Natural-Gas-As Feedstock
Natural-Gas-As Feedstock
Natural-Gas-As Feedstock
Jacques C. Védrine
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Surfaces, ENSCP, 11, rue P. & M. Curie, F- 75005 Paris,
Abstract: Natural gas is a very cheap and abundant raw material but its main
components, methane, ethane and propane, are rather chemically inactive
compounds, which makes their upgrading to more valuable products quite
difficult. Moreover the natural resources are often quite far from consumers,
which makes their commercialisation even more difficult. However, in the last
thirty years, natural gas has seen its importance growing tremendously due to
the increase in price of oil and its expected and inexorable shortage in a more
or less far future.
The actual challenge is then to use natural gas as an important feedstock and
to transform it to more valuable compounds. There are two ways:
1 - The industrially applied processes based on partial oxidation to syngas
(CO+H2) and its further transformation to synfuel or methanol;
2 - All chemical transformation to other compounds such as direct partial
oxidation to methanol or formaldehyde, or direct conversion to aromatics or a
variety of hydrocarbons, etc.
In this paper we are considering the actual state of the art in industrial
processes and summarising all ideas expressed during a workshop held at a
NATO-ASI in July 2003 in Vilamura, Portugal, as possibilities for the future.
Key words: Natural Gas, Feedstock, challenges, running processes, new reactions of
methane and new products
E.G. Derouane et al. (eds.), Sustainable Strategies for the Upgrading of Natural Gas:
Fundamentals, Challenges, and Opportunities, 403–412.
© 2005 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands.
404 Jacques C. Védrine
C + H2O ĺ CO + H2 (1)
CO + H2O ' CO2 + H2 'H = -41 kJ mol-1 (2)
2CO ' C + CO2 'H = -172 kJ mol-1 (3)
The gas obtained is rich in hydrogen and was used in the Haber process
for ammonia production by adding nitrogen and in the Fischer-Tropsch
process for the conversion of coal to liquid fuels.
The concept of activating methane via analogous reactions of steam
reforming was investigated in Germany at about the same time. In the 1950s
it appeared that naphta could be steam reformed economically to provide a
cheap source of hydrogen. Many plants were then constructed, when
methane sources were too remote or not easily available. In the past 25
years, natural gas was increasingly available as the main feedstock for steam
reforming. Two applications of syngas are becoming of increasing
The sources of natural gas remaining in 2003 amount to ca. 180 trillions
m3, corresponding to 70 years of production at 2001 level [1]. The Middle
East has the greatest remaining resources with 40%, followed by former
Soviet Union. Production equaled 3 trillions m3 per year in 2000 with 92%
sold and the 8% remaining being re-injected or flared. At present the largest
producer is North America (33%), followed by Middle East (26%), Western
Natural Gas as Feedstock 405
Europe, andformer Soviet Union (11.5%), Africa (11.2%), Asia & Oceania
(8.9%), etc. “fire ice”-methane hydrates on ocean bottoms may be estimated
as 8,000 trillions cubic metres.
The conversion of natural gas to methanol via CO+H2 or to synfuel is the
most widely practiced actual route to added value. The first step is the
conversion of natural gas to syngas, which in turn is converted to synfuel,
with 65% of cost associated with the production of syngas. Several routes to
syngas are possible and different processes giving different CO/H2 ratio
values, as schematized in the reactions given below in part 2. Syngas does
represent the best route for hydrogen (as source for NH3, etc.), H2-CO
(methanol, for MTO, MTP, MTG processes), for H2-CO (FT products,
waxes, lubricants, etc.). The MTO (methanol to olefines, mainly ethylene
and propylene) process has recently overcome the exploratory phase with
two technologies, the methanol to olefines by Hydro/UOP on SAPO-34
zeolitic material and the methanol to propylene on proprietary zeolite
catalyst by Lurgi/Statoil. The old MTG process from Mobil on ZSM-5
zeolite was only developed industrially in New Zealand and produces
currently mainly methanol. The production of hydrogen in syngas process
will be increasingly important, for instance for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
or for all hydrotreating catalytic reactions. The objective in fuel cell is to
convert methane or hydrogen or other fuel directly to electricity as expressed
by the Nernst equation (E0 = n'G0), i.e. ideal efficiency is expressed by
'G0/'H0 for the overall combustion reaction.
The choice of the syngas technology is dictated by the need for high
conversion, the requirements for syngas composition and the scale of
operation. Lets us consider several of these reactions:
Steam and CO2 reforming reactions are strongly endothermic and, hence,
the manufacture of syngas requires a high temperature to achieve high
methane conversion. The overall heat of reaction becomes negative, which
implies that heat should be supplied to the system. Note that dry reforming is
not yet practiced industrially, although its CO/H2 ratio is more suitable for
FT reaction process than steam reforming reaction. It was studied in the 50s
on Ni catalyst by M. Prettre et al. [2].
Classic Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction on Co or Fe based catalysts
converts syngas to synfuel, i.e to mixtures of hydrocarbons, particularly
waxes. The main products are n-paraffins for more than 90% together with
olefines and alcohols. The molecular weight distribution follows the
Schultz-Flory model.
Methane is firstly converted to syngas, which may then be processed to
give alcohols and hydrocarbons [3-8]:
Natural Gas as Feedstock 407
Institute. Let us ask some questions and make suggestions, although not
often realistic, but which express our present abnormal human
x What is sustainability? Certainly we cannot meet sustainability with
everything nor do- with the exception of photocatalysis. Obviously
we need better selectivity resulting in less consumption/loss for the
same effect;
x What we should be doing is to minimise problems, energy
consumption and raw material consumption by using catalysis,
which is a key technology;
x Why not to limit American cars to 2L engines, increase the
price of fuel significantly and plant trees, extensively!
x We should focus on:
x Increased selectivity;
x Avoidance of obvious problems, such as halides or sulfates;
x Regard sustainability as a real objective, not a word
associated with a successful grant application;
x Accept that people will not readily change their way of life,
but work to make it more sustainable;
x How can we avoid natural gas, which is flared in the NG
fields, and succeed in its transformation in liquid or
commodities fuel? ;
x How natural gas from biomass can be exploitable ?;
x How to exploit oil fields and natural resources at best, i.e.
with limited loss: including heavy oils, tar sands, oil shale? ;
x CO2 minimisation and heat thermal pollution remain a major
issue and any progress is hardly expected and should be
looked for in research plans. This is the next “hot topic”, after
the sulfur and VOCs issues have been solved in a satisfactory
x Development of renewable fuels against fossil fuels;
x Move to 100% selectivity in carbon to products
x Sustainability measured by financial, environmental and
social impacts;
x Syngas to further conversion, as the process is not at
maximum efficiency.
Necessity for natural gas as a feedstock has become increasingly
important and economic policy has changed in the five last years and
Natural Gas as Feedstock 411
remains a great challenge for the future, due to the increase in price of oil
and its expected and inexorable shortage in a more or less far future. At the
present time, the main industrial process in operation consists in methane
partial oxidation to syngas, followed by its transformation to methanol or
synfuel. Two applications of syngas are becoming of increasing importance:
[1] J.R. Rostrup-Nielsen, in “Sustainable strategies for the upgrading of nartural gas:
fundamentals, challenges and opportunities”, E.G. Derouane et al. (ed.), Kluwer
Academic Press, Dordrecht, 2004, this book;
[2] M. Prettre et al., C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1953;
[3] L. Guczi and Kiricsi, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 186 (1999) 375;
[4] G.E. Keller and M.M. Bhasin, J. Catal, 73 (1982) 9;
[5] Z. Yan, C.X. Xiao, and Y. Kou, Catal. Letters, 85 (2003) 378;
[6] D. Keene, C.F. Cullis and D. Trimm, J. Catal. 19 (1970) 378;
[7] J.R. Anderson, Appl. Catal., 47 (1989) 177;
[8] D. Trimm, in “Sustainable strategies for the upgrading of nartural gas: fundamentals,
challenges and opportunities”, E.G. Derouane et al. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Press,
Dordrecht, 2004, this book;
[9] D. Filkova, D. Wolf, G. Gayko, M. Baerns, L. Petrov, Appl. Catal> A: Gen. 159 (1997)
[10] J. Well, F. Chevron, C. Raimbault, R. Genier, G. Renesme, L. Capogna and Y. Muller,
Rev. Inst. Fr. du Pétrole, 47 (1992) 255;
[11] L. Wang, L. Tao, J. Huang and D. Wang, Catal. Lett., 21 (1993) 35;
[12] Y. Xu, L. Wang, M. Xie and X. Gou, Catal. Lett., 30 (1995) 135;
[13] E. Mielezarski, S. Monteverdi, S. Amariglio and H. Amariglio, Appl. Catal. A: Gen.,
104 (1993) 215;
[14] Russian patent, assigned to the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, RU,
No.2188225, issued on 27.08.2002;
412 Jacques C. Védrine
[15] Russian patent, assigned to the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, RU,
No.2144942, issued 10.01.2000.