Discrimination Between Phase-Locked and Non-Phase-Locked Event-Related EEG Activity
Discrimination Between Phase-Locked and Non-Phase-Locked Event-Related EEG Activity
Discrimination Between Phase-Locked and Non-Phase-Locked Event-Related EEG Activity
Short c o m m u n i c a t i o n
Differentiation b e t w e e n phase-locked and non-phase-locked event-related E E G activity is an important task in the evaluation o f
event-related E E G activity. Event-related changes o f E E G activity such as event-related desynchronization (ERD) or event-related
synchronization (ERS) can be quantified by either instantaneous band p o w e r or intertrial variance calculations. In the former case the
E R D or ERS can be masked by an event-related potential while in the latter it is not. E x a m p l e s from sensory stimulation and m o v e m e n t
experiments, where the E R D (ERS) is calculated by both methods, are s h o w n and discussed.
Keywords: Event-related desynchronization (ERD); Event-related synchronization (ERS); Intertrial variance; Event-related potential
where N = total number of trials, and x(i,j) = j-th sample of the i-th trial tribute to the band power changes, while in the latter method only
of the data. non-phase-locked activity is quantified.
For the classical ERD method (ii), the instantaneous power is calcu- The significance of a band power decrease (increase) at each sample
lated as: point (or average of sample points) of the time course can be tested by
1 t~
applying the following sign test:
~(J) = ~ , E Xf2(i,j) k01 ~ x
where P(j) = averaged power estimation of bandpass filtered data (aver- i=l~ -
aged over all trials), xf(i,j)=j-th sample of the i-th trial of the bandpass
where N = total number of trials and ktj ) = number of trials having a
filtered data, while for the intertrial variance method (iii), the variance is
power decrease (increase) at the j-th sample.
calculated as:
The sign is evaluated from the change of power (either decrease or
1 i=N increase) at the j-th sample point in each single trial, compared to the
IV(j) = ~ - ~ - 1__~
1"= {xf(i,j) _ ~f(j)}2 median of the power sample in the reference interval of that trial. By
using the median of the reference period instead of the mean, the impact
where N = total number of trials, xf(i,j)=j-th sample of the i-th trial of of outliers is reduced. The results of this test can be displayed in the form
the bandpass filtered data and ~f(i)= mean of data at the j-th sample of a step function and give an indication of the significance of the ERD
(averaged over all bandpass filtered trials). (ERS).
For the ERD calculation, either the instantaneous power (ii) or the
intertrial variance (iii) can be used. The ERD is quantified as the
percentage change of the power or intertrial variance (A(j)) at each 3. R e s u l t s
sample point or an average of some samples (in this paper samples are
averaged in time windows of 125 msec) relative to the average power or To demonstrate the differences between ERD calculation using either
intertrial variance (R) in a reference interval: method (ii) or (iii), 3 examples are given. In the first experiment the
R - A(j) subject was stimulated by single flashes every 5 sec and EEG was
ERD(J) ~ × 100% recorded from the positions Cz-A1 according to the international 10/20
system and sampled at 128 Hz. The flash stimuli resulted in both a visual
1 n°+k
evoked potential (VEP) and a blocking response of the alpha rhythm (10
with R = ~ . E A0) Hz ERD); the former is a phase-locked phenomenon and the latter is not.
J=n 0
In Fig. 2a the VEP with the intertrial variance is plotted. The graphs in
where R = average power in reference interval, averaged over k samples, Fig. 2b-g show band power time courses of the 71-trial experiment with
and A(j) = power or intertrial variance at the j-th sample. a sample rate of 4/sec, with the two upper graphs displaying data in the
The difference between methods (ii) and (iii) is that in the former frequency range of 6-12 Hz, the middle graphs in the frequency range of
method both phase-locked and non-phase-locked EEG activities con- 8-12 Hz and the lower graphs in the frequency range of 4 - 7 Hz. The left
I event-related EEGtrials ]
~ ba-~ndpass
~ filter
Xf(i,j) }
xf=(i,j) 1 I squaring
(Xf(i,j) -~--f(j))'
averaging ( }
overtrials i averaging
overtrials I averaging
powermethod intertrlalvariance
Fig. 1. Methods for processing event-related EEG trials. Averaging of trials of raw EEG data (data vector x) results in an ERP and averaging of bandpass
filtered and squared EEG data (data vector y z) or calculation of intertrial variance of bandpass filtered EEG data (data vector y - ~) results in an ERD
(ERS) time course.
J. Kalcher, G. Pfurtscheller / Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 94 (1995) 381-384 383
diagrams were calculated by method (ii) and the right by method (iii). made discrete finger flexions at intervals of about 10 sec. In both
The power peaks in the left diagrams represent a contribution from the examples the EEG was recorded over the left hand area (electrode C3,
EP power; these peaks are not present in the right diagrams. As can be nose reference) and was sampled at 128 Hz. ERS time courses were
seen from Fig. 2 the VEP contributes dominantly in the 4 - 7 Hz band and calculated in the 36-40 Hz band using both methods (ii) and (iii) with a
to a smaller extent in the 6 - 1 2 Hz band when the ERD is calculated in sample rate of 4/sec.
the classical way using method (ii). No difference is evident between the For the first experiment, a marked difference was found between the
two methods in the 8 - 1 2 Hz band. results for the two different calculation methods, with a reduced power
Fig. 3 displays data from 2 other experiments. In the first, a subject peak found for the intertfial variance method. For the movement experi-
was stimulated electrically at the right wrist with a rectangular pulse of ment, the results were identical for both the power and intertfial variance
60 mA and a duration of 0.1 msec. In the second experiment, a subject methods. This can be interpreted to mean that electrical stimulation
I a
2 5
~ h ~ ~ ~
• s e c
stimulation .~
~" ~?_~H3 ~ b 25 ~ H , z
:i ~.,~. _
-- ~~
"72 ~
--10C -- n, - - ~ , , 2
o ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 1 S~C 3 4
5 0 ~ e
:~5- ~O.o Hz d =~ ~2.o Hz
c! ~ , 0 e
- : ~ 5
- 5 0
-75 _~.5 -2
-1 O01
072 ~ ~1 ~ 4
_ 1 o o . ~ ' 2
0 ~
. .
~ ~
5o~ 50 ¸ V
H z, g
-25- 23.5 -25. 22.~J~
-50- -50"
-75- -75"
72 72
-100 --2 --100
0 -i 2 ~ 4 0 -i :~ ~ 4
~ e c s e c
Fig. 2. Examples of processed EEG trials from a VEP experiment: VEP and intertrial variance (a), ERD time courses calculated by the power method in
different frequency bands (b, d, f) and corresponding ERD time courses calculated by the intertrial variance method (c, e, g). Note the differences between
phase-locked and non-phase-locked data; only in the case of the power method (left side) does the ERP contribute to the ERD. The reference interval is
indicated by 2 short vertical lines (0.5-1.5 sec). The scale on the left marks the percentage power increase and decrease and the scale on the fight the
significance levels (from 10-2 to 10-s). On the left side of each diagram the bandpass frequency, average power in the reference interval and number of
trials (from top to bottom) are indicated.
384 J. Kalcher, G. Pfurtscheller / Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 94 (1995) 381-384
=oo.p 2 0 0 V
1 OI:~" 100
4 0 . 0
..~,0 o :oOHz/ b
,~^ , ~.~,~/~_~/-~' -8 0 ~,, • ^....,/it ~ , , / " ' / 8
0 ~- ~ v - ~v - I - ~,..¢~.~ ~ ' V -- |
stimulation stimulation
c d
Hz :,~0
8 (~
--50 O. 7 ]~ - 5 0 ~.,7 l~- _
1 ~ o E J --: "1 O 0
~2o rq ~ e ~
-w oo -i
o ~ ~ 3 ,n. ~ 1~ 7 8 i ~ ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 8
~, m;~(:: ~ ~e(::
movement movement
Fig. 3. ERS time course from the stimulation experiment (a, b) and the movement experiment (c, d). Data on the left are calculated by the power method
and on the right by the intertrial variance method. Note that in the first case phase-locked signal components contribute to the ERS, which are eliminated
using the IV method. In the second case no ERPs are found, which leads to similar ERS curves in both methods.
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