Etech Midterms

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Empowerment refers to the process of giving yourself, or other people, the capacity to achieve specific end-goal.

Empowerment technology refers to computer technology that we almost use every day, which enables us to do task that, in the past, requires
professional help
In the context of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), empowerment requires being information literate and technology literate. In
2000, the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education enumerated the competencies for Information literacy:
- a. determines the nature and extent of information needed, b. access the needed information effectively and efficiently, c. uses information to
accomplish a specific task, d. understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues, surrounding the use of information, and e. evaluates
information and its sources critically, incorporates selected information into his or her own knowledge base and value system.
Technology Literacy defined as the ability to use technology to define a need, access, manage, integrate and evaluate information, create new
information or knowledge and be able to communicate this information to others
The Philippines is defined as the ICT Hub of Asia because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs(particularly BPO or call centers).
ICT has had huge impact in four major aspects of life: communication, education, economics, and travel
Communication: Social networking sites, instant messaging and video calls
Education: sources of learning, teaching, and research materials. Online learning communities, Recording and computation of grades, managing
records and other administrative purposes.
Economics: online marketing, convenient business transaction, online payment gateways.
Travel: Online booking & registration, online tracking of reservation

Computer– an electronic device for storing and processing data,

typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a
variable program.
Internet– is the global system of interconnected computer networks
that use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of
devices worldwide.
World Wide Web - An information system on the internet that
allows documents to be connected to other documents by
hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by
moving from one document to another.
Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide
Web. It is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web.
Uniform Resource Locators Just as buildings and houses have a
street address, webpages also have unique addresses to help
people locate them. On the Internet, these addresses are called
Figure 1. Brief Timeline of timeline of the Internet URLs (Uniform Resource Locators

Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web. It is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web. The different
online platforms of World Wide Web:
Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide
Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages
connected by hyperlinks.
Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding
dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website
differently than others. Allows users to interact with
the page; instead of just reading the page, the user
may be able to comment or create user account.
Web 3.0 – this platform is all about semantic web.
Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the
user’s preferences to be able to deliver web content.
Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary
Table 1. Differences between each stage of the Web age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be
manipulated by the user.
Dynamic Web Pages– web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to see website differently than others
Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with
the sign #, referred to as hashtag. Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input. User Participation- The owner of
the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own by means of comments, reviews and
evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon. Long Tail–- services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to
subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the internet. Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a
software only when needed rather than purchasing them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word processing and spread sheet. Mass
Participation– diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
TRENDS IN ICT – listed below are 5 trends in ICT
1. Convergence– is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer
to create word documents, you can now use your smartphone.
2. Social Media– is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users web users to create, co-create, discuss modify, and exchange
user generated content.
3.Mobile Technologies– The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices
capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest
model devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.
4. Assistive Media– is a non- profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is
used to read to the user.
5. Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail Cloud computing - distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
Six types of Social Media:
Social Networks – These are sites that allows you to connect with other people with the same interests or background. Once the user creates
his/her account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc Example: Facebook and Google+. Bookmarking Sites – Sites that allow
you to store and manage links to various website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others. Stumble Upon,
Pinterest. Social News – Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources. The users
can also comment on the post and comments may also be rank. Ex. Reddit and Digg . Media Sharing – sites that allow
you to upload and share media content like images, music and video. Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram.
Microblogging – focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these
updates. Ex. Twitter and Plurk. Blogs and Forums – allow user to post their content. Other users are able to comment
on the said topic. Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumbler
Operating System - is a program that acts as an interface between the software and the computer hardware. It is an
integrated set of specialized programs used to manage overall resources and operations of a device .
iOS – use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad. Android – an open source OS developed by Google. Being open
source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free. Blackberry OS – use in blackberry devices. Windows
phone OS – A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft. Symbian – the original
smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices Figure 2. How an OS works

Module 2: Internet Netiquette and Contextualized Online Research Skills

Republic Act 10175 - an act known as the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012”
Chapter 2: Punishable Acts and Its Penalties “Cybercrimes”
Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following acts constitute the offense of core cybercrime punishable under the Act:
A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems
Illegal Access – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. Illegal Interception – The interception made by
technical means and without right, of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system . Data Interference –
The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document or electronic data message,
without right. System Interference – The intentional alteration, or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or
computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or program without right.
Misuse of Devices through any of the following acts: A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of
committing any of the offenses under this rule
B. Computer-related Offenses
Computer-related Forgery The act of knowingly using computer data, which is the product of computer-related forgery as defined herein, for the
purpose of perpetuating a fraudulent or dishonest design or The input, alteration or deletion of any computer data without right, resulting in
inauthentic data, with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes
Computer-related Fraud – The unauthorized “Input, alteration or deletion of computer data or program, or interference in the functioning of a
computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent
Computer-related Identity Theft – The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession, alteration or deletion of identifying information
belonging to another, whether natural or juridical, without right
C. Content-related Offenses:
Any person found guilty of Child Pornography shall be punished in accordance with the penalties set forth in Republic Act No. 9775 or the “Anti-
Child Pornography Act of 2009”. The penalty imposed shall be one(1) degree higher when committed through a computer
Section 5. Other Cybercrimes. – The following constitute other cybercrime offenses punishable under the Act:
Cyber-squatting – The acquisition of a domain name over the internet, in bad faith, in order to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive
others from registering the same
Cybersex – The willful engagement, maintenance, control or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or
sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
Libel – The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel, as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer
system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future
ARTICLE 355. Libel by Means of Writing or Similar Means - A libel committed by means of writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio,
phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means
Other offenses
A. Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully abets, aids, or financially benefits in the commission of any of
the offenses enumerated in the Act
B. Attempt to Commit Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully attempts to commit any of the offenses enumerated in the Act
Netiquette-is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as set of rules for acceptable online behavior.
Online Ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online social environment.
10 Rules of Internet Etiquette
1: Remember the Human. 2: Be ethical. 3: Know where you are in cyber space. 4: Respect other people's time and data limits 5: Make yourself
look good online. 6: Share expert knowledge. 7: Keep disagreement healthy. 8: Respect other people's privacy. 9: Don't abuse your power. 10: Be
forgiving of other people's mistakes
INTERNET THREATS - are a category of cybersecurity risks that may cause an undesirable event or action via the internet.
1. Malware or malicious software- is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user.
Types of Malware: a.Virus - a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another. b.Worm - a malicious
program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of means. c. Trojan - a malicious program that disguises as a useful program
but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information. d. Spyware - a program that runs in
the background without you knowing it (thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through
keylogging. e. Adware - a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups. f. Ransomware - or ransom software is a type of
malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.
2. Spam - an unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
3. Phishing - its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details. This is done by sending you an e-mail that
will direct the user to visit a fake website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit card or personal information.
A specialized website that searches for information across the Internet this is called Search Engine .
Effective Online Searching: I, Plan your search
1. Break down the question 2. Identify the right search terms ex. Searching for new songs today New Pop Songs 2022 3. Choose the right search
tool for your needs. For academic text: google scholar, 4. Use Search modifiers. Ex: site, -site, filetype,
Features of a word processor
Unlike a basic plaintext editor, a word processor offers several additional features that can give your document or other text a more professional
appearance. Below is a listing of some of the most popular features of a word processor.
•Text formatting - Changing the font, font size, font color, bold, italicizing, underline, etc.
•Copying, cutting, and pasting - Once text is entered into a document, it can be copied or cut and pasted in the current document or another
•Multimedia - Insert clip art, charts, images, pictures, and video into a document.
•Spelling and Grammar - Checks for spelling and grammar errors in a document.
•Adjust the layout - Capable of modifying the margins, size, and layout of a document.
•Find - Word processors give you the ability to quickly find any word or text in any size of the document.
•Search and Replace - You can use the Search and Replace feature to replace any text throughout a document. Indentation and lists
•Set and format tabs, bullet lists, and number lists.Insert tables - Add tables to a document.
•Word wrap - Word processors can detect the edges of a page or container and automatically wrap the text using word wrap.
•Header and footer - Being able to adjust and change text in the header and footer of a document.
•Thesaurus - Look up alternatives to a word without leaving the program.
•Multiple windows - While working on a document, you can have additional windows with other documents for comparison or move text between
•AutoCorrect - Automatically correct common errors (e.g., typing "teh" and having it autocorrected to "the").
•Mailers and labels - Create mailers or print labels.
•Import data - Import and format data from CSV, database, or another source.
•Headers and footers - The headers and footers of a document can be customized to contain page numbers, dates, footnotes, or text for all pages
or specific pages of the document.
•Merge - Word processors allow data from other documents and files to be automatically merged into a new document. For example, you can mail
merge names into a letter.
•Macros - Setup macros to perform common tasks.
•Collaboration - More modern word processors help multiple people work on the same document at the same time.
There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word is capable of integrating to make your documents richer, more impressive, and more
1. Pictures – these are electronic, “soft copy”, or digital pictures you have saved in any local storage device.
Three common types of picture files:
a. .JPG – pronounced as “jay-peg”. Short term for Joint Photographic Experts Group. This type of image file can support 16.7 million colors.
Suitable for use when working with full color photographic images.
b. .GIF – This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies and animation. It only
supports Only supports 256 colors.
c. .PNG – It stands for Portable Network Graphics. It is capable of displaying transparencies but not animation. It supports only 16 million
2. Clipart - This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to
integrate in your document.
3. Shapes - These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or to allow you to have
some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages.
4. SmartArt - Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in
5. Chart - Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
6. Screenshots – it is taking image or picture of your screen using the installed camera in your device. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals
for training or procedure will require the integration of a more realistic image of what you are discussing on your report or manual.
To format pictures and clip art, do the following:
1. Select the picture that you want to format. Format tab of the Picture Tools will appear.

2. Do any of the following as needed:

• To improve the brightness, contrast and sharpness of the object, click Corrections and then select from the available thumbnails.
• To improve the color quality of the object, click Color and then select from the available thumbnails.
•To add artistic effects to the picture, click Artistic Effects and then select from the available thumbnails.

3. Do any of the following as needed:

• To add visual style to the whole picture or clip art, click the More drop-down arrow in the Picture Styles group;
Click one from the gallery of picture styles. You can also click Picture Border to add border or Picture Effects to add other visual effects to the

• To format shapes, do the following:

1. Select the shape that you want to format. Format tab of the Drawing Tools will appear.

2. Do any of the following as needed:

• To quickly change the appearance of the shape, click the More drop-down arrow of the Shape Styles and then click one from the gallery of
shape styles.

You may click also any of these three buttons if you want to fill the shape with color, change the line width or style, or add effects to the shape.
• To design the SmartArt graphic, do the following:
1. Select the SmartArt that you want to add design to. Design and Format tabs of the SmartArt Tools will appear.
2. Do any of the following as needed:
• To change the colors of the SmartArt, click Change Colors in the Design tab and then select one from the gallery of themes.
• To change the visual style of the SmartArt, click the More dropdown arrow of the SmartArt Styles group in the Design tab and then
select one from the gallery.
• To add shape to the SmartArt graphic, click the Add Shape dropdown arrow in the Create Graphic group of the Design tab and then
select the appropriate command on where to insert the shape from the menu.
• To design a chart, do the following:
1. Select the chart that you want to add design to. Design, Layout and Format tabs of the Chart Tools will appear.
2. Do any of the following as needed:
• To change the visual style of the chart, click the More drop-down arrow of the Chart Styles under the Design tab and then select one
from the gallery.
• To edit the data of the chart, click Edit Data of the Data group under the Design tab. MS Excel window will appear. This is where you
can edit the data of your chart. Close the Excel window as soon as you are finished editing.
• To add labels to your chart, go to the Layout tab and click the appropriate button in the Labels group.

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