4TH Prelim Grade 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Sara, Iloilo


NAME:____________________________GRADE and SECTION:____________________SCORE:________

Test I. Multiple Choice

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the title of the topic in whole 4th Quarter?

a. Microsoft PowerPoint b. MS Point c. The Power d. MS The Word
2. To add a Slide Theme from Gallery, Go to the “________” ribbon.
a. Theme b. Design c. Girl d. Recognition
3. To add a Slide Theme from Gallery, Select a design theme from the _______ toolbar.
a. Design b. Save c. Theme d. Shape
4. In slide transitions, Go to the “_______” ribbon.
a. Design b. Shape c. Theme d. Transitions
5. In slide transitions, Select desired ________ from toolbar
a. Transfer b. Theme c. Transform d. Transition
6. To Rearrange Slides, to move a slide, click on the slide _______ in the left column.
a. Transfer b. Thumbtacks c. Thumbnail d. Transition
7. To Preview a Presentation, Go to the ______ ribbon.
a. File b. Slide show c. Preview d. Close
8. To preview a presentation, you can view it from ______.
a. After b. Beginning c. Last d. Middle
9. To preview a presentation, other way you can view it from ______.
a. Current b. Last c. Beginning d. After
10. To preview a presentation, the shortcut key is_____?
a. F5 b. F1 c. F12 d. F3
11. In View Slides vs. Outlines, the default view is ______.
a. File b. Slides c. Page d. Sheets
12. In View Slides vs. Outlines, the second option is ______ view to show the slide show as outline notes.
a. View b. Overview c. Outline d. Page
13. To Print Handouts, select “File” then select “_____”.
a. Design b. Save c. File d. Print
14. To print handouts, You can also select to print handouts of the ________.
a. Words b. Presentation c. Line d. Slideshow
15. The short cut key for SAVE is.
a. Ctrl + O b. Ctrl + V c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + B
16. The short cut key for OPEN is.
a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + O c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + B
17. The short cut key for PASTE is.
a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + O c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + B
18. The short cut key for COPY is.
a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + C c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + U
19. The short cut key for SAVE AS is.
a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + O c. Ctrl + alt + S d. Ctrl + B
20. The short cut key for PRINT is.
a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + O c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + P

Test II. True or False

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the is FALSE. Write your
answers on the space provided.

____1. PowerPoint is a closed source commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft.

____2. Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 for Microsoft Windows is the title of the topic.

____3. Shortcut: Hold the Control button, then press ‘M’ for “New”.

____4 Shortcut: Hold the Control button, then press ‘S’ for “Open”.
____5. To Add a Slide Theme from Gallery, Go to the “Design” ribbon.

____6. To Add a Slide Theme from Gallery, Select a design theme from the Theme toolbar.

____7. In Slide Transitions, Go to the “Transitions” ribbon.

____8. Slide Transitions, Select desired Transition from toolbar.

____9. To open the Microsoft Power Point, press Start button first.

____10. To save a document Press, ctrl + shift + S.

Test III. Crossword Puzzle

DIRECTION: Complete the crossword puzzle by reading the clues then putting the appropriate response inside
the boxes.

A great philosopher once said:

“Ay wala answer sabe kona,

sabe kona wala answer”
Prepared by:
Sir Vick

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