Electric Service Standards PDF
Electric Service Standards PDF
Electric Service Standards PDF
February 2020
This manual is subject to revision as required. For the latest
version and other information, visit us on the web at:
Electric Service Standards
for Overhead, Underground and
Residential Subdivision Areas
February 2020 Edition
Summary of Revisions
Table of Contents
I. Definitions
II. General
III. Service Provisions
IV. Service and Meter Connections
V. Requirements for Transformers Situated on Customer Property
VI. Metering Equipment
VII. Approved Metering Equipment Enclosure List
VIII. Grounding
IX. Motors, Controllers and Air Conditioners
X. Electrical Disturbances
XI. Radio, Television and Miscellaneous Antennas
XII. Street and Outdoor Security Lighting
XIII. Distributed Generation
XIV. Safety
8.2 Setting and Removing Meters - None but duly authorized agents of the Company or persons
authorized by law shall set or remove, turn on or turn off, or make any changes which will affect the accuracy
of such meters. Connections to the Company's system are to be made only by its employees.
8.3 Tampering with Meters - Title to meters and metering equipment shall be and remain in the Company.
Unauthorized connections to, or tampering with the Company's meter or meters, or meter seals, or
indications or evidence thereof, subjects the Customer to immediate discontinuance of service, prosecution
under the laws of Florida, adjustment of prior bills for services rendered, a tampering penalty of $200 for
residential and non-demand commercial customers and $1,000 for all other customers, and reimbursement
to the Company for all extra expenses incurred on this account.
FPL, in cooperation with customers and their agents, wishes to provide adequate electric service in an
expeditious manner.
This publication, FPL's Electric Service Standards (ESS), is intended to furnish information often required by
customers and their agents (builders, architects, engineers, electricians, etc.) to receive FPL's electric
service. The ESS is subject to and subordinate in all respects to FPL's Tariff, as amended from time to time
and approved by the Florida Public Service Commission, the Florida Administrative Code as it pertains to
publicly held utilities, and to the provisions of the current edition of the National Electrical Safety Code.
This document is not intended to be all inclusive and is not a substitute for direct communication
between the Customer and FPL. This direct communication is essential to mutually understanding
service needs and requirements, and the ability of FPL to provide prompt and adequate electric
FPL's ESS is revised periodically due to ongoing changes in engineering and construction practices, and
consequently some of the provisions contained herein may be obsolete.
It is essential that the Customer or his agent contact FPL's representative or go online to ensure they have
the latest issue of FPL's Electric Service Standards. The ESS is available in pdf format and can be opened
with adobe acrobat reader. In addition, it can be saved or printed by section or as a complete manual.
The ESS can be found on the web at: www.fpl.com/partner/pdf/electric-service-standards.pdf
Making it easy to manage your construction project, the new FPL Project Portal is a site that provides you
with self-service options such as applying for a construction project, tracking the status of your project,
viewing pending and completed requirements, collaborating with your FPL team, and paying your
construction bills online.
The FPL Project Portal can be found on the web at: partner.fpl.com/construction.html
Electric Service Standards
IV, VI Service Equip, Metering Equip Changed manual bypass to lever bypass Jun 2011
I, III.F Definitions, Service Provisions Clarified that Miami network is existing and no new networks are Jul 2011
being constructed
Fig IV-10 Service Equipment Added Specifications for installing IBT Jul 2011
VII Approved Enclosure List Updated Approved Enclosure List Jul 2011
II General Updated service center contact info, updated Measuring Electric Jul 2011
Consumption to match Florida Administrative Code 25-6.049
XIII Safety Replaced “Notification of Facilities” with updated version showing Jul 2011
new OSHA clearances, updated “Safety 6” with new OSHA
XII Street and Outdoor Lighting Removed limit of one pole installed for the outdoor light Sep 2011
VI-B Metering Equipment Restriction on use of multiple conductor lugs Oct 2011
XIII Safety Replaced “Notification of Facilities” with updated version Jan 2012
VIII Grounding To reflect clarifications to 2011 NEC Article 250.52 Jan 2012
IX Motors, Controllers, and Air Conditioners Added recommendation for “AURORA” protection Feb 2012
Fig IV-13a Remote meter location – mobile home Note 2 – added fiberglass post as acceptable Apr 2012
II Unauthorized Attachments Added restrictions for power monitors, RF shields, and meter base Jun 2012
generator interconnects
III.D.6 Service Provisions Added language in reference to prohibition of “plug bus” prior to Sept 2012
the meter centers
VI.H Metering Equipment Clarified installation of FPL equipment in customer switch cabinets Sept 2012
III.I Service Changes Noted to ensure the existing FPL conductors will reach the new Feb 2013
service equipment
VII Approved Meter Enclosures Updated FMG approved meter enclosure list June 2013
Electric Service Standards
IV Service Provisions Conductor installation must comply with NEC Article 300.3 Feb 2014
Fig IV-12b Service Provisions – Multiple Meter Centers Request to mark the inside of meter enclosures with address Oct 2014
served when possible to do so
VI.E Metering Equipment – Identification of Meters Request to mark the inside of meter enclosures with address Oct 2014
served when possible to do so
Fig IV-13a Service Provisions – Service to Mobile Home Added table of acceptable pole classes Oct 2014
VII Approved Meter Enclosures Updated the approved enclosure list Jan 2015
VII Approved Meter Enclosures Corrected the approved enclosure list Apr 2015
Fig VI-10 Metering Equipment – Vault Bus Stub Added note for clearance between stubs of different voltages Oct 2015
II General Updated contact telephone for Nassau, Starke, and Lake City Nov 2015
service centers
V Requirements for Transformers Changed note regarding number of sets of cable where a Jan 2016
secondary cabinet is recommended
IV Service and Meter Connections Noted that K-7 enclosures are “maintenance only” items Jan 2016
Fig. IV-8 Self-Contained Meter Installation - Overhead Added note 3 regarded 5th terminal wiring. Mar 2016
VII Approved Meter Enclosures Updated the approved enclosure list Mar 2016
Fig IV-11b FPL Buried Service Lateral – Meter Socket & Noted bends to be Galvanized or Schedule 80 PVC Apr 2016
Down Pipe Requirements
V.A Requirements for Transformers situated on Updated Transformer sizes in table Apr 2016
Customer Property
II General Updated Toledo Blade phone # Feb 2017
XII Street Lights Added SL-1M and SL-2M rates and general revisions Feb 2017
XII Street Lights Revised due to LT-1 LED Lighting Tariff approval Mar 2017
Inside Forward, ESS online, and email address Updated location of ESS Manual on the web, removed mailing Oct 2017
cover information, added email list for future updates
Inside Just a Reminder! Removed reference from Florida Statute 812.14 and added more Nov 2017
cover relevant reference from the FPL Electric Tariff 6.061-8.2 and 8.3
II General Updated address and telephone numbers for North Dade service Aug 2018
V Requirements for Transformers situated on Revised placement distance from doors and windows Aug 2018
Customer Property
Fig VI-6, Metering Equipment Added notes for clearance requirements Sept 2018
Fig IV-6a, Service and Meter Connections Restricted overhead service attachment height to 22 feet above Nov 2018
IV-7, IV-13a grade for inaccessible locations
V Requirements for Transformers situated on Updated table in section A Nov 2018
Customer Property
Inside ESS Online Manual and FPL Project Portal Updated ESS Manual web address, removed the ESS Update Dec 2018
Cover Notifications, and added reference to the FPL Project Portal
III Service Provisions Updated stack vault section Apr 2019
VI Metering Equipment Limited use of meter enclosures for customer equipment (ie. DG May 2019
and Surge Protectors)
IV Service and Meter Connections Added note for proper tagging of 3 phase service cables May 2019
Electric Service Standards
VI F Relocation or Upgrade of Metering Equipment Added note for customer’s responsibility for FPL costs if prompted Sept 2019
by customers change in equipment
II M General: Unauthorized Attachments Removed “lightning” Sept 2019
IV Service and Meter Connections Updated horizontal clearance to swimming pools Oct 2019
II P General: Contacting FPL Updated addresses and phone numbers for several locations Nov 2019
Covers ESS online and FPL Project Portal Updated web address for both Nov 2019
V Requirements for Transformers situated on Updated sub grade vaults verbiage Nov 2019
Customer Property
Electric Service Standards
I. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
II. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
A. Early Notification and Coordination .......................................................................................................... 1
B. Application for Electric Service .................................................................................................................. 1
C. Availability of Desired Type of Electric Service ......................................................................................... 2
D. Contributions by Customer ........................................................................................................................ 2
E. Rights of Way and Easements ................................................................................................................. 2
F. Measuring (Metering) Electric Consumption ............................................................................................. 3
G. Conjunctive Billing or Totalized Metering as disallowed in FAC 25-6.102 ................................................ 5
H. Electrical Inspections and Connection of Service ..................................................................................... 5
I. Customer Responsibility for Safety and Adequacy of Wiring .................................................................... 5
J. Access to FPL Facilities ............................................................................................................................. 6
K. Load Balance ............................................................................................................................................. 6
L. Customer Owned Generators .................................................................................................................... 6
1. Standby Generator ......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Parallel Generation and Cogeneration ........................................................................................... 6
Caution ................................................................................................................................................. 7
M. Unauthorized Attachments ........................................................................................................................ 7
N. Continuity of Service .................................................................................................................................. 7
O. Conservation Programs ............................................................................................................................. 7
P. Contacting FPL ......................................................................................................................................... 8
South Coast (Broward and Dade Counties) ......................................................................................... 9
West Coast (West of Lake Okeechobee from Manatee County South) .............................................. 10
Northeast Coast (Palm Beach County and North) ............................................................................. 11
Electric Service Standards
Electric Service Standards
Electric Service Standards
Base Rate Revenue - For use in these Standards, the non-fuel energy (kwh) and demand charge
(kwd), if any, revenue resulting from the Customer's electricity use under the applicable rate schedule.
Base Rate Revenue excludes, without limitation, customer charges, taxes, franchise fees; fuel,
conservation, capacity payment, environmental charges; and any other charges or credits (such as
TR rider, transformer rental, or load management or curtailment credits).
CIAC (Contribution in Aid of Construction) - A nonrefundable charge for electric service where (a)
the extension is not justified by projected revenues and/or (b) the cost of providing underground
electric facilities exceeds the cost of equivalent overhead facilities ("differential" cost), and/or (c)
non-standard service, as determined by FPL, is being requested for the load being served.
Commercial Service - For purposes of these Electric Service Standards, any electric service used
for non-residential purposes (excluding those applications found in FPL's "lighting" tariffs).
Customer - Any present or prospective user of FPL's electric service, or any person or entity
representing him, such as the architect, engineer, electrical contractor, land developer, builder, etc.
Expected Incremental Base Revenue - The estimated Base Rate Revenue, as defined above and
determined by FPL, generated on the facilities being installed or upgraded to serve the Customer.
ESS (Electric Service Standards) - The acronym referring to this publication.
FAC (Florida Administrative Code) - The official compilation of the Rules and Regulations of Florida
Regulatory Agencies filed with the Dept. of State under the Provisions of Chapter 120, Fla. Statutes.
FPL - Florida Power and Light Company or an employee properly qualified to represent Florida Power
and Light Company.
Ground - A conducting connection between an electrical circuit or piece of equipment and the earth,
or to a conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
Meter Socket - A meter socket is a device which provides support and means of electrical connection
to a watthour meter. It has a wiring chamber, with provisions for conduit entrances and exits, and a
means of sealing the meter in place. The word "socket" in these Standards refers to meter socket.
Mobile Home - A mobile home is a factory assembled structure designed to be used as a living unit,
and readily movable on its own running gear. It has no permanent foundation.
Multiple Occupancy Building - A unified structure containing five or more individual dwelling units.
Point of Delivery - The location where FPL-owned conductors are connected to customer-owned
conductors. Typical points of delivery include weatherheads, meter sockets, service junction boxes,
handholes, padmounted transformers, and vaults. The point of delivery shall be determined by FPL.
The point of delivery for an FPL owned and maintained underground residential service lateral is the
line side of the meter socket, for an FPL owned and maintained overhead service drop the point of
delivery is the attachment to the customer’s weatherhead.
Recreational Vehicle (RV) - A vehicle designated for temporary living quarters for camping, traveling,
or recreational use. It may have its own motive power, or be mounted on or pulled by another vehicle.
Residential Service - Electric service supplied exclusively for domestic purposes in individually
metered dwelling units, where permanent residency is established, including the separately metered
non-commercial-use facilities of a residential customer (e.g. garages, water pumps, etc.).
Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground - An accommodation for recreational vehicles or other
camping outfits where an individual site is rented, and the intent of the park or campground is not to
establish permanent residencies.
Electric Service Standards
Secondary Network Service - A type of electric service generally available only in certain parts of
downtown Miami from an existing grid of interconnected secondary conductors. This grid is fed from
two or more three-phase transformers connected to different primary feeders. Service voltage from
the grid is 120/208 volt, four wire wye. Spot network service (single locations or small confined areas)
may be 277/480 volt, four wire wye. The network service is only available in specific locations and
new secondary networks are not being constructed.
Service - The conductors and equipment that deliver energy from FPL's system to the wiring system
of the premise being served. It also means maintenance of voltage and frequency (within acceptable
tolerances) by FPL at the point of delivery.
Service Drop - The overhead conductors from FPL's last pole or other aerial support to and including
the splices, if any, connecting the Customer's service entrance conductors at the building or other
Service Entrance - The Customer's installation from the service drop or service lateral connection to
and including the service equipment.
Service Entrance Conductors - The Customer's conductors from point of connection at the service
drop or service lateral to the service equipment.
Service Equipment - The Customer's equipment which controls the electric service and contains the
switching and overcurrent protective devices, usually located near the entry point of the service
entrance conductors into the building.
Service Lateral - The underground service conductors connecting FPL's distribution system to the
Customer's service entrance conductors.
Standard Service - The minimum level of service, as determined by FPL, for the load to which
electric service is being requested by the Customer. Typically, this service is overhead (with wood
poles), at the standard voltages specified in ESS Section III.A, to the FPL designated point of
delivery. Generally, any service requested of FPL that exceeds FPL's minimum level of service is
paid for as a CIAC. All service is alternating current (AC) at 60 hertz (cycles per second).
Tariff - Schedule of FPL rates, charges, and General Rules and Regulations for providing electric
service. FPL's Electric Tariff is available for inspection at any FPL business office, and is on file with
Florida's Public Service Commission (FPSC). The word "Tariff" in these Standards refers to FPL's
Electric Tariff.
Temporary/Construction Service - Limited term electric service to operations such as: Exhibitions,
Construction Projects, Fairs, Holiday Lighting, Dredging Jobs, etc.
Transformer Vault - An isolated enclosure, with fire resistant walls, ceilings and floor, in which
transformers and related equipment are installed and not continuously attended during operation.
Underground Distribution - A distribution system where the conductors are buried with or without
enclosing ducts. Newer systems are in conduit. Transformers, switches and other equipment are
normally above ground, or enclosed in vaults or other enclosures.
URD - (Underground Residential Distribution) - An underground distribution system, primarily
supplying single phase, three wire service laterals to residential dwelling units. Most conductors are
buried and new systems are in conduit. Transformers and primary switches are contained in above
ground padmounted enclosures.
Electric Service Standards
A. Early Notification and Coordination
FPL - As used in these Standards, the word "FPL" represents FPL Company or any employee
properly qualified to represent FPL Company.
Customer - For the purpose of these Standards, the word "Customer" represents any present or
prospective user of FPL's electric service, or any person or entity representing him, such as the
architect, engineer, electrical contractor, land developer, or builder, etc.
Contacting FPL - FPL maintains offices throughout its service area. New extensions of electric
facilities to serve customers, or modifications to existing electric facilities, are generally handled
by FPL's Construction Department. Information concerning a specific installation should be
requested by the Customer from FPL's nearest Construction office. Locations are listed at the
end of this section. Early Contact with FPL is necessary to ensure provision of electric service
in as timely a fashion as possible.
Close coordination is necessary throughout the planning and construction stages by FPL and the
Customer, or those representing him. Particular attention shall be given to the scheduling of the
construction of paved areas and the various sub grade installations of the several utilities.
FPL strives to supply its Customers' needs for electric service as efficiently, reliably and
economically as possible. Although this publication provides many of the guidelines concerning
FPL's character of service and policies, it is not possible to document all the detailed information
the Customer may require. This publication is not intended to replace direct communication
with FPL. Contact with FPL during the early stages of the Customer's design is strongly
encouraged to avoid misunderstanding, delays, and unnecessary expense.
A Notification of New Construction form is available upon request for use by the Customer to
facilitate the exchange of information between FPL and the design professionals on large
D. Contributions by Customer
Throughout these standards, references are made to customer Contributions In Aid of
Construction (CIAC), whereby the customer pays for a portion of the requested service. In all
cases, ownership of the requested facility remains with FPL, and payments are required well in
advance of FPL's construction, allowing for proper scheduling. Contact your FPL representative
concerning the "timing" of the payment. Withholding payment until the latter stages of a project's
development may cause unnecessary delays and added expense to the Customer.
In the event trenching and conduit are involved, the customer may provide the trench and/or
install the FPL provided PVC conduit, where mutually agreed upon by the customer and FPL.
The Customer will receive a credit, as determined by FPL, for such work. The amount of the
credit is limited to the total amount of CIAC that is due. Typically, the credit will be granted after
the work has been inspected by FPL and, in the case of customer installed conduit, after FPL
pulls the cable.
Electric Service Standards
(5)(g) and (6)(a) were initially satisfied, and shall inform the customer of that date before the first annual
notice is due. The customer shall notify the utility within 10 days if, at any time, the condominium ceases to
meet the requirements in paragraph (5)(g).
(c) Upon request and reasonable notice by the utility, the utility shall be allowed to inspect the
condominium to collect evidence needed to determine whether the condominium is in compliance with this
(d) Failure to Comply – If a condominium is master metered under the exemption in this rule and
subsequently fails to meet the criteria contained in paragraph (5)(g), or the customer fails to make the annual
attestation required by paragraph (6)(b), then the utility shall promptly notify the customer that the
condominium is no longer eligible for master-metered service. If the customer does not respond with clear
evidence to the contrary within 30 days of receiving the notice, the customer shall individually meter the
condominium units within six months following the date on the notice. During this six month period, the utility
shall not discontinue service based on failure to comply with this rule. Thereafter, the provisions of Rule 25-
6.105, F.A.C., apply.
(7) When a structure or building is converted from individual metering to master metering, or from master
metering to individual metering, the customer shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the utility for the
conversion. These costs shall include, but not be limited to, any remaining undepreciated cost of any existing
distribution equipment which is removed or transferred to the ownership of the customer, plus the cost of
removal or relocation of any distribution equipment, less the salvage value of any removed equipment.
(8) For purposes of this rule:
(a) “Occupancy unit” means that portion of any commercial establishment, single and multi-unit residential
building, or trailer, mobile home or recreational vehicle park, or marina which is set apart from the rest of such
facility by clearly determinable boundaries as described in the rental, lease, or ownership agreement for such
(b) “Overnight Occupancy” means use of an occupancy unit for a short term such as per day or per week
where permanent residency is not established.
(9)(a) Where individual metering is not required under subsection (5) and master metering is used in lieu
thereof, reasonable apportionment methods, including sub-metering may be used by the customer of record
or the owner of such facility solely for the purpose of allocating the cost of the electricity billed by the utility.
The term “cost” as used herein means only those charges specifically authorized by the electric utility’s tariff,
including but not limited to the customer, energy, demand, fuel, conservation, capacity and environmental
charges made by the electric utility plus applicable taxes and fees to the customer of record responsible for
the master meter payments. The term does not include late payment charges, returned check charges, the
cost of the customer-owned distribution system behind the master meter, the customer of record’s cost of
billing the individual units, and other such costs.
(b) Any fees or charges collected by a customer of record for electricity billed to the customer’s account
by the utility, whether based on the use of sub-metering or any other allocation method, shall be determined
in a manner which reimburses the customer of record for no more than the customer’s actual cost of
(c) Each utility shall develop a standard policy governing the provisions of sub-metering as provided for
herein. Such policy shall be filed by each utility as part of its tariffs. The policy shall have uniform application
and shall be nondiscriminatory.
Electric Service Standards
The Customer shall decide whether additional capacity should be provided for future load growth.
In general, FPL recommends that an adequate margin for load growth be provided.
K. Load Balance
To prevent overloading the service conductors and transformer coils, the Customer's electrical
load shall be properly balanced on the service entrance conductors and service equipment.
On 120/240 volt, four wire delta services, the conductor identified as high voltage to ground,
commonly known as the "high leg" or "power leg", shall only be used to feed into a three phase
load circuit and shall not be used as a phase to ground conductor.
In such cases, the Customer shall provide a transfer device which meets the National Electrical
Code and is listed and labeled by a Nationally Recognized Test Lab (NRTL), such as U.L., to a
standard equal to U.L. 1008 Transfer Switch Equipment, or listed and labeled to one of the
AND, the device is also labeled as "Suitable for use as transfer equipment in accordance with
article 702 of the NEC" or similar verbiage indicating that it can be used as transfer equipment.
Note: the second label, referring to the using the device as transfer equipment, will not have a
U.L. mark on the label, but still meets U.L. by the existence of the first label. This switch shall be
provided by the customer and shall disconnect the Customer’s service equipment from FPL’s
lines before connecting it to the emergency generator.
Electric Service Standards
P. Contacting FPL
FPL Customer Service may be contacted 24 hours a day by calling the number on the bottom of
your bill or the number in your local phone book. Contact regarding new construction and
changes in service requirements (service changes) should be directed to your local FPL
Construction Service Planning Office which is open during normal business hours. The following
pages list FPL's Construction Service Planning Offices and the approximate areas they serve.
Electric Service Standards
North Broward Construction Services North of Commercial Blvd to the Palm Beach County
Pompano Service Center Line
330 S.W. 12th Avenue
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(954) 956-2014 Fax: (954) 956-2020
Central Broward Construction Services East of the Turnpike: south of Commercial Blvd &
Wingate Service Center north of Griffin Road; East of I-95: to Intracoastal
3020 N.W. 19th Street Waterway between Dania Cutoff Canal to Griffin Rd;
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33111 West of the Turnpike: south of Commercial Blvd &
(954) 717-2072 Fax: (954) 717-2118 north of I-595
(954) 717-2093 – Disco/Reco Only
South Broward Construction Services East of Turnpike: south of Griffin Rd to the Dade
Gulfstream Service Center County Line less section between I-95 and
4000 Davie Road Extension Intracoastal, Dania Cut-Off Canal to Griffin Rd;
Hollywood, FL 33024 West of Turnpike: south of I-595 to the Dade
(954) 442-6352 Fax: (954) 442-6340 County Line
(954) 442-6351 – Disco/Reco Only
North Dade Construction Services West of I-75, from 215th St to 135th St west of NW
5106 N.W. 159 Street 27th Ave & from 215th St to 79th St east of NW 27th
Miami Lakes, FL 33014 Ave to the intracoastal water way. Including Carol
(305) 626-7600 Fax: (305) 626-7600 City, Golden Beach, Sunny Isles, Aventura, North
Miami, North Miami Beach, Opa-Locka, Miami
Lakes, Miami Shores, El Portal & Biscayne Park
West Dade Construction Services The area bounded by SW 40th St. (Bird Rd) from
6195 N.W. 82 Avenue Florida’s Turnpike to SW 57th Ave, north to 8th St
Miami, FL 33166 (Calle Ocho) from the west to Douglas Rd (NW 37th
(305) 599-4000 Fax: (305) 599-4014 Ave), north along Lejuene (NW 42nd Ave) to NW
36th St from the west to SE 8th Ave, north to NW
135th St (Gratigny Pkwy) the I-75 to NW 27th Ave,
north to the Broward County line from the west to
Central Dade Construction Services The area bounded by East of SW 57th Ave between
122 S.W. 3 Street SW 72nd ST and SW 8th ST; East of 37th Ave,
Miami, FL 33130 between SW 8th St and NW 36th St; East of NW
(305) 377-6001 Fax: (305) 377-6010 27th Ave between NW 36th St and NW 79th St;
including Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, North Bay
Village, and Surfside/Bal Harbor up to 132nd St
South Dade & Richmond Construction Services All of Dade County south and west of a line
14250 S.W. 112 Street beginning at Biscayne Bay and SW 72 Street, west
Miami, FL 33186 to SW 57 Avenue, north to SW 40 St (Bird Rd), west
(305) 387-6650 Fax: (305) 387-6651 to Florida’s Turnpike, north to SW 24 Street (Coral
Way) and west to the Dade County Line
Whitfield Construction Services Covers Manatee County
1253 12th Ave E
Palmetto, FL 34221
(941) 927-4278 Fax: (941) 723-4444
Gladiolus Construction Services Lee County, south of Colonial Blvd, east to I-75
15834 Winkler Road then South to Daniels Rd, then the south side of
Fort Myers, FL 33908 Daniels Rd east to Green Meadows Rd.
(239) 353-6010 Fax: (239) 415-1350
Golden Gate Construction Services Lee and Collier Counties from south of
4105 S.W. 15 Avenue Corkscrew Road and the Estero River to north of
Naples, FL 34116 the Marco Island Bridge, and east to Desoto
(239) 353-6010 or (239) 353-6090 Boulevard and East Hamilton Rd on US 41 East.
Fax: (239) 353-6082 Northeast boundary is 41 Ave NE North of
Immokalee Rd.
Electric Service Standards
Nassau Construction Services Callahan, Fernandina Beach, Hilliard and Yulee;
56905 Griffin Road Nassau County
Callahan, FL 32011
1-800-462-0561 Fax: 1-800-631-2996
Lake City Construction Services Houston, Lake City, Live Oak, Olustee, and
2618 NE Bascom Norris Dr Wellborn;
Lake City, FL 32055 Columbia and Suwannee County
1-800-462-0561 Fax: 1-800-631-2996
Starke Construction Services Bryceville, Hampton, Kingsley Lake, Lake Butler,
351 Colley Road Lawtey, Macclenny, Penney Farms, Raiford,
Starke, FL 32091 Sanderson, Starke, and Waldo;
1-800-462-0561 Fax: 1-800-631-2996 Baker, Bradford, Clay and Union Counties
St. Augustine Construction Services St. Johns County south of CR 210, south of
303 Hastings Road Guana State Park on A1A, plus small portions of
St. Augustine, FL 32084 Northern Flagler County
1-800-345-2503 or (904) 824-7615
Fax: (904) 824-7620
Palatka Construction Services Town of Hawthorne, Putnam County, a portion
2900 Catherine Street of St. Johns County and a small portion of
Palatka, FL 32177 Flagler County
1-800-345-2503 or (904) 824-7615
Fax: (904) 824-7620
Flagler Construction Services Flagler County and Volusia County north of SR
5910 East Highway 100 40
Palm Coast, FL 32164
1-866-487-0428 Fax: (386) 586-6404
Port Orange Construction Services Daytona Bch, Daytona Bch Shores, Edgewater,
3000 Spruce Creek Road Holly Hill, Oak Hill, Ormond Beach south of SR
Port Orange, FL 32119 40, Port Orange, S. Daytona, Volusia County
(386) 322-3420 or 3428 Fax: (386) 322-3444 area around New Smyrna Beach
Sanford Construction Services Chuluota, Geneva, Sanford Area and small
2626 West S.R. 46 portions of Deltona, Heathrow, Lake Mary and
P.O. Box 2149 Oviedo
Sanford, FL 32772
1-800-741-1424 Fax: (407) 328-1910
Brevard Construction Services Brevard County
9001 Ellis Road
Melbourne, FL 32904-1056
(321) 726-4801 or 4807 or 1-800-577-1156
Fax: (321) 726-4880
Treasure Coast Construction Services Indian County Line south to Midway Road, Fort
St. Lucie Service Center Pierce (St. Lucie County), includes Sebastian,
3301 Orange Avenue Fellsmere, Wabasso, Vero Beach, and Fort
Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Pierce
(772) 489-6254 or 1-800-757-5487
Fax: (772) 489-6224
Jupiter Construction Services North of Blue Heron Blvd and north of Beeline
100 Delaware Avenue Hwy to the Martin County Line
Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 575-6340 Fax: (561) 575-6333
West Palm Beach Construction Services Lake Worth Road north to Blue Heron Blvd, east
810 Charlotte Avenue of Florida’s Turnpike in West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 616-1601 or 1602 Fax: (561) 616-1625
Royal Palm Beach Construction Services South of Beeline Hwy, west of Florida's
500 Business Park Way Turnpike, north of Lake Worth and Lantana
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 Roads and east of the L-8 and L-40 Canals
(561) 616-1601 Fax: (561) 790-5075
Electric Service Standards
Boca Raton Area Construction Services Atlantic Avenue south to the Broward County
21400 Powerline Rd Line
Boca Raton, FL 33433
(561) 479-4553 Fax: (561) 479-4588
Belle Glade Construction Services From the Martin County line south to the
1318 W. Avenue A Broward County line and from the Industrial
Belle Glade, FL 33430 canal (just east of Clewiston) west to the 20 mile
(561) 992-5907 Fax: (561) 992-5915 bend on State Road 80
Electric Service Standards
A. Standard Service
FPL's standard service is that supplied by overhead lines, with wood poles, to FPL's designated
point of delivery, at the standard voltages specified below. All service is alternating current at 60
hertz (60 cycles per second). All voltages and frequencies mentioned are nominal values.
Single phase, three wire 120/240 volt service is furnished for ordinary lighting loads, household
equipment, small appliances, and motors. This voltage is standard throughout FPL's service area
for residences and for commercial and industrial applications where three phase service is not
required, in the opinion of FPL, or available. Three phase service will be provided where available,
or where in the opinion of FPL, the use of single phase is impractical. This, as with all service, is
subject to the line extension provisions of section III.C. Devices to convert single phase to three
phase can be obtained for a wide range of three phase motors, therefore availability of three phase
service for smaller motors should be discussed in advance with FPL. A neutral conductor de-rated
no more than 30% from the service conductor ampacity is required for all services.
Voltages Under 600V - In most locations, FPL's overhead secondary distribution system
provides service at the following standard voltages:
- Single phase, 120 volt, two wire
- Single phase, 480 volt, two wire (street lighting)
- Single phase, 120/240 volt, three wire
- Single phase, 240/480 volt, three wire
In some locations, FPL's system is able to provide service at the following voltages:
- Three phase, 120/240 volt, four-wire delta
- Three phase, 120/208 volt, four wire wye
- Single phase, 120/208 volt, three wire (from a three phase, four wire wye system)
- Three phase, 277/480 volt, four wire wye
120/240 volt, four-wire delta is determined by FPL to be the standard 3 phase voltage for loads
in which individual motor sizes are greater than or equal to 7.5 hp (but not exceeding 20 hp),
or, the 3 phase "demand" load does not exceed 75 KVA, or, the "total" demand load does not
exceed 150 KVA, and the use of single phase, in the opinion of FPL, is impractical. When the
Customer desires three phase, 120/208 or 277/480 volt will be considered the standard voltage
only where, in the opinion of FPL, three phase service is required, and 120/240 volt delta
service is not, in the opinion of FPL, the standard voltage for the load being served, unless
otherwise mutually advantageous to both FPL and the Customer.
Voltages Over 600V - Service requirements for installations requiring higher distribution
voltages (primary voltages) are subject to special negotiation between the Customer and FPL.
Customers accepting primary voltage will provide, through ownership or rental, all distribution
facilities required beyond the metered point, and, all facilities required for reducing or increasing
the FPL supplied voltage to any other voltage which he may require.
If the customer will be leasing transformers from FPL for use beyond the metered point, in
addition to the voltages under 600V listed above, the following voltages over 600V may be
- Single phase, 2400/4160 volt* - Three phase, 2400/4160 volt grounded wye
- Single phase, 7620/13,200 volt** - Three phase, 7620/13,200 volt grounded wye
- Single phase, 13,200/22,860 volt*** - Three phase, 13,200/22,860 volt grounded wye
(For connection phase to neutral to a grounded wye system rated: *2400/4160 volts;
**7,620/13,200 volts; ***13,200/22,860 volts)
Typically, where the customer requests service considered by FPL to be non-standard for the
load being served, the Customer will bear the additional expense as a CIAC.
B. Point of Delivery
The point of delivery is defined as that location where FPL's electric facilities connect to those of
the Customer's. FPL will give considerable weight to the Customer's preference, but shall reserve
the right to designate this location. Should the Customer request a location other than that
designated by FPL, and FPL approves, the Customer shall be responsible for all additional costs
to extend beyond FPL's designated point.
a. the facilities being built are for standard service for the load being served, and
b. FPL's expenditure is supported by the Estimated Annual base rate Revenue (EAR)
Other factors that may affect the approval of the extension include:
- The potential of other customers to be served from the same extension or addition within
a five year period
- The permanency of the installation being served
- The expected completion date of the project
- The need to improve facilities at or near the area to be served such that the line
extension can be installed
- Issuance of a construction permit
- Examination of architectural plans
A nonrefundable Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) will be required for any overhead
extension where the total estimated job cost for the extension or upgrade (excluding service
drops and meters) required to provide standard service, as determined by FPL, exceeds four
(4) times the estimated annual incremental base rate revenue (EAR). This CIAC amount is
equal to the difference between that estimated total job cost (excluding service drops and
meters) and four (4) times the EAR. For upgrade of facilities, the customer is also charged for
the Net Book Value of the existing facilities removed and receives a credit for salvageable
items. If the customer requests facilities that are not typically required, in the opinion of FPL, to
serve the load, a CIAC in addition to the above difference will also be required. This additional
amount is equal to the difference (including service drops and meters) between FPL's
estimated cost to provide the standard service and the estimated cost of the non-standard
service requested by the Customer.
3. Underground Extensions - Where, in FPL's opinion, overhead distribution facilities are
typically provided to serve the load for which service is requested, but underground is provided
instead (due to Customer request or the requirement of a governmental agency), a CIAC is
required which is equal to the difference between the total estimated cost to provide the
overhead standard service and the total estimated cost of the underground. This differential
cost includes all service drops and meters.
Electric Service Standards
Furthermore, if the cost of the overhead system for standard service could not have been
supported by estimated incremental base rate revenue, the Customer would pay an additional
CIAC amount equal to the difference between that total estimated job cost (excluding service
drops and meters) and four (4) times the EAR.
A single, one phase, 120/240 volt, three wire overhead service drop per lot is the standard service
offered by FPL to residential customers. Excluding any extension charges that might apply (section
III.C.2) this service is offered at no charge to FPL's designated point of delivery. Three phase
service may be available but only under special circumstances and CIAC charges might apply.
FPL will provide residential underground electric service upon request when the Customer or
developer pays the difference between the estimated cost of underground and the estimated cost
of overhead facilities, as defined in FPL's General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service and
Underground Residential Tariff. The charges quoted in the Tariff are based on conditions which
permit employment of rapid construction techniques. This Tariff applies to all residential customers,
including those where underground is required by local ordinance.
Underground residential service is offered under the provisions of the Residential Tariff for:
before construction commences. This deposit, to guarantee performance, will be based on the
estimated total cost of such facilities. The amount of the deposit, without interest, in excess of
any differential charges for underground service will be returned to the applicant on a pro rata
basis at quarterly intervals on the basis of utilization. Any portion remaining un-refunded after
five years from the date FPL is first ready to render service from the extension will be retained
by FPL.
Electric Service Standards
For overhead service, a treated pole or equivalent shall be furnished to provide adequate
support and elevation for FPL's service drop. Overhead service drops shall have 16 feet of
clearance crossing over areas subject to mobile home or recreational vehicle movement. Other
clearances are specified in section IV.B and Fig. IV-5.
If service is underground, an approved pedestal shall be furnished to support and protect FPL's
cable and meter (Fig. IV-13a,b,c). If the Customer wishes to furnish and use a pedestal which
combines the service equipment and the meter socket, he may do so only if he uses equipment
on FPL's approved list. It shall be the Customer's responsibility to obtain authorization from
FPL before any commitments are made to use this equipment at a particular location. There
will be no charge to FPL.
Where individual electric metering is required, it is often advantageous for the Customer to
group multiple meter sockets and service equipment on a single pole or pedestal (Fig. IV-13c).
Where overhead service is provided, this is aesthetically advantageous in that the number of
aerial service drops is minimized. Where underground service is provided, this reduces the
CIAC amount required by FPL.
In those parks or areas of parks designated for overnight occupancy (where the intended use
is not for purposes of permanent residency), individual electric metering is not required, nor
provided by FPL. In these cases, electric consumption is considered commercial use, and FPL
will provide a single point of service (or multiple points if deemed necessary or appropriate by
FPL) with each point individually metered. Electric wiring from these points to the individual
units is the responsibility of the Customer.
The load must exceed the following capability or CIAC will apply:
- 1000 KVA for 120/208V loop or radial type padmounted transformers
- 1000 KVA for 277/480V loop type padmounted transformers
- 2500 KVA for 277/480V radial type padmounted transformers
- The units shall be metered according to the requirements set forth in Florida
Administrative Code 25-6.049
- Single phase vaults shall be 120/240V and the capacity of the vault shall not exceed 167
- All switching equipment and/or throwover equipment shall be located in the ground floor
main vault
- All critical loads shall be served from the ground floor main vault
- At least 6 stacked vaults shall be required, as determined by FPL, to serve the load
- The Customer shall adhere strictly to FPL's specifications concerning vault and duct
construction (section V.C)
The Main Vault - The same specifications that apply to any other grade level vault apply also
to the main vault of a high-rise, stacked vault distribution system (section V.B). FPL will furnish
separate specifications for the main vault.
Agreement to Proceed - The Customer shall secure agreement from FPL on the use of
stacked vaults in the early design stages. When this agreement has been reached, the vaults
should be physically located near the center of the load they will serve. Single phase vaults will
be spaced 3 floors apart (i.e. – floor 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) serving the floor containing the vault and
the floors immediately below and above the vault.
The Customer shall obtain engineering information from FPL as to how much space will be
needed for FPL's electrical equipment. The Customer should obtain FPL's detailed vault
specifications before completion of the design stage.
Electric Service Standards
For additional information concerning throwover service, contact you local construction
e. Loop service to Large Commercial Loads
Loop service can be provided in lieu of throwover based on the criteria stated in section (d)
above. Loop service may be more economical when there is only one feeder (source)
Examples of Loop:
Some typical examples of loop service include but are not limited to, strip shopping centers,
building supply chains, grocery stores, large hotels, outdoor malls, etc.
For additional information concerning loop service, contact you local construction
F. Underground Service Connections in the City of Miami Network Area
Electric Service Standards
Service voltage in the City of Miami Downtown Network Grid is four wire, three phase wye, 120/208
volts. When other voltages are desired, the Customer is requested to contact FPL to determine
their availability. Network service is only available from the existing network grid, new secondary
networks are not being constructed.
Service may be available from the underground street secondary mains, or from a vault, depending
on the magnitude of the load involved.
For service from the secondary mains, the Customer will provide and install, at the Customer's
expense, the conduit and cables from the Customer's main switch or FPL's metering devices to the
point of delivery. The point of delivery will be FPL's manhole, pullbox or vault located at or near the
property line, as designated by FPL. FPL will connect the Customer's secondary cable to FPL's
FPL may, where it is mutually advantageous, elect to extend primary circuits into the Customer's
property and serve the immediate and adjoining premises from a standard (non-networked)
transformer vault located on the Customer's property. See section V.
G. Temporary/Construction Service
1. General
Temporary/construction service is usually a limited term service to installations such as fairs,
exhibitions, construction projects, displays and similar projects. Contact FPL regarding availability
and applicable installation and removal charges before installing the temporary facility. These
nonrefundable charges are paid in advance of FPL's construction.
Where the Customer's service entrance cable does not exceed 200 ampere capacity, the
nonrefundable flat charge is specified in FPL's Tariff (Sheet No. 4.030). Larger services may
require additional charges. For overhead service, the charge covers installation and removal of
an overhead service and meter, at an existing secondary source. For an underground service, the
charge covers connecting and disconnecting the Customer's service cable to FPL's existing
underground facilities, including installation and removal of the meter. Contact FPL to determine
current charges and availability of temporary/construction service.
Service may be single phase or three phase, 60 hertz, at the available standard secondary
distribution voltage. This service is available only when FPL has existing capacity in lines,
transformers and other equipment at the requested point of delivery.
For overhead temporary service, the Customer shall provide a sturdy and adequate service drop
support, complete with service entrance and FPL approved meter enclosure, to accommodate
FPL's service drop and meter (Fig. IV-1). In an underground area, a pedestal with FPL approved
meter socket shall be provided to accommodate the meter, and the Customer's service cable shall
be installed up to FPL's facilities (Fig. IV-2). An adequate amount of service cable shall be left
available for FPL crews to pull into the handhole or transformer for connection. Note: In
underground residential distribution (URD) areas, handholes will not be installed by FPL
for the sole purpose of providing temporary service.
If specific electrical service other than that stated above is required, FPL, at the Customer's
request, will determine its feasibility and may provide such service based on the estimated cost of
installing and removing such additional electrical equipment. This estimated cost is payable in
advance to FPL and will be subject to adjustment or refund based on the actual costs. The
additional service may be overhead or underground, depending on circumstances at the particular
location, as determined by FPL.
All temporary/construction services shall be subject to all of the applicable Rules, Regulations and
Tariff charges of FPL, including service charges. The energy used by the temporary service will
be billed monthly under the appropriate rate schedule applicable to commercial and industrial type
The Customer's installation shall satisfy all the requirements of the National Electrical Code and
other authorities having jurisdiction.
2. Reduced Cost Alternatives
a. TOP
The TOP (temporary overhead permanent) alternative is available for residential and small
commercial customers where the permanent FPL approved meter socket, meter, and
weatherhead are configured such that they can be used for temporary service. Upon
receipt of the temporary inspection, FPL installs the permanent service to the meter
socket, and this service is used for construction purposes until the Certificate of
Occupancy is obtained. Since no additional work is required by FPL for this type service,
no additional construction charges are required, provided that all of the FPL construction
work can be performed in a single field visit. However, check with your local authorities
first. Not all inspectors allow this alternative.
b. TUG
The TUG (temporary underground) alternative is available for underground residential
services where the permanent FPL approved meter socket, meter, and downpipe are
configured such that they can be used for temporary service. Upon receipt of the
temporary inspection, FPL installs the permanent service to the meter socket, and this
service is used for construction purposes until the Certificate of Occupancy is obtained.
Since no additional work is required by FPL for this type service, no additional construction
charges (other than the cost of the permanent underground service itself) are required,
provided that all of the FPL construction work can be performed in a single field visit.
However, check with your local authorities first. Not all inspectors allow this alternative.
One variation of the TUG involves building a portion of the permanent wall and mounting
the permanent meter socket, down pipe and customer switch panel on it. The main line
switch and breakers for a 120V duplex GFCI receptacle and a 50A 230V receptacle are
mounted in the panel with the receptacles mounted below the panel. A minimum 6 mil
clear plastic sheet is mounted over the panel to protect it from the weather and a sticker
warning of live electrical is placed on the panel. Upon receipt of the Customer's
contribution for the permanent underground service, the application for service and the
inspection, FPL will install the permanent underground service and meter, and the
receptacles mentioned above are used for construction power.
Electric Service Standards
The Customer will normally own all the service facilities on his side of the point of delivery; i.e., the
point where FPL's wires carrying the voltage of supply are to join the Customer's wires, except for
the meters which will be owned by FPL.
The Customer shall notify FPL, in advance, when a change in service (service change) is being
considered to accommodate provisions that service and metering facilities remain adequate.
Care must be taken when planning the service change to ensure the existing FPL owned
conductors will be long enough to reach the new service equipment. If the FPL service must be
replaced in order to reach the new service equipment, the customer may be responsible for the
cost of the service replacement.
When a service change requires disconnection of FPL's service, the customer shall request a
disconnect/reconnect from FPL. The Customer shall establish an advance appointment to ensure
proper coordination between his electrical contractor and FPL crews who will disconnect the service
and later reconnect after an inspection (when required by local authorities) is received.
FPL normally performs both the disconnect and the reconnect. In certain cases however, the
Customer's licensed and qualified electrical contractor is allowed, at his option, but only when
approved by FPL, to perform the disconnect on overhead services only, when the following
criteria are met:
- The Customer shall be a residential or small commercial facility with a main line switch rating
of 300 Amps or less, served by an FPL single phase overhead service. No three phase
service shall be disconnected by an electrical contractor. FPL must disconnect all three
phase services to ensure that proper phase rotation is maintained.
- FPL service attachment point at the building or structure shall remain intact. No service shall
be removed from the attachment point or the attachment point altered in any way.
- The meter socket(s) must not have an FPL locking device installed.
- If multiple meters are involved, the electrician shall "mark" each meter and socket.
- Only a licensed and qualified electrical contractor may perform the disconnect function and
he shall schedule a reconnect date (appointment) with FPL before disconnecting the service.
If the appointment is not made before the disconnect, FPL will not be responsible for a same
day reconnect.
- The service shall be cut on the load side of FPL's connection to the customer's service
conductors. No FPL conductors are to be cut.
- The service shall be disconnected before removing the meter(s). No meter is to be removed
from an energized meter socket.
- FPL personnel only are to perform the reconnect, and only after an inspection (if required by
the local authority) has been received. Electrical contractors are not allowed to reconnect
the service.
- The decision to perform this type of disconnect is entirely voluntary for the electrical contractor
and allows work to commence without having to wait for FPL to disconnect the service.
However, the electrical contractor still has the option of FPL performing the disconnect if he
On all self-contained, metered installations (320 amperes or less) where the service voltage is 480V
to ground (2 wire), a non-automatic disconnect device shall be provided and installed by the
Customer on the line side of each individual meter. For meter centers, there shall be one
disconnect device on the line side of each meter. The disconnect device shall be lockable or
sealable by FPL and adjacent to each meter. The Customer-owned non-automatic (no over current
protection) disconnect device ampacity must meet all NEC Guidelines. A lever bypass equipped
meter enclosure is required and shall be selected from the Approved Meter Equipment Enclosure
Electric Service Standards
Electric Service Standards
would otherwise be necessary to operate more than six switches to completely disconnect the
building service.
When installed ahead of the meters, the door of the main switch shall be sealable in both the "on"
and "off" positions. The handle shall be sealable in the "off" position.
A minimum horizontal separation of 3 feet shall be maintained between natural gas service
equipment (vented regulators) and electric metering or termination equipment. Transformers
shall have a minimum separation of 5 feet from natural gas service equipment. A minimum
separation of 5’ shall be maintained between electric metering or termination equipment and
liquid petroleum facilities on site but not filled on site. If the liquid petroleum facilities are filled
on site the minimum separation is 10 feet.
All commercial installations and all residential three phase installations must contain lever bypass,
jaw tension/release socket blocks with the exception of small (120V or 120/240V, with 100 amp
meter enclosure), non-critical loads such as:
Lighted signs and billboards
Temporary construction poles and service to construction trailers
Irrigation pumps
Residential detached garages
Gate openers
Apartment / Condo house meters
Bus stops
Street lighting
The use of a Metallic fishtape to pull service conductors into FPL owned equipment is not
2. Ampere Rating
a. Residential
The rating of the service entrance equipment shall satisfy the general requirements stated above,
the NEC and local building codes. Article 230 of the NEC states that the minimum rating for a
one family dwelling with six or more two-wire branch circuits, or an initial computed load of 10 kVA
or more is 100 ampere, three-wire. For dwelling units with less load, as computed in accordance
with NEC guidelines, the minimum may be 60 ampere, three wire if approved by the inspecting
authority. In very special cases where the load is only one or two two-wire branch circuits, the
service disconnecting means may have a rating of no less than 15 amperes or 30 amperes,
respectively, if approved by the inspecting authority.
As stated previously, FPL recommends that the service entrance have more capacity than the
minimum required by the NEC. Local inspecting authorities shall be consulted, since some
locations may have requirements that exceed the minimums.
Electric Service Standards
b. Commercial
The rating of the service equipment for commercial or industrial occupancies will depend on the
connected load, and in most cases, will be specified by the Customer's engineer.
It is important that the requirements be reviewed with FPL at an early date so that a satisfactory
solution as to service voltage and service entrance location can be determined. At this time,
details as to the nature and size load to be served may be given to FPL, if this has not already
been done.
The service equipment should be chosen to satisfy all the requirements of the Customer for the
control of his load and should be consistent with the NEC, local building codes and the rules of
the inspecting authority.
One requirement is that the service equipment shall be able to safely interrupt the maximum fault
current available at its location. Upon request, FPL will supply information which will permit the
maximum available fault current to be determined.
FPL emphasizes that changes in the Customer's load and other loads in the area may require
changes in FPL's system. These changes may increase the available fault current. Allowance
should be made for this possible increase.
On all self-contained metered installations (320 amperes or less) where the service voltage is
480V to ground (2 wire), a non-automatic disconnect device shall be provided and installed by the
Customer on the line side of each individual meter. The disconnect device shall be lockable or
sealable by FPL and adjacent to each meter. The Customer-owned non-automatic (no over
current protection) disconnect device ampacity must meet all NEC Guidelines. A lever bypass
equipped meter enclosure is required and shall be selected from the Approved Meter Equipment
Enclosure List.
For service disconnecting means rated 1,000 amperes or more used on a solidly grounded
277/480 volt wye service, ground-fault protection shall be provided. This may be omitted, if
approved by the inspecting authority or if the service equipment controls a continuous industrial
process where a non-orderly shutdown would otherwise introduce additional or increased
Where for any reason, a main disconnecting switch is required in multi-metered service
installations; it will be on the line side of the meters. The door of this switch box shall be sealable.
No socket or current transformer cabinet will be required ahead of this switch.
Electric Service Standards
B. Overhead Service
For residential overhead service, the attachment will normally be within ten feet of the corner, on
the side of the building nearest FPL's secondary facilities (Fig. IV-4). The Customer's service
entrance should be installed in such fashion that service drop wires will not cross over buildings,
swimming pools, or adjacent property not owned by the Customer. FPL may provide the
Customer with two copies of an "Electric Service and Meter Location" sketch (FPL form 1453)
confirming the service location (Fig. IV-3).
Electric Service Standards
Electric Service Standards
Temporary/Construction Service - from Overhead System (typical)
10’ 8’
Service Drop
4” x 4” Pole Cable
10’ Disconnecting
Min 8' Means
Min 5’ Min (Weatherproof
6’ Max Switch)
12” Min
3’ Min
Ground Wire enclosed in
PVC conduit where required
Ground Rod
Driven minimum of 8’
1. Before service can be run, Company must have an electrical inspection;
necessary tree trimming shall be done by the customer; and the deposit and
non-refundable temporary service charge shall be paid.
2. Service pole shall not be within 25 ft. of swimming pool and must provide
clearances shown in Fig. IV-5.
3. Unspliced timbers are required (minimum length of 12 ft. for 2x4 braces and 16
ft. for 4x4 posts. Use ten penny (10d) nails (3" long).
4. Special arrangements shall be made with FPL if service drop exceeds 80 ft. or
is larger than 200-amp capacity.
5. Minimum typical requirements are shown. If local code requirements are more
stringent, they shall be adhered to.
6. The surface the meter socket is mounted on shall be plumb so the meter
socket jaws are truly vertical. The meter enclosure must be on FPL’s approved
7. Where acceptable to the inspecting authority, an 18 ft. treated pole (5" min.
diameter at the top) may be substituted for the 4x4 timber and braces,
provided the pole is set 5 ft. deep and well tamped. All other requirements
remain the same.
Electric Service Standards
Temporary/Construction Service - from Underground System (typical)
Customer's Meter Socket
Customer's conduit
3' Min in accordance with Angle Braces only
6’ Max local code authority necessary in unstable
Customer's soil.
PVC conduit for
ground wire
Service Handhole
1. Before service can be connected, the company must have the electrical inspection; necessary grading shall be done by the
customer; and the deposit and non-refundable temporary service charge shall be paid. Contact the FPL representative for
availability and location.
2. The customer shall leave a five foot length of service conductor above ground, outside of source, for connection to FPL secondary
by FPL.
3. Temporary service should be located outside the utility easement to avoid driving the ground rod into any existing underground
4. Service Conductors shall be near secondary side of the transformer.
5. The meter enclosure must be on FPL’s approved list.
Padmounted Transformer
See Note 2
© 2019, Florida Power & Light Company Page 7 of 24
Electric Service Standards
FPL is pleased to advise that electric service for your proposed will be available from our Distribution facilities as shown
on the sketch below. We understand you are requesting Overhead Underground, volts, phase service. The items checked below
and receipt by our representative of the white copy of this form with your signature acknowledging your receipt, are required before FPL provides
electric service:
Payment: Construction/Temporary Service Charge: $ _________
(Check or
Money Order) Security Deposit for Construction/Temporary Service: $ _________
Tree Trimming & Clearing: Feet Site Plan Electrical Load Information/Plans
Each Side of Proposed Line Easement for FPL Facilities/Legal Description of Property
Installation of Meter Socket & Downpipe/ Contact FPL days before Certificate of Occupancy
Weatherhead according to FPL Specifications concerning Application/Security Deposit for permanent
(see checklist on reverse side of this sheet) service.
Install eyebolt (for FPL to attach wires to) Final City/County Electrical Inspection
Configuration Meter Socket* $ Security Deposit is required before will be billed after
permanent service provided. Other:
*Meter socket must be approved for use in FPL service area.
Current list of approved sockets available upon request. Socket
configurations are shown on reverse side of this form.
For overhead service, minimum attachment height is to be 12 feet above grade. For underground service, minimum cover is to be 24 inches
(maximum 36 inches). FPL specifications and requirements must be adhered to and are available upon request. Upon timely completion of the
above required items and agreement between you and our Representative, service may be provided approximately the week of or as
mutually agreed upon. Changes to type service requested, failure to comply with above requirements, or delays to FPL's construction schedule may
affect proposed date of service.
Electric Service Standards
Guide for Locating Point of Delivery on Outside of Building
OH or UG
Utility Easement
Underground Secondary (URD)
Electric Service Standards
Overhead Service - Minimum Vertical Clearances
C Drip Loop
Multiplexed overhead service drops of 750v to ground or less located more than 10 feet
horizontally from a swimming pool
A. Roads, streets and other areas subject to truck traffic ................................................................................ 16 feet (NEC = 18')
C. Spaces and ways subject to pedestrian or restricted traffic only ............................................................... 12 feet (NEC = 12')
Exception - Where attachment height at building does not permit 12 feet of clearance:
Voltage limited to 300v to ground:
Service drops and drip loops ........10.5 feet (NEC = 12')
Voltage limited to 150v to ground:
Service drops and drip loops ...........10 feet (NEC = 10')
D. Other land (such as cultivated, grazing, forest, orchard, etc.) traversed by vehicles ............................... 16 feet (NEC = 18')
-120v single phase, 120/240v single phase, and 120/208v wye 3 phase services meet the 150v to ground criteria.
-120/240v open or closed delta 3 phase and 277/480v wye 3 phase services meet the 300v to ground criteria.
-240/480v delta services do not meet either the 150v or 300v to ground criteria and do not qualify for the exception to the basic clearance.
The clearances above are NESC minimum values for worst-case sag conditions. The attachment height at the building or customer's service
pole must be sufficient to provide these clearances for all situations involved. Good judgment dictates that initial installation be made at higher
values to ensure code compliance under worst-case sag conditions. For additional details and clarification regarding these and all clearances,
refer to Article 23 of the NESC.
Electric Service Standards
Attachment of Service Drop at Buildings - to the Pipe Mast
1. A service Mast may be used to get proper clearance if permitted by local code.
2. The Service Drop and Service Bracket are provided and installed by FPL.
3. Service Mast or other approved attachment post or bracket must be sufficient strength to support the Service
Drop. 2” or larger rigid galvanized conduit is preferred. The point of attachment must be sufficient height to
provide minimum clearances. FPL will not attach Service Drop to an aluminum, EMT, or PVC mast.
4. Customer provides and installs Service Mast in accordance with National Electrical Code and/or local codes.
5. Minimum clearance to Drip Loops is 10 feet from ground. Minimum Drip Loop to Roof clearance is 18 inches.
Maximum service attachment height is 22 feet above grade for locations not accessible to bucket trucks.
6. Service Drop, Service Bracket and Meter are owned and installed by FPL. Meter Socket is owned, installed
and maintained by customer.
7. Service Drop clearance required at locations other than a house are shown in Fig. IV-5.
8. For triplexed or quadraplexed cable services, less than 750 volts, with bare neutral, the 18” minimum
clearance is allowed only where no more than 6 feet, measured horizontally, of the service drop passes over
a roof to terminate at a through-the-roof mast located not more than 4 feet, measured horizontally, from the
nearest edge of the roof. Otherwise, the minimum clearance above the roof (not readily accessible) of the
building to which the service is attached is 3 feet. Refer to NESC 234C3d.
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Electric Service Standards
Attachment of Service Drop at Buildings - to the Structure
Use toggle screw eye on hollow tile or Use expansion screw eye in poured
concrete block walls concrete walls or beam
NOTE: Where local building codes are more conservative, they take precedence.
Electric Service Standards
Attachment of Service Drop at Buildings - to the Wood Eave
To be used only when anchorage into wall will not provide proper ground clearance
Fascia Board
Closed Eave
See Note 2
Direction of Pull
Fascia Board
Service Bail Boxed Eave
Strap DETAIL OF Exposed Eave
1. Attach Service Strap with 2-1/2", No. 8 gauge "Anchor Fast" grooved nails.
2. If angle between Service Strap and Service Cable is greater that 45 degrees, the
strap should be attached on side of rafter opposite direction of Service Pull.
Electric Service Standards
Outdoor Meter Installation - 1ph 120/240v 3 wire Overhead Service
Grounding Bushing
Load Hot Legs (Required for
Concentric & Eccentric
SEE DETAIL "A" Knockout with
3-WIRE, 120/240V 1ph
Retaining Rings)
Meter Symbol "C"
Customer to Attach Conduit
Through Knockout Bottom or
To Service Back of Meter Socket
© 2019, Florida Power & Light Company Page 14 of 24
Electric Service Standards
Self Contained Meter Installation - Overhead Service
Load "Hot"
Load "Hot" Legs
Multiple Meter Socket Enclosure
2-Wire, 120V 1ph Meter Symbol “A” 3-Wire, 120/240V 1ph
2-Wire, 240V 1ph Meter Symbol “B“ (3-Wire, 120/240V 1ph shown as typical)
Meter Symbol “C”
2-Wire, 480V 1ph Meter Symbol “I“
Underground Residential
"5th" Applications:
Terminal N 1 2 3 Risers for FPL underground services
See note 3 must be installed on the opposite side
of the meter can from the customer’s
Load "Hot" Legs
service entrance conductors.
3-Wire, 120/208V Y 1ph (2 Stator network) 4-Wire, 3ph Customer’s conductors MUST be kept
Meter Symbol “E” Delta: Meter Symbol “J” entirely to one side of the meter can,
3-Wire, 240/480V 1ph Meter Symbol “G” Wye: Meter Symbol “L” & “N” leaving the opposite side of the meter
can unobstructed for FPL’s conductor.
Weatherhead Note:
DETAIL “B”: same as DETAIL “A”, 1. Customer to bond around concentric
but only one line “Hot” leg. knockouts. See Fig. IV-7, Detail “A”.
DETAIL “C”: same as DETAIL “A”, 2. For 2-wire installations served from an
Wires 36" Min. but with one additional line “Hot” underground riser, the line neutral
leg. conductor may be passed continuously
To Meter through the upper right lug (shown
Line "Hot" Legs
dashed in figure).
Identified 3. 5th Terminal must be connected to the
Neutral neutral bus either by directly mounting
DETAIL “A” to the neutral bus or by a white 18 ga.
wire connecting the terminal to the
© 2019, Florida Power & Light Company neutral bus. Page 15 of 24
Electric Service Standards
Lug-Type Meter Socket Installations
Belleville Flat
Washer Belleville
Washer Washer
Be sure the wire is placed properly in the lug so it will not interfere with the tightening of the Belleville Washer.
The lug used in the 400 amp (K-7, no new installations – maintenance only) and 600 amp (K-7T) cans must have an
anti-rotation ridge as shown. This ridge is not required in smaller cans.
In underground installations, when customer’s conductors are parallel, customers conductors MUST be kept
entirely to one side of the meter can, leaving the opposite side of the meter can unobstructed for FPL’s
conductor. When load conductors enter through the bottom rear of the meter can they must be kept entirely to
one side so not to interfere with the FPL conductor.
Electric Service Standards
Intersystem Bonding Termination
NEC Article 250.94 has been revised in the 2008 Code, thereby affecting all new installations and existing
installations where alterations are made. The Code has identified a new device called the Intersystem Bonding
Termination or IBT. The IBT is defined as "a device that provides a means for connecting communications
system(s), grounding conductor(s) and bonding conductor(s) at the service equipment or metering equipment
enclosure* or at the disconnecting means for buildings or structures supplied by a feeder or branch circuit."
Phone CATV
Phone CATV
Electric Service Standards
URD System Layout - Typical
Primary Cable
Service Lateral
in Conduit
Sidewalk P/L
5' Meter
Street 5' Meter
Primary Cable
Service Lateral
Easement (typical) in Conduit
Electric Service Standards
FPL Buried Service Lateral – Meter Socket & Down Pipe Requirements
(references to notes shown in Figure IV-11a)
Customer 2” or 4” Customer 2” or 4”
Rigid Galvanized, Rigid Galvanized,
Intermediate, or Intermediate, or
Schedule 80 PVC Schedule 80 PVC
(Notes 2 & 8) (Notes 2 & 8)
6’ Max. 6’ Max.
5’ Min. 5’ Min.
Grade Grade
See Table A
(90 deg bends)
Electric Service Standards
Residential Multiple Occupancy Buildings - Multiple Meter Center
Multiple Meter Center must appear on the Approved List
*Residential Application Shown
Service Entrance
'E' 'E' 'E'
Conduit 'J' - Apartment
'F' 'F' 'F' Number on
BOTH Switch
'E' 'E' 'E'
and Meter
72" Max. to
Centerline of top meters Load Gutter Center Line of
'H' 'H'
Bottom Meters
SIDE VIEW 1/16" Min.
hole in circuit
"A" breaker
1/16" Min. hole handle
in Angle
Line 'G'
'B' 'A'
Min. Min.
Lead Seal 36" 36"
and copper wire
Load Details for sealing 42" 22"
Gutter Circuit Breaker at 'E'
Minimum Height
to C/L of 'A' Floor
Lowest Meter
* Non-residential and 3 phase applications require lever by-pass, jaw tension/release socket blocks
Electric Service Standards
Remote Meter Location, Typically used for Service to a Mobile Home
Customer Owned
Customer and Installed
Owned and 6’ Max.
48” Max. To Mobile Home
Installed 5’ Min.
36” Min. Service (See note 6)
Conduit Post
(2” min.) (See note 2) Grade
(See note 4) 5’ Min.
Buried Cable in
Conduit – FPL
Owned and Installed Aim Conduit toward
Secondary Source
Class Chart for Douglas Fir and Southern Yellow Pine Poles
Minimum circumference at top Minimum circumference 6’ from butt
Length Class 6 Class 7 Class 6 Class 7
20’ 17” 15” 21” 19.5”
25’ 17” 15” 23” 21.5”
30’ 17” 15” 25” 23.5”
35’ 17” 15” 27” 25”
Electric Service Standards
Pedestal Service - Customer Provided Meter Pedestal (typical)
24" Min.
36" Min.
To Transformer, pole,
or handhole (in conduit)
1. Meter pedestal must be on FPL's approved list, and equipped with standard meter
2. Where FPL is providing the service lateral to the pedestal, refer to Figure IV-11b for
downpipe specifications.
3. FPL Conductors may terminate in customer owned pedestal, but are not to be looped
in and out of pedestal.
4. Meter pedestals may be used for residential services or for commercial installations
serving non-critical loads. Refer to IV-A.1 for examples.
Electric Service Standards
Mobile Home Service - "Grouped" Service to Mobile Homes
Grade Grade
24" Min.
36" Min.
To Transformer, pole,
or handhole (in conduit)
Electric Service Standards
Identification of Customer Cables
Use plastic tags as shown in Figure 1 for customer identification at locations that will be subjected to sunlight, such as
risers, and also in URD applications for identifying services, such as padmounted transformers and handholes. Plastic tags
should have a clear, UV resistant flap to reduce fading and weathering. Use indelible (permanent) marker, and allow 10
seconds drying time to prevent smearing before adhering flap. Fasten tag to cable using plastic tie wraps. Blank tags are
available upon request.
2 ½”
2 ½”
West East West
- maintain access to FPL to padmounted equipment located on the Customer's property (eight feet of
clearance from the door side and three feet of clearance from other sides from items such as fences,
shrubs and other obstructions are to be maintained by the Customer, as shown in Fig. V-1. FPL will
help plan the Customer's installations of fences, shrubs, etc. near FPL facilities such that they will not
obstruct access or cause damage to FPL's facilities. Where adequate access to FPL facilities is
maintained, faster service restoration is made possible in the event of a power interruption.);
- provide suitable barriers, if specified by FPL, to protect the padmounted transformer and associated
metering equipment from vehicular traffic;
- FPL requires a minimum easement of 10’ for conductor, 10’ x 10’ for pad mount transformers and 20’ x
20’ for switchgear. Additional easement may be required depending on installation, field conditions and
other equipment;
- clear trench route, have to grade, as specified in section II.E;
- conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code and applicable local codes (approval from
the local inspecting authority shall be provided to FPL before FPL will connect service).
FPL Will:
- provide transformer specifications to the Customer;
- determine if a secondary connection cabinet will be required;
- provide and install the transformer, the concrete pad (if applicable), and the primary cable and conduit.
If only one, single-meter Customer is served (greater than 600 amps), and no future additional meters will
be connected, current transformers may be placed in padmounted transformer before the Customer's
service is tapped to its secondary. This would avoid the need for a current transformer cabinet. However,
the meter socket and connecting conduit shall still be installed by the Customer. The meter socket will not
be mounted on the padmounted transformer. The location of the meter socket will be specified by FPL.
Protective Barrier and Planting Clearances for Padmounted Transformers and Switches
All Front Barriers Removable All Rear Barriers Fixed
Fixed Barrier
3’-0” Max. Parking Parking
Transformer R Transformer R
or Switch Area or O or Switch Area or or Switch
Paving N Paving N
9” Min.
Area or
Install additional
Removable Barrier
barriers as required
Drill 1/2” thru hole for 4” Std. G.I. pipe with threaded Fill 4” Std. G.I. pipe with
lifting G.I. cap concrete, leave crown on
10” Paint pipe to Paint pipe to
match match
transformer transformer
3’-6” Min. 5” Std. G.I. pipe sleeve 3’-6” Min.
Slope concrete Slope concrete
for water shed for water shed
1’-6” 12”
Machine Bolt
(3/4” x 8”)
Galvanized Well tamped earth
16” Well tamped earth 16”
Note 1: Padmounted
Transformers and pad may
be located minimum 3’ on
both sides and back side
only. An 8’ minimum is Bush
required on the front side Fence
Concrete Pad See Notes 1 & 2 Wall
for access and hot stick
operation. Hedge
Note 2: Padmounted Mounted
Switches and Cap Banks Equipment
require 8 feet of clearance
on all sides. See Notes 1 & 2 See Notes 1 & 2
B. Vault Requirements
FPL will maintain existing sub-grade vaults but does not allow the construction of new sub-grade vaults.
FPL approved grade level vault is required for any additional load from an existing sub-grade vault. If
services are removed from the sub-grade vault, the customer will have to be re-fed from a grade level
service point. Any major reconstruction may require a new service point to be provided to FPL.
Complete requirements are contained in FPL specifications given to Customers for individual projects.
Typical vault requirements include, but are not limited to the following:
The Customer will:
Provide construct and maintain the transformer vault in accordance with applicable codes and FPL
specifications, which specify, but are not limited to:
- necessary layout information for such vaults, including the size, location and number of conduits to
be stubbed out;
- Customer to stub out ducts as specified beyond the building foundation, as shown on specifications
vault drawing (fiber, plastic, or transite ducts shall be enclosed in concrete. Ells shall have a
minimum radius of 36 inches);
- in grade level vaults, Customer will provide 1-1/4 inch plastic conduit sleeves at specified locations
through the concrete floor for FPL's ground rods;
- provisions for adequate vault ventilation, as shown (ventilating fans, if needed, will be installed by
- doors shall open outward, and shall have a hasp for padlocking or mortised openings for FPL
provided Customer installed cylinder dead lock set. Locks and latches shall be so arranged that the
door may be readily and quickly opened from the inside. Doors opening into the building shall be
tight fitting and of a type approved for a class A situation (see NFPA No. 80, latest edition).
Customer is responsible for maintenance of walls, roof, doors and windows;
- FPL provided, Customer installed pulling eyes opposite each duct entrance. Pulling eyes shall be
tied into building steel and capable of withstanding 10,000 pounds tension in direction shown in
- floors of vault to have adequate structural strength to support the vault equipment;
- drainage facilities provided and installed as required by applicable codes for "Transformer Vaults"
(door sill of height as specified, minimum of four inches);
- means of direct access to vault from outside for personnel and equipment, through doors opening
outward (if this cannot be done, special arrangements shall be agreed on for moving personnel and
equipment into and out of the vault. These arrangements shall be included in an addendum to the
standard specifications);
- if metering current transformers are located in the vault, Customer shall provide a continuous 1-1/2
inch metallic (threaded bushing on ends) or schedule 80 PVC conduit (without condulets) from the
meter socket or cabinet to the inside of the vault wall (no metering equipment except instrument
transformers are to be in the vault. Maximum distance of metering devices from conduit termination
in vault to be ten feet, or FPL approved distance) with a maximum of 2 – 90 degree bends;
- special restrictions (no pipes for sanitary plumbing, water or gas supply or for any other purpose
foreign to the vault installation shall pass through the transformer vault; no toilets or wash basins
shall be installed in the vault; any conduit or piping required in connection with sump pumps or other
necessary equipment shall be insulated electrically from the exterior of the vault; vaults shall not be
used for storage, nor for any other purpose than to contain and protect the transformers and
necessary equipment);
(Note: Customer should submit the vault specifications to the appropriate authorities for their
information at time of submitting construction plans for approval.)
- provide and install his service entrance and bring his secondary service conductors into the
transformer vault through designated areas only, leaving sufficient cable length in the vault for FPL to
connect to its facilities. He will install meter protective equipment, in accordance with vault
- grant to FPL an easement for the FPL conduit and cables within the Customer's property.
FPL Will:
- provide vault specifications to the Customer;
- where accessible to employment of rapid and customary methods of construction, provide and install
conduit from the conduit stubs at the transformer to its facilities;
- provide, install, and connect the primary cable to the transformer vault;
- provide and install the necessary transformer(s) and switching equipment;
- perform all work inside the transformer vault associated with rendering electric service (with the
exception of pulling customer cables);
- maintain all of its facilities from its pole or manhole to where the Customer's secondary service
conductors are connected to FPL’s facilities;
- keep the vault locked (FPL will give the Customer escorted access to the vault, when necessary,
upon request);
- reserve the right to install the necessary cables, conduit, and other facilities that may be required for
supplying service to other Customers from the vault;
- allow only the supply transformers and associated FPL equipment in the vault (No meters or
Customer secondary fuses, switches, communications or other Customer equipment are to be
installed therein. Secondary devices and meters, however, are to be installed as near the trans-
former vault as practicable, but not in it).
Electric Service Standards
On all self-contained, metered installations where the service voltage is 480V to ground (320 amperes or
less, 2 wire), a non-automatic disconnect device shall be provided and installed by the Customer on the line
side of each individual meter. For meter centers, there shall be one disconnect device on the line side of
each meter. The disconnect device shall be lockable or sealable by FPL and adjacent to each meter. The
Customer-owned non-automatic (no over current protection) disconnect device ampacity must meet all NEC
Guidelines. A lever bypass equipped meter enclosure is required and shall be selected from the Approved
Meter Equipment Enclosure List.
Meter socket enclosures and CT cabinets shall not be used as raceways for other conductors. Splices of
any type are not allowed inside meter enclosures. The conductor must be continuous. Lugs designed for
© 2019, Florida Power & Light Company Page 1 of 16
Electric Service Standards
multiple conductors are only allowed on the line side of the meter if the conductors must be paralleled from
the FPL source (i.e. - the ampacity of a single conductor is insufficient to serve the load) and the lugs are
listed for such use. These lugs shall not be used to provide a source for a second meter enclosure (i.e. -
two meter enclosures served from a single service) or to directly connect any customer equipment (i.e.
customer generation system or surge protectors). Lugs designed for multiple conductors are allowed on
the load side of the meter provided the meter can is UL approved to accept parallel lugs, the total load of
the conductors does not exceed the rating of the meter or the service, the lugs have an anti-rotation ridge
and are UL listed for such use.
The metering equipment's location will be designated by an FPL representative. The Customer will provide
the meter location free of cost to FPL.
1. Sequence in Service Entrance
Where permitted by Code authorities, the metering equipment will usually precede all service
equipment. Customer owned step-down transformers shall be installed on the load side of the meter.
On the City of Miami Downtown Network Grid only, the service equipment should precede the meter.
2. Located Outdoors
Except where meter rooms are used, all metering installations shall be outdoors, on a vertical wall or
other substantial support where the view from the ground is unobstructed. They should be readily
accessible to FPL at all times so they may be read, inspected, removed or tested with a minimum of
disruption of service to the Customer. The preferable height of the centerline of the meter is five feet,
six inches above ground. The maximum distance shall be six feet and the minimum five feet, except
meter pedestals for mobile homes may have a minimum height of 36".
The meter location should not be affected by a kitchen discharge fan or other vents, or the drain from a
roof gutter or air conditioner, and should be free from vibration. Sockets shall be securely attached to
the building wall, pedestal, metal rack, or other permanent structure, and aligned so that the meter is
both level and plumb (Fig. IV-7). Attachment to temporary structures (except for temporary service) or
structures subject to early deterioration is prohibited.
When the equipment is exposed to vehicular traffic, FPL may require that the metering equipment be
protected by concrete filled 4" steel pipes firmly installed in the ground, similar to those shown in Fig.
3. Located Indoors
When meters are located in a meter room, the room should have adequate lighting and contain only
meters and associated equipment, and should remain unlocked so meters are readily accessible. In
unusual cases where an unlocked meter room would impose a severe hardship on the Customer,
arrangements can be made to furnish keys to FPL so the meters will always be accessible to meter
readers. The meter room may then be locked, provided this does not violate any local code or rule.
Electric Service Standards
The meter room must not be used for storage. The centerline of the meters should be five feet, six
inches above the floor, but when necessary because of grouping may be a maximum of 72" and a
minimum of 22".
Electric Service Standards
Installation of CTs in customer’s switch cabinets is discouraged and will only be approved if no other
location for the CTs is practical. If FPL’s equipment is installed in the Customer’s switch cabinet:
1. The installation must be approved by FPL prior to the purchase of the customer’s equipment.
2. For IT rated metering, the customer shall sign a Hold Harmless Agreement absolving FPL of
damage to the switch cabinet during installation or damage caused by failure of the CTs.
3. The CT compartment of the customer’s switch cabinet must comply with FPL’s Specification for
Customer Owned Instrument Transformer Cabinets, Equipment Enclosures and Junction Boxes Spec.
# 6.3.4 (available upon request on an “as needed” basis).
4. The meter enclosure/meter socket must be on FPL’s Approved Metering Equipment
Enclosure List found in Section VII.
5. For both self-contained and IT rated metering, the line-side of the conductors in the switch cabinet
must be routed through secured or sealable troughs, conduits, or in such a way to prevent
unauthorized taps to be made before the meter.
6. FPL will always provide and install the CTs used in metering the customer.
7. Only FPL approved metering CTs will be used in metering applications.
8. All other rules associated to a proper meter installation (e.g. - meter rings, enclosure covers and
meter seals) must be observed.
9. All meter enclosures, cabinets and panels housing FPL equipment must have provisions for sealing.
10. All self-contained meter sockets must be lever bypass type sockets.
I. Illustrations
FIG. VI-1: Metering Configurations - Descriptions and Notes
FIG. VI-2: CT Metering Configuration 6 - CTs in Padmounted Transformer or Vault
FIG. VI-2a: Unistrut Mounting for IT Rated Meter Cans
FIG. VI-3: CT Metering Configuration 7, 8, 9 - CT Cabinet Mounted on Wall
FIG. VI-4: CT Cabinet and IT Rated Meter Socket - Installation and Bonding
FIG. VI-5: CT Metering Configuration 10 - CTs in Weatherhead Cabinet
FIG. VI-6: CT Metering Configuration 11 - CTs in Padmounted Primary Metering Cabinet
FIG. VI-6a: CT Metering Configuration 11 – Padmounted Primary Metering, Renewable Generation
FIG. VI-7: CT Metering Configuration 12 – Load Profile Metering
FIG. VI-8: Identification of Multiple Meter Sockets
FIG. VI-9: Meter Enclosure Installations in Flood Zones
FIG. VI-10: Typical Bus Stub Terminations in Transformer Vaults
Electric Service Standards
Metering Configurations - Descriptions and Notes
Configuration 1 - Primarily residential applications. Limited to 320 amp demand. (see Note 1 and Note 2)
Configuration 2 - Modification of Configuration 1 by adding a 5th terminal in the 9 o'clock position. To be used with network meters. Limited
to 320 amp demand. (see Note 1 and Note 2).
Configuration 3 - For one phase service requiring bypass device. Limited to 320 amp demand. (See Note 2).
Configuration 3a - Modification of Configuration 3 (5th terminal for network meters). Limited to 320 amp demand. (see Note 2)
Configuration 3b - Modification of Configuration 3a plus Neutral can be isolated for 3PH, 3-wire applications
Configuration 4 - For three phase service. Limited to 320 amp demand. (See Note 2)
Configuration 5 - For one or three phase service. Limited to 600 amp demand. (See Note 3)
Note 1 - May be used for very small commercial applications, such as billboards, parking lot lights, small pumps and/or pump
controllers. Limited to 60 amps for these uses. Consult FPL prior to purchase for commercial uses.
Note 2 - All three phase and all commercial installations shall have a meter socket with the approved bypass jaw tension/release
device (excluding Configuration 5 applications and very small commercial applications referred to in Note 1).
Note 3 - Maximum wire size is 1-800 MCM or 2-500 MCM per phase. For use on the LOAD side, a ridged triple lug is available
(Landis & Gyr part #68752-1) that will allow for 3-250 MCM per phase, on the LOAD side. For single phase applications
leave the center phase unwired.
Note 4 - In Residential applications where FPL service conductors are paralleled, the customer shall provide and install lugs
designed for multiple conductors on the line side of the meter socket.
Configuration 6 - CTs installed within a padmounted transformer or vault with an IT rated meter socket mounted on a pedestal or wall.
Configuration 7,8 - CTs installed within a wall or pedestal mounted cabinet with an IT rated meter socket. Cabinet size is determined by
number and size of conduits and conductors.
Configuration 9 - CTs mounted within a custom designed and constructed wall mounted cabinet with an IT rated meter socket. This
configuration is for conduit and wire combinations that exceed the capacity of the cabinets listed for configuration 8. Refer
to FPL Specification 6.3.4 Customer Owned Instrument Transformer Cabinets, Equipment Enclosure & Junction Boxes.
Consult with an FPL representative before designing this configuration.
Configuration 10 - CTs mounted within a weather-head cabinet with an IT rated meter socket. This configuration is allowed only when
configurations 1-9 are not possible. Consult with an FPL representative before designing this configuration.
Configuration 11 - Padmounted Primary Metering with IT rated meter socket.
Consult with an FPL representative before designing this configuration.
Configuration 12 - Load Profile metering (RUG & SMART Meters).
Consult with an FPL representative before designing this configuration.
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 6 - CTs in Padmounted Transformer or Vault
1. IT rated meter socket provided and installed by customer: _____ 1 ph or _____ 3 ph (check one)
2. Current transformers (CTs) provided and installed in padmounted transformer by FPL.
3. 1-1/2” minimum rigid galvanized or Schedule 80 PVC conduit with pull string installed between meter socket and padmounted transformer
provided and installed by customer. Condulets are NOT allowed, and limited to 2 – 90 degree bends per run. For maximum distance
between transformer and meter socket, see table below.
4. Restricted to one customer per padmounted transformer. Exceptions must be approved by FPL.
5. CT ratio determined by FPL.
CT Ratio Max Max Distance Max Cable
Ratio Amps (feet) Length (feet)
300:5 600 10 20
600:5 1200 40 50
1200:5 2400 40 50
2000:5 3000 40 50
6’ Max
5’ Min
Concrete Pad
Space reserved for customer conduit
and cables (including CT conduit).
Electric Service Standards
Unistrut mounting for Instrument Rated TUV meter cans (CT metering)
Standalone customer provided TUV instrument Standalone customer provided TUV instrument
rated meter can on unistrut support rated meter can on unistrut support (Load Control)
12” 12”
10” 10”
5'8" Max Height
18 ½" 18 ½"
13 13
½" ½"
8 ½"
14 ½" CONTROL 14 ½"
Unistrut MUST Unistrut MUST
be able to adjust be able to adjust
Conduit for meter can Customer’s 1 ¼" Conduit 1- 1/2" conduit Conduit for meter can
1- 1/2" conduit from CTs ground wire - attach to W/ 3 conductor wire to from CTs to ground wire - attach to
to meter can driven ground per FPL switchgear meter can driven ground per FPL
Standards Standards
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 7, 8, 9 - CT Cabinet Mounted on Wall
1. IT rated meter socket provided and installed by customer: ______ 1 ph or ______ 3 ph (check one)
2. Wall mounted current transformer (CT) cabinet provided and installed by customer.
3. 1-1/2” minimum rigid galvanized conduit (with bushings), or 1-1/2” minimum Schedule 80 PVC conduit with pull string installed
between meter socket and current transformer cabinet provided and installed by customer. Maximum of 2-90 degree bends, no
condulets allowed. Maximum allowed distance from socket to cabinet is 40 feet.
4. Window CTs provided by FPL and installed in the CT cabinet by the customer before pulling wire. Ensure the CTs are installed in
the correct orientation (indicator dot toward the source).
5. Customer’s conductor(s) must run continuous through the current transformer cabinet.
6. Size and number of conductors entering shall equal the size and number of conductors exiting.
7. Conduits / Cables must enter / exit opposing corners “AA” to “AA” or “BB” to “BB”) as indicated below, within 10” of the cabinet’s
corner, and must be approved by FPL before installation.
8. Configuration 9 is for conduit / wire combinations exceeding the limits of Configuration 8. The cabinet will be custom designed and
built by the customer to FPL specifications. Contact FPL before specifying this configuration.
9. For general installation and bonding details, refer to Figure VI-4 “CT Cabinet and IT rated Meter Socket Installation and Bonding”.
CT Ratio MAX
Ratio AMPS
Wires Size Size 300:5 600
Conduit # Conduits # Conduits 600:5 1200
Conf per Copper Alum Conf
Size Entering Exiting 1200:5 2400
phase MCM MCM
7 2 600 400 7 4” 2 2 2000:5 3000
8 4 600 400 8 4” 4 4 4000:5 6000
9 Custom Designed 9 Per Customer Requirements
Typical Customer Conduits and Conductors Same A * Overhead Services are limited to 3 conduits
Phase conductors cannot be routed through the A’ B
same conduit. (condulets NOT allowed on “Line” B’ C
side) C’
“BB” A “AA”
10 Ft Max.
6 Ft Max.
Customer Neutrals 5 Ft Min. IT Rated Meter
3 Ft Min. 1-1/2" minimum rigid galvanized conduit
A A’ (Bonded by FPL)
B’ (with bushings on both ends) or
C’ 1-1/2" minimum Schedule 80 PVC conduit
Always install pull string.
“Condulets” are NOT allowed
Electric Service Standards
CT Cabinet and IT Rated Meter Socket - Installation and Bonding
FPL Will: The Customer Will:
1. Furnish and install the IT rated meter socket bonding wire. 1. Furnish and install the service entrance conduit, conductors, and
2. Furnish and install the instrument transformers, the wiring equipment, including grounds.
from the transformer secondary to the meter, and set the 2. Furnish and install the IT rated meter socket, current transformer cabinet
meter. (when required), and equipment enclosures (when required).
3. Furnish and install any conduit necessary to connect the cabinets and
sockets including a pull string.
4. Mount cabinet with sealing ears at bottom.
Customer’s 5. Fasten cabinet and meter socket to masonry walls with toggle screws or
Service expansion shields (no plastic plugs or impact tools).
Neutral 6. When cabinet is installed in exposed locations, install conduits entering
top of cabinet with approved watertight connectors.
7. Installations must conform to local code requirements.
8. Furnish and install bonding jumpers from service disconnect equipment
to current transformer cabinet.
Transformer Cabinet
IT Rated
Green and White Meter Socket
Bonding Jumper
(by FPL)
Bonding Jumper
See Note 2 (by FPL)
1. All IT rated meter sockets and current transformer cabinets to be bonded with #12C bonding jumper (green with white stripe) by FPL.
Customer’s service disconnect equipment to be bonded to current transformer cabinet with #12C bonding jumper (green with white stripe)
by the customer.
2. If the IT rated meter socket or transformer cabinet is mounted on a utility pole, then it is to be grounded per FPL distribution standards.
3. Customer’s conductor(s) must be continuous through the transformer cabinet.
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 10 - CTs in Weatherhead Cabinet
Customer’s Weatherhead
CT Ratio MAX
Neutral Ratio AMPS
9” Min. Connector 300:5 600
36” Max.
600:5 1200
1200:5 2400
Hi-leg (when 3
phase “Delta”)
1-1/2” rigid galvanized conduit Connector
(with bushing on both ends) or
1-1/2” Schedule 80 PVC conduit.
Always install pull string.
Min. Height
“Condulets” are NOT allowed.
per Code
6’ Max.
5’ Min.
IT rated meter socket
(Bonded by FPL)
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 11 - CTs in Padmounted Primary Metering Cabinet
1. IT rated meter socket provided and installed by customer: ______ 1 ph or ______ 3 ph (check one).
2. Padmounted primary metering cabinet and concrete pad provided or purchased and installed by customer.
3. Provide 8 feet of clearance to front and rear cabinet doors, and 3 feet of clearance to cabinet sides.
4. 1-1/2” minimum rigid galvanized conduit (with bushings) or 1-1/2” minimum Schedule 80 PVC, with pull string installed between meter
socket and current transformer cabinet provide and installed by customer. Maximum of 2-90 degree bends allowed. Maximum allowed
distance between socket and cabinet is 40 feet.
5. Primary (4 KV, 13 KV, 23KV) current and voltage transformers provided and installed by FPL.
6. This configuration’s application is limited and requires close coordination. Consult with an FPL representative before designing this
Customer provided or
purchased Padmounted
Primary Metering Cabinet
Optional meter can IT rated meter socket
location (Bonded by FPL)
Conduit poured in
slab or thru window
6’ Max.
5’ Min.
Rear doors
Front doors
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 11 – Renewable Generation ONLY
1. SJB cabinet provided by FPL, installed by customer. Fasten cabinet to masonry walls with toggle screws or expansion shields (no plastic
anchors or impact tools).
2. Padmounted primary metering cabinet and concrete pad provided or purchased and installed by customer.
3. Provide 8 feet of clearance to front and rear cabinet doors, and 3 feet of clearance to cabinet sides.
4. 1-1/2” minimum rigid galvanized conduit (with bushings) or 1-1/2” minimum Schedule 80 PVC, with pull string installed between meter
socket and current transformer cabinet provide and installed by customer. Maximum of 2-90 degree bends allowed. Maximum allowed
distance between socket and cabinet is 6 feet.
5. Primary (4 KV, 13 KV, 23KV) current and voltage transformers provided and installed by FPL.
6. This configuration’s application is limited and requires close coordination. Consult with an FPL representative before designing this
6’ Max.
5’ Min.
Rear doors
Front doors
Electric Service Standards
CT Metering Configuration 12 – Load Profile Metering
1. IT rated meter socket provided and installed by customer: ______ 1 ph or ______ 3 ph (check one).
2. Customer to provide metering equipment cabinet with 1-1/2” minimum rigid galvanized conduit (with bushings) or 1-1/2” minimum
Schedule 80 PVC, with pull string installed, and utility cans for interface with phone line and energy management system (if required).
3. Maximum distance to CTs: 10 feet for 300:5 CTs (Max. Cable length 20 feet) or 40 feet for 600:5 and larger CTs (Max. cable length 50
4. Consult with an FPL representative before designing this configuration. Multi-metered circuits may require equipment other
than shown.
SJB Equipment
Cabinet only required 3/4”
in Multi-channel Load Conduit
Profile installations
(one per installation)
(Bonded by FPL)
Electric Service Standards
Identification of Multiple Meter Sockets
Customer’s service
entrance conduit
Customer to mark meter socket and switch covers with paint or other permanent durable marker to identify premises
served. Markings should also be put inside meter socket (to prevent confusion if covers are interchanged before
service is connected). If living units have different house numbers, these should be shown in place of apartment
numbers. IT rated meter sockets (not illustrated) should be marked similarly.
Electric Service Standards
Meter Enclosure Installations in Flood Zones
Max 6’
Min 5’
Flood Plane
Varies 2” conduit by
depending customer
Porch, deck, Permanent
on area
or platform Stairs
60” Min in
When elevation of the meter enclosure is required by the authority having jurisdiction, the permanent installation of
deck/platform and stairs shall be installed and provided by customer prior to energizing the facility.
Electric Service Standards
Typical Bus Stub Terminations in Transformer Vaults
The attached list of self-contained meter sockets and enclosures has been approved for use in the service areas
served by the utilities of the Meter Equipment Group. Approval is based on the unit's compliance with the MEG
specifications, particularly U.L. listing, sealing requirements, bypass characteristics, and certain operational concerns.
The MEG makes no claims regarding nameplate ratings or load side attachments beyond the sealed portion of the
meter socket. We recommend that all units be used as intended by the manufacturer. All additional data is
supplied for informational purposes only.
A. All commercial or three phase applications require a unit with an approved bypass device.
(Configuration 3, 4 or 5)
B. All sockets are listed as their maximum socket amperage. 320/400 Amp enclosures are listed as 400 Amp
maximum and 480/600 Amp enclosures are listed as 600 Amp maximum.
D. Sealing rings (ring-type sockets) along with all lugs/connectors (line and load side) are considered
to be part of the meter enclosure. The customer/contractor is thereby responsible for furnishing these
items. Please contact your utility representative to determine the proper size lugs/connectors. The
sealing ring must be a captive-screw type equivalent to ABB #01L0028G02, Milbank MR-4/A3068,
Landis & Gyr #9738-8002, or Ekstrom 10-9090.
E. The "configuration" refers to the various meter connecting arrangements used to accommodate the utility
meter. These configurations are described below:
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 1 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Durham 100 UTZ-6R1131C-FL 1 Ov/Un 6 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 2 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Durham 400 UT-H5300T-FL 1 Over 1 5 Y 3,3a,b
Eaton B-Line 100 ENCB10L25A3xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 N 1,2
Eaton B-Line 125 EC12L53xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a,b
Eaton B-Line 125 EN12L53xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 N 1,2
Eaton B-Line 150 ENCB15L25A3xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 N 1,2
Eaton B-Line 200 EL20L53xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a,b
Eaton B-Line 200 ELCB20L25A3xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 3 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Eaton B-Line 200 EN20L53xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 N 1,2
Eaton B-Line 200 ENCB20L25A3xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 N 1,2
Eaton B-Line 400 EL32T53xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a
Eaton B-Line 400 EL32T56xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a
Eaton B-Line 400 ELCB32C25A5xx1F (xx=GR, AL, S4, S6) 1 OH/UG 1 5 Y 3,3a
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 125 1MMx12RP, RCP, RRLP or RRLCP (x=3-6) 1 Ov/Un 3-6 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 4 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 125 UATZ-RS101C-FLCH 1 Ov/Un 1 4 N 1 Al
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 5 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 200 UAT-RS213A-FLCH 1 Under 1 4 N 1 Al
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 6 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 400 HP404040SHL 1 Under 1 4 Y 3
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 600 CH9526K7 (Requires Ridged Lugs) FPL ONLY 3 Ov/Un 1 7 Y 5
Eaton-Cutler Hammer 600 CH9527K7 (Requires Ridged Lugs) FPL ONLY 3 Ov/Un 1 7 Y 5 Al
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 7 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
General Electric 125 TMM6x12RF (x=5-6) 1 Under 5-6 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 8 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
General Electric 200 UT-H4213x-FL-GE (x=C or U) 1 Ov/Un 1 4 Y 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 9 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Midwest 100 RH75CB3FMG 1 Un-Ped 1 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 10 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Midwest 200 UT-RS213A-FLMEP 1 Under 1 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 11 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Milbank 150 U3312-XL-TG-HSP 1 Ov/Un 1 4/5 N 1,2
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 12 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Milbank 200 UAP3296-X-HSP 1 Ov/Un 1 5 Y 3,3a,b Al
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 13 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Milbank 400 UAP3949-X-HSP 1 Over 1 5 Y 3,3a Al
Siemens 125 SPxx11RJ (xx=22, 33, 44, 45, 46, 65, 66) 1 Ov/Un 2-6 4/5 N 1,2
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 14 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Siemens 150 MC0408B1150RT 1 Ov/Un 1 4 N 1
Siemens 200 SPxx12RJ (xx=42, 43, 44, 65, 66) 1 Ov/Un 2-6 4/5 N 1,2
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 15 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Siemens 225 WMLx3225RJ (x=1-4) 3 Under 1-4 7 Y 4
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 16 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Square D 150 RQC150SFMG 1 Ov/Un 1 4/5 N 1,2
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 17 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Square D 200 UT-H4213x-FLSQD (x=C or U) 1 Ov/Un 1 4 Y 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 18 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Talon 100 MP04061100R2 1 Under 2 4 N 1
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 19 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Talon 200 40407-015F 3 Ov/Un 1 7 Y 4
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 20 of 21
Participants: DUKE, FPL, GULF, OGE, TECO
Manufacturer Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Bypass Config
Talon 200 UAx711-ZGF (x=2-4) 1 Ov/Un 2-4 4 N 1
Talon 600 9817-9526 (Requires Ridged Lugs) FPL ONLY 1.3 Ov/Un 1 7 Y 5
Talon 600 9817-9527 (Requires Ridged Lugs) FPL ONLY 1,3 Ov/Un 1 7 Y 5 Al
FPL - Florida Power and Light, DUKE Energy, OGE - Oklahoma Gas and Electric, TECO - Tampa Electric, GULF - Gulf Power
© 2019, Meter Equipment Group Page 21 of 21
Florida Power & Light
Approved Transformer Rated Equipment 5/01/2019
Note: Instrument Transformer Rated Meter Sockets and Cabinets on this list are only approved for use in the FPL Service
Area. Before purchase, please contact you FPL Representative. Instrument Transformer Metering must be approved by
Manufacture Amps Catalog Number Phase Service Pos Term Test Switch Config
Anchor 20 RTSS6-73-FP&L (Steel) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Anchor 20 RTSA6-73-FP&L (Alum) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Anchor 20 RTSS13-13-FP&L (Steel) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Anchor 20 RTSA13-13-FP&L (Alum) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 652U3010C6-388 (Q6 Alum) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 602U3010C6-388 (Q6 Steel) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 602U3010C13-387 (TUV Steel) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 605U8010C13-934 (TUV Steel Snap 2) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 652U3010C13-387 (TUV Alum) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Brooks Utility Produ 20 655U8010C13-934 (TUV Alum Snap 2) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Cooper B-Line 20 ST02133N1AL1F (TUV ALUM) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Cooper B-Line 20 ST02063N1GR1F (Q6 STEEL) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Cooper B-Line 20 ST02063N1AL1F (Q6 ALUM) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Cooper B-Line 20 ST02133N1GR1F (TUV STEEL) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Durham 20 USTH6-1C756xxx (Q6 Steel) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Durham 20 UASTH13B757xxx (TUV Alum) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Durham 20 USTH13B758xxx (TUV Steel) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Durham 20 UASTH6-1C755xxx (Q6 Alum) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Milbank 20 UAPC4512 (TUV Alum) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Milbank 20 UC4511 (Q6 Steel) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Milbank 20 UAPC4511 (Q6 Alum) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Milbank 20 UC4512 (TUV Steel) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Talon 20 9837-0425 (PTS-13 Steel) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Talon 20 9837-0423 (PTS-6 Steel) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Talon 20 9837-0424 (PTS-13 Alum) 3 Ov/Un 1 13 Y 6-12
Talon 20 9837-0422 (PTS-6 Aluminum) 1 Ov/Un 1 6 Y 6-12
Page 1 of 6
Florida Power & Light
Approved Transformer Rated Equipment 5/01/2019
Note: Instrument Transformer Rated Meter Sockets and Cabinets on this list are only approved for use in the FPL Service
Area. Before purchase, please contact you FPL Representative. Instrument Transformer Metering must be approved by
Austin Co. FPL-S-TC3-GRAY (TC-3 Galv - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Austin Co. FPL-S-TC3 (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Brooks Utility Produc 561U3815G (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 12) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Brooks Utility Produc 561U3802 (TC-5X Alum - 46 x 30 x 14.5) 3 8 - 4" 16-600C or 16-400A 8
Brooks Utility Produc 561U3801 (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
C&I Enclosures C-343212FPLHG-TC3 (TC-3 Alum, Hinged Cover 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
C&I Enclosures C-343212FPLA-TC3 (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
C&I Enclosures C-463014.50FPLHG-TC5 (TC-5 Alum, Hinged Cov 3 8 - 4" 16-600C or 16-400A 8
Cooper B-Line 304614.5 RTCT1F (TC-5X Steel - 46 x 30 x 14.5) 3 8 - 4" 16-600C or 16-400A 8
Page 2 of 6
Florida Power & Light
Approved Transformer Rated Equipment 5/01/2019
Note: Instrument Transformer Rated Meter Sockets and Cabinets on this list are only approved for use in the FPL Service
Area. Before purchase, please contact you FPL Representative. Instrument Transformer Metering must be approved by
Cooper B-Line 323410 RTCT1F AL (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Cooper B-Line 323410 RTCT1F (TC-3 Steel - 34 x 32 x 10) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Cooper B-Line 323412 RTCT1F AL (TC-3 Alum - 34 x 32 x 12) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Cooper B-Line 323412 RTCT1F (TC-3 Steel - 34 x 32 x 12) 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
E-Box 343212REPL/FPL (TC-3 Steel, Left-hand hinged - 3 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
E-Box 343212REPL/RH/FPL (TC-3 Steel, Right-hand hing 1,3 4 - 4" 8 - 600C or 8 - 400A 7
Page 3 of 6
Florida Power & Light
Approved Transformer Rated Equipment 5/01/2019
Note: Instrument Transformer Rated Meter Sockets and Cabinets on this list are only approved for use in the FPL Service
Area. Before purchase, please contact you FPL Representative. Instrument Transformer Metering must be approved by
Milbank 304614-SC3RA-SP (TC-5 Alum - 46 x 30 x 14.5) 1,3 8- 4" 16-600C or 16-400A 8
Brooks Utility Produc 508-5127** (TCWM - Steel) 1,3 27-1/2 x 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 10
Brooks Utility Produc 558-5127** (TCWM - Alum) 1,3 27-1/2 x 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 10
Approx Size
Manufacture Catalog Number (Material) Useage Type (H"xW"xD") Config
Page 5 of 6
Florida Power & Light
Approved Transformer Rated Equipment 5/01/2019
Note: Instrument Transformer Rated Meter Sockets and Cabinets on this list are only approved for use in the FPL Service
Area. Before purchase, please contact you FPL Representative. Instrument Transformer Metering must be approved by
Milbank 302814-CT3RS-SP (SJB-28 Stainless) UTILITY MED 30 x 28 x 14 12
Page 6 of 6
A. General
The Customer's service entrance installation shall satisfy all grounding requirements of the
National Electrical Code (NEC) and any applicable building codes, and is subject to acceptance of
local inspecting authorities.
FPL's service drop or service lateral includes a grounded conductor. This conductor is grounded at
the source transformer location and generally interconnected with other grounded conductors. This
grounded conductor will normally be attached to a grounding connector in the meter socket and
also to one in the service equipment and to the neutral or ground bus in the service equipment.
When meter sockets with Customer owned isolated neutrals are required by local codes, a
separate Customer owned grounding conductor shall be run by the Customer from the service
equipment to the grounding connection of the meter socket.
The NEC allows several methods of supplying a grounding electrode. A ground rod is not the only
means of supplying the grounding electrode. A brief discussion of the NEC requirements is
provided in the following notes and is not intended to be all-inclusive. The NEC and your local
inspecting authorities should be consulted for additional details and for those that may have
changed since the time of this printing. FPL accepts any method which satisfies the NEC and the
local inspecting authorities.
Local inspecting authorities may have more stringent requirements than the NEC. For example,
some inspecting authorities require the use of a concrete-encased electrode as described in
Article 250.52. This electrode would consist of at least 20 continuous feet of one or more bare or
zinc galvanized or other electrically conductive coated steel reinforcing bars or rods of not less
than 1/2 inch in diameter or of at least 20 feet of bare copper conductor not smaller than No. 4.
The electrode would be encased in at least 2 inches of concrete and located within or near the
bottom of a concrete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with the earth (no vapor barrier).
6. The grounding electrode system is discussed in Article 250.52 of the NEC. Article 250.52
states that, if available on the premises, each of the following along with any "derived"
electrodes shall be bonded together to form the grounding electrode system: (1) metal
underground water pipe 10 feet or more in length, (2) metal frame of building in direct contact
with the earth for 10 or more feet or with concrete encased hold down bolts that are connected
to a concrete encased electrode, (3) concrete encased electrode at least 20 feet in length, (4)
ground ring at least 20 feet in length, (5) rod and pipe electrodes at least 8 feet in length, (6)
other listed electrodes, or (7) plate electrodes. The rod or pipe electrode may be a 5/8”
diameter stainless steel, copper or zinc coated steel rod, or a smaller diameter listed rod, or a
pipe of at least 3/4” diameter (galvanized or coated if steel), all driven 8' into the earth. A plate
electrode shall expose not less than two square feet of surface to exterior soil. Iron or steel
plates shall be at least 1/4 inch thick and nonferrous plates shall be at least .06 inch thick. A
single rod, pipe, or plate electrode having a resistance to earth of more than 25 ohms shall
have a supplemental electrode installed no closer than 6 feet away. Aluminum electrodes ARE
NOT PERMITTED. A metal underground gas piping system SHALL NOT BE USED AS A
7. For additional grounding information, see the National Electrical Code, Article 250, and local
building codes in effect in the area. If local building code requirements exceed those of the
National Electrical Code, installations shall comply with the local codes.
A. General
Before ordering or installing any large polyphase or single phase motor, FPL should be consulted
to determine the character and adequacy of the available service and the allowable starting current
at the premises to be served. This information should be passed on to the suppliers of the
proposed motorized equipment. This will assist suppliers in providing equipment and protective
devices to obtain satisfactory operation at minimum cost, considering both initial installation and
future maintenance.
Motors less than 7.5 horse power can be served with single phase service, unless three phase
service is already being supplied. Motors 7.5 to 20 horsepower require open delta service (or wye
if already being supplied), and motors larger than 20 horsepower require wye service. Availability
of three phase service should be discussed in advance with FPL.
Single phase motors larger than one-half horsepower fed from 120/240 volt circuits should be
connected for 240 volt operation. Smaller motors may be connected for 240 volts, where
practicable, at the Customer's option.
The current required to start a motor is much greater than that required to operate it at full load
after it has reached rated speed. If not controlled, this starting current may cause severe voltage
fluctuations, not only on the wiring of the Customer using the motor, but also on other Customers'
wiring. The more frequently the motor is started, the more objectionable these voltage fluctuations
The National Electrical Code, in Article 430, provides a table (430.7(B)) which classifies motors by
their "locked-rotor" (starting) input requirements. A code letter is assigned to each requirement
bracket. The brackets are given in "kilovolt-amperes" per horsepower which can be easily
converted to amperes for a given motor. The starting current increases as the code letter
increases. The appropriate letter is stamped on the motor nameplate.
Using this information, FPL has prepared Table IX-1 for single phase motors, five horsepower and
below. This table lists code letters and starting currents which will be acceptable at most locations
on FPL's system. The value given is for one motor which does not start more than four times per
hour. Table IX-2 provides similar data for single phase air conditioners, but is based on the unit's
rated output rather than horsepower.
B. FPL Approval of Starting Means for Large Motors
For motors larger than those listed in Table IX-1, or which start more frequently, the Customer
may be required to provide reduced voltage or incremental starting equipment, to reduce each
step of starting current to the value shown. FPL shall be consulted and will advise the Customer of
its requirements.
In the case of three phase motors, because of the variety of service conditions and the large
number of motor sizes available, FPL shall be contacted in each case to determine if reduced
voltage or incremental starting will be required. If two or more motors are started simultaneously,
the starting limitations apply to the total current of the group.
Table IX-1
1 12,000 40 AMPS
2 24,000 80 AMPS
Note 1: Table based on units being sized and maintained so that there will be a maximum of four starts per hour.
Note 2: Better performance may sometimes be obtained by using two smaller units.
* This is the maximum allowed coincident starting current of any, or all of the system’s components (compressor, condenser
fan motor, and air handler blower motor). If the System Starting Current exceeds the values shown, the customer should
investigate the installation of either a “hard start” kit or “stage” starting (or other method recommended by the manufacturer)
to reduce the starting current to the level for which FPL’s distribution system was designed.
Single Phase Protection - When installing three phase motors, the Customer should consider
the possibility of the loss of one phase, either in his own installation or in FPL's supply lines.
This "single phasing" may happen regardless of the precautions taken to avoid it, and FPL
therefore strongly recommends that devices be installed to protect the equipment against the
damage that may result.
Phase Reversal Protection - Three phase motors for applications to elevators, cranes, hoists,
well pumps or other installations where reversal of rotation might cause damage to equipment
or constitute a hazard to personnel should have phase rotation protection.
Reclose Protection - Motors which cannot be safely subjected to full voltage starting, or
processes which may create a safety hazard upon an uncontrolled re-start, should be designed
to require manual or time delay re-start upon the interruption of the supply voltage.
Phase Imbalance Protection – Imbalanced three phase voltages may cause unequal phase
currents. Heating caused by the imbalanced currents can shorten the life of a motor. Because
of this, the American National Standards Institute, ANSI C84.1-2006 Standard for Power
Systems and Equipment, recommends that “electric supply systems be designed and operated
to limit the maximum voltage imbalance to 3 percent when measured at the electric-utility
revenue meter under no-load conditions”.
ANSI uses the formula:
Percent Imbalance = Maximum deviation from the average divided by the average
To protect motors from damage due to amperage imbalance, imbalance protection should be
installed at the motor to limit full load operation if the voltage imbalance exceeds 3%, or the
amperage imbalance exceeds 30%.
Note: Some brands of protection on the market for chillers and other motors use the formula:
Percent Imbalance = (Highest phase – lowest phase) divided by the average
Devices using this formula should be set at 4% voltage and 40% amperage to provide the same
protection as the ANSI formula.
Under voltage, single phase, phase reversal and imbalance protection are all available
through the installation of an electronic phase loss protector in the motor control circuit.
Such protective devices are supplied and installed by the Customer. FPL is not
responsible for damage to motors from power abnormalities.
Surge protection should also be considered for installation at the motor breaker panel.
Surge protection can help reduce damage to a motor's windings from external spikes, as
well as reduce damage to customer equipment from power spikes generated by large
motors starting and stopping.
Power Factor
Power factor is a calculation representing the relationship of "real" power (kw) which performs
useful work in turning a motor, to "apparent" power (kva) which magnetizes motor and
transformer coils. Motor loads frequently adversely affect the power factor of a circuit, usually
from oversized or lightly loaded motors. Certain other types of loads can reduce power factor.
A low power factor also reduces the capacity of circuit conductors to deliver "real" power and
can increase wiring costs as well as electric demand on the utility system. FPL reserves the
right to adjust meter reading kw for billing where power factor is less than 85%.
Capacitors are sometimes connected on the load side of a motor controller to improve the
power factor of the circuit. When this is done, the total kvar connected should not exceed the
value required to raise the power factor of the motor to unity when it is running unloaded.
starting capacitors a “rough” approximation of the starting current can be obtained by adding the
Locked Rotor Amp (LRA) values for the compressor, condenser fan and air handler, and
multiplying this total by 1.10. For further information on this subject contact your local FPL
construction representative.
Electric welders, furnaces, electric draglines, electric dredges, large, frequently started, motorized
equipment, variable speed drives, SCR converters, and tankless water heaters are examples of
equipment that have operating characteristics which may require rapidly fluctuating amounts of
current. If the device is large, significant voltage fluctuations may result, even on a system which is
adequate for normal service. These voltage fluctuations may affect the operation and life of
other equipment in the customer's facility as well as the equipment of other customers in the
Section IX covers FPL's requirements when frequent starting of large motors is involved.
When service is required for any of the other devices mentioned, or similar devices, FPL shall be
consulted. It may be found that the device cannot be served at the specific location unless special
facilities and control equipment are provided both by FPL and the Customer.
The cost for any additional or upgraded facilities that are required to be installed by FPL in order to
serve these devices will be borne by the customer as CIAC. If the adverse effects cannot be mitigated
by the installation of additional or upgraded facilities, or if these devices cause objectionable flicker to
other customers’ service, FPL may require the device to be disconnected from the electrical system.
There are other devices, such as silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) devices, or any device which
suddenly interrupts current at other than a natural zero point, which may cause high frequency voltage
oscillations or transients in the circuit. This may be detrimental to the Customer's service or to that of
an adjacent Customer. It may be necessary for the Customer to install filters or other corrective
devices if he wishes to continue the use of such equipment.
If the Customer uses carrier current or any other system that superimposes a voltage with a frequency
other than the normal 60 hertz voltage on his wiring, he shall provide filters or other equipment, as
required, to prevent it from appearing on FPL's distribution system.
Radio and television antennas, their lead-in cables, guy wires and metallic supports shall be kept well
clear of electric powerlines. They should be installed in accordance with Article 810 of the National
Electrical Code, and any applicable local building code.
The shortest distance between the power conductor and the antenna mast should exceed the height
of the antenna mast from the ground.
The antenna or lead in conductors should not cross over electric light or power circuits. These items
should be kept well away from such circuits, but where this is impossible, they shall have a clearance
of at least 2 feet to circuits of less than 250 volts between conductors. Where practicable, these items
should not cross under electric light and power circuits or be closer than 10 feet to power circuits of
more than 250 volts between conductors.
Most contacts between antennas and power lines occur either during antenna installation or
subsequent maintenance. The homeowner installing an antenna should be sure it is well away from
any exposed electric wires. He should be certain that neither the antenna and mast nor the lead-in nor
guy wires could possibly contact the power wires if the installer loses control of any component of the
b. the installation cost of any new overhead distribution facilities and/or the cost of alterations to existing
distribution facilities which are required in order to serve the Street Lighting System less four (4) times the
additional annual non-fuel energy revenue generated by the installation or alteration of the Street Lighting
System, plus where underground facilities are installed, the differential installation cost between
underground and overhead distribution facilities.
These costs, if any, shall be paid by the Customer before the commencement of any construction work by
FPL. The Customer shall also pay any additional costs associated with design modifications requested after
the original estimate has been made. FPL does not design to, or guarantee minimum street lighting
levels based on any IES standards.
If FPL street lighting facilities installed under rate schedule SL-1 must be removed for any reason (Customer
request, relocation, upgrade, modification, termination or breach of the Agreement, etc.) the Customer shall
pay FPL an amount equal to the original installed cost of the removed facilities less any salvage value and
depreciation (based on current depreciation rates as approved by the Florida Public Service Commission)
plus removal cost.
If FPL lighting facilities installed under rate schedule LT-1 must be removed for any reason (Customer
request, relocation, upgrade, modification, termination or breach of the Agreement, etc.) the Customer shall
pay FPL the remaining fixture, pole, and conductor charges for the period remaining on the currently active
term of service plus the cost to remove the facilities.
Customers converting FPL owned HPSV or MH fixtures (SL-1) to FPL owned LED fixtures (LT-1) pay a
monthly “Conversion Recovery Fee” to cover the cost of the conversion.
In the event of relocated facilities under either rate schedule, all relocation costs will be borne by the
If these terms and conditions are unacceptable to the Customer, or if the poles and fixtures offered by FPL
are not those desired by the Customer, the Customer may wish to consider installing his own street lighting
B. Customer-owned Street Lighting
For Customer owned street lighting systems, where the street light facilities are installed, owned, and
maintained by the Customer, FPL will specify the service location, and require the customer to install a
single phase, 60 Hertz metered service in accordance with Rate Schedule (SL-1M), as defined in FPL
Tariff Sheet 8.718.
Refer to the ESS Section IV – Service and Meter Connections to connect service.
Refer to the ESS Section IV – Service and Meter Connections to connect service
Standard installations requiring installation of only outdoor lighting facilities covered by a monthly charge (e.g.
luminaire, bracket, single span of secondary per light, pole, down guy, UG conductors, etc.) generally require
no CIAC.
However, when installation or modification of distribution facilities is required for which there is no monthly
charge (e.g. transformers, additional spans of secondary beyond the allowed single span per light, change in
height of existing poles, installation of mid-span poles, etc.) a CIAC will be required equal to the total
estimated cost of those facilities not included in the schedule of monthly charges. EAR is not a factor in
determining this CIAC amount.
For outdoor lighting applications requiring UG conductors, the customer must provide the trench, backfill,
and restoration. If mutually agreed by the customer and FPL, FPL will provide the trench, but at the
customer's expense.
E. Disconnect Devices for Customer-Owned Street / Outdoor Security Lighting
When a customer-owned street/outdoor lighting circuit (a circuit being one or more lights served from one
service point) is to be installed under the street/outdoor lighting rate schedules (SL-1, OL-1), the customer
shall install a fused disconnect device for each circuit. Installation of the disconnect device is required
whether the circuit is individual or group control. The disconnect device is required to isolate the
customer's circuit during maintenance, isolate FPL's system from malfunctioning customer equipment,
and comply with any applicable building code requirements.
Location of Customer's Disconnect Device:
a. Overhead FPL Service Point:
Customer disconnect device can be mounted on the customer's street/outdoor light pole provided
that the distance to FPL's overhead service point allows for the provision of an FPL overhead
service and that the attachment height allows for proper clearances.
Customer's disconnect device can be installed in customer handhole adjacent to the utility pole.
FPL will terminate its underground cable (from the overhead source) in the customer handhole if
this arrangement is acceptable to the customer. Otherwise, FPL will provide its own handhole at
the base of the pole and terminate the customer's cable therein. In either case, a Contribution In
Aid of Construction (CIAC) may be required.
Customer's disconnect device can be installed on a pedestal adjacent to the pole. FPL will extend
its underground cable (from the overhead source) to its handhole adjacent to the utility pole and
terminate the customer's cable therein. CIAC may be required. If sufficient attachment height is
made available by the customer, FPL may provide an overhead service.
No customer equipment is to be installed on the utility-owned pole. Customer-owned secondary
risers will be allowed only for those governmental agencies that have executed a Public Body Joint
Use Pole Agreement.
Customer-owned disconnect devices are not to be installed to control FPL-owned street lighting
The customer shall install, own, and maintain the photoelectric relay. For these installations, FPL will
continue to provide transformation, as necessary, and connect the electric service as before. The
remainder of the equipment (together with the photoelectric relay) will be installed and maintained by the
customer, but cannot be installed on the utility pole.
This information and wiring diagram should appear on the preliminary streetlight plans for each project to
allow FPL the opportunity to review and provide comments prior to final acceptance for each project.
Should the customer owned photoelectric relay fail for any reason, FPL asks the customer’s cooperation
in making timely repairs to avoid the 24 hour burning of street lights. Should timely repairs not be made,
FPL may exercise its option of billing the maintaining agency for the increased energy consumption until
the repairs are made.
The customer shall install, own, and maintain the photoelectric relay to group controlled customer owned
streetlight circuits fed from handholes or padmounted transformers.
Should the customer owned photoelectric relay fail for any reason, FPL asks the customer’s cooperation
in making timely repairs to avoid the 24 hour burning of street lights. Should timely repairs not be made,
FPL may exercise its option of billing the maintaining agency for the increased energy consumption until
the repairs are made.
Electric Service Standards
A. Net metering
Net metering allows FPL customers to offset all or part of their energy use with on-site generation.
Any excess generation will be credited to the customer’s energy consumption for the next month’s
billing cycle. Florida Administrative Code (FAC) Section 25-6.065.
The customer shall meet all applicable technical, interconnection, safety and protection
requirements of this and other FPL documents. The customer must also meet the requirements of
the NESC, OSHA, and any others applicable to the installation.
The customer shall conform to FPL, National Electric Code (NEC) and Authority Having Jurisdiction
(AHJ), for installation requirements. The customer’s AC (AC) inverter rating will determine the Tier
that the generation system falls under in the net metering policy.
- Tier 1: less than or equal to 10 KW
- Tier 2: greater than 10KW and less than or equal to 100KW
- Tier 3: greater than 100KW and less than or equal to 2MW
It is highly recommended that customers obtain FPL’s written interconnection approval prior to
procuring any material.
For any inquiries regarding Net Metering please reach out to [email protected].
1. Inverter – The customer must utilize a certified UL 1741 SA and IEEE 1547 grid interactive
inverter. Inverters that have not been certified to UL Standard will be denied interconnection.
FPL may require advanced inverter settings or other controls to minimize impact to FPL
customers and the grid.
2. Transformer – Generating facilities greater than 50 KW AC will require a dedicated three
phase 120/208V or 277/480 Wye grounded transformer. FPL will specify any winding
connections, grounding or other requirements based on the specific customer site location and
generating system. Open delta transformers will only be connected as a single phase and only
supply power to the lighting transformer.
3. Metering – Metering will be specified by FPL and may be self-contained or primary depending
on the size and configuration of the customer’s generating system.
The customer is responsible for all costs associated with any equipment or facilities that require
upgrading or modification. The customer’s generating equipment shall not cause any negative
impacts to other FPL customers or the grid. FPL may disconnect any customer generation for
any valid reason.
All net metering systems require written approval and agreement from FPL.
5. Labeling – All labels must be permanent and weatherproof/UV resistant placard with engraved
letters. The customer is responsible for all labeling requirements.
6. System Impact Study – A System Impact Study may be required for some generating
systems. This study will determine the requirements to interconnect the customer’s generation
to FPL’s grid. The customer must provide detailed information on the proposed protective
relaying, metering, and control equipment. All relaying and metering shall be provided in a one-
line diagram. A three-line diagram may be required for some installations. The study may
include, but is not limited to: Protection and Coordination Study, Grounding Study, Load Flow
Analysis and Arc Flash Analysis.
Net Metering (Conceptual Drawing)
Electric Service Standards
It is highly recommended that customers obtain FPL’s written interconnection approval prior to
procuring any material.
1. Inverter – The customer should utilize a certified Underwriters Laboratory (UL) 1741 SA and
IEEE 1547 grid interactive inverter. Inverters that have not been certified by UL, with
acceptable results, will be denied interconnection. FPL may dictate advanced inverter settings
or other controls to minimize any impact to FPL customers and the grid. If a customer’s
generating facility has multiple inverters, a single point of voltage source will be used at the
Point of Interconnection (POI). Generating equipment shall be rated 60 Hz AC at a standard
FPL voltage.
2. Transformer – Generating facilities greater than 10 KW AC will require a dedicated three
phase 120/208V or 277/480 Wye grounded transformer. FPL will specify any winding,
grounding or other requirements based on the specific customer site location and generating
3. Metering – Metering will be specified by FPL and may be self-contained, current transformer
or primary depending on the size and configuration of the customer’s generating system.
4. Disconnect Switch – A FPL approved visually open disconnect is required to allow safe
restoration of FPL’s system. The disconnect switch must be installed according to FPL
instruction and must remain accessible to FPL at all times. The disconnect switch shall be
connected on the load side to the approved IEEE 1547 inverter and the line side shall be
connected to FPL’s power grid. This device will vary depending on the configuration, voltage
and generation capacity.
5. Interconnection – FPL will determine the point of interconnection (POI). For all installations
customers shall provide an appropriate number of conductors including a neutral. No fault
current limiting devices shall be installed on the neutral or conductors. Under no circumstance
will the customer make interconnections in any of FPL equipment including: metering
enclosures, transformers, switching cabinets, vaults, or any other devices not specifically
designated by FPL as the point of interconnection.
The customer will be responsible for all costs associated with any equipment or facilities that
required upgrading or modification. The customer’s generating equipment shall not cause any
negative impact on the quality of service provided to other FPL customers or the grid. FPL
reserves the right to disconnect any customer generation for any valid reason.
6. Labeling – All labels should be permanent and weatherproof / UV resistant placard with
engraved letters. The customer is responsible for all labeling requirements.
7. System Impact Study - A System Impact Study may be required for some generating systems.
This study will determine the requirements to interconnect the customer’s generation to FPL’s
grid. The customer must provide detailed information on the proposed protective relaying and
control equipment. All relaying, protection and metering shall be provided in a one-line diagram.
In some case’s a three-line diagram may be required. The study may include, but is not limited
to: Protection and Coordination Study, Grounding Study, Load Flow Analysis and Arc Flash
8 Protection and Control – Depending on the interconnection, FPL may require the customer
to install protective devices. These devices are to protect the grid, other customers and the
FPL system. Customers are responsible for protecting their own system from faults,
disturbances or interruptions originating from both FPL and the customer side. Protective
devices must be approved by FPL. The complexity of the protective devices required will
vary with the size, complexity, and location of the customer generation installation.
If you witness a violation of the rules, stay away from the equipment and warn the operator to move away
from the power line.
0 – 50 kV 10 feet
Over 50 kV to 200 kV 15 feet
Over 200 kV to 350 kV 20 feet
Over 350 kV to 500 kV 25 feet
Over 500 kV to 750 kV 35 feet
Rule 2: Stay calm - stay away
You are not in danger from a fire or from Stay where you are.
being struck by a power line Move the equipment away from the power line, if
Warn others not to approach the equipment.
Call FPL at 1-800-4OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243) or call
911 to contact FPL or your local utility for assistance.
You are in danger and must get off the Jump as far away from the equipment as you can and
equipment land with both feet together. (No part of your body
should touch the equipment and the ground at the
same time.)
Hop or shuffle away from the equipment with your feet
together to reduce the risk of electric shock.
Once clear, do not return to the equipment until FPL
declares it safe.
Call 911 and/or call FPL at 1-800-4OUTAGE (1-800-
468-8243) or your local utility.
Before raising or extending any equipment capable of reaching a power line, check in all
directions for power lines.
Keep a safe distance from any power line, measuring from the end or tip of your own
extended reach and including the end or tip of any object you are holding or carrying.
Remember to allow even greater distance for safety near higher voltage lines such as
transmission lines.
Even nonmetallic ladders and equipment can conduct electricity.
Rule 4: Call before you dig
One easy call to 811 starts the process of getting underground utility lines marked for free.
Utility company locators will mark the approximate location and type of underground utilities
with paint and flags.
To avoid costly repairs and construction delays, be sure to contact Sunshine State One
Call of Florida at 811 or 1-800-432-4770 at least two full business days in advance of any
excavation work.* Visit www.CallSunshine.com for more information.
* In accordance with the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, Chapter 556, Florida Statutes
Look up when working around overhead power lines, especially when trees are nearby.
Branches can hide power lines from view.
Look up for power lines when using tools of any kind. Even nonmetallic tools can conduct
Cranes and derricks that approach working distance within 20 feet of power lines with
operating voltages up to 350 kV, or within 50 feet of power lines with voltages greater than
350 kV, are mandated to take “encroachment prevention measures.” See OSHA Standards
29 CFR 1926.1400.
Look up for power lines when putting up scaffolding, framing a building, painting, pruning
trees or picking fruit.
Before moving a tree under a power line, look up and determine the maximum height to lift
the tree. Keep a safe distance away as required by OSHA. Trees can conduct electricity.
Look up for power lines when working on top of buildings.
Before transporting large boats or large objects, please identify a safe route that avoids
power lines. If you cannot avoid power lines, please call 1-800-375-4375 to coordinate
transport and temporary removal* or de-energizing of FPL power lines.
* Charges may apply for temporary removal or relocation of power lines. You may need to coordinate transportation of oversized
objects with local authorities.
Call 1-800-4OUTAGE
to report contact with power lines,
downed power lines or an outage.
FPL calls your attention to the fact that there may be energized, high voltage electric lines, both overhead and underground, located in the area of this project. It is imperative that you visually
survey the area and that you also take the necessary steps to identify all overhead and underground facilities prior to commencing construction to determine whether the construction of any
proposed improvements will bring any person, tool, machinery, equipment or object closer to FPL’s power lines than the OSHA-prescribed limits. If it will, you must either re-design your project
to allow it to be built safely given the pre-existing power line location, or make arrangements with FPL to either deenergize and ground our facilities, or relocate them, possibly at your expense.
You must do this before allowing any construction near the power lines. It is impossible for FPL to know or predict whether or not the contractors or subcontractors, and their employees,
will operate or use cranes, digging apparatus or other mobile equipment, or handle materials or tools, in dangerous proximity to such power lines during the course of construction, and, if so,
when and where. Therefore, if it becomes necessary for any contractor or subcontractor, or their employees, to operate or handle cranes, digging apparatus, draglines, mobile equipment, or
any other equipment, tools or materials in such a manner that they might come closer to underground or overhead power lines than is permitted by local, state or federal regulations, you and
any such contractor or subcontractor must notify FPL in writing of such planned operation prior to the commencement thereof and make all necessary arrangements with FPL in order to carry
out the work in a safe manner. Any work in the vicinity of the electric lines should be suspended until these arrangements are finalized and implemented.
The National Electrical Safety Code ("NESC") prescribes minimum clearances that must be maintained. If you build your structure so that those clearances cannot be maintained, you may be
required to compensate FPL for the relocation of our facilities to comply with those clearances. As such, you should contact FPL prior to commencing construction near pre-existing
underground or overhead power lines to make sure that your proposed improvement does not impinge upon the NESC clearances.
It is your responsibility and the responsibility of your contractors and subcontractors on this project to diligently fulfill the following obligations:
1. Make absolutely certain that all persons responsible for operating or handling cranes, digging apparatus, draglines, mobile equipment or any equipment, tool, or material capable
of contacting a power line, are in compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations, including but not limited to U.S. Department of Labor OSHA Regulations, while performing their
2. Make sure that all cranes, digging apparatus, draglines, mobile equipment, and all other equipment or materials capable of contacting a
power line have attached to them any warning signs required by U.S. Department of Labor OSHA Regulations.
3. Post and maintain proper warning signs and advise all employees, new and old alike, of their obligation to keep themselves, their tools,
materials and equipment away from power lines per the following OSHA minimum approach distances (refer to OSHA regulations for restrictions):
*Power Line Voltages **Personnel and Equipment Cranes and Derricks Travel under or near Power Lines (on construction sites, no load)
(29 CFR 1910.333 and 1926.600) (29 CFR 1926.1407, 1408) (29 CFR 1926.600 – Equipment) (1926.1411 – Cranes and Derricks)
0 - 750 volts 10 Feet 10 Feet 4 Feet 4 Feet
751 - 50,000 volts 10 Feet 10 Feet 4 Feet 6 Feet
69,000 volts 11 Feet 15 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet
115,000 volts 13 Feet 15 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet
138,000 volts 13 Feet 15 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet
230,000 volts 16 Feet 20 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet
500,000 volts 25 Feet 25 Feet 16 Feet 16 Feet
*When uncertain of the voltage, maintain a distance of 20 feet for voltages up to 350,000 volts and 50 feet for voltages greater than 350,000 volts.
**For personnel approaching insulated secondary conductors less than 750 volts, avoid contact (Maintain 10 Feet to bare energized conductors less than 750 volts). For qualified personnel
and insulated aerial lift equipment meeting requirements of 29 CFR 1910.333, distances may be reduced to those shown in 29 CFR 1910.333 Table S-5.
4. All excavators are required to contact the Sunshine State One Call of Florida, phone number 1-800-432-4770 or 811 a minimum of two working days (excluding weekends) in
advance of commencement of excavation to ensure facilities are located accurately.
5. Conduct all locations and excavations in accordance with the Florida Statute 556 of the Underground Facilities Damage Prevention & Safety Act and all local city and county
ordinances that may apply.
6. When an excavation is to take place within a tolerance zone, an excavator shall use increased caution to protect underground facilities.
The protection requires hand digging, pot holing, soft digging, vacuum methods, or similar procedures to identify underground facilities.
A copy of this notification must be provided by you to each contractor and subcontractor on this project, to be shared with their supervision and employees prior to commencing work on this
____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Means by which this notification was provided to customer and/or contractor Address
____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
FPL Representative Signature Date
____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Customer/Developer/Contractor Representative Signature Date
simply dial 811)
Or visit www.callsunshine.com