Effect of Posture On Swallowing
Effect of Posture On Swallowing
Effect of Posture On Swallowing
Rehabilitation Research Chair, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA.
Background: Swallowing is a systematic process. Any structural, physiological or neurological disturbance in this process may
cause dysphagia. Although there are studies that report head/neck movements during mastication, there are fewer studies that
show the effect of different head/neck postures on difficulty while swallowing.
Objectives: To observe the effect of different body postures on the self-perceived difficulty while swallowing in normal healthy
Methods: Participants were asked to swallow 25 ml of water in one go while sitting upright, sitting with head/neck flexed, head/
neck extended and lying supine. Following this, they had to rate their self-perceived difficulty while swallowing on a scale of 0-10,
0 being most easy and 10 being most difficult.
Results: 186 subjects with mean age 32.7 SD 9.04 participated in this study. It was found to be least difficult to swallow when
subjects were asked to swallow in upright sitting position. Statistically significant differences were found between sitting upright,
sitting with head/neck flexed, head/neck extended and lying supine.
Conclusion: Postural modification may help in rehabilitation of patients with dysphagia by affecting bolus flow to improve
speed and safety of swallowing by closure of airways to prevent aspiration.
Keywords: Swallowing, posture, dysphagia.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v17i1.17
Cite as: Alghadir AH, Zafar H, Al-Eisa ES, Iqbal ZA. Effect of posture on swallowing. Afri Health Sci. 2017;17(1): 133-137. https://
In comparison of all tested postures, self-perceived diffi- were found between sitting upright, sitting with head/
culty for swallowing was found to be least while subjects neck flexed, head/neck extended and lying supine. Table
were sitting upright. Statistically significant differences 2.
Postures Significance
Upright sitting vs head/neck flexion ***
Upright sitting vs head/neck extension ***
Upright sitting vs supine lying ***
Head/neck flexion vs head/neck ***
Head/neck flexion vs supine lying ***
Head/neck extension vs supine lying ***
*** Extremely significant, p<0.001
Discussion There are individual differences in swallowing and dys-
We saw the effect of different body postures on the phagia limit depending on individual condition, prefer-
self-perceived difficulty while swallowing in normal ences and habits. However, different head and neck posi-
healthy subjects. It was found to be least when subjects tions can facilitate the process of swallowing to eliminate
were asked to swallow in upright sitting position. Statis- aspiration; etc.15,16 that can help patients with various dys-
tically significant differences were found between sitting functions. Various changes occur in mechanism of swal-
upright, sitting with head/neck flexed, head/neck extend- lowing with aging, including slowing of oral stage and
ed and lying supine. trigger of pharyngeal swallow.17
African Health Sciences Vol 17 Issue 1, March, 2017 134
It has been shown that while swallowing different vol- and lying supine, swallowing was easiest while sitting up-
umes of water, healthy adults didn’t experience piecemeal right and head/neck flexed. Postural modification may
deglutition or aspiration; however while swallowing with help in treatment of dysphagia by affecting bolus flow
head in extension physiologic dysphagia was seen.18,19 to improve speed and safety of swallowing by closure of
Similarly, our results also show that subjects reported airways to prevent aspiration.
maximum difficulty in swallowing while sitting with head
and neck in extension. During neck extension, there is Limitations
mechanical widening of laryngeal vestibule and narrow- Our study was done in normal subjects who had a fixed
ing of valleculae, leading to decrease in upper esophageal pattern of swallowing. Most of the studies available in lit-
sphincter relaxation and difficulty in its closure.20,21 Thiserature use video fluoroscopy, manometry and other elec-
position should be avoided while training patients with trophysiological investigations as outcome measures27,30
various swallowing disorders. in dysphagia patients. Due to ethical reasons we could not
expose our subjects to such radiation; hence we used only
Chin tuck position makes the vallecular space wide and self-perceived difficulty while swallowing as an outcome
airway entrance narrow to prevent aspiration.22,23 It also measure. Similar studies in dysphagia patients, who pres-
decreases pharyngeal contraction to decrease dysphagia ent with individual variation in the process, would reveal
limit.24,25 There is reduction in all the measured distances a better picture on how a specific posture can affect swal-
in the pharynx with flexion of head and neck.24 Swallow- lowing pattern.
ing with chin tuck is one of the commonly used tech-
niques to facilitate swallowing and prevent aspiration.23,24 Conflict of interest
Our results show that swallowing while sitting with head/ Authors have no Conflict of interest to declare.
neck flexed was comparatively easier than that in exten-
sion position but more difficult than while sitting upright. Acknowledgement
This could be due to increased muscle tension in this po- The authors are grateful to the Deanship of Scientific
sition. Tension leads to shortening of muscles of base of Research, King Saud University for funding through Vice
tongue that lifts the hyoid bone and decreases laryngeal Deanship of Scientific Research Chairs
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