Technology Used in Cloud Computing

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Virtualization in Cloud Computing and Types

Virtualization in Cloud Computing and Types

Hypervisor (virtual machine manager

Technology used in Cloud Computing

1. Virtualization
2. SOA (Service oriented architecture)
3. Grid Computing
4. Utility computing

Virtualization: Sharing of single physical resources into many


Note: hypervisor is software or program for achieving virtualization

i.e. used to create virtual machine. As for example VMWare is
hypervisor and host are the operating system/server on which
hypervisor is installed.
Server machine is host machine and all machines are guest

Type 1 eg vmware esx
Type 2

Types of Virtualization
Storage Virtualization
 Block based
 File Based : eg youtube
Virtualization methods used in Storage Virtualization : host
based, array ,network ,

Desktop Virtualization

SOAP -Simple Object Access Protocol

RESTful -Representational State Transfer
UDDI- Universal Description Discovery & Integration
WSDL- Web Service Definition Language

Web1..0 –
 1st stage of internet
 To make static page
 Read only page
 Web site has no GUI capability

 2nd stage of internet
 Web sit with interaction as well as interactive
 Social Web
 Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube uses web2.0
 Fully dynamic interactive
 Read, write & executive
 Semantic web
 Computer can interact like human
 semantic searching based
 Used by: Google map
Q. What is web service and web server. Explain functions and !.
Q. How it works of web server.
Q. Explain Cloud computing technology in brief.
Q. Compare SOAP with REST.

Web Service:
It is platform that allows multiple applications
can communicate with each other.
SOAP : Transferring xml data from client to server. It is light
weight protocol. It is platform independent.

Data is send over normal HTTML.

RESTful : It is used to build web service that are light weight. It

uses post, get, put, delete methods. It deals about architecture.
Example: Facebook uses restful web service that is it allows any
client applications to call these service via

Mixing of audio, video (multimedia) from different

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