Personality Disorders PDF
Personality Disorders PDF
Personality Disorders PDF
Personality disorders are patterns of behavior that General perception of dramatic, emotional & General perception of Anxious and dependent.
both deviate from expectation of culture, and have sporadic. Cluster B is associated with Mood Cluster C is associated with Anxiety
effects on someone’s ability to build relationships Disorder.
and function. Maladaptive, ingrained and pervasive Avoidant: Sexy librarian – Wants relationships but it
traits; manifest as inflexible and unhelpful responses Borderline: “Teds cop girlfriend” – they are unstable, too afraid to go for them due to hypersensitive and
to wide range of circumstance. impulsive and self-mutilate. These people use fear of rejection. Seem socially awkward.
spitting, where things are either very good or very
bad. Dependent: House wife in abusive relationship –
Cluster A: Weird Histrionic: Attention seeking; Concerned with
Submissive, clingy, low-self esteem.
General perception of odd, eccentric, unable to
superficial looks/perception, overly emotional and Obsessive-Compulsive: Dt. Monk – An Ego-syntonic
maintain or develop relationships. Cluster A is
dramatic. Can be very sexual and flirtatious, will do want perfection at the expense of efficiency, and
associated with Schizophrenia.
what it takes to keep attention. need control. Different from OCD where the person
has Ego-dystonic compulsion or ritual.
Paranoid: Distrusting & suspicious. Cynical,
Narcissistic: Ron Burgundy – Grandiose and ego-
unforgiving and perceive attacks on them.
centric, thinks that because they are the best, they
Schizoid: “The night-toll attendant” – happy to be
should get the best (entitled). They react very poorly
socially withdrawn and have no relationships.
to criticism, usually with rage.
Doesn’t seek relationships and has limited emotion.
Has flat affect and doesn’t take pleasure in activities.
Asocial: Criminals – They have no remorse for others,
they are manipulative and will do what it takes to
Schizotypal: “Lady Gaga” – The eccentric and
serve their agenda.
magical; has odd beliefs about connections with
coincidence. They are awkward, anxious and also
have trouble making meaningful relationships.