Differential Evolution Based Routing Algorithm For Iot
Differential Evolution Based Routing Algorithm For Iot
Differential Evolution Based Routing Algorithm For Iot
IoT i
Shreyas iJ, iHemant iKamat, iTejaswini iT, iSudarshan iPuranika, iVinayaka iHegde, iDilip iKumar iS
iM iDept. iof iComputer iScience iand iEngineering, iUniversity iVisvesvaraya iCollege iof
iEngineering, iBangalore, iIndia
e-mail: i([email protected]).
Abstract—The iInternet iof iThings i(IoT) inotion
ienables iembedded idevices ito iconnect iand ishare idata
ithrough iIP i i ior iweb. iIoT ibased iWireless iMesh
iNetworks i(WMN) iis iseverely iaffected iby inetwork
itraffic icaused iby ienormous idata igeneration iby ilarge
inumber iof iusers. iGenetic iAl- igorithms i(GA), idue ito
itheir iremarkable igenerality iand iversatality ihave igained
imuch iattention ias ikey ichallenges ito iovercome iin iIoT
ibased iWMN iwith iincrease iin iwireless iservice
iperformance. iHence, iwe ihave iproposed iGA ibased
imulti-objective idifferential ievolution i(MODE) iapproach
ifor ifinding ithe ioptimal iroute ifrom ia igiven isource ito i a
idestination iwith imultiple iand icompeting iobjectives.
iMODE ialgorithm ireduces iend-to-end idelay iand
imaximizes ipacket idelivery iratio iand iit imainly ifocuses
ion iobtaining iPareto- ioptimal isolutions. iFor imaintaining
igood idiversity, ithe iconcept iof iweight imapping
icrossover i(WMX) ibased irecom- ibination iand idynamic
icrowding idistances iare iimplemented iin ithe iMODE
ialgorithm. iMODE ihas ibeen iimplemented iand isimulated
ion iMATLAB iand iit iis iobserved ithat ithe ipro- iposed
ischeme iperformed isuperior ito ithe iexisting iclustering
ibased irouting ialgorithm ipresent iin ithe icurrent
iliterature ifor isimilar ipurposes. iThe iresults idemonstrate
ithat ithe iMODE ihas i14.6% imore i iPacket i iDelivery i
iRatio, i i20% i iless iend-to-end idelay iand ialso igenerates
iwell idistributed iPareto-optimal isolutions iover ialgorithm
ipresent iin ithe icurrent i literature.
Internet iof iThings i(IoT) iis ian iexpanding itechnology
iwhich iis iprogressively igrowing iinto idifferent ifields
isuch ias ismart ie-health iservices, ismart ihomes, ismart
icities, i ietc. iThis ifield ihas irecently idrawn iconsiderable
iattention iin ithe idomain iof iresearch i[1]. iIn ithe iIoT
ienvironment, imany iof ithe iobjects iwhich iare
iconnected ito ia inetwork ican iinteract iwith ieach iother
iand ico-operate iwith itheir i ineighbors ito ireach ia
icommon igoal. iIn iIoT, iWireless iMesh iNetworks
i(WMN) iis ian iarea iof iresearch iproviding ifastest iend ito
iend iconnectivity iamong itwo iphysical iobjects
iconnected ito ia inetwork. iAlthough ithe ifield iof iIoT iand
iWMN icomes iwith icertain ichallenges iwhich imust i be
Shreyas iJ:
Congestion icontrol ialgorithms iplay ia ikey irole iin
idifferent iIoT iapplications. iThere ihave ibeen ia inumber
iof iworks i undertaken i to i detect i and i control i IoT
i congestion.
A. iAdya iet. ial. i[7], iproposed ia irouting imetric ibased
i ion iaverage imeasured iround itime itrip i(RTT). iIt iis ithe
ilength iof itime iit itakes ifor ia isignal ito ibe isent iplus ithe
ilength iof itime iit itakes ifor ian iacknowledgement iof
ithat isignal ito ibe ireceived. iThis itime i itherefore i
iconsists i of ithe ipropagation itimes ibetween ithe itwo
delay i iwill i icause i idisturbance i iin i iother i iformats i
isuch i ias ipacket-delivery-ratio, ijitter iand iother ifactors.
iThus ipareto-optimal i soultions i will i not i be i obtained.
In iour istudy, ithe inetwork itopology iis iconstructed
iusing iZone iRouting iProtocol(ZRP). iPrimarily, ieach
inode iin ithe itopology iindividually icreates iits iown
ineighborhood icalled irouting izone. iThis izone iis
icreated ibased ion ithe ipre-determined iradius iof izone
icalled ias izone iradius(K). iIn iFig.1, ithe iradius iK iis
inumber iof ihops ifrom ithe iprimary inode. iEach iof ithe
inodes istores ithe iinformation iabout inodes iin iits
irouting izone iin irouting itables.Initially, itwo itypes iof
inodes iare idetermined: iPrimary inode iand iPe- iripheral
inodes. iPrimary inode iis iinitially ithe isource inode iand
iperipheral inodes iare ithose inodes iwhose iminimum
idistance ifrom ithe iprimary inodes iis iequal ito ithe izone
and idestination inodes iare iselected, iprotocol ifirst Pi,j irepresents ithe iPDR ibetween ithe ilink i(i,j).
ichecks iif ithe idestination inode iis ipresent iin iprimary
inode irouting izone. iIf iit iis ipresent ithen iIARP iis iused
ito ifind ithe iroute iusing irouting itable iof ithe iprimary
inode ias idepicted iin i iFig. i2(A) iThis iis iachieved iby
isending ithe iroute irequest ipacket ito ineighboring
inodes. iWhen ithe iacknowledgment iis ireceived ifrom
ithe inodes iabout ithe iroutes, ithe iroute iwill ibe
i considered.
If idsestination inode iis inot ipresent iin ithe irouting
izone iof iprimary inode, ithen iIERP iis iused ias idepicted
iin iFig. i2(B). iIn iIERP ithe iroute irequest i iis i
iprimarily i isent i ito i ithe iperipheral inodes, iwhich i
ithen i iwill i ibe i iconsidered i ias iprimary inode. iFor
ieach iprimary inode iconsidered, iIARP iwill ibe
iimplemented iagain iand iprevious isteps iare ifollowed
i to i find i the i destination i node.
a) Delay
The itotal idelay ifunction iis ithe isum iof ithe i idelay i iof
i ilinks ialong ithe ipath ifrom ithe isource ito ithe
idestination. iObjective ifunction ifor idelay ican ibe
iexpressed ias ifollows: Σ
The iPDR ifunction iis ithe isum iof ithe iPDR iof ilinks
ialong ithe ipath ifrom ithe isource ito ithe isink. iIt iis ithe
inumber i i i i iof idata ipackets idelivered ito ithe
idestination idivided iby ithe itotal inumber iof ipackets
igenerated iby ithe isource. iThe iobjective ifunction iis
f2 i= imax Pi,jXi,j (2)
c) Flow iConservation iConstraints with ia iset iof iPareto-Optimal isilutions iand igive ithe
iliberty ito ichoose ithe ibest isolution ifrom ithe iset
To igurantee ithe iuniformity iof ithe imodel, iwe ihave ito idepending ion ithe ispecific i requirements.
imodel ithe iflow iconservation iconstraints iat ithe isource,
idestination iand iintermediate inodes. iS irepresents ithe a) Population i Initialization
isource inode iand iT irepresents ithe idestination inode.
iThe iflow iconservation iequation iis irepresented ias Encoding iis ithe iprocess iof imapping ia idecision
ivariable iinto ia ichromosome. iThis iis ione iof ithe imost
Xi,j i= i1, ii i= iS (3) iimportant istep itowards isolving ithe irouting iproblems
(i,j)∈E iusing ievo- ilutionary ialgorithms. iA ichromosome
Σ icorresponds ito ithe ipossible isolution iof ithe
Xi,j i= i−1, ii i= iT (4) ioptimization iproblem. iThe ilength iof ithe ichromosome
(i,j)∈E iis ivariable iand imay inot ibe igreater ithan ithe inumber iof
Σ i Σ i inodes, iN. iThe irouting ipath iis iencoded iby ia istring iof
Xi,j i− i Xj,i i= i0, ii iƒ= iS, ii iƒ= i T (5) ipositive iintegers ithat irepresent ithe iIDs i i i i iof i the
i nodes i through i which i the i path i passes. i The i intial
(i,j)∈E (i,j)∈E
population iis igenerated iusing iBreadth iFirst iSearch
i(BFS) ialgorithm. iUsing ithe iBFS ialgorithm, ithe
ishortest ipaths ifrom isource ito idestination iwill ibe
iobtained iand i such
B. Proposed i Algorithm ibehind i developing i such i algorithm i is i to i provide i the
i user
Multi-objective ioptimization iprooblem ican ibe isolved
ibt iDE istrategy, ithe ioriginal ischeme iof iDE ihas ito ibe
imod- iified isince ithe isolution iset iof ia iproblem iwith
imultiple iobjective idoes inot iconsists iof isingle
isolution. iThere iare itwo iissues iwhen idesigning ia
iMOEA: i(1) iSurvivor iSe- ilection, i(2) iPopulation
iDiversity. iThe ifirst ione iaddresses ithe iselection iof
iindividuals iin ithe ipopulation i through inon-dominated
isorting iapproach iand i ithe i isecond i issue iis ito
ipromote iwhich ican ibe iachieved imy imeans iof
idynamic icrowding idistancing imeasure. iThe imotivation
b) Mutation
r2 i= i
0 e he inext ismallest ifloating-point ivalue iby i ithe inext
8 iinterger ivalue iuntil iall ithe ielements ihave ibeem
8 i
iconverted. i The i final i mutant i vector i is
i h
0 e
. i
6 m
ivect i
or v
ibac a
k l
iinto u
ithe e
iinte ,
ithe i
iRPI t
, h
ithat e
iis n
ace e
llest a
ting- e
t i
ivalu t
cut ipoint icrossover ifor ipermutation irepresentation. iAt i 4) Offspring iwith imapping irelationship iare igenerated.
ione icut ipoint icrossover, itwo ichromosomes iwold
ichoose ia irandom-cut ipoint iand igenerate ithe ioffspring Here, isource iand idestination inodes iare ifixed. iIn iWMX
iusing ia isegment iof iits iown iparent ito ithe ileft iof ithe
icut ipoint, ithen iremap ithe iright isegment ibased ion ithe
iweight iof iother iparent iof iright isegment. iThe isteps iof
iWMX icrossover iare igiven ibelow:
Init: iSet iN i= iPopulation iSize iand iLet iQ(t) iEq. i(7). iSort ithe inon-dominated i set.
ibe ithe inon-dominated iset, iM i= isizeof 6 Remove iindividual iwhich ihas ithe ilowest
i(Q) iDCD ivalue i in i Q(t), i go i to i step i 5.
1 if Q(t) N i then 7 if | Q(t) |≤ N i then
2 goto istep i7 8 Stop ithe ipopulation i maintenance
3 else 9 else
4 goto istep i5 10 goto istep i5
5 Calculate iindividuals iDCD iin iQ(t) ibased ion
crossover, i repetition i of i nodes i are i avoided i by i a i mapping i
a) iParameter iSeclection
i i iParameters Values
Population isize 100
Number iof iiteration 100
Crossover iprobability i(Pc) 0.85
Scaling iFactor i(F) 0.6
Generation iselection Elitist
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