Bulacan Standard Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map

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Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

A.Y 2020-2021


Subject: ENGLISH Subject Teacher: Mrs. Lovely A. Capobres

Grade Level: 8 Grading Period: 1st to 4th Quarter



Q1 African CONTENT A.1 Identify the Fill in the Blanks Oral Reading Textbooks Retention skills
AUGUST Literature STANDARD: various reading Activity
2020 The learner style
understanding of: A.2 Use of context Constructed Flash Cards Video and Critical Thinking
African literature as a clues from material Response Test Audio Clip
means of exploring viewed to
forces that human determine the Textbooks and Creativity
beings contend with; meaning of Merriam
various reading styles unfamiliar words or Webster
vis – à-vis purposes expression Dictionary
of reading; prosodic EN8VC-Ia-8
features that serve as Confidence
carriers of meaning; A.3 Determining Reading Round The Clock Literary Text
ways by which the meaning of Comprehension
information may be idiomatic
organized, related, expression
and delivered orally; EN8V-Ib-10.2 Critical Thinking
and parallel structures
and cohesive devices A.4 Generating Matching Type Word Strips Graphic
in presenting ideas and their Organizer
information. relationships Organizing
A.5 Use appropriate
cohesive devices in Essay Writing Outline Making Textbooks
composing an
informative speech
M.1 Appreciating
PERFORMANCE literature as a Text 1: The Essential Textbooks Excellence and
STANDARD: means of Arabian Empire in Question: Competence
The learner understanding the North Africa “Why it is not so
demonstrates human being and easy to content
understanding of: the forces he/she Text 2: A Moorish with what we Graphic Creativity
African literature as a needs to content Banquet had?” Organizer
means of exploring with Text 1.
forces that human Text 3: Moorish The Unhappy Critical Thinking
beings contend with; Marriage Customs Farmer
various reading styles By: Dan Miller
vis – à-vis purposes Answer: Communication
of reading; prosodic The speaker in the Video and
features that serve as story state that it is Audio Clips
carriers of meaning; easier to complain Critical Thinking
ways by which about your current Pictures
information may be situation than
organized, related, being content on
and delivered orally; things that we
and parallel structures already had. Graphic Images Cross Cultural
and cohesive devices Supporting Understanding
in presenting Texts:
information. “It’s easy to
complain about
your current
situation, but how
would your life
look to an Literary Text
This line refers on
how we react in
everything that we
think it is new in
our eyes
A.1 Compose
Q2 East Asian CONTENT effective Constructed Think and Write
OCTOBER Literature STANDARD: paragraphs response test
2020 The learner EN8WC-IIa-2.8 Swap Talk
understanding of: A.2 Use appropriate
East Asian literature grammatical signal Matching Type Fish Bone Method
as an art form or expression
inspired and (Cause and effect) Predict what is to
influenced by nature; EN8G-IIa-9 happen
relationship of visual,
sensory, and verbal A. 3 Distinguish
signals in both among types of True or False Differentiated
literary and irony and give Activity
expository texts; examples of each
strategies in listening EN8V-IIb-24.1
to long descriptive
and narrative texts; A.4 Employ
value of literal and appropriate Fill in the blanks Pass the Message
figurative language; listening and
and appropriate speaking skills and 1 minute Talk
grammatical signals strategy suited to
or expressions long descriptive and
suitable to patterns of narrative texts.
idea development. EN8LC-IIa-7

A.5 Use appropriate

prosodic features Sentence Telephone
EN8OL-IIa-5 Completion Conversation

Mini story-telling
CONTENT M.1 Text 1: Essential Literary Texts Critical Thinking
STANDARD: Understand the East After Rain by Yue Question: How
The learner Asian beliefs on Fu does a person Collaboration
demonstrates how nature serves express his/her
understanding of: as refuge for solace Text 2: beliefs? Competence
East Asian literature and comfort and The Lovely Boat Text 1.
as an art form how it affects the by Liu Zongyuan WELCOME Creativity
inspired and expression one’s RAIN ON A
influenced by nature; beliefs. Text 3: SPRING NIGHT
relationship of visual, Nature is God by By: Du Fu
sensory, and verbal M.2 Ino Taguchi Answer:
signals in both Express beliefs The speaker
literary and towards nature. rendered that the
expository texts; effects of rain
strategies in listening during spring
to long descriptive season breathes
and narrative texts; new life.
value of literal and Supporting
figurative language; Texts:
and appropriate Lines like “Good
grammatical signals rain know season;
or expressions At spring be bring
suitable to patterns of life” and “And
idea development. moistens all things
softly, without
These lines were
used to describe
how the rain
changes the
environment as
transform people’s
Text 2:
By: Li Po
Li Po showed how
nature helps to
make the mind
clear and relaxed.
company with the
“You greet me,
show the hidden
The two lines
really showed that
nature can be an
instant remedy in
making our mind
and body at peace
every time there
are problems and
pressures we
encounter on the
path we are taking.
By: Ms. Moem
The speaker
explicated and
justified that one’s
individual can
stand alone despite
of lifelessness.
“A single solitary
is as beautiful
A meadow foam is
pleasurable but
each grows on its
Caterpillars are
as they retire to
their cocoons;”
“ And regardless,
still they bloom.”
Ms. Moem
explained that an
individual could
unfold his/her
skills and
capabilities by
Comparing these
nature’s creatures,
Ms. Moem would
like the readers to
understand that an
individual could
regardless of
lacking of support
from the people
near them.
Common Ideas in
Nature can be an
instrument to
guide people
towards changing
their lives to
become the best
versions of
Students will
understand that an
art form inspired
and influenced by
nature affects the
expressions of
one’s beliefs.

PERFORMANCE Compose a brief PERFORMANCE Scaffold 1: Video Clips Creativity

STANDARD: and creative TASK IN  The teacher
The learner transfers entertainment GRASPS presents and Collaboration
learning by speech featuring a tells a Feature articles,
composing and variety of effective The Philippines is humorous vlogs Critical Thinking
delivering a brief and paragraphs and currently facing a story.
creative entertainment deliver it to share number of socio-  The teacher Communication
speech featuring a the East Asian political upheaval shows the
variety of effective beliefs on how and economic ways in
paragraphs, nature serves as disruptions. As a writing an
appropriate refuge for solace member of a TV entertainment
grammatical signals and comfort during talk show team, speech,
or expressions in the socio-political you are tasked to elaborates sole
topic development, upheaval and organize and set-up characteristics
and appropriate economic a 6 to 8-minute live and elements.
prosodic features, disturbance. show which aims  The teacher
stance, and behavior. to highlight the presents the
East Asian beliefs rubric.
in the role of nature
during the
occurrence of the Scaffold 2:
aforementioned  The teacher
conflicts. Your talk presents a
show must consider video about
the following entertainment
standards: use of speech (Talk
effective Show)
appropriate  Students
grammatical complete
signals or the blanks
expressions, using
prosodic features, prompting
stance and activities in
behavior. writing a

 The rubric

Scaffold 3:
 The students
will compose a
speech about
their chosen
 The students’
speech will be
through peer
feed backing
using the
Q3 Southeast CONTENT A.1 Recognize Group Work Think-Pair-Share Textbook Retention skills
JANUARY 2020 Asian STANDARD propaganda
Literature The learner techniques used Audio Clip
demonstrates in a given text
understanding of EN8RC-IIIa-12.1 Critical Thinking
Southeast Asian
Literature as mirror to A.2 Use the Oral Presentation Reporting Video Clip
share a heritage; correct sounds of Creativity
coping strategies in English during Chart
examining features of a speech delivery
listening and viewing EN8OL-IIIa3.11
material; structure
analysis words and Confidence
A.3 Utilize Essay Venn Diagram Textbook
coping reading
techniques, and
strategies to Graphic
grammatical signals
process Organizer
for opinion-making,
information in a
persuasion, and Critical Thinking
A.4 React to Essay Brain Storming Textbook
what is asserted
or expressed in a

A.5 Examine Constructed Buzz Session Flash Cards

biases (for Response Test
against) made by
the author

CONTENT M.1 Text 1: Essential Question:

STANDARD Understanding Magindanao Pearls To what extent an
The learner the various by Isidro L. Retizos individual can
demonstrates social, moral, and express his express
understanding of economic issues Text 2: his belief?
Southeast Asian to give To My Native Text 1.
Literature as mirror to information to Land by Trinidad MAGINDANAO
shared a heritage; deal with Tarrosa Subido PEARLS
coping strategies in differences of By: Isidro L.
examining features of a cultures and Text 3: Retizos
listening and viewing traditions. On the Three Evils Answer:
material; structure by U Nu The story is about a
analysis words and M.2 Appreciate pretty, young
propaganda the moral values woman in Old
techniques, and of one’s culture Maynila before the
grammatical signals and beliefs. Spaniards come to
for opinion-making, the Philippines. It
persuasion, and shows the details in
emphasis. the speech and
manner that are
typical of the people
during the pre-
Spanish period.
Supporting Texts:
Lines like “Sinag-
Tala shall grow soft
and delicate like a
lily” and “Lilies you
should gather, nilad
flowers to adorn
your hair.” She liked
Magiting’s word of
These lines were
used to describe
woman in the old
times and how they
themselves by
showing it through
their customs and
way of living.
Text 2:
The writer wants to
emphasize that you
have to love your
native land even
until the end of your
Supporting Texts:
“Beloved Land, let
me explain to thee
why thought of
nearing death
provokes a pain;
‘Tis not that I again
shall never see these
orient Isles of kindly
sun and rain;”
These lines talks
about to fight the
own land until the
last breath of life.
The author shows
how they express his
love to his land and
to his country.
By: U Nu
The speaker shows
that the people of
Myanmar are peace
loving and
hardworking. Most
of them live in
villages and work as
farmers. The speech
of former Prime
Minister U Nu
serves to remind the
Myanmar people to
pursue peace and
unity among them.
Supporting Texts:
“Humanity has been
led astray by thre
evils—greed, hatred,
and ignorance.
Whether we are
Buddhists, Hindus,
Muslims, Christians,
Animist, or Atheists,
we cannot escape
the three inevitable:
old age, disease,
The author speaks
about no matter
what your status in
life, whether your
rich or poor, same
religion or not
everyone will come
to an end like an old
age, disease and
Common Ideas in
Cultures and beliefs
are based on a
particular place or
country but the
similarity of these
three texts are about
leadership, love and
expression to one’s
belief and stand.
Students will
understand that there
are different
perspectives to what
extent a particular
place or country
expresses their
cultures, belief and

PERFORMANCE Compose a brief PERFORMANC Scaffold 1: Video Clips Creativity

STANDARD: and creative E TASK IN  The teacher
The learner transfer persuasive GRASPS presents and Collaboration
learning by composing speech based on tells a humorous Feature articles,
Critical Thinking
and delivering a an information The Philippines is story. well-known
persuasive speech essay featuring currently facing a  The teacher theater play Communication
based on an used of properly number of social shows the ways
acknowledge acknowledged discrimination that in writing a
information sources, information shows inequality persuasive
grammatical signals sources and and abusing rights speech,
for opinion-making, deliver it to share of an individual. elaborates sole
persuasion, and the Southeast As a member of characteristics
emphasis, and Asian beliefs on Social Welfare that and elements.
behavior. cultures serves as protects the human  The teacher
knowledge based rights, you are presents the
n how to deal tasked to organize rubric.
with the other and set-up a 6 to 8-
cultures. minute Theater Scaffold 2:
play aims to  The teacher
highlight the presents a video
Southeast Asian about theater
beliefs and stand in play
human rights. Your
talk show must
consider the  Students
following complete the
standards: use of blanks using
effective prompting
paragraphs, activities in
appropriate writing a
grammatical script.
signals or
expressions,  The rubric is
prosodic features, presented.
stance and
behavior. Scaffold 3:
 The students will
compose a short
play about their
chosen topic.
 The students’
play will be
assessed through
peer feed
backing using
the rubric.
FEBRUARY Indian, CONTENT A.1 Use text type Essay Writing Exit Slips Textbooks Retention skills
2020 Arabian, STANDARD knowledge
and Jewish The learner (narrative in Journals Journal
Literature demonstrates literature,
understanding of: instructions, Critical Thinking
South and West Asian explanation,
literature as an factual and
expression of personal recount, Creativity
Philosophical and persuasive,
religious beliefs; expository) to
information flow in process
various text types; information in a
reality, fantasy, and text Confidence
opinion in listening A.2 Process Oral Presentation Pair-Share-Repeat Video Clip
and viewing materials; speech delivered Presentation
word decoding by making
strategies; and use of inferences from Audio clip
information sources, what has been Critical Thinking
active/passive listened to
direct/reported speech,
perfect tenses, and A.3 Analyze the Constructed Brainstorming Textbooks Organizing
logical connectors in elements that Response Test
journalistic writing. make up reality Flash Cards
and fantasy based
on a material Video Clip

A.4 Use various Closed book, Think-Pair-Share Flash Cards

strategies in prepared answer
decoding the examinations
meaning words

A.5 Use active

and passive Essay Writing Board Rotation Textbooks
constructions in

CONTENT M.1 Text 1: Essential Question:

STANDARD Demonstrates Cabuliwallah How do various
The learner belief in the by Robindranath individuals,
demonstrates democratic Tagore communities, and
understanding of: process. Is groups describe the
South and West Asian sensitive towards Text 2: characteristics of
literature as an individual and The Story of a “culture”?
expression of cultural Saint Text 1:
Philosophical and differences by A.M Rosenthal CABULIWALLA
religious beliefs; (value diversity) H
information flow in to show the Text 3: By: Robindranath
various text types; ability to solve The Story of Ruth Tagore
reality, fantasy, and problems and By The Bible Answer:
opinion in listening informs The story is about a
and viewing materials; management on friendship that
word decoding matters that one shows bond in a
strategies; and use of feels strongly relationship. It
information sources, about. shows how they
active/passive value each other
construction, M.2 Differentiate opinion and respect
direct/reported speech, the values and in the other cultures.
perfect tenses, and cultures of West Supporting Texts:
logical connectors in Asian Literature Lines like
journalistic writing. to show the “Spending time with
different a friend is what
importance of makes friendship
having own special” and “I made
culture and some small
traditions. purchases, and a
conversation began
about Abdurrahman,
the Russian, the
English, and the
Frontier Policy.
These lines were
used to describe the
importance and
values of friendship
not only to your
same belief and
culture but by
showing it the same
with the other
traditions. The
respect and moral
acceptance of
various attitudes and
Text 2:
By: A.M Rosenthal
The writer shows
empathy to the
government he
encountered not only
in their country but
also to the other
country that
impacted the
cultures and
Supporting Texts:
“The man suggested
that the peasant must
have land, his own
land to live in, and
that those who had
more than enough
should give to those
who had none. His
belief was that
everyone must love
one another, so
others could share
what they had.”
A lot of countries
struggling not only
by poverty and
corruption but also
by corrupting mind
and one’s emotion.
by The Bible
The Bible gives one
of the best example
stories that show
love and willingness
regardless of culture,
raise or status in life.
Supporting Texts:
“Naomi had two
sons and died both.
And her daughters in
law let them go back
to their own family
but Ruth did not
leave Naomi alone”
and “Naomi, we
want to go with you
and with your
The author speaks
about no matter
what your difficult
circumstances may
come there is always
a rescue whether it is
your flesh and blood
or not.
Common Ideas in
Cultures and beliefs
are based on a
particular place or
country but the
similarity of these
three texts are about
leadership, love and
expression to one’s
belief and stand.
Students will
understand that there
are different
perspectives to what
extent a particular
place or country
expresses their
cultures, belief and

PERFORMANCE Compose a brief PERFORMANC Scaffold 1: Video Clips Creativity

STANDARD: and creative oral E TASK IN  The teacher
The learner transfers speech based on GRASPS presents and Collaboration
learning by composing an information The Philippines is tells a humorous Feature articles,
Critical Thinking
a variety of journalist essay featuring currently facing an story. well-known oral
text, the contents of used of properly economic crisis  The teacher speech Communication
which may be used in acknowledged that show shows the ways
composing and information discrimination and in writing a oral
delivering a sources and inequality, and speech,
memorized oral speech deliver it to share abusing rights of elaborates sole
featuring properly the Asian Island an individual. As a characteristics
acknowledged beliefs on member of Social and elements.
information sources, cultures serves as Welfare that  The teacher
grammatical signals knowledge based protects the human presents the
for opinion-making, n how to deal rights, you are rubric.
persuasion, and with the other tasked to organize
emphasis, and cultures. and set-up a 6 to 8- Scaffold 2:
appropriate prosodic minute oral speech  The teacher
features, stance, and aims to highlight presents a video
behavior. the Asian beliefs about theater
and stand in human play
rights. Your talk
show must  Students
consider the complete the
following blanks using
standards: use of prompting
effective activities in
paragraphs, writing a
grammatical script.
signals or
expressions,  The rubric is
prosodic features, presented.
stance and
behavior. Scaffold 3:
 The students will
compose a short
oral speech about
their chosen
 The students’
play will be
assessed through
peer feed
backing using
the rubric.

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