here are some very common moveable major slash chords. The red dot is the
lowest root in the chord and can be used as your reference.

Moveable root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

chords root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

bass on the 
6th string

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

Moveable root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

bass on the 
5th string

Common Minor 
Guitar Slash Chords

Here are some common open position minor guitar slash chords. First the
basic chord is listed, then the 2 inversions.

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass


Dm root position
root in the bass
1st inversion
3rd in the bass
2nd inversion
5th in the bass

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion
root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass


root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

Moveable root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

bass on the 
6th string

root position 1st inversion 2nd inversion

Moveable root in the bass 3rd in the bass 5th in the bass

bass on the 
5th string


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