Ayush Shah: Profile Summary

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Ayush Shah

Mumbai, India | P: 9769765491 | [email protected] | linkedin.com/in/ayush-shah-8a7800148/


Versatile developer with a ready to learn attitude and a great passion towards developing Software solutions to
Real World problems. Strong in various development platforms with good problem solving and error resolving
skills along with little experience in Data Science. Skilled in designing databases and developing backend scripts
for new systems to provide efficiency. Excellent in Interpersonal and Communication skills.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai University Mumbai, Maharashtra
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology June 2020
 GPA: 8.74/10

Mahila Samiti Junior College Mumbai, Maharashtra

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) (83.23%) 2016

C. M. S. Secondary School Mumbai, Maharashtra

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) (91%) 2014


DHFL General Insurance Mumbai
Machine Learning Intern Jun 2019 – August 2019
 Created a Model for Motor Self Inspection to automate the process of inspecting cars by Policy Makers.
 Conducted testing with 2-3 Algorithms to find the best accuracy of over 65%.
 Conducted Data preparation and cleansing for more than 800 images.
 Developed a basic portal in Django for using the system.

Kadamba Kanan PVT LTD Mumbai

Web Developer Intern Jan 2019 – Feb 2019
 Assisted in the creation of a Milk Delivery System through database development.
 Developed backend scripts using PHP to ensure the smooth interaction of the frontend and the UI
components with the database.
 Developed a database design to minimize memory usage and storage requirements.
 Implemented auto bill generation, order maintaining system, notifications system and user-connection system
for the portal.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Mumbai

Web Developer Intern Sept 2018 – Nov 2018
 Designed and developed an efficient database of an order placing system for college canteen.
 Developed backend scripts in PHP to assist the website’s frontend and UI components.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Mumbai

Machine Learning Intern Dec 2017 – Jan 2018
• Created a Model for analyzing samples of skin images to distinguish diseased vs non-diseased samples.
• Tuned the Model and tested with various Algorithms to get an accuracy of over 80%.


Technical Skills: React.js | Node.js | Express.js | HTML | CSS | Javascript | PHP | SQL | Google Firebase |
Java | C++ | C | Python | Machine Learning | Data Science | Image Processing
Certifications & Training: React.js (Scrimba.com) | PHP (udemy.com) | Javacript (udemy.com) | Python
(udemy.com) | Deep Learning and Neural Networks (coursera.org) | Convolutional Neural Networks
(courser.org) | Java Basic(Hackerrank Skills Verification Test) | React.js(Hackerrank Skills Verification Test) |
Problem Solving(Hackerrank Skills Verification Test)

Labour Management System
 Designed and developed the database of a basic job portal as a part of college project.
 Developed backend scripts in PHP to assist the websites frontend components.
 Worked on with PHP to integrate the backend of the website to the frontend developed by other team
 Developed industry level documentation for the entire project.

GameHubz Ecommerce Website

 Developed a website that replicates modern day online shopping sites as a part of college project.
 Used HTML and CSS for the complete design.
 Used Javascript to replicate functionalities from modern sites.

Skin Analysis and Disease Detection

 Created a Model for analyzing samples of skin images to distinguish diseased vs non diseased images.
 Tuned the model and tested with various Algorithms to get an accuracy of over 80%.

Milk Deliver System

 Assisted in the creation of a Milk Delivery System through database development.
 Developed backend scripts using PHP to ensure the smooth interaction of the frontend and the UI
components with the database.
 Developed a database design to minimize memory usage and storage requirements.
 Implemented auto bill generation, order maintaining system, notifications system and user-connection
system for the portal.

Motor Self Inspection

 Created a Model for Motor Self Inspection to automate the process of inspecting cars by Policy Makers.
 Conducted testing with 2-3 Algorithms to find the best accuracy of over 65%.
 Conducted Data preparation and cleansing for more than 800 images.
 Developed a basic portal in Django for using the system.

Social Media(A twitter based Replica)

 Have been creating a twiiter based repplica for learning React.js, Node.js and Express.js.
 The users are able to create an account, upload profile images, upload their thoughts(similar to a tweet),
view others users posts, like a post, comment on a post, etc.
 The system uses Google Firebase for its backend database requirements.
 Created Api’s in Node.js and Express.js to fetch data from Firebase as per needs.
 Developed a Frontend using React.js and integrated Redux for effective state management.

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