Definition:: International Relations States Survival Military Power

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The concept of BOP is one of the oldest in IR.

The concept has been in debate among the writers for the
last 20 years In different meaning.

The theory of BOP got importance after the rise of NS stsytem after a1500 and especially after the treaty
of westpahlia in 1648, it became a cardinal feature of IR. It is stall a basic principle in IR and debate will
continue to be as long as the NS exist. The term BOP is defined in many ways.

Definition: The balance of power theory in international relations suggests that states may secure

their survival by preventing any one state from gaining enough military power to dominate all others.

Ernst hans pointed that it had been in 8 versions

I. Equal distribution among NS

II. Unequal distribution among NS
III. Dominance of one NS on another
IV. Provision for relative stability and peace
V. A system characterized by instability and war
VI. Another way of saving power politics
VII. A universal law of history
VIII. A guide for the policy makers.

History of BOP

1. 1st period(1648-1815): During 30 year war France wanted to play a dominant role, on the other
hand, EU states and Germany encouraged the rival alliance to weaken the empire. But because
of TOWP the system began to play an imp role. Lous 14 provoked a series of alliances against
France by threating the commercial interest of EU. During the time most of literature on BOP as
supreme principle of theier guaidance in the conduct of foregin affairs. A multiple BOP existed
involving England, Russia, Prussia and asutria.
2. 2nd period(1815-1914): The concert of Europe; the COU was merely a loose consultative
institution, wcich refrained from interveing in the domestic affairs of states. It permitted many
small wares but not on a big level. In 1832 france invaded Spain but GB block France to occupy
France in order to implement BOP. Alarmed by the Russia in Balkan, Austria, France and England
bonded together in 1854 and declared that the existence of ottoman empire in its present
extent essential for the BOP. In the later part of 19 th century, the conditions began to deteriote
and the attitude of Germany was changing too. The process of colonialism was halted because
there was no more land available for occupation. Economic competition was increased
3. 3rd period(1914-1990): the 20th century is known as the revolutionary age with 2 major wars and
a cold war. Post WW1 the League of nation guaranteed the perpuation of their terrorital
integrity and political independence, while the principle of national self determination gave
them a moral and ideological justification. The league introduced collective security which was
to replace the insecturity of fluctuating national alliance. The league failed to prevent the war. In
the post 2nd ww several attemepts to establish a new stable order failed for fundmanetal reason.
Due to ideological difference and the disagreement between the 2 super powers, neither BOP of
the 19th century not collective secutiry could work only with 2 rivals. The acute conflict was first
limtedd to EU but then spread across asia and the middle east, latin America and Africa.
4. 4th period(1990-): the last decade of 20th century of 20th century expierneced another model of
BOP, known as Unipolar system. The communism is rooted out from the central asia and Europe
and most of the countries has shifted to a capitalist system instead of communist.

Kinds of balance of power

1. Multiple BOP: from 17th to 20th century through out the world. The international system
was consistently pluralistic in the multiplicity of great powers dominated the course of world
politics. The system demanded an implicit agreement to respect each others existence and
sphere of interest. WW1 signaled the breakdown of multiple balance system.
2. Simple BOP: Bipolarization between us and ussr since 1945. Allignemtn shifted around the
poles of 2 major powers, and all states draw their international orientation from the general
configuration of strength.
3. Intergration of power: integration of power is best represented by the classical concept of
collective security, exampplified by UN

Characteristic of BOP

1. Temporary: power system has proved to be temperory and unstable. Not longer than
fewer centuries.
2. Equilibrium: Means balance. Everything is changing so equilfbrium is disrupted.
3. Man made: BOP is not god gifted but man made thing. Achived by the active
intervention of man. Will of states is required.
4. Favors status quo: tended to favor the status quo. Try to remove all changing elements
though its not fully possible. BOP must be changing and dynamic
5. Seldom exist: Seldom exist. Difficult to when its acihived. The real indicator is war. If
war takes place it means that BOP wasn’t there.
6. Offer Objective and Subjective approach: objective approach of historian and subjective
approach of statesman
7. Not a device for preserving the peace: Important characteristic. Tend to increase the
tensions between and to encourage the war. The primary puropose of BOP is to
maintain the independenc of state, andnot to preserve the peace.
8. A game of great powers: Game of great states. Small ones are often the victim or at
best the spectators.
9. As a policy: seems to be a policy that is suitable neither or democricies nor for the
dictatorship. It is deeply concered with power politics only in periods of crisis.
10. Not operative in present era: inoperative under present conditions.

Merits and Demerits of BOP

1. Presercation of peace: greatly contributed to preservation of peace in the absence of collective
secutiry. In the past it has checked aggression. BOP is uncertain and this uncertainty brings out
the peace.
2. Preservation of modern State System: After the TOWP many small and weak states became
independent. Due to BOP the existence of those states were possible because there was no
single strong state or group of state available to disturb the system and threaten the
independence of weak states
3. Obedience to International Law: international law can be implemented easily now
4. The existence of local BOP has served to protect the independence of stat in particular area
from domination by a locally giant state.
5. Bother general and local BOP have provide the coniditon in which other instittions have been
able to oeperated.
6. BOP promotes alliances, thus a small and weak nation can fulfill her economic and military
requriements. Pakistan and SEATO & CENTO.
7. BOP promotes disarmament.


1. Encourage war and hostitly: Armament, divide and rule; these techniques promote war and
2. Favors great powers: operate in favors of super powers at the expense of smaller ones. Poland
was divide by Austria, Russia and Prussia in 1772 to attain BOP.
3. Power is not the role goal: powe is the goal of state but not the role goal. Economic and
cultural interest of the states also greatly influence their actions.
4. States are not static: state always want to increase their powers through conquest, alliance,
indsurties, media, immprovemtn in national charcter and several other methods.
5. Role of small states: sometimes small and weak states can make the peace hard. E.g. Iraq and
6. Against international law and norms: it is against international morality, justice and equality
and believes only in self-interest and expediency
7. Uncertain: Difficult to measure and also uncertain.
8. Promote wrong politics: the theory believes in equalization of power. It encourages power
politics or known as realpolitik. This is not acceptable in world of peace, progress and co-

Strutural models of BOP

1. The 19th century: from napleaonic wars to oubreaek of ww1. Existed among several nations.
This international system has been resulted from several basic assumptions about state previous
a. Each state attempt to maximize power for their own purpose
b. States power and interest collision resulted into conflict
c. Like minded state enter into alliances to increase their power
d. Change alliances to respond to the shifting powers and disequilbirum
e. Advocates of this model idenfity birtian as the balancer
2. The tight Bipolar Balance: shifted to Moscow and washnigton. The spread of nuclear weapons
and ideological hostility towards each other. Eta of conflict, distrust, compettion and
miperceptions. Cold war.all these resulted into tight bipolarity. From 1946 to 1955. 1962 cuban
crisis and Vietnam war. There was no powerful state moving free to play the role of balancer
3. The loose bipolar: internal conflicts and losses of confidence appearing in each bloc and
dependencies began to dissipate . 1960s 17 states were added to UN. The difference between
loose and tight bipolar was the presence of non-bloc(3 rd world) and the splintering of 2 blocs.
4. The incipient multipolar balance: dawn of multipolar world order. Strong countries. It an
challenge American hegemony. EU, France and Germany became increasingly vocal about US.

Collective security and BOP

The idea of CS and the bop cant be separated from each other. The main idea of both theterms is to
maintain the status-quo among nations of world. The CS has been defined as machinery for joint
action in order to prevent or counter any aggression against established inl order.

When nations are rally co-operating with each other for mainitaing world peace bounder by intl org
than a question arises that there will be no need for alliance, armament, rivaliries, instability, or war
all of which are inherent in the BOP system.

Quincy wright asserts that, “ the relation of BOP to CS have therefore been at the same time
complementary and antagonistic.

The idea of BOP has ultimately complled the nations to seek their alternative of order and peace in
the way of collective security. The need for all these armanents and allainces in any part of the
world are the basic requirement of the BOP for hegemonic influence of one over other.

The idea of the BOP can be collapsed if nations are sincere to cooperate with each other. To
harmonize the relations of the bop with that of CS have ben firstly appeared in the way of Concert of
Europe, league of nations and lastyly in the form of UNO. Th e COE was not materiizlzied idea but
was a loose relationship among the major Eu powers which came into being soon after the
Napleonic wars and lasted until WW1. The idea was based on the fact that great powers with
cooperate with each other to prevent hostile grouping. To some extent the COE was cuucessul
weapon to prevent major conflict in the Eu where the interest of EU stats appeared to divergent. It
didn’t prevent the serious wars. The COE was disintegrated because of the rise of Germany and
imperialist rivalries of Eu two armed camps with opposite alliances.

It was the main desire of the president Wilson and general smuts that the LON could provide a
system of intl cooperation and collective security which would supplement the BOP which is a threat
to world peace and order

The leagure of nations didn’t succeed bcz its members were involved in the acts of aggression. On
one side they hoped for peace but on the other hand they were forming new alliances. LON became
helpless when Japan invaded macnhuria and Italy invaded Ethiopia

After that UNO like LON was launched with high expectation on the part of many of its followers.
The UNO which they setup in comparison of LON was much stronger than its predecceer . the major
reason tha UNO doesn’t always get succeed in the political and security field is that it is not a
sovereign body and doesn’t have power and mechanism ot enforce its decision on its members
which are soverign eintitties . it can persuade them or use diplomatic influence but it cant coerce
them into submission.

Methods for maintaining the BOP

The bop is an uncertain regulator for its create bbalnce but nits temperorey and improvised. There
are many methods on which we can maintain bop.

1. Armanents and Diarmanets: when one nations incrase its arm, other nation has no choice but
to increase its arms too. When both of the nations increased their arms then bop is preserved.
Today we can see armament race between india and Pakistan . more stable bop could be
created by ending arms and by proportionate arms reduction of armanents by rival powers. In
20th century “treaty of Versailles”. Apart from that, The Washington Naval conference 1922,
SALT talks between US and Russia in 1960s and 1970s, NPT and CTBT.
2. Alliances and counter aliances: there are commonly epmplyed devices. Alliances maybe
offensive and defensive. Botha re concerned with bop. Offensive alliance upsets the balance in
its favor while defensive alliances restores the BOP. 2 ore more states may form alliances to
discourage aggression, when they cant hope to defeat it.
 the first requirement for effective alliance is enough power to achive the purpose
for which its formed
 the 2nd requirement is a common interest among the allying states. Besides,
strategy, geogprahy, common idedologies, cultural affinities etc to make alliances
more helpful and stable and enduring. E.g. despite geopgrpihcal separataion,
ideological difference and cultural difference British and Russia co-operated in WW2

No doubt alliances lead to war, but for that offensive alliances should be avoided. Every defensive is
offensive for other POW. Alliances generally lead to counter-alliances e.g. Triple Alliance(1882) vs Triple
Entete(1907, NATO vs WARSAW

3. intervention and non-intervention: intervention is one of the commonaly used device for
preserving balance. It is normal for a big nation to regain a lost ally by interveing in its domestic
affairs and a friendly govt there. Before 22w british intervened into Greece so that it doesn’t fall
to local communist. Interventions may range from sliight deivation neutrality t full scae military.
Non- intervention is a policy which is followed by the small states and Great powers which are
satisfied with the political order and can follow peaceful method to preserve the balance. Both
of the terms are almost equal.
4. Compensation: annexation of territory . division of Poland, division of spanish territories.
Territorial compensation is common.
5. Buffer states: buffer zones. A buffer state is a weak nation situated between2 powerful rivals. Its
major function is to keep the 2 powerful states apart from each there to minimize the chances
of friction between them.
6. Divide and rule: it was applied bby Romans to maintain their control over scattered people and
by British in the India
The concept of BOP is one of the oldest in IR. The concept has been in debate among the writers for the

Definition: The balance of power theory in international relations suggests that states may secure

their survival by preventing any one state from gaining enough military power to dominate all others.

Ernst hans pointed that it had been in 8 versions

IX. Equal distribution among NS

X. Unequal distribution among NS
XI. Dominance of one NS on another
XII. Provision for relative stability and peace
XIII. A system characterized by instability and war
XIV. Another way of saving power politics
XV. A universal law of history
XVI. A guide for the policy makers.

History of BOP

5. 1st period(1648-1815
6. 2nd period(1815-1914):
7. 3rd period(1914-1990
8. 4th period(1990-):
Kinds of balance of power
4. Multiple BOP
5. Simple BOP
6. Intergration of power

Characteristic of BOP

11. Temporary:
12. Equilibrium
13. Man made
14. Favors status quo
15. Seldom exist:
16. Offer Objective and Subjective approach:
17. Not a device for preserving the peace:
18. A game of great powers:
19. As a policy
20. Not operative in present era

Merits and Demerits of BOP

8. Presercation of peace:
9. Preservation of modern State System
10. Obedience to International Law: international law can be implemented easily now
11. The existence of local BOP has served to protect the independence of stat in particular area
from domination by a locally giant state.
12. Bother general and local BOP have provide the coniditon in which other instittions have been
able to oeperated.
13. BOP promotes alliances, thus a small and weak nation can fulfill her economic and military
requriements. Pakistan and SEATO & CENTO.
14. BOP promotes disarmament.


9. Encourage war and hostitly:

10. Favors great powers
11. Power is not the role goal: powe is the goal of state but not the role goal. Economic and
cultural interest of the states also greatly influence their actions.
12. States are not static
13. Role of small states: sometimes small and weak states can make the peace hard. E.g. Iraq and
14. Against international law and norms
15. Uncertain:
16. Promote wrong politics: Strutural models of BOP
5. The 19th century: from napleaonic wars to oubreaek of ww1. Existed among several nations.
This international system has been resulted from several basic assumptions about state previous
a. Each state attempt to maximize power for their own purpose
b. States power and interest collision resulted into conflict
c. Like minded state enter into alliances to increase their power
d. Change alliances to respond to the shifting powers and disequilbirum
e. Advocates of this model idenfity birtian as the balancer
6. The tight Bipolar Balance:
7. The loose bipolar
8. The incipient multipolar balance

Collective security and BOP

Methods for maintaining the BOP

7. Armanents and Diarmanets:

8. Alliances and counter aliances
 the first requirement for effective alliance is enough power to achive the purpose
for which its formed
 the 2nd requirement is a common interest among the allying states. Besides,
strategy, geogprahy, common idedologies, cultural affinities etc to make alliances
more helpful and stable and enduring. E.g. despite geopgrpihcal separataion,
ideological difference and cultural difference British and Russia co-operated in WW2

No doubt alliances lead to war, but for that offensive alliances should be avoided. Every defensive is
offensive for other POW. Alliances generally lead to counter-alliances e.g. Triple Alliance(1882) vs Triple
Entete(1907, NATO vs WARSAW
9. intervention and non-intervention:
10. Compensation
11. Buffer states:
12. Divide and rule:

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