Star Trek Adventures - A Forest Apart
Star Trek Adventures - A Forest Apart
Star Trek Adventures - A Forest Apart
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ISBN: 978-1-912200-63-4 coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described
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SW 845 21 3290
01.10 SYNOPSIS 002
01.30 ACT 2: THE GARDENERS 009
01.40 ACT 3: TO THE RUINS 015
01.50 CONCLUSION 019
AS 72 107 3391
This adventure can easily be played in other eras. For games set If playing in the Enterprise era, Starfleet had not yet created the
in The Next Generation era, if one of the Player Characters is a Prime Directive. Instead, this should be articulated as a mission
Betazoid, their empathic abilities may enable them to sense that Directive to not “play God” with other cultures. In addition, in Act
there are sentient lifeforms within the forest. They will sense two 1, Scene 1, there would be no record of any Earth vessel’s prior
types of lifeforms: one is dreaming in some sort of hibernation encounters with the galactic barrier. Further, there will not have
and the other is sick and desperate. The Betazoid will not be able been an earlier planetary survey of Albali Prime, as referenced
to communicate telepathically, as neither species is empathic or in Acts 2 and 3. The Player Characters will instead need to learn
telepathic. But it may lead the Player Characters to suspect that the information by scanning the planet and interacting with
the trees are sentient earlier in the adventure. its inhabitants.
XX Just as plants and other organisms use sunlight to XX The trees are generating the bioelectric field. With the
synthesize food, the dome itself appears to be designed forest dying, that field is weakening.
for photosynthesis. It converts light energy into chemical
energy as an additional fuel source. XX Current projections indicate that at the rate the trees are
losing their sap, the forest has only days before it dies out.
Their analysis of the vessel so far suggests even more
questions. Where did it come from? What is its purpose? Is Tricorders are unable to penetrate the flowering seedpods.
this a ghost ship with a long-dead crew, or is there intelligent
life aboard, a totally new alien lifeform unrecognizable to At this point, the purple stalks of the flowering plants begin
Starfleet instruments? To find answers, they will need to swaying back and forth. The felt-like tips strike a pattern on
board the alien vessel. the petals. Each produces a musical note, reminiscent of the
hammered dulcimer.
Because the transporter cannot penetrate the ion disturbance The larger seedpods slowly open. Inside are the Gardeners.
surrounding the ancient ruins, the Player Characters must Their humanoid bodies are a connection of interlocking
beam aboard near the outer edge of the forest. Since the leaves and thick, gnarled vines. The tops of their heads taper
alien vessel does not have a transporter pad, the Difficulty into twisting, flowering branches. Each flower has its own
for this task increases by 1. This a Control + Engineering little purple stalks. The Gardeners have no mouths with which
Task, assisted by the ship’s Sensors + Engineering, with a to speak or eat.
Difficulty of 3. This Task Succeeds at Cost, adding two points
to the Threat Pool. The Gardeners ignore the Player Characters and stand as if
waiting for instructions. The music changes and a group of
Complications increase the Difficulty of future Tasks that Gardeners hurry toward the ruins at the center of the dome.
use the transporter by 1, representing interference from the The music changes again and the remaining Gardeners
bioelectric field. proceed to a small shed made of vines and leaves. The
flowers on the head of one of the Gardeners plays an
accompaniment to the music of the forest and the shed
SCENE 2: THE GARDENERS door’s interlocking vines release. The Gardener steps inside
The Player Characters materialize in a clearing in a vast and hands stone tools to the others. Together, they begin
forest. A chorus of insect noises surrounds them. Strange, tending to the forest.
since ship sensors and their own tricorders register no animal
life. Taller than Earth’s Redwood Forest, the ancient trees For the moment, the Player Characters can move freely
appear sickly, with many already dead. Golden leaves, the about the geodesic dome. But the Gardeners will not ignore
size of an open hand, litter the ground. The trees’ smooth, the Player Characters for long.
silver-blue bark is peeling. Holes from wood-boring pests
pockmark the trunks, oozing a sticky, yellow sap. Taking tricorder readings of the Gardeners is a Reason
+ Science or Medicine Task with a Difficulty of 2.
Large flowering plants with tall purple stalks grow at the base Success reveals:
of the trees. A seedpod the size of an adult human sprouts
from each plant. But the flowers and pods around the dead XX The humanoids are a botanical life-form.
trees have withered.
With the seedpods open, a tricorder scan becomes possible.
The geodesic dome has the following Location Trait: This is a Reason + Science Task with a Difficulty of 2.
Electronic Interference 2. This trait increases the Difficulty of Success reveals:
Tasks that use tricorders and other electronic equipment by
2. The trait remains active for as long the Player Characters XX The seedpods act as both birthing and stasis chambers
are aboard the alien vessel. for these lifeforms.
A tricorder analysis of the trees is a Reason + Science or Spending Momentum to Obtain Information reveals:
Medicine Task with a Difficulty of 2. Success reveals:
XX The seedpods are a bioelectric interface, requiring an
XX The sick trees are losing their sap at an alarming rate but, organic component to function.
if wood-boring pests are responsible, they are not present.
Observing the behavior of the Gardeners as it relates to the
music produced by the flowers might provide some valuable TRAITS: Botanical Humanoid Life-form, Mute
insights. It may be beneficial for the Player Character who
makes the attempt to have a Focus in Botany. Those who ATTRIBUTES
wish to assist may benefit from a Focus in Xenolinguistics.
This is an Insight + Science Task with a Difficulty of 2.
Success reveals:
After the Player Characters have studied the sarcophagus (or, Consider the Gardener an unwilling participant, and spend two
if they did not enter the burial mound, after they have moved points of Threat to create an Advantage. The Gardener will root
on toward the ruins), the forest erupts into a new song. This himself firmly into the soil. These roots join with the root system of
time, the music is unbearably loud and the Player Characters the Sentient Trees. Using 1d20, the Tree assists the Opposed Task
are struck with terrible headaches. They may drop to their with a Fitness + Security roll. The Difficulty is 2. The Gardener’s
knees from the pain (see Sentient Trees special rules for The Task also uses Fitness + Security, with the same Difficulty. If the
Song of the Forest). Opposed Task succeeds, then the Mind-Meld is severed. The
combat encounter continues until its natural conclusion.
Unknown to the Starfleet officers, the trees are attempting to
communicate with them. The forest has never spoken in this A successful Mind-Meld links the Vulcan’s mind to the forest. The
way with another species before, however, and they quickly Vulcan Player Character becomes aware of the Sentient Trees. The
learn that their form of communication is incompatible with Player Character feels great pain and loneliness. See The Seedpod
non-botanical life. for the message the Sentient Trees convey through this joining
of minds.
The pain in the Player Characters’ heads lets up just as
suddenly as it began, and the Gardeners advance. Spend The Player may spend Momentum for a deeper telepathic
Threat to bring in Reinforcements as the forest overwhelms exchange. In this case, the Vulcan will learn about the destruction
the Player Characters. Gardeners are Minor NPCs, so the of their solar system, the First Tree, and their long journey in search
cost is one Threat apiece. But their attack is non-lethal. of a new home foretold in their ancient myths (see The World They
Players can determine this with an Insight + Security Task Left Behind).
with a Difficulty of 0.
Complications from the Mind-Meld will result in disorientation and
If the Player Characters put away their weapons and leave the possible loss of a turn if the situation turned hostile.
the burial mound the combat ends. One of the Gardeners
takes a random Player Character by the hand and leads them
to an open seedpod. The Gardener motions for the Player nervous system. While painless, this process would make all
Character to get inside. If the Player Character does not but a stoic Vulcan squirm at the tingling sensation.
comply, more Gardeners arrive to force the officer in with a
successful Melee Attack. This attempt at communication is similar to a Mind-Meld.
For the Sentient Trees, this is an Insight + Security Task
If the Player Characters continue fighting and do not leave with a Difficulty of 1. An unwilling participant may resist with
the burial mound, the combat will end when the Gardeners an Opposed Task. This is a Fitness + Security task with
successfully entangle the Player Characters. At that point, a Difficulty of 3. Allow the Player to suggest an Attribute
they will select one at random and carry him off to a and Discipline combination that better fits the character’s
nearby seedpod. approach to the situation. Complications will result in 4[CD]
damage. A successful Opposed Task damages the seedpod.
If more than half the Gardeners are stunned, or otherwise The pod opens and quickly withers. The music of the forest
knocked out of the combat, the rest will disengage and changes, and the Gardeners attack.
retreat into the forest.
If the Sentient Trees are successful, then they now control the
THE SEEDPOD Player Character’s speech and actions. But the forest cannot
The seedpod closes when one of the Starfleet officers read the Player Character’s mind. The Player Character can
gets inside, willingly or not. Once inside, the Sentient Trees speak his or her own words, if the Sentient Trees allow it.
attempt to link with that person the way they would link with
the Gardeners. A thin, embryonic shoot painlessly enters at The thin shoot retracts from the base of the Player
the base of the officer’s head and connects with their central Character’s head and the pod opens. The music of the forest
An analysis of the area is a Reason + Science Task with a Examining the Jahan !Xu with a medical tricorder is a Reason
Difficulty of 2. Success reveals: + Medicine Task with a Difficulty of 2. Success reveals:
XX The highly-charged bioelectric field has flooded the area XX The aliens have been consuming the tree sap and display
with negative ions and, as a result, ozone has built up in symptoms of addiction and withdrawal.
the air. These negative ions are not harmful.
XX They are also suffering from a neurodegenerative
XX Intermittent life sign readings appear as blips or sensor disease.
ghosts for brief moments.
XX The negative ions are somehow protecting the trees The Jahan !Xu originate from an asteroid field at the fringes of
within the bioelectric field. our galaxy. They can exist in both the vacuum of space and most
atmospheres. Generations ago, a neurodegenerative disease
XX The sensor blips are lifeforms that exist in a state of brought their race to the edge of extinction. Those who had not
hyper-acceleration. In normal time, these aliens are yet shown symptoms of the illness fled the colony and wandered
invisible to instruments and people, perceptible only as the depths of space in search of a new home. But they still carried
a hum of insects. Exposure to negative ions slows down the disease and soon began to die. As luck would have it, they
their physiology and renders them visible. They appear found the geodesic dome not long after those first few deaths.
and disappear in a flicker until their bodies adjust to The dome was adrift, wounded from its passage through the Great
normal time. Barrier. Burrowing through the roots on the underside, the Jahan
!Xu boarded the vessel. They soon discovered that the tree sap
THE STOWAWAYS slowed the progression of their disease. Their new colony aboard
Several of the Gardeners veer away and begin stomping the dome flourished, doubling in size. The sap saved them from
at the ground just inside the bioelectric field. A chorus extinction, but not without a price. The Jahan !Xu are now addicted
of clicking rises from the forest floor. The Gardeners are to the sap and its opioid-like effects. But harvesting the sap is a
squashing insects, presumably the wood-boring pests. The death sentence for the forest. Ultimately, if the forest dies, what will
creatures are seven centimetres long, four-armed and multi- become of the Jahan !Xu?
legged. They have arched exoskeletons and two antennae
DISCIPLINES When the Player Characters arrive, the First Tree wakes from
its hibernation. The eyes of the face in the tree open and
blink. But its mouth never moves. The music of the forest
changes. The Interface’s head tilts to one side, as if listening
to the music.
XX Bite (Melee, 2A, Intense)
XX Hyper-acceleration: In their natural state, the Jahan
!Xu are invisible to those who exist in normal time. While
in this state, no instrument can detect their life-signs.
Negative ions slow their physiology down to normal time.
compound into the air, which inflicts 3A, Non-lethal damage.
The home world of the Sentient Trees, Shahana, is located in the accepted that he would soon die from his injuries. Like a curious
Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy 160,000 light years from child picking up a toy to put in its mouth, the tree sent a shoot
our own. However, the trees were not the first sentient beings to into the base of the astronaut’s neck and connected directly
evolve on that planet. Millennia ago, Shahana was once home to with his consciousness. The two beings’ thoughts and minds
a humanoid species that reached a level of development similar became one. And so the First Tree was born.
to Earth’s Aztecs. This civilization cleared forests to make way
for their cities and temples. When the humanoids died out for This led to huge leaps forward in evolution in the millennia
unknown reasons, they left behind only ruins and, at a genetic that followed. The astronaut’s memories of home—and his
level within the trees, a deep distrust of non-botanical lifeforms. people that worshipped trees as the source of all life—created
a mythology within the Sentient Trees, which they called “The
Thousands of years later, two astronauts crash-landed on the Great Cycle.”
planet at a moment when the trees were just beginning to evolve
to sentience. One of the astronauts was killed in the crash; As their sun began to die, the trees realized they needed to
his mummified remains can be found in the burial mound. The leave their planet or die with it. They built a ship and sent a
surviving astronaut, however, was injured and sat down to colony of trees into the stars to find their promised land: the
rest at the foot of a young tree that, unbeknownst to him, was astronaut’s home.
awakening to self-awareness. He leaned against the trunk and
THE PRIME DIRECTIVE AND COMPLI- First, they must conduct a Sensor Sweep of this sector to
CATIONS locate a suitable planet. Even though they have spent the
Either before or after treating the Jahan !Xu, the Player last month star-charting this sector and have yet to discover
Characters must decide on a course of action. Even if the an M-class world, space is big – perhaps they missed
Jahan !Xu stopped harvesting the tree sap, the damage is something. This is a Reason + Science Task assisted by the
done. The forest is dying. Soon, the only remaining trees left ship’s Sensors + Science, with a Difficulty of 3. The Players
alive will not be enough to maintain the dome’s life support may make as many attempts as time with allow. Each sweep
systems and other vital functions. scans several parsecs within the sector. Complications add a
single interval to the Task.
If the Player Characters aid the Sentient Trees, then the Albali
people face forced colonization and cultural contamination. Momentum spends to Obtain Information will mean that
But if the Player Characters do nothing, an ancient species sensors pick up a signal from Albali Prime (see Scene 3). The
will go extinct, the sum of their knowledge lost. In this way, First Tree also detects this signal and it solidifies the Sentient
the Player Characters will have averted the resettlement of Trees’ belief that Albali Prime is their promised land. This is a
the Sentient Trees and preserved the natural evolution of the Complication that increases the Difficulty of the Persuasion
peaceful Albali, but at what cost? Task by 1.
Since the Albali are a pre-warp civilization, the Gamemaster While a successful Sensor Sweep eventually finds an M-class
should remind the Players that helping the Sentient Trees world, the Player Characters must still convince the Sentient
colonize the planet would be in direct violation of the Prime Trees to abandon their plans to colonize Albali Prime. Use
Directive. Encourage a robust discussion about the ethics of the appropriate Attribute + Discipline combination that best
action or inaction. suits the approach of the Player Characters. For example,
a Reason + Command should be used for those who
The Gamemaster may consider using this Directive to wish to find a solution through diplomacy. If the Players
introduce a Complication. Starfleet officers took an oath to wish to impress upon the Sentient Trees the ramifications
uphold the Prime Directive with their lives if necessary. Use colonization might have on the Albali, Presence + Security
this belief against the Player Captain. might be appropriate. Regardless of the combination, the
Difficulty of this Persuasion Task is 5. If the Complication
If the Player Captain accepts this Complication, he receives from the signal from Albali Prime increases this Difficulty to 6,
one point of Determination and reminds the crew of their then the Task becomes impossible.
oath. The Player Captain has made his decision: They will not
assist the Sentient Trees in reaching Albali Prime. This will
The building is a rammed earth and stone roundhouse with a “In a time before this one, beyond living memory, a forest
thatched conical roof. Nearby, on a large flat stone that juts grew in this valley from mountain to mountain. The forest
into the clear waters of a glacial lake, a man washes clothes. gave our people all they needed, sweet fruit to eat, cool
A woman tends a patch of bright red, bamboo-like plants. shade from the two suns, limbs to climb and cradle us. But
She sees the Player Characters, puts down her clay watering our ancestors forgot their love of that forest. They sought
pail, and waves to the Player Characters. only to serve themselves. They thought themselves above the
world, not part of it. And their arrogance almost destroyed
As the Player Characters approach, the man lays the wet us all. Many died in the great catastrophe and in the years of
clothes on the stone to dry in the sun. The woman greets sorrow that followed. But in our tales of remembrance, we
them with a smile: relearned what our ancestors forgot. Care for the land and the
land will care for you, and keep you always.”
“I am the one called Narapol, of the two called Nara and Pol.
And this is my partner, the one called Balfourwin, of the two At the end of the telling, the little girl says, “I can take you to
called Fourwin and Bal. They are gone now but not gone. the cave. The story is there. I can show you.”
In here, we keep them.” She places a palm over her heart,
and Balfourwin stands to join her. “Our home is your home. PLANETARY SURVEY REPORT EXCERPT
Come. Are you here for the Library?”
XX The Library is a female who recounts the stories of their The Albali are human in appearance. Both men and women wear
people for those who have come of age. It is a seasonal simple knee-length woollen wraps with a single shoulder strap.
gathering, initiating their young into the story trade. Even They are an affable people, ever curious and always welcoming of
those without children attend. strangers from distant lands. There is no history of violence among
them. Never has one settlement taken up arms against another.
Inside, a fire pit roars in the center of the roundhouse. They use a barter system and their most valuable commodity is
Benches made from the bamboo-like plants line the white stories. They take pleasure in trading stories, the better the tale
stone walls. The beams supporting the thatched roof are also the more valuable the exchange. In fact, it is customary to greet
constructed from this plant. Curtains drape over two sleeping newcomers with such a trade.
cots for privacy.
- Lieutenant Cristobal Hensley
SCENE 2: LOST CIVILIZATION What happens next will largely be determined by the Player
Inside the cave, luminescent moss dispels the darkness. The Characters’ choices so far:
Player Characters follow Narabal through twisting underground
passages to a massive chamber. Among quartzite columns XX If the Players helped the Sentient Trees, then the
and petroglyphs rests a half-buried seedpod. Composed of geodesic dome is arriving imminently. They must prepare
metal and organic material, the teardrop-shaped seedpod is a the Albali, ensuring they are not simply being colonized
meter tall. Living roots extend from the bottom and into nearby by this alien species. See The Library.
pools of water. A delicate seedling – a red-leafed tree – is
visible through a small window. XX If the Players did not help the Sentient Trees, then after
this discovery they may decide that the Prime Directive
On the chamber’s walls, petroglyphs depict a vast forest. doesn’t apply under these circumstances. It will be a race
Narabal points to the carvings and says: “This is the empty against time to aid the Sentient Trees before it is too late.
valley before it emptied.” See Alternative Ending. Regardless, the Players will still
need to grapple with the impending settlement, as per
She then points out the seedpod. “The stories say it sings a above.
beautiful melody. The Library heard it once, long ago. I have
sat here many cycles of the suns, hoping to hear its song. Do
you think it will ever sing for me?” THE LIBRARY
The Library arrives soon after the Player Characters make
An analysis of the seedpod requires the use of a tricorder. their discovery. She is an old, wizened woman with a
This is a Reason + Science Task, with a Difficulty of 3. bamboo walking cane. She takes a seat on a stone beside
Alternatively, they can use Insight + Engineering. Ask the the seedpod. Children and their parents file into the cave,
Players how they manage to do this without Narabal seeing sitting in a circle around her. Narabal’s parents arrive and join
or hearing the tricorder. Success reveals: their daughter.
XX The seedpod is a biomechanical transmitter. The Library’s creaking voice echoes in the cave. “My children,
you are here for the great truth. You are the seedlings that will
XX It is approximately 10,000 years old. carry our stories to the next generation. Are you ready?”
Spending Momentum to Obtain Information reveals, point The children murmur their eager agreement. The
for point: Library continues:
XX The device is not alien to Albali Prime. Its biology is “Long ago, our ancestors foresaw the coming of the great
comparable to the planet’s other plant and animal life. cataclysm. They foresaw the end of the forest. So they sent
away the last surviving trees, with the faithful to care for them.
XX The organic elements show evidence of antibodies to a They hoped one day we could make our valley worthy again
weaponized biological agent. of such a gift. This seedling reminds us of our destiny. If the
day comes when the forest grows once more, we must not
If the Player Characters analyzed the mummified remains forget our place in the order of things. This is why we keep
within the sarcophagus on the geodesic dome, then the our stories close. To see where we are going, we must first
tricorder still retains that data. It registers similarities between understand where we have been.”
the biology of the seedpod and the remains: both share
the same DNA codes for processing sugars. The deceased The Library asks each child to share the story they have
humanoid came from Albali Prime. prepared. The stories range from the mundane – the season’s
The Library then turns to the Player Characters and asks If this Task fails, the people begin arguing among themselves
them why they have come. The Player Characters may use – divided over whether to believe these strangers. Make a
this moment to address the people and pave the way for note of this, as it will affect the outcome of the first meeting
the arrival of the Sentient Trees. Though many of the people between the Sentient Trees and the Albali.
would embrace the Sentient Trees, many, like Narabal’s
father, are skeptical of the old tales. Convincing the people
will be a Difficulty 3 Persuasion Task. SCENE 3: THE FOREST ARRIVES
The Player Characters’ ship notifies the landing party that
XX If the Players created a relationship Advantage in the the geodesic dome has appeared above Albali Prime and
previous scene, it will cancel one Complication. is now making its descent into the atmosphere. The large
tapering roots of the dome’s underbelly burn away in the
XX If the Players Succeeded at Cost in the previous scene extreme heat. Setting down in an open stretch of fields, the
and thus created a Complication, the Difficulty of translucent dome dissolves into a water vapor and dissipates
the Persuasion Task increases by 1. This represents in the air. The hexagonal vines, burnt to a crisp, fall to the
Narabal’s father speaking out against believing in forest floor. The roots of the trees burrow deep and settle into
superstition and myth, and inspiring others to do so as their new soil.
well. “These are stories to teach us how to live a good
life, nothing more.” The flowers sing. The Gardeners emerge from their seedpods
and begin their work. The Interface emerges from the forest
XX If the Players did not create this Complication, spend 2 before the Player Characters and the Albali. Note that, if the
Threat and create the Complication anyway. Interface did not remain in the geodesic dome, an irresistible
urge will have called them to beam down to the planet’s
This Task Succeeds at Cost, creating a Complication in the surface to reunite with the Sentient Trees.
form of a negative personal Trait for the Library. A majority of
the people may be swayed but the Library has the final say If the Player Characters were successful at convincing the
and she needs further convincing. She questions the honesty Albali to welcome the Sentient Trees, then the First Tree will
of the Player Characters. “We have rejected many a false address the people of the valley through the Interface.
promise. Traders from beyond the valley have come, offering
worthless seeds. How do we know that your trees are any “This alien yet familiar soil has awakened ancient memories
different?” within us. Millennia ago, your people journeyed among the
stars. One of them, an astronaut, woke us to consciousness.
Convincing the Library is a Difficulty 3 Persuasion Task. Her He is within me, even now, and so he is a part of all of us. He
Questioning Trait, however, increases the Difficulty by 1. If came from this valley. He carried its memory across galaxies.
the Players generated their own Complication by rolling a 20, He taught us about the people who lived here, who loved
then the Questioning Trait counts as two Traits, increasing the their forest like they loved their children. When our own world
Difficulty by 2. If this occurs, the Players may want to spend died, this love called us here.
any Momentum generated, even buying additional dice with
Threat to ensure a chance at success. “There are too few of us left to be called a forest but with your
tender care we may yet survive. If you welcome us, care of
But the Players will need to alter the circumstances in some us in our time of need, if you let us thrive and flourish, we will
way. The best approach might to provide the Library with provide you shade and fruit. It has been so long, so very long
evidence that what they claim is true. Each fact will reduce since your kind sat beneath our branches in peace. Let your
the Difficulty of the Persuasion Task by 1. But how much little ones climb upon our limbs as they would your backs,
about themselves are they willing to reveal? How much of the and we will cradle them always.”
truth will they tell? Will they violate the Prime Directive and
expose the Albali to the notions of space travel and extra- If the Player Characters were not successful at convincing
terrestrial life? the Albali, then the sight of the geodesic dome falling
from the sky and the vine-like Gardeners frightens them to
At this moment, if the Player Characters had helped the the point of forgetting themselves. Armed only with farm
Sentient Trees, the seedpod sputters into song as the implements, some move to attack. While they may be easily
geodesic dome drops out of warp above Albali Prime. subdued with phaser fire, the real challenge for the Players
The seedpod has made music before, but not for many will be stopping the combat and reasoning with them. The
If the Player Characters were successful in treating the Jahan If the Player Characters were not successful in finding a cure
!Xu’s addiction and finding a cure for their neurodegenerative for the disease, they may need to find a way for the Sentient
disease, they will ask to be taken to the nearest asteroid Trees and the Jahan !Xu to exist in a state of symbiosis. The
field. This mission could serve as a catalyst for the Players’ Gamemaster should encourage the Players to be creative here.
next adventure. For example, the Albali may serve as the bridge between the
species: harvesting sap in a way that does not harm the Sentient
Trees but still slows the progression of the Jahan !Xu’s disease.
Whether a Player Character or Supporting Character, the Computers + Medicine. The consequences of failure may
Gamemaster should encourage the Players to explore how the be severe injuries resulting from nerve damage. Regardless of
Interface has been affected by the experience of being one with success or failure, the patient suffers emotional distress. He
the forest. Medical scans may show that the officer is slowly or she will feel a profound sense of loss, as if a part of them
becoming an entirely unique entity. Does the character wish to is missing.
return to live as a completely non-botanical life form, or do they
wish to further explore this new way of being? Like Willard Decker If the Sentient Trees have perished, the fate of the Interface is
joining with V’ger in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the officer may more uncertain. The pain of such a great loss may break even the
be drawn to give up their Starfleet commission and follow a new strongest mind. Even if the medical procedure is a success, the
path as a part of the forest. officer may never be the same again.
If the Interface opts to continue their Starfleet career, this requires If the Player Character has already received two or more Spotlight
surgery. Treat the medical procedure as an Extended Task with Milestones, then this could be an opportunity to award an Arc
a Work track of 10, a Magnitude of 4 and a Base Difficulty of 4. Milestone since it represents a major change for the character.
The Basic Task is Control + Medicine, assisted by the ship’s