1. The milk is secreted at the starting of regular breast feeding that contain more protein and sugar
is known as
a. Mature milk
b. Hind milk
c. Fore milk
d. Transitional milk
2. Painful menstruation is termed as:
A. Menorrhagia
B. Dysmenorrhea
C. Amenorrhea
D. Decreased production of prostaglandins
3. In following which is not a sexually transmitted disease?
A. Chancroid
B. Fibroid uterus
C. Syphilis
4. When the umbilical cord lies in front of the presenting part and the membranes are intact it
is known as:
A. Cord prolapse
B. Cord pulsation
C. Cord presentation
D. Cord delivery
9. Which abdominal grip is used to assess the desecent of head in a pregnant woman?
A. Lateral
B. Fundal
C. Pelvic 1
D. Pelvic 2
10. Movements of the baby felt by the mother are known as:
A. Lightening
B. Engagement
C. Balottment
D. Quickening
11. Bedrest is essential in pre-eclampsia since it:
A. Prevents eclampsia
B. Mobilizes tissue fluid thereby lowering blood pressure
C. Improves blood circulations and decreases oedema
D. Prevents premature labour
12. Bleeding after 24 hours of delivery is considered as past partum haemorrhage?
A. When blood loss is more than 500 ml.
B. When blood loss is more than 700 ml.
C. When blood loss is more than 100 ml.
D. When blood loss is more than 200 ml
13. In following which is the highest diameter of pelvis?
A. Anterio-posterior
B. Oblique
C. Lateral
D. All are equal
21. When the placental villi invade the myometrium, the placenta is termed :
A. Placenta Accreta
B. Placenta increta
C. Placenta percreta
D. Placenta extrachorialis
41. Which of the following is a risk factor for development of breast cancer?
A. Late menarche
B. Early menopause
C. No pregnancies
D. Early first pregnancy
42. The prenatal technique to determine the genetic disorder in a fetus is called:
A. Amniocentesis
B. Laparoscopy
C. Coitus interruptus
D. Abstinence
43. If a newborn exhibits a heart rate of 80 bpm the APGAR score should be?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
49. The primigravida reports that her last menstrual period started on January 15 and ended on
Janurary 20. Using nagele's rule, the EDD will be:
A. October 22
B. December 28
C. November 8
D. September 22
50. During which week of pregnancy lightening can be felt by the pregnant mother:-
A. 34 Weeks
B. 36 Weeks
C. 38 Weeks
D. 40 Weeks
51. Which of the following is most common cause of PPH?
A. Atonic uterus
B. Traumatic uterus
C. Clotting disorder
D. None of the above
52. During labour, the process of thinning and shortening of cervix is termed as:
A. Ballottement
B. Dilatation
C. Effacement
D. Insufficiency
53. Which of the following is main side effect of an intra uterine device:
A. Vaginal Bleeding
B. Pelvic Inflammatory disease
C. Uterine perforation
D. Ectopic pregnancy
54. A female who has given birth to the viable child first time, is termed as:
A. Primipara
B. Nulligravida
C. Multipara
D. Primigravida
55. "Crowning" is seen in which stage of labor :
A. Second Stage
B. Fourth Stage
C. First Stage
D. Third Stage
56. Which of the following hormones would be administered for the stimulation of uterine
A. Prolactin
B. Fetal cortisol
C. Oxytocin
D. Progesterone
57. The best procedure to remove the embedded IUCD in the uterus with missing thread is:
A. Hysteroscopy
B. Cystoscopy
C. Laparoscopy
D. Laparotomy
58. Partograph is used for :
A. Admission of patient
B. Measuring progress of labor
C. Laparoscopy
D. Laparotomy
59. Which of the following pregnant woman would be considered as being at high risk:
A. Height less than 4ft 10 inch
B. Measuring process of labour
C. Details of medicines of patient
D. All of above
60. Which of the following cancer is found more in females:
A. Cervical Cancer
B. Stomach Cancer
C. Lung Cancer
D. Bone Cancer
61. A couple has a 2 years old child with cystic fibrosis. When planning their next pregnancy, the
couple should undergo:
A. Genetic counseling
B. Psychological counscling
C. Counseling regarding sexually transmitted diseases
D. TORCH test
62. During which of the following stages of labor would the nurse assess "crowning"?
A. First stage
B. Third stage
C. Second stage
D. Fourth stage
63. Before birth, which of the following structures connect the right and left auricles of the heart?
A. Umbilical vein
B. Ductus arteriosus
C. Ductus venosus
D. Foramen ovale
64. Which of the following when present in urine may cause a reddish stan on the diaper of
A. Mucus
B. Uric acid crystals
C. Bilirubin
D. Excess Iron
65. Early amniocentesis is done in which period of pregnancy?
A. 6-10 weeks
B. 11-15 weeks
C. 16-18 weeks
D. 9-11 weeks
66. Endometrium in pregnancy is known as:
A. Decidua
B. Decubitus
C. Trophoblast
D. Gravid endometrium
67. Hypertrophic sebaceous glands around nipples during pregnancy:
A. Montgomery's tubercle
B. Sebaceous cyst
C. Chloasma
D. Linea nigra
68. Average total gain during pregnancy is:
A. 10-12 kg
B. 8-10 kg
C. 12-14 kg
D. 16-18 kg
72. Which of the following matches the definition: abnormal placenta development covering the
A. Placenta Previa
B. Abruptio Placentae
C. Multigravida
D. Proliferative phase
75. Which Of The Following Is Not Appropriate Matched With The Term Braxton Hicks Contraction?
A. Painless
B. Intermittent contractions
C. Edema
D. Irregular
76. Small nodules observed during 8 weeks of pregnancy on primary areola are known as:
A. Mask of pregnancy
B. Montgomery's tubercles
C. Areda tubercles
D. Linea nigra
77. Progesterone is secreted from a female's to help the implanted embryo and continue the
A. Corpus luteum
B. Endoderm
C. Mesoderm
D. Thyroid
78. The average head circumference of newborn is:
A. 28 cms
B. 30 cms
C. 34 cms
D. 32 cms
79. In case newborn shows signs of asphyxia at birth, nurse should immediately:
A. Clear the airway
B. Start oxygen
C. Stimulate crying
D. Inform the doctor
80. A postnatal mother receiving treatment for deep vein thrombosis should be watched for:
A. Dysuria, ecchymosis and vertigo
B. Epistaxis, hematuria and dysuria
C. Hematuria, vertigo and hematuria
D. Hematuria, ecchymosis and epistaxis
81. At the time of delivery umbilical cord lengthening and spurt of blood form vagina is suggestive
of :
A. Hematoma dislodgement
B. Uterine atony
C. Placental separation
D. Placenta previa
82. The most appropriate action by the nurse when the periodic acceleration in fetal heart rate is
observed :
A. Notify doctor
B. Continue monitoring fetal heart rate
C. Reposition mother and monitor her vital signs
D. Document findings and inform mother about baby's well being
83. Antidote of opioid that mother has received during labor pains is :
A. Naloxone
B. Clexane
C. Mephitine
D. Brome Xin
84. Which of the following hormones is produced by placenta:
A. Testosterone
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
A. Fallopian tube
B. Cervix
C. Uterus
D. Vagina
86. A nurse perform the assessment of patient posted for cesarean section delivery, which
assessment would indicate the need to contact the doctor?
A. Hemoglobin of 11 gm
B. Fetal heart rate 180 beats/min
A. Caesarean section
B. Cholecystectomy
C. Inguinal Herniorrhaphy
D. Gastrectomy
91. Which of the following danger signs should be informed immediately during the antepartum
A. Blurred vision
B. Nasal stuffiness
C. Breast tenderness
D. Constipation
97. A woman who has delivered a baby of above 4 kgs weight is normally screened for which of the
following :
A. Malaria
B. Jaundice
C. Typhoid
D. Diabetes
98. Definitive treatment of placenta previa includes:
A. Bed rest
B. Supplementary hematinic
C. Use of tocolytics
D. Caesarian section
99. In following which statement is false :
A. At birth the uterine body and the cervix ratio is about 1:2
B. When Menarche occurs the ratio between uterine body and the cervix become 1:1
C. After menarche the ratio becomes 2:1
D. After menopause the ratio remains 3:1
100. The peak point of a uterine contraction is called the:
A. Acceleration
B. Deceleration
C. Acme
D. Axiom