Waveflow: Wireless Smart Meter Transceiver and Data Logger
Waveflow: Wireless Smart Meter Transceiver and Data Logger
Waveflow: Wireless Smart Meter Transceiver and Data Logger
Wavenis® wireless technology for large-scale automated scenarios. With its unique approach
metering networks as well as walk-by solutions. to wireless network synchronization, Wavenis delivers the
extreme long range and battery life required for cost-effective,
• Logs meter index and easy-to-deploy and worry-free smart metering networks.
events periodically
• Battery life over 10 years(1), even in highly dense networks
• Transmits data
automatically or • Range up to 1 km/0.6 mi (25 mW/868 MHz, 10 mW/433
on-demand MHz); 4 km/2.5 mi (300 mW/915 MHz)
Synchronous x x x x x x
Asynchronous x x x x x x x x x
Depending on environment and transmission frequency. (2) With Self-discovery Protocol
(SDP) to add end-points in synchronized networks. (3) ATEX-ready version available. Contact
Coronis for additional information. (4) Check with Coronis to ensure meter/probe compatibility.
Probe provided by customer. (6) Customer is responsible for potting the lower cavity of the