SPK/2K2FS/ET - 3665/3962 B. E. Sixth Semester / Sixth Semester B. E. (PTDP) CE / ME / EL / CT / IT Examination

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SPK/2K2FS/ET – 3665/3962

B. E. Sixth Semester / Sixth Semester B. E. ( PTDP )

CE / ME / EL / CT / IT Examination

Course Code : EE 320 / EE 709 Course Name : FE 1 : Data Acquisition

and Signal Conditioning

Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(5) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.

1. Solve the following :—

(a) What are distributed I/O digital transmitter modules ? Explain with neat
block diagram.

Explain transducer characteristics in detail. 5

(b) With functional block diagram explain a two-wire transmitter signal conditioning

With example explain conductive coupling resulting from series ground connections.
2. Solve the following :—
(a) With functional diagram explain working of sample and hold circuit.

Explain the effect of aliasing in frequency domain 5

(b) Differentiate between the RS-232 and RS-485 standards.

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(b) Explain the interface mechanical characteristics of the RS-232 standard.


3. Solve any Five :—

(a) What is the principle of working of a thermocouple ?

(b) Differentiate between active and passive transducers.

(c) What is the need of amplification in signal conditioning circuits ?

(d) What is simplex and duplex transmission ?

(e) What is CMRR ?

(f) Explain the use of channel gain arrays in an A/D board.

(g) Explain settling time and switching time with respect to multiplexers used
in an A/D board. 10

4. Solve any Two :—

(a) With proper timing diagram explain working of handshaking signals in GPIB.

(b) Explain management of flow of information across GPIB by the interface

management lines.

(c) Explain the different groups of devices that communicate on a GPIB interface.

5. Solve any Two :—

(a) Draw the MAC frame format. Explain all the fields in brief.

(b) Explain USB with respect to its overall structure and topology.

(c) Explain 10 BASE 5 system hardware components. 10

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6. Solve any Five :—
(a) Explain address command message format in GPIB.
(b) Give the commands required by SCPI.
(c) Enlist the requirements of a controller as given by the IEEE 488.2 standard.
(d) Define slot time.
(e) Differentiate between 802.3 n/w and Ethernet.
(f) What are the parts of USB system necessary for communication ?
(g) What are the limitations of USB ? 10

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