Course Title: CURE 1122/ UGEA 1450 Chinese Culture and Its Religion Second Term 2017/18

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Course Title: CURE 1122/ UGEA 1450


中國文化及其宗教 Second Term 2017/18
Lecture: Fri 2:30-4:15PM Tutorial: Fri 4:30 - 05:15PM
Venue: Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 404
Lecturer: Dr. Tong Sau Lin

Course Description:

The aim of this course is to help students understand the basic religious
characteristics of Chinese culture and the relationship between religions and the daily
life of Chinese people. It also helps students to appreciate the richness and diversity
of the Chinese traditions and acquiring essential preparation for more advanced
courses in the area of Chinese culture and religions. The course will demonstrate that
the familiar categories of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Popular religion
are, by no means, discrete and mutually exclusive. They overlap and interact with
each other through a variety of confluences and conflicts. Students will be trained to
read some primary source of the Chinese traditions.

Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge Outcomes:
(1) To be able to demonstrate a keen awareness and an in-depth understanding of
the underlying ideas of religious traditions in China in both their historical
settings and contemporary contexts of modern living.
(2) To be able to synthesize information from a range of sources in a coherent way
using methods of critical and comparative analysis.

Skill Outcomes
(1) Students will be able to develop their key research skills including textual and
fieldwork studies and to prepare for advanced studies in religion.
(2) Students will be able to develop their social and interpersonal skills and ability
to work collaboratively in a team.

Attitude Outcomes
(1) To develop student’s ability to have a critical and yet sympathetic
understanding and appreciation of religious traditions especially those one
does not belong
(2) To develop student’s sensitivity to ultimate concern and religious dimension of
human life

Course Content and Tentative Schedule:

Week Date Lecture Topics Key Concepts Tutorial

1 Jan 12 Course Introduction: Overview What is Chinese Religion? _____

Religion and Chinese Culture
2 Jan 19 Ancient Chinese Religion Ancestral worship, Shang and Early Grouping
Zhou Religion
3 Jan 26 Classical Confucianism Is Confucianism a Religion? ______

4 Feb 2 Daoism and Chinese Culture What is Daoism (Taoism)? _____

5 Feb 9 Buddhism and Chinese Culture What the Buddha taught? _____

6 Feb 16 Chinese New Year Holiday No class

7 Feb 23 Chan and Chinese religion What is Chan / Zen? _____

8 Mar 2 Buddhist and Daoist Diet Vegetarianism, Food and drink Group 1
9 Mar 10 Field Trip Fung Ying Seen Koon Group 2, 3 & 4
(Sat) (Mar 9)
10 Mar 16 Folk Religion and Folk Religion of the public, elite institutional Group 5
Buddhism religion
11 Mar 23 Canon and Literature The compilation of religious scriptures, Group 6
Religious literature

12 Mar 30 Easter Holiday No class

13 Apr 6 Woman in Chinese religion No classand
Position of woman in Buddhism Group 7
Popular Religion

14 Apr 13 Contemporary Chinese Religion Chinese religion in the modern period, Group 8
The Future of Chinese Religion
15 Apr 20 Guest Lecture (Dr. Tang Ka Jau Chinese religions in Hong Kong / Group 9
Billy 鄧家宙博士) pending for the speaker’s decision

Learning Activities:

This course emphasizes the emergence and growth of autonomous collaborative
learning rather than teacher-directed delivery of learning materials. The social
constructivist approach we have taken presupposes that learning does not take place in
a solitary manner but in a social active learning environment where the learner is
given every opportunity to construct their own learning in a social context. Group
presentation and fieldtrips are therefore adopted as important learning activities of
this course.

Assessment scheme:

Group Presentation 30% (Group: 20% + Individual: 20%)
Term Paper 70%

1. Group Presentation:
• to discuss a specific cultural issue/phenomenon in contemporary society and its
relation with Buddhism or Buddhist traditions
• 3­4 students in a group; 35 minutes for each presentation; 10 minutes for Q & A

2. Term Paper:
Ø Students are required to write a term paper of 2,500-3,000 words (either in Chinese
or English) on one of topics discussed in lectures, or they may choose their own topics
pertinent to the course subject. Papers will be graded according to its content, focus of
argument, discussion, and academic referencing style. The main objective of this
reflective paper is to have students familiarize themselves with the original source
materials and the extensive literature available on this topic.

**Submission deadline of term paper: 11:00 pm, April 27 (Friday), 2018 and should
be handed in via the VeriGuide as well as in hard copy.
Delayed submission of assignments without reasonable explanation may result in grade

Recommended Readings:

To be uploaded onto the Blackboard learning system prior to the lecture date of each

Other Learning resources:

方立天、學愚主編《佛教傳統與當代文化》北京:中華書局 2006。
永明法師 編《香港佛教與寺》香港:大嶼山寶蓮寺,1993。
任繼愈 主編《「儒教問題」爭論集》北京:宗教文化出版社,2000。
余敦康、呂大吉、牟鍾鑒、張踐合著《中國宗教與中國文化》卷一至四 北京:
吳汝鈞《中國佛學的現代詮釋》台北:文津出版社,1995 年;頁 126-254。
年), 頁 168-199。
李豐楙〈由常入非常:中國節日慶典中的狂文化〉載於《中外文學》22 卷,
3 期(1993 年 8 月):116-154

勞格文著、范麗珠譯〈中國宗教的合理性〉 《法國漢學》第四輯 北京:中華書局,
2002 年,頁 338-354。
詹石窗《道教風水學》台北︰文津出版 1994。
黎志添 編《道教與民間宗教研究論集》香港:學峰文化事業,1999。
霍韜晦〈佛教與中國文化〉《絕對與圓融》台北:東大圖書,1986;頁 448-459
譚偉倫〈中國東南部醮儀之四種形態〉收於《歷史人類學學刊》3 卷‧2 期 2005‧
10 (頁 1-26)。
顧宏義注譯《新譯景德傳燈錄》上、中、下冊 香港:海嘯出版事業,2005。

Brokaw, Cynthia J. ‘‘Yuan Huang (1533-1606) and the Ledgers of Merit and
Demerit,’’ Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 47.1 (June 1987): 137-195.
Brokaw, Cynthia J. “Yuan Huang and the Ledgers of Merit and Demerit”
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 47:1 (June 1987): 137-95
Brunn, Ole. Fengshui in China: Geomantic Divination between State Orthodoxy and
Popular Religion. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Man and Nature in Asia 8.
Curzon, 2002.
Chau, Adam Yuet 周越 ed. Religion in contemporary China : Revitalization and
Innovation. Milton Park, Abingdon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2011.
China. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1976.
Choi, Chi-cheung. 蔡志祥 ‘‘Reinforcing Ethnicity: The Jiao Festival in Cheung
Chau’’ in David Faure & Helen Siu ed. Down to Earth: The Territorial Bond in
South China (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), pp.104-122.
Dawson, Lorne L. Cults and new Religious Movements: A Reader. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
de Groot, J.J.M.. The religious system of China : its ancient forms, evolution, history
and present aspect, manners, customs and social institutions connected therewith
Taipei : Southern Materials Center, 1989.
Faure, David. 科大衛 “The Lineage as a Cultural Invention.” Modern China
15.1(1989): 4-36
Faure, David. “The Lineage as a Cultural Invention: The Case of the Pearl River
Faure, David. Emperor and Ancestor: State and Lineage in South China. Stanford,
Stanford University Press, 2007.
Gardner, Daniel K.. “Chu Hsi on Kuei-shen” Journal of the American Oriental
Society 115.4 (1995): 598-611.
Goossaert, Vincent 高萬桑 and Palmer David A.宗樹人 The Religious Question in
Modern China. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2007
Goossaert, Vincent. “1898 Beginning of the end for Chinese religion” Journal for
Asian Studies May 2006 vol. 65.2
Jordon, David K.. Gods, Ghosts, & Ancestors: Folk Religion in a Taiwanese Village
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1972 (Ch. 4 Divination)
Lagerwey, John 勞格文 & Kalinowski, Marc eds. Early Chinese Religion Part One:
Shang through Han (1250 BC -220 AD) Leiden: Brill, 2009. Vol. 1 & 2. Lagerwey,
John & Lü, Pengzhi eds. Early Chinese Religion Part Two: The Period of
Division (220-589 AD) Leiden: Brill, 2010. Vol. 1 & 2.
Lagerwey, John. “The Structure and Dynamics of Chinese Rural Society” in《歷史與
社會經濟:第四屆國際客家學研討會討文集》徐正光主編 Taipei: Institute of
Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2000, pp.1-43.
Lagerwey, John. China: A Religious State. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press,

Lagerwey, John. Religion and Chinese Society Vol. 1 & 2 Hong Kong: The Chinese
University Press and École française d’Extrême-Orient, 2004
Lin, Fu-Shih, 林富士 “The image and status of shamans in ancient China” (中國中
古時期的巫者與政治) in Lagerwey, John & Kalinowski, Marc eds. Early
Chinese Religion Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC -220 AD) Leiden:
Brill, 2009. Vol. 1, pp. 397-458
March, Andrew. “An Appreciation of the Geomancy” Journal of Asian Studies
XXVII (1968) no.2: 253-268.
Miller, James ed. Chinese Religions in Contemporary Societies Santa Barbara, CA:
ABC-CLIO, 2006.
Myers, J. T.. “A Hong Kong Spirit-medium Temple,” Journal of the Hong Kong
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 15 (1975): 16-27.
Overmyer, Daniel L. & D.K. Jordan. Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese
Sectarianism in Taiwan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.
Overmyer, Daniel L. ed. “Chinese Religions: the State of the Field” Part II Journal of
Asian Studies 54.2(1995): 378-395.
Overmyer, Daniel L. ed. Religion in China Today. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
Overmyer, Daniel L. Folk Buddhist Religion: Dissenting sects in late traditional
China. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1976.
Overmyer, Daniel L. Local Religion in North China in the Twentieth Century : the
structure and organization of community rituals and beliefs. Leiden ; Boston :
Brill, 2009.
Palmer, David A., Shive, Glenn & Wickeri, Philip L. eds. Chinese Religious Life.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 《中國人的宗教生活》主編:宗樹
Partridge, Christopher ed. New Religions: A Guide. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2004
Robinet, Isabelle. Taoism: Growth of a Religion. Stanford: Stanford U Press, 1997.
Roth, Harold D. “Psychology and Self-Cultivation in Early Taoistic Thought”
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 51.2(Dec 1991):599-650.
Roth, Harold D. Original Tao: inward training and the foundations of Taoist
mysticism. New York : Columbia University Press, c1999.
Tam, Wai Lun. “Local Temple Festivals and Chinese Culture” Ching Feng: A Journal
on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture 42.1-2 (March-June, 1999):
Teiser, Stephen F.. “The Spirits of Chinese Religion” in Donald S. Lopez ed.,
Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton U Press, 1996, pp.3-37.
Tsui, Bartholomew P.M.. Taoist Tradition and Change: The Story of the Complete
Perfection Sect in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Christian Study Centre on Chinese

Religion and Culture, 1991.
Wolf, Arthur ed. Studies in Chinese Society. California: Stanford U Press, 1978.
Wu, Chenghan 吳振漢 ‘‘The Temple Fairs in Late Imperial China’’, Ph.D.
Dissertation, Princeton, 1988.
Walpola Rahula. What the Buddha taught? Oxford : Oneworld, 1997, c1959 《佛當
初敎的是什麼》羅睺羅著 [釋法嚴譯; 陳建忠補譯] 香港: 聚賢館文化, 1997
Yao, Xinzhong 姚新中 & Badham, Paul. Religious Experience in Contemporary
China Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007.
Yeung, W. J & Chan Y. “The positive effects of religiousness on mental health in
physically vulnerable populations: A review on recent empirical studies and
related theories” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 11.2

Primary Source :
唐‧宗密〈答史山人十問〉《景德傳燈錄》卷 13《大正藏》史傳部 T51:307b

Feedback for evaluation:

A tailored made end-of-term faculty wide course evaluation will be conducted
in class. Students’ comments and feedback on the course through the
Discussion Forum within the Blackboard Learn or personal meeting with
instructor and/ or tutors are always welcome.

Teacher’s & TAs ’Contact Details:

Lecturer: Dr. Tong Sau Lin

Email address: [email protected]

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism:
Academic honesty and plagiarism Attention is drawn to University policy and
regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and
procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be
found at With each assignment,
students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these
policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures. For group projects, all students of

the same group should be asked to sign the declaration. For assignments in the form
of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via
VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon
students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment. Assignments without the
receipt will not be graded by teachers. Only the final version of the assignment
should be submitted via VeriGuide.

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