Effects of Dietary Chitosan On Serum Lipid and Lipoprotein Concentrations in Rats

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Iranian Biomedical Journal 4 (2 & 3): 69-73 (July 2000)

Effects of Dietary Chitosan on Serum Lipid and Lipoprotein

Concentrations in Rats

Durdi Qujeq* and Gholamreza Ataei

Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran


Because the ingestion of some types of dietary fibers has been shown to influence on the lipid and
lipoprotein levels, it is possible that chitosan influences on lipid metabolism. In the present study, the
effects of chitosan on the serum, liver lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in rat were investigated.
Serum lipid level in the treatment groups were decreased compared to that of the control, cholesterol
level [128.65 +/- 2.58 (mean +/- SD, n = 72) vs. 173.67 +/- 3.62, p<0.05] mg/dl, triglyceride level [62.83
+/- 2.73 (mean +/- SD) vs. 93.62 +/- 2.64, p<0.05] mg/dl, and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol level
[108.35 +/- 2.41(mean +/- SD) vs. 156.49 +/- 2.37, p<0.05] mg/dl. In the chitosan treatment group, high
density lipoprotein-cholesterol level was increased as compared to the control [187.39 +/- 2.74 (mean
+/- SD) vs. 163.54 +/- 2.83, p<0.05] mg/dl. This work showed that the addition of chitosan to the diet
of the rats significantly lowered the liver lipid in the treatment groups compared to that of the
control, cholesterol level [31.53 +/- 1.26(mean +/- SD) vs. 64.42 +/- 2.38, p<0.05] mg/g, and triglyceride
level [38.46 +/- 2.64 (mean +/- SD) vs. 53.24 +/- 2.45, p<0.05] mg/g. When chitosan fed at the 5% level,
concentration of the serum cholesterol was reduced by 25.92% and triglyceride by 32.89%. The data
presented here indicated possible usefulness of chitosan for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Iran.
Biomed. J. 4 (2 & 3): 69-73, 2000

Keywords: Chitosan, Cholesterol, Lipoprotein

INTRODUCTION and mortality. Among the natural products, many

types of non-digestible dietary fibers were found to
possess hypolipidemic activity [5]. There is a

oronary artery disease is one of the major
causes of morbidity and mortality in considerable current interest in the hypolipidemic
developed countries [1]. There is a activities of dietary non-nutritive substance.
considerable body of evidence to show a strong and Chitosan is one of the known substances to affect
positive association between serum lipid, the levels of lipids in serum and liver. It is a
lipoprotein and this disease. A low level of serum polymer containing glucosamine units that may
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is cause improvement of the fatty liver and
considered to be a potent independent risk factor in hyperlipidaemia in mice fed a high fat diet through
the development of coronary heart disease [2]. An inhibiting intestinal absorption of the dietary fat [6].
elevated plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Chitosan is a polycationic polymer obtained
(LDL-C concentrations) is one of the major risk commercially by alkaline deacetylation of chitin (a
factors for atherosclerotic lesion [3]. The N-acetyl-glucosamine polymer) from shellfish
epidemiologic correlation between elevated plasma exoskeletons. Chitosan is inexpensive and non-
lipid levels and the incidence of atherosclerotic toxic and possesses potentially reactive amino
disease has encouraged a comprehensive search for functional groups. It has been shown to have a
hypolipidemic agents [4]. Intervention with both potential use in many different fields, including as
dietary or drug therapy to lower LDL-C has been an antifungal compound in agriculture, flocculating
shown to decrease both cardiovascular morbidity agent in wastewater treatment, a food additive in
alimentary industries, hydrating agent in cosmetics
Corresponding Author. Abbreviations: LDL-C, Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; HDL-C, High density lipoprotein-
Qujeq & Ataei

and, more recently, in biomedicine and several the following two groups:
pharmaceutical preparations [7, 8]. The addition of Group 1 (control). Animals were fed with a
chitosan to diet decreased the apparent fat control diet consisting of a commercial powder diet.
absorption ratio and abdominal fat pad weight in The composition of the basal diet was (%): Casein,
chickens fed on the basal and high fat diets. The 25; lard, 15; mineral mixture, 5; vitamine mixture,
increased plasma triglyceride concentration due to 2; cellulose powder, 2; choline chloride, 0.2; and
feeding the high fat diet was decreased by addition sucrose to 100.
of chitosan to the diet [9]. Chitosan-containing Group 2 (treatment). Animals were fed with a
diets generally reduce total plasma cholesterol and diet supplemented with 5% chitosan. Except for
HDL-C concentration [10]. Chitosan effectively the ingestion of chitosan, they were given the same
lowers the cholesterol absorption more than guar diet as the rats in the control group.
gum or cellulose did, and this effect was more The animals were maintained on these diets at
significant when given with fiber. Dietary fats did libitum for 28 days. Food intake was measured
not modify cholesterol absorption [11]. The daily, and body weight was determined prior to
hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of killing. Finally, animals were sacrificed by cardiac
chitosan, a polymer of glucosamine, were puncture under diethyl ether anesthesia, after
investigated in neonatal streptozotocin diabetic overnight fasting. The blood was collected, the
mice. Chitosan reduced blood glucose, cholesterol serum was separated from the blood. The liver was
and triglyceride of neonatal streptozotocin diabetic excised, at least four to six livers from four to six
mice [12]. Chitosan feeding affects the metabolism rats were pooled as the tissue size was small (50
of intestinal bile acids in rats [13]. Addition of mg), homogenized in 5.0 ml of 0.1 M Tris-HCl
chitosan to the diet did not affect the body gain buffer (pH 7.8), and centrifuged at 12,000 g at 4C
weight and feed efficiency [14]. Previous studies in a refrigerated high-speed centrifuge (Sorval RC
have low examined the influence of chitosan on 5B). The supernatant was used as the lipid extract.
serum lipoprotein levels. In view of these
considerations, the effects of the chitosan on the Test sample. Tablets containing chitosan with an
serum and liver cholesterol, triglyceride and average molecular weight of approximately 300,000
lipoprotein levels in rats were investigated. Da and a degree of deacetylation of 95% were
administered orally to the test subjects. A
calorimetric procedure was used for the
MATERIALS AND METHODS determination of chitosan content. The oven-dry
chitosan powder (1 g) was suspended in distilled
Chitosan, lactic acid, Cibacron brilliant red 3B-A and deionised water (5 ml), after stirring for 20
powder, MgCl2, phosphotungstic acid, cholesterol min, lactic acid (96%. 0.2 ml) was added to
oxidase, peroxidase, 4-aminophenazone and dissolve chitosan. A solution of the dye was
polyvinyl sulfate were obtained from Sigma St. prepared by dissolving the Cibacron brilliant red
Louis, Mo., USA. All of the chemicals used were 3B-A powder (10 mg) in distilled and deionised
guaranteed grade reagents. All solutions were water (2 ml). Chitosan solution, 0.7 ml was
prepared with distilled and deionised water. introduced into test tubes, followed by 0.3 ml of
dye solution to reach one ml. The absorbance
Animals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing values were measured at 570 nm with Cecil CE
approximately 220-240 g, 6-8 weeks old, were used spectrophotometer [15].
in these studies. All animals survived the study
without signs of illness. All experiment Isolation of LDL and HDL. Lipoproteins were
manipulations were carried out with the animals isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation of 0.5 ml
under ether inhalation anesthesia. The animals of serum on Beckman L8-M ultracentrifuge at
were maintained in an air-conditioned room at 19- 120,000 ×g for 24 h. The lipoproteins were
23C, with a 12-h light-dark cycle, and acclimated identified at the following densities: between 1.030
for 3-4 days before starting the experiments. and 1.050 kg/l for LDL and between 1.063 and 1.21
Body weight and food consumption were kg/l for HDL.
recorded every day. Blood samples were obtained
at least every 12 h for measurement of serum lipids HDL-C assay. In this assay, 0.5 ml of serum was
and lipoproteins. The animals were divided into mixed with 0.5 ml of solution containing 0.2
Iranian Biomedical Journal 4 (2 & 3): 69-73 (July 2000)

mmol/l phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and 5 mmol/l

MgCl2. After a 5-min incubation and precipitation 250
at room temperature, samples were centrifuged at
5,000 ×g for 15 min. The supernatant was removed
manually for assays, and then HDL-C was
determined with an enzymatic end point assay, by

Weight (gr)
using cholesterol oxidase and peroxidase and then a 150
chromogenic reaction with 4-aminophenazone
(CHOD-PAP) on a Cecil CE spectrophotometer 100
LDL-C assay. For this analysis, we used the
polyvinyl sulfate method. Briefly, a mixture of 0.5
ml of serum and 0.2 ml of reagent containing 0
Gain weight Food intake Liver weight
polyvinyl sulfate was incubated for 10 min at room
temperature, and then centrifuged for 20 min at
2,000 g. After centrifugation, the cholesterol
Fig. 1. Effect of chitosan on gain weight, food intake
content of the supernatant was determined by the
and liver weight in control (1, light) and treatment group
CHOD-PAP method. The LDL-C concentration
(2, dark). Feeding period is 28 days. Each column
was calculated by the difference between the total represents the mean value +/- SD of 6 independent
serum cholesterol and the cholesterol in the experiments.
supernatant [17].

Lipid measurements. Concentration of

cholesterol and triglycerides were enzymatically 80
determined with the (CHOD-PAP) and 70
glycerophosphate oxidase-proxidase-4-amino-
Concentration (mg/g)

phena-zone (GPO-PAP) methods, respectively, on a

Cecil CE spectrophotometer. The interassay CV 50
for determinations of total cholesterol and total
triglycerides varied between 1.23% and 2.41% and 40

between 1.87% and 3.46%, respectively [18]. 30

Statistical analysis. The significance of
differences between the mean of the control and 10
test groups was determined by one-way analysis of
variance followed by student’s t-test. The p<0.05
was considered to indicate statistical significance. Cholesterol Triglyceride

RESULTS Fig. 2. Effect of chitosan on levels of cholesterol and

triglyceride in liver. Control group (white) and treatment
group (dark). Feeding period is 28 days. Each column
The results of food intake, gain weight and liver
represents the mean value +/- SD of 6 independent
weight were shown in Figure 1. Gain weight was experiments.
significantly lower than control group, although
food intake was similar. The liver weight was
significantly lower in chitosan group than in control serum triglyceride, 32.89% and cholesterol,
group. The results of liver lipid analyses were 25.92% as compared to that of control group.
shown in Figure 2. Liver cholesterol
The triglyceride values tended to shift to a
concentrations decreased remarkebly, 51.06% in
treatment group. Figure 3 shows that chitosan was
slightly lower level in the treatment group
extremely effective in preventing the rise of throughout the test period.

Qujeq & Ataei


180 According to the data obtained, food intake was

not apparently influenced by dietary chitosan, but
gain weight and liver weights tended to decrease
(Fig. 1). Our results are in good agreement with
Concentration (mg/dl)

results obtained previously [9, 10]. Results of this
study like other investigators [10, 11] suggest that
100 the reductions of liver cholesterol and triglyceride
in rats (Fig. 2) indicate that chitosan effectively
interferes with cholesterol absorption. Chitosan
60 feeding induced a significant reduction of plasma
40 cholesterol in mice fed a hyper-cholesterolemic diet
consistent with previous reports [5, 6]. The present
study also shows that chitosan feeding (5%)
0 reduces serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in
Cholesterol Ttriglyceride rats (Fig. 3). Results obtained from this paper, like
those of other authors [11, 12] suggest that chitosan
Fig. 3. Effects of chitosan on levels of cholesterol and has demonstrable lipid lowering activity in rats.
triglyceride in serum. Control group (white) and According to these reports, it is clear that chitosan
treatment group (dark). Feeding period is 28 days. Each combines with bile acid in the digestive tract and
column represents the mean value +/- SD of 6 that the product is excreted in the faeces, thereby
independent experiments. reducing the body’s lipid level.
Serum HDL-C level was increased significantly
by the chitosan feeding in comparison with control
feeding. Also, serum LDL-C level was decreased
by the chitosan feeding, which was attributed to the
general reductions in serum cholesterol
concentrations, probably caused by enhanced
Concentration (mg/dl)

140 reverse cholesterol transport in response to
120 intestinal losses of dietary fats (Fig. 4). These
100 results confirm findings of other investigators [13,
80 19].
60 Thus, chitosan may affect cholesterol absorption
40 both by binding cholesterol and presumably by
20 disrupting micelle formation in the intestine.
0 Consequently, chitosan might cause improvement
LDL-C HDL-C of the fatty liver and hyperlipidaemia in rats
through inhibiting intestinal absorption of dietary
Fig. 4. Effect of chitosan on levels of LDL-C and fat. Therefore, it is likely cholesterol that was not
HDL-C in serum. Control group (white) and treatment absorbed by the proximal region of the small
group (dark). Feeding period is 28 days Each column intestine, the site of cholesterol absorption,
represents the mean value +/- SD of 6 independent accumulated in the cecum which may explain
decreased serum and liver cholesterol levels. In our
study, chitosan was clearly found to be considered
the most powerful hypolipidemic natural product
After ingestion of chitosan for 28 days, the
discovered so far. Because of these considerations
average LDL-C level of the rat in the treatment
together with its low toxicity, chitosan seems to be
group decreased significantly, 30.76%. A
a realistic hypocholesterolemic agent. Possibly, the
significant increase in average serum HDL-C level
general hypolipidemic action of chitosan will make
was also observed after 28 days of chitosan
this polycationic polymer the new important target
ingestion by the rats in the treatment group (Fig. 4).
of nutritional and biochemical studies. This article
highlights the importance of this novel material for
Iranian Biomedical Journal 4 (2 & 3): 69-73 (July 2000)

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