PE Chapter10 Exercises KMR

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Fluid Flow In Porous Media

Heriot-Watt University
MSc. Distance Learning
Course in Petroleum Engineering

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Exercise 1
• A well produces oil at a constant flowrate of 15 stock tank
cubic metres per day (stm3/d). Use the following data to
calculate the permeability in milliDarcys (mD).

• porosity, φ 19%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.3 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 40 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 22x10-3 Pa s
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 350 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 98 bar
• bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 93.5 bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 1
• The steady state inflow qµBo/24/3600 4.965E-06
equation is:
q μ Bo ⎛ re ⎞ 2π(Pi-Pwf)h 1.131E+08
Pi − Pwf = ln ⎜ ⎟ ln(re/rw) 7.755
2π kh ⎝ rw ⎠
k 3.405E-13

q μ Bo ⎛ re ⎞
k= ln ⎜ ⎟
2π ( Pi − Pwf ) h ⎝ rw ⎠

15 × 22 × 10 −3 × 1.3 ⎛ 350 ⎞ −15

k= ln ⎜ ⎟ = 341 × 10 m 2
= 341mD
24 × 3600 × 2π × (98 − 93.5)× 10 × 40 ⎝ 0.15 ⎠

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Exercise 2
• A well produces oil from reservoir with an average reservoir
pressure of 132.6 bar. The flowrate of 13 stm3/d. Use the
following data to calculate the permeability.

• porosity, φ 23%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.36 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 23 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 14x10-3 Pa s
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 210 m
• average reservoir pressure, P 132.6 bar
• bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 125.0 bar

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Solution to Exercise 2
• The steady state inflow equation is: qµB /24/3600 2.865E-06

2π(Paver age-Pwf)h 1.098E+08

qμBo ⎛ re 1 ⎞
P − Pwf = ⎜⎜ ln − ⎟⎟ ln(re/rw)-0.5 6.744
2πkh ⎝ rw 2 ⎠ k 1.759E-13

qμBo ⎛ re 1 ⎞
k= ⎜⎜ ln − ⎟⎟
2π (P − Pwf )h ⎝ rw 2 ⎠

13 × 14 × 10 −3 × 1.36 ⎛ 210 ⎞ −15

k= ⎜ Ln − 0 . 5 ⎟ = 176 × 10 m 2
= 176mD
24 × 3600 × 2π × (132.6 − 125)× 10 × 23 ⎝ 0.15

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Exercise 3
• A reservoir is expected to produce at a stabilised bottomhole
flowing pressure of 75.0 bar. Use the following reservoir data
to calculate the flowrate in stock tank m3/day.

• porosity, φ 28%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.41 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 15 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 21x10-3 Pa s
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 250 m
• average reservoir pressure, P 83 bar
• bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 75 bar
• permeability, k 125 mD

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Solution to Exercise 3
• The steady state inflow 2π(Paver age-Pwf)kh 9.425E-06
equation is:
qμBo ⎛ re 1 ⎞ μBo(ln(re/rw)-0.5) 0.205
P − Pwf = ⎜⎜ ln − ⎟⎟
2πkh ⎝ rw 2 ⎠ q [stm 3/s] 4.601E-05
q [stm 3/day] 3.975E+00

2πkh(P − Pwf )
⎛ re 1 ⎞
μBo ⎜⎜ ln − ⎟⎟
⎝ rw 2 ⎠
2π × 125 × 10 −15 × 15 × (83 − 75)× 105
q= = 46 × 10 −6 stm 3 / s = 4 stm 3 / day
−3 ⎛ 250 1 ⎞
21× 10 × 1.41× ⎜ ln − ⎟
⎝ 0.15 2 ⎠
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Exercise 4
• A reservoir at an initial pressure of 83 bar produces to a well 15 cm in
diameter. The reservoir external radius is 150 m. Use the following data
to calculate the pressure at the wellbore after 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100
hours of production at 23 stm3/d.

• porosity, φ 21%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.13 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 53 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 10x10-3 Pa s
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 150 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 83 bar
• compressibility, c 0.2x10-7 Pa-1
• permeability, k 140 mD

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Solution to Exercise 4(1)
• Using Hurst and Van Everdingen’s solution, the dimensionless external radius
and the dimensionless time are calculated and used with the appropriate
solution to determine the dimensionless pressure drop. The dimensionless
pressure drop is then turned into the real pressure drop from which the
bottomhole flowing pressure is calculated.

re 150 kt 140 × 10 −15 × t

reD = = = 1000 t D = = −3 −7
= 0.148 × t
rw 0.15 φμcrw 2
0.21×10 ×10 × 0.2 × 10 × 0.15 2

Time Time tD PD expression

(hours) (second) (0.148t)
0.01 36 5.3 1.3871 table2
0.10 360 53.3 2.4175 table2
1.00 3600 532.8 3.5483 table2
10.00 36000 5328.0 4.6954 0.5(LntD+0.80907)
100.00 360000 53280.0 5.8467 0.5(LntD+0.80907)

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Solution to Exercise 4(2)
• The bottomhole flowing pressure is found from re-arrangement of the
dimensionless pressure PD=2πkh(pi-pwf)/qμ. The bottomhole flowing
pressure is:
Pwf = Pi − PD
23 × 10 × 10 × 1.13
Pwf at 0.01 hour = 83 × 10 −
× 1.3871 = 82.1bar
24 × 3600 × 2π ×140 × 10 × 53

• Similarly for the rest of the times time time tD=(0.148t) PD Pwf
houres seconds
0.01 36 5.3 1.3871 82.11
0.1 360 53.3 2.4175 81.44
1 3600 533.3 3.5483 80.71
10 36000 5333.3 4.6954 79.97
100 360000 53333.3 5.8467 79.23

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Exercise 5
• An experiment on a cylindrical sand pack is conducted to examine the
wellbore pressure decline. The sand pack is filled with pressurised fluid
which is withdrawn from the wellbore at a constant flowrate of 0.1 m3/d.
There is no flow at the external boundary. Calculate the wellbore pressure
at times 0.0001 hour, 0.005 hour and 0.1 hour after the start of

• porosity, φ 25%
• net thickness of formation, h 0.2 m
• viscosity of fluid, μ 2x10-3 Pa s
• wellbore radius, rw 0.2 m
• external radius, re 2m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 2 bar
• compressibility, c 0.15x10-7 Pa-1
• permeability, k 1200 mD

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Solution to Exercise 5(1)
• Using Hurst and Van Everdingen’s solution, the dimensionless external
radius and the dimensionless time are calculated and used with the
appropriate solution to determine the dimensionless pressure drop. The
dimensionless pressure drop is then turned into the real pressure drop
from which the bottomhole flowing pressure is calculated.

r 2.0 kt 1200 × 10 −15 × t

reD = e = = 10 tD = = −3 −7
= 4×t
rw 0.2 φμcrw 2
0.25 × 2 × 10 × 0.15 × 10 × 0.2 2

Time Time tD PD expression

(hours) (second) (4t)
0.001 3.6 14.4 1.808
0.005 18.0 72.0 3.048
table3 since tD is not less than
0.25reD2 i.e. not infinite acting
0.100 360.0 1440.0 30.353 PD=2tD/reD2 +lnreD-0.75

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Solution to Exercise 5(2)

• The bottomhole flowing pressure is:

Pwf = Pi − PD
0.1 × 2 × 10
Pwf at 0.001 hour = 2 ×105 − × 1.808 = 1.97bar
24 × 3600 × 2π ×1200 × 10 × 0.2

• Similarly for the rest of the times

time time tD=(0.148t) PD Pwf
houres seconds
0.001 3.6 14.4 1.808 1.97
0.005 18 72 3.048 1.95
0.1 360 1440 30.353 1.53

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Exercise 6
• A discovery well is put on test and flows at 2.9 stm3/d. Using
the following data calculate the bottomhole flowing pressure
after 5 minutes production.

• porosity, φ 17%
• net thickness of formation, h 40 m
• viscosity of fluid, μ 14x10-3 Pa s
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.27 rm3/stm3
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 900 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 200 bar
• compressibility, c 0.9x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 150 mD

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Solution to Exercise 6(1)
• Using Hurst and Van Everdingen’s solution, the dimensionless external
radius and the dimensionless time are calculated and used with the
appropriate solution to determine the dimensionless pressure drop. The
dimensionless pressure drop is then turned into the real pressure drop
from which the bottomhole flowing pressure is calculated.
re 900
reD = = = 6000
rw 0.15

kt 50 × 10 −15 × 5 × 60
tD = = −3 −9
= 934
φμcrw 2
0.17 ×14 × 10 × 0.9 × 10 × 0.15 2

Time Time tD PD expression

(min) (sec)
5 300 934 3.827 table2

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Solution to Exercise 6(2)
• The bottomhole flowing pressure is:

Pwf = Pi − PD
2.9 × 14 × 10 ×1.27
Pwf at 5 min = 200 × 10 −
× 3.827 = 199.4bar
24 × 3600 × 2π ×150 × 10 × 40

time time tD=(0.148t) PD Pwf

minutes seconds
5 300 934 3.827 199.39

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Exercise 7
• A well and reservoir are described by the following data:
• porosity, φ 19%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.4 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 100 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.4x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 2.2x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 100 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 900 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 400 bar
• flowrate, q 159 stm3/day
Determine the following:
• the wellbore flowing pressure after 4 hours of production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 9 m after 4 hours production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 4 hours production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 50 hours production
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Solution to Exercise 7(1)
• The line source solution is used to determine the pressure required at the
specified radii and at the specified times (i.e. using the flowrate
measured at the wellbore, the pressures at the other radii and times are
calculated by the line source solution). SI units will be used so time will
be converted to seconds.

• Checks are made to ensure that:

1. there is adequate time since the start of production to allow the line
source solution to be accurate
2. the reservoir is infinite acting

• Thereafter, the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation to the Ei

function has to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 7(2)
A. Check Ei applicability. Line source is not accurate until:
100φμ crw2
100 × 0.19 × 1.4 × 10−3 × 2.2 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ −15
= 13.17 s
100 × 10
• t >13.17 s. Time is 4 hours, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the
time, t t
φμ cre 2 sec hr
t≤ A 13.17 3.7E-03
4k B 1185030 329
0.19 ×1.4 ×10−3 × 2.2 × 10−9 × 9002
t≤ −15
= 1185030 s = 329hours
4 × 100 × 10
• t < 1185030 s = 329 hours therefore line source solution is applicable.

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Solution to Exercise 7 (3)
1. The wellbore flowing pressure after 4 hours of production
i. check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμ crw 2 25 × 0.19 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 2.2 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 3.3s
k 100 × 10
t>3.3s therefore ln approximation is valid.
ln approx 3.3
ii. qμB0 ⎛ γ φμcrw ⎞
Pwf = Pi + ln⎜⎜ ⎟ qµBo/4πkh 28703
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎟⎠
µcφ/4kt 1.016E-04
qμB0 159 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 1.4 Pwf 396.4
= = 28703
4πkh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 100 × 10 × 100

φμcr 2 0.19 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 2.2 × 10 −9 × r 2 −9 2

= −15
= 101597 × 10 r
4kt 4 × 100 × 10 × 4 × 3600
( )
Pwf = 400 × 10 5 + 28703 × ln 1.781 × 101597 × 10 −9 × 0.15 2 = 39643751Pa = 396.4bar
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Solution to Exercise 7 (4)
2. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 9 m after 4 hours production
i. check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if the
time, 25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1.4 × 10−3 × 2.2 × 10−9 × 92
t≥ = −15
= 11850 s
k 100 × 10
t > 11850s = 3.3hours therefore ln approximation is valid
ii. taking account that the radius is now
qμB0 ⎛ γ φμcr 2 ⎞
P = Pi + ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ at 9m from the wellbore
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
ln approx 11850
qμB0 159 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 1.4 qµBo/4πkh 28703
= = 28703 µcφ/4kt 1.016E-04
4πkh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 100 × 10 × 100
Pwf 398.8
φμcr 2 0.19 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 2.2 × 10 −9 × r 2 −9 2
= −15
= 101597 × 10 r
4kt 4 × 100 × 10 × 4 × 3600
( )
Pwf = 400 × 10 5 + 28703 × ln 1.781 × 101597 × 10 −9 × 9 2 = 39878791 Pa = 398 .8bar

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Solution to Exercise 7 (5)
3. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 4 hours production
i. check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if the
time, 25φμcr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 2.2 × 10 −9 × 50 2
t≥ =
k 100 × 10 −15
t > 365750s = 101.6 hours therefore ln approximation is not valid – Ei
function is used
ii. P = P + q μ B ⎛ φμ cr 2
⎞ taking account that the radius is now
Ei⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
at 50m from the wellbore
qμB0 159 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 1.4 ln approx 365750
= = 28703
4πkh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 100 × 10 × 100 −15 qµBo/4πkh 28703

φμcr 2 −3 −9
0.19 × 1.4 × 10 × 2.2 × 10 × 50 2 µcφr 2
/4kt 0.254
= −15
= 0.254 Ei(-0.254) -1.032
4kt 4 × 100 × 10 × 4 × 3600
Pwf 399.7
P = 400 × 10 5 + 28703 × Ei (− 0.254 ) = 399 .7bar
Ei (− 0.254 ) = −1.032 By linear interpolation of the values in Table 4
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Solution to Exercise 7 (6)
4. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 50 hours production
i. check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if the
time, 25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1.4 × 10−3 × 2.2 × 10−9 × 502
t≥ =
k 100 × 10−15
t>365750s=101.6 hours therefore ln approximation is not valid - Ei
function is used
ii. P = P + q μ B ⎛ φμ cr 2
⎞ taking account that the radius is now

Ei⎜ − ⎟⎟
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
at 50m and the time is 50 hours after
qμ B 159 × 1.4 × 10 −3 × 1.4 start of production
= = 28703 ln approx 365750
4πkh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 100 × 10 −15
× 100
qµBo/4πkh 28703
φμcr −3
0.19 × 1.4 × 10 × 2.2 × 10 × 50
2 −9 2
µcφr 2 /4kt
= −15
= 0.020 0.020
4kt 4 × 100 × 10 × 50 × 3600 Ei(-0.020) -3.355
P = 400 × 10 5 + 28703 × Ei (− 0.020 ) = 399 .0bar Pwf 399.0

Ei (− 0.02 ) = −3.355 By linear interpolation of the values in Table 4

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Summary Solution to Exercise 7

Time Radius Pressure

hour m bar
0 all 400
4 0.15 396.44
4 9 398.79
4 50 399.70
50 50 399.04

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Exercise 8
• A well flows at a constant rate of 20 stm3/d. Calculate the
bottomhole flowing pressure at 8 hours after the start of
• porosity, φ 25%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.32 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 33 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 22x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 0.6x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 340 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 650 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 270 bar
• skin factor, S 0

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Solution to Exercise 8(1)

• The LSS is used to determine the pressures required at the

specified radius and at the specified time. Checks are made
to ensure that:
i. there has been adequate time to allow the line source
solution to be accurate
ii. the reservoir is infinite acting

• Thereafter, the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation has

to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 8(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.25 × 22 × 10 −3 × 0.6 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 21.8s
k 340 ×10
Time is 8 hours, therefore line source is applicable
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the
φμcre 2 0.25 × 22 × 10 −3 × 0.6 × 10 −9 × 650 2
t≤ = −15
= 1025184 s = 285hours
4k 4 × 340 × 10
Therefore line source solution is applicable.

t t
sec hr
A 21.84 6.1E-03
B 1025184 285

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Solution to Exercise 8(3)
i. check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,

25φμcr 2 25 × 0.25 × 22 × 10 −3 × 0.6 ×10 −9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 5.5s
k 340 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is valid ln approx 5.5
ii. qµBo/4πkh 47677
µcφ/4kt 8.425E-05
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ 2
Pwf = Pi + ln ⎜ ⎟= Pwf 264.0
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
= 270 × 105 + 47677 × Ln (1.781× 8.425 × 10−5 × 0.152 ) =
= 26399327 Pa = 264bar

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Exercise 9
• Two wells are drilled into a reservoir. Well 1 is put on production at 20
stm3/d. Well 2 is kept shut in. Using the data given, calculate how long it
will take for the pressure in well 2 to drop by 0.5 bar caused by the
production in well 1. Well 2 is 50 m from well 1.

• porosity, φ 18%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.21 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 20 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 0.8x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 43x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 85 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 1950 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 210 bar
• skin factor, S 0

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Solution to Exercise 9(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the time

equivalent to the specified pressure drop at well 2. Checks
are made to ensure that:
i. there has been adequate time to allow the line source
solution to be accurate;
ii. the reservoir is infinite acting;
iii. the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation has to be

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Solution to Exercise 9(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.18 × 0.8 × 10 −3 × 43 × 10 −9 × 0.15 2
t≥ = −15
= 164 s
k 85 × 10
It is expected that the time will be in excess of 164 sec therefore LSS is
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the
φμcre 2
0.18 × 0.8 ×10 −3 × 43 × 10 −9 ×1950 2
t≤ = −15
= 69250235s = 802days
4k 4 × 85 ×10
line source solution is applicable
C. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if the
time, 25φμcr 2 25 × 0.18 × 0.8 × 10 −3 × 43 × 10 −9 × 50 2
t≥ = −15
= 53d
k 85 × 10
Therefore it is assumed that the ln approximation is valid

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Solution to Exercise 9(3)
qμB0 ⎛ γ φμcr50 m ⎞
Pi − Pat 50 mfromwell1 = − ln⎜⎜ ⎟
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎟⎠
⎛ ⎞
Pi − Pat 50 mfromwell1 ⎛ γ φμcr50 m 2 ⎞ ⎜ P −P ⎟
= ln⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
i at 50 mfromwell 1

qμB0 4 kt ⎟ ⎜
⎜ −
qμB0 ⎟
⎟ γφμcr50 m 2
− ⎝ ⎠ e ⎝ 4πkh ⎠
4πkh 4kt

γφμ cr50 m 2 1.781× 0.18 × 0.8 ×10−3 × 43 × 10−9 × 502

t= ⎛ ⎞
= ⎛ ⎞
⎜ Pi − Pat 50 mfromwell 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ −
qμ B0 ⎟ ⎜ 0.5×105

⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4 π kh ⎠ ⎜ −
20×0.8×10 ×1.21
3 ⎟
4ke ⎜− −15

4 × 85 × 10−15 × e ⎝ 24×3600×4π 85×10 ×20 ⎠

27.57 × 10−9
= −13 −4.77
= 9532255s = 2648hs = 110d
3.4 ×10 × e
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Solution to Exercise 9(4)

t t
sec days
A 163.91 1.9E-03
B 69250235 802

ln approx 4552941 53 days

qµBo/4πkh 10489
t 9532345 110 days

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Exercise 10
• A well in a reservoir has a very low production rate of 2
stm3/d. Calculate the flowing bottomhole pressure after 2
years production.
• porosity, φ 16%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.13 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 10 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 5x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 14x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 10 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 780 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 86 bar
• skin factor, S 0

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Solution to Exercise 10 (1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the pressures

required at the wellbore after 2 years production. Checks
are made to ensure that:
i. there has been adequate time since the start of
production to allow the line source solution to be
ii. the reservoir is infinite acting
iii. the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation to the Ei
function has to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 10(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.16 × 5 × 10 −3 × 14 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 2520 s = 0.7 hours
k 10 × 10
Time is 2 years, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the

φμcre 2 0.16 × 5 × 10 −3 × 14 × 10 −9 × 780 2

t≤ = −15
= 170352000 s = 5.4 years
4k 4 × 10 × 10
t t
Therefore line source solution is applicable. sec years
A 2520 7.99E-05
B 170352000 5.4

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Solution to Exercise 10(3)
• C. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcr 2 25 × 0.16 × 5 × 10 −3 ×14 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 630s
k 10 ×10
Therefore it is assumed that the ln approximation is valid .
qμB0 ⎛ γ φμcrw ⎞
Pwf = Pi + ln⎜⎜ ⎟=
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎟⎠
( )
= 86 ×105 + 104077 × ln 1.781× 99.89 ×10 −9 = 6982433Pa = 69.8bar
ln approx 630
qµBo/4πkh 104077
µcφ/4kt 4.439E-06
Pwf 69.8

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Exercise 11
• A well is put on production at 15 stm3/d. The following well and reservoir
data are relevant.
• porosity, φ 21%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.2 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 23 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 5x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 22x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 130 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 800 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 120 bar
• skin factor, S 0
Determine the following:
• the wellbore flowing pressure after 2 hours of production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 10 m after 2 hours production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 20 m after 2 hours production
• the pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 2 hours production

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Solution to Exercise 11(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the pressures required at

the specified radii and at the specified time. Checks are made to ensure
i. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate
ii. the reservoir is infinite acting
• Thereafter, the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation to the Ei
function has to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 11(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until

100φμcrw 100 × 0.21× 5 × 10 −3 × 22 ×10 −9 × 0.152

t≥ t= −15
= 400s
k 130 × 10
Time is 2 hours, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the

φμcre 2 0.21× 5 × 10 −3 × 22 × 10 −9 × 800 2

t≤ = −15
= 28430769 s = 7897 hours
4k 4 × 130 × 10
Therefore line source solution is applicable. t t
sec hr
A 400 1.1E-01
B 28430769 7897

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Solution to Exercise 11(3)
1. The wellbore flowing pressure after 2 hours of production
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid
if the time,
25φμcrw 25 × 0.21× 5 × 10 −3 × 22 ×10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 100 s
k 130 ×10
ln approx 100
Therefore ln approximation is valid.
qµBo/4πkh 27723
ii. qμB0 ⎛ γ φμcrw ⎞
µcφ/4kt 6.170E-03
Pwf = Pi + ln⎜⎜ ⎟
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎟⎠ Pwf 117.70
q μ B0 15 × 5 × 10−3 × 1.2
= = 27723
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 130 × 10 × 23 −15

φμcr 2 0.21× 5 ×10 −3 × 22 ×10 −9 × r 2

= = 0.0062 r 2

4kt 4 × 130 × 10 −15 × 2 × 3600

( )
Pwf = 120 × 105 + 27724 × ln 1.781× 0.0062 × 0.152 = 117.7bar
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Solution to Exercise 11(4)
1. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 10 m after 2 hours production
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcr 2 25 × 0.21× 5 × 10 −3 × 22 × 10 −9 × 10 2
t≥ = −15
= 444231s = 123hours
k 130 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is not valid and the Ei function is used.
ii. q μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr 2 ⎞ taking account the fact that the radius is now
P = Pi + Ei ⎜ − ⎟ at 10m from the wellbore
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
ln approx 444231
q μ B0 15 × 5 × 10−3 × 1.2
= = 27723 qµBo/4πkh 27723
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 130 × 10 × 23
µcφr 2 /4kt 0.617
φμ cr 20.21× 5 × 10−3 × 22 × 10−9 × 102 Ei(-0.617)
= −15
= 0.617 Pwf 119.88
4kt 4 ×130 ×10 × 2 × 3600
P = 120 ×105 + 27724 × Ei(− 0.62 ) = 119.88bar Ei ( −0.62 ) = −0.439

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Solution to Exercise 11(5)
1. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 20 m after 2 hours production
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcr 2 25 × 0.21× 5 ×10 −3 × 22 ×10 −9 × 20 2
t≥ = −15
= 1776923s = 493hours
k 130 ×10
Therefore ln approximation is not valid and the Ei function is used.
ii. qμB0 ⎛ φμcr 2 ⎞ taking account the fact that the radius is now
P = Pi + Ei⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ at 20m from the wellbore
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
ln approx 1776923
q μ B0 15 × 5 × 10−3 × 1.2
= = 27723 qµBo/4πkh 27723
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 130 × 10 × 23−15
µcφr /4kt

φμ cr 20.21× 5 ×10−3 × 22 × 10−9 × 202 Ei(-2.47) -0.026

= −15
= 2.47 Pwf 119.99
4kt 4 ×130 × 10 × 2 × 3600
P = 120 × 105 + 27724 × Ei ( −2.47 ) = 119.99bar Ei ( −2.47 ) = −0.026
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Solution to Exercise 11(6)
1. The pressure in the reservoir at a radius of 50 m after 2 hours production
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcr 2 25 × 0.21× 5 ×10 −3 × 22 ×10 −9 × 50 2
t≥ = −15
= 11105769 s = 3085hours
k 130 ×10
Therefore ln approximation is not valid and the Ei function is used.
ii. qμB0 ⎛ φμcr 2 ⎞ taking account the fact that the radius is now
P = Pi + Ei⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ at 50m from the wellbore
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
ln approx 11105769
qμ B0 −3
15 × 5 × 10 × 1.2
= = 27723 qµBo/4πkh 27723
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 130 × 10 × 23
µcφr 2 /4kt 15.4
Ei(-15.4) 0.000
φμ cr −3
0.21× 5 ×10 × 22 × 10 × 50
2 −9 2
= −15
= 15.4 Pwf 120.0
4kt 4 ×130 × 10 × 2 × 3600
Ei(-15.5) is less than 1.56x10-6
P = 120 × 105 + 27724 × Ei (− 15.5) = 120bar therefore is assumed zero.

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Solution to Exercise 11(7)
• The following figure illustrates the nature of the infinite acting reservoir
in that the pressure at 50 m after 2 hours production is still the initial
pressure of 120 bar

Pressure vs. Distance


Pressure (bar)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance from centre of well (m)

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Exercise 12
• A discovery well is put on well test and flows at 286 stm3/d. After 6
minutes production, the well pressure has declined from an initial value
of 227 bar to 192 bar. Given the following data, calculate the pressure
drop due to the skin, ΔPskin, and the mechanical skin factor.
• porosity, φ 28%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.39 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 8.5 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 0.8x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 2.3x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 100 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 6100 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 227 bar

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Solution to Exercise 12(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the skin factor at the
wellbore after 6 minutes production. Checks are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting
• Thereafter, the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation to the Ei
function has to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 12(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.28 × 0.8 × 10 −3 × 2.3 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 11.6 s
k 100 × 10
Time is 6 minutes, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the
φμ cre 2 0.28 × 0.8 × 10−3 × 2.3 × 10−9 × 61002
t≤ = −15
= 47926480 s = 555d
4k 4 × 100 × 10
Therefore line source solution is applicable.
t t
sec hr
A 11.6 3.2E-03
B 47926480 13313

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Solution to Exercise 12(3)
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcrw 25 × 0.28 × 0.8 ×10 −3 × 2.3 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 2.9 s
k 100 ×10
Therefore ln approximation is valid.
ln approx 2.9
ii. qμB0 ⎡ ⎛ γ φμcrw 2
⎞ ⎤
Pi − Pwf = − ⎢ln⎜⎜ ⎟ − 2s ⎥ qµBo/4πkh 344610
4πkh ⎟
⎢⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎥⎦ γφµcrw2 /4kt 1.4337E-04
q μ B0 286 × 0.8 × 10−3 × 1.39
= = 344610
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 100 × 10 × 8.5

γ φμcrw 2 1.781× 0.28 × 0.8 × 10 −3 × 2.3 × 10 −9 × 0.152 −9

= = 143371 × 10
4kt 4 × 100 × 10 −15 × 6 × 60

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Solution to Exercise 12(4)

Pi − Pwf = (227 − 192 )×105 Pa = 35 ×105 Pa

2s =
(P −P )
i wf ⎛ γ φμcr
+ ln⎜ w
⎞ (227 − 192 )× 105
⎟= + ln (
143371 × 10 −9
) = 1.3
qμB0 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4kt ⎠ 344610
4πkh ln approx 2.9
qµBo/4πkh 344610
γφµcrw2 /4kt 1.4337E-04
S 0.65
ΔPS 4.5

ΔPs = 2 s = 2 × 0.65 × 344610 = 447993Pa = 4.5bar
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Exercise 13
• A reservoir and well are detailed in the following data. Use
this data to calculate the skin factor around the well after
producing for 1.5 hours.
• porosity, φ 23%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.36 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 63 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.6x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 17x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 243 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 4000 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 263 bar
• BHP after 1,5 hour 260.5 bar
• well flowrate (constant), q 120 stm3/d
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Solution to Exercise 13(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the skin factor at the
wellbore after 1.5 hours production. Checks are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting;

• Thereafter, the choice of Ei function or Ln approximation to the Ei

function has to be made.

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Solution to Exercise 13(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.23 × 1.6 × 10 −3 ×17 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 58s
k 243 ×10
Time is 6 minutes, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if the
φμcre 2 0.23 ×1.6 × 10 −3 × 17 ×10 −9 × 4000 2
t≤ = −15
= 102979424 s = 1192d
4k 4 × 243 ×10
Therefore line source solution is applicable
t t
sec hr
A 58 1.6E-02
B 102979424 28605

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Solution to Exercise 13(3)
i. Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcrw 25 × 0.23 × 1.6 × 10 −3 × 17 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 14.5s
k 243 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is valid.
ii. ln approx 14.5
qμB0 ⎡ ⎛ γ φμcrw ⎞ ⎤
Pi − Pwf = − ⎢ln⎜⎜ ⎟ − 2s ⎥ qµBo/4πkh 15710
4πkh ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ γφµcrw2 /4kt 4.7762E-05

qμB0 120 ×1.6 ×10 −3 ×1.36

− = = −15710
4πkh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 243 ×10 × 63

γφμcrw 2
1.781× 0.23 ×1.6 ×10 −3 ×17 ×10 −9 × 0.152 −9
= = 47762 × 10
4kt 4 × 243 × 10 −15 ×1.5 × 3600
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Solution to Exercise 13(4)

Pi − Pwf = (263 − 260.5)× 105 Pa = 2.5 × 105 Pa

( P −P ) ⎛ γφμ cr 2
⎞ ( 263 − 260.5 ) × 105
2s =

q μ B0
+ ln

⎟ = + ln ( 47762 × 10 −9
) = 5.96
⎝ 4kt ⎠ 15710
4π kh
ln approx 14.5
qµBo/4πkh 15710
γφµcrw2 /4kt 4.7762E-05
S 2.98

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Exercise 14
• A well has been on production in a reservoir which is in a semi-
steady state flow regime. For the following data, calculate the
bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf

• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.62 rm3/stm3

• net thickness of formation, h 72 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.2x10-3 Pa s
• permeability, k 123 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 560 m
• average reservoir pressure, P 263 bar
• well flowrate (constant) 216 stm3/d
• skin factor 0

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Solution to Exercise 14
• Substitute the values into the semi-steady state flow equation:

q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ re ⎞ 3 ⎤ qµBo/2πkh 87341
P − Pwf = ⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟ − + s ⎥
2π kh ⎣ ⎝ rw ⎠ 4 ⎦ ln(re/rw ) 8.225
q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ re ⎞ 3 ⎤ Pwf 256.5
Pwf = P − ⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟ − + s ⎥ =
2π kh ⎣ ⎝ rw ⎠ 4 ⎦
216 × 1.2 × 10 ×1.62 ⎡ ⎛ 560 ⎞ 3 ⎤
= 263 × 10 −
⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟ − + 0⎥ =
24 × 3600 × 2π × 123 × 10 × 72 ⎣ ⎝ 0.15 ⎠ 4 ⎦

= 25647120 Pa = 256bar

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Exercise 15
• For each of the following geometries, calculate the time in
hours for which the reservoir is infinite acting

Geometry • Area of reservoir, A 1618370 m2

• Circle • viscosity of reservoir oil 1.0x10-3 Pa s
• Square • permeability, k 100 mD
• Quadrant of the square • porosity, φ 20%
• compressibility, c 1.45x10-9 Pa-1

• The times are calculated by the dimensionless time, diffusivity of the

reservoir and the area of the reservoir. The dimensionless time accounting
for the reservoir drainage area is found for the conditions in Table 5.

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Solution to Exercise 15(1)
1. Circle
For infinite acting reservoir, time:
φμ cA
t ≤ t DA
0.2 × 1.0 ×10−3 ×1.45 × 10−9 × 1618370
t ≤ 0.1
100 × 10−15
t ≤ 469327 s
t ≤ 130hours
Geometry tDA < sec hours
circle 0.10 469327 130

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Solution to Exercise 15(2)
2. Square
For infinite acting reservoir, time:
φμ cA
t ≤ t DA
0.2 ×1.0 ×10−3 ×1.45 ×10−9 × 1618370
t ≤ 0.09
100 × 10−15
t ≤ 422395s
t ≤ 117 hours
Geometry tDA < sec hours
circle 0.10 469327 130
square 0.09 422395 117

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Solution to Exercise 15(3)
3. Quadrant of a square
For infinite acting reservoir, time:
φμ cA
t ≤ t DA
0.2 ×1.0 × 10−3 × 1.45 × 10−9 × 1618370
t ≤ 0.025 −15
100 ×10
t ≤ 117332 s
t ≤ 33hours
Geometry tDA < sec hours
circle 0.10 469327 130
square 0.09 422395 117
quadrant of a square 0.025 117332 33
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Exercise 16
• A well is tested by producing it at a constant flow rate of 238 stm3/day
for a period of 100 hours. The reservoir data and flowing bottomhole
pressures recorded during the test are as follows:

• porosity, φ 18%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.2 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 6.1 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 2.18x10-9 Pa-1
• wellbore radius, rw 0.1 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 241.3 bar

• Calculate the effective permeability and skin factor of the well

• Make an estimate of the area being drained by the well and the Dietz shape

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Table for Exercise 16
Time (hours) BHP (bar)
0 241.3
1 201.1
2 199.8
3 199.1
4 198.5
5 197.8
7.5 196.5
10 195.3
15 192.8
30 185.2
40 180.2
50 176.7
60 173.2
70 169.7
80 166.2
90 162.7
100 159.2

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CTR решения при ГДИС
qμB0 ⎡ ⎛ 4k ⎞ ⎤
Pw ( t ) = Pi − ⎢ ln t + ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
+ 2S⎥
4πkh ⎣ ⎝ γφμcr ⎠ ⎦


0 ln t
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Solution to Exercise 16(1)

• The pressure decline has been recorded at the wellbore and it is

expected that there will be an unsteady state period initially followed by
a semi steady state flow period. It is thought to be an isolated block
therefore there would be a depletion of the reservoir pressure under
semi steady state conditions expected. The initial transient flow period
can be used to determine the permeability and skin factor, and the
subsequent semi steady state flow period can be used to detect the
reservoir limits.

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Solution to Exercise 16(2)
1. The permeability and skin factor can be determine from the initial
transient period using the line source solution:

q μ ⎡ ⎛ 4kt ⎞ ⎤
Pwf = Pi − ⎢ln ⎜ 2 ⎟
+ 2 s ⎥ or
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ γμ crw ⎠ ⎦
Pwf = m ln t + c

the following are constant: Pi, k, φ, μ, c, rw, S. In equation, there is a

linear relationship between the BHP and the logarithm of time, the slope
of the relationship equal to:

4π kh

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Solution to Exercise 16(3)
• The unknown value k can be calculated. Once the permeability is known,
the equation can be rearranged to determine the skin factor, as:

2s =
(P −P )
i ⎛
− ln⎜
wf 4kt ⎞

m ⎜ γ φμcr ⎟
⎝ w ⎠

• It is not clear when data represent the line source solution. Therefore
pressure data are plotted and a liner fit attached to those data which
show the linear relationship between BHP and the logarithm of time

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Solution to Exercise 16(4)
Pressure-Time data
Bottom hole flowing 195
pressure, Pwf (bar) 190
175 y = -1.9838x + 201.16
170 R2 = 0.9916
0 1 2 3 4 5
Ln flowing time, t (hours)
• The plots show that the transient period lasts for 4 hours and the slope
1.98 bar/log cycle. Substituting this into the equation gives:
q μ Bo 238 × 1.2 × 1× 10−3 −15
k= = = 217.4 × 10 m 2
= 217 mD
4π hm 24 × 3600 × 4π × 6.1× 1.98 × 10 5

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Solution to Exercise 16(5)
• To determine the skin factor, the slope of the line is extrapolated to a
convenient time. This is usually a time of 1 hour. The BHP associated
with this time is calculated and this is used to determine a pressure drop
during the time (t1hour-t0). This is then equal to the pressure drop
calculated from the Ln function plus an excess caused by the skin. In this
case P1hour=201.16 bar and therefore (by rearranging equation)

2s =
( Pi − P1hour )
− ln
⎛ 4kt ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟
m ⎝ γφμ crw ⎠
241.3 − 201.2 ⎛ 4 × 218 × 10−15 × 3600 ⎞
= − ln ⎜ −3 −9 2 ⎟
1.98 ⎝ 1.781× 0.18 × 1× 10 × 2.18 × 10 × 0.1 ⎠
m 1.98 bar/unit 198382 Pa/unit
= 20.25 − 13.02 = 7.23
P1hour 201.2 bar 20115951 Pa
S = 3.6 k 217.4 mD 2.174E-13 m2
S 3.61
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Solution to Exercise 16(6)
• 2. To determine the area drained and the shape factor, the data from the
semi steady state flow regime are required. From equation 3.29, there
will be a linear relationship between BHP and time. This is related to the
area of the drained volume and the shape factor.
To determine the gradient of the pressure decline, the BHP time are
plotted using Cartesian co-ordinates as in figure 10:

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Solution to Exercise 16(7)
Pressure-Time data
Bottom hole flowing
pressure, Pwf (bar)

225 y = -0.35x + 194.2

215 R2 = 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Flowing time, t (hours)

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Solution to Exercise 16(8)
• From the plot, the gradient is determined to be -0.35bar/hour or -
9.72Pa/s. This is related to the volumetric compressibility of the
reservoir, i.e.

dP q q is the flowrate, c is compressibility, A is the area

dt cAhϕ of the reservoir, h is the thickness and φ is porosity

qB0 238 × 1.2

A=− = = 142043m 2
dP 24 × 3600 × 2.18 × 10 −9 × 6.1× 0.18 × −9.72
dP/dt 0.35 bar/hour 9.72 Pa/sec
P0 194.2 bar 19420000 Pa
A 142043 m2

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Solution to Exercise 16(9)
• The semi steady state inflow equation is:

qBo μ ⎛ 1 4A 2π kt ⎞
Pwf = Pi − ⎜ ln + +S⎟
2π kh ⎝ 2 γ C A rw ϕμ cA

• The linear extrapolation to small values of t gives the specific value of

Pwf of 194.2bar at t=0. In reality, at t=0, the flowrate has not started,
so this will be named P0. Inserting this value in equation 3.39 at t=0,
converting bar to Pascal and including the skin factor gives:

qμ ⎛ 4 A ⎞
Pi − P0 = ⎜ ln − ln C A + 2 S ⎟
4π kh ⎝ γ rw 2

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Solution to Exercise 16(10)

4 A Pi − P0
ln C A = ln − + 2S
γ rw 2
qBo μ
4π kh
4A Pi − P0 4×142043 (241.3−194.2)×105
ln − +2S ln − + 2×3.61
γ rw 2 qB μ
o 1.781×0.1
2 238×1.2×0.001

CA = e 4π kh
=e 24×3600× 4π ×217.4×10−15 ×6.1

= e17.23− 23.74+ 7.22 = 2.03

• From Table 5, this is close to the configuration in the figure below

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Exercise 17
• An appraisal well is tested by producing at a constant rate of 200
stm3/day for 107 hours. The following table of flowing bottomhole
pressures and time were recorded during the test. Using the data:
• calculate the permeability and skin factor of the well
• estimate the shape of the drainage area
• porosity, φ 22%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.3 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 21 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.9x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 4.3x10-9 Pa-1
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 378.7 bar

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Table for Exercise 17
Time (hours) BHP (bar)
0.000 378.70
1.1 326.41
2.1 324.70
3.2 323.80
4.3 323.10
5.4 322.10
8.0 320.50
10.7 318.80
16.1 315.50
21.4 312.20
32.1 305.60
42.8 300.80
53.5 296.00
64.2 291.20
74.9 286.30
85.6 281.50
96.3 276.70
107.0 271.90
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Solution to Exercise 17(1)
1. The permeability and skin factor can be determine from the initial
transient flow period using the line source solution since:

qμB0 ⎡ ⎛ 4kt ⎞ ⎤
Pwf = Pi − ⎢ln⎜⎜ ⎟ + 2s ⎥
2 ⎟
4πkh ⎢⎣ ⎝ γ ϕμcrw ⎠ ⎥⎦

y = mx + c

• m is the gradient of the line Pwf vs Ln t. It can be seen that the slope
changes after about 5 hours, therefore the data until 5 hours is used to
determine a straight line fit giving the figure below.

q μ Bo
4π kh
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Solution to Exercise 17(2)
Pressure-Time data

Bottom hole flowing
pressure, Pwf (bar) 310
y = -2.589x + 326.69
R2 = 0.9902


0 1 2 3 4 5
Ln flowing time, t (hours)

• the slope is 2.42 bar/log cycle therefore

q μ Bo 200 × 1.9 × 10−3 × 1.3 −15

k= = = 89.5 × 10 m 2
= 90mD
4π mh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 2.42 × 10 × 21

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Solution to Exercise 17(3)
• Skin. Extrapolation of the line to a time of 1 hour gives the P1hour 326.6 bar

2S =
( Pi − P1hour )
− ln
⎛ 4kt ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟
m ⎝ γφμ crw ⎠
378.7 − 326.6 ⎛ 4 × 90 × 10−15 × 1× 3600 ⎞
2S = − ln ⎜ −3 −9 2 ⎟
= 11.7
2.42 ⎝ 1.781× 0.22 × 1.9 × 10 × 4.3 × 10 × 0.15 ⎠
S = 5.9

m 2.42 bar/unit 241647 Pa/unit

P1hour 326.6 bar 32659215 Pa
k 89.7 mD 8.966E-14 m2
S 5.88

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Solution to Exercise 17(4)
2. Area drained. This is obtained from the semi-steady state part of the
flow. A plot of linear pressure decline with time indicates this flow
regime (i.e. an expansion of a fixed volume of fluid) and this is shown in
the figure. Pressure-Time data
Bottom hole flowing
pressure, Pwf (bar)

350 y = -0.4504x + 320.07

340 R2 = 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Flowing time, t (hours)
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Solution to Exercise 17(5)
• The linear section appears to be present after about 50 hours, therefore
this section is used to determine the slope and the extrapolated initial
• Since the pressure decline rate is related to the volume, the area of the
drainage cell can be calculated assuming a constant thickness and
constant porosity.

dP qB0 −0.45 × 1× 105

=− = −0.45 bar hour = = −12.5 Pa s
dt cAhϕ 1× 3600
qB0 200 × 1.3
A=− = = 12108 m 2
dP 24 × 3600 × 4.3 × 10−9 × 21× 0.22 × 12.5

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Solution to Exercise 17(6)
• The semi steady state pressure decline is:

qμ ⎛ 1 4A 2πkt ⎞
Pwf = Pi − ⎜ ln + + s ⎟
2πkh ⎜⎝ 2 γ C A rw ϕμcA ⎟⎠

• And extrapolation of the line to small values of time gives a pressure, P0

of 320.07 bar. Insertion of these values at time=0 gives

qμ ⎛ 4 A ⎞
Pi − P0 = ⎜ ln − ln C A + 2 S ⎟
4π kh ⎝ γ rw 2

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Solution to Exercise 17(7)
4 A Pi − P0
ln C A = ln − + 2S
γ rw 2
qBo μ
4π kh
4A Pi − P0 4×12108 (378.7 −320.07)×105
ln − +2S ln − + 2×5.9
γ rw 2 qB μ
o 1.781×0.15 2 200×1.3×0.0019

CA = e 4π kh
=e 24×3600× 4π ×90×10−15 × 21

= e13.96− 24.26+11.77 = 4.32

• CA=4.32 which from Table 5 is close to:

1 or

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Exercise 18
• Two wells, well 1 and well 2, are drilled in an undeveloped reservoir. Well 1 is
completed and brought on production at 500stm3/d and produces for 40 days at
which time Well 2 is completed and brought on production at 150 stm3/d . Using
the data provided, calculate the pressure in Well 2 after it has produced for 10
days (and assuming Well 1 continues to produce at its flowrate). Therefore, Well
1 produces for 50 days when its pressure influence is calculated; Well 2 produces
for 10 days when its pressure influence is calculated.
• The wells are 400m apart and the nearest boundary is 4000m from each well.
• porosity, φ 21%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.4 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 36 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 0.7x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 8.7x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 80 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 180 bar
• skin factor around both wells 0
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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
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Эффект влияния соседних скважин
Well X Well Y Well Z
Flowrat, qx Flowrat, qy Flowrat, qz

Initial pressure, Pi rxy rzy

No Barrier No Barrier
Detected Detected
ΔP caused by well Z
ΔP caused by well X independent of well Y
independent of well Y or well Z
or well Z ΔP caused by well Y
Pressure in well Y after flowing time, t Actual well pressure,
independent of well X
or well
wf Z

( Pi − Pw )total at well Y = ( Pi − P ) Dueto well X + ( Pi − P ) Dueto well Y + ( Pi − P ) Dueto well Z

q y μ B0 ⎛ ⎞ −q y μ B0 ⎛ ⎛ φμ crxy 2 ⎞ ⎞ − qz μ B0 ⎛ ⎛ φμ crzy 2 ⎞ ⎞
(P − P )
i wf total at wellY
= ⎜ ln

4π kh ⎝ γφμ crw y 2
+ 2S y ⎟ +
⎟ ⎜ Ei ⎜⎜ −

4π kh ⎝ ⎝
⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ +
4kt ⎠ ⎠ 4π kh ⎝ ⎝
⎜ Ei ⎜⎜ −
⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟
4kt ⎠ ⎠

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Solution to Exercise 18(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the bottomhole flowing

pressure at Well 2 after 10 days production, accounting for the effect of
50 days production from Well 1.
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow the
line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

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Solution to Exercise 18(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until

100φμcrw 100 × 0.21× 0.7 × 10 −3 × 8.7 × 10 −9 × 0.15 2

t≥ = −15
= 36 s
k 80 × 10
Time is 50 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if time

φμ cre 2 0.21× 0.7 × 10−3 × 8.7 × 10−9 × 40002

t≤ = −15
= 63945000 s = 740d
4k 4 × 80 × 10
Therefore line source solution is applicable.
t t
sec hr
A 36 1.0E-02
B 63945000 17763

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Solution to Exercise 18(3)
The BHP at well 2 is the sum of the pressure drops caused by its
production and by the production of well1.

Pwf at well2 = Pi–ΔPwell2flowing for 10days–ΔPwell1flowing for 50 days 400m away

i. At 10 days, contribution to pressure drop from production from well 2.

Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,
25φμcrw 25 × 0.21× 0.7 × 10 −3 × 8.7 × 10 −9 × 0.15 2
t≥ = −15
= 9s
k 80 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is valid.

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Solution to Exercise 18(4)
ln approx 9
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ qµBo/4πkh 47011
Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ µcφ/4kt 4.626E-06
Pi-Pwf 7.29

q μ B0 150 × 0.7 ×10−3 × 1.4

= = 47011
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 80 × 10 × 36

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.21× 0.7 × 10−3 × 8.7 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 185 × 10
4kt 4 × 80 × 10−15 × 10 × 24 × 3600

Pi − Pwf = −47011× ln(185 × 10−9 ) Pa = 728671Pa = 7.29bar

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Solution to Exercise 18(5)
ii. At 10 days production from well 2, well 1 has been producing for 50
days and its contribution to pressure drop at well 2 is calculated as
Check ln approximation to Ei function. The ln approximation is valid if
the time,

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.21× 0.7 × 10−3 × 8.7 × 10−9 × 4002

t≥ = −15
= 740d
k 80 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is not valid and Ei function is used.

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Solution to Exercise 18(6)
q μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr1− 2 2 ⎞
Pi − Pwf at Well2 caused by Well1 = − Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠

q μ B0 500 × 0.7 ×10−3 × 1.4

= = 156704
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 80 × 10 × 36

φμ cr1− 2 2 0.21× 0.7 ×10−3 × 8.7 × 10−9 × 4002

= −15
= 0.148
4kt 4 × 80 × 10 × 50 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 63945000
qµBo/4πkh 156704
Ei (− 0.148) = −1.476 µcφr 2 /4kt 0.148
Ei(-0.148) -1.476
Pi-Pwf 2.31

Pi − Pwf at Well2 caused by Well1 = −156704 × −1.476 = 231295 Pa = 2.3bar

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Solution to Exercise 18(7)

Pwf at Well2 = Pi − ΔPwell2 flowing for 10 days − ΔPwell1 flowing for 50 days 400 m away = 170.4bar

Pi 180
ΔPwell2 flowing for 10day s 7.29
ΔPwell1 flowing for 50 day s 400m away 2.31
Pwf at well2 170.4

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Exercise 19
• Two wells are brought on production in undeveloped reservoir. Using the data
below, calculate the bottomhole flowing pressure in each well. Well 1 produces at
110stm3/d for 27 days at which time Well 2 starts production at 180 stm3/d and
both produce at their respective rates for a further 13 days when the bottomhole
flowing pressures are calculated . Therefore, Well 1 produces for 40 days when
its pressure influence is calculated; Well 2 produces for 13 days when its
pressure influence is calculated. The wells are 350m apart.
• porosity, φ 19%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.2 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 36 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.0x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 10x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 110 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 7000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 250 bar
• skin factor around both wells 0
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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
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Эффект влияния соседних скважин
Well X Well Y Well Z
Flowrat, qx Flowrat, qy Flowrat, qz

Initial pressure, Pi rxy rzy

No Barrier No Barrier
Detected Detected
ΔP caused by well Z
ΔP caused by well X independent of well Y
independent of well Y or well Z
or well Z ΔP caused by well Y
Pressure in well Y after flowing time, t Actual well pressure,
independent of well X
or well
wf Z

( Pi − Pw )total at well Y = ( Pi − P ) Dueto well X + ( Pi − P ) Dueto well Y + ( Pi − P ) Dueto well Z

q y μ B0 ⎛ ⎞ −q y μ B0 ⎛ ⎛ φμ crxy 2 ⎞ ⎞ − qz μ B0 ⎛ ⎛ φμ crzy 2 ⎞ ⎞
(P − P )
i wf total at wellY
= ⎜ ln

4π kh ⎝ γφμ crw y 2
+ 2S y ⎟ +
⎟ ⎜ Ei ⎜⎜ −

4π kh ⎝ ⎝
⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ +
4kt ⎠ ⎠ 4π kh ⎝ ⎝
⎜ Ei ⎜⎜ −
⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟
4kt ⎠ ⎠

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Solution to Exercise 19(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine: the bottomhole flowing

pressure at Well 2 flowing for 13 days plus the pressure influence on it
of well 1 flowing for 40 days; the bottomhole flowing pressure at Well 1
flowing for 40 days plus the pressure influence on it of well 2 flowing
for 13 days
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

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Solution to Exercise 19(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until

100φμcrw 100 × 0.19 × 1× 10 −3 × 10 × 10 −9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 39 s
k 110 × 10
Time is 13 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if time

φμcre 2
0.19 × 1× 10 −3 × 10 × 10 −9 × 7000 2
t≤ = −15
= 211590909 s = 2449days
4k 4 × 110 × 10
Therefore line source solution is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 39 1.1E-02 4.5E-04
B 211590909 58775 2449

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Solution to Exercise 19(3)
C. PRESSURE DROP AT WELL 2. The BHP at Well 2 is sum of the pressure
drops caused by its production and by the pressure drop generated by
the production of Well 1.
Pwf at well2 = Pi–ΔPwell2flowing for 13days–ΔPwell1flowing for 40days 350m away
a) At 13 days, contribution to pressure drop from production from Well
The ln approximation is valid if time
25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 10 s
k 110 × 10
ln approximation is valid

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Solution to Exercise 19(4)
ln approx 10
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ qµBo/4πkh 50238
Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟ µcφ/4kt 3.845E-06
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
Pi-Pwf 7.9
q μ B0 180 ×1× 10−3 × 1.2
= = 50238
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 110 × 10 × 36

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 154 × 10
4kt 4 × 110 × 10−15 × 13 × 24 × 3600

Pi − Pwf = −50238 × ln(154 × 10−9 ) Pa = 788737 Pa = 7.9bar

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Solution to Exercise 19(5)

b) At 13 days, contribution to pressure drop at Well 2 from production

from Well 1. The ln approximation is valid if the time

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 3502

t≥ = −15
= 52897727 s = 612d
k 110 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is not valid and Ei function is used

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Solution to Exercise 19(6)
q μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr1− 2 2 ⎞
Pi − Pwf at Well2 caused by Well1 = − Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠

q μ B0 110 × 1× 10−3 × 1.2

= = 30701
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 110 × 10 × 36

φμ cr1− 2 2 0.19 ×1×10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 3502

= −15
= 0.153
4kt 4 × 110 × 10 × 40 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 52897727
qµBo/4πkh 30701
Ei (− 0.153) = −1.447 µcφr 2 /4kt 0.1531
Ei(-0.153) -1.447
Pi-Pwf 0.44

Pi − Pwf at Well2 caused by Well1 = −30701× −1.447 = 44424 Pa = 0.4bar

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Solution to Exercise 19(7)

Pwf at Well2 = Pi − ΔPwell2 flowing for 13 days − ΔPwell1 flowing for 40 days 350 m away = 241.7bar

Pi 250
ΔPwell2 flowing for 13 day s 7.88
ΔPwell1 flowing for 40 day s 350m away 0.44
Pwf at well2 241.7

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Solution to Exercise 19(8)
D. Pressure drop at well 1. The BHP at Well 1 is the sum of the pressure
drops caused by its production and by the pressure drop generated by
the production of Well 2.
Pwf at well1 = Pi – ΔPwell1flowing for40days – ΔPwell2flowing for 13days 350m away
a) At 40 days, contribution to pressure drop from production from
The ln approximation is valid if time

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 10 s
k 110 × 10
Therefore ln approximation is valid.

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Solution to Exercise 19(9)

ln approx 10
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ qµBo/4πkh 30701
Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ µcφ/4kt 1.249E-06
Pi-Pwf 5.2

q μ B0 110 × 1× 10−3 × 1.2

= = 30701
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 110 × 10 × 36

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 50.1 × 10
4kt 4 × 110 × 10−15 × 40 × 24 × 3600

Pi − Pwf = −30701× ln(50.1× 10−9 ) Pa = 515777 Pa = 5.2bar

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Solution to Exercise 19(10)

b. At 40 days, contribution to pressure drop at Well 1 from production

from Well 2. The ln approximation is valid if the time

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 3502

t≥ = −15
= 52897727 s = 612d
k 110 × 10
• Therefore ln approximation is not valid and Ei function is used

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Solution to Exercise 19(11)
q μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr1− 2 2 ⎞
Pi − Pwf at Well1 caused by Well2 =− Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠

q μ B0 180 ×1× 10−3 × 1.2

= = 50238
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 110 × 10 × 36

φμ cr1− 2 2 0.19 ×1×10−3 × 10 × 10−9 × 3502

= −15
= 0.471
4kt 4 × 110 × 10 × 13 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 52897727
qµBo/4πkh 50238
Ei (− 0.471) = −0.597 µcφr 2 /4kt 0.471
Ei(-0.471) -0.597
Pi-Pwf 0.3
Pi − PwfatWell1causedWell 2 = −30701× −0.597 = 18329 Pa = 0.2bar
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Solution to Exercise 19(12)

Pwf at Well1 = Pi − ΔPwell1 flowing for 40 days − ΔPwell2 flowing for 13 days 350 m away = 244.5bar

Pi 250
ΔPwell1 flowing for 40day s 5.16
ΔPwell2 flowing for 13 days 350m away 0.30
Pwf at well1 244.5

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Exercise 20
• A well is completed in an undeveloped reservoir described by the data
below. The well flows for 6 days at 60stm3/d and is then shut in for a
day. Calculate the pressure in an observation well 100m from the flowing
• porosity, φ 19%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.3 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 23 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 0.4x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 3x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 50 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 6000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 180 bar
• skin factor around well, S 0

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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
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Принцип суперпозиции
и изменение дебита

q1μ B0 ⎛ φμ crw 2 ⎞ ( q2 − q1 ) μ B0 ⎛ φμ crw 2 ⎞

ΔP ( t ) = − Ei ⎜ − ⎟− Ei ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4π kh ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠
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Solution to Exercise 20(1)

• The line source solution is used to determine the pressure in the

observation well after 6 days production from the flowing well then 1
day shut in at the flowing well.
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow the
line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

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Solution to Exercise 20(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until

100φμ crw 2 100 × 0.19 × 0.4 ×10−3 × 3 × 10−9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 10.3s
k 50 ×10
Time is 6 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if time

φμ cre 2 0.19 × 0.4 ×10−3 × 3 ×10−9 × 60002

t≤ = −15
= 41040000s = 475days
4k 4 × 50 ×10
Therefore line source solution is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 10.3 2.9E-03 1.2E-04
B 41040000 11400 475
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Solution to Exercise 20(3)
• The pressure drop at the observation well is described by:
μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr 2 ⎞ ⎛ φμ cr 2 ⎞ ⎤
Pi − Pobswell =− ⎢ q1 Ei ⎜ − ⎟ + ( q2 − q1 ) Ei ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ ⎥
4π kh ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠ ⎥⎦

q1μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr 2 ⎞ ( q2 − q1 ) μ B0 ⎛ φμ cr 2 ⎞
Pi − Pobswell =− Ei ⎜ − ⎟− Ei ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4π kh ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠

• The ln approximation is valid if the time

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 0.4 × 10−3 × 3 × 10−9 × 1002

t≥ = −15
= 1140000 s = 13days
k 50 × 10
• Therefore ln approximation is not valid.

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Solution to Exercise 20(4)
q1μ B0 60 × 0.4 × 10−3 × 1.3
= = 24988
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 50 × 10 × 23

φμ cr1− 2 2 0.19 × 0.4 × 10−3 × 3 × 10−9 × 1002

= −15
= 0.0188
4kt 4 × 50 × 10 × 7 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 1140000
q1µBo/4πkh 24988
Ei ( −0.0188 ) = −3.413 µcφr 2 /4kt 0.0188
Ei(-0.0188) -3.413
ΔPassociated with q 0.85

ΔPassociated with q = −24988 × −3.413 = 85284 Pa = 0.85bar

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Solution to Exercise 20(5)
( q2 − q1 ) μ B0 =
−60 × 0.4 × 10−3 × 1.3
= −24988
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 50 × 10 × 23

φμ cr1− 2 2 0.19 × 0.4 × 10−3 × 3 × 10−9 × 1002

= = 0.1319
4k ( t − t1 ) 4 × 50 × 10 × ( 7 − 6 ) × 24 × 3600

ln approx 1140000
(q2-q1)µBo/4πkh -24988
Ei ( −0.1319 ) = −1.576 µcφr 2 /4k ( t - t 1 ) 0.1319
Ei(-0.1319) -1.576
ΔPassociated with (0-q) -0.39

ΔPassociated with q = 24988 × −1.576 = −39381Pa = −0.39bar

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Solution to Exercise 20(6)

Pobs well = Pi − ΔPassociated with q − ΔPassociated with ( 0-q ) = 179.5bar

Pi 180
ΔPassociated with q 0.85
ΔPassociated with (0-q) -0.39
Pobs well 179.5

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Exercise 21
• A well in a reservoir is brought on production at a flowrate of 25stm3/d
for 6 days. The production rate is then increased to 75stm3/d for a
further 4 days. Calculate, using the data given, the bottomhole flowing
pressure at the end of this period, i.e. 10 days.

• porosity, φ 21%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.31 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 20 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 0.6x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 8x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 75 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 5000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 200.0 bar
• skin factor around well, S 0
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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
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Принцип суперпозиции
и изменение дебита

q1μB0 ⎛ φμcrw 2 ⎞ ( q 2 − q1 ) μB0 ⎛ φμcrw 2 ⎞

ΔP ( t ) = − Ei ⎜ − ⎟− E i ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
4πkh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4πkh ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠
Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre
Solution to Exercise 21(1)

• The line source solution will be used to assess the effect of variables
rates on the bottomhole flowing pressure.
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow the
line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 21(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμ crw 2 100 × 0.21× 0.6 × 10−3 × 8 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 30.3s
k 75 × 10
Time is 10 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. The reservoir is infinite acting if the time

φμ cre 2 0.21× 0.6 × 10−3 × 8 × 10−9 × 50002

t≤ = −15
= 84000000 s = 972d
4k 4 × 75 × 10
Therefore LSS is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 30.24 8.4E-03 3.5E-04
B 84000000 23333 972

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 21(3)
• The ln approximation is valid if the time
25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.21× 0.6 × 10−3 × 8 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ ≥ −15
= 7.6 s
k 75 × 10

Therefore ln approximation is not valid.

μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ ⎤

Pi − Pwf = − ⎢ q1 ln ⎜ ⎟ + ( q2 − q1 ) ln ⎜⎜ ⎟⎥

4π kh ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠ ⎥⎦
q1μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞ ( q2 − q1 ) μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw 2 ⎞
Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟− ln ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4π kh ⎝ 4k ( t − t1 ) ⎠

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Solution to Exercise 21(4)

q1μ B0 25 × 0.6 × 10−3 ×1.31

= = 12066
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 75 × 10 × 20

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.21× 0.6 × 10−3 × 8 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 155.8 × 10
4kt 4 × 75 × 10−15 ×10 × 24 × 3600

ΔPassociated with q1 = −12066 × ln (155.8 × 10−9 ) = 189121Pa = 1.89bar

ln approx 7.6
q1µBo/4πkh 12066
µcφ/4kt 3.89E-06
ΔPassociated with q1 1.89

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Solution to Exercise 21(5)

( q2 − q1 ) μ B0 =
( 75 − 25 ) × 0.6 ×10−3 ×1.31 = 24131
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 75 × 10 −15
× 20

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.21× 0.6 × 10−3 × 8 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 389.6 × 10
4k ( t − t1 ) 4 × 75 × 10−15 × (10 − 6 ) × 24 × 3600

ΔPassociated with q2-q1 = −24131× ln ( 389.6 × 10−9 ) = 356131Pa = 3.56bar

ln approx 7.6
(q2-q1)µBo/4πkh 24131
µcφ/4k ( t - t 1 ) 9.72E-06
ΔPassociated with (q2-q1) 3.56

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 21(6)

Pwf = Pi − ΔPassociated with q1 − ΔPassociated with ( q2-q1) = 194.5bar

Pi 200
ΔPassociated with q1 1.89
ΔPassociated with (q2-q1) 3.56
Pwf 194.5

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Exercise 22
• A well in a reservoir is produced at 120stm3/d for 50 days. It is 300m
from a fault. Using the data given, calculate the bottomhole flowing
pressure in the well and determine the effect of the fault on the
bottomhole flowing pressure.
• porosity, φ 19%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.4 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 20 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.0x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 9x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 120 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 4000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 300.0 bar
• skin factor around well, S 0

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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre
Моделирование границ пласта
(фиктивные скважины)
• Линейная граница
моделируется с
фиктивной скважины и
принципа суперпозиции
• вспомогательная
скважина расположена на
расстоянии в 2 раза
больше, чем расстояние
от реальной скважины до
• история эксплуатации
этой скважины идентична
истории эксплуатации
реальной скважины

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Моделирование границ пласта
(фиктивные скважины)
• Депрессия на реальной скважине рассчитывается по

qμ B0 ⎛ ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ ⎞ qμ B0 ⎛ φμ c ( 2 L ) ⎞
2 2

Pi − Pwf = − ⎜ ln ⎜ ⎟ − 2S ⎟ − Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎠ 4π kh ⎜⎝ 4kt ⎟

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 22(1)

• The LSS will be used to assess the effects of the rate and the boundary
on the BHP. Using an image well 600m from the real well with identical
pressure and rate history as the real well, the effect of the boundary on
the infinite reservoir can be overcome. The BHP in the real well will be
the pressure drop caused by the production from the real well plus a
pressure drop from the image well 600m away. The line source solution
will be used.
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the LSS to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 22(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμ crw 2 100 × 0.19 ×1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 32 s
k 120 × 10
Time is 50 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. Check reservoir is infinite acting. The reservoir is infinite acting if time

φμ cre 2 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 40002

t≤ = −15
= 57000000 s = 660days
4k 4 × 120 × 10
Line source is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 32.06 8.9E-03 3.7E-04
B 57000000 15833 660

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 22(3)
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the real well:
25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 8s
k 120 × 10
Ln approximation is valid.
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the image well:

25φμ c ( 2 L )
25 × 0.19 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 6002
t≥ = −15
= 1484days
k 120 × 10
Ln approximation is not valid. Ln approximation predict the BHP around
the real well, but the effect of image well need to be predicted by Ei

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 22(4)

q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ qμ B0 ⎛ φμ c ( 2 L ) ⎞
2 2

Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟− Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4π kh ⎜⎝ 4kt ⎟

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Solution to Exercise 22(5)

q μ B0 120 ×1×10−3 × 1.4

= = 64472
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π ×120 × 10 × 20

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.19 × 1×10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 33 × 10
4kt 4 × 120 × 10−15 × 50 × 24 × 3600

ΔPdue to real well = −64473 × ln ( 33 × 10−9 ) = 1110562 Pa = 11.1bar

ln approx 8
qµBo/4πkh 64472
µcφ/4kt 8.25E-07
ΔPdue to real well 11.11

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 22(6)
q μ B0 120 ×1×10−3 × 1.4
= = 64472
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π ×120 × 10 × 20

φμ c ( 2 L )
0.19 ×1×10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 6002
= −15
= 0.297
4kt 4 × 120 × 10 × 50 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 128250000
qµBo/4πkh 64472
Ei (− 0.297 ) = −0.914 µcφ ( 2L ) /4kt
Ei(-0.297) -0.914
ΔPdue to image well 0.59

ΔPdue to image well = −64472 × −0.914 = 58915 Pa = 0.59bar

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Solution to Exercise 22(7)

Pwf = Pi − ΔPdue to real well − ΔPdue to image well = 288.3bar

Pi 300
ΔPdue to real well 11.11
ΔPdue to image well 0.59
Pwf 288.3

• The fault 300 m away pulled the BHP down by an extra 58915 Pa or 0.59

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Exercise 23
• A well in a reservoir is producing close to two intersecting faults as
shown below. Using the data given, calculate the bottomhole flowing
pressure after 32 days and indicate the effect of the faults on the
bottomhole flowing pressure. The production rate is constant at
• porosity, φ 22%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.5 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 36 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.0x10-3 Pa s

• compressibility, c 9x10-9 Pa-1 fault
• permeability, k 89 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 6000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 240.0 bar Well L2=120m
• skin factor around well, S 0

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Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
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Моделирование границ пласта
(фиктивные скважины)
Image well 1 Image well 3



L2 L2

Actual well Image well 2

Pi − Pwf = ΔPrw + ΔP2⋅L1 + ΔP2⋅L2 + ΔPR3

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre
Solution to Exercise 23(1)

• The LSS will be used to assess the effects of the rate and the boundary
on the BHP. Three image wells with identical pressure and rate histories
will be used. The three image wells balance the effect of the flow from
the real well. The pressure disturbances are superposed onto the real
well, i.e. the BHP in the real well will be the pressure drop caused by
the production from the real well plus a pressure drop from the image
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until
100φμcrw 100 × 0.22 × 1× 10 −3 × 9 × 10 −9 × 0.152
t≥ = −15
= 50 s
k 89 × 10
Time is 32 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. The reservoir is infinite acting if the time

φμcre 2 0.22 × 1× 10 −3 × 9 ×10 −9 × 6000 2

t≤ = −15
= 200224719s = 2317 days
4k 4 × 89 ×10
Line source solution is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 50 1.4E-02 5.8E-04
B 200224719 55618 2317
Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre
Solution to Exercise 23(3)
Image well1 Image well3

fault r3

L1 70m fault

L2 L2

well 120m Image well2

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Solution to Exercise 23(4)
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the real well:

25φμcr 2 25 × 0.22 × 1× 10 −3 × 9 × 10 −9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 13s
k 89 ×10
Ln approximation is valid
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the image well 1:

25φμ c ( 2 L1 )
25 × 0.22 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 1402
t≥ = −15
= 126days
k 89 × 10
Ln approximation is not valid the Ei function is used. The distances to
image wells 2 and 3 are greater, therefore they also need to use the Ei

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(5)
• The distance R3 is:

R3 = ( ) ( )
+ = + = 277.8m
2 22 2
2 L1 2 L 2 140 240

Pi − Pwf = ΔPwell + ΔPimagewell1 + ΔPimagewell 2 + ΔPimagewell 3

⎛ φμ c ( 2 L1 ) ⎞
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ qμ B02
Pi − Pwf = − ln ⎜ ⎟− Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠ 4π kh ⎜⎝ 4kt ⎟

⎛ φμ c ( 2 L2 ) ⎞ qμ B0 ⎛ φμ cR32 ⎞
q μ B0
− Ei ⎜ − ⎟− Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎜⎝ 4kt ⎟ 4π kh ⎝
⎠ 4 kt ⎠

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(6)
q μ B0 100 ×1× 10−3 × 1.5
= = 43120
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 89 × 10 × 36

γ φμcrw 2
1.781× 0.22 × 1× 10 −3 × 9 ×10 −9 × 0.152 −9
= = 80 .6 × 10
4kt 4 × 89 × 10 −15 × 32 × 24 × 3600

ΔPdue to real well = −43120 × ln ( 80.6 × 10−9 ) = 704300 Pa = 7.04bar

ln approx 13
qµBo/4πkh 43120
µcφ/4kt 2.01E-06
ΔPdue to real well 7.043

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(7)
q μ B0 100 ×1× 10−3 × 1.5
= = 43120
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 89 × 10 × 36

φμ c ( 2 L1 )
0.22 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 1402
= −15
= 0.0394
4kt 4 × 89 × 10 × 32 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 10901124
qµBo/4πkh 43120
Ei ( −0.039 ) = −2.695 µcφ ( 2L1 ) / 4kt
Ei(-0.0394) -2.695
ΔPdue to image well1 1.162

ΔPdue to image well1 = −43120 × −2.695 = 116220 Pa = 1.16bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(8)
q μ B0 100 ×1× 10−3 × 1.5
= = 43120
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 89 × 10 × 36

φμ c ( 2 L2 )
0.22 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 2402
= −15
= 0.1159
4kt 4 × 89 ×10 × 32 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 32035955
qµBo/4πkh 43120
Ei ( −0.1159 ) = −1.69 µcφ ( 2L2 ) / 4kt
Ei(-0.1159) -1.690
ΔPdue to image well3 0.729

ΔPdue to image well3 = −43120 × −1.69 = 72874 Pa = 0.73bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(9)
q μ B0 100 ×1× 10−3 × 1.5
= = 43120
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 89 × 10 × 36

φμ cR32 0.22 × 1× 10−3 × 9 × 10−9 × 277.82

= −15
= 0.1553
4kt 4 × 89 × 10 × 32 × 24 × 3600
R3 277.849
ln approx 42937079
qµBo/4πkh 43120
Ei ( −0.1553) = −1.435 µcφR32 / 4kt 0.1553
Ei(-0.1553) -1.435
ΔPdue to image well2 0.62

ΔPdue to image well2 = −43120 × −1.435 = 61855 Pa = 0.62bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 23(10)

Pwf = Pi − ΔPdue to real well − ΔPdue to image well1

−ΔPdue to image well2 − ΔPdue to image well3 = 230.4bar
Pi 240
ΔPdue to real well 7.04
ΔPdue to image well1 1.16
ΔPdue to image well2 0.62
ΔPdue to image well3 0.73
Pwf 230.4

• The effect of the boundary is to pull the BHP down by an extra 2.5bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Exercise 24
• A well is 80m due west of a north-south fault. From well tests, the skin
factor is 5. Calculate the pressure in the well after flowing at 80 stm3/day
for 10 days.
• porosity, φ 25%
• formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.13 rm3/stm3
• net thickness of formation, h 23 m
• viscosity of reservoir oil, μ 1.1x10-3 Pa s
• compressibility, c 10.1x10-9 Pa-1
• permeability, k 125 mD
• wellbore radius, rw 0.15 m
• external radius, re 6000m
• initial reservoir pressure, Pi 210.0 bar
• flowrate period, t 10 days
• skin factor around well, S 5

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Решение линейного стока
Условия применения:

100φμ crw 2
(i) t ≥
k q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ φμ cr ⎞ ⎤
Pi − P ( r , t ) = − ⎢ Ei ⎜ − ⎟⎥
φμ cre 2
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦
(ii) t ≤

Условия логарифмической аппроксимации:

25φμ cr 2
q μ B0 ⎛ γφμ cr ⎞

t≥ Pi − P ( r , t ) = ln ⎜ ⎟
k 4π kh ⎝ 4kt ⎠
Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre
Моделирование границ пласта
(фиктивные скважины)
• Линейная граница
моделируется с
фиктивной скважины и
принципа суперпозиции
• вспомогательная
скважина расположена на
расстоянии в 2 раза
больше, чем расстояние
от реальной скважины до
• история эксплуатации
этой скважины идентична
истории эксплуатации
реальной скважины

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Моделирование границ пласта
(фиктивные скважины)
• Депрессия на реальной скважине рассчитывается по

q μ B0 ⎛ ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ ⎞ q μ B0 ⎛ φμ c ( 2 L ) ⎞
2 2

Pi − Pwf = − ⎜ ln ⎜ ⎟ − 2S ⎟ − Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎝ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎠ 4π kh ⎜⎝ 4kt ⎟

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 24(1)
• The fault can be represented by an image well twice the distance from
the real well. The pressure effect this image well has on the real well
augments the pressure drop in the well caused by the production,
however, there is an additional pressure drop over the skin zone around
the real well which must be taken into account. The line source solution
will be used.
• Check are made to ensure that:
A. there has been adequate time since the start of production to allow
the line source solution to be accurate;
B. the reservoir is infinite acting

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 24(2)
A. Check Ei applicability: line source not accurate until

100φμ crw 2 100 × 0.25 ×1.1×10−3 × 10.1× 10−9 × 0.152

t≥ = −15
= 50s
k 125 ×10
Time is 10 days, therefore line source is applicable.
B. The reservoir is infinite acting if time

φμ cre 2 0.25 ×1.1×10−3 × 10.1×10−9 × 60002

t≤ = −15
= 199980000s = 2315d
4k 4 ×125 ×10
Line source solution is applicable.
t t t
sec hr days
A 50 1.4E-02 5.8E-04
B 199980000 55550 2315

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 24(3)
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the real well:

25φμ cr 2 25 × 0.25 ×1.1× 10−3 × 10.1× 10−9 × 0.152

t≥ ≥ −15
= 13s
k 125 × 10
• Checking for the validity of the Ln approximation, for the image well:

25φμ c ( 2 L1 )
25 × 0.25 × 1.1× 10−3 × 10.1× 10−9 × 1602
t≥ = −15
= 165days
k 125 ×10
• Therefore the Ln approximation is not valid the Ei function is used.

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Solution to Exercise 24(4)

q μ B0 ⎡ ⎛ γφμ crw ⎞ ⎤ qμ B0 ⎛ φμ c ( 2 L ) ⎞
2 2

Pi − Pwf = − ⎢ln ⎜ ⎟ − 2S ⎥ − Ei ⎜ − ⎟
4π kh ⎣ ⎝ 4kt ⎠ ⎦ 4π kh ⎜ 4 kt ⎟
⎝ ⎠

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Solution to Exercise 24(5)
q μ B0 80 × 1.1× 10−3 × 1.13
= = 31857
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 125 × 10 × 23

γφμ crw 2 1.781× 0.25 × 1.1× 10−3 × 10.1× 10−9 × 0.152 −9

= = 257.6 × 10
4kt 4 ×125 × 10−15 ×10 × 24 × 3600

ΔPdue to real well = −31857 × ⎡⎣ln ( 257.6 × 10−9 ) − 2 × 5⎤⎦ = 801885 Pa = 8.02bar

ln approx 12.5
qµBo/4πkh 31857
µcφ/4kt 6.43E-06
ΔPdue to real well 8.019

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 24(6)
q μ B0 80 × 1.1× 10−3 × 1.13
= = 31857
4π kh 24 × 3600 × 4π × 125 × 10 × 23

φμ c ( 2 L )
0.25 × 1.1×10−3 × 10.1× 10−9 × 1602
= −15
= 0.1646
4kt 4 × 125 × 10 × 10 × 24 × 3600
ln approx 14220800
qµBo/4πkh 31857
Ei ( −0.1646 ) = −1.385 µcφ ( 2L ) /4kt
Ei(-0.1646) -1.385
ΔPdue to image well 0.44

ΔPdue to image well = −31857 × −1.385 = 44123Pa = 0.44bar

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

Solution to Exercise 24(7)

Pwf = Pi − ΔPdue to real well − ΔPdue to image well = 201.5bar

Pi 210
ΔPdue to real well 8.02
ΔPdue to image well 0.44
Pwf 201.5

Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering Approved Support Centre

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