Tribals in Noth East

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Tribal Situation in North East India

A.N.M. Irshad Ali and Indranoshee Das

INTRODUCTION groups, a few other non-tribal groups have also

come into existence as a consequence of prolong
North East India in the context of India interactions between the cultures of the migrants
occupies a distinctive place due primarily to its and those of the indigenous people. The spread
geographical, historical, social, cultural, and of Hinduism; invasions of different outside rulers
political features. North East India comprises at different historical periods; integration of the
seven states: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, north eastern region with the rest of India in the
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and nineteenth century and migrations that took place
Tripura. The north eastern region is surrounded as late as the last century have resulted spec-
by foreign territories like Bhutan, Tibet-China, tacular social, cultural, economic and political
Burma, and Bangladesh on the north-south and transformations in this region.
the east except for a long narrow passage in the The total population of North East India,
west which connects the region with West Bengal according to 1991 census is nearly 32 million,
and the rest of India. North East India occupies which constitute 3.73 per cent of India as a whole.
an area of 255,000 sq km. This largely hilly area Table 1 shows the distribution of population by
comprises about 7 per cent landmass of India. religion in the states of North East India. It is
The valley of the river Bramhaputra in the state evident from the table that the overwhelming
of Assam is the most expansive plains area in majority of the people living in North East India
North East India. are Hindus (60.93%). The Hindus constitute
North East India is the homeland of a large dominant population in Tripura (86.50%), Assam
number of ethnic groups who came from different (67.13%) and in Manipur (57.67%). The second
directions at different historical times. These largest religious group is the Muslims who
groups belong to different racial stocks, speak constitute 21.55 per cent of the total population
different languages and have varied socio- of North East India. They are not dominant in
cultural traditions. This region has been occupied any of the states of North East India. Their largest
by different streams of the Mongoloid people who concentration is in Assam where they constitute
came from the north and the east at different 28.43 per cent of the total population of the state.
periods. The Australoids came to this region The Christians who constitute 13.63 per cent of
before the coming of the Mongoloids who partially the total population of North East India, are
or fully absorbed the Australoid strains (Das, dominant in two states, viz. Mizoram (85.73%)
1960,1970). The physical features of different and Nagaland (87.47%). The Buddhists are not
tribes of North East India suggest that the dominant in any of the states of North East India.
Australoid elements are present in some of the In Arunachal Pradesh, they account for 12.88 per
tribes. It has been stated that long ago one section cent of the total population of the state. A
of the Indo-Mongoloids spread over the whole significant concentration of the Buddhist
of the Bramhaputra valley, North Bengal and East population is found in the Kameng district of
Bengal (now Bangladesh) giving rise to various Arunachal Pradesh. In Mizoram and Tripura they
tribal groups inhabiting this region (Chaterji, 1974: constitute 7.88 per cent and 4.6 per cent of the
27-8). The diverse Mongoloid groups in course total populations of the two states, respectively.
of time settled down in different habitats and It is to be noted here that in Arunachal Pradesh,
ecological settings of the north eastern region the majority of the people practise different forms
crystallized into distinct entities which are referred of tribal religions. The people who pursue tribal
to as tribes today (Bhagabati, 1988: 1-2; 1992: 1-2) religions constitute 2.45 per cent of the total
The migration of people from ancient to population of North East India and they are
present time and from various directions to North dominant in Arunachal Pradesh (36.22%). The
East India have significantly contributed towards Jains constitute only 0.07 per cent of the total
the growth of ethnic diversities. Besides the tribal population of North East India and of the total

© Kamla-Raj 2003 Stud. Tribes Tribals, 1(2): 141-148 (2003)


Table 1: Distribution of population by religion in the states of North East, 1991

State Total population Hindus Muslims Christians Sikhs Buddhists Jains Other Religion
religions * not stated
Assam 22,414,322 15,047,293 6,373,204 744,367 16,492 64,008 20,645 138,230 10,083
(67.13) (28.43) (3.32) (0.07) (0.29) (0.09) (0.62) (0.05)
Arunachal Pradesh 864, 558 320,212 11,922 89,013 1,205 111,372 64 313,118 17,652
(37.04) (1.38) (10.29) (0.14) (12.88) (0.01) (36.22) (2.04)
Manipur 1,837,149 1,059,470 133,535 626,669 1,301 711 1,337 14,066 60
(57.67) (7.27) (34.11) (0.07) (0.04) (0.07) (0.07)
Meghalaya 1,774,778 260,306 61,462 1,146,092 2,612 2,934 445 298,466 2,461
(14.67) (3.46) (64.58) (0.15) (0.16) (0.02) (16.82) (0.14)
Mizoram 689,756 34,788 4,538 591,342 299 54,024 4 1,859 2,902
(5.05) (0.66) (85.73) (0.04) (7.83) (0.27) (0.42)
Nagaland 1,209,546 122,473 20,642 1,057,940 732 581 1,202 5,870 106
(10.12) (1.71) (87.47) (0.06) (0.05) (0.01) (0.48) (0.01)
Tripura 2,757,205 2,384,934 196,495 46,472 740 128,260 301 2 1
(86.50) (7.13) (1.68) (0.03) (4.65) (0.01)
N.E.India 31,547,314 19,229,476 6,801,798 4,301,895 23,381 361,890 23,998 771,611 33,265
(60.93) (21.55) (13.63) (0.07) (1.14) (0.07) (2.45) (0.10)
East India, 1991
* Mostly tribal religions
(Figures within brackets indicate percentage of each religious groups of the total population of the state)
Source: Census of India, 1991, Series 1, Paper 2 of 1992, Final population totals: Brief analysis of Primary Census

Jains, the majority live in Nagaland. group contacts and culture exchange (Roy
North East India represents a sort of Burman, 1974: 303-7).
ethnological transition zone between India and In the seven states of North East India, the
neighboring China, Tibet, Burma and Bangladesh. percentages of tribal population varies
It is located between 22O north latitude and 29.3O significantly. In the states of Assam, Manipur
north latitude and 89.7O east longitude and 97.8O and Tripura, the percentages of tribal population
east longitude. North East India has an to the total population of the respective states
overwhelming and almost incredible ethnic are 12.82%, 34.41% and 30.95%. In Arunachal
diversity . Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland the
percentages of tribal population to the total
TRIBES OF NORTH EAST INDIA population of the respective states are quite high.
In Mizoram, the tribals constitute 94.75 per cent
Northeast India is the homeland of a large of the total state’s population. Table 2 shows the
number of tribes. There are 145 tribal communities tribal population in the seven states of North East
of which 78 are large each with a population of India.
more than 5000. They constitute around 12 per
Table 2: Tribal population of North East India, 1991
cent of the total tribal population of India and
25.81 per cent of the total population of North State Total Tribal Percentage of
population population Tribal
East India. population
In so far as the distribution of the tribes in to the total
North East India is concerned, it may be stated population
that some tribes are widely spread out while others Arunachal 864,558 550,351 63.65
are concentrated into relatively small territory Pradesh
(Taher, 1977: 16-26). Spatially many of these tribal Assam 22,414,322 2,874,441 12.82
Manipur 1,837,149 632,173 34.41
communities cut across the administrative Meghalaya 1,774,778 1,517,927 85.53
boundaries and are found in a contiguous tract Mizoram 689,756 653,565 94.75
spreading over two or more states. The numerous Nagaland 1,209,546 1,060,822 87.7
culturally or politically autonomous tribal groups Tripura 2,757,205 853,345 30.95
N.E.India 31,547,314 8,142,624 25.81
live in a situation of contact and communication India 8,46,302,688 67,758,380 8.08
with their respective neighboring populations.
Myths and legends of various communities as Source: Census of India, 1991, Series I paper-1 of 1993,
Union Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and
well as history are repleted with evidences of inter- Scheduled Tribes.

The largest of all the tribes are the Bodos, the rural–urban distribution of the tribal
Khasis, Khynriams and Pnars, Garos, Mizos, population in the seven states of North East India.
Karbis and Mishings. It is to be noted here that It is evident from table 3 that excepting
except the Mishings who primarily live on the Mizoram, in all other states of the region the
banks of the Brahmaputra and its major tributaries, percentage of the rural tribal population is about
all other groups are spatially widely distributed . 80%. In Mizoram, the percentages of rural and
The Bodos extend from North Bengal to the urban tribal populations are 54.80 and 45.20%
western Nagaon and the western Darrang. The respectively. In other two states, Meghalaya and
Khasis and the Garos have well- defined Nagaland, the percentages of urban tribal
homelands. The Mizos are primarily found in populations are 13.56 and 12.04% respectively.
Mizoram and Cachar-Manipur border. The Karbis In the remaining states, the percentage of urban
spread over Karbi Anglong, north eastern tribal population are relatively low and in Tripura
Meghalaya and western Nagaland. it is the lowest (1.65%) . The urban tribals mostly
Konyak, Ao, Sema and Angami are the largest live in the state capitals, district headquarters and
tribal communities in Nagaland. Tangkhul, Kabui, small towns in their respective states.
Thado and Hmar are the important tribal The north eastern region has extreme
communities of Manipur. In Arunachal Pradesh, heterogeneity in terms of distribution of tribal
the largest groups are Galong, Nishi, Wancho and populations in different parts, their social
Adi. structures and cultural patterns. There is spatial
The tribes of Northeast India living in the hill variation in the tribal characteristics of a single
areas mainly practise jhum (shifting cultivation). tribe. For example, the sub-divisions of the Khasis,
A few small communities living in the extremes of viz., the Wars, Khynriams, Pnars and Bhois are
the north eastern parts of Arunachal Pradesh and not only territorial groups but each of them has
the eastern boundary of Nagaland, carry on non- acquired identifiable different socio-cultural traits.
monetized exchange system. These tribes are The Dimasa Kacharis are distributed in different
involved in market economy through a large places of Assam and in the neighboring state of
number of weekly and by-weekly rural markets. Nagaland. The Dimasa Kacharis living in North
The shifting cultivators also supplement their Cachar Hill district appear to have retained much
earning working as wage laborers and petty of their traditional tribal mores. On the otherhand,
businessmen. The tribes mainly living in the plains in the case of the Dimasa Kacharis living in
of the region like the Bodo Kacharis, Rabhas, Nagaon district of Assam, the influence of
Mishings, etc., have built a peasant based Assamese culture is very much discernible and
economy. The trend of occupational diversi- in the case of the Dimasa Kacharis living in the
fications has also emerged among many of the Cachar district of Assam, one notices the
tribes of North East India. influence of Bengali culture. The Rabhas,
We have already discussed the spatial pattern Koches, Mishings and Deuris of Assam, because
of the tribes of Northeast India. It is to be noted of their living in close contact with the non-tribal
here that though the overwhelming majority Assamese people have acquired the socio-
(89.86%) of the tribal population of the region is cultural norms of the latter to a considerable
rural, yet in all the states of Northeast India there extent. The degree of acculturation in different
are tribals who live in urban areas. Table 3 shows sectors of socio-cultural life of the tribes is different
Table 3: Rural-urban distribution of tribal population in North East India, 1991
State Population Rural Urban

Arunachal Pradesh 550,351 518,222(96.16) 32,129 (5.84)

Assam 2,874,441 2,777,308(96.62) 97,133(3.38)
Manipur 632,173 578,930(91.57) 53,243(8.43)
Meghalaya 1,517,927 1,312,093(86.44) 205,834(13.56)
Mizoram 653,565 358,113(54.80) 295,452(45.20)
Nagaland 1,060,822 933,145(87.96) 127,677(12.04)
Tripura 853,345 839,264 (98.35) 14,081(1.65)
N.E.India 8,142,624 7,317,075(89.86) 825,549(10.14)
Source: Census of India, 1991, Series I paper-1 of 1993, Union Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.

(Taher, 1977:21). The tribes of Northeast India may depend on agriculture as their primary source of
be divided into three major linguistic groups: livelihood. Rice is the main crop cultivated by the
those belonging to Austro-Asiatic family; those people. In the interior hill areas, the tribal people
of the Siamese-Chinese sub-family; and those practise shifting cultivation. The tribal people raise
belonging to Tibeto-Burman sub-family. The last mixed crops along with paddy in jhum cultivation.
named linguistic group numerically predominates. Racially, there are a number of ethnic groups
in Assam including the indigenous tribal
TRIBES OF ASSAM communities professing different religious faiths
Assam is one of the seven states of Northeast and beliefs and speaking different languages and
India. It is situated within 24O and 28O North dialects.
latitudes and 49.8O and 96 O east longitudes. The state has a large number of tribes with
Assam is bounded by Bhutan and Arunachal their variety in tradition, culture, dresses, and
Pradesh on the north, Meghalaya and Tripura on exotic way of life. Most tribes have their own
the south, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal languages; some of their traditions are so unique
Pradesh on the east and Meghalaya and West and lively that these causes wonder to others.
Bengal and Bangladesh on the west. Boro (or Kachari), Karbi, Koch-Rajbanshi,
Assam covers a territory of 78,523 sq km, Mishing, Mishimi and Rabha are also among
roughly a fourth of it comprising rugged hills and these tribes exhibiting variety in tradition, culture,
the rest verdant alluvial plains out of which 78,088 dresses, and exotic way of life. Assamese is the
sq km is occupied by rural and 485 sq km is principal language of the state and is regarded as
occupied by urban areas. The alluvial Brahmaputra the lingua franca of the whole North East India.
valley commands the lion’s share of the territory. In Assam there are as many as 23 tribal
Accoring to 1991 census, the total population communities which constitute 12.82 per cent of
of the state is 22,414,322 out of which 11.09 per the total population of the state. The tribes of
cent are urban and 88.89 per cent are rural Assam may broadly be divided into two
inhabitants. The state of Assam is divided into categories: plain tribes and hill tribes. The plain
23 districts. Of the total districts, two districts are tribes mainly inhabit the plain areas of the state
hills districts. These are Karbi Anglong and North and the hill tribes are mainly concentrated in the
Cachar Hills districts. hilly areas.
Assam is blended with hills and plains. Bodo Kacharis constitute the largest tribal
Topographically it can be divided into three group in Assam who account for 38 per cent of
distinct zones: the Brahmaputra valley or the the total tribal population of the state. Next to the
Brahmaputra plains in the north; the Karbi Bodo Kacharis, the Mishings constitute 16.16 per
Anglong and the North Cachar Hills in the middle; cent of the total tribal population .
and the Barak valley or the Barak plain in the The districtwise breakup of tribal population
south. The Brahmaputra valley which is about in Assam shows that in North Cachar Hills
500 km in length and 60 km in breadth is the most district the tribals constitute 65.54 per cent of the
expansive plain area of the three zones. The total population of the district. In Karbi Anglong
Brahmaputra itself is highly braided due to low district, the tribals constitute 51.56 per cent of
gradient and tends to form river islands. The the total population of the district. In Dhemaji
largest of them, Majuli (929 sq kms) is said to be district, they constitute 43.92 per cent and in
the worlds largest. Kokrajhar district they constitute 41.15 per cent.
In the valleys of the Brahmaputra and the A significant percentage of tribal population
Barak, the soils are mostly alluvial. In the hill in the districts of Kamrup, North Cachar Hills,
areas the soils are red in colour and they are also Karimganj, Dibrugarh and Hailakandi are urban.
acidic. The climatic condition of the plains is quite Their percentages are 11.83 (Kamrup), 11.76 (North
suitable for the cultivation of the variety of crops, Cachar Hills district), 8.68 (Karimganj), 7.93
and the climatic condition of the soils in the hill (Dibrugarh) and 6.72 (Hailakandi). The high
areas are quite suitable for cultivation of certain percentage of urban tribals in Kamrup district may
crops like coffee and rubber. be explained in terms of rapid industrialization
Assam has an agricultural based economy and urbanization in Guwahati-the state capital
and more than 70 per cent of the population situated in this district and Guwahati is the

premier city in the whole of Northeast India. The rest of the Monpas, the Sherdukpens, Akas,
Khowas and Mijis inhabit the west Kameng
TRIBES OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH district. The Bangnis are predominant community
Arunachal Pradesh is India’s land of the rising in the east Kameng district along with Sulungs,
sun. Situated on the easternmost tip of the Mijis and Akas. The Nishis, Apatanis, Hill Miris,
country, it shares its international border with Tagins, Nas and Sulungs live in the upper and
Bhutan, China and Burma, and its national border lower Subansiri district. There are 15 sub groups
with Assam and Nagaland. Arunachal Pradesh, of Adis. The Mishmis have 3 sub groups and the
bordered on the south by Assam state, on the Tangsas have 15 sub groups. The Tirap district
west by Bhutan, on the north and northeast by is inhabited by the Noctes and Wanchos. The
China, and on the east by Myanmar (formerly Mishmis are spread in the districts of Dibang
known as Burma) is a sparsely populated valley and Lohit. The Lohit district is also
mountainous area in the extreme north eastern inhabited by the Zakhrings, Meyors,
part of the subcontinent. Arunachal Pradesh has Khamtis,Khamiyangs etc.
an area of 83,743 sq km. It became a union territory The most common religious practice is
in 1972 and India’s 24th state in December 1986. animism, in which deities of nature and various
Most of Arunachal Pradesh is mountainous. spirits are worshiped. Ritual sacrifice is also
Its terrain consists of lofty, haphazardly aligned common, and the mithun (a domesticated gaur, or
ridges that separate deep valleys and rise to the wild ox) is especially revered as a sacrificial animal.
peaks of the Great Himalayas. The state’s main Hindu beliefs and practices have penetrated the
rivers are the Brahmaputra known in Arunachal region, especially among populations near the
Pradesh as the Siang, and its tributaries, the Tirap, Assam lowlands. Tibetan Buddhism is found
the Lohit (Zayü Qu), the Subansiri, and the among groups near the Tibetan border, and some
Bharali. The climate of the foothills is subtropical; tribes along the Myanmar border practise the
in the mountains, temperatures decrease rapidly South East Asian form of this religion, Hinayana
with altitude. Rainfall averages between 2000 and Buddhism.
4000 mm (80 and 160) in a year. TRIBES OF MANIPUR
Most of the population of Arunachal Pradesh
is of Asiatic origin and shows physical affinities With an area of 22,356 sq kms, Manipur has a
with the peoples of Tibet and the Myanmar hill population of 1,420,953 and a rich tribal culture.
region. There are number of tribes and subtribes, The capital of Manipur is the town of Imphal.
each with a specific geographic distribution. In Manipur was made an integral part of the Indian
western Arunachal Pradesh the main tribes are Union in 1949. Bounded by the states of
the Nishi or Dafla, Sulung, Sherdukpen, Aka, Nagaland, Assam and Mizoram, Manipur shares
Monpa, Apatani, and hill Miri. The Adis, the an international boundary on the east with
largest tribal group in the state, occupy the central Myanmar. It is geographically divided into two
region. The Mishmis occupy the north eastern distinct tracts - hills and plains. Predominantly a
hills, and the Wancho, Nocte, and Tangsa inhabit hill state, it is watered by the rivers Imphal, Iril,
the southeastern district of Tirap.These tribal Thoubal, Irang and Barak, all of which flow from
groups speak about 50 distinct languages and north to south. The people and tribes of Manipur
dialects, belonging mostly to the Tibeto-Burmese include Meities, Naga and Kuki-Chin-Mizo
branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. They groups and other communities. The
are often mutually unintelligible and, thus, characteristics of Manipuri people vary according
Assamese, Hindi, and English are used as lingua to these geographical divisions. The plains are
francas in the region. As a rule, the tribes do not inhabited by Meities, while Kukis and Nagas
intermarry, and each follows distinct social, occupy the hills.
cultural, and religious practices. The tribal The Manipur valley was remote, inaccessible
languages of Arunachal Pradesh are Adi, Bodo/ and existing in isolation and yet migratory
Boro, Mikir, Mishmi, Monpa, Nishi/Dafla, Nocte, movements of Aryans from the west and
Tangsa andWancho. Mongoloid people from south-east-Asia was
The westernmost tribal group in Arunachal evident through the terrain of the valley.
Pradesh is the Monpa, which has six sub groups. Manipur is a mosaic of traditions and cultural

patterns in the field of art and culture. The tribal annexed in 1891 by the British as Lushai Hill
folk dances of Manipur are an expression of district and made a State of Indian Union on 20th
nature, creativity and aestheticism of the tribal February 1987 following the historic Mizoram
way of life. Peace Accord signed between the Central
While, almost every household in Manipur Government and the Mizo National Front in June
owns a loom, womenfolk alone are the weavers. 1986.
The handloom industry is the largest cottage The Mizo are divided into several tribes - the
industry in Manipur, with the finished items often Lusei, Pawis, Paites, Raltes, Pangs, Hmars etc.
being exported. The present population is composed of 15 broadly
Manipur is inbahited by 29 communities of divided communities. Groups like the Ngente,
which 22 are Scheduled Tribes, (75.86 per cent as Khiangte, Chawngthu, Renthlei, Zowngte and
against the national average of 13.72 per cent). Khwlhring are no longer considered as separate
There are 3 distinct human conglomerates in this groups having identities of their own. The
state. The Meiti as a population group also communities that still maintain a sort of identity
includes the Loi, Pangal, Yaithibi and Thanga. of their own are Lusei, Hmar, Paite, Pawi, Mara,
The other older group is the Naga consisting of Bawm, Tlau, Ralte, Pang, Hualngo and the Baite.
the Kabui, Kacha, Tangkhul, Mao, Maram, Marim Previously believers of the good spirit called
and Tarao. The third group is the Kuki-Chin which Pathan, the Mizo community today is greatly
includes the Gangte, Hmar, Paite, Thadou, Vaiphei, influenced by Christianity. Mizos have accepted
Zou, Aimol, Chiru, Koiring, Kom, Anal, Chote, English as their medium of instruction, but the
Lamgang, Koirao, Thangal, Moyan and Mizo language is still widely spoken. Lushai/ Mizo
Monsang. is spoken by 365,813 persons(1981 census). The
The two distinct parts of Manipur valley are other important languages spoken are Hmar,
dominated by the Meitei, Pangal, Loi and Yaithibi Lakher, Paite, and Pawi. Most of the Mizo tribes
and immigrant groups like the Nepali and the hill speak their own languages that belong to the
area is inhabited by the Naga group and the other Tibeto- Burman sub family of Tibeto Chinese
by the Kuki Chin groups. languages such as Bawm, Baite, Hualngo, Lakher
(Mara), Magh, Paite, Pang, Ralte etc. Aizwal, the
TRIBES OF MIZORAM state capital is the cultural center of Mizos.
Mizoram, perched on the high hills of north- Festivals and dances of Mizos have an unique
eastern corner, is an amalgam of the former north appeal. Some of the dances are Cheraw, Sarlamkai/
and south Lushai hill districts. It is flanked by Solakia, Chheihlam, Khuallam, Chawnglaizawn,
Bangladesh on the west and Myanmar on the Zangtalam, Tlanglam
east and south. Mizoram has the most variegated TRIBES OF MEGHALAYA
hilly terrain in the eastern part of India. Till 1972,
it was just another district of Assam and known South of Assam, Meghalaya, “Abode of the
as the Lushai Hills. There are, more or less, six to Clouds”, is a small state with an area of 22,429
seven parallel ranges of hills from north to south, sq.kms. and a population of 1,335,819 which
tending to be higher in the middle of the territory. speaks Khasi, Garo and English. Called the
The valleys are hot and wet during the summer, ‘Scotland of the East’, by the colonial rulers long
but up in the hills it is pleasant and cool. ago, it is a region of unsurpassed scenic beauty,
Geographically conditioned to be ruggedly waterfalls and mountains, lakes and valleys .
independent, the Mizo people originally belonged Meghalaya was declared as a state on 21st
to a number of distinct tribes and were given the January, 1972. Carved out of Assam in 1973,
collective name of mi (man) zo (either mountain Meghalaya comprises the erswhile districts of
or cold) because their neighbours regarded them Garo Hills and United Khasi and Jaintia Hills. The
as the tough people from the high cold mountains. population of the state according to 1991 census
The term Mizo is a generic term and it stands for is 1,760,626.
several major and minor tribes in the area. The The state of Meghalaya has 7 administrative
Mizos belonging to the Mongoloid race, are districts namely West Garo Hills, East Garo Hills,
original settlers of the Shan state of Burma. Two West Khasi Hills, East Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, South
of the tribes, the Lusei and Hmar migrated to India Garo Hills and the Jaintia Hills.The bulk of the
and occupied the Lushai Hills. Mizoram was people belong to three major tribal groups - the

Khasis, the Garos, and the Syntengs (Pnars) who generally definable by a common culture and
are more popularly known as the Jaintias. The linguistic traditions. Nagaland comprises the
term Khasi is applied to the group of matrilineal former Naga districts of Assam and the former
and Mon-Khmer speaking people who presently Tuensang frontier divisions. Nagaland lies to the
inhabit the East and the West Khasi Hills and the south of Jorhat in Assam, and is home to myriad
Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya. The term tribes and sub tribes. Nagaland is divided into
includes Amwis and the Lyngams. Garo is a term eight main districts of Mokokchung, Tuensang,
used by others to refer to a particular group of Mon, Wokha, Phek Zunheboto, Kohima and
people who are mainly concentrated in the Garo Dimapur.
hills. The Garos prefer to be called by ‘Mande’ or The predominant Naga tribes are the Angami,
‘Achik’ The term Jaintia is a generic term which Ao, Chakesang, Chang, Chirr, Konyak, Lotha,
includes the Pnars/Synteng and other sub Khiamngam, Makware, Phom, Rengma, Sangtam,
groups. While another section of the population Sema, Yimchunger and the Zeliang.
is made up of such other tribal groups as the The linguistic situation of Nagaland is marked
Rabhas, the Hajongs, the Tiwas and the Koches, by numerous complicated dialectical variations.
there is also a sizeable number of non-tribals Before the advent of the British, the Nagas
scattered in different parts of the state. belonging to different communities used to
The societies of the Khasis and the Jaintias, communicate with one another in Nagamese or
and to a great extent of the Garos, are matrilineal broken Assamese.
in character, which distinguishes them from other Tribal dances and war dances give an insight
societies of the region. Meghalaya has a into the rich cultural heritage of Nagas. The total
matriarchal law of inheritance where the custody geographical area of the region is 2,55,037 square
of property and succesion of family position runs kilometers, or 7.7 percent of the total area of the
through the female line, passing from mother to country. The major part of the region is hilly and
eldest or youngest daughter. While the language peopled by the Indo-Mongoloid tribal groups.
of the Garos, belongs to the Bodo group of the
Tibeto-Burman family, the Khasis and the Jaintias TRIBES OF TRIPURA
speak languages that belong to the Mon-Khmer Tripura is the second smallest state in India.
family of Austric affiliation. Christianity has made Its 2,053,058 people speak as many as 23
considerable impact on the major tribes of languages. Bengali is spoken by the largest
Meghalaya, particularly among the Garos and the number of persons followed by Kakbarak and
Khasis. There are, however, some sections among Manipuri. Previously a princely state, and
them who still follow the traditional religions. The subsequently a Union Territory of Independent
non-Christian Garos call themselves Sangsarik. India, Tripura was elevated to the status of a state
TRIBES OF NAGALAND on January 21, 1972.
It is an ancient land, which has ever been a
The state of Nagaland was formally melting pot for tribal and non-tribal cultures
inaugurated on December 1st, 1963, as the 16th producing an exotic cultural synthesis. The
State of the Indian Union. It is bounded by Assam capital of Tripura, Agartala, is surrounded on
in the west, Myanmar (Burma) on the east, three sides by hills. Tripura, a land-locked state,
Arunachal Pradesh and part of Assam on the lies to the south-west of Assam, and to the east
north and Manipur in the south. The state of Bangladesh. This is a land of transition; a
consists of eight administrative districts, satisfying compromise between the old order and
inhabited by 16 major tribes along with other sub- the new; a fusion of styles and cultures of the
tribes. Each village of Nagaland has its own hills and plains.
definitive population, area and administration. Not Today, Tripura is largely dominated by Bengali
surprisingly Nagaland is sometimes described as community which forms a major chunk of
a conglomeration of ‘village republics’. Each tribe population, inspite of having a sizeable
is distinct in character from the other in terms of population of Scheduled Tribes. The tribals, with
customs, language and dress. a rich and varied culture, belong mainly to the
According to Hutton (1921), the state is Reang, Chakma, Deobarma, Halam and Usai
predominatly inhabited by the Naga communities communities.
and hence it forms a single cultural region Ecologically, Tripura is divided into 2 zones.

The northern and southern parts of the state have social organizations, cultural traditions, political
a hilly terrain, home 32 communities including the organizations economic life, etc. The tribal groups have
adapted themselves to varying ecological conditions of
Chakmas, Jamatias, Maghs, Noatias and Riangs. North East India with the help of their indigenous
Among the Scheduled Tribes, the most numerous technological know-how. One of the most significant
are the Riangs, Jamatias, Chakmas, Halams, developments among the tribes of North East India is
Maghs and the Noatias. the ethnic identity movements based on factors like
territory, language, religion etc.
The majority of tribals live in elevated houses
of bamboo called ‘tong’. Music and dance are an REFERENCES
integral part of Tripura. Their dances reflect the
emotions of these people. Tripura is unique in Bhagabati, A.C. 1988. “Tribal transformation in Assam
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CONCLUSION Bhagabati, A.C. 1992. “Social formation in Noth East
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racial and linguistic groups having distinct socio- Assam, India. Florida: Field research Project.
Hutton, J.H. 1990. The Sema Nagas. Bombay: Oxford
cultural patterns and varied economic organi- University Press.
zations. The diverse racial groups who were Majumdar, D.N. 1979. “North East India: A Profile”,
overwhelmingly Mongoloids settled down in pp23-62. In: T.C.Sharma and D.N.Majumdar (Eds.):
different localities and ecological settings of the Eastern Himalayas. New Delhi: Cosmo Publications.
region. These groups in course of time have Roy Burman, B.K. 1970. Demographic and Socio-
economic Profiles of the Hill Areas of North East
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One of the conspicuous developments among India.
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continuing throughout the history of North East XXXII. Calcutta: Antropological Survey of India.
India. Ethnicity among the tribes of the region Singh, K.S. 1994. People of India: Nagaland. XXXIV.
has come to play in many cases a decisive role in Calcutta: Antropological Survey of India.
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XIV. Calcutta: Antropological Survey of India.
Singh, K.S. 1995. People of India: Mizoram. XXXIII.
KEY WORDS Migration; tribal situation; North East Calcutta: Antropological Survey of India.
India; ethnicity. Singh, K.S. 1996. People of India: Tripura. XLI. Calcutta:
Antropological Survey of India.
ABSTRACT This note portrays on anthropological, Singh, K.S. 1998. People of India: Manipur. XXXI.
geographical and historical perspectives, the pheno- Calcutta: Antropological Survey of India.
menon of migration, emergence and distribution of Stirn, Aglaja and Ham van Peter. 2000. The Seven Sisters
various tribal groups in the seven states of North East of India: Tribal Worlds between Tibet and Burma,
India. The tribes and the tribal situation of North East Ahmedabad: Mapin Publishing
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theme of variation and diversity of bio-social and cultural survey in spatial pattern.” The North East
life in terms of genetic strains, languages, ideologies, Geographer. IX(1,2): 16-26.

Authors’ Addresses: A.N.M. Irshad Ali, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Gauhati University,
Guwahati 781 014, Assam, India
Indranoshee Das, House No: 5 (North), Jurani Path, R.G.Baruah Road,
Guwahati 781 005, Assam. India
e-mail: [email protected]

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