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OIDA Improvedcarbonizer PDF
OIDA Improvedcarbonizer PDF
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Abstract: The use of biochar from rice hull metal sheets and their dimensions (0.8m x 1.2m)
(carbonized rice hull) is becoming popular among were chosen in such a way that no waste cuts are left
Filipino rice farmers particularly those practicing an from the two sheets (standard size: 1.2m x 2.4m)
integrated system of farming locally called as used. Unlike in the previous prototype where a side
Palayamanan. Under this system of farming, opening was provided to facilitate manual agitation
carbonized rice hull is widely used as soil conditioner of the rice hull bed, the improved prototype features a
or as main ingredient in the production of organic fully enclosed hopper. In terms of the cost of
fertilizers. Some farmers are also using it as animal fabrication materials used the improved prototype
bedding to absorb urine and fresh manure. The costs 28.8% lower than its predecessor. Test runs
saturated biochar are then incorporated into the soil conducted showed that the improved prototype can
as organic fertilizer for vegetables and other crops. operate under windy conditions with no significant
With this practice, farmers not only were able to save effect on emission. In most cases (at least 85% of the
on fertilizer but also reduce their carbon footprints time), the prototype operates with clear emission at
thus contributing to the global effort of reducing the the chimney. Input capacity ranged from 20.6 to 36.2
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. While the kg/h with biochar recovery of 37.3 to 40.5% (by
PhilRice-developed continuous-type rice hull volume), depending on the condition of the rice hull
carbonizer has been successfully used in the and the frequency of collecting the processed biochar,
production of biochar for various uses in the farm, among other factors. The prototype has been tested
there were some weak points and operational with and found to be able to process other
concerns that were revealed only after its continued agricultural wastes such as rice straw, small branches
use. The major one is when operating during windy of trees, and coconut husk into biochar.
conditions wherein there were significant dusts and
smoke emissions generated which exposed the Keywords: Biochar; Biomass; Carbonized Rice
operator to health hazards. Hence, the design was Hull; Rice Hull; Rice Hull Carbonizer
further improved. To further enhance the usefulness
of the equipment, design improvements were also
geared towards making it able to process biochar
from other agricultural wastes that are commonly ice hull or husk is the outer covering of the
generated in the farm. Moreover, design refinements rice grain which is removed during the
were also done on reducing its material and process of milling. It constitutes 20 to 25%
manufacturing requirements in preparation for its of the rice grain [1] that is harvested from the field
possible commercialization. The resulting improved making it one of the most abundant agricultural
prototype is flat sided which make it simpler to residues of the country.
fabricate, incurring less material wastage, than the
previous one. The flat sides makes use of 2mm thick
84 Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012)
As long as rice remains to be the staple food of the biological treatment such as composting [7]. It
Filipinos, rice hull, being the by-product of milling, generally takes only hours, instead of the days or
will be continuously produced in the country. In months required for biological processes, permitting
2011, an estimated amount of 3.7 million metric tons more compact reactor design. In addition, some
of rice hull was generated based on the palay feedstocks are toxic and cannot be converted
production data of the Bureau of Agricultural biochemically. The high process temperatures can
Statistics. At a heating value of 14 GJ/ton [1, 2], this destroy pathogens and potentially organic
is equivalent to around 52 million GJ of energy or contaminants [8, 9]. Furthermore, useful liquid,
equivalent to 8.7 million barrels of oil. The energy gaseous and solid end-products can be producedfrom
obtained from agricultural residues like rice hull is a carbonization [10], and at the same time contribute to
form of renewable energy and, in principle, utilizing odor reduction [11] and additional socio-economic
this energy does not add carbon dioxide (a benefits.
greenhouse gas) to the atmospheric environment, in
As reported by the Commonwealth Scientific and
contrast to fossil fuels [3]. If not properly utilized,
Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national
however, rice hull will create growing problems of
science agency, the use of biochar is beneficial as it
space and pollution in the environment [4].
can aid in: (1) nutrient retention and cation exchange
The continuous pressure of producing more and more capacity, (2) decreasing soil acidity, (3) decreased
rice to feed the country’s increasing population, uptake of soil toxins, (4) improving soil structure, (5)
coupled with the development and introduction of nutrient use efficiency, (6) water-holding capacity,
high yielding rice varieties and other yield-enhancing and (7) decreased release of non-CO2 greenhouse
technologies, signals an increase in the amount of gases such as CH4 and N2O. Some authors
rice hull generated annually. Thus, it may worsen the complement these findings [12, 13, 14, 15]. For
disposal problem that most rice millers already CRH in particular, the Philippine Rural
experience. Aside from generating dust which causes Reconstruction Movement (PRRM) came up with the
respiratory problems and skin irritation, rice hull that following findings: (1) it is rich in nutrients like
are dumped in open fields and left to decompose phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
generate methane which is a more potent greenhouse which are essential in rice plant growth; (2) its bulky
gas than carbon dioxide. Hence, finding ways that and porous characteristics enable it to store water and
would help increase the use and value of rice hull is facilitate air circulation thereby controlling soil
beneficial not only in terms of providing additional temperature; and (3) because it is a clean biomass and
income opportunities for farmers but also in pathogen-free, it is a conducive living space for
protecting our environment. beneficial soil micro-organisms [16]. CRH is also
used as base material for making microbial inoculants
The conversion of rice hull into charcoal, commonly
used in composting [17].
known as carbonized rice hull or CRH, is becoming a
popular practice among farmers particularly those Carbonization is simply the process of converting a
practicing the Palayamanan® system of farming. biomass (carbon-containing substance such as rice
Palayamanan® is an integrated system of farming hull, wood, etc.) into carbon or carbon residue. This
similar to the bahay-kubo concept which highlights process requires the application of heat on the
the purposive integration of various farming biomass or allowing it to undergo partial combustion
components such as rice and other crops, livestock, so that the volatile matter and other substances in it
fish, and recycling so that nothing is wasted; would be removed. Initially, the biomass remains
everything in the farm is a precious resource. It also slightly above 100oC until it is bone dry. When the
ensures food availability and increases farm free moisture evaporates, the temperature rises and at
productivity, profitability, and economic stability of ~270oC, the biomass begins to decompose emitting
farm families [5]. It is also being considered as a gases composed mainly of CO, CO2, acetic acid, and
local rice research and development strategy [6] methanol. At this point, the reactions are still
where the development of location and farmer- endothermic. Between 290 and 400oC the breakdown
specific technologies are being based. Under the continues to produce a mixture of non-condensable
Palayamanan®, the CRH has a variety of uses, the gas, combustible gas, and condensable gases that
most popular of which is its being used as a soil form a complex liquid called pyrolysis oil [18].
conditioner. It is also used as bedding or absorbent
Several biomass carbonizers already exist in the
material to facilitate urine and manure collection in
market. Although these carbonizers vary in their
poultry, swine and livestock. Once saturated, it is
capacities and physical structures, their operating
collected and applied to the soil as organic fertilizer.
principles can be classified under two basic
Carbonization of biomass has a number of categories, namely, (a) those that operate by partial
advantages when compared with any common combustion (direct carbonization) and (b) those that
Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012) 85
operate by pyrolysis (indirect carbonization). There unburned rice hull have to be mixed with those that
are cases, however, that these two operating are already charred.
principles could be found in one particular design of
Pyrolysis is generally described as the thermal
a carbonizer.
decomposition of the organic components in biomass
In carbonizers operating by partial combustion, the waste, in the absence of oxygen, at mediate
material to be carbonized provides the energy temperature [20]. This makes pyrolysis an
required for carbonization. Control is exercised over endothermic process. Because of this, carbonizers
the entry of air during the process so that the load that operate by pyrolysis require the application of an
does not merely burn away to ashes, as in a outside source of heat. The material being
conventional fire, but decomposes chemically to form carbonized is usually contained in a closed chamber
charcoal [19]. There is no medium that separates the and separated from the source of heat although the
load from the region that undergoes partial heat may come from the combustion of the same
combustion. In this method, all condensable products material being carbonized. The hot gases coming
as well as gases are usually not recovered. The rice from this external heat source may come into either
hull carbonizer that the Filipino farmers currently use direct or indirect contact with the load. Most of the
(commonly referred to as the open-type carbonizer) carbonizers available in the market fall under this
falls under this category. It is composed of two parts, category. These carbonizers are foreign-made and the
namely the central cylinder and the chimney. The cost of acquiring them is undoubtedly prohibitive.
central cylinder is made up of a galvanized iron sheet Among these, as reported by Dutta [21], are the
with 3-cm diameter holes drilled on its side. A cover following given below.
with a 10-cm hole at its center is provided and
Pillard Rotary Carbonizer
welded on the top lid while its base is left open.
Mounted on the hole of the top cover is the 10-cm It consists of an inclined rotary furnace where a part
dia. x 120-cm long chimney where the flue gas of the pyrolytic gas is recycled and burned to provide
escapes during its operation. To operate this heat necessary for carbonization. The hot flue gases
carbonizer, fire is started inside the central cylinder come in direct contact with the raw material (load)
using crumpled papers and piled small pieces of slowly moving down the inclined furnace. Thus, the
wood. Once the pile of wood is burning and the fire raw materials are carbonized in the process.
has stabilized, raw rice hulls are placed around the
central cylinder. The fire inside the central cylinder Thompson Converter
will gradually burn the rice hulls that are in contact This is considered as one of the oldest indirectly
with its sides. More rice hulls are then placed all heated screw-fed carbonizer. It consists of a number
around and way above the central cylinder. The of metal tubes heated externally. The raw material is
products of combustion, being lighter than the conveyed through the heated tubes by means of
ambient air, move upward and escape out of the screws and gets carbonized in the process. The
chimney. This movement creates a negative pressure volatile gases are fed back into the burner so that the
inside the central cylinder such that fresh air is whole operation becomes self-sustained.
sucked and forced to enter into the rice hull bed,
passing through the region where partial combustion Keil-Pfaulder Converter
is taking place. Because of this, the supply of air for This is normally used for batch carbonization of
the partial combustion process is sustained. The waste wood with cycle time of 6-8 hours. The
region of partial combustion then moves towards the blower extracts volatile products from the bottom of
surface of the rice hull bed. When this region the converter. Condensation separates the tar from
reaches the surface of the bed, as manifested by the the gas after which the gas is burned to provide heat
presence of several dark spots, the whole batch of for carbonization.
rice hull is thoroughly mixed so as to carbonize those
patches with unburned rice hull. Water is then In 2010, PhilRice developed a rice hull carbonizer
sprinkled to stop the burning so that the burnt rice that operates in a continuous mode with almost
hull will not turn into ash. This carbonizer could smokeless emission [22]. Although the prototype
process 1.6 m3 of rice hull into CRH in four to five had already been operating acceptably, concerns
hours at a carbonization temperature range of 520oC emerged after its prolonged use which required
to 560oC [5]. It has no provision for heat recovery. further refinements on the design of the equipment.
One of its drawbacks is the excessive smoke (where This study was conducted to further improve/refine
the operator is exposed to) especially at the final the design of this carbonizer prior to its
stage of its operation wherein the remaining commercialization.
86 Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development
Development 05: 08 (2012)
Figure 1:: The developed carbonizer in relation to various potential applications in the farm.
Figure 2: The prototype of the continuous rice hull carbonizer prior to design improvements
Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012) 87
Figure 4:
4 Schematic drawing of the improved prototype.
88 Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012)
MATERIALS AND METHODS concept was however still used. The main goal was
to overcome/satisfy the various aforementioned
Conceptual framework
concerns. The fabrication process was monitored
In general, the development of the carbonizer opens from time to time to ensure that the specifications
an opportunity towards the development of a biomass were followed and to validate if the components were
carbonization-based engineering technologies that the easy to fabricate as what was being desired.
farmers could use to help increase their income and
Prototype testing
productivity while helping protect the environment.
With the development of appropriate complementary The performance of the improved prototype was first
technology, the heat generated during the tested using rice hull after which other agricultural
carbonization process could be also used for some wastes such as rice straw, coconut husk, and wood
direct or indirect applications in the farm (Fig. 1). (small branches of trees) followed. These materials
Thus, undoubtedly, this practice will help enhance were sundried to lower down moisture content to at
farmers’ income and productivity in a highly most 10%. The final MC of the material was taken
sustainable manner. Moreover, it also helps address using oven-dry method following standard operating
issues on climate change as the use of the produced procedure. During testing, the prototype was
charcoal as biochar may contribute to climate change operated for at least an hour while getting the
mitigation and soil amelioration [23]. following data.
Design improvement and prototype fabrication Machine capacity (C)
The improvement of the prototype carbonizer (Fig. 2) This is the amount of material that is carbonized by
was done primarily to address the following the prototype carbonizer per unit time, computed as
concerns: (1) Improving performance during windy follows,
conditions. When operated during windy days
C = Wt / T
(prevailing winds of approximately 10m/s or higher),
the following were observed: (a) exposed rice hulls at Where:
the side opening of the carbonizer, particularly at the
Wt = total weight of material loaded into the
upstream side (facing the wind direction), are blown
off which exposes the operator to dusts and make it carbonizer
difficult to operate; (b) The progress of the T = total time of operation
carbonized zone in the rice hull bed is not uniform -
the portion at the upstream side carbonized faster Charcoal yield (Y)
than that those at the downstream side; (c) Open The following formula was used which was patterned
flame easily gets developed at the upstream side of from Sugumaran and Seshadri [25],
the side opening. This makes operating the machine
during windy days quite dangerous. (2) Ignition and R = 100 x (Wc / Wt)
re-ignition of the combustion chamber. Firing of the Where:
combustion chamber must be done while the hopper
is still half-filled since access to the ignition chamber Wc = total weight of charcoal produced (output).
is already difficult when it is already full. There were Wt = Initial weight of the raw material (input)
instances however that, while the equipment was
already in operation, the flame was extinguished due Amount of ignition fuel used in firing the
to the disturbance of the rice hull bed during carbonizer
agitation. In conditions like these, the carbonizer Biodiesel was used to start the firing of the
normally emits thick smoke at the chimney; (3) carbonizer at its combustion chamber. The fuel was
Enhancing the equipment’s capability to process sprinkled using an improvised atomizer to evenly
other biomass since rice hull is getting scarce in some distribute the fuel on the exposed surfaces of the
areas due to its increasing demand. Besides, material to be carbonized at the combustion chamber.
agricultural wastes are more readily available in the
farm than rice hull. (4) Enhancing the capability of Ignition time
the carbonizer to recover the heat for other practical This was the time taken from the moment fire is
applications. introduced into the combustion chamber up to the
A new and modified design of the carbonizer was moment a vigorous flame is established and opening
developed making use of value analysis [24]. In that gives access to the combustion chamber is
spite of the magnitude of the revisions made on the closed.
overall design of the machine, the same operating
Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012) 89
Table 1: Results of series of test runs of the improved prototype using rice hull.
1 2* 3** 4
Date conducted 6 Sep ‘11 19 Dec ‘11 23 Feb ‘12 2 Mar ‘12
Capacity, kg/h 26.2 24.4 24.2 22.0
Charcoal Yield,% w.b. 42.1 36.8 36.2 35.45
Ignition time, min 2 1.6 1.8 1.42
Amt of diesel used firing, mL 50 50 - 21
Loading/reloading time, % of
3.1 4 - 1.2
Char collection time, % of total 2.6 2.1 - 1.0
Agitating time, % of total 3.2 3.8 2.0
MC, % - - - 6.32
* Ave. wind speed of 11.2 kph; max. reading of 32.04 kph
** Ave. wind speed of 10.8 kph; max. reading of 25.92 kph
Table 2: Performance of the improved prototype using biomass other than rice hull
Figure 5: Temperature at the combustion chamber of the improved prototype as compared to the previous one.
Figure 6: Temperature readings at the combustion chamber during the carbonization of wood, rice straw and
coconut husk.
Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012) 91
Total time of operation (T) since it is the one that has the greatest chance of
failure being the one exposed to extreme heat.
This covers the time from the start of firing the
carbonizer up to the time it is emptied from The air inlet is detachable to facilitate ignition during
carbonized material. This includes the following start up operation or when re-igniting the combustion
operational activities whose time requirement were while already in operation. In the previous prototype
also separately monitored: (a) loading/reloading of (Fig. 2), access to this chamber is not possible once
hopper, (b) collecting the charcoal, and (c) the hopper is already filled up. Hence, if the flame is
agitating/stirring the hopper contents. quenched while the carbonizer is already in
operation, the chamber could no longer be accessed
Temperature for re-ignition.
To have an estimate of the temperature at the
To start the operation, small amount of kerosene is
combustion zone, a temperature probe was installed
sprinkled into the combustion chamber and then
along the burner tube. The probe was connected to a
ignited. Once the flame has become vigorous and
temperature recorder using K type thermocouple
stabilized, the air inlet is put in place. The heat
wires. Temperature was taken every after 10 minutes
generated at the combustion chamber ‘cooks’ or
while the carbonizer was operating.
carbonize the rice hulls in the immediate vicinity.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Pyrolysis and partial combustion takes place and
progresses radially. Because of the suction effect of
The improved prototype the chimney, the pyrolytic gases and those generated
Figure 3 shows the resulting prototype after making due to partial combustion (most of which are
some design improvements and modifications. As combustible) are drawn into to the combustion
shown, the new prototype is flat sided which make it chamber where they get combusted as the ambient
simpler to fabricate, incurring less material wastage, air, coming out from the air inlet holes mixes with
than the previous one. The flat sides makes use of them thus smokeless emission are usually observed at
2mm thick BI metal sheets and their dimensions chimney.
(0.8m x 1.2m) were chosen in such a way that no
The opening at the bottom allows harvesting of the
waste cuts are left from the two sheets (standard size: charcoal once the carbonization zone has already
1.2m x 2.4m) used. Unlike in the previous prototype reached the bottom part of the machine.
where a side opening was provided to facilitate
manual agitation of the rice hull bed, the improved Performance test results
prototype features a fully enclosed hopper to make it
At least four test runs had been conducted to test and
able to operate during windy conditions. In terms of
evaluate the performance of the new prototype in
the cost of fabrication materials used, assuming that
processing rice hull into biochar (carbonized rice hull
the same kind of materials are used for the sidings
or CRH). Some of these test runs fall during windy
and for the chimney, the new prototype costs 28.8%
days, basing from data from an automatic weather
lower than its predecessor (Appendix Tables 1 and
station approximately 200m away from the test site.
In all of the trials conducted, including those
Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the improved undocumented ones (which was done merely for the
prototype showing the major working parts. The top purpose of producing CRH for specific
portion of the hopper is provided with louver-type requirements), the machine performed satisfactorily
cover which separates the hopper into two, the basing from the generated output which is simply
auxiliary hopper (top portion) and the main hopper evaluated by its black color. Small amount of ash
(bottom portion). The main hopper houses the (less than one percent by weight) in the recovered
inverted V-partition (made of the same 2mm thick output were observed mostly due to leaks of the
metal sheet used for the sidings) which forms an covering of the outlet of the carbonizer. However,
empty space once the main hopper is filled with the for CRH intended for soil conditioning or for organic
material to be carbonized. This empty space serves fertilizer production, this is not critical.
as the combustion chamber since it is where
Table 1 shows the results of the test runs using dried
combustion takes place as the ambient air, passing
rice hulls taken from the rice milling facility of
through the holes of the burner, mixes with the
PhilRice. There was no incidence where excessive
pyrolytic gases and those that are products of
smoke or flame appeared in any of its openings as a
incomplete combustion. It is also where the material
result of operating it during windy conditions. In
to be carbonized is initially ignited during start of the
most instances, the prototype operates with
operation. The inverted V partition is designed to be
smokeless emission, at least 85% of the time.
easily detached to facilitate repair or replacement
92 Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012)
As observed however, the improved prototype has a In most instances, wood yielded a lower temperature
lower capacity (24.2 kg/h average for the 4 test runs) readings than rice hull, however it is the most stable
as compared to the previous one which has an among the three feedstocks used. This low
average capacity of 38.6 kg/h (Appendix Table 3). temperature reading for wood could be due to the fact
This was due to the fact that the new prototype is that no ignition took place at the combustion chamber
smaller in size. One full load of the hopper can as manifested by a smoky emission at the chimney.
accommodate only 6 sacks (~60 kg) of rice hull while For wood, there is a need to provide larger air inlet
that of the old prototype, 14 sacks (~140 kg). holes so as to supply enough amount of air needed for
combustion of the generated gases at the combustion
The results of additional test runs also showed that
the improved prototype can carbonize other materials
such as wood, rice straw, and coconut husks which Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
are readily available in most farms. In all of the test
Several applications of the prototype as heat source
runs conducted, however, smoke was observed
are currently being studied. The idea is, while
emanating from the auxiliary hopper. This could be
producing charcoal, the generated heat is being
due to the fact that the air spaces between the
utilized for other farming-related activity. Among
individual particles of the three materials tested are
the initiatives currently being pursued are as follows:
much larger than that those of the rice hull. This can
however be solved by designing an appropriately Carbonizer-pump-drip irrigation system
covered feed chute to replace the louver every time
The new and improved design of the carbonizer is
materials much coarser than rice hull are to be
being used as a component of an irrigation system
processed by the machine.
(Fig. 7) within a Palayamanan® site. In this case, the
Table 2 shows the performance data gathered during generated heat is being use to generate steam which
the conduct of the test runs. The machine was able to in turn is used to drive a jet pump for use in drip
carbonize rice straw, coconut husk and small irrigating tomatoes. Efforts are currently geared
branches of trees at a rate of 12, 20, and 32.2 kg/h, towards improving the system’s water pumping
respectively. In terms of charcoal yield, 24% yield capability as well as safety features.
was obtained from rice straw and wood while 18%
for the coconut husk. As compared with other Pilot testing in Aurora Province (Philippines)
biomass carbonizer designs like the earth pit kiln, Through a written request of the municipal
single drum kiln, and flat kiln having wood charcoal agriculturist of the municipality of Maria Aurora,
yield of 20.45%, 20.7, and 16.66%, respectively, as Aurora for a rice hull carbonizer that can be used by
reported by [26], the charcoal yield of the prototype the rice farmers in the area, a unit of the improved
is higher. For the rice straw, a charcoal yield of design was provided to be used and operated by the
23,98% was obtained which followed the same trend farmers themselves. The use of carbonized rice hull
as that obtained by [27] for a similar temperature of in the growing of rice seedlings (to facilitate easy
around 600oC. pulling of the seedlings) is becoming popular in the
area, hence the need for a rice hull carbonizer. Some
Results of these test runs provided an impression that
the machine can also carbonize other materials such of the farmers have also the intention to try the
as bagasse, corn cobs, chopped corn stalks, and many machine in carbonizing coconut by-products (coconut
others whose physical characteristics could husk and coconut shell) being abundant in the area.
Initial report showed that the unit had been
approximate that of materials being used in the
extensively used however, after three months of
continued use, the inverted V partition of the
Potential as heat source combustion chamber is already showing some degree
of deformations.
In terms of the heat generated, as based from
temperature measurements at the combustion Poultry heating
chamber, the improved prototype did not vary much
An agricultural company in Nueva Ecija province has
with its predecessor when using rice hull material
expressed an intention to use the carbonizer in the
(Fig.5). Within a monitoring period of 80 minutes,
production of carbonized rice hull for its organic
the temperature was more or less stable at around
700oC. fertilizer production business while at the same time
using the generated heat to supply the heat
For other materials, on the other hand, the highest requirement of its poultry houses. The use of the
temperature reading was obtained from rice straw, carbonizer as heat source is expected to drastically
however, the generated heat was not stable (Fig. 6). reduce fuel costs.
Orge / OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 05: 08 (2012) 93
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Appendix Table 2: Bill of materials for the old prototype of the carbonizer (prior to design improvements)