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Journal of Food Engineering: Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment On Physical and Semolina Milling Properties of Barley

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Journal of Food Engineering 287 (2020) 110142

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Effect of hydrothermal treatment on physical and semolina milling

properties of barley
Muralidhar Karanam , D.P. Theertha , Ashwin Kumar , Aashitosh A. Inamdar ,
Suresh D. Sakhare *
Department of Flour Milling, Baking and Confectionary Technology CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, 570 020, India

Barley Barley samples were treated hydrothermally (HTT) to modify their physical properties for the production of
Roller milling semolina. HTT has increased the hardness value and firming of the barley structure with more compactly
Semolina packed starch in the protein matrix of grain with increase in treatment time. Treated barley samples were
Hydrothermal treatment milled in laboratory roller mill which resulted in the production of four fractions namely husk (HK), coarse
Physical properties semolina (CS), fine semolina (FS) and flour (FL). Total semolina yield increased up to 20 min of steaming to
Pasting properties
86.69% but decreased on further time increase. Barley pretreatment was found to be necessary to obtain
increased yield and uniform sized firm semolina granules. Water holding capacity of semolina significantly
increased (232 g/100 gm) with increase in the HTT time. The solubility index of semolina decreased (3.56%)
with increase in the HTT time. Pasting temperature of semolina increased while viscosity decreased with
increase an HTT time.

1. Introduction
barley grain contains total dietary fiber (TDF) 11–20%, insoluble
di- etary fiber (IDF) 11–14% and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) 3–10%
Barley (Hordeum vulgare vulgare L.) is an important cereal grain (Fast-
and most ancient among the cereal crops. It ranks fourth in terms of naught et al., 1996; Marconi et al., 2000; Fastnaught et al., 2001;
cereal production in the world after wheat, rice and corn. Barley crop Virkki et al., 2005). Quinde et al. (2004) and Quinde-Axtell et al.
was one of the first agricultural domesticates dating back to about (2006) re- ported that pearling of barley reduces the IDF, protein, ash
10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East (Smith, and fat content, but increases the content of b-glucan and starch by the
1998). Barley is versatile food grain produced over a wide range of removal of hull, bran and germ component of grain. Barley grain is a
environmental con- ditions than any other cereal. It was first used as rich source of tocols, including tocopherols and tocotrienols, which are
food and then evolved into the malting, feed and brewing grain. known for reduction of serum low-density lipoproteins cholesterol
Presently about two-third of the barley grains are used as feed for through their antioxidant action (Qureshi et al., 1986, 1991). The b-
animal, one-third for malting. Although, it has remained as a food glucan contained
source in some cultures of Asia and northern Africa (Newman and in barley grain is usually 2–10% (Henry, 1987). Many researcher
Newman, 2006). showed that the b-glucan content in barley reduces the blood
The barley grain comprises of caryopsis with enclosing hull or cholesterol (Behall et al., 2004; Fadel et al., 1987; Newman et al.,
husk. The caryopsis is formed by pericarp, integuments, aleurone 1989), and gly- cemic index (Cavallero et al., 2002; Wood et al.,
layer, endosperm, and embryo. The pericarp is the protective layer 1990). Hydrothermal is a physical modification water-heat treatment
over the entire grain. The endosperm is the center and large part of the that alters the physico-chemical properties of grains. Ong and
grain containing starchy mass embedded in the protein matrix and Blanshard (1995) stud- ied the relation between hardness of rice
supplies the nutrients to the developing embryo. The outermost part of kernels and cooking conditions. The objective to use the HTT in the
the endosperm is aleurone layer and contains mainly protein bodies present study is to harden the grain structure, which will have
and enzymes. The embryo part of grain is located at the attachment influence on the semolina milling properties and quality of semolina.
end of the caryopsis on its dorsal side (Jadhav et al., 1998). Roller milling technology is traditionally used for the production of
To use barley as food, it has to be de-hulled or milled. De-hulled wheat flour and/or semolina. Semolina is a coarse purified middlings
obtained from durum wheat. Semolina milling of wheat flowsheet is

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.D. Sakhare).

Received 4 September 2017; Received in revised form 9 May 2020; Accepted 14 May 2020
Available online 16 May 2020
0260-8774/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Karanam et al. Journal of Food Engineering 287 (2020) 110142
longer in the roll surface and contains higher number of break and
scratch grooved passages compared to the flour milling. Very hard
wheat Triticum Durum is used for the semolina milling. Wheat grain is
gradually reduced to semolina while minimizing flour production.
Barley endosperm is soft in nature and need pretreatment to harden it
for the semolina milling. Many research have been conducted in which
the barley grain has been experimentally roller milled to produce the
flour and bran (Bhatty, 1987, 1992, 1993; 1997, 1999; Newman and
Newman 1991; Wang et al., 1993; Danielson et al., 1996;
Klamczynski; Czuchajowska, 1999; Kiryluk et al., 2000). However,
very little knowl- edge is available on semolina roller milling of
barley, its standardization and yield improvement. Barley grain is
unutilized and has great poten- tial for industrial uses. Consumption of
barley products are lower compared to other cereal grains. Hence there
is need for developing new processes and products from barley.
Semolina are the granular product obtained from the wheat endosperm
and used for the preparation of various traditional and pasta products.
Literature shows that the there is no standardization of process for the
semolina making from barley grains. Due to the consumers growing
interest in using barley fractions as functional food ingredients, this
investigation was initiated mainly to develop and standardize the roller
milling process for the production of barley semolina. Barley grains
were hydrothermally treated for improving the yield and quality of
semolina. The developed barley semolina milling process will help the
miller to produce different range of semolina for the targeted groups.
The main target beneficiaries of the proposed work are milling
industry. The demand for healthy and nutritious foods is expected to
increase due to increasing cases of life- style diseases. Hence
developed barley semolina is going to have increased demand in food
industry market.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Barley

Commercially available dehulled barley was procured from local

Mysore market and cleaned by using Labofix cleaner before been treated
for semolina milling. Cleaned barley was stored in the plastic containers
HDPE of 50 L at ambient temperature and used for future studies. The
dehulled barley is addressed as barley throughout this report.

2.2. Barley pre-treatment

Cleaned barley was conditioned by adding 6% moisture and kept

overnight at ambient temperature. The conditioned sample of each 8
kg was hydrothermally treated (HTT) in triplicate by spreading on to
steel trays with 2.5 cm bed thickness and exposed to live steam
� (98 1

C) at an atmospheric pressure in an autoclave (Krauss Maffee
Munchen, Germany) for different time intervals ranging from 5 to 30
min with 5 min increment. Steaming time was noted as the duration
between the temperature probe fitted to the autoclave indicating 98 �C
and closure of the steam inlet valve. Steamed barley was dried for 2 h
in a mechanical drier � maintained at 45 2 �C to attain a moisture
content of 9 1 g/ 100 g.

2.3. Physical characteristics of grains

2.3.1. Thousand kernel weight (TKW) and Hectoliter weight

Weight of randomly selected 100 kernels from all treated samples
and control sample (dehulled barley without HTT) was taken and
multiplied by 10 to get the Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW).
Hectoliter weight of the barley was determined by standard procedures
(Pomeranz, 1988).

2.3.2. Dimension measurement

The grain dimensions such as length, width and thickness were
measured by a digital vernier caliper in randomly selected 20 kernels

M. Karanam et al. Journal of Food Engineering 287 (2020) 110142
batch and average value was reported.
2.6.2. Functional properties
2.3.3. Grain hardness
To measure the grain hardness, individual grains were Bulk density. Semolina samples of 200 g were gently filled
compressed with 50 kg load cell at a test speed of 1 mm/s using a into 500 ml graduated cylinders, previously tared. The bottom of each
food texture analyser (Stable Microsystem, Model TA-HDi, Surrey, cyl- inder was gently tapped on a laboratory bench several times until
UK). The maximum force required to compress the grains to 80% of there
their original size was recorded. The average peak force (N) value
from 10 individual kernels from each treatment was taken as a was no further diminution of the Semolina samples were
measure of hardness. sample level. Bulk density was analyzed for moisture (method
calcu- lated as weight of sample 44-15 A), ash (method 08–01),
2.3.4. Colour measurement per unit volume of sample (g/ml) protein (method 46–12), fat
The colour of control and treated barley grains was measured in triplicate. (method 30–10) according to
in triplicates in terms of lightness (L) and other colours ( a: red, -a: AACC methods þ (AACC, 2000) Water and oil holding and dietary fiber by AOAC
green, b: yellow, -b: blue) using the Hunter Lab Colour Measuring þ
capacity. The Water holding method (AOAC, 1999).
System (Colour Measuring Labscan XE system, Reston, VA). A
white board made from barium sulfate 100% reflectance was used capacity (WHC) and oil holding
as a standard. Each treatment batch grains were placed in the capacity (OHC) were evaluated 2.7. Statistical analysis
sample holder and the reflectance was auto recorded for the by the method of Lawal et al.,
wavelength ranging from 360 to 2005. The sample (1.0 g) was The experiments were carried
mixed with 10 ml of distilled out in three replicates. The data
800 nm in triplicate and average value is reported.
were statistically analyzed and
water in pre weighed centrifuge
the treatments were tested using
2.4. Scanning electron microscopy studies tubes. The dispersions were
Duncan’s multiple range tests
stirred occasionally, held for 30 (Steel and Tarrie, 1980).
The scanning electron microscopy studies of control and HTT min, followed by centrifugation
treated barley samples were carried out using Leo Scanning Electron for 30 min at 3000g. The 3. Results and discussion
Microscope (SEM) model 435 V P (UK). Samples were placed on a supernatant was decanted, excess
specimen holder with the help of double-sided scotch tape and moisture was removed by
3.1. Effect of HTT on physical
sputter-coated with gold draining for 30 min at 50 �C, characteristics of the barley
(2 min, 2 mbar). Finally, each sample was transferred to a and the sample reweighed. For grain
microscope where it was observed at 15 kV and a vacuum of 9.75 � the determination of OHC,
10-5 torr. samples (1.0 g) were mixed with Table 1 illustrates effect of
10 ml of edible sunflower oil in HTT on the physical properties of
2.5. Roller semolina milling of barley pre weighed centrifuge tubes. barley grain. The brightness value
The contents were stirred for 1 (L*) along with the hue
The control and HTT barley samples of 5 kg batch were milled in min with a thin brass wire to parameters a* and b*
triplicates by using the Buhler Laboratory Mill (MLU-202). Only disperse the sample in the oil. were measured. The a*
two break rolls were used for the production of semolina, break roll After a holding period of 30 min, component describes the position
one (B1) and break roll two (B2). The reductions rolls were the tubes were centrifuged for 30 on a green–red axis and the b*
component describes the position
disconnected from the milling flow sheet. Each grinding passage is min at 3000g. The supernatant on a blue–yellow axis.
followed by the corre- sponding sifter with two size separation. The oil was removed with a pipette The colour analysis results
break rolls were fluted and adjusted to obtain semolina. Yield of and the tubes were inverted for showed that the L* (brightness)
different milled products were calculated on the basis of finished 30 min to drain the oil prior to value decreased as the
product. Control and HTT barley reweighing. The WHC and OHC temperature of HTT increased
samples were fed to the first break roll at the capacity of 5–6 kg/h. The were expressed as grammes of from 5 to 30 min. The brightness
first break roll gap was adjusted to cut open the barley grain and water or oil bound per 100 g of value of 67.48 was observed for
release the coarse semolina from endosperm. The bran which was not the sample on a dry basis. control barley decreased to
removed during the pearling of barley at crease of the grain was
released at B1. The B2 roll gap was adjusted to produce the semolina Pasting properties. Table 1
with minimum damage to the husk. The semolina fractions are Pasting characteristics of Effect of HTT on physical
purified using the Lab- oratory Semolina Purifier to remove the semolina were evaluated by characteristics of the barley grain.
lighter husk particles. The roller semolina milling of barley has taking 10% (w/v) slurry in the
resulted in the production of four frac- tions namely husk (HK), measuring bowl of amy- lograph
coarse semolina (CS), fine semolina (FS) and flour (FL) fractions. and heated to raise the
Two type of semolina were produced during the milling. The yield of temperature from 30 to 92 �C at
the different milled fractions in triplicate at different treatment were a rate of
calculate by equation: 7.5 � C/min, maintained at 92

C for 5 min and cooled to 50
Milling yield ð%Þ ¼ ½Milled fraction ðgmÞ=Total Milled Products ðgmÞ� X �
C at the
100 same rate and the changes in the
(1) viscosity was recorded in a
Brabender Viscoamylograph
2.6. Characterization of semolina from barley (Model No. 803202, Brabender,
Duisburg, Germany).
2.6.1. Colour properties
Coarse and fine semolina obtained at different HTT were 2.6.3. Chemical characterization of
evaluated for the colour analysis as per method described in section semolina

M. Karanam et al. Journal of Food Engineering 287 (2020) 110142
53.07 at 30 min HTT (Fig. 1). grain texture, while starch � 0.02
c c c
This indicates darkening effect granules and protein matrix in T10 60.83 � 0.10 2.99 � 0.06 14.30 � 0.02 80 �
c e b a
of the HTT on the barley the hard wheat is tightly 0.36 185.37 � 6.9 4.91 � 0.03 3.46 � 0.03 2.54 �
grains. Redness value a* and packed. The barley grain is d c b
T15 58.52 � 0.08 3.07 � 0.02 14.74 � 0.03 80 �
yellowness b* increased with soft. Hardness of barley grain 0.40
193.92 � 7.2
4.90 � 0.04
3.41 � 0.07
2.54 �
an increase in heat treatment could be attributed to structural 0.04

time of grains indicating a and compositional T20 56.35 � 0.08

3.24 � 0.04
14.77 � 0.02
79 �
d c c c
shift from red to green and characteristics such as presence 0.50 210.52 � 8.2 4.87 � 0.04 2.55 � 0.02 3.42 �
yellow to blue. The colour of proteins, starch and b- 0.01
f b a
T25 55.33 � 0.07 3.32 � 0.06 15.21 � 0.04 79 �
changes during the HTT could glucan, their interaction and d b d c
0.58 232.82 � 8.5 4.67 � 0.03 2.51 � 0.01 3.42 �
be attributed to non-enzymatic packing during grain filling 0.03

g a a
browning reactions, which � (Baik and Ullrich, 2008). T30 53.07 � 0.10 3.68 � 0.07 15.27 � 0.02 78 �
e a e d
may be due to at least two Semolina grain milling requires 0.58 240.35 � 6.8 4.56 � 0.02 2.44 � 0.02 3.63 �
major pathways such as the hard grain to pro- duce a 0.02
Values are means of three replicates standard deviation.
Maillard pathway and the good yield and quality
Values in the column�with the same letter in superscript are not significantly
carameli- sation pathway semolina. Hence the present different from each other (p 0.05).
(Ellis, 1959; Tomasik et al., HTT has modified the physical BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15
1989). Both the pathway properties of the barley in term min (T15); 20 min (T20); 25 min (T25); 30 min (T30); HLW: Hectoliter
requires sugar as an initial of hardness, which is useful for weight, L: Length; W: Width, T: Thickness. L is the degree of lightness
substrate. Photographs of the semolina milling. Length value, a is intensity of colour in the direction of green to red colour and b is
barley with HTT are given in and width of the grains were intensity of colour in the direction of blue to yellow.
Fig. 1. Similar colour results decreased with increased HTT
were reported by Horrobin et while thickness increased.
al. (2003) for the hydrothermal Hectoliter weight of grains was
treatment of wheat. Dharmaraj also found to be decreased with
et al. (2016) reported the increased HTT. Izydorczyk et al.
darkening of grain of foxtail (2000) have reported that there
millet with increased steaming were large variations in the
time. Both researchers physical characteristics of a
reported that the rate of range of barley samples when
darkening increased with an given heat treatment.
increase in treatment time.
The hardness value is the 3.2. Scanning electron microscopy
resistance offered by the studies
grains to the crushing force, it
increased with increase in Scanning Electron
HTT time. Control barley Microscopy (SEM) of raw and
grain recorded a force of HTT barley samples are shown
152.21 N, while the 30 min in Fig. 2. The control
HTT grains recorded 240.35 micrographs observed small
N. These results show that and me- dium starch granules,
grains become harder due to elongated cells with adhering
HTT and the hardness value protein bodies and fiber
increased with increase in the structures. Similar results of
time of HTT. Hardness of small and medium starch
kernel is one of the important granules with adhering protein
major physical properties bodies have been reported by
affecting the processing and the Srivastava et al. (2014).
milled product quality of Fornal et al. (2000) in their
wheat grain (Pomeranz and SEM study of barley observed
Williams, 1990). Hardness of that elongated and spherical
wheat grain is due to the starch granules were embedded
adhesion between the starch in the protein network. Starch
granules and protein matrix in in barley is in the form of
the endo- sperm. In soft wheat granules, embedded in a matrix
there is weak association of protein and contained in a
between starch granules and cellular structure, in the
protein matrix, resulting in soft endosperm

Samples Colour HLW

(kg/hl) Hardness (N)
L* a* b* L (mm) W
(mm) T (mm)
a e e
BC 67.48 � 0.06 2.19 � 0.06 10.86 � 0.02 82 �
a g a a
0.76 152.21 � 6.5 4.99 � 0.02 3.49 � 0.02 2.52
� 0.03
b d d
T5 62.95 � 0.05 2.67 � 0.02 14.07 � 0.01 81 �
b f a a
0.29 171.13 � 8.9 4.96 � 0.03 3.47 � 0.04 2.53

Fig. 1. Photographs of barley samples obtained at different HTT. BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15 min (T15); 20 min
(T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).

Fig. 2. Micrograph of raw and HTT barley semolina. PM: Protein matrix; S: Starches and GS: Gelatinized starch; BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5
min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15 min (T15); 20 min (T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).

of the grain. The micrograph of control barley structure appears less was observed that some portion of the endosperm remained along with
intact and compacted with more clearly loose starch granules. SEM observed the husk for the control sample. The separation of husk and endosperm
two types of starches of different sizes; 2–3 μm of small B type granules improved with the HTT. The control sample results showed the yield
and 20–35 μm of large A type (Jane et al., 1994). HTT resulted in of
firming the grain structure with more compactly packed starch in the 39.13 and 40.42% for the CS and FS fractions. The yield of the CS and
protein matrix. It was also observed from SEM that starch was FS increased considerably with the HTT given to barley. It was also
deformed in the treated samples from T5 onwards. The degree of observed that yield of total semolina was about 79.61% for control
structure firm- ness and deformed starches increased with increased barley, which increased considerably as the HTT increased. As HTT
HTT time from T5 to T30. time increased the yield of total semolina increased up to T20 and
there after it was decreased. Increase in the yield of total semolina
3.3. Roller semolina milling of barley resulted in a significant decrease of byproduct (flour). The yield of
flour was 15.11% for the control barley milling was reduced to 9.73%
The yield of various milled fractions from control and HTT barley for T20 HTT. The increase in the yield of total semolina with lower
samples are presented in Table 2. The HK fraction yield was higher for production of the flour could be due the structural changes in HTT
the control sample compared to the HTT barley. During the milling it barley sample. Semolina milling of the grains require hard endosperm
structure, which can hold endosperm together at the grinding which
results into the higher yield of
Table 2
Effect of HTT on yield of milled fractions.
Milled Products (%) BC T5 T10 T15 T20 T25 T30
a b c c c c d
Husk 5.28 � 0.12 4.71 � 0.10 4.15 � 0.11 4.12 � 0.13 3.98 � 0.10 3.95 � 0.12 3.92 � 0.08
c d b a a a b
Coarse semolina 39.19 � 0.38 38.85 � 0.21 40.24 � 0.35 41.24 � 0.61 41.29 � 0.65 41.10 � 0.27 40.10 � 0.38
d c b b a a a
Fine semolina 40.42 � 0.45 42.89 � 0.25 44.46 � 0.23 44.40 � 0.36 45.00 � 0.27 45.11 � 0.26 45.21 � 0.35
e d c b a a b
Total semolina 79.61 � 0.32 81.74 � 0.42 84.70 � 0.38 85.64 � 0.35 86.69 � 0.32 86.21 � 0.29 85.31 � 0.33
a b c d e e d
Flour 15.11 � 0.39 13.55 � 0.42 11.15 � 0.24 10.24 � 0.30 9.73 � 0.63 9.84 � 0.38 10.77 � 0.29

Values are means of three replicates �

standard deviation.
Values in the row with the same letter in superscript are not significantly different from each other (p �
BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15 min (T15); 20 min (T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).

semolina. In present study HTT has resulted in hardening of the grain

structure resulting into the higher yield. The milling results showed Bhattacharya and Ali (1985) mentioned that the steaming of the grain
that at higher HTT treatment time (T25 and T30) there was lower yield imparts hardness to kernels which in turn facilitates in preparation of
of semolina. This could be due to increased hardness of grains which uniform sized semolina. The photographs of the CS and FS obtained
resulted into more powder formation during the roller milling. Hence it from the control and HTT barley is shown in Fig. 3.
can be concluded that the grain require optimum hardness for the
semolina milling. Similar results have been reported by the Dharmaraj
3.4. Colour properties of semolina
et al. (2016) that the hardness of foxtail millet grain increased signifi-
cantly with an increase in steaming treatment and have a major effect
Food product colour is one of the most important factor for its
on semolina milling and quality of semolina. They reported that 25
quality evaluation. Results from colour analysis showed that, the CS
min steaming yielded higher content of semolina which is close to 20
and FS from the control sample are white in colour with brightness
min recorded in this work. Semolina obtained from the HTT barley
value (L*) of
was uniform in appearance and had a sharp surface. The semolina
80.70 and 82.05 (Table 3). Brightness value L* was decreased for both
from the control barley was soft and mealy appearance with non-
the semolina as the HTT time increased from 5 to 30 min. The dull
colour of semolina from HTT barley may be due to the colour changes
may be attributed to non-enzymatic browning reactions as explained in
Fig. 3. Photographs of coarse semolina (A) and fine semolina (B) obtained at different HTT BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min
(T10); 15 min (T15); 20 min (T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).

3.1. The FS observed higher values of L* compared to the CS for

control as well as HTT barley. This could be attributed to the particle
size and its shadow effect. Coarser particles tend to look dull in colour
compared to finer particles. The a* and b* colour values increased
with treatment time. The a* value was observed higher for the CS
compared to FS. The b* values was not significantly different for both
coarse and fine semolina. The increase in the positive a* value shows
the development of the uniform tinge red colour during the heat
treatment. The similar results were reported by the Dharmaraj et al.
(2016) for the foxtail millet semolina milling by the steaming
treatment. They observed the higher value of brightness to finer
semolina compared to coarse semolina. Photographs of coarse and fine
semolina obtained at different HTT are shown in Fig. 3.

3.5. Functional properties Fig. 4. Effect of HTT on functional properties of barley semolina. WHC:
water holding capacity; OHC: oil holding capacity; BC: Barley control;
Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15 min (T15); 20 min
The water holding capacity of the semolina plays an important role
(T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).
in the development of various food products because it has influence
on the sensory and other functional properties. The application of
1959). Olayinka et al. (2008) also showed a decrease in solubility of
barley CS and FS in the food product development largely depends on
hydrothermally treated white sorghum starch compared to native
its inter- action with the water. The WHC of the control CS and FS
was 112 and 119 g/100 gm respectively (Fig. 4). HTT has drastically
increased the WHC of the both semolina. The WHC of the semolina
reported increased trend with increase in the treatment time from 5 to
3.6. Pasting properties
30 min. The OHC of the semolina also observed the similar trend of
increase in value with increase in treatment time. Olayinka et al.
The Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) pasting profiles of control and
(2008) also showed an in- crease in WHC and HOC of hydrothermally
HTT barley coarse and fine semolina are shown in Fig. 5. HTT has
treated white sorghum starch compared to native starch.
resulted in changes in the starches by significantly altering their
The solubility index of the CS was higher than FS. This may be due
pasting profile. Control barley semolina exhibited stable viscosity with
to the higher amount of starch present in the coarse semolina compared
slight break- down at holding period and showed very high setback
to the fine semolina. The coarse semolina comes from the center
upon cooling down. Pasting temperature value increased with increase
portion of the grain containing the more starch. The similar trends
in the HTT time. This could be due to strengthened intermolecular
were by re- ported by Dharmaraj et al. (2016). The solubility index of
bond forces
both CS and FS decreased with increase in the HTT time. This could
be due to the steam treatment given to the barley sample before
processing into semolina. The reduction in solubility indicates that
the additional interaction
might be between amylose–amylose and amylopectin–amylopectin
chains during HTT. Bhattacharya and Ali (1985) reported that the
steamed grains contain less soluble of cooking. Researchers have re-
ported earlier that structural changes in the starches due to the HTT
may be responsible for the reduction in the starch solubility (Leach
et al.,

Table 3
Effect of HTT on colour properties of the barley semolina.
Coarse semolina Fine semolina

L* a* b* L* a* b*

BC 80.70 �
0.10 � 1.00 8.44 � 82.05 0.91 �
� � 0.8
T5 77.21 � f f
b 0.05 0.04 � 79.31 1.22 �
1.32 9.88 0.07
T10 76.82 � � e e �
c � 78.26 1.25 �
0.06 0.04 0.04 d
0.12 0.00
T15 75.47 � 1.36 9.93
d � 77.24 1.26 �
0.05 � e e
� dd
0.14 0.05
T20 74.87 � 0.02 � 0.03
e � 76.12 1.31 �
0.08 1.43 10.11 ec 0.02
73.03 � � d d 0.08
T25 � 0.03
f 0.03 � 75.96 1.40 �
0.12 10.28 fb
1.47 c 0.09 0.02
T30 72.93 � 0.03
g � c
� 74.97 1.49 �
0.11 � 10.45 ga
0.00 b 0.12 0.03
1.52 0.04
� b � 11.17
0.02 0.7
8.40 � . 5 0.04
0.06 8 0.05
10.69 �
9.67 � 0 1 a
1 10.09 0.02 �
. 0 e
0.07 0.11
0 .
9 10.14 �
� 3 0 d

Values are means of three replicates � standard deviation. �

Values in the column with the same letter in superscript are not significantly

different from each other (p 0.05).
BC: Barley control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15
min (T15); 20 min (T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30). L is the degree of Fig. 5. Effect of HTT on pasting properties of barley semolina BC: Barley
lightness value, a is intensity of colour in the direction of green to red colour control; Hydrothermal treatment 5 min (T5); 10 min (T10); 15 min (T15); 20
and b is intensity of colour in the direction of blue to yellow. min (T20); 25 min (T25) and 30 min (T30).

which require more heat for structural disintegration and paste forma- different food appli- cation throughout world. The production of
tion (Olayinka et al., 2008). High pasting temperature hence indicates semolina from barley can provide the alternative options for these
that more forces and cross-links are present within the starch granules. products and will help for the industrial production and consumption of
The peak viscosity of both CS (327–235 BU) and FS (289–215 BU) barley. Keeping above in mind, barley grain was evaluated for the
decreased with an increase in treatment time. Higher pasting tempera- semolina milling by Laboratory Roller mill. The results showed that
ture and lower paste viscosities indicated that the barley starches are steaming treatment to grain prior to milling was desirable to obtain good
strengthened by the HTT. Similar results were reported by the Watch- quality semolina milling. Steaming treatment also resulted into the
aratewinkul et al. (2009) for the heat moisture treated canna starch. higher yield as well as the desired quality of semolina. The byproducts
Similar decreasing trend was reported for the hot paste viscosity of the milling decreased with HTT. HTT also improved the functional
(HPV) and cold paste viscosity (CPV). Both values were decreased properties of semolina and has influenced the pasting properties of
significantly with increase in the HTT time. semolina. Fine semolina had higher protein, fat and mineral (ash)
Treated barley semolina reported reduced values for breakdown content compared to coarse semolina. Study showed that the roller
(BD) as compared to that of control semolina. The reduction in BD milling can be successfully used for the
values caused by HTT to the barley grain shows that starches are more
stable during continuous shearing and heating. These results are in
agreement with Adebowale et al. (2005), Hormdok and Noomhorm
(2007), Olayinka et al. (2008) and Watcharatewinkul et al. (2009).
There was a reduction in the setback for HTT barley with an increase
in the time of the treatment. Lan et al. (2008) have shown that the
setback value is influenced by quantity of leached amylose, granule
size and presence of rigid non-fragmented swollen granules. Chung et
al. (2009) found that hydrothermal treatment reduces the leached
amylose in the starch granules. These authors stated that the changes in
the pasting properties of the starches are as results of heat-moisture
treatment is the results of the association amongst the chains in the
amorphous region of the granule and changes in crystallinity during

3.7. Chemical composition

The chemical analysis results of CS and FS obtained at T20 HTT

barley are presented in Fig. 6. Fine semolina from the barley was
found to be higher in fat (1.18%), ash (1.25%), protein content
(9.58%) compared to the coarse semolina. The outer layer of the barley
pericarp and aleurone layers get powdered into the fine particles
during the semolina milling resulting into higher nutrients content in it.
Similar results were reported by the Dharmaraj et al. (2016) for the
preparation of semolina foxtail millet. They reported the fat, protein
and ash content of 3.28%, 12.75% and 1.23% respectively for the
foxtail millet fine semolina compared to 3.06%, 11.28% and 1.20%
respectively for the
coarse semolina. The β-glucans content was found to be higher for the
coarse semolina compared to the fine semolina. Jadhav et al. (1998)
mentioned that the most β-glucans are found in the endosperm, whereas
the outer, maternal layers of the grain are low in β-glucan levels.

4. Conclusions

Barley grain and grain fractions has excellent opportunities for

introducing as functional food or food ingredients because of its nutri-
tional and health benefits. However, the industrial products from
barley do not exist. Barley has a great potential to be used for the
industrial uses. Hence there is need to develop the processes to
produce the barley in different forms, which can become the basic raw
material for the development of various food products. Semolina is
granular products obtained from the wheat endosperm and having

The authors wish to thank the financial support provided by

Science and Engineering Research Board [Ministry of Food Processing
Industries (MoFPI) Schemes], Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India for the present study.


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