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Installation Manual: Your Magento 2 Extensions Can Be Installed by Going Through These Following Steps

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Installation Manual

Your magento 2 extensions can be installed by going through these following steps

Step 1: Unzip the file in a temporary directory

Step 2: Upload it to your Magento installation root directory.

Step 3: Enter the following command at the command line to check module status:

php bin/magento module:status

Step 6: Run following command to enable module

php bin/magento module:enable ABA_Payway

Step 7: Run following command to update database

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 8: Run following command to deploy

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

Step 9: Run following command to flush magento cache.

php bin/magento cache:flush

Magento Payway extension
Steps to setup ABA Payway with Magento.

Extract extension in Magento root directory.

Open Magento system config to setup configuration (System -> configuration -> payment method).
You will see below configuration.
You already got merchant id, API KEY and API URL while you created merchant account on ABA bank.

System configuration explanation:

Enabled: to enable this method to view on front store set this to Yes.

Title: Title of the payment method.

Order Status: Order of the status is pending before payment is done.

Sandbox mode: set it to Yes for development purpose and mention Test API URL for this.



API URL for Production server:


Note: Replace {merchant_api_name} with merchant id you got from Payway Portal.
API Key: Provided by ABA bank portal

Marchant id: Provided by ABA bank portal

Payment from Applicable Countries: you can specify all country OR some specific country here.

Payment from Specific Countries: you can select country here if above config is set to “specific


Minimum Order Total: Payment method will display if order amount is above the value

specified in this field. (Optional)

Maximum Order Total: Payment method will not display if order amount is above the

value specified in this field. (Optional)

Admin order view page:

After order is placed using Payway payment method, transaction id of successful payment will

appear in admin order view page (Sales -> order -> select your order in order grid).

For Ex.,

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