Manual Festo PDF
Manual Festo PDF
Manual Festo PDF
Table of Contents
LVSIM-EMS Help .............................................................................................................................. 1
Overview of LVSIM-EMS .................................................................................................................. 7
LVSIM-EMS Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 8
LVSIM-EMS Menus ........................................................................................................................ 10
File Menu Commands................................................................................................................ 10
Virtual Laboratory File (filename.lvsimweb) ......................................................................... 10
New........................................................................................................................................ 10
Open... ................................................................................................................................... 10
Save... .................................................................................................................................... 10
Import “.DAI”… ...................................................................................................................... 10
Print... .................................................................................................................................... 10
Edit Menu Commands ............................................................................................................... 11
Undo ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Redo....................................................................................................................................... 11
Remove All Banana Plug Wires.............................................................................................. 11
View Menu Commands ............................................................................................................. 11
Equipment List ....................................................................................................................... 11
Zoom in .................................................................................................................................. 11
Zoom out ............................................................................................................................... 11
Instruments Menu Commands .................................................................................................. 12
Tools Menu Commands............................................................................................................. 12
Language................................................................................................................................ 12
Options... ............................................................................................................................... 12
Settings for Model 9063 ........................................................................................................ 12
Data Table.............................................................................................................................. 12
Help Menu Commands .............................................................................................................. 13
Contents and Index................................................................................................................ 13
Manuals and Exercises… ........................................................................................................ 13
What’s New… ........................................................................................................................ 13
About LVSIM-EMS.................................................................................................................. 13
Context-Sensitive Menu Commands ......................................................................................... 13
Delete Module ....................................................................................................................... 13
Lower Front Panel ................................................................................................................. 13
Raise Front Panel ................................................................................................................... 13
Delete .................................................................................................................................... 13
Remove Belt .......................................................................................................................... 14
Change Color ......................................................................................................................... 14
Bring on Top .......................................................................................................................... 14
Highlight Nodes ..................................................................................................................... 14
Settings… ............................................................................................................................... 14
LVSIM-EMS Actions ....................................................................................................................... 15
Installing a Module in the Workstation ..................................................................................... 15
Moving a Module in the Workstation ....................................................................................... 15
Lowering the Front Panel of a Module ...................................................................................... 15
Raising the Front Panel of a Module ......................................................................................... 15
Deleting a Module from the Workstation ................................................................................. 15
Installing a Timing Belt .............................................................................................................. 16
Deleting a Timing Belt ............................................................................................................... 16
Making an Electrical Connection ............................................................................................... 16
Modifying the Shape of an Electrical Connection ..................................................................... 16
Modifying an Electrical Connection........................................................................................... 16
Removing an Electrical Connection ........................................................................................... 17
Verifying an Electrical Connection............................................................................................. 17
Changing the Color of an Electrical Connection ........................................................................ 17
Modifying a Control Knob Setting ............................................................................................. 17
Remove All Banana Plug Wires.................................................................................................. 17
Equipment List ............................................................................................................................... 18
Workstation ............................................................................................................................... 18
DC Motor/Generator ................................................................................................................. 19
Permanent Magnet DC motor ................................................................................................... 20
Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor ................................................................................. 21
Synchronous Motor/Generator................................................................................................. 22
Synchronous Motor/Generator with Thermistor Output ......................................................... 23
Capacitor-Start Motor ............................................................................................................... 24
Universal Motor......................................................................................................................... 25
Resistive Load ............................................................................................................................ 25
Low-Voltage Resistive Load ....................................................................................................... 26
Inductive Load ........................................................................................................................... 26
Three-Phase Transmission Line ................................................................................................. 27
Capacitive Load.......................................................................................................................... 27
Inductive and Capacitive Loads ................................................................................................. 28
Single-Phase Transformer (Model 8341)................................................................................... 28
Three-Phase Transformer.......................................................................................................... 29
Regulating Autotransformer ..................................................................................................... 29
Single-Phase Transformer (Model 8353)................................................................................... 30
Synchronizing Module ............................................................................................................... 30
Synchronizing Module / Three-Phase Contactor ...................................................................... 31
Lead-Acid Battery Pack .............................................................................................................. 31
Power Supply (Model 8821) ...................................................................................................... 32
Main Power Sources .............................................................................................................. 32
Built-In Voltmeter .................................................................................................................. 33
Low Power AC Source ............................................................................................................ 33
Overcurrent Protection ......................................................................................................... 33
Line Input Overcurrent Protection ........................................................................................ 33
Power Supply (Model 8823) ...................................................................................................... 34
Prime Mover / Dynamometer ................................................................................................... 34
Prime Mover .......................................................................................................................... 35
Dynamometer........................................................................................................................ 35
Digital Display ........................................................................................................................ 35
Outputs .................................................................................................................................. 35
Low Power Input.................................................................................................................... 36
Overspeed Indicator .............................................................................................................. 36
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply ......................................................................... 37
Dynamometer........................................................................................................................ 37
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................... 38
Digital Display ........................................................................................................................ 38
Power Input ........................................................................................................................... 38
Data Acquisition Interface 9062 (DAI) ....................................................................................... 39
Data Acquisition and Control Interface 9063 (DACI) ................................................................. 40
Half- and Full-Height Blank Modules ......................................................................................... 40
Instruments ................................................................................................................................... 41
Metering .................................................................................................................................... 41
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 41
Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 42
Status Bar............................................................................................................................... 42
Meter Settings ....................................................................................................................... 43
Meter Operating Modes ........................................................................................................ 44
Shortcuts to Meter Settings .................................................................................................. 46
Meter Layout ......................................................................................................................... 47
Acquisition Settings ............................................................................................................... 47
Technical Information ........................................................................................................... 48
Overrange Indication ............................................................................................................. 61
Clipping Indication ................................................................................................................. 61
Oscilloscope ............................................................................................................................... 62
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 62
Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 64
Oscilloscope Settings ............................................................................................................. 65
Channel Data Table ............................................................................................................... 68
Technical Information ........................................................................................................... 69
Phasor Analyzer ......................................................................................................................... 70
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 70
Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 71
Phasor Analyzer Settings ....................................................................................................... 72
Phasor Data Table.................................................................................................................. 72
Technical Information ........................................................................................................... 72
Harmonic Analyzer .................................................................................................................... 73
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 73
Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 75
Harmonic Analyzer Settings .................................................................................................. 75
Harmonic Analyzer Cursors ................................................................................................... 76
Technical Information ........................................................................................................... 77
Synchroscope ............................................................................................................................ 78
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 79
Technical Information ........................................................................................................... 79
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply ........................................................................... 81
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 82
Function Selection and Settings ............................................................................................ 82
Schematic Diagram ................................................................................................................ 83
Control Knob and Start/Stop Button ..................................................................................... 83
Meters ................................................................................................................................... 84
Control Function .................................................................................................................... 85
Dynamometer Operating Mode ............................................................................................ 85
Power Supply Operating Mode ............................................................................................. 86
Yellow and Red Multimeters ..................................................................................................... 87
Tools .............................................................................................................................................. 88
Language ................................................................................................................................... 88
Options… ................................................................................................................................... 88
Settings for Model 9063… ......................................................................................................... 88
Analog Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 88
Digital Inputs.......................................................................................................................... 88
Range ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Data Table.................................................................................................................................. 89
Display and General Commands ........................................................................................... 89
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 90
Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 93
Record Settings ...................................................................................................................... 94
Graph ......................................................................................................................................... 95
Menus .................................................................................................................................... 95
Graph Settings ....................................................................................................................... 96
Help ............................................................................................................................................... 98
Contents and Index… ................................................................................................................. 98
Manuals and Exercises…............................................................................................................ 98
What’s New… ............................................................................................................................ 98
About LVSIM-EMS… ................................................................................................................... 98
Overview of LVSIM-EMS
The Electromechanical equipment in the Virtual Laboratory faithfully simulates
electromechanical training systems. The exercises in the following manuals from the 0.2 kW
Computer-Assisted Electromechanical Training System (EMS), Model 8006, can be performed
using the virtual laboratory equipment:
Power Circuits and Transformers (30328)
AC/DC Motors and Generators (30329)
The exercises in the following manuals from the Electromechanical Training System,
Model 8010-9 can be performed using the virtual laboratory equipment:
Power Factor Correction (20116)
AC Transmission Lines (20521)
DC Power Circuits (86350)
Permanent Magnet DC Motor (86357)
Single-Phase AC Power Circuits (86358)
Three-Phase AC Power Circuits (86360)
Three-Phase Rotating Machines (86364)
Single-Phase Power Transformers (86377)
Three-Phase Transformer Banks (86379)
Conventional DC Machines and Universal Motor (88943)
Single-Phase Induction Motors (88944)
The Computer-Assisted EMS System is a set of modules (a power supply, resistive, inductive, and
capacitive loads, transformers, motors, etc.) that can be installed in a laboratory workstation.
These modules can be interconnected with wires to implement various electromechanical
circuits. The operation and behavior of these circuits can be observed by measuring voltages,
currents, powers, speeds, torques, etc., using the Data Acquisition Interface (DAI) or Data
Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) and computer-assisted instruments.
The Electromechanical equipment in the Virtual Laboratory provides replicas of the laboratory
workstation and modules included in the actual Computer-Assisted EMS system. These replicas
can be installed in the Virtual Laboratory and operate exactly as the actual equipment. The
modules can be interconnected to set up a great variety of electromechanical circuits. These
circuits can be analyzed using the same DAI or DACI and instruments as in the actual EMS
The buttons on the toolbar can be clicked to perform different functions. The function of each
button is briefly described below. You can click one of the following buttons to obtain additional
information about the function related to the corresponding button.
Icon Description
Icon Description
Zooms out
Zooms in
Creates a new Virtual Laboratory file (filename.lvsimweb). If the current setup of the virtual
laboratory has been modified, a dialog box appears asking if you wish to create a new setup. If
you choose to do so, any currently unsaved change in the setup will be lost.
Opens a Virtual Laboratory file (filename.lvsimweb). Opening a Virtual Laboratory file allows you
to recover a setup of the virtual laboratory that has been saved previously. You can either open
a file stored on your computer or a sample file stored on the web server. If the current setup of
the virtual laboratory has been modified, a dialog box appears asking if you wish to save the
changes to a Virtual Laboratory file before opening the selected Virtual Laboratory file.
Saves the current setup of the virtual laboratory to a Virtual Laboratory file. A dialog box
appears asking you to name the Virtual Laboratory file.
Import “.DAI”…
Imports a configuration file from the Data Acquisition and Control for Electromechanical
Systems (LVDAC-EMS). The extension for this type of file is .DAI. You can either open a file
stored on your computer or a sample file stored on the web server. Importing a configuration
file allows you to recover a specific instrument configuration previously saved to a file.
Sends the current view of the virtual laboratory to the printer. Note that the LVSIM-EMS menu
bar, toolbars, status bar, equipment bars, and equipment list bar are not sent to the printer.
The Print dialog box appears before the current view of the virtual laboratory is sent to the
printer. This box allows the print options to be modified before printing. The current view of the
virtual laboratory is sent to the printer only after the OK button in the Print dialog box is clicked.
Edit Menu Commands
Undoes the last editing action. The number of successive actions that can be undone is virtually
unlimited. The following actions can be undone:
Installing equipment
Moving equipment
Removing equipment
Making a connection
Modifying a connection
Removing a connection
Installing a timing belt
Modifying the installation of a timing belt
Removing a timing belt
Reverts the effects of the last Undo command. The Redo command can no longer be used once
a command other than Undo and Redo has been performed.
Equipment List
Displays or hides the Equipment List panel. This panel provides a list of all equipment currently
available in the virtual laboratory. See Equipment List for additional information on this topic.
Zoom in
Allows you to zoom in.
Zoom out
Allows you to zoom out.
Instruments Menu Commands
Each command in the Instruments menu launches a measuring instrument web application.
Each of these can be used to measure one or several parameters in the training system installed
in the virtual laboratory. The following instruments are available in LVSIM-EMS.
Phasor Analyzer
Harmonic Analyzer
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
Yellow and Red Multimeters
Selects the language used in the application.
Opens the LVSIM-EMS Options dialog box. In this dialog box, you can change the settings of the
ac power network. Several combinations of language and ac power network voltage and
frequency can be used in the virtual laboratory. This LVSIM-EMS Options dialog box also allows
selection of the system of units. LVSIM-EMS can be set to display either International (SI) units
or Imperial units. You can also choose the units of power you wish to display (hp or W). The
system of units is selected by choosing the desired unit in the Units list box.
Data Table
Opens the Data Table application.
Help Menu Commands
What’s New…
Opens a page providing information about the software version history.
About LVSIM-EMS...
Opens a window providing general information about the LVSIM-EMS software.
Delete Module
Deletes the module from the workstation.
Deletes the object. This command is common for wires, cables, and timings belts.
Remove Belt
Removes the timing belt.
Change Color
Changes the color of the object. This command is common for wires.
Bring on Top
Brings the object on top. This command is common for wires and enables them to be easily
moved or deleted.
Highlight Nodes
Highlights all wires in the currently selected nodes (i.e., all connected wires). This command only
takes into account banana plug wires and not miniature banana plug wires. It allows the user to
easily view the different paths through which current flows in a circuit. Refer to Verifying
Electrical Connections to know how to verify electrical connections using the Highlight Nodes
Shows the settings window of the module. This command is available mainly to configure the
different settings of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface, Model 9063.
Installing a Timing Belt
To install a timing belt, lower the front panel of each module to be coupled. Refer to the
Lowering the Front Panel of a Module section for more information on this topic.
To install a timing belt between two modules, do the following:
1. Place the cursor on the pulley of the first module, then left-click on the mouse to install
a timing belt on this pulley. A black line appears between the pulley and the cursor to
indicate that a timing belt is being installed.
2. Place the cursor on the pulley of the second module, then left-click on the mouse to
install the timing belt on this pulley. The black line disappears and a timing belt couples
the two modules.
Note that a timing belt can only be used to couple modules that are installed side by side in the
Removing an Electrical Connection
To remove an electrical connection, place the cursor anywhere on the desired wire, right-click
on the mouse to display the context-sensitive menu, then select the Delete command.
To remove all banana plug wire connections from the electromechanical equipment, select the
Remove all Banana Plug Wires command in the Tools menu of LVSIM-EMS.
Equipment List
The Equipment List is a library of all the electromechanical modules available in LVSIM-EMS.
Each available module is displayed in the Equipment List beside its corresponding name and part
number. Each module in the Equipment List can be dragged to a free location in the
Workstation. See Installing Modules in the Workstation for additional information on this topic.
Note that it is possible to obtain information about each terminal or toggle switch, as well as
about certain knobs, on any module by letting the cursor hovers over the terminal.
Each available module in the Equipment List is described below.
The Workstation provides the working space necessary to install modules in the LVSIM-EMS
software. It has space to insert six full-size EMS module and three half-size EMS modules, or
fifteen half-size EMS modules.
DC Motor/Generator
The DC Motor/Generator consists of a DC machine with series and shunt field windings, and a
field rheostat. Access to the armature, series field winding, shunt field winding, and field
rheostat is achieved through terminals on the module front panel. The field rheostat allows
adjustment of the current in the shunt field winding when it is connected in series with this
See Modifying a Control Knob Setting to obtain information on how to modify the setting of the
field rheostat control knob.
The field rheostat is protected against overcurrent by a circuit breaker. The current rating of this
circuit breaker is the same as that of the shunt field winding. When the circuit breaker trips, its
reset button, located inside the module (on the right-hand side of the panel on which the DC
machine is fixed), extends and becomes red. The circuit breaker is reset by lowering the front
panel of the module, clicking the reset button, and raising the front panel of the module.
Permanent Magnet DC motor
The Permanent Magnet DC Motor is a high-speed, brushed dc motor mounted in a full-size EMS
module. Power must be fed to the motor by an external dc power source. A toggle switch
mounted on the front panel can be used to switch dc power to the motor on and off when the
motor is connected to a power supply. When driven by a prime mover, the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor operates as a dc generator.
The diameter of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor pulley is smaller (12 teeth) than that of the
pulleys of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply (24 teeth). This difference of pulley
ratio (12 to 24) permits adapting the speed (0 4000 r/min) of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor
to the speed of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply (between 0 2000 r/min).
Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor
The Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor is a three-phase induction machine which can
operate as either an asynchronous motor or an asynchronous generator. Access to each of the
three stator windings is achieved through terminals on the module front panel. This allows
operation in either star (wye) or delta configuration.
Synchronous Motor/Generator
The Synchronous Motor/Generator is a three-phase machine which can operate as a motor, a
generator, or a synchronous condenser. Access to each of the three stator windings is achieved
through terminals on the module front panel. This allows operation in either star (wye) or delta
configuration. DC power is provided to the exciter circuitry through a pair of terminals on the
module front panel. The exciter controls consist of an on/off switch and a rheostat. The rheostat
allows adjustment of the exciting current.
To modify the exciter switch setting (open or closed), place the cursor on the exciter switch,
then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the exciter switch from one position to the other. Note
that the exciter circuit is closed when the exciter switch is in the I position, and it is open when
the exciter switch is in the O position.
See Modifying a Control Knob Setting to obtain information on how to modify the setting of the
exciter rheostat control knob.
Synchronous Motor/Generator with Thermistor Output
The Synchronous Motor/Generator with Thermistor Output is a three-phase machine which can
operate as a motor, a generator, or a synchronous condenser. Access to each of the three stator
windings is achieved through terminals on the module front panel. This allows operation in
either star (wye) or delta configuration. DC power is provided to the exciter circuitry through a
pair of terminals on the module front panel. The exciter controls consist of an on/off switch and
a rheostat. The rheostat allows adjustment of the exciting current.
To modify the exciter switch setting (open or closed), place the cursor on the exciter switch,
then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the exciter switch from one position to the other. Note
that the exciter circuit is closed when the exciter switch is in the I position, and it is open when
the exciter switch is in the O position.
See Modifying a Control Knob Setting to obtain information on how to modify the setting of the
exciter rheostat control knob.
Note that the thermistor output on the machine front panel is not implemented in the present
version of LVSIM-EMS.
Capacitor-Start Motor
The Capacitor-Start Motor is a single-phase motor which can operate as either a split-phase or a
capacitor-start induction motor. Access to the main winding, starting winding, centrifugal switch
contacts, and starting capacitor is achieved through terminals on the module front panel.
The centrifugal switch is provided with normally-closed contacts. This means that the switch
contacts are closed when the motor is at standstill. They open when the motor speed reaches
1000 r/min. The status (open or closed) of the centrifugal switch contacts is indicated in the
upper-right corner of the module front panel.
The starting winding, or auxiliary (AUX.) winding, is protected against overcurrent by a circuit
breaker. The current rating of this circuit breaker is the same as that of the starting winding.
When the circuit breaker trips, its reset button, located inside the module (on the right-hand
side of the panel on which the motor is fixed), extends and becomes red. The circuit breaker is
reset by lowering the front panel of the module, clicking the reset button, and raising the front
panel of the module.
Universal Motor
The Universal Motor is a single-phase motor which can operate with either AC or DC power.
Access to the armature winding, series field winding, and compensating winding is achieved
through terminals on the module front panel.
Resistive Load
The Resistive Load is divided in three identical sections, each consisting of three resistors which
can be connected to a single pair of terminals located on the module front panel. These resistors
are schematized on the module front panel.
A toggle switch, located over each resistor on the module front panel, controls the connection
of the resistor to the terminals. The connection is made or broken by clicking the toggle switch.
A resistor is connected to the terminals when the corresponding toggle switch is set to
the I position.
Low-Voltage Resistive Load
The Low-Voltage Resistive Load is divided in three identical sections, each consisting of three
resistors which can be connected to a single pair of terminals located on the module front panel.
These resistors are schematized on the module front panel.
A toggle switch, located over each resistor on the module front panel, controls the connection
of the resistor to the terminals. The connection is made or broken by clicking the toggle switch.
A resistor is connected to the terminals when the corresponding toggle switch is set to
the I position.
The Low-Voltage Resistive Load is used to provide low resistance values to users operating in a
high-voltage ac power network. Because of this, the module is only available to users that
selected either a 220 V or 240 V ac power network.
Inductive Load
The Inductive Load module is divided in three identical sections, each consisting of three
inductors which can be connected to a single pair of terminals located on the module front
panel. These inductors are schematized on the module front panel.
A toggle switch, located over each inductor on the module front panel, controls the connection
of the inductor to the terminals. The connection is made or broken by clicking the toggle switch.
An inductor is connected to the terminals when the corresponding toggle switch is set to
the I position.
Three-Phase Transmission Line
The Three-Phase Transmission Line consists of three iron-core inductors. The inductors are
specifically designed to simulate a high-voltage ac transmission line. The line impedance can be
adjusted to four different values using a selector switch mounted on the front panel. A three-
pole switch is used to induce transients by momentarily interrupting the power flow.
Capacitive Load
The Capacitive Load module is divided in three identical sections, each consisting of three
capacitors which can be connected to a single pair of terminals located on the module front
panel. These capacitors are schematized on the module front panel.
A toggle switch, located over each capacitor on the module front panel, controls the connection
of the capacitor to the terminals. The connection is made or broken by clicking the toggle
switch. A capacitor is connected to the terminals when the corresponding toggle switch is set to
the I position.
Inductive and Capacitive Loads
The Inductive and Capacitive Loads module consists of six iron-core power inductors and 6 oil-
filled capacitors, with each type of load grouped into two identical banks. The different load
inductors and capacitors in each bank can be connected in parallel through switches located on
the front panel of the module.
A toggle switch, located over each capacitor and each inductor on the module front panel,
controls the connection of the capacitor to the terminals. The connection is made or broken by
clicking the toggle switch. A capacitor or an inductor is connected to the terminals when the
corresponding toggle switch is set to the I position.
The module is only available to users that selected either a 220 V or 240 V ac power network.
Three-Phase Transformer
The Three-Phase Transformer consists of three identical single-phase transformers. Each
winding can be used as either a primary or a secondary. One of the windings of each
transformer has an intermediate tap. These features allow delta-star (wye), star-delta, star-star,
and delta-delta connections. Access to the windings is achieved through terminals on the
module front panel.
Note that the overcurrent LEDs on the front panel of the module are not implemented in the
present version of LVSIM-EMS.
Regulating Autotransformer
The Three-Phase Regulating Autotransformer consists of a three-phase autotransformer. A
buck-boost selector switch can be used to increase or decrease the autotransformer output
voltage by 15%. A phase-shift selector switch can be used to set the phase shift produced by the
autotransformer output voltage to ±15°. A phase sequence indicator on the module front panel
indicates the phase sequence of the voltages across the autotransformer.
Single-Phase Transformer (Model 8353)
The Transformer consists of a power transformer. Both the primary and secondary sides of the
Transformer are made of two identical separate windings. The Transformer has a turns ratio
of 1:5, when considering the totality of its primary and secondary windings. The Transformer
windings are polarized and the polarity of each winding is indicated by a small dot on the
module front panel. A typical application of the Transformer is to convert the energy stored in
batteries to a suitable voltage level (for example, to the level of the ac power network voltage).
Note that the thermistor output on the module front panel is not implemented in the present
version of LVSIM-EMS.
Synchronizing Module
The Synchronizing Module consists of a triple-pole, single-throw switch and three indicator
lamps. Each lamp is connected in parallel with a contact pair of the triple-pole switch. Access to
the lamps and switch contacts is achieved through three pairs of terminals on the module front
panel. The main function of the Synchronizing Module is to indicate synchronism between two
AC generators and to electrically interconnect the generators by closing the triple-pole switch.
The color of the lamps on the Synchronizing Module gradually passes from white to orange
when the lamp brightness increases.
To modify the triple-pole, single-throw switch setting (open or closed), place the cursor on the
switch, then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the switch from one position to the other. Note
that the circuit is closed when the switch is in the I position, and it is closed when the switch is in
the O position.
Each pole of the triple-pole switch is protected against overcurrent by a circuit breaker. The
current rating of each circuit breaker is the same as that of the switch. When one of the circuit
breakers trips, its reset button, located on the module front panel becomes red. The circuit
breaker is reset by clicking the reset button.
Power Supply (Model 8821)
The Power Supply is one of the power sources available in the EMS System. It mainly consists of
the following five power sources:
a fixed-voltage, three-phase, four-wire power source;
a variable-voltage, three-phase, four-wire power source;
a fixed-voltage DC power source;
a variable-voltage DC power source;
a 24 V AC power source.
The Power Supply is automatically connected to a three-phase AC power network when it is
installed in the workstation.
Built-In Voltmeter
The voltages of the variable-voltage, three-phase power source, variable-voltage DC power
source, and fixed-voltage DC power source can be measured using the module's built-in
voltmeter. The display of this voltmeter is located in the upper left corner of the module front
panel. The source voltage measured with this voltmeter is indicated in volts (V).
The button located on the right of the voltmeter display allows selection of the source voltage.
This button is referred to as the voltage selector. See Modifying a Control Knob Setting to obtain
information on how to modify the setting of the voltage selector control knob.
The following voltages are available for the variable-voltage, three-phase ac power source:
Line-to-line voltages 4-5, 5-6, and 6-4
Line-to-neutral voltages 4-N, 5-N, and 6-N
The following voltages are available for the dc power source:
Variable-voltage 7-N
Fixed-voltage 8-N
Overcurrent Protection
The variable-voltage power sources and the fixed-voltage DC power source are protected
against overcurrent by thermomagnetic circuit breakers. When the current rating of any of
these sources is exceeded, one or several circuit breaker(s) may trip. When so, the RESET
button, located in the lower left corner of the module front panel, becomes red. The tripped
circuit breaker(s) can be reset by clicking the RESET button with the left mouse button.
Power Supply (Model 8823)
The Power Supply consists of a fixed-voltage three-phase ac power source and a fixed-voltage dc
power source. It can be used to power most of the EMS modules. Independent circuit breakers,
with a reset button on the front panel of the module, protect the inputs and outputs from
overcurrent conditions. Indicator lamps allow monitoring the presence of input voltage on each
Prime Mover
When the module is used as a prime mover, the permanent-magnet DC motor drives another
machine. DC power is supplied to the armature of the permanent-magnet DC motor through
input terminals 1 and 2. The motor speed is proportional to the DC voltage applied to the
When the module is used as a dynamometer, the permanent-magnet DC motor is driven by
another machine and acts as a generator. The armature of the permanent-magnet DC motor is
connected to the variable load circuit. The mechanical load to the driving machine is
proportional to the electrical load applied to the generator. The load can be controlled manually
or externally depending on whether the LOAD CONTROL MODE switch is set to the manual
(MAN.) or external (EXT.) position. To modify the LOAD CONTROL MODE switch setting (MAN. or
EXT.), place the cursor on the switch, then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the switch from
one position to the other.
In the manual load control mode, the load is varied using the MANUAL knob. The load is
increased as the knob is turned clockwise and it is decreased when the knob is turned
counterclockwise. See Modifying a Control Knob Setting to obtain information on how to modify
the setting of MANUAL knob.
In the external load control mode, the load is controlled by the voltage applied to the external
input (EXTERNAL INPUT) terminal. The load increases as the voltage increases. The voltage range
is from 0 V to 10 V.
Digital Display
In both operating modes, the digital display on the module front panel indicates either the
motor speed or the motor torque. The switch located to the left of the display is used to select
between the speed (SPEED) and torque (TORQUE). The selected parameter changes whenever
the selection switch is clicked with the left mouse button. An LED located to the right of the
display lights up to indicate the selected parameter. The speed is expressed in r/min and the
torque is expressed in N∙m or lbf∙in depending on the selected system of units. See General
Options for additional information on the system of units.
In both operating modes, the torque (TORQUE) terminal provides a voltage proportional to the
torque developed by the machine coupled to the Prime Mover / Dynamometer. Similarly, the
speed (SPEED) terminal provides a voltage proportional to the machine speed. Note that the
polarity of the voltages at the TORQUE and SPEED terminals is positive when the torque and the
direction of rotation are clockwise and vice versa. The TORQUE, SPEED, and common terminals
can be connected to the corresponding terminals on the Data Acquisition Interface, Model 9062,
or the Data Acquisition and Control Interface, Model 9063, to allow torque and speed
measurements using the Metering window.
Low Power Input
The Prime Mover / Dynamometer requires low-voltage AC power (24 V) to operate. Two input
jacks located in the lower right corner of the front panel allow the module to be connected to
the 24 V AC power source on the Power Supply, Model 8821, or on the 24 V external power
supply located near the bottom right side of the EMS workstation. An LED located over the 24 V
power input of the Prime Mover / Dynamometer lights up when power is supplied to the
Overspeed Indicator
The overspeed indicator is an LED located beside the digital display on the module front panel.
When the module is used as a prime mover and the AC power network voltage is 220 V or
240 V, the overspeed indicator lights up and a protection circuit disconnect the armature of the
permanent-magnet DC motor from input terminals 1 and 2, when either one of the following
two situations occurs:
When the speed exceeds 2500 r/min.
When low-voltage AC power is supplied to the module while a DC voltage is already
applied to input terminals 1 and 2.
In both cases, the voltage at input terminals 1 and 2 must be reduced to zero for the overspeed
indicator to go out and the protection circuit to reconnect the armature of the permanent-
magnet DC motor to the input terminals.
When the module is used as a dynamometer, the overspeed indicator lights up when the speed
exceeds 3200 r/min. If the speed exceeds 3600 r/min, the mechanical load is automatically
increased to maximum so that the speed decreases. The mechanical load is set back to its
original value once the speed has decreased below 3600 r/min.
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply mainly consists of a permanent magnet (PM)
DC motor, four-quadrant power supply, and onboard microcontroller enclosed in a full-height
EMS module. A toggle switch on the front panel allows selection of the operating mode. The
module can be used as a four-quadrant dynamometer or a four-quadrant power supply
depending on whether the OPERATING MODE switch is set to the DYNAMOMETER or POWER
SUPPLY position. To modify the OPERATING MODE switch setting (DYNAMOMETER or POWER
SUPPLY), place the cursor on the switch, then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the switch
from one position to the other.
In each operating mode, key parameters related to the selected function are displayed. Speed,
torque, mechanical power, and energy are displayed in the Dynamometer mode while voltage,
current, electrical power, and energy are displayed in the Power Supply mode.
In the Dynamometer mode, the unit becomes a four-quadrant dynamometer that can act as
either a fully-configurable brake (i.e., a mechanical load) or a fully-configurable prime mover
(i.e., a motor drive). A wide variety of user-selectable functions is available specifically in this
operating mode. To select a function, place the cursor on Function button, then left-click on the
mouse to cycle through the available functions. The name of the currently activated function
appears in the status screen on the right of the module. The following functions are currently
available for the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply in dynamometer mode:
Clockwise (CW) Prime Mover/Brake
Counterclockwise (CCW) Prime Mover/Brake
Two-Quadrant (2Q) Constant-Torque (CT) Brake
Clockwise (CW) Constant-Speed (CS) Prime Mover/Brake
Counterclockwise (CCW) Constant-Speed (CS) Prime Mover/Brake
Positive Constant-Torque (CT) Prime Move/Brake
Negative Constant-Torque (CT) Prime Move/Brake
Speed Sweep (available in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply instruments
Power Supply
In the Power Supply mode, the unit becomes a four-quadrant power supply that can act as a DC
voltage source, DC current source, AC power source, and many other types of power supplies. A
wide variety of user-selectable functions is available specifically in this operating mode. To
select a function, place the cursor on Function button, then left-click on the mouse to cycle
through the available functions. The name of the currently activated function appears in the
status screen on the right of the module. The following functions are currently available for the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply in power supply mode:
Voltage Source (+)
Voltage Source (-)
50 Hz Power Source
60 Hz Power Source
AC Power Source (available in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
instruments window)
DC Voltage Source (available in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
instruments window)
Digital Display
In both operating modes, the digital display on the module front panel indicates key
parameters. For example, in the dynamometer operating mode, parameters such as speed,
torque, mechanical power, and energy are displayed on the status screen. On the other hand, in
the power supply operating mode, parameters such as voltage, current, electrical power, and
energy are displayed on the status screen.
Power Input
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply is powered via its main power input. It requires
power from a standard ac power outlet. The LVSIM-EMS software assumes that the module is
connected to such an ac power outlet. Therefore, to turn the power supply on, place the cursor
on the Power Input switch, then left-click on the mouse. This toggles the Power Input switch
from one position to the other. When the Power Input switch is in the I position, the module is
on. When the Power Input switch is in the O position, the module is off.
Data Acquisition Interface 9062 (DAI)
The Data Acquisition Interface (DAI) module is required to perform voltage, current, speed, and
torque measurements using the computer-based instruments for electromechanical systems. It
consists of three voltage inputs (E1, E2, and E3), three current inputs (I1, I2, and I3), a torque
input (T), a speed input (N), two control outputs (ANALOG OUTPUTS 1 and 2), a synchronization
input (SYNC. INPUT), and eight auxiliary analog inputs. Access to the various inputs and the
ANALOG OUTPUTS is achieved through terminals on the module front panel. The USB port of
the DAI module is automatically connected to the computer that implements the computer-
based instruments when the module is installed in the Workstation.
Note that ANALOG OUTPUTS 1 and 2, the SYNC. INPUT and the ANALOG INPUTS 1 to 8 are not
functional in the current version of the application.
The DAI requires low-voltage AC power (24 V) to operate. Two input jacks located in the lower
right corner of the front panel allow the module to be connected to the 24 V AC power source
on the Power Supply, Model 8821, or on the 24 V external power supply located near the
bottom right side of the EMS workstation. An LED located over the low power inputs of the DAI
lights up when power is supplied to the module.
Data Acquisition and Control Interface 9063 (DACI)
The Data Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) is required to perform voltage, current, speed,
and torque measurements using the computer-based instruments for electromechanical
systems. It has four isolated, high-level voltage inputs (E1, E2, E3, E4) and four isolated, high-
level current inputs (I1, I2, I3, I4). All these inputs are fitted with 4-mm banana safety jacks to
make connections to electric power circuits quick, safe, and easy. The DACI also has eight low-
level, analog inputs which allow measurement of other circuit signals (AI-1 to AI-8/n). Two of
these inputs can be used to measure torque (AI 7/T) and speed (AI 8/n). Finally, the DACI is
provided with three digital inputs. Two of these digital inputs are used as an incremental
encoder input (A-B) and the third input (SYNC) is used for synchronization. The USB port of the
DACI module is automatically connected to the computer that implements the computer-based
instruments when the module is installed in the Workstation.
Note that inputs E4 and I4, the DIGITAL INPUTS, ANALOG INPUTS 1 to 6, and the DIGITAL
OUTPUTS are not functional in the current version of the application.
The DACI module requires low-voltage AC power (24 V) to operate. Two input jacks located on
the front panel allow the module to be connected to the 24 V AC power source on the Power
Supply, Model 8821, or on the 24 V external power supply located near the bottom right side of
the EMS workstation. An LED located between the 24 V power inputs of the DACI lights up when
power is supplied to the module.
The Metering window provides a complete set of meters that allow measurements of electrical
and mechanical quantities in electromechanical systems as well as in power electronics circuits.
It contains 18 meters that can each be configured to measure one of the following parameters:
voltage, current, power (active, reactive, and apparent), efficiency, impedance, power factor,
frequency, energy, torque, speed, and phase shift. All meter settings, that is, the meter range,
the meter status (on or off), etc., can be changed according to your needs. Values measured
with the various meters can be recorded in a data table to plot graphs.
Sends the Metering data to the printer. The Print dialog box appears before the Metering data is
sent to the printer. This box allows the print setup and options to be modified before printing.
The Metering data is effectively sent to the printer after the OK button in the Print dialog box is
Closes the Metering window. Note that the current configuration (meter settings) of the
Metering window is kept in memory as long as the application from which the Metering window
was opened is running.
Opens the Layout dialog box. This box allows you to select and modify a meter layout. A meter
layout is the arrangement of the meters in the Metering window. Four meter layouts are
available. See Meter Layout to obtain additional information.
Meter Settings...
Opens the Meter Settings dialog box. This box allows the various settings of each meter in the
Metering window to be changed. See Meter Settings to know how to change the meter settings.
Single Refresh
Refreshes the value indicated by each of the meters in the Metering window. Note that when
this command is performed while the values indicated by the meters are refreshed at regular
time intervals (Continuous Refresh mode), the current refreshing cycle is completed and the
continuous refresh of the meters is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes the values indicated by the meters in the Metering window at regular
time intervals. A circle appears around the Continuous Refresh command in the View menu
when the continuous refresh mode is selected. To stop the continuous display refresh, click
either the Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or choose either the Refresh or Continuous
Refresh command in the View menu.
Acquisition Settings...
Opens the Acquisition Settings dialog box. This box allows you to select the length of the
sampling window, that is, the time interval during which parameters are sampled to obtain the
data used to calculate the values indicated by the various meters in the Metering window. See
Acquisition Settings to obtain additional information.
The buttons in the toolbar can be clicked to perform various functions. The function related to
each button is briefly described below.
Icon Description
Single Refresh
Continuous Refresh
Meter Settings
Status Bar
The Metering status bar is located at the bottom of the Metering window. It contains two
information fields.
The first field in the status bar indicates which one of the available sampling windows is selected
in order to acquire the data required to calculate the values displayed by the various meters in
the Metering window. See Acquisition Settings in Options Menu Commands (Metering) for
additional information.
The second field in the status bar indicates the fundamental frequency of the parameters to be
measured. See Acquisition Settings to obtain additional information.
Meter Settings
The settings of the various meters in the Metering window can be changed through the Meter
Settings dialog box. Shortcuts in the Metering window are also available for changing the meter
settings. See Shortcuts to Meter Settings for additional information. The various items in the
Meter Settings dialog box are described in this topic.
In the Meter Settings dialog box, meter settings can be changed one meter at a time. The Meter
list allows selection of the meter whose settings are changed.
In the Metering window, there is a label above the display of each meter. The Label box allows
edition of the label of the meter selected in the Meter list. Note that the label of each meter can
also be edited directly in the Metering window.
The Mode list allows selection of the operating mode of the meter selected in the Meter list.
The available modes mainly depend on the type of parameter (voltage, current, power,
impedance, power factor, torque, etc.) that is measured with the meter. See Meter Operating
Modes to obtain additional information about the operating modes available for each of the
various types of meter.
Each meter in the Metering window can have a digital-type or analog-type display. The display
type of the meter selected in the Meter list is determined by clicking one of the two Display
option buttons.
When the Analog Display option button is selected, the Scale list allows selecting the scale of the
meter selected in the Meter list.
Command Buttons
Clicking the Apply button applies the settings made in the Meter Settings dialog box to the
meters in the Metering window.
Clicking the Cancel button returns to the Metering window without changing the settings of the
meters in this window.
Clicking the OK button applies the settings made in the Meter Settings dialog box to the meters
in the Metering window and returns to this window.
measured. In the AC2 to AC15 modes, the RMS value of the corresponding harmonic of the
parameter is measured. For instance, the AC4 mode measures the RMS value of the fourth
harmonic. The THD mode measures the total harmonic distortion with respect to the RMS value
of the parameter's ac component. The THD1 mode measures the total harmonic distortion with
respect to the RMS value of the parameter's fundamental-frequency component. In the ACh
mode, the RMS value of the harmonics (second harmonic to fifteenth harmonic) is measured.
See Technical Information about the Voltmeters and Ammeters for additional information.
Impedance Meters
Three operating modes are available: R, X, and Z. In the R mode, resistance is measured. In the X
mode, reactance is measured. In the Z mode, impedance is measured. See Impedance in
Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Functions for additional information.
Power Factor Meters
Three operating modes are available for the single-phase power factor meters when the 2-cycle
or 8-cycle sampling window is selected: True, Disp, and Dist. In the True mode, the true power
factor is measured. In the Disp mode, the displacement power factor is measured. In the Dist
mode, the distortion power factor is measured. See Technical Information about the
Programmable Meter Power Factor Functions for additional information.
Note that no operating mode is available for the following types of meters:
Frequency Meters
Energy Meters
Speed Meters (Tachometers)
Phase Meters
Meter Label
Clicking on the small rectangle above the digital display allows the edition of the Meter Label.
Input/Function Display
The upper right corner box display the input or combination of inputs used for the
Digital Display
Clicking in the digital display of a meter changes the meter display type (analog or digital).
Analog Display
On meters with an analog-type display, clicking anywhere in the analog display changes the zero
location (middle or left).
Lower Left Corner Zone
Clicking the lower left corner box using the left mouse button toggles between the operating
modes available for the selected meter function. Clicking the lower left corner box using the
right mouse button displays a menu that allows selection of the alternate mode of operation.
See Meter Operating Modes to obtain additional information about the operating modes
available for each of the various types of meter.
Meter Range
On meters with an analog-type display, clicking the range indicated in the lower right corner
changes the meter range.
See Meter Operating Modes to obtain additional information about the operating modes
available for each of the various types of meter.
Meter Layout
The Layout dialog box allows you to select the layout of the meters in the Metering window. It
also allows a meter layout to be edited by changing the number of meters. The Layout dialog
box is opened by choosing the Layout... command in the View menu.
In the Layout dialog box, the Layout list allows selection of one of the four meter layouts
The number of meters in the selected meter layout can be adjusted by changing the number of
columns and rows. The number of columns is modified using the Number of Columns
parameter. Similarly, the number of rows is modified using the Number of Rows parameter.
Clicking the Default button changes the currently-selected meter layout to the default all meters
Clicking the OK button applies the currently-selected meter layout to the Metering window,
saves all changes made to the meter layouts, and returns to the Metering window.
Clicking the Cancel button returns to the Metering window without taking into account any of
the selections and changes made in the Layout dialog box.
Acquisition Settings
The Acquisition Settings dialog box allows you to select the length of the sampling window, that
is, the time interval during which parameters are sampled to obtain the data used to calculate
the values indicated by the various meters in the Metering window.
The length of the sampling window is determined by selecting one of the following options in
the Sampling Window drop-down list: Extended, 2 cycles, and 8 cycles. When the Extended
option is selected in the drop-down list, the sampling window is set to 250 ms. When the 2
cycles option is selected in the drop-down list, the sampling window spreads over a time interval
equal to 2 cycles of parameters having a specific frequency. Similarly, when the 8 cycles option is
selected, the sampling window spreads over a time interval equal to 8 cycles of parameters
having a specific frequency.
When either the 2 cycles or 8 cycles option is selected in the Sampling Window drop-down list,
the Fundamental Frequency data field becomes active. This data field allows you to specify the
frequency of the parameters to be measured. This data is used by the system to calculate the
duration of the time intervals corresponding to 2 cycles and 8 cycles of these parameters.
See Technical Information about Signal Sampling for additional information on the sampling
Technical Information
Signals Sampling
The values indicated by the various meters in the Metering window are calculated from samples
of the signals at the DAI or DACI module inputs. These signals are sampled whenever a refresh
command is performed in the Metering window.
The time interval during which the signals at the DAI or DACI inputs are sampled to obtain the
data required to calculate the values indicated by the various meters in the Metering window is
referred to as the sampling window. Three sampling windows of different lengths are available
in the Metering window: Extended, 8 Cycles, and 2 Cycles. These sampling windows are
described below. See Acquisition Settings to know how to select the sampling window.
The 8-Cycle sampling window should be used whenever the frequency of the parameters to be
measured is known and fixed. It allows measurement of the DC value, RMS value, or any
harmonic-related value of a parameter.
Modes of Measurement
DC Mode
In the DC mode, the meter provides the mean value of the measured parameter. This value is
obtained by calculating the mean value of the samples of the measured parameter.
AC Mode
In the AC mode, the meter provides the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the measured
parameter. The RMS value is obtained by squaring the samples of the measured parameter,
calculating the mean value of the squared samples, and then calculating the square root of the
mean value of the squared samples.
ACh Mode
In the ACh mode, the meter provides the RMS value of the harmonics (second harmonic and
higher harmonics) in the measured parameter. This value is obtained by subtracting the squared
RMS value of the fundamental-frequency component of the measured parameter from the
squared RMS value of this parameter, and calculating the square root of the result of the
subtraction. The RMS value of the measured parameter is calculated as in a meter operating in
the AC mode. The RMS value of the fundamental-frequency component of the measured
parameter is obtained by performing a fast Fourier transform (FFT) using the samples of the
measured parameter.
Note that the ACh mode is only available when the 2-Cycle or 8-Cycle sampling window is
selected. See Technical Information about Signal Sampling for additional information about the
sampling window.
The active power is obtained by multiplying the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency
components of the voltage and current, and then multiplying the result by the cosine of the
phase shift ø (cos ø) between the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage and
The reactive power is obtained by multiplying the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency
components of the voltage and current, and then multiplying the result by the sine of the phase
shift ø (sin ø) between the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage and current.
Note that for all these power calculations, the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency
components of the voltage and current are calculated as in the AC1 mode of the voltmeters and
ammeters. The phase shift ø between the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage
and current is obtained by calculating the difference between the phase angles of these
components. These phase angles are provided by the fast Fourier transforms (FFT's) performed
to obtain the RMS value of the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage and current.
See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Voltage and Current Functions for
additional information about the AC1 mode.
THD, etc.). For example, the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the voltage sums is indicated
when the meter operates in the AC mode. The current summing functions (I1+I3, I2+I3, etc.)
sum the currents indicated in parentheses in the same manner as the voltage summing
The voltage averaging function Avg (E1, E2, E3) calculates the average value of voltages E1, E2,
and E3. The nature of the values used to calculate the average value depends on the mode of
operation selected on the meter (DC, AC, AC1, CF, THD, etc.). For example, the average value of
the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency component of voltages E1, E2, and E3 is
calculated when the meter operates in the AC1 mode. The current averaging function Avg
(I1,I2,I3) calculates the average value of currents I1, I2, and I3 in the same manner as the voltage
averaging function.
The symmetrical component function PNZ (E1, E2, E3) measures the positive, negative or zero
sequence voltage related to a three-phase power system using voltages E1, E2, and E3. Similarly,
the symmetrical component function PNZ (I1,I2,I3) measures the positive, negative or zero
sequence current using currents I1, I2, and I3. The symmetrical component that is measured
depends on the operating mode selected for the meter. The positive sequence voltage is
obtained by advancing the phase of voltages E2 and E3 by 120 and 240 degrees, respectively,
summing voltage E1 and phase shifted voltages E2 and E3 for each sample, dividing the result of
each voltage sum by three, and then calculating the RMS value of the weighted voltage sums.
The negative sequence voltage is obtained by delaying the phase of voltage E2 and E3 by 120
and 240 degrees, respectively, summing voltage E1 and phase shifted voltages E2 and E3 for
each sample, dividing the result of each voltage sum by three, and then calculating the RMS
value of the weighted voltage sums. The zero sequence component is obtained by summing
voltages E1, E2, and E3 for each sample, dividing the result of each voltage sum by three, and
then calculating the RMS value of the weighted voltage sums. The positive, negative, and zero
sequence currents are calculated using the same methods.
The electrical power summing functions (PQS1+PQS2, PQS1+PQS2+PQS3, etc.) sum active (P),
reactive (Q) or apparent (S) power of two or more power meters, depending on the operating
mode selected on the meter. Active power sums are obtained by calculating the algebraic sum
of the active powers. Similarly, reactive power sums are obtained by calculating the algebraic
sum of the reactive powers. Apparent power sums are obtained by calculating the vectorial sum
of the active and reactive power sums. Note that the PQS1+PQS2 power summing function can
be used to measure three-phase power using the two-wattmeter method, when inputs E1, E2,
I1,and I2 of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) module are connected as shown in
the following figure.
The three-phase electrical power functions (PQS1 (E1,I1) 3~, PQS2 (E2,I2) 3~, etc.) measure
three-phase power using the line-to-line voltage and line current indicated in parentheses.
Active power (P), reactive power (Q) or apparent power (S) is measured depending on the
operating mode selected on the meter. Three-phase power is calculated in three steps. The line-
to-line voltage is phase shifted by 30 degrees and divided by the root square of 3 to determine
the corresponding line-to-neutral voltage. Single-phase power is then calculated using the line-
to-neutral voltage and the line current. Finally, three-phase power is obtained by multiplying the
single-phase power by 3. Note that accurate three-phase power measurements are obtained as
long as the system is balanced.
Efficiency Functions
The following functions are available for measuring efficiency:
Active powers P1, P2, and P3 used to calculate the efficiency in the above functions are obtained
using voltage E1 and current I1, voltage E2 and current I2, and voltage E3 and current I3,
respectively. The method used to calculate active powers P1, P2, and P3 is the same as that used
to calculate active power in the electrical power meters. See Technical Information about the
Programmable Meter Electrical and Mechanical Power Functions for additional information.
For more information on how power functions calculate mechanical power, see Technical
Information about the Programmable Meter Electrical and Mechanical Power Functions for
additional information.
Impedance Functions
The following functions are available for measuring impedance:
RXZ (E1,I1)
RXZ (E2,I2)
RXZ (E3,I3)
RXZ (E4,I4)
RXZ// (E1,I1)
RXZ// (E2,I2)
RXZ// (E3,I3)
RXZ// (E4,I4)
RDC (E1,I1)
RDC (E2,I2)
RDC (E3,I3)
RDC (E4,I4)
The impedance functions RXZ (E1,I1), RXZ (E2,I2), RXZ (E3,I3), and RXZ (E4,I4) measure resistance
(R), reactance (X) or impedance (Z) in AC series circuits, depending on the operating mode
selected on the meter. The voltage and current indicated in the parentheses are used to
calculate the resistance, the reactance or the impedance.
The impedance functions RXZ// (E1,I1), RXZ// (E2,I2), RXZ// (E3,I3), and RXZ// (E4,I4) measure
resistance (R), reactance (X) or impedance (Z) in AC parallel circuits, depending on the operating
mode selected on the meter. The voltage and current indicated in the parentheses are used to
calculate the resistance, the reactance or the impedance.
The impedance functions RDC (E1,I1), RDC (E2,I2), RDC (E3,I3), and RDC (E4,I4) measure
resistance (R) in the same way as a multimeter, that is, using the mean (DC) values of the
voltage and current. The resistance is calculated using the voltage and current indicated in the
The calculations of resistance, reactance, and impedance in the RXZ (Ex,Ix) and RXZ// (Ex,Ix)
impedance functions not only depend on the nature of the circuit (series or parallel), but also on
whether the Extended, 2-Cycle or 8-Cycle sampling window is used. The various calculations
used with each type of sampling window are described below. See Technical Information about
Signal Sampling for additional information about the sampling window.
Resistance, Reactance, and Impedance Calculations with the Extended Sampling Window
The following equations are used to calculate resistance (R), reactance (X), and impedance (Z) in
the RXZ (Ex,Ix) impedance functions (for series circuits):
R = P / I²
X = Q / I²
The following equations are used to calculate resistance (R), reactance (X), and impedance (Z) in
the RXZ// (Ex,Ix) impedance functions (for parallel circuits).
R = E² / P
X = E² / Q
In all of the above equations:
E is the RMS value of the voltage across the circuit;
I is the RMS value of the current flowing through the circuit;
P is the active power in the circuit;
Q is the reactive power in the circuit.
Note that the RMS values of the voltage (E) and current (I) are calculated as in the AC mode of
the voltmeters and ammeters. See Technical Information about the Programmable Voltage and
Current Functions for additional information about the AC mode.
Also note that the methods used to calculate the active (P) and reactive (Q) powers are the
same as those used in electrical power meters when the Extended sampling window is selected.
See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Electrical and Mechanical Power
Functions for additional information.
Resistance, Reactance, and Impedance Calculations with the 2-cycle and 8-Cycle Sampling
The following equations are used to calculate resistance (R), reactance (X), and impedance (Z) in
the RXZ (Ex,Ix) impedance functions (for series circuits):
R = (E / I) x cos ø
X = (E / I) x sin ø
The following equations are used to calculate resistance (R), reactance (X), and impedance (Z) in
the RXZ// (Ex,Ix) impedance functions (for parallel circuits).
R = E / (I cos ø)
X = E / (I sin ø)
In all of the above equations:
E is the RMS value of the fundamental-frequency component of the voltage across the
I is the RMS value of the fundamental-frequency component of the current flowing
through the circuit;
ø is the phase shift between the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage and
Note that the methods used to calculate the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency
components of the voltage and current as well as the phase shift between these components
are the same as those used in electrical power meters when the 2-Cycle or 8-Cycle sampling
window is selected. See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Electrical and
Mechanical Power Functions for additional information
The distortion power factor is obtained by dividing the apparent power at the fundamental
frequency by the apparent power. The apparent power at the fundamental frequency is
determined by multiplying the RMS values of the fundamental-frequency components of the
voltage and current. In fact, this same method is used to calculate apparent power in electrical
power meters when the 2-cycle or 8-cycle sampling window is selected. The apparent power is
calculated using the same method as in electrical power meters when the Extended sampling
window is selected. See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Electrical and
Mechanical Power Functions for additional information.
The displacement power factor is obtained by calculating the cosine of the phase shift ø (cos ø)
between the fundamental-frequency components of the voltage and current. The phase shift ø
is obtained by calculating the difference between the phase angles of the fundamental-
frequency components of the voltage and current. These phase angles are obtained by
performing two fast Fourier transform (FFT): one with the samples of the measured voltage and
one with the samples of the measured current. Each FFT provides the RMS value and phase
angle of the various harmonic components in the corresponding signal.
Frequency Functions
The following functions are available for measuring frequency:
The above frequency functions determine frequency from the number of times the signal
indicated in parentheses goes through its mean value, either on a negative or positive slope,
during a fixed time interval.
The range over which frequency can be measured mainly depends on whether the Extended, 2-
Cycle, or 8-Cycle sampling window is selected (you can refer to Technical Information about
Signal Sampling for additional information about the sampling window). When the Extended
sampling window is selected, the frequency range also depends on whether a 50-Hz or 60-Hz
version Data Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) module is used. When either the 2-Cycle
or 8-Cycle sampling window is selected, the frequency range also depends on the specified
fundamental frequency (you can refer to Acquisition Settings to know how to specify the
fundamental frequency). The frequency ranges associated with the various sampling windows
are indicated below.
Frequency Range (Extended Sampling Window -- 50-Hz DACI Module)
f min. = 6 Hz
f max. = 800 Hz
Frequency Range (Extended Sampling Window -- 60-Hz DACI Module)
f min. = 6 Hz
f max. = 960 Hz
Frequency Range (2-Cycle Sampling Window)
f min. = 0.75 x specified fundamental frequency
f max. = 16 x specified fundamental frequency
Frequency Range (8-Cycle Sampling Window)
f min. = 0.1875 x specified fundamental frequency
f max. = 16 x specified fundamental frequency
The above frequency ranges are valid for voltage and current waveforms having a 50% duty
cycle. The maximum frequency which can be measured may be reduced when the duty cycle is
not 50%.
Energy Functions
The following functions are available for measuring amounts of energy:
W (E1, I1)
W (E1, I1) 3~
Simple energy functions (W (E1, I1), W (E2, I2), etc.) measure the amount of energy using the
active power calculated from the voltage and current inputs indicated in parentheses.
Energy summation function W1+W2 measures the amount of energy using the algebraic sum of
the active power calculated from the voltage and current inputs E1 and I1, and the active power
calculated from voltage and current inputs E2 and I2. Similarly, energy summation function
W1+W2+W3 measures the amount of energy using the algebraic sum of the active powers
calculated from the voltage and current inputs E1 and I1, the active power calculated from
voltage and current inputs E2 and I2, and the active power calculated from voltage and current
inputs E3 and I3.
Three-phase energy functions (W (E1, I1) 3~, W (E2, I2) 3~, etc.) measure the amount of energy
using the three-phase active power calculated from the voltage and current inputs indicated in
Energy measurement starts as soon as the continuous refresh mode is selected, and stops when
the manual refresh mode is selected. Energy is obtained by multiplying the active power by
time. This is performed continually at short time intervals. The result obtained at each time
interval is added to the sum of the results of the previous time intervals until the meter is reset
to zero (by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter).
The method used to calculate active power is the same as that used to calculate active power in
the electrical power meters. See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter
Electrical and Mechanical Power Functions for additional information.
name such as ‘’energy’’ to express the reactive power used by a system over time, we created a
Reactive Power Integral meter type. Put it simply, it sums the reactive power used over time
according to the inputs specified in parentheses. To simplify the text, we will call the value
obtained the ‘’reactive energy’’.
Simple reactive power integral functions (ΣQ (E1, I1), ΣQ (E2, I2), etc.) measure the amount of
reactive energy using the reactive power calculated from the voltage and current inputs
indicated in parentheses.
Reactive energy summation function ΣQ1+ ΣQ2 measures the amount of reactive energy using
the algebraic sum of the reactive power calculated from the voltage and current inputs E1 and
I1, and the reactive power calculated from voltage and current inputs E2 and I2. Similarly,
reactive energy summation function ΣQ1+ ΣQ2+ ΣQ3 measures the amount of reactive energy
using the algebraic sum of the reactive powers calculated from the voltage and current inputs
E1 and I1, the reactive power calculated from voltage and current inputs E2 and I2, and the
reactive power calculated from voltage and current inputs E3 and I3.
Three-phase energy functions (ΣQ (E1, I1) 3~, ΣQ (E2, I2) 3~, etc.) measure the amount of
reactive energy using the three-phase reactive power calculated from the voltage and current
inputs indicated in parentheses.
The reactive power integral measurement starts as soon as the continuous refresh mode is
selected, and stops when the manual refresh mode is selected. The reactive energy is obtained
by multiplying the reactive power by time. This is performed continually at short time intervals.
The result obtained at each time interval is added to the sum of the results of the previous time
intervals until the meter is reset to zero (by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the
The method used to calculate reactive power is the same as that used to calculate reactive
power in the electrical power meters. See Technical Information about the Programmable
Meter Electrical and Mechanical Power Functions for additional information.
Phase Shift Functions
There are a number of different phase shift functions available. Each follows the model of this
PS (E1, I1)
The method used to measure phase shifts in the meters depends on whether the Extended, 2-
Cycle or 8-Cycle sampling window is used. The phase-shift measurement method used with each
type of sampling window is described below. See Technical Information about Signal Sampling
for additional information about the sampling window.
Phase-Shift Measurement Method with the 2-Cycle and 8-Cycle Sampling Windows
To measure phase shift, the difference between the phase angles of the fundamental-frequency
components of the two signals indicated in the parentheses is calculated. These phase angles
are obtained by performing two fast Fourier transforms (FFT's): one with the samples of first
signal and one with the samples of the second signal. Each FFT provides the RMS value and
phase angle of the various harmonic components in the corresponding signal.
Overrange Indication
Overrange occurs when the magnitude of the signal being measured exceeds the capability of
the selected meter range. For example, trying to measure a 50 V DC voltage using the 20 V
range on a DC voltmeter results in an overrange indication.
In the Metering window, the value indicated by a meter becomes red to indicate overrange.
Clipping Indication
Clipping occurs when the magnitude of the measured parameter momentarily exceeds the
measurement capability of a meter even though the parameter value does not exceed the range
selected on that meter. In other words, clipping occurs when the parameter magnitude
becomes such that the meter crest-factor rating is exceeded. For example, measuring a 150 V
DC voltage with peaks of 500 V using the 200 V range on a DC voltmeter with a measurement
capability of 800 V results in a clipping indication.
In the Metering window, the value indicated by a meter becomes yellow to indicate clipping.
The Oscilloscope allows time domain observation and analysis of electrical and mechanical
parameters in electromechanical systems. Up to eight parameters can be observed at a time
since the Oscilloscope has eight channels. The waveforms of the parameters are displayed on
the Oscilloscope screen using different colors to facilitate observation.
Sends the Oscilloscope window to the printer. The Print dialog box appears before the
Oscilloscope window is sent to the printer. This box allows the print setup and options to be
modified before printing. The Oscilloscope window is effectively sent to the printer after the OK
button in the Print dialog box is clicked.
Export Data…
Opens the Export Data dialog box. This command is used to save the signals displayed on the
Oscilloscope screen to a text file (filename.txt). The resulting file contains the time and value
(signal magnitude) associated with the samples used to display the waveform of each signal on
the Oscilloscope screen.
Closes the Oscilloscope window. Note that the current configuration (instrument settings) of the
Oscilloscope is kept in memory as long as the application from which the Oscilloscope window
was opened is running.
Show Settings
Shows or hides the Oscilloscope Settings table. The menu item is highlighted to indicate that the
table is visible. See Oscilloscope Settings for more information.
Color Settings
Shows or hides the Color Settings table. The Color Settings dialog box allows the color associated
with each channel of the Oscilloscope to be changed. It also allows selection of the colors of the
screen background, the display grid and axes, the cursors, the channels stored in memory, and
the traces in the X-Y mode. To change the color associated with a particular item in the
Oscilloscope window, select this item in the Item list, then select the desired color by clicking
the corresponding color in one of the color tabs. When a new color is selected for a particular
item, the color of the corresponding item is instantly changed on screen.
Single Refresh
Refreshes the waveforms of the signals displayed on the Oscilloscope screen and the contents of
the Waveform Data table. Note that when this command is performed while the Continuous
Refresh option of the waveforms and Waveform Data table contents is selected, the current
refreshing cycle is completed and the continuous refresh of the Oscilloscope is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes the signals displayed on the Oscilloscope screen and the contents of the
Waveform Data table at regular time intervals. A circle appears around the Continuous Refresh
button in the toolbar when the continuous refresh mode is selected. To stop the continuous
display refresh, click either the Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or choose either the
Refresh or Continuous Refresh command in the View menu.
Auto Scale
Automatically selects the best scale settings of the various channels of the Oscilloscope
according to the magnitude of the sampled signals.
Horizontal Cursors
Displays/hides the horizontal cursors on the Oscilloscope screen. Any cursor can be moved by
dragging the horizontal line to the desired location. The Channel Data table at the bottom of the
Oscilloscope shows the data relative to the horizontal cursors (columns Cur 1 and Cur 2).
Vertical Cursors
Displays/hides the vertical cursors on the Oscilloscope screen. Any cursor can be moved by
dragging the vertical line to the desired location. The Channel Data table at the bottom of the
Oscilloscope shows the data relative to the vertical cursors (columns Cur 1 and Cur 2).
View Last Acquisition
Displays on the Oscilloscope screen the last acquisition made by the Oscilloscope.
View Memory 1
Displays on the Oscilloscope screen the waveforms stored in the first memory.
View Memory 2
Displays on the Oscilloscope screen the waveforms stored in the second memory.
Store in Memory 1
Stores the waveforms that are currently shown on screen in the first memory.
Store in Memory 2
Stores the waveforms that are currently shown on screen in the second memory.
Icon Description
Single Refresh
Continuous Refresh
Auto Scale
Store to Memory 1
Store to Memory 2
Icon Description
View Memory 1
View Memory 2
Horizontal Cursors
Vertical Cursors
Oscilloscope Settings
Channel Control
Each of the eight channels of the Oscilloscope (numbered 1 to 8) has independent controls. The
controls of each channel are used to set the scale (sensitivity) and select the observed physical
quantity and the input coupling.
The physical quantity to be observed is determined by selecting the desired input in the Input
list. Selecting the Off option in the Input list disables the channel.
The scale can be set by selecting the desired scale in the Scale list
The scale setting can be optimized according to the magnitude of the measured physical
quantity by choosing the Auto Scale command in the Options menu or by clicking the Auto Scale
button in the toolbar.
The invert option allows the selected waveform to be inverted along the X axis.
The type of input coupling can be selected from the Input Coupling list. The two possible
coupling types are DC coupling and AC coupling. Choosing the AC coupling will remove any DC
component of a signal while DC coupling will give you all components of that same signal. Note
that this function is made by calculation and not by analog signal coupling like a standard scope.
Vertical Position of the Traces (Not shown in Oscilloscope Settings)
A box located at the left side of the oscilloscope screen will appear for each channel that is
sampling a signal. You can adjust the vertical position of the trace related to each channel by
dragging up or down the corresponding box (associated by color with the channel) using your
mouse. Note that when two or more traces are at the same vertical position, only one of the
boxes related to these traces is shown. By moving them around and adjusting the scale
manually, it is possible to display a large number of different traces without one being on top of
Time Base
The Oscilloscope time base can be set by selecting the desired time base in the Time Base list.
The trigger controls are used to select the triggering signal, determine whether triggering occurs
on the positive or negative slope of the triggering signal, and set the level at which triggering
should occur.
The parameter used to trigger the Oscilloscope is determined by selecting a trigger source in the
Source list. For the trigger to work perfectly, you need to select a channel that is already active.
The EXT option allows triggering from an input signal that is not necessarily located in a channel.
Ext. Source
If the EXT option is selected in the Source setting, the Ext. Source list allows the external source
triggering signal to be selected. The signals that can be measured through the various inputs of
the Data Acquisition and Control Interface or Data Acquisition and Control Interface (DACI) are
available in this list.
Selecting the None option in the Source Ext. list located beside the Source list turns the trigger
section off and the Oscilloscope operates in free-run mode.
The trigger level can be adjusted by editing the contents of the Level text box. When one of the
eight channels is selected as the trigger source, the trigger level can also be adjusted using a box
located on the right-hand side of the Oscilloscope screen. This box can be dragged up or down
using the mouse to adjust the trigger level.
Note that the trigger-level indicator boxes becomes red and is located at either the top or
bottom end of the Oscilloscope screen, when the trigger level entered in the Level text box is
outside the range of the trigger level corresponding to the full-height of the Oscilloscope screen.
This indicates that the vertical position of the trigger-level indicator does not correspond to the
trigger level entered in the Level text box.
Note that when the EXT option is selected as the trigger source, the trigger level cannot be
adjusted using the trigger-level indicator (the box is not shown in this case).
Pre-trig / post-trig (Not shown in Oscilloscope Settings)
At the bottom-left side of the oscilloscope screen, you can see a trigger cursor. This cursor can
be used to adjust the pre-trig / post-trig position of all signals on the screen. Simply use your
mouse to drag the cursor left and right.
The trigger slope can either be on the rising or falling part on a wave. By selecting Rising, the
triggering will happen at the beginning of the rising period of the source selected and on the
falling period if Falling is selected.
The Show Memories parameter determines which memory (Memory 1 or Memory 2) is shown
(if any) on the Oscilloscope screen. It is also possible to show both memories at the same time
by selecting Both.
Last Acquisition
The Show Last Acquisition parameter determines if the last acquisition made by the Oscilloscope
is shown on the Oscilloscope screen.
The Show Cursors parameter determines which cursors (horizontal or vertical) are shown (if
any) on the Oscilloscope screen. It is also possible to show both cursors at the same time. In that
case, only one set of parameter is active at the same time, either the horizontal cursors for Both
(Hor. Active) or the vertical (Vert. Active).
Current Data
The Show Current Data parameter determines the source of the data displayed in the Channel
Data table at the bottom of the Oscilloscope screen. The Channel Data table can display the data
related to the last acquisition made by the Oscilloscope or the data related to the waveforms
stored in either memories of the Oscilloscope (Memory 1 or Memory 2).
The X-Y mode of operation can be selected using the Display menu in the Oscilloscope Settings.
Note that the X-Y mode of operation is not available when no inputs (Off option in the Input list)
are selected on either channel 1 (X) or channel 2 (Y).
In the X-Y mode of operation, the signals observed through channels 1 (X) and 2 (Y) are used to
obtain a two-dimensional (2D) plot on the Oscilloscope screen. The 2D plot displayed on the
Oscilloscope screen is automatically updated when the scale or input coupling of channel 1 or
channel 2 is changed. The arrow symbols at the bottom and left-hand side of the Oscilloscope
screen allow the position of the two-dimensional plot to be modified. The Oscilloscope
automatically returns to the normal mode of operation when selecting the Off option in the
Input list of either channel 1 or channel 2.
X-Y Average
The X-Y Average option sums the value of each point of a X-Y drawing and divide this number by
the number of points of the drawing, and so, the final result is a mean value expressed by a dot
on the screen.
Display mode
The Display mode can be changed to Normal (standard line), Dots or Squared in the Display list
under Display Mode.
The Persistence option superimposes multiple waveforms of the same input signal. This can be
useful for spotting glitches, small fault or rare fault hidden in a series of normal events. The
persistence can be adjusted to 2, 4, 8 or 16 traces.
less than one cycle of the waveform of that signal is displayed on the Oscilloscope screen.
Selecting a bigger time base per division in the Time Base list can correct this problem.
The Cur 1 and Cur 2 columns of the Channel Data table indicate the instantaneous values of the
cursors following their position on the Oscilloscope screen. The Diff. column indicates the
difference between the values in the Cur 1 and Cur 2 columns (Cur 2 column value minus Cur 1
column value) for each of the signals. Those values can be expressed in seconds, degrees or
Hertz when using the Horizontal cursors. To change the unit, go in the Show Channel Data list
and select the desired Time Units.
Technical Information
Signal Sampling
The Oscilloscope allows time domain observation and analysis of electrical and mechanical
quantities. Up to eight signals can be observed simultaneously.
For the Data Acquisition Interface, all signals can be observed, except for the ANALOG
For the Data Acquisition and Control Interface, all signals can be observed, except for
Note that electrical power and mechanical power are derived from two input signals. Power is
obtained by multiplying the values measured from a voltage input and the values measured
from a current input. Mechanical power is obtained from the values measured from a torque
input and the values measured from a speed input and scaling to obtain the values in Watts.
The signals to be displayed on the Oscilloscope screen are sampled at the same time. To do so,
the Oscilloscope takes a sample of each of the input signals required to display the signals
selected in the eight channels. It repeats this cycle until a sufficient number of samples of each
signal is taken. This is similar to the chopped vertical mode on conventional oscilloscopes.
The waveform of each signal on the Oscilloscope screen consists of 512 samples. The frequency
at which the signals are sampled (sampling frequency) is increased as the time base setting is
Trigger Operation
In the Oscilloscope, signal sampling is started immediately after a display refresh command. The
signals are sampled during a period equal to twice the interval covered by the complete
Oscilloscope screen when in Software trigger mode. For instance, when the time base is set to
10 ms/DIV, the complete screen corresponds to a 100-ms interval, and thereby, the signals are
sampled during 200 ms in Software trigger mode.
In Software trigger mode, once sampling is finished, the triggering signal is examined to find the
instant at which it went through the trigger point. This instant is used to determine which
portion (interval) of the sampled signal is displayed on the Oscilloscope screen. When the
triggering signal does not go through the trigger point during the sampling period, the signals
sampled during the first half of the sampling period are displayed.
Phasor Analyzer
The Phasor Analyzer allows observation and analysis of phase relationships between voltages
and currents in three-phase power systems. Up to six phasors can be observed simultaneously
on the Phasor Analyzer display. This display, referred to as a phasor display, is a circle graduated
in phase angle. The phasors corresponding to the observed signals are displayed in this circle
using different colors to facilitate observation.
Sends the Phasor Analyzer window to the printer. The Print dialog box appears before the
Phasor Analyzer window is sent to the printer. This box allows the print setup and options to be
modified before printing. The Phasor Analyzer window is effectively sent to the printer after the
OK button in the Print dialog box is clicked.
Closes the Phasor Analyzer window. Note that the current configuration, before closing, of the
Phasor Analyzer is kept in memory as long as the application from which the Phasor Analyzer
window was opened is running.
View Menu Commands
Show Settings
Shows or hides the Phasor Analyzer Settings table. The menu item becomes highlighted to
indicate that the table is visible. See Phasor Analyzer Settings for more information.
Color Settings…
Shows or hides the Color Settings table. The Color Settings dialog box allows the color associated
with each phasor in the Phasor Analyzer window to be changed. It also allows selection of the
colors of the Phasor Analyzer display background, axes, and divisions. To change the color
associated with a particular item in the Phasor Analyzer, select this item in the Item list, then
select the desired color by clicking the corresponding color in one of the color tabs. When a new
color is selected for a particular item, the color of the corresponding item changes instantly on
Single Refresh
Refreshes the phasors displayed on the Phasor Analyzer screen and the contents of the Phasor
Data table. Note that when this command is performed while the Continuous Refresh command
of the phasors and Phasor Data table contents is selected, the current refreshing cycle is
completed and the continuous refresh of the Phasor Analyzer is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes the waveforms of the signals displayed on the Phase Analyzer screen
and the contents of the Phasor Data table at regular time intervals. A circle appears around the
Continuous Refresh button in the toolbar when the continuous refresh mode is selected. To stop
the continuous display refresh, click either the Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or
choose either the Refresh or Continuous Refresh command in the View menu.
Icon Description
Single Refresh
Continuous Refresh
Phasor Analyzer Settings
The voltage and current scales used to display the phasors corresponding to the selected
voltages and currents can be changed using the Phasor Analyzer Settings menu. One Scale drop-
down list is available for the three Voltage phasor and one for the three current phasors. The
scale selected will then be applied to the three voltage phasors or current phasors at the same
Reference Phasor
A reference phasor is selected by choosing one of the phasors in the Reference Phasor list. The
phasor corresponding to the selected signal is displayed at a phase angle of 0 degrees, and is
used as the reference to display the phasors corresponding to other signals. Note that the
phasor corresponding to voltage E1 is selected as the default reference phasor.
Technical Information
Scale Settings
The various scale settings in the Phasor Analyzer are graduated in rms voltage and current
values per circular division.
selected as the reference phasor) must be determined. To do so, the frequency of the reference
signal is measured and used to determine the fundamental frequency of the system (usually the
AC network frequency). Then, the signals are sampled at the proper frequency to obtain 512
samples over a time interval equal to 2 cycles of the reference signal. For each signal, these
samples are used to perform a fast Fourier transform (FFT) that provides the phase angle of the
frequency component at the reference signal frequency (fundamental frequency of the system).
This phase angle is compared to the phase angle of the fundamental component of the
reference signal to determine the angular position of the corresponding phasor on the Phasor
Analyzer display.
The frequency of the reference signal is determined from the number of times this signal goes
through its mean value, either on a negative or positive slope, during a fixed time interval. The
frequency can be measured over a range of 10 Hz to 7.5 kHz. The above frequency range is valid
for a voltage or current waveform having a 50% duty cycle and that is free of noise. The
maximum frequency which can be measured may be reduced when the duty cycle is not 50%.
Phasor Magnitude
The rms value of the AC component of each signal is used to determine the length (magnitude)
on the Phasor Analyzer display of the corresponding phasor. The rms value of the AC component
is obtained by squaring each sample of the signal, summing the squared values, and dividing the
result by the number of samples. The signal average value is squared, and then subtracted from
the result of the first calculation. Finally, the square root of the subtraction is carried out to
obtain the rms value of the AC component. Note that the signal average value is obtained with
the same method as that used in the voltage and current functions of the Metering application.
See Technical Information about the Programmable Meter Voltage and Current Functions for
additional information about the calculation of the average value.
Harmonic Analyzer
The Harmonic Analyzer allows observation and analysis of the harmonic components in voltages
and currents signals. One of the following signals can be selected for observation and analysis:
the voltages at inputs E1, E2, E3, and E4 and the currents at inputs I1, I2, I3, and I4. The
harmonic components of the selected input signal can be displayed on the Harmonic Analyzer
display using various scale and range settings.
Sends the Harmonic Analyzer window to the printer. Note that the menu bar, toolbar, and
status bar in the Harmonic Analyzer window are not sent to the printer.
The Print dialog box appears before the Harmonic Analyzer window is sent to the printer. This
box allows the print setup and options to be modified before printing. The Harmonic Analyzer
window is effectively sent to the printer after the OK button in the Print dialog box is clicked.
Closes the Harmonic Analyzer window. Note that, before closing, the current configuration of
the Harmonic Analyzer is kept in memory as long as the application from which the Harmonic
Analyzer window was opened is running.
Show Settings
Shows or hides the Harmonic Analyzer Settings table. The menu item becomes highlighted to
indicate that the table is visible. See Harmonic Analyzer Settings for more information.
Single Refresh
Refreshes the harmonic components shown in the Harmonic Analyzer display and other data in
the Harmonic Analyzer window. Note that when this command is performed while the
Continuous Refresh command of the Harmonic Analyzer is selected, the current refreshing cycle
is completed and the continuous refresh of the Harmonic Analyzer is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes the display and data in the Harmonic Analyzer window at regular time
intervals. A circle appears around the Continuous Refresh button in the toolbar when the
continuous refresh mode is selected. To stop the continuous display refresh, click either the
Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or choose either the Refresh or Continuous Refresh
command in the View menu.
Auto Scale
Optimizes the vertical scale setting of the Harmonic Analyzer according to the magnitude of the
selected input signal. Note that this function is not available when the Harmonic Analyzer
display needs to be refreshed (when the input signal is changed for example). Also note that the
Auto Scale function is not available when a relative scale (percentage scale) is selected for
measuring the level of the harmonic components. See Vertical Scale Settings for additional
Icon Description
Single Refresh
Continuous Refresh
Auto Scale
Fundamental Frequency
The fundamental frequency of the Harmonic Analyzer can be set using three types: Network,
User, or Automatic. Using Network, the fundamental frequency will be set to the AC power
network frequency selected when the application was started. With User type, the fundamental
frequency can be set manually by the user using the Frequency (Hz) box. Finally, the Automatic
option automatically set the fundamental frequency to the frequency of the fundamental
component (harmonic component at the fundamental frequency) of the selected input signal.
The number of harmonic components in the Harmonic Analyzer display is set by selecting the
desired number of harmonics in the Number of Harmonics list. A maximum of forty harmonic
components of the selected input signal can be displayed.
The input signal to be analyzed is determined by selecting the desired parameter in the Input
list. Note that selecting the NONE option in the Input list turns the Harmonic Analyzer off.
The vertical scale of the Harmonic Analyzer display can be graduated with absolute values or
relative values. The type of vertical scale is determined by selecting the desired option in the
Type list. When absolute values are selected (V or A option in the Type list), the vertical scale is
graduated with root-mean-square (RMS) values of voltage or current depending on the nature
of the selected input signal. When relative values are selected (% of DC and % of 1f options in
the Type list), the vertical scale is graduated with either percentages of the level of the DC
component in the selected input signal or percentages of the level of the fundamental
component (harmonic component at the fundamental frequency) in the selected input signal.
The vertical scale setting of the Harmonic Analyzer display is set by selecting the desired option
in the Setting list of the Scale menu.
Vertical or horizontal cursors can be displayed on the Harmonic Analyzer display by selecting
either the Vertical or Horizontal cursors option in the Cursors list. When the Off option is
selected, no cursor is displayed. See Cursors for more information.
Vertical Cursors
The vertical cursors are two vertical lines on the Harmonic Analyzer display which can be moved
to any of the harmonic component positions in the display. The cursors are labeled Cur 1 and
Cur 2. Each cursor is independent and can be moved from one harmonic component position to
another by dragging it with the mouse. Each cursor can also be moved one harmonic
component position at a time using the corresponding left and right seek buttons in the bottom
left corner of the screen.
The Harmonic (f), Frequency (Hz), and Level data fields in the Cursors section indicate the
number, frequency, and level of the harmonic component on which each vertical cursor is
positioned. Note that the levels indicated in the Level data fields are expressed as either
absolute values or relative values. This depends on the type of vertical scale which is selected.
See Scale for additional information.
Horizontal Cursors
The horizontal cursors are two horizontal lines on the Harmonic Analyzer display which can be
set to different levels. The cursors are labeled Cur 1 and Cur 2. Each cursor is independent and
can be set to any level by dragging it with the mouse. The level of each cursor can also be set to
the level of any of the harmonic components in the display using the corresponding left and
right seek buttons in the bottom left corner of the screen. In this case, the cursor level is
increased or decreased to the level of the harmonic component that is closest to the current
level of the cursor, depending on whether the left or right seek button is used.
The Level data fields in the Cursors section indicate the level of each horizontal cursor. Note that
these levels are expressed as either absolute values or relative values. This depends on the type
of vertical scale which is selected. See Scale for additional information.
Technical Information
during an interval of 1 s. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is performed using the sampled data to
find the fundamental frequency of the selected input signal. Then, the input signal is sampled a
second time using the optimization process described above and a second FFT is performed to
obtain the harmonic components of the selected input signal.
Frequency Range
The frequency range of the Harmonic Analyzer is 0 Hz (DC component) to 8 kHz.
Fundamental-Frequency Range
The fundamental-frequency range is 1 Hz to 200 Hz.
The Synchroscope window is used for the synchronization of synchronous generators. This
function emulates the operation of an actual synchroscope by showing on screen the dial
indicating the phase angle difference between the generator voltage (E3) and the network
voltage (E4). In addition, the Synchroscope window includes meters displaying various
parameters important to generator synchronization (e.g., network voltage and frequency,
generator voltage and frequency, voltage difference).
Closes the Synchroscope window.
Single Refresh
Refreshes the position of the Synchroscope needle, as well as the values indicated by the meters
in the Synchroscope window. Note that when this command is performed while the Continuous
Refresh command of the Synchroscope is selected, the current refreshing cycle is completed and
the continuous refresh of the Synchroscope is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes at regular time intervals the position of the Synchroscope needle, as
well as the values indicated by the meters in the Synchroscope window. A circle appears around
the Continuous Refresh button in the toolbar when the continuous refresh mode is selected. To
stop the continuous display refresh, click either the Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or
choose either the Refresh or Continuous Refresh command in the View menu.
Technical Information
The value indicated by the needle of the synchroscope is the phase difference between the
generator voltage and the network voltage. When the needle is located in the left half of the
synchroscope display, the generator voltage lags behind the network voltage. Conversely, when
the needle is located in the right half of the synchroscope display, the generator voltage leads
the network voltage.
The movement of the synchroscope needle also indicates whether the generator frequency is
lower or higher than the network frequency. When the synchroscope needle rotates in the
direction of the Slow arrow, the generator frequency is lower (“slower”) than the network
frequency. Conversely, when the synchroscope needle rotates in the direction of the Fast arrow,
the generator frequency is higher (“faster”) than the network frequency. The rotation speed of
the synchroscope needle is proportional to the frequency difference between the generator and
the network (i.e., the faster the needle rotation speed, the greater the frequency difference).
Network Voltage
The value indicated by the Network Voltage meter corresponds to the voltage measured at
input E4.
Generator Voltage
The value indicated by the Generator Voltage meter corresponds to the voltage measured at
input E3.
Difference in Voltage
The value indicated by the Difference in Voltage meter corresponds to the difference between
the generator voltage (E3) and the network voltage (E4). A positive value indicates that the
generator voltage is higher than the network voltage, while a negative value indicates that the
generator voltage is lower than the network voltage.
Network Frequency
The value indicated by the Network Frequency meter corresponds to the frequency measured at
input E4.
Generator Frequency
The value indicated by the Generator Frequency meter corresponds to the frequency measured
at input E3.
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply window provides an easy and useful way of
controlling the behaviour of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. You will find all
the functions accessible using the front panel of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply in this window. Here is a picture of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply
From the picture, select one of the following topics for more information:
Schematic Diagram
Control Function
Closes the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. Note that the current
configuration (instrument settings) of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply is kept in
memory as long as LVSIM-EMS runs.
Show Settings
Shows or hides the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply Settings table. The menu item
becomes highlighted to indicate that the table is visible. See Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply Settings for more information.
Single Refresh
Refreshes the data shown in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. Note that
when this command is performed while the Continuous Refresh command of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply window is selected, the current refreshing cycle is completed and
the continuous refresh of the window is stopped.
Continuous Refresh
Automatically refreshes at regular time intervals the data shown in the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply window. A circle appears around the Continuous Refresh button in
the toolbar when the continuous refresh mode is selected. To stop the continuous display
refresh, click either the Refresh or the Continuous Refresh button or choose either the Refresh
or Continuous Refresh command in the View menu.
Operating Mode
To access all the functions available with the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, the
user must be able to change the Operating Mode from Four-Quadrant Dynamometer to Power
Supply. The Operating Mode parameter cannot be changed using the Settings section of the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. It can only be changed using the
Operating Mode switch located on the front panel of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power
Function Selection
The Function Selection parameter indicates which control function of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply is currently selected. Changing the currently selected control
function automatically sets the Status parameter of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power
Supply to Stopped. The selection of available control functions in the drop-down list varies
depending on the currently selected Operating mode. See the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply Control Function section for more information on the different
control functions.
Function Settings
This section allows the different parameter settings of the currently selected Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply control function to be selected. The number and nature of the
available parameters is dependent on the currently selected function. An Informative box at the
bottom of the Function Settings section informs you of the various characteristics of each
parameter as soon as they are selected. See the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
Control Function section for more information on the different control functions.
Schematic Diagram
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window shows a schematic diagram of the
currently selected Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply control function. When
applicable, a graphical representation of the control function is also shown accompanying the
schematic diagram. The schematic diagram and graphical representation are designed to give a
quick visual reference of the control function.
Control Knob
The Control Knob located in the bottom left of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
window allows the manual control of a parameter related to the currently selected Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply control function. Control functions have either one or
zero knob, when not applicable. The Control Knob can also be replaced by a Slider in some
functions (e.g., Wind Turbine Emulator). The Control Knob related to a function (if any) generally
commands the main parameter of that function (e.g., the voltage parameter for the DC Voltage
Source control function).
Manual control and digital control of a parameter can be achieved jointly using, respectively, the
Control Knob and the corresponding parameter option in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power Supply Settings menu. When the Control Knob of a parameter is manually rotated, the
numerical value of the corresponding parameter in the Function Settings menu is modified
The Control Knob also has two arrow buttons allowing the knob to be rotated in either direction
(depending on which arrow button is pressed) in order to modify the value of the parameter by
a fixed increment. The numerical value of the increment depends on the parameter that is being
Start/Stop Button
The Start/Stop button starts or stops the currently selected control function. Command of the
control function is also possible using the Status parameter in the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply Settings menu. The Status parameter indicates whether the
function is currently Started or Stopped.
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window includes four meters located at the
bottom of the screen. Each meter is associated with a measured parameter related to the
currently selected Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply operating mode. In some
functions, meters can be added to the default one. In the Dynamometer operating mode, the
following default meters are shown on screen:
In the Power Supply operating mode, the following default meters are shown on screen:
The meters shown in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply window can be
configured manually in the same way as the meters of the Metering application. See Shortcuts
to Meter Settings for additional information on how to manually configure meters.
Control Function
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply has a large number of related control functions
that can be chosen in order to make the module act as a particular device. The available control
functions are listed below.
Clockwise (CW) Constant-Speed Prime Mover / Brake
This function uses the PM-DC motor to make the machine coupled to the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply (i.e., the machine under test) rotates clockwise at a fixed speed. A
closed-loop control is used to maintain the rotation speed constant under varying load
conditions. A speed command entered by the user determines the rotation speed of the
machine under test.
Speed Sweep
This function uses the PM-DC motor to make the machine coupled to the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply (i.e., the machine under test) rotate at various speeds within a
specific range, in a certain number of steps and in a certain time interval. A closed-loop control
is used to ensure accurate speed sweep. The speed sweep performed is defined entirely by the
user with only four parameters (start speed, end speed, number of steps, and step duration).
The Speed Sweep function is useful to measure how parameters related to the machine under
test vary as a function of the rotation speed.
Negative Voltage Source
This function operates as the Positive Voltage Source function except for the polarity.
50 Hz Power Source
This function uses the four-quadrant power supply to implement a variable-voltage 50 Hz power
source. A voltage command entered by the user determines the rms value of the source voltage.
The source can either source or sink current no matter if the source voltage polarity
(instantaneous) is positive or negative (four-quadrant operation). No meters are available
except the temperature meter for this function.
60 Hz Power Source
This function operates as the 50 Hz Power Source function except for the frequency.
AC Power Source
This function uses the four-quadrant power supply to implement a variable-voltage, variable-
frequency AC power source. The source can either source or sink current no matter if the source
voltage polarity (instantaneous) is positive or negative (four-quadrant operation). Voltage and
frequency commands entered by the user determine the rms value and frequency of the source
voltage. No meters are available except the temperature meter for this function.
DC Voltage Source
This function uses the four-quadrant power supply to implement a DC voltage source having
either positive or negative polarity. The source can either source or sink current no matter if the
source voltage polarity is positive or negative (four-quadrant operation). A voltage command
entered by the user determines the polarity and value of the source voltage.
This option allows you to set language used in LVSIM-EMS. English, French, and Spanish are
This dialog box allows you to set general options in LVSIM-EMS such as AC Power Network and
the type of units (SI or Imperial) used. Make the settings you want and click on OK.
Analog Inputs
The setting of analog input 7/T (torque) determines how the torque is corrected in the Metering
If the Corrected Torque option is used, the torque measured by the DACI is
automatically corrected. Therefore, any meter set to measure torque will display the
corrected torque value. Because of this, torque correction (mode C or NC) will not be
available for this meter.
If the Non-Corrected Torque option is used, the torque measured by the DACI is not
corrected. Because of this, torque correction (mode C or NC) will be available for any
meter set to measure torque.
See Technical Information about the Torque and Mechanical Power Meters for additional
information about the torque function.
Digital Inputs
The A/B Encoder (PPR) setting allows the user to set the number of pulse per rotation (PPR) of
the A/B Encoder.
The range of the main voltage and current inputs (E1 to E4 and I1 to I4) on the Data Acquisition
Interface or Data Acquisition and Control Interface can be set to high, low, or Auto. Setting the
input range to high maximizes the measurement range but decreases the resolution.
Conversely, setting the input range to low maximizes the resolution but decreases the
measurement range. Finally, setting the input range to auto scale makes the DACI automatically
adjust the range according to the measured voltage and current values.
Clicking the OK button applies the settings currently defined in the Settings for Model 9063
dialog box and closes the dialog box.
Clicking the Cancel button closes the Settings for Model 9063 dialog box without changing the
settings. Note that the settings currently defined in the Settings for Model 9063 dialog box, if
not applied, are lost when clicking the Cancel button.
Data Table
The Data Table is used to record and organize measured values during a work session. Once
values are in the Data Table, different graphs can be generated using the associated Graph
Editing Data
The contents of a cell can be edited by double clicking the cell that contains the data to be
edited. Once data is edited, the selected cell can be released by clicking any empty cell in the
Data Table or by selecting another cell.
Selecting Values
The values of one or more parameters recorded in the Data Table can be selected to plot one or
more curves in the Graph window. A single parameter is selected by clicking the header of the
column corresponding to the desired parameter. Several parameters are selected by pressing
and holding the Control (Ctrl) key and clicking the headers of the columns corresponding to the
desired parameters.
commands available in the context-sensitive menu depend on whether the cursor is located
over a column header, a row numbering cell, or a data cell. The various commands that may be
available in the context sensitive menu are listed below:
Insert Row
Delete Row
Insert Column
Delete Column
Set Column Width
Creates a new Data Table file (filename.sdt). When creating a Data Table file, the Data Table
returns automatically to its default settings.
You will be asked to save the current document as a .sdt file if you made any modification to it.
Opens a Data Table file (filename.sdt) to the same state it was when saved.
You will be asked to save the current document as a .sdt file if you made any modification to it
before opening the saved file.
Saves the current Data Table to a Data Table file. A dialog box opens allowing you to name the
Data Table file and choose the directory where you wish it to be saved.
Opens the Export... dialog box to save the Data Table values to a .txt file. This file contains the
rows, columns and values of your currently opened Data table file.
Sends the Data Table window to the printer. Note that the menu bar, toolbar, and status bar in
the Data Table window are not sent to the printer.
The Print dialog box appears before the Data Table window is sent to the printer. This box allows
the print setup and options to be modified before printing. The Data Table is effectively sent to
the printer after the OK button in the Print dialog box is clicked.
Closes the Data Table window.
Record Data
Records in the Data Table the current reading(s) of the instrument(s) selected in the Record
Settings dialog box, accessible by selecting Record Settings from the Options menu. All the
instruments and control functions of LVSIM-EMS that read or display a certain value can be
recorded in the Data Table.
Moves the data selected in a cell of the Data Table to the clipboard.
Copies the data selected in a cell of the Data Table to the clipboard.
Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point, and replaces any selected contents.
Opens the Properties dialog box. This box allows the title (parameter’s name and unit of
measurement) of the currently selected column to be edited.
Clicking the OK button inserts the title in the blank cell at the top of the selected column, and
closes the Properties dialog box.
Clicking the Cancel button closes the Properties dialog box without modifying the currently
selected column.
Opens the Graph window.
Record Settings…
Allows the user to choose the various parameters he wishes to record. See Record Settings for
more information.
Timer Settings…
Opens the Timer Settings dialog box. This option allows the user to start an automatic recording
of the Data Table at periodic time as specified in the dialog box. Two parameters are available
within this dialog box;
Interval between records: Specify the number of seconds, minutes or hour that will space each
automatic record. The number must be an integer.
Number of records: Specify the number of automatic record that will be taken before the timer
Start Timer
Starts the automatic recording system.
Stop Timer
Stops the automatic recording system.
Icon Description
Record Data
Record Settings
Insert Row
Delete Row
Timer Settings
Start Timer
Stop timer
Record Settings
Opens the Record Settings dialog box if at least one instrument of LVSIM-EMS is open. The
instruments currently opened in LVSIM-EMS appear in the Settings drop-down list of the Record
Settings dialog box.
To create a column associated with an instrument in the Data Table, first select the instrument
in the Settings list. All the recordable parameters of the selected instrument will then appear in
the large white box with a check-box at their left side. Here is an example of the Record Settings
dialog box with the Oscilloscope instrument.
For each parameter selected, the Data Table will create a column with the name and units of
this parameter, if specified, as title. In this example, the Cursor 1 Time and Channel 1 RMS will
create a column in the Data Table. Proceed the same way for every instruments for which some
values are needed. Once all the selections have been made, click on the OK button. Please note
that you can also record a Time Data by adding to your selection the Time Data parameter,
located at the top of the Record Settings dialog box.
From now, clicking the Record button of the Toolbar will cause the software to automatically
record the values chosen for each instrument in the proper columns of the Data Table.
The Graph is used to plot the relationship between two or more parameters recorded in the
Data Table. Up to three curves (traces) can be plotted on the graph. Note that the Graph Editor
is designed to be used to verify the value taken during a work session using curves to ensure
that every value is realistic before leaving the workplace. It is not meant to be a powerful tool to
draw graphs. It is suggested to export the data of the Data Table to a more powerful graph
editor for more possibilities when completing a session report. The Graph window consists of
the three following sections:
1. The upper section contains the menus and Print button.
2. The display section contains the graph with the plotted curve(s).
3. The right section contains the Graph Settings and allows you to set the scale and the
type of the graph, select the parameters plotted in the graph, choose the colors used,
and invert the display of the X-axis coordinates.
Opens the Print dialog box. By clicking on the OK button, the Graph will be printed without the
settings section on the right of the graph. The Print button under the menus acts exactly the
same as the Print… command.
Closes the Graph window.
Show Settings
Shows/hides the Graph Settings section on the right.
Brings up the Graph Options dialog box, allowing you to enter titles for your graph and for the X
and Y axes. Once the desired titles have been entered, click OK to close the dialog box. The
graph title appears at the top of the graph, while the axis titles appear along the X- and Y-axes.
Graph Settings
Information on the settings of the Graph is provided below.
Selects the desired type of curve. Dots, Curves and Curve with dots are
Scale Selects the graph scale. This scale is default set for the display of all traces.
Selects the type of scale (linear or logarithmic) used for the X and Y axes of
the graph.
This section is used to select the parameters plotted on the graph. Each field consists of a drop-
down list permitting selection of a parameter (column of data) recorded in the Data Table. The
parameter selected for the X axis is the parameter used for the abscissa. The parameters
selected for the 1-Y, 2-Y, and 3-Y axes are plotted in relation to the parameter selected for the X
axis. Three traces can therefore be simultaneously plotted on the graph.
Selects the parameter to plot in relation to the parameter selected for the
X axis. The resulting trace is Trace 1.
Selects the parameter to plot in relation to that selected for the X axis. The
resulting trace is Trace 2.
Selects the parameter to plot in relation to that selected for the X axis. The
resulting trace is Trace 3.
X Selects the parameter used for the X axis (abscissa) of the graph.
Background Selects the color of the graph background.
Frame Selects the color of the graph contour.
Grid Selects the color of the graph grid.
Texts Selects the color of the X- and Y-axis coordinate values.
Trace 1 Selects the color used to plot Trace 1.
Trace 2 Selects the color used to plot Trace 2.
Trace 3 Selects the color used to plot Trace 3.
Changes the interval between the X-axis lines. This field is enabled only
X Interval
when the X-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Changes the maximum value of the X-axis. This field is enabled only when
X Max.
the X-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Changes the minimum value of the X-axis. This field is enabled only when
X Min.
the X-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Selects between Manual or Automatic scaling of the X-Axis. This field is
default set to Automatic: in this case, the X-axis coordinates are
determined by the values recorded for the corresponding parameter in the
X-Axis Scale
Data Table. When this field is set to Manual, the minimum and maximum
values of the X axis can be changed manually, as well as the spacing
between this axis coordinates.
Changes the interval between the Y-axis lines. This field is enabled only
Y Interval
when the Y-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Changes the maximum value of the Y-axis. This field is enabled only when
Y Max.
the Y-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Changes the minimum value of the Y-axis. This field is enabled only when
Y Min.
the Y-Axis Scale field is set to Manual.
Selects between Manual or Automatic scaling of the Y-Axis. This field is
default set to Automatic: in this case, the Y-axis coordinates are
determined by the values recorded for the corresponding parameter in the
Y-Axis Scale
Data Table. When this field is set to Manual, the minimum and maximum
values of the Y-axis can be changed manually, as well as the spacing
between this axis coordinates.
X-Axis (Coordinates)
Inversion Displays the coordinates of the X-axis in the reverse order.
What’s New…
Opens a page providing information about the software version history.
Opens a window providing general information about the LVSIM-EMS software.