Bolt Torque Calculation for Girth Flange-T-13311 - D2/D3: G * b * π * 2 g A 

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Bolt Torque Calculation for Girth Flange- T-13311_D2/D3

1 Gasket reaction diameter G = 785.285 mm

2 Internal design pressure P = 2 kg/cm²
3 Effective gasket seating width b = 8.358 mm
4 Gasket factor m = 3
5 Gasket unit seating load y = 119.52 kg/cm²
6 Cross section area of bolts Ab = 6234.826 mm²
7 Modulus of elasticity of bolting material at design temperature Eb = 2050260 kg/cm²
8 Thickness of gasket tg = 3 mm
9 Modulus of elasticity of gasket material at design temperature Eg = 7500 kg/cm²
10 Effective length of bolt, from mid nut to mid nut. lb = 137 mm
11 Friction Factor K = 0.25
12 Pitch diameter of threads dm = 17.353 mm
13 No of bolt n = 32 nos.

Hydrostatic end Force π*G *P = 9686.669 kg

Total joint contact surface compress load H  2* b* π* G* m*P = 2474.348 kg


Minimum required bolt load for gasket seating = 24644.51 kg

W  π*b*G* y

Actual joint area contact for gasket Ag  2 * π * b * G

= 41239.13 mm²

Decrease compression force in gasket ΔF 

H = 5084.785 kg
A b * Eb * t g
A g * E g * lb

Initail required tightening force Fbo  Hp  ΔF = 7559.133 kg

Total tightening force required to seal joint = 24644.51 kg

W  greater of Fbo or W

Required torque = 32.765 N m

K * W * dm
T = 3341.06 Kg mm

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